The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 04, 1898, Image 4

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Than the kind we sell,
for the reason that the maker
uses only the best material,
and above all, he knows how
to make it. We
more for the best
charge no
than some
the inferior
dealers harjjt
gradi .
M. VI ei I m St.
It Mny l.ouil to SorliniH Ti-otililu In tlio
Kliinilllii' Hi'uliin.
Seattle. null., Marc h 4.--Five steam
ers: arrived from Alupkn yc-Uertluy
the l.utoplH, lluepeine, Uel Norte, Pro
tect! in nnd tjiieeii. The tjuei n broUKht
the latent newH. hiivlng left SUasimj
last Sunday. The moist Important news :
urouuht down wan h confirmation of
previous) reports that a Canadian f
llclal has raised the Hritlxli flag on
what is Hoarded as Amerlean will, and
trouble at SkaRiiay with 'loiifinliore
inen, who objected to Indians unload
ing freiRht from stpamers. The pres
ence of United States troops alone
prcv nted serious trouble. A com
promise was made wltn the white men i
iu iienuiui nit; iiuiK 1111 uu ccius jier
It Is feared serious trouble will arrow
out of the Canadians' attempt to col
lect duty on the summit of the White
Pars and the Chllkoot Pubs, and the
Americans will resist the payment on
what they consider American (rrounil.
Another complication will result from
the Various tramways which are beltiK
constructed to carry fndKlit over the
passes. The olllcials of these tram
ways are reported to have declared
that any Interruption of the construc
tion work or any attempt to exercise
any rights to ownership will be re
sisted. It Is thought at Dyea and
Bkaguay that the movements of the
American authorities will be to claim
sovereignty over those two places.
Last summer the boundary line was at
Lake liennett, then at Lliidermnn, and
now at the summit of the mountains.
Something to Know.
It may be worth something to know that
the very best medicine for restoring the tired
out nervous s)stcm to a healthy vigor is Klcc
trie Hitters. This medicine is purely vegc
table, nets by giving tone to the nerve centres
in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver
and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throw
ing off impurities in the blood. Klcctric
Hitters improves the appetite, aids digestion,
and is proiiounccd by those who have tried it
as the very best blood purifier and nerve
tonic. Try it Sold for toe or St.oo per
bottle at A. Wasley's tlrug store.
"A dose iu time saves lives." Dr. Wood's
Norway Pino Syrup; nature's remedy fur
coughs, colds, pulinomry diseases of eveiy
It nays to be educated. It pays to
lie educated at the best school.
Time and moncv an- both Masted
at an inferior school
At ISIoonisluirg, I'a.,
Is unsurpassed in ctiipineiit, in
stnu Hon and (oiiveim nccs for
students. Write fur a somctur
book of views and catalogue.
Spring term will open March 29th, ts9x
J. p. welsh, Principal.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vlcinitj
Beer and Porter
Barbev'5 Bohetninn Beer
1 IMsSHoiiary
9 wrfAMor of the " I'nahrUtgttl"
Thtt O110 Srcnt titnntlnnl Authority,
' s it. II.. . ti I Itr. ti ..r
JiuUiv 1'. H, h 11 latino Court.
of U.eT. H. (iov't rrlnttni:
Oltlce, tfc lf. H. Huprfiuo i
Court, all tits Mate Hii- ,
7 all 1116 BUlOQlOOOKI.
hj SIjiU HupcrtnUixlfnt (
of ScIkkjIh, folIi-KM JTfil (
(FiiU.anliltierhiiiiMUor .
alUkot wuliuut iiuiuuvr
Invaluable In Um lifjuiH'liiilil, unit to
wm y i iter, rjumr( ir
ft'Mlut ,il limn, uiul kt-lf-
rltiattir. v
6 It Is easy to find the word wanted,
p 't Is rusy to asctrtaln the rrnuiicla,'oc
p U Is easy to trace tliu growth of a word.
It Is easy to learn what a word means.
2 m'n New York Trllmno itaytu
X 'tlii 1 iUt Mtllloti roini-s fruuittiu iiicm with a
1 r-,.nr,t..U-i.MtlClt llllil-S till) llltl tlinrtUIKlll-'U-
V 1 '"'I ""1 lyiKttfruiliUul iii-rlluii. llsi ,
S i,..,-,i.l. llu.l. Ibla a vinilc I" whMi It U J
O 1 ' 1 ,u;iliy llifniliu rcicr -i rii 9,
9 oirr rni! ihjst.
X "Specimen Mem sent on application to
X a. .0 C. MKllUIAM CO., fuhUshorH,
11 .sprncirm, Mans.,
Floor and Table 011 Cloths,
c t nni cv n wi
L. I UllX Centre fit.
1 D.ivid I!. Lewis spent tu-tlny UilitiK
friends it littvillo
1 t'utitiriliiiiiti 1). I!. .) Hiut" fptiii t tli it iniirn-
i ii K Hi tlif comity scut.
' Djvid Kaiist vlnilcil friends lit l'ottsvlllc
mill St. (Ulr today.
' 'I'. T. Wllliuiiu was hiihiiik tliu townsmen
wlm spent n mit nf to-ilay lit I'littavillu.
Misses CIhih Hied mill S.n'le Hnjiler, or
I Malumey City, weiu kuuIh of friends in
' tm n lust evening.
--Robert KoukIiikt. of Slialnukhi, Is vl,lt
iwg friend In town,
j -Mrs. Cliarlu Itl.ikcr ami mm Clyilo, ami
.Mrs. .Iokfi1i Duslo went In l'otUvlllo In-day
to nit lint. Milton Itjyer. of town, who Is
eiluiisly ill at her mother's home lit the
former place
--Chiis. Sturm, until recently In the. em
"loy of It. 1). Hhki'IiIiiicIi, tliu painter, lias
Konu to (linilon, wliero lie will assume charge,
of his r.itlicr'H rami. He will lemovo his
family In a Tew weeks.
Prank Scott, or tlic Hotel l'ninry,
joiirneyeil to lllootiislniii; to-day.
I Miss .Manic nml Joseph Miiliuglm!), ol
oininlvllle. wen, tl.e miesis of town friends
i in --t uveiiiiiR.
Mm Joseph Iliiyrr Inn riiiiu to Heading
tohpeml a few weeks visiting relatives.
C. C. II. Kirlln lias returned from a visit
to friends at Suiiliiiry and Willi, nnspurt.
It will bo pleasing to the many friends
or William Temple, nf town, who went to
the Miners' hospital last Monday to have his
I injured hand Healed, to hear that liu is
rti j,id iy improving.
There Never Was a Better Cure
Than Pan-Tina fur eiitmhs, Kc. Attlruliler
Ilros., drug store.
'In llilllil Mule Curs.
Tim Heading Company has completed the
last order for tun King hopper coal ears at
the simps in Heading. It is understood that
all new ears fur the coil trade will be liuiltin
Heading hereafter, mid It is nut improbable
that other classes of ears will be constructed.
It has been ascertained that the company
euii build its equipment better and cheaper
than It can be clone elsewhere.
Unibiellas re-covered while you wait.
New I'uriiltiirn Wilguil.
L. I). Davidson, the North Main street
furniture doaler, to-day made his appearance
on our streets with a brand new delivery
wiikoii. Tliu wa 'on is utiiiiuu iu design, the
body of It being somewhat higher than
others. It is painted wbltu and ornamented
ill gilt. The gear of tlio new vehicle Is
minted a dark red. A similar waion was
seen by Mr. Davidson lately while on a
cuuimeriatoiir. after which it was built.
Tlio lloui-lity Ili'l'ioicIiT of Droj-riiM Mny
Vol Klu-bt 11 lllli'l.
Paris, March I. Colonel Henry, one
of the witnesses called In the recent
trial of M. Zola to contradict minor
points of testimony given by Colonel
Pleiiuart, lias challenged the latter to
a dual.
Colonel Henry, In the course nf his
examination, lost his temper and cried,
"Picquurt Is a liar." Plcquart, leaping
to his feet, 11 led to the jury: "1 will
tell you why he brings these- charges
against me without proofs and de
nounces me as a liar. It Is because he
Is one of the men who manufactured
tho Kstorliazy affair as It was present
ed to the court martini. Ho Is one of
those who .engineered, with Major Paly
du Clam, the 'irevlous alfalr and who
forbade fresh Inquiry into the Droyfiu
case when. In the rout so of my duly,
by reason of now discoveries as to Kn
toihazy, I revealed the mistake that
had been made. He and they liiue
attacked my honor as a innn and an
ollli er Imm uukc I persisted In pursuing
the Inquiry."
Colonel Henry succeeded Colonel Pip
riu.irt recently as chief of the secret
sersire division of the Fiench war de
partment. over 'i.t - .'
T'.7 Ui. NAl li?"'
uf tlio Globo fcr
1TBUBALGIA and Eimilar Complaints,
prescribed uy eamcnt phytlciansi
4 a ikaminn si
1 1
World renowned I ItoinarknMv bucrcitsriil I
Innlr L-i'nnino wlih Trade Murk " Anchbr.'
If. .til. lllilitiT.V. Co.. iil.i I'liirlSt., Acir York.
13 Branch Homes. Own Glassworks,
25&U1CU. llndurbod & rucouiiucnUeU by
A. Wmley. 106 M. Main St.,
. II. Harenbuch, 103 N. Main St.,
.P.P.D, Kirlln, 6 8. Main St.,
Shenandoah. .
dr. ntcHTcr.-a '
ANC!IIOIt" .ITdJIACIfAIj bent for
, UywpcpMln A:HIiiniri I'otiiiiliilntH.
Tlx Miner, Mt-t-linniCH and IJiboreiM 1 ttilldj iu
and I oan AnhuHiiUuii will itsiw a new
Mrlft of ftoi'k mi
Wednesday, March 16, 1898.
Tin-Milnu ill tiikt placi' at thi'
Coylt, Itidilall ImiI'-IIii,
li9irH uf 0 und H o'clock i in
onu- ir ;. it.
hrtwiM'it tlio
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardln St.
Hillioiis of Dollars
Clo up iu smoke evory year,
Take lit
risks uut gel your nouses.
'nltuieeto., Insured in fmt-clasa re
liable companies as rop resen tod by
DAVID FAUSTnanccAgen,,
Itlao Ll! audAldeuUl Oompenlae
Annual Bnlos ovr 0,000,000 floxes
Btieh as Wind and I'aln In tho Stomach,
Oi'ldlues, 1 ulnvst after meals. Head
ache, Dl?.ln- Bs, Drowsiness, l'lushliics
o( Heat, IiO-.s of Appetite, Costlvone9.
Ulotehes on tho Hlcin, Cold Chills, Uls
turbod Sleep, Frlulitful Dreams and all
Nervous and Trcmbllni: Bonsatlons,
IN TWENTY MINUTES. Kvory sutforer
will aekiKwlodo theiu to bo
Ili:i:t HAM'S Pll.l.s, taken asdlroct
cd, wllltiulcklyrestoro l'einnlos to com
jileto health. They promptly removo
obstructions or IrreKUlnritles of tho sys
tem nml cure Melt llendaclic. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boocham's Pills aro
Without a Rival
And hiivo itxm
Uf nr.y Palen) .lledlrlno 111 I lie World.
25c. at all Drue Stores.
iHpimiiliiKi Throtiglioiit the Country
Cbronlf-leil fur llanty I'eriiKHl.
1'iiblie olllco nnul pay wIipii a county
ollicUl can p:iy $11,UU0 for county seat
Ashland IlorotiKh Council oilers f 100 re
ward to find out who fired the Waldnur
pluniiiK nillls.
Jacob (1 Oraeber, who several niuntlii ago,
left fur Klondike, ban returned to hii home
in SliHiuokiii.
(iranville M. Senimtl and Ida V l'.bcrt,
both of I'lit llruuswick township, worn
urauted a marriage license.
A Mouth's Mind Mans mis celebrated yes
terday ill the Centralis Catholic church in
memory of the lale ex JiiiIrc C. O. Murphj'
(Julto a few of our Welsh clti.ens have re
i ei veil Invitations to a banquet in honor
of til. David that is to be held at (Iilber
tun on S.itlltday next.
It is stated that the Pennsylvania Uailroad
company will build a trolley lino from Sun
bury to Lock Haven, and the news of this
more apparently has some foundation.
Tlie anthracite coal output for March has
been lixed at .'..r00,000 toni. This is the same
amount ie, was mined ill February, which
was a small month, besides havlutf soveral
Tliu balance of $8,000 du the l'ottsvlllo
-School District on last year's appropriation is
still unpaid. The district will bo entitled to
fls.0"0 more at tbo cloiO of the school term
iu .liinu.
A. C Campbell, a former member of the
Schuylkill county and now located at
IMdy, New Mexico, wliero ho is toneral
solicitor for tho l'ecos Valley Ifallroad Com
pany, arrived Iu l'ottsvlllc ou a brief visit to
old friends.
Magnificent JCt-prodiietloii of the Haiti!
ship Maine in Colon Tree to All.
IWerybody is interested ill the llatllcship
Maine, which was destroyed two nceks aro
iu the harbor of Havana. Appreciating
this, the publishers of the great Philadel
phia Sunday 1'iess have arranged to give
free with every copy of next Sunday's Tress
(March (I) a magnificent plctuiouf the Maim.
The pictuie will be iu colors and is a repro
duction of the work nf a famous artist.
Independent of this, next Sunday's Trass
will he a paper which will interest every
body. One of the features will be an illus
trated article on the part children are play
ing Iu tlio Cuban rebellion. Then there will
bu special articles un a variety of other sub
jects of ttipial importance which are to be
biiiud iu no other paper, and more news of
every character that can tie found In any
other Sunday paper. You had better order
next Sunday's Tress to-day.
l ire at helitiylk ill Haven.
Last night lire was discovered in the
factory building, at High and llaco streets,
Schuylkill Haven, owned by Charles Kliuu,
cashier of the Union Deposit Hank and
occupied by Samuel ICowland as a bleacbery.
The fliu gained cousiderable headway despite
tliu ellbrts of tho firemen, who fought
bravely, the building, which is a two-story
frame structure, was totally deetroyed. Mr.
Kline's lesldonce adjoined the burning build
mg, and fur a time it was feared that it, too,
would furnish food for the flames, hut the
firemen succeeded iu preventing the fire from
spreading. The tiro is lupposed to bavo beeu
due to spontaneous coiubustiuu, as thure was
no lire iu that part uf the building. The
machinery was ouly partially destroy d.
There was no insurance on either tlio build
mg or the machinery. The total loss is esti
mated at about f3,000. Tho factory will
probably be rebuilt.
I.iidgn Anniversary.
The twenty-llfth anniversary of Manendi
Vr Lwig Lodge of Ivorltcs will be held this
evening, at 7:30 o'clock, iu the lodge room iu
the Mcllet buihliu:, when the following
program will be rendered : Opening ode ;
prayer, uev. l. I. i.vaus; auureM, chairman
address, I!ov. 1). I. Kvans; song, Charles
Rowland; recitation, Miss Davit; solo, Miss
Cstella Irvin ; recitation, Miss Hachael
rhoiuas; solo, Miss Mary A. Jonei ; rccita
tiiiu. I. ran Tilliuger; quartette, Waters anil
patty; solo, Joseph Jones; recitation, Miss
Jeiiuiu TilliiiEer; comic song, Harry Ituese
recitation, Miss Llhbie llaiiiliridgc; solo, Miss
IMIth Morgan; duett. Dr. I). J. and Miss
Helen Trice; solo, W. II. Waters; closing ode,
lodge. A large number of invitations have
been issued and no doubt au enjoyable even
lug will be spent by all who attend.
l.eUeiirlng llilys Another Taper,
nun Ifiizlctou .Standard.
If all reports are true Hon. John Lelsen-
riug, of Upper Leliigli, purposes to go into
the newspaper builuess on a wholesale bcale,
The Mauch Chunk Nans of last aveniug
says: I lio news leaven out mis morning
that the Tottsville Chronicle, one of tho old
est Democratic newspapers in the state, has
changed owners, and that Jack McCarthy
wlm only last week took charge or the
Wllkrslurro News-Dealer, will alio
have charge of its management. This in
formation is a surprise, latlt what it most
surprising is the fact that Hon, John Leiseu-
ring, one or the leaning candidates I, r
Uiivcrnur, is at the head of the syndicate
which owns both papers. 1 he Chronicle was
a radical Democratic 'goldbug' organ. Vc
Carthy went to Tottsrlile this morning and
will tale hold oi tlio new paper to-morrow."
Storlug Locomotives,
The I.olik'h Valley Uailroad Company Ills
turcd a number of locoinotlrrs in the Uiizlr
ton round house anil mora aro to bo taken
from Delano, The company has no use fur
these engine) since so many trains ware
knocked olf.
For Infants and Children.
Tli fie- j
ll M
rrnotlrnl Defeat or I.oinl's Hill to Cor
rect AIIokoiI Mnll Abuses.
Washington, Mnroh 4. The I.oud bill
to correct nllefred abuses of the second
class mall matter privilege, which last
year pased tho house by a majority or
141 to 101, was burled under nn over
whelming majority by the house yes
terday. The vote was not taken di
rectly upon the bill, but on a motion to
lay it gn the table. Uy a vote of 1C2 to
119 the motion was carried Forty-seven
ltepubllcnns Jolntd with th" Democrats
and Populists In accomplbintr this re
sult, nnd 10 Democrats v.Vd with the
majority of the Ilepublb .ins. The ro
fusnl of Mr. t.oud to permit u vote on
an amendment at the last minute Wnu
responsible In a measure lor the result,
but the strength of the niensure un
doubtedly wnntvd throughout tho tlueo
days debate.
During almost the entlf session yes
terday the Ecnatu had under considera
tion the Alaskan boniest -ad and rail
way right of way bill, Due of the fea
tures of the discussion hub a speeoFi
delivered by Mr. Vest, of Missouri, In
which ho ridiculed the idea of home
steading any part of Alaska or con
structing rallioads In th- district. Ills
motion to eliminate the homestead
feature of the 1)111 hy striking out the
ilrst section was defeated.
Twenty-four CitrlNI' tJriiduutox.
Carlisle, l'a March 4. The tenth
commencement of the Cat lisle Indian
Industrial school was held yesterday
when fully 3.000 persons witnessed the
presentation of diplomas. There wcio
IM graduates. Visitors wete present
from all pans of the country. Including
AlaBka, and cohuress was well repre
sented. Captain Pratt presided. Ora
tions were delivered by eight of the
graduates, and Ilev. Dr. J. A. Llppin-
cott presented the diplomas. Indian
Commissioner V. A. Junes commend
utl the speelnl education of girls at Car
lisle, and said there would be no sue
ccssful system without that feature.
Congressman Sherman, chairman of
the committee on Indian affairs, said
the work would continue until supei
Htltlnn was abolished and the red man
lifted out of barbarism.
Dangerous kidney diseases can bo avoided
by the prompt use of Dr. Hull s Tills. Their
specific, medicinal effect on the kidneys Etops
tho encroachment ot diabetes and lliight's
Cnsiid'oHmi!! Kfl'iirt to Dol'ent John
IltmiM, tlio Labor Louder.
London, March The county annual
elections yesterday passed olf wdth no
notable Incident. The attempt of the
Earl of Denblgh'to oust John llurns In
Hattersea failed. IJarl Ilussell, Pro
gressive candidate, was defeated at
Hammersmith. Among those re-elect
ed nre the Karl of Ilarwlcks, Haron
Monkswcll, Sir Horace Farquhar, M. 1;
the Right Hon. G. J. Shaw-Lefevre and
Sir J. niundell Maple, M. P.
The latest returns show that the Pro
gressives have elected 07 of their can
uluatcs and the Moderates 40. A ru
count will be necessary-In Chelsea, and
the results In the city proper, Fiilliam
and Wadsworth will not be declared
until this evening. Thus far the Pro
gressives show a net gain of 13 seats.
The polling showed no marked In
crease over previous elections, but tlip
return of a number of extreme Social
Ists Is a feature of the result. It Is ex
pected that the Progressives will have
a majority of at least 21 In tho new
county council.
The Dally News says: "We hope her
majesty's government feel comfortable
this nftirnlng. They deliberately de
scended Into a purely municipal arena
and have been soundly thrashed for
their pains."
"I suffered for two years from a had cough
and pain iu my chest. I tried a number of
ri medics, but Dr. Hull's Cniigh Syrup was tho
ouly one that ell'i clod a cure. T. J. Murphy
Ashley, T.i."
Dei lis Iterorited.
From W. (!. I'ox and wlfo et al to Mary J
Wiutersteeii, premises iu Mincrhvillc ; fiom
David Oswald ami wlfo to Walter L. Meyer,
premises in Schuylkill Haven; from Fred
erick (Jrnnow mid wifo to Frederick Hcye
premises in I In lie r township; fiom Ucorgo
W. Crosswell to Horace S. Freed, piemises in
Tottsville ; from Tatrick Oalllgan and wife
to Kaspcr Motlszejcnski, premises in Shell
andoah ; from Alliance Coal Mining Company
to Joseph lleiiilnck, premises in New Thila
drlphla ; from Thiladelphia it Heading C. &
I Co, to Morgan W. Fclir, premises in West
Hruniwlck township ; from John Herb and
nll'e to Daniel I). Heik, piomises iu Heglus
To Cure Headache In 15 Minutes.
Take Dr. Davis' Ati-Hcudachu. All druggists,
Nhootlng Match.
There will be a shooting match at livo
pigeons oh the west und haso ball grounds,
Olrardville, between Frank Todd and Llnicr
Travis un Wednesday, March 17, each man
will shoot at niiio birds, and will bo for
purse of $50.
To cleanse tlio system iu a gcntlo and truly
beneficial manner, when tlio 3priugtimo
rallies, uso the true and perfect remedy,
Syrup of Figs, lluy tliu genuine. Mann
factureil by the California Fig Syrup Co.
only, mid for salo by all druggists, at SO cents
per bottlo.
Should be In Every Home and Library.
Tie People's Bitile History
Ii written br Itlnlit Hon. William I'.wnrt (llailllooe,
Kl-rrHiuier oi tirtwi iiriuan ami ireisnn, t;n-ter,
Kok.1 Iter, A. II. bnire, Queen' ColleuH. Oifonl. Kntf.i
llev. HhhiuaI Ien (lurtiHH, 1). 1 Clilcnun Tlieoloslral
Hemlasry, OiIcbiio Ill.i itur. Freilerlo W Furrar, il.I).,
r .lt.H., imnti oi tanieriiurr, nunieriiurr. I'.ng.i ner.
Klmerll.Oai'en, ll 11.,'I'liIii, Collmn, Homerlll, Ma.
ilhlosun. llt.t llev. (lHorua t I'entecoHt, 11.1)., Marjrle.
hone 1'renlijterlKD Cliurcli, Iinlon, hiiK.i llev, ll. H.
MeeArtliur, 1) II , (lalvurr llni llrt Church, New York
i:tr, N. V.i Uev, Martin HutnmertnUI, 11 1)., Main
Htreet Free ItiiiitUt Cliurrh, Iyiv,IUin, Me.t ltev. Frank
M. llrliuil. 11.11 . Flrot Mettiofilitt FnlRcorml C'liurcti.
F.vanton, lll.t llev. W. T. Moore, 1.L.II., M'lbe brle-
tlen dommonwe.ltli," London, llnii.i ltev, Kdward
Kverett Hale, 11.11.. Routli Coniirexut tonal Church,
lliMton. Manit.1 Uev. .loHeuli Aiinr Ilnet. tl.ll.. Weeleyan
tlolteee, Itichmonil. Knu.) ltev. Cimrar ltene Orecorr,
llpzla Untvervltr, lIlilii, Oermanvi llev. wm,
(llesver Wllkln.on, D.l) , llnlveraKy nt i'hlcnuo. Chi
rao, jll.t ltev, Hamuel Hart, 1)1)., Trlnltr CnlleBe,
Hartford, Cunn.i ltev. J. Monro (lltwon, D.l)., Kt. John's
Wood l'reitlirterlan rUiyrrh.lindon, Knu t ltev, Oeoree
fj. larmier, l.I I).. The Temple, Huston, Maim.
I'liriUlt rilllllH.- m imn, M lull l'on" illulr.
tioni. silt edgei, cloth, tlAI, halt levant, tVOl; (ull
levant, WO-
ljUKlo j nlTIOMl SKI races, 310 full-race llluslra.
115 Oil Ktvle ll-twovoluinen. full levant, tutted, UlUli
In IS rAltlH, quarto kite, review auebtloni toeacti.atttt
injer covem, aewed, trteniied alluhtlr, fllUeach art.
For eale at all hookitores end hv bonkBellert. For
further Information, write IIF.NllY O. HIll'.l'All I.
I'HblUher.Sia end 211 lUonrua btreet, Chicago, llllnola.
one. mvie A clll eace, lull levant, une volume,
Rev. L. D. BASS, D, D. Manager.
I'itUburg, I'a . Toronto, Uaiiadai New Orleans,
I.u.1 New York, N. V Wiisblnltoii, 1). .;
Han Francisco, Cal. ; hlcngo, III, i Ht.
Louis, Mo., and Denver, o iJjrmlo.
Tlicro are thousands of iiosltlona 80 bo filled
wllhln tliu next few moiitlU.
Address all applications to I'mosITkaciieiis'
Aukm'IKs, rlultsburg, I'a. I
M1U P EmLV Hurt ix Htock. 1
DY THE hciiif, vr cum mitt Ion to lo
cal B Kent a. rrinlnrnt em
pi u rin en t Tlm 1 bmin.-M
THAT $10,000 LOAN.
Hull Hint "Will Hum Much Hearing on
tlm Question.
Tottsville. March 1. Tlio suit (lied with
the Trntlionotury yesterday by tlio Sufo
Deposit Hank may havo an Important bear
ing n the missing 10,000, which tho Com
missioners and Taxpayers' Association are
endeavoring to locate. So far as tho trial of
the county olllcials Is concerned, that miss
ing $10,000 is as much of n mystery ns It over
was, and there Is none so noxious to clear it
up as the Commissioners.
S. 11. and D. W. Kuerclicr and dipt. L. D.
Smith, representing tho Safe Deposit Dank,
of Tottsville, entered suit iu tho Trofliono-
tary a olllco this morning for tlio recovery of
J0.000 from tho county of Schuylkill witli
interest at I! per cent from Nov, 29, 1B1I7.
I ho unto held by tho bank, tlio payment of
which has been icfused by the County Treas
urer anil (.'onimisslonei'8 is dated September
30, 1MI7, and uns given in renewal of the
note dated June 30, 1807, for time months,
it I! per cent, interest. It was signed by all
tno Commissioners, Frank iicntz, Charles
Meyers and John T. Marlln.
Tho Commissioners notified tlio Treasurer
nut to pay the Hole when it was due, be
lieving the bank Is liable for the full amount
of tbo missing $10,000 with Interest.
The object of the Coiiiinissiiiiiers ill rofus-
lug payment Is to test iu this issuo their
liability for tlio missing funds, tbo claim
being made that the bank Is responsible fur
my funds paid to any one other than the
County Treasiuer, who Is under bond to re
ceive tiie snine.
U. A. Lindsay, lale of No. 3 Iliiglno Com
pany llaltininru City I'iio Department says,
(hut the members of his company havo used
Salvation Oil in cases of sprains and soreness
with most gratifying results. It is tho best.
Only cts.
.May Intend fI heir l.lnu.
It is said that Miihanoy City will havo a
now telephone lino shortly. Tho Anthracite
Telephone Company, of Hazleton, Is con
templating the extension of its lino to tlio
Ilrst named borough. The rates are about
half what tho old company charges.
A Hit for Coughs and Colds.
What? Tan-Tina, S.rc. At Gruhlrr Hros.,
drug stoic.
Malinger Ouirk lias hooked two strong at
tractions fur Kaicr's grand opera house, Mah-
anoy City fir next week. On the 10th inst.
The Ilaggage Check" will bo produced und
Tho Heart of Chicago" will occupy tho
hoards on the 12th inst.
A. II. Sclilcsinan, a prominent citizen of
Oitaulvllle, died very suddenly yesterday
from heart trouble, liu was (III years old and
a resident of that town 33 years lie leaves
a wife and four grown children, The de
ceased was a member of Camp 123, P. O. S.
of A. The funeral will take place on Sunday
Hubert L. Walker, aged 23 years, died at
the borne uf his parents, John and (iitbarine
Walker, at Mahauoy Tlano, yesterday, I he
funeral will take place to-morrow morning,
interment at Frackville.
Mrs. Jeremiah Curran, of I'ottsvillo, died
yesterday after au illness of five mouths.
Deceased was 53 years of ago.
Cure sick ticadactic, bad
UiHt In tlio mouth, co.ited
tmiKUti, r.ih u the atnm.icli.
dtHtrcsn mid Indict Minn. Do
nut m-ukvii, hut lmve tonic effect. 3) cents.
Tin ouly mil to tuk with Uood'i tiuriaparllla.
7ANTHI). I'irst class, A No. 1 milliner.
t Address. Ktutlmr full particulars, M. C,
lliutAi.n olllio. il-:i--t
I.WrltAYKl) A red cow, with white spot on
I J forehead and slilllll white Hunt on the
Hlioiilder, e-trayed from the premises of the
tlliilerslglicd. A reward vvlP be paid for the
ihiIiiiiii'h return. Alldlew Slummock, Win. l'eilll,
upper patch. J-.1-Jt
1,10 It HALR A very desirable property. Ati
1 ply to. biseph Wjiitt, all North Main St. tf
I.lOlt HALIC Four properties, situated at Noti.
' 225 anil i!J7 V'cnt Liod Htieet Two are on
the front und two on the rear of tliu bit, These
properties were formerly owned by Jonathan
H. lingers. Apply to William.!. Jones guardian,
Hoy hll, Mt. Cailuel, I'll. 2-21-llu
IjVJlt HUNT. A rare ebaiieu for an energetic
' business num. A grand store either for
grotcry biudnesH or palooti, in good location,
llrst-ejuss dwelling apartments attached with
liath room and JlxturcH, all latest improvements,
good cellar AS feet long. Possession to bo had
iiiApill. For further Information apply at tliu
Hi.iiAi.iiolllce 2-ll-lm
I.OIt ltLNT. Storeroom and dwelling, No. 17
J' North Jlahl street, now occupied by hblpp'H
shoe store. Possession given April 1st. Apply
to Jacob Noll, UN. Main street, tf
lilOlt HAM!. A buggy and two butcher
L' wiigiuis, will also rem my wneeiwrigm
mid oabit hIioii. corner Coal und Jardill streets
Apply to Charles l'loppcrt, on tbo premises, tf
(JTO(JKHOI.I)l'.lt' MHIJTINO. Tbo annual
Ij meeting of the CltlaiiH Iliilldiiig and Loan
Association will be held lit Its nlllce. No. 127
North Main street, on Tuesday, March Uth, WM,
at S p. m, Hy oruer oi
James Hi'.li. Pres.
Attest: 0. W. Dknoleic, Seo'y. 3-3-5t
VTOTICH. The undersigned Is desirous of
closing up his accounts either lu eiisb r by
notes, for all bills that are now due or over due
mis iiioniu. All contracts, nnii ngreeiiicnis,
however, will bu earried out. I shah place all
over due accounts In tbo hands of proper
parties lor collection
M, 1. Fowluii,
January 0, 1898. l-G-2m
I.OIt HUNT. Storeroom, dwelling nnd stable,
X' No. bio Piortn .Main street, item very
reasoiialibi to the right party, .Store nnd dwell
ing can bo rented with or without tho stable.
Storeroom has plate glass front and Is 12 feet
deen, 1'iMscssioii can be bad at once. No
better locution for business In town. Apply to
(1. W. Newhonser, 122 N. Main St. 2-2S-tf
IOIt HAliK. Timber yard In an exccllen
' location III Tniiiaipiii. A splendid opening
for a uirpciucr with a small capital. 1'or further
information lliuuirenf Ii. I). Ilcddall, attorney,
corner ot Culitru and Mahautnngo streets,
l'ottsville. S-SH-Ct-eod
WTANTKl) by nu old established bouse, u
man to take charge ot and look after their
business In this section. Salary 1U00, with coiii
missioii. Cash security required. Addrces
Ilieiliicss, care IIkkai.ii. 2-11 M-eod-w-2t
i rMt, . vnTUMl KT,.il.... u l,,...l.i, ,rt.-
1 fill AH TlCIt NO T R h.-Notlce Is hereby given
V , that nil lliillcnllon will be made to tliu
VvUlllw 111 II I Ilia 1 1 I rt, ii. iPviiiijiRiiiiuinnj.
at I'cttwvUlu.iMi Moixliiy, March Uth, 1 '.'. at
ti'ii o'vltM-'k lu tho fiiri'iioiin, hv 1'. J. Illlcy,
l'"r:ink (Jr.-Il!k, William Mcnki-wle, John
Wuhmt ami Antlrew HaiiUhvlef, iintlcr tliu
Ait of AKfciiihly to pmvlilu for tliu liiforpora
llon nml rt-Kulallon of irrtuin corporatioiiH,
(ami Un Hiippleinuiitti) approvt il April 1 1 , IW7-I,
for the charU-r of nu lntcndeil corporation to m
calltnl himI known nit "Tho Hlinuno Daukanto
lionvllcial Koclt ty. of Hlit'imiKloah. IViina,," tin;
characUr ami ohlttt of which aru thu iiialiitcn
anc.i of uu organization for htiiollciul and pro
tective mirpoHt-H y fHtahlInhliiK a heiicllclal
fiiitd for tho relief of nick or Injured tocuihertt,
the aid of famllh-M of ilcct-aned nieinherH anil
Uu- cultivation of charity and henevolcnee.
Hiild society U to hit carried on at Hhcitundonh,
and for tho juirposo herein Bet forth Into
ha vo, poHHCHH and enjoy all tho rlKhts, heucfltrt
and prlvlleKeu of tialdAetof AHiteinhly ami Uh
HUpplt IMCIltH. M, M. llUUKK.
hheiinmloah, I'a., IVh, 18, lbUH. Hollcltor.
,,. It U,.!. ...
A gonuiuo wolcomo wait ay ouat
Cor. Haiti and Coal Sts.
Finest whiskeys, bears, porter and ale
constantly on tap. Uuolce emperance drinks
and clgara.
A Pleasure at Last.
No Muss. No Trouble.
- i
Sold in All Colors by Grocers and Druggists, or mailed free tor 15 cents;
Address, Till) MAVI'OLU SOAl' nCftJT, 127 Duano Street, New York.
New Store! - New Goods!
Our stock is composed of everything in Boots, Shoes, Gent's Furn
ishings, Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Dry Goods and Notions. We invite the
public to call on us and convince themselves. Our prices correspond
with the times. A few of them :
Men's Rubbers, - - 31 cents
Ladles' " - - - - 19 cents
" Shoes, - - . 75 cents
rslen's " - - - 9 S cents
All other goods are told on the same low comparison.
No. 56 East
Next door to Singer Hewing Machlno olllcc.
For Franck's Colfce EI sac nco
For Franck's Imported Chlcovy.
(Icuulna l-'mnek wilt please you if you lovu n
l our grocer sells it,
Christ Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler of
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203. W. Coal Street,
These were the two reasons that formerly
kept people from attending to their teeth.
Jloth reasons have no existence in this ad
vanccd acje. 1'ninless and inexpensive dent
istry with an absolute guarantee for five years
is our method.
A Good-Set of Teeth,
The Very Heft Teeth, $8.
You can i;et no better, no matter what you
pay. No charue for extracting, where teeth
are ordered. We can take your impression in
the morning and give you your teeth in the
afternoon if desired,
Gold Hillings, $ ; Best Silver
Fillings, Soc up; Cleaning, 5oc;
Extracting, 25c.
Crown and bridge work nt very reasonable
rates, hxaminations nnd estimates iree.
We use but one grade of material
the best.
7 North Jardin St,, Shenandoah.
Examination Mado at the IIouso or at
Our Storo.
No. 7 South Main Street.
o DHAI.KIt jN o
SO West Centre Street.
(Hlieelcr' Old Htand.)
Klrat-claM work cunronteed. Prompt anil
olite attendauta. llnlr cuttiiiK ecUUy.
The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for Soiled
or I'ndcd Shirt Waists, Blouses,
Rib'jons, Curtains, Underlinen, etc.,
whether Silk, Satin, Cotton or Wool.
Centre Street.
f 15 Factories
I In Europe.
t-ood cup of coffco.
Sole Agents.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
.1 H un Had Coal No Smoke
Trains leave Bhenaniloali as follow! :
For New York via Philadelphia, wefilr. dan.
210, 5 8(5. 7 30 9Ma. m., 12S3, 8 10 and 8 07 p.
m Hundaya, 1 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week dayi,
5 80. 7 no n. m 12 88 and 8 10 p. m.
For Kcnuitifr aim riiiiaueipiua, weeic uayi,
2 10. 5 80. 7 .'!0. 9 M a.m.. 12 83. 8 10 and 07 P. m.
Hunilayfl, 2 10 a. m.
For 1'oUHvllln, week uaya, z 10, 7 30, 9 M a. m.,
12 83, 8 10, 0 07 and 7 25 p. 111. Hundayi, 2 10 a. m.
For Tamauua nnd Mahanoy City. wek daya.
2 10. 5 80, 7 30, 0 51 a. ni., 12 S3, 8 10 and fi 07 1. n.
Aildltloiiul to Mnlinnoy City only, 1140 p. 111.
4unuays, z 10 a. m
For WllllamHport, Sunbury and Lewlsburir
week dnya. 105, fi 80, 1180 a.m.. 1283, 7 21k
I. m Hnndaya, 8 25 a. m.
For Miilinno) Plane, weekdaye, 2 10. 4 05, fi 36,
7 30, 9 51, 1 1 80 . m 12 83, 8 10, 6 07, 7 25, 9 55 and
11 40 p. m. Huudnya, 2 10, 1 05 a. m.
For Aaldand and bhamokln, week daya, 4 05,
130,7 30, 11 80 u. m 12 33, 8 10, 6 07, 7 25 and
155 p. 111, Hundiiya, 1 05 a. m.
For ltaltlmore, WaaliliiKton and the Vfoni via
II. .tO. H. It., iliroiiKll traUa leu-1 Heading
rcruilnnl, Philadelphia, (1. & It. It K.) at 8 20,
7 55,1120 a. 111., 8 10 and 7.27 p. 1-. Bundaya,
I 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. in., 3 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut atrecta atntlon, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20,
1216 8 40 p.m. Hundaya, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
dava, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. m., and 1 80, 4 BO,
9 00 p.m. Sundaya, 0 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Manch Chunk, week
days, 4 80. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80 and 4 lfip. m.
Leave Philadelphia, lleadlnc Terrain il, week
daya, 12 01, 8 80, 8 85, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 1 05, 6 80
p. m. HandayB, 12 01 a. m.
Leave lteuuuiK,wvek Uaya, 2 05, 0 10,10 08, a. m.
IZ uu iu., 4 iti, o w .uu o zo p. uu Sundaya, 2 Of
a. m
liave lottHvllle, week daya. 8 01, 710 a. m.,
12 80 and 6 10 p. 111. Hundaya, 8 07 a. m.
IeavuTauinqua, week daya, 8 55, 7 40, 1123 a.
-n., 1 86, 5 50, 7 20 and 9 43 p. in. Bundaya, 8 55
Leave Mahanoy City, week daya. 12 20,4 91,
H 15, 11 47 a. iu., 2 17, 5 18, 0 21, 7 44 and 10 08 p. nr.
Sundays. 12 25, 4 21 a. in.
Lcavo Mahanoy Plane, week daya, 1285, 2 40,
185 680,880. 10 25. 1159 a. in., 282, 5 32, 041,
7 57, 10 22 p in. Sundaya, 12 40, 2 40, 4 35 a. In.
Leave WtlllaruHport, week days, 7 4Z, 10 20 a
ai 4 00 and 11 80 p. m. Bundaya, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut atrcet watf and)
South street whui ( for Atlantic City,
Weekdays Kiprcss, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, 4 00,.
5 00 11. 111. Accommodation, 8 00 a. m,, 6 30 p. m.
Sundays Kxpress, 900, 10 00 a. in. Accommoda
tion, H Ot) a. iu., 4 45 p. m.
Iteturnliig leavo Atlantle City depot, 00 roar
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Kiprcia, 7 85, 900 a, 111., 8 80, S 89'
p.m. Accommodation, 815 a. rc. 405 p.m.
Bundaya Kxpresa, 4 00, 730 p. m. Accom
modation, 7 15 a. in., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Cam on all express trains.
Vor further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading ltallway tleket agenfr
I. A. HWKiatun, Kdsox J, Weeks,
(len'l Hunt., tlen'l Pase'r Airt.,
i I,, 1 , (1LM.J.1..1.1. '
jt.-r-.iiiK A rrmiiini, i nuouoipuia
A Specialist on Kunture from Willfaraiportj
will visit
Shenandoah Every Thursday
Ferguson House, from 9 a. m. till 1,30 p. m.
Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or
no pay. Written guarantee to absolutely
cure nil kinds of Rupture without
operation or detention from
Absolutely no Dane;r.
s . . Examination Free.
loo persons cured In Sunbury, Shamokin,.
Mt. Carinel and vicinity who can be referred
to. Charges and terms moderate nnd within,
reach of all.
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvet softnesa, of the akin la Inva
riably obtained by jtbore who tiia.VouoNi'a
Uoinplexlon i'owder.