E1MNG HERALD Published ery Kvfitintc, Kscept guild , M 4 South Jahiu Ktrkst, Nmah Ckrvrb. Die Herald in deiWmed InRlienariUtwn hik! tho Biirr jiin JInc tm .ia for wti rati to wmk, ay ftbl o the onrrlen. Hy mnil JB.00 n year, or V cent ajiionth, iMyfttrin tn ndvAtiec. Advort'w ment charge! nccordit a to piuiuid position. Tho publltHw reirve tiio right to clmnRe the position of iKlvertiftcmotitft vlietHver tli pub-'"intl-i ot iiefl doitmnd It. Tbe viuhl la iccrvt-d to i.'Jt'ftuy dvortIM?tcnt, whether puiti for or not, .mt the publisher may live in i proper, Auvorttotng mtw made known upon ttppMcntion. ICntcrcd at the f tout office nt Shonnndonli, Ph., p. necoud clftw mnil mutter. TKLKPHONR CONNKCrriON "All the News That's Fit Id Pflnt." Evening Herald TIIUUSDAY. MAM'll 3. InOS. It ih wild tlmt about thirty saloons in lluzli'toii are for mlo, boi'ims-e of poor business. Sks ,vrou Sayi.oii, vho was wi-atly appointed Consul ut Mtitunzits, Cuba, nftor a bin "(jlit. 's bonii' on a visit. It is said hois vury iniieli disappointed with liis new otlleo, iiiasnmnli as be found Matan.as to bo about the last plaee on earth where a thrifty Auieri can would run? to live. That old chestnut, that has be come musty with iie, that the loeal tbeatre is to be improved at tho close of the present m?mmh, ! again sprung uiou a lonj,' suireriiif; public. The date for the improvement is given as April 1st. While the date is signilicant, there will be few caught by this April fool joke. It was sprung too curly. Tint re-election of Kdward Hrennan us mine inspector of the Seventh dis trict.us noted in last night's IIku.u.ii, was no surprise. Shenandoah had a candidate in the person of Ellas Cooper, but the age limit was a bur. Hud he been four months older the re sult would very likely have been dif ferent. The election of Mr. Hrennan, however, gives entire satisfaction to the people of the Shamokiii district. The Hoard of K.vuminers were ballot ing for several weeks and over four hundred ballots were taken. JuA(jUl- Mii.lkk in speukiug of the different methods of uuthors as serts that Walt Whitman could write anywhere, even on top of nil omni bus : mid of l?ret Harte ho says: "lie once told me that his first line was always a cigar, and sometimes two cignrs." That is to say, in tins one cuse the inspiration came unbidden ; In the other It had to be wooed. It is the unbidden sort that does the best work in advertising, as else where. I'hithusiusiii tells in any work ; in none more oll'ectively than in the handling of publicity. - Phila deiphiu Kecord. War Scare Subsiding. It is reasonably certain tlmt there can be no ascertained cause of tho ex plosion of the Maine in the Havana harbor until the Hoard of Inquiry has made its official report, and the people have settled down to patiently await that result. Information from AVashington is to the elTect that the Hoard will hardly make its report be fore the latter part of this mouth. All newspaper reports assuming to give information as to evidence sub mitted to the Hoard aru inventions or reckless assumptions. The question of war with Spuindu pends entirely upon future develop ments, and the result of the findings of the Hoard of Inquiry. It iij not disputed that the government is com pleting its preparations for a conllic.i with Spain. Tho better we are pre pared for war, the hotter assurance we will have for a continuance of peaceful relations between this coun try and other nations. Public atten tion has been especially attracted to the activity in military and naval service, and every movement is exag gerated and every olllcial order is swelled into undue importance by the sensational journals. The Court of Inquiry will complete its work and mako Its report in due time, and the whole matter will be disposed of to the satisfaction of the American people. To say there will be no war with Spain, would bo delving too far into the future. Jinny con servative oillcials at Washington be lieve that the present "unpleasant ness" will result in a clash of arms be tween the two nations. Judging by tho declarations wo have been having within a few days from Washington, war does not seem probable with Spain over the disaster to tho Mulno, because tho adminis tration is of tho opinion that Spain has had "no ofllclal participation" In it. There Is more danger of a conillct with Spain over the main question of Cuban independence. It is said the President has not relinquished his purpose to do something to put nn end to the atrocities of the warfare In Cuba, and in his determination in thlsdiroutionlt is suggested the real danger of conillct exists, If it exists anywhere. No matter what tho report of tho Court of Inquiry may be, it is gener ally conceded that the beginning of the end of Spanish rule In Cuba has been reached. The European powers want the Cuban hostilities stopped, und they look to the United Status to stop them. The Administration is preparing an alternative to bo sub- mitten to Spain in case noiuing son oub comes of the Maine Inuidont, and it will bo Cuban liberty or war. Cuba must and shall be free, Is tho slogan that fires tho hearts of tho people of this nation. flW)IIIHIIIIHIItWMMKnMWfWW.IMm 5 Theodore Thomas SAYS 8 "The Joliann Hoff's Malt Extract is used in my family, and deserves the Inchest commendation." c The pen 11 inn Inhattn nmvAi?n op inirATioN5. Kxtr.ict linn this nil liri H I.HH j. IV I i I K SON. Sole Are-ntR, NVw IN br-NATE AND HOUSE. BuuutoiM Dl-cn-s tin. AliiHkn Homo sleiiil mill Itutlway lllll. WashliiEton, March 3. Yesterday's debate In the seinae on the Alaskan homestead and railway rlRht (if wny bill wan decidedly spirited. Jlr. Car ter, of Montana, delivered a vigorous HPeech ll reply to Hint made duiiiiK the past two das liy Mr. Hawllns. of TTtnl, I.. 11... ...I.t..l. . ..1.. Utah. In the com ye of which tie made a stroiif? defense of the honor ot con gressional committers and of olllclals In the seveuil uinmcut department!). Due of the special features of the de bate was a speech delivered hy Mr. Elklns, of West Virginia, In which ho explained that the Canadian I'acllle railway was enabled to make war upon American Interests, and how and why the agressions of that great rail road ought to be stopped by tho Uni ted States. Mr. Klklns' speech aroused much Interest, particularly Hint part In which he explained that while ho did not frame the now famous sec tion 22 of the present tariff law, he stood squarely with the sterling Ameri can who did frame It. The speech drew replies from Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts, Mr. Chlllon of Texas and Mr. Nelson of Minnesota. Mr. Hoar maintained that a large part of the speech of Mr. Klklns was Irrel evant to the pending discussion. He would not admit that the aggressions of the Canadian I'acllle were so serious as West Virginia's senator would have people believe. Mr. Nelson entered a sharp protest to Mr. Hlltins' proposi tion to abolish the bonding privilege, holding that that privilege was In the direct Interest of the people of the northwest. Mr. Chilton briefly con tended that under recent decisions of the supreme court the long and short haul clause of the Interstate commerce law did not apply to the competition between American railroads and the Canadian I'acllle. The house spent another day In de bate upon the Loud bill relating to second class matter. The speeches as a rule attracted little interest. "A iliwe ill time wives lives." Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup; nature's remedy fi.r coukIis, colds, pulmonary diseases of eveiy hurt. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE And ritmei-H, the llmiil of America, Ciill fornlii. Via the true pathway, "Tliu Iron Mountain 1'iiiite," which tr.nerses a region of peipetual stiusliiii.t, where snow storm, lilizjinls or liigh altitudes arc unknown. Pullman firnt and second cla palace and touri.st sleeping cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas Texas, Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California. Oregon, Washing! Nebraska, Utah ami Nevada, without change. (Juick time, low rates, and all tho coml'iirtsof modern railway improvements guaianteed to all who pur chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific railway system. For rates right from your liome, litcmturo, and full information, drop a postal card, J. P. Met 'aim, T. P. Agent. 010 Kail road avenue, Klmlra, N. Y., or li!U Uroad way, Nuw York. 3-1-tf W. K. Hoyt. O. K P. Agt. Remember if You Have a Cough or Cold, Pan-Tina always euros, Me. At Uruliler ltios , drug Moro. i oiiHiii mow nut tlu (liis, San Francisco, Mnrch 3. W. Takasl, the newly appointed Japanese consul at Chicago, and T. Ilo, an Imperial navy constructor, en route to Phila delphia, who arrived here from the Oiient on Monday, had narrow escapes from death at the Occidental hotel Tuesday night. They blew out the gas upon retiring, and when the escaping gas atti acted the attention of the hotel employes some hours later, both were unconscious. The Japanese of flclals were resuscitated after several hours' hard work. To Cure Headache in 15 Minutes. Take Dr. Davis Ati-IIeadaebc. All druggists. THE PHILADELPHIA TiriES IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. During Ih9S T1IU TIM US will not only maintain tli IiIl.Ii stiuiiliiril of excellence it reached the past year, but will steadfastly endeavor to excel Its own best record, anil will not swerve from Its et purpose to mako THE TIMES THE FAV0HITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OP THIS COUNTRY AND BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED I'lilNIIMl ALL THE NEWS ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME THE Vo (fiiiriml lu mnr tiOHit wider elrelfl f nude. a lit ruiuvunla ttmn THE PHILADELPHIA TIJ1ES WHY ? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Tree-Send Tor one TCDMC DAILY. WOO per annum i SSceiiU ICIXl'lO per montb; delivered by eurrtare for 0 rout per week. HUNDAV KDII ION, SS larie, bundonie pagwi Ml cnluimu, elegantly Illustrated, bojuuUfully printed In enlnra, fno Mir annum; iiih i" "'i"J " nuw day, (4 00 pirrluuiiuiii ; SO cents per month, Addreu ifll lettera to I THE TIMES, ( rmuuKu-HiA. ITnff'n MnH BiRnaturc ($C($jfti IX Ml' .I't.L- York. 1HINNIM) ON TIJIi:. SOUTilKUN I1.MI.WAV 1'I.IMIIllA Tit A ITS MAtt- l.S'O A lir.-MAKKAllLK imcolll). Jacksonville, l'la., Feb. S3. bast season It was not an uncommon occurrence fur the trains from the Noith to reach hero from one to live hours late. The remarkable regu larity of the arrival on time of tho .Southern Hallway train this season Is a matter of comment and favorable criticism around tlie I liotels ami by all Incoming tourists. The schedule of the l'li.riilii Limited, the fast train over tho Southern hallway ami tin riorida Central ami Peninsular, Is several bouts shorter than that of last year, bill the track has been put in excellent condition mm tho uiiglnecis of incoming tnilns say the new schedule is made with case. NOT FOR EVERYTHING. Hut if you have weak kidneys, bladder troiiblo or distressing kidney complaint, then Swamp-Hoot will provo tobo just tho remedy you need. Too frequent deslio to urinate, scanty supply, pain or dull ache in tho back is convincing evidence that your kldneysnnd bladder need doctoring. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot, the great kidney .remedy fill tills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold urino and scalding pain in passing it, or had effects following uso of liipior, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. Tho mild and tho extra ordinary ellect ol Swamp-Knot Is soon realized It stands tho highest for its woudcihil cures of tho most distressing cases. If you need a mcdiciiio you should have the lest. Sold by druggists, prico fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle ami pamphlet both sent freo by mail upon rce -ipt of three two-cent stamps to cover cost of postage on tho bottle. Mention llmiAl.Daml send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., IihiKhamtim, N. Y. Tho propiietors of tills paper guarantee the genuineness of this oiler. iiHiiiaiii-ooii aiiisicii Hound Steamers Kan Francisco, March 3. Marine In surauce men at Sound ports have de cided to advance the rate on all ves sels bound for Alaska. The under writers will probably follow with an advance all along the coast line. At Victoria, It is reported, rates on first class steamers will he advanced about 15 per cent. On certain vessels, such as those which are not adapted for tho passenger trade, the advance will be from 30 to 50 per cent. The Insurance companies claim that too many un trustworthy vessels are being pressed Into the Klondike trade. Hives are a terrible torment to the little folks, and to somo oldor ones. I'asily cured Dean's Ointment never fails. Instaut re lief, permanent cure. At any drug store, 50 cents. THE PKOD0CE 'MARKETS Ah Holleotort by Denlltici 111 rhllndol- phla and lliiltlumro. Philadelphia, March 2. Flour firm; win tor supurnno, $3'p3.25; do. extras, JSj 3.11.1; Pennsylvania roller, clear, ii.'MU 4.3j; do. stralKht, $4.401f4.C0; western win tor, clear. St.Kff 1.50; do. striiiBht, J4.C0 4.t.5; city mills, extra, J3.3O(T(3.C0. Itye Hour moved slowly at f2.iVa-.iM per bar rcl for good to cliolco Pennsylvania Wheat firm; No. 2 red. March. J1.01VO l.OUi; Iso. 2 Pennsylvania and No. Delaware red. J1.02N;1.02i.. Corn stronc; No. 2 mixed. March, 3IT3V.: No. 2 ye low, for local trade, snyas'ic Oat3 firmer; No. 2 white, 33c; No. 2 white, clipped, 33,fcc. Hay firmly held; choice timothy $12 for lurKo bales. Deof firm; beef hams. 523u2l. Pork iiulet: family, $13(813.50. Lard steady; western steamed, $3.40. l)ut- ter iiulet; western creamery. 15'020Kc.; do. factory, miWAc.-. Klglns, 20y.c.; lmi tation creamery, 131a'317c.; New York dairy, 131517c.; do. creamery, 14S20& fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at : 4i2Cc.; do. wholesale, 22c. Chceso very dull; large, white und colored, Septem ber, 8V4e.; small do, do., September, S?i 9c; light skims, (, CVic; part skims, 4Jji cite; full slums, 2j3c. Eggs firm; New York and Pennsylvania, 1314c; western fresh, 13c; southern, I3ST13'.;c. Potatoes quiet; Now York. $2.3714 2.f0; sweets, $3fj 4. Tallow teudy; city, 3c; country, Sy,ri3c. Cottonseed oil steady; prlmo crude, 20f!21c.; do. yellow, 21S23V4C Pe troleum nominal; refined New York, $0.03 Philadelphia and Baltimore, $G; do. In bulk, $3.50. Hosln steady, strained, com man to good. Jl.lOffl.lj. Turpentine quiet, but firm, at 2C3C'.ic Ilico firm; domestic. fair to extra. 4rC'Ac; Japan, Q5Vic Cabbage quiet at $3(33.50. IMg iron war rants quiet at $G.70i(G.i5. I.alto copper firm at $U.S5il2, Tin barely steady at $14.15014.25. Spelter unchanged at t!.12V4 61.35. Load barely steady at $3.72V4(L? 8.75. Baltimore. March 2. Flour dull and un changed. Wheat strong; spot and month, $1.01?; U 1.02; April, $1.02'iffl.02,,4; May $1.02HH1.02',V. steamer No. 2 red. 87i,4 97Vfec: , sputher-o, by sample, SSc.(S$1.02V4 do. on grade, 9S',ic,(a$1.02Vi. Corn firm spot and month. 31i(,3l',4c; April, 34i,4a 3lc: steamer mixed, 33'Mfw&c,: south cm, white and yellow, SSi&St-Tic Oats oteudy; No. 2 whlto, 34Vii4i35c; No, mixed, 3232c Ilyo nrmcr; No. 2 near by, 55iJi5Cc; No. 2 western, 6Ci(i57c, Hay steady; choice timothy, $12,501(13, Grain freights quiet; not so much doing unchanged. Sugar strong and unchanged, Hotter llrm and unchanged. Uggp quiet fresh, lSfllSUc. Cheese steady and un changed. Lettuce, $lffll.50 per basket Whisky, $1.2091.27 per gallon for finish cd goods In carloads, $1.2Sri.29 per gal Ion for Jobbing lots. 1.1 vn Stock MnrkotH, New York, March 2. llccves actlvo and generally steady; top grades of steers firm; all sold; steers, $1.C0Q5.30; oxen $S.60R4; bulls, $3.10'Q.4; dry cows, $2.35ffjr 3.50. Calves actlvo; all sold; veals, poor to prime, $1.50fl7.75; chqlco, $8. Sheep steady; lambs less actlvo; sheep, $4fiC: lambs, $3.50f0.37,i. Hogs slow and lower; quoted at $4.20j4.45; best utnto hogti, $1.50. Knit Liberty, Pa., March 2. Cattlo stoady; prlmo, $4.505; common, fi.uyui', bulls, stags and cows. $2W4. Hogs lower; prime medium weights, $4.15fir4.20i heavy Yorkers, $I.104.15; light Yorkers, $iy. 4.06; pigs, as to quality, 3.b0'Q 4 ; heavy hogs, $1.054j4.15i good roughs. $303.60; common to fair roughs, $2.50&3. Sheep itrong on sheep; steudy on lambs; choice Bheep, J1.864J5; common, $3.604; choice lambs, J5.7WC-SC; common to goodi, $4.75 6.70. Vonl calves, $G.50fl7; heavy njid thin calves, $3fl.50. to cum; a cLi in onk pat.' Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All druggiats refund tho money if It fails to cure. 25c. Tho genuine has J It. (J, ou each tablet. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO. A lllll to Mnko Possible tiio Itoormill lznttou of tho lloail. Annnpolls, Mil., March 3. Delegat") Jolm H Wirt Introduced into the house of iloleirates yesterday a hill to provide for the complete reorganiza tion of the Baltimore and Ohio ltnll- road company. The Incorporators named In the hill are Messrs. Louis Fitzgerald, Henry nudge. Eugene Del ano and 13. 11. Iiaoon of New York, George H. Karl of Philadelphia, Alex ander Hrown, John (till of Hoston, W. F. Flick. Kdwin Warfleld, James 13ond, J. McKenny White and Thomas J. Ilnywnrd of Baltimore. It is explained that there is no imme diate prospect of a reorganization of the road, and that the hill introduced is solely for the purpose of putting tho Incorporators In a position to enrry out their plans should they matin e dur ing the two years which must Inter vene before another .session of the leg islature will be held, as under the lav s of Maryland the complete reorganiza tion of the road, who h mlf,ht Involve some change In Its character, could not ho carried without the consent of the general assembly. It is also as serted that the hill Is a move upon th part of the New Yolk reorganization committee to forestall any action tho Bnltlniore committee having the same purpose In iey; may attempt. l'lili I'loi bin l.llnlled Will Again ltiln on thtt Southern Hallway. Tho Florida Limited, which is the s.vn- iiiym of all that is ehuaiit in lern mil- way tmlns. and whirli during its formei service has been a prlnit lav .. -!( for totn it- Irom the Nortii seokhv th" ri.il climate oi Florida, will bo placid it. -' i ice hy the Southern K.ilhvay about thcllrst week in htnuarv. MH. With it letnm to service this train, which will bet-olid Pullman vestibuled between Xe.v York, Philadelphia and St. Augustine will pwent featuics in the way ol luxurious and comfortable appointments not heretofore pio-cnted, ami which will te lestined to add still liirther to Its already noil establhlicd popularity. The Southern Kuilttay is having built for tho Florida Limited serv'ce three traius.earh containing a dining car, two drawing room sleeping cars, a compartment ear and a library and observation car, each car com plete in all Its appointments and (.quipped with tho very latest devices and appliances for tho comfort and convenience ol the pas sengers. While no scliciuiio has as yet neen announced, it can bo stated that it will l.o tho quickest ever arranged between Philadelphia and St. Augustine, and will be so planned that passengers can leave Philadelphia at somo convenient hour during tho day and ar rive at St. Augustine before nightfall of the following day. Philadelphia llecord. Notice. Applications for lurther informa tion addressed to Jno. M. Ileal), instrirt Passenger Agent, Southern Itailway, 8!28 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention. 10-2.1-tf LITTLE DAN'S CONTRIBUTION. Bout HIb Penny Savlnirs to lltilld ft Now llattloslilp, Indianapolis, Match 4. Ten daya ago little Dan Walllncford, aged 7 years, son of C. A. Walllngford, of this city, took from his savings bank 48 cents all it contained purchased two cent stamps and forwarded them to Secretary Long, with the request that the money be used for building a new battleship to replace the Maine. Since the publication of young AVal llngford's patriotic expression numer ous congratulatory letters from dif ferent parts of tho country have been received at the Walllngford home. The lart letter to come Is a reply from Stretary Long, and is as follows: "My Dear Little Patriotic Lad: I have your letter and the 24 two cent postage stamps enclosed with It, which you have so generously taken from your spending money and given to your country. There Is not so much need for help In building a battleship as there is for the relief of the poor sufferers on the Maine. I have, there fore, given tho stamps to Mrs. Edwin Stewart, who Is treasurer of a society of ladles who are collecting money for the benefit of those sufferers, and I have asked her to send you a letter of acknowledgment. I am sure a lit tle 7-year-old who begins by showing so much Iterest in his country will grow up to be nn honorable and useful citizen." DON'TNliKJ LECT A COMMON CASE OF PILES. It May Lead to Serious Results. When people generally understand that all such fatal diseases as fistula, ulcer of tho rectum, fissure, etc, almost invariably begin in a simple case of piles, they will learn the wisdom of taking prompt treatment for the first appearance of troiiblo in tins quartei The Pyramid Pilo Cure will certainly cure evory form of piles, Itching, bleeding, pro truding or blind plica, and hundiedsof lives have been saved by using this cheap but effective remedy right at the start, becatiso at such a time a singlBpackago will affect a cure, while in tho chronic, dcp seated cases, sevt-ral packages are sometime necessary befora a lasting cure is all'ecteil. Physicians are using the Pyramid Pile Cure in preference to surgical operations and with uniform success. The remedy is pio- pared by the Pyramid Drug Co., of Marsh all, Mich., and for salo hy druggists evcry- whoro. This Una receive hundreds of testimonial letters from cured patients and publish a fresh list every week. This week wo take pleasure in presenting the following: From Jlr. M. A. Wilson, Pcabody, Kansas: Your Pyramid Pile Cnro received and I have re ceived moro benefit from two applications than from all other medicines I have over tried. I have beeii troubled with piles for 30 years. They would come down evory day and have to be worked back, but have not been down since the ilrst application of the Pyramid. I am a convert to tho merits of tho Pyramid Pilo Cure. From O. 1). Kdgeiton, Atty.-at-law, Noith field, Vermont : Send mo two packages of your Pyramid Pilo Cure. My father, who lias had piles for 10 years, says your remedy is the best he has fuund and ho lias tiled everything. From V. II. floodman, flreen. ville, Teias, (leutlemeu ; I have had wonderful reliel from the Pyramid Pilo Cure, I would not ho without it. From Ira Shockey, Long, W. Vu. The Pyramid Pile Cure has cured ino. I have been waiting to see the result before writing and I can hen. estly say I am well of tho pllesaud feel under aaany obligations to you. Fr,..l, lettera will limiear from all Parts of Uie United Stlitos, all testifying to the won- j aerful effects ; which Invariably rosult where this splendid, remedy is used. It is tlio cheapest, baft-stand tuoit cilecttial pilo rem. edf ever placid before tho people and if you annubjcct tuf piles In any form this remedy will remove them. HJson sali at all drug ttores at 50 cts. Kach liackagi) also contains a treatise 'on (tlie cause and cuija of piles, which will Interest and boaoilt Vnyoue so allllctcd. 'afoy Mine!! Every mother feels an i n d c -scribablc dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial :s not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions arc avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour arc obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It is a blessing to woman. SVLOOPERBOTTLE atoll DrutrStoroB, or sent by express on receipt of prico. "'lOKS Containing Invaluable Information of ..nr interest to all women, will bo ecnt I'llCt to any address, upon application, by The BIUUriELD ItEGCLATOU CO.. Atlanta. 0. Utility f.'ouplo to Ilnnir ToKothcr". Montpelier, Vt., March 3. The su preme ourt yesterday handed down a decision refusing a new trial of the case of the state against Mrs. Isabella A. March and William C.J3uzzell, joint ly convicted In the county court of the murder of George Marsh, husband of Mrs. Marshrby poisoning. Judge Iloss sentenced both Mrs. Marsh and Buz- zell to be hanged at the state prison at Windsor nn Feb. 3, 1S99. Children and adults tortured hy burns, scalds, injuries, eczema oi skin diseases may secure Instant relief by using DeWitt's Witcli Hazel Salve. It is tho great I'llo remedy. I. 11. Ilagonbuch. TnKon From .lull nnd Lynched. Memphis, Tenn., March 3. Fred Moore, the murderer of Tom Ander son, was taken from the county jail at Senatobla, Miss., at 2:30 o'clock In the morning and shot to death by a mob of 50 persons. Anderson and Mooru had quarreled about some trivial mat ter. Moore shot Anderson five times, afterward placing the body on the railroad track to hide the crime. Wlioonhn! couch is tho most distiessing malady; but its duration csu bo cut short by I the uso of One Minuto Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy fiir croup and i ill lung ami bronchial troubles. C. 11. llagen-1 buch. Killed With a SInirlo llloW. Montreal, March 3. William Coe, an J old English soldier, was found mur- j dered In tho place where he ro6med. His landlord, John Nesbltt, was ar rested. Coe, It Is said, was drunk and insulted some of the women in the house. Nesbltt remonstrated, and I finally struck him on the head with I a piece of wood, killing him. There Never Was a Better Cure Than Pan-Tina for coughs, 25c. AtGruhler Bros., drug store. Fine Gent's Furnishings l Lends to Good A WW I ;.;.v, Shenandoah's - Greatest Gents - MAX LEVIT, Prop. NUGGETS OP NEWS. Senator Johnson, nt Trenton, Intro duced two bills to reform the election law of New Jersey, Spain has completed negotiations for the purchase- of three Chilean warships which have been In the mnrkot for somo time. Captain Q, E. D. Dlmond, of San Francisco, who on Mny 1 will he 102 years old, Is about t(j start on a pedes trian trip to New York. The sennte foreign relations com mittee will meet on Saturday to con sider what shall he dene with the Ha waiian annexation project. A delicate surgical operation waB performed on Frank I'otureal nt New ark, pieces of a tin can which ex ploded having entered his stomach. Twenty carloads of exhibits for the trans-Mississippi exhibition nnd con signed to the government, commission ers have leached Omaha. Six alleged widows have laid claim to the estate of James Henry White legge, formerly a well known lawyer of New York, who left property valued ut about $50,000. A household ncco-wlty Dr. Thomas' electric Oil. Heals burns, cuts, wounds ol any suit; cures sore throat, croup, catarrh, asthma; never fails. jwouty uiw imi'iicil to Dcnth. Philadelphia, Maich 3 A. J. Cas satt's famous Chesterhrooh stock farm, near Berwyn, I'a on tho Phila delphia division of the Pennsylvania railroad, was almost completely con sumed by fire last evening. Twenty head of valuable Guernsey cows were burned to death, and It was only with the greatest dllllculty that a large number of valuable bulls and heifers and blooded horses were saved from a like fate. Tho llames broke out In the big twin Btables, and In a short time spread throughout the big build ing. The damage Is estimated at $G0, 000., "T own mv whole life to Burdock Blow Bitters. Scrofulous sores covered my body. r .,.,l berond cure. 11 B. B. lias lnatU me a perfectly well woman." Mrs. Charlci Button, Bcrvlllo, Mich. OmViot orn n Aow Tidal. Albany, N. Y., March 3. Maxlmllllan Shinburnc, the convicted bank burglar, was granted a new trial by the ap pellate division of the supreme court yesterday. He brought an appeal from the Judgment of conviction uoon the charge that he was partlceps crlminas with one Brown In an at tempt to rob the First National bank, of Mlddleburg, Schoharie county, on tho night of April 15, 1893. Shinburne, who was captured, In July, 1893, was convicted of burglary, third degree, and sentenced to Dannemura prison for four years and eight months. Most Torturing, Disfiguring, Humiliating Of Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly skin and scalp humors is instantly relieved by a warm hath with Cuticuka Soac, a single application of Cuticuka (oint ment), tho groat skin cure, and a full doso of CuTicur.A Resolvent, greatest ol blood puriiiors and humor cures. Remedies speedily, permanently, and economically euro, when all else fails. PoTTi 1HL'(1 iNt Chkw Cniir. Hnl Propi., Itoitcn, (XT' ' How to Cure Every fiklo iuJ lllooj lluuiur, ' free, PIMPLY FACEScuV.'c,Lm"'olfr? l' SHENANDOAH'S GREATEST f Look Where to Save Your Money. (pleura New styles of Spring Hats are now being shown by us. They are now open for inspection and Only a Starter, we feel satisfied and prices will suit all. Many range in price from 45 cts TO fr r 7, d"ii I'"ir. Tlmt kind Hall HOSe. that will make the wearer smile. We have the very newest creation in plaid nnd polka dot hose. Silk PlUfllerS. winter end of miy iiirrllnepr. We llUVC tllClll rnilL'llll! ill 1 piice from 5 ""Us to 2.25. $3-50 THE UP-TO-DATE HAT A REMEDY FOrt T-ir. Effects oi Tobacco. ( w Ml am. WJSSL VMM' hill jMIlK excessive uso of tobacco, especially by young men is always Injurious and undoubtedly shortens life materially. Mr. Ed. C. Bbson, compositor on tho Contra Costa tfe'jci, Martinez, Cal., writes; "I have used Dr. Miles' Kcstorallvo Ncrvlno and re ceived much benefit from It. I was troubled with ncrveusncss, dizzy spells and sleepless ness, caused by tho uso of tobacco nnd stim ulants. I took Dr. Illle3' Kervlno with mar vclously good remits, allaying tho dizziness, lulcllnj fho nerves, and enabling mo to 3lecp and rest, proving In lay caso a very beneficial remedy." Dr. Miles' Kcstorallvo Ncrvlno la especially adapted to tostorlng tho nervous system to Its normal condition under such circumstance.,. It soolhc3, heals and strengthens. RESTiTJFSEn Dr. Miles' ltcmedlcsl Dr;'Vjj aro soiu uy uu urug Ists under a posltivo juarantoo, first bottlo oencflts or money re funded. Book on dis eases of tho heart and uerves freo. Address, DP.. IIILE3 MEIHOALCO., Elkhart, Ind. PROFESSIONAL CARDS , W. If. Y1NOST, VETEHINARY SURGEON. Orflduute and Lute Resident House Hurgecn the UntversHs- State of X. Y. nc.Ktqunrtcn :-Coimucrcfnl Hotel. She 11 find oali TUT tlC K VKAK COUltSlC. Culls night or day promptly responded. M. DUHKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW". Ofllce Kgan building, cor. er of Main on Centre streets, Sbeuandoah. POMKllOV. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hbcnandoab, Pa. W. HHOUMAKKIt. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market and Centre streets. pn tOK. JOHN JONRS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box M, Mahnnoy City, Pa. Having t lulled under somo of tho brig) .uABtern ip London and Parte, will ty,o lwonn nn the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal ciiufro. Term reasonable. Address In care of Strouo, he jeweler ftlienandnnh. 1 A Handsomo Complexion Is onoof tho greatest diarms n woman can V pOSSCSS. POZZO.NI'9 COMPLEXION POWDEIl lives It. Up-to-Date Hat Store, 15 EAST CENTRE ST. That is the place the closest buyer is now looking for. We are closing out our entire stock of UNDERWEAR At the lowest cash prices. that the styles Only a Starter. Furnishing . House, STORE, 15 East Centre Street.!