The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 28, 1898, Image 2

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u M'.ehcd every KvenliiR, Kxwpt Sumlny, nl
t 9c ttn Jahdin Htkekt, Nkak 1'kn rug.
j HpnMsl n dcitvcKHl in Shrnnmlnntt nd tho toiv.ii for six centm fek. wiv
Iiii Vbc i nrnrrn. tty nmll $8.00 h yiwr, or W
nn a month. ifftl1u In ntlvnnct. Advertise
iont char t u Hworrtimr tn tmiMHiHml imelMoH,
fl'hw rulvLol ' rewrvfl Hi Haht to change khc
IoltJOHC n(l,crtiMtiient vhoTieTer lh pur
'Sat ?i of iti ilonifliitN It. Tho riant li
Iif)orvtl l-i it itny aftvertlncment. whether
MMit tot or ,1 K the puVtltnlitrK tuny rteem
rl proper AavvrviRinit rale mwie Known
uihhi uniillcntion.
Intered M the pitoOlce at Hhenandonh,
second claim mail matter.
"All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
El v e rVm g Herald
m(imy. ri:ui:t'.W!Y n. itH.
TlIK limn who (loos not know what
IwreWtod the Maine is it yet unions
tlie liiNsiiip;
AT a b.ill In Xt'W York oadi guest
roprisuittd a vegetable. It Is pre
sumed that when the onion and Un
horse radish entered there was not a
drv eve in tho house.
TllKiil' is a fronoral demand muting
the people of ijhutiandoah for paved
streets, and the probabilities are one
or two Mpiares will show marked im
provement in this respeet this
Somk of the Democratic annlicant
would be delighted to place a mine
under the C onncihnatiic caucus, if in
explosion would break the "slate" and
belli their cause. Tliev slionld re
member, however, that there are not
sulllcient ofllces to go around.
Tiik principal contest in the organ
ization of the liorough Council at
Mahanoy City, isoverthe iresiiency
W. E, Jones, tho present incumbent
is opposed by I). L. Van Horn, and
the ilfjht bus. developed exciting
features. Uoth gentlemen are well
known here.
Skxatou Hi'TIjKH, of .North Caro
lina, mivb "Ponulism stands for the
l)emoeracy of Jefferson and Jackson
and the liepuyilicauism of Lincoln
Tlie Pop. theefore, feels at liberty to
fuse with iiy party for an oillce
His historical knowledge and politi
cal priiidfyles are well matched.
VjyiY. to think of it, wo haven't
itfeard tho name of Schuylkill county's
warrior bold mentioned for the
fubernatorial nomination. The
uTVV8aid "favorite son" should at
once pen rliis dispatch: "Washing
ton, D C . Dear Jack : Call tho boys
together at Joe's, and whoop up my
boom We must deliver the detHgates
for the Old Man,' 1 lie Congressional
nomination is at stake."
TlIK cin iilation of the Hkkai.J) is
now greater than it lias been at any
other time in many years. The efforts
of the present management is to
offer a newspaper to the citions of
Shenandoah and the Jlahanoy valley
that tho can welcome in their homes;
a newspaper that is progressive, and
the success attending our eifjrts
.shows that wo have not misjudged
tlie wants of our thousands of
.readers. And for this reason the
IIIKUAM) commands a largo advertis-
kng patronage.
Tiik Savannah News says that the
Hirst contributor to tlie fund for the
'new Koiniui Catholic Cathedral to bo
erected in .Savannah was tho six voar-
old son of the Hev. Kobb White,
rector of Christ Episcopal church in
Savannah. The little fellow had
boen frugal with his savings, and ho
had accumulated $5. This he con
verted into a gold piece, and in a
manly fashion carried it to a member
of the Cathedral congregation and
tendered it as a starter for tho ne
building fund. Tho gentleman ac
cepted tho little fellow's contribution
and added $500 to it on hin own ac
count Tiik roaders of the Hkhali) are
always gratified at any success of one
of their former townsmen, Thomas
( J. Foster, now located at Semiiton,
XIuj Colliery Engineer, of which ho
Msltho editor and principal stock
ilder, has increased its capital stock
from $750,000 to $1,000,000 and tlie
Tiitfesof that place says : "Our hat
is a to Thomas J. Poster, the prosl
dent of this concern, to whose bright
mind and active energy tho success
of tlie great enterprise is largely due.
May he live long to witness still more
amaziugdovelopmonttiof his creation,
still in its infancy. It is capable of
enormous development, for its Held is
the whole civilized world."
Audi 11181101' IliKbAND, a patriotic
American tvhoso public utterances
always command attention, said in
an interview on the Spanish quos
ttbn ''Certainly, if guilt is brought
to the door of Spain full retributive
justice should he the order of tho
day ; liberal indemnity, apologies
Id full reparation ought to bo pre-
frable to tho legislators rather than
mt course which would entail upon
le country the consequences of
ur. The attitude of the Adminis-
l-ation Is dignified, worthy of this
htut nation. War scares and tho
Union of war do not move it. It
lilts the necessity of war, mean-
Iiile making ready. Mr. McKlnley
11 not rush tlie country into a nocd-
Is conilict Should the honor of
country demand that Mr M-
kiley sign the proclamation of war
11 do It with tlie bame love for
peace, the same courage and the
same trust in the God of our nation
that nharucterhi'd Abraham Lincoln
nearly forty jears ago,"
Children mid adult tortured hy luirns,
niiliK injurlm, rroriiM nr skin dlwiwa may
upoiire Instant relief by using lMVItt's Witch
ii iium nnve. u in tlio Blent rile iismetly. U.
ii. iiiigcumii'ii.
Some TlilnU Ail.lniii'iiiiieiit May He
Itciii'licil by May or .linio.
Wwihlnjrttm. Fob. 28. Heyond the
fact that the Cnrliett case will he de
cided today, and that aft(r Its illsrus
don the hill regulating tlie right of way
for railroads la Alaska and for other
purpose will probably lie taken up.
the program In the senate for this week
is quite liidennlte. The Alanka bill Is
of much wider scope than its title In
dicates, and It will not be voted upon
without considerable discussion. There
Is no general disposition to defeat the
Mil. but some senators are of the opin
ion that It should be amended In sev
eral particulars, and they wlfl seek
to secure these changes before the vote
is taken. It Is believed the bill will
pass after a day or two of talk upon It.
It Is probable that after tho Aluslmn
hill Is disposed of smrie of the bills of
less general Importance on the cal
endar will be consldt red. One of these
Is the bill for the payment of the claim
of tho book agents of the Southern
Methodist church for property destroy
ed at Nashville during the civil war.
This bill appropriates $288,000, and has
aroused some opposition.
Senators generally agree that unless
there Is some renBo'n for postponing
adjournment It can be reached by Maj
or June. The friends of the Hawaiian
treaty say, however, that some of the
appropriation bills will be held back
until the question of annexation Is de
cided. The program of the house for the
coming week Includes the completion
of the sundry civil bill, which has Jjeen
under consideration since last Wed
nesday, action on tlie bill for the re
lief of tho victims and survivors of the
Maine disaster, the senate bill author
izing the enlistment of two additional
regiments of artillery, and the Loud
bill relating to second class mall mat
ter. The lutter bill has been made the
special order for Tuesday. Wednesday
and Thursday, and a spirited contest
is anticipated.
V hit pleasure is there in life, with a head
ache, constitution and biliousness? Thous
ands experience them who could become per
fectly hoaltliy hy using DeWltt's Little linly
Risers tho famous little pills. C. II. llagen
Iiiich. Coming KventH.
March II. Social and entertainment under
the auspices of the Christian Lndeavor will
lie held iu the M. L. chuicli. refreshments.
Admission 10 tents.
For Infants and Children.
Tls fac-
it n
W "pper
An Old Man'4 Miirilcroim ltnirt.
Nynck, N. Y., Feb. US. I'eter Wagen
hoffcr, about 10 yours old, was shot
by his father, John Wugenhoffer, at
Hockland Lake. The son has been
away for a year. His father Is 78 years
oKJTTeler went to his, father's irout
strongly under the Inlluenco of liquor,
and was refused admission. Later he
greeted his father In the yard, and tlie
old man became so enraged that he
shot the son three times. The father Is
in Jail.
A delay incieases sulluriiig, always keep
Dr. Hull's Pills on hand. They are tho best
medicine, to tako for a weik and run-down
system Dr. John W. Hull's Pills are the
only genuine.
Cblcimo rollct'iiiiin M iirclcrcd.
Chicago, Feb. lis. Olllcer Patrick
Fenton was killed and Olllcer Daniel
Carey fatally shot by Michael Clark,
whom they attempted to arrest last
night. Clark saw his victims fall and
Jumped through a second story window
of his boarding house. He ran to the
parish church and gave himself up to
the priest, who turned him over to
tht police.
licsj to take alter dinner; rb. n n
prevent distress, aiil digcs- EQ9 n R H ,
thin, cure constipation. Br"" B H B 1
Purely vcetalilt-. do not urine " H Si
or caiuo juln. SuM l.y all ctriigglata. cents,
l'reiurca only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. )l.
DurliiL- IMWTIIi: TIM ICS will not only maintain
the liirh ftumlard of cxt-ellent'O it reached the
pat year, nut win Bieuuia.siiy cuticnvor to
uxctd Um im n let record, mid will not swerve
from its net purpose to make
No Journal In more xtniIvfly circulated or
tuwu vilr circle of rcudciH In l'einiwjivunla
Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for one
TC1)MC DAILY. 13.00 per annum i Mccnti
1 EIvX'lO per mouth : ilullv-rtt by uarrleri
for 0 cents per week. SUNDAY Kill I IO.V, 32
lurjfe, lianilsoiiir pases Tit columns, clegantly
llluittruttHl, beautifully printed in oulurn, S240
pcrunnuin; fonts prr copy. Daily nml Hun
lay, $1.00 per annum , M cents per month.
Address all letters lo
Down Otic Street and Up Another,
From Uvcry Ward In Shenandoah.
Hard to hold down the enthusiasm of our
people under such circumstances as those
HUrroundiiiK tho work of th little conqueror.
Thole is no place la tho world where a good
thing Is hetlor appreciated than rlsht here at
homo. We ale quick to seo It anil quick to
"puh along" In tho manner that It merits.
From all paits of thu city couio tho same ro
ports; .success fullous in evory footstep and in
tpstlKalinn of each now case but adds to the
endorsement that has gone before and places
their claims heyond the shadow of a doubt.
This rrpoit comes from West Poplar street,
where our roiicscntttllve found Mr. Hubert
H. Jones, miner, at his place of residence.
Thu follow log statement will Interest our
readers :
'Tor years 1 had backache, but of late it
ecined to have changed uioru to headache.
I also had dilllcnlty witli tho kidney sect
ions, accompanied by ton frequent action. I
was troubled with a listless or tiled feeling
slid though 1 used about every kind of med
icine I knew about, I cannot name olio that
have not tested; I gut no peiinaiicut telicf
from any of them. I finally read about's Kidney Pills and got them from Kir
Mil's l'hainiucy. They were tho llrst remedy
which gave me positive relief. They stopped
tho Madder trouble, aud I lnvo had none of
thoso headaches since. I lccommcnd Dom's
Klduey Pills as tho Lest kidney midicino
i hat orer cumo out."
Dunn's Kidney Pills for sale by all doalcrs
Price SO cents. Mailed by roster-Mbhurii
Co., Ilullalo, N, ., solo agents lor tho U. S
I'ememher tho name Duan's and tako no sub
Cnttlo Het'olptH In I'hlliidolpliln mill
thu Clnstnic Qlmtiil Ions.
Philadelphia. Feb. 2s Tho receipts of
cattle In this city last week were as fol
lows: Peeves, 2.219; sheep, 5.CM; Iiors,
4,273. Kecelnts for the previous week
were: Peeves, 2,722; sheep, 4.559; boss,
Peef cattle wete In llt'bt supply and
prices unchanged. Wo quote: Kxtra,
BUSlMic.; Rood, D5i3Vc.; medium, 4H47C.;
common, 41,nfa4,tc.
Sheep netlve und unchanged. Quota
tions: Kxtnt. KfiS'tc; good, 4',.1f4lic.; me
dium, YttiVii:; common, 3Vj03?ic.; lambs,
Hobs active and bluer; firmer feeling;
best western, STiSGc.
Knt cows In fair demand nt 2V4Q3V4C
Thin cows steady at JSS15.
Veal calves active at ikti'Ac.
JIIU h rows In fair request at J205J40.
Dressed beeves sold from Cc. to 8Vic.
Put If you have weak kidneys, Idadder
troublo or distressing kidney complaint, then
Swaiiip-ltoot will prove to bo just tho remedy
you need. Too frequeut desire to urinate,
scanty supply, pain or dull acho in the back
is convincing evidence, that your kidneysand
bladder need doctoring.
Thero is comfort in the knowledge so often
expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swiunp-lioot,
tho great kidney remedy fulfills overy wish
iu relieving pain in tho back, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of the, urinary
passage. It corrects inability to hold urine
aud scalding pain iu passing it, or bad effects
following tiso of liquor, whip or beor, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
night to urinate. The mild aud the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Hoot is soon
realised. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of tho most distressingcases.
If you need a medicine you should have tho
best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and
one dollar. You may have a samplo bottle
and pamphlet both sent freo hy mail upon
receipt of three two-cent stamps to cover
cost of postage on tho bottle. Mention
UmiAMMind .send your address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Ilinghamton, X. Y. Tho proptietors
of this paper guarantee the genuineness of
this oiler.
rtesult In Toll Heaths and Serious In
Jiifloi to KlKht Others.
Kalamazoo, Mich., Feb. 28. Fire
broke out In Hall Brothers laboratory
at 10 o'clock Saturday night. "While
the firemen were trying- to put the tire
out in the second story a terrific ex
plosion took place, blowing up the en
tire side of tho building. Tho first ex
plosion was followed by two others.
Firemen on the ladder were blown In
every direction by the fearful concus
sion. The dead are: George Halllday,
engine driver; Pat McHugh, plpeman;
John Hastings, Jr., hoseman; Charles
Whiting, spectator; James Qulgley,
spectator; William Wager, fireman; L.
L. Hollo way, druggist; Frank Auwers,
fireman; Eugene Dole, fireman; Joseph
Clifford, telephone lineman.
The following are the most seriously
Injured: Will Hastings, scalp badly
cut and right foot blown off, necessi
tating amputation; James Utter, driv
er, both legs broken; John Mcbermott,
fireman, leg broken and face badly
burned; Ordway Knight, fireman, head
badly cut; George Chatterton, bark
broken and leg Injured; Victor Volcelle,
scalp badly cut and skull injured; Fred
Storher, hip Injured; John McAllister,
fireman, leg broken.
to cum: a coi. i) in o.m: hay.
Take Laxative ltromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists iff und the. money if it fails to
cure. 25c. Tlie gcuulno has L. II. Q, ou
each tablet.
1' 1 1 1 1 1 un t rs A tra In I.'it 1 1 ti Isii lol y.
Key West, Fin.. Feb. 28, Nine Cu
bans, who were picked up In a row
bout off Unhla Honda (on the north
coast of the province of Pinal del ltlo),
were landed her Saturday by the
steamer City of Key West. They are
the leaderd of a big filibustering ex
pedition which has Just landed in Cuba.
They are General Nunez, Captain John
O'lirlen, Cartaya, Ca'rlllo, Pugluchl and
four others. The expedition, which
started from Jacksonville, landed In
the province of Plnar del Illo and San
tiago de Cuba. The junta's representa
tives hero say that another big ex
pedition lias landed safely In Cuba.
This Is said to be O'Brien's biggest and
best expedition.
NowUnthotl In Ifiiulc Itolfnory,
Omaha, Nob., Pel), 28. A report has
Just been received from Bayard, a town
in the Interior of the state remoto from
telegraph service, that two masked
men took A. O. Taylor, president of tho
Bank of Bayard, from bed Saturday
night and compelled him to open tho
safe of the bank. Only a small sum
was secured. Taylor was severely
beaten about the head. A posse Is In
pursuit of the lobbers,
Hundreds of lives saved every year by
having Dr. Thomas' Erlectrlo Oil In the liotiso
Just when it is needed Cures croup, heal
burns, cuts, wouadt of every sort.
fiovon Moot Death Whllo (lolim to n
Surprlto Pnrty.
Chicago, Feb. 28. A bus filled with
pleasure seekers was Btruck by a Gmnd
Trunk passenger train In the south
western part of tho city Saturdny
night. Six of the number were killed
outright nml ene died soon ntterward.
None of the occupnnti. of the vehicle
escaped without Injury; two belnr bad
ly hurt. A slight down grade pre
vented the driver from stopping tho
vehicle, as It slipped on the Ice and
snow, nnd just as the frightened horses
leaped across the railway tracks the
heavy locomotive struck the vehicle
fairly In tlie middle, hurling1 humnn
bodies and fragments, of debris far
from tho tracks and continuing on its
northwnrd journey several hundred
feet before It could be stopped, passing
over scvctlil bodies in its progress.
Tho victims of the. disaster were on
their way from West Harvey to Blue
Island, whore a surprise party was to
be held. Physicians wore called, nnd
with the aid of the passengers the in
jured were removed to the hotel at
Blue Island, where tho festivities which
had been planned were to bo held.
Thero were but few couples In the
pleasure party, 14 others who were to
have gone having1 remained to take
another bus.
The dead nre: Jennie Wlllette, IS
years old; Sophia Vunliuren, 15 years
old; Louis Sauerbler, 15 years old, son
of the driver; Fred Policy. 20 years old;
Thomas Hayes, uged 20; unidentified
Whooping rough is the must distressing
nialadv: but its duration c-.n ho c ut short by
tho use of Ono Minute Cough Cure, which is
also the best known remedy croup and
.ill lung and bronchial troubles. C. ll.ltagcn-
Hie Florida Limited Will Again Kiln
tliH southern Hallway.
The Florida Limited, which is tlie syn
onym of all that is elegant in modern rail
way trains, and which during its former
service has been a prime favorite for tourists
from the Xortli seeking the mild climate ol
Florida, will bo placed In service by the
Southern Railway abuut tho Hist week 111
January. IM)S. With its return to service this
train, which will bu solid Pullman vestihuled
between New York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustine III present features in the way ol
luxurious and cunifortablo appointments not
lieretuforo piescnted, aim which will le
destined to add still further to its already
well established popularity
Tho Soutliei u liailwuy is having built for
thu Florida Limited i-erv'co three trains.eai h
containing a dining tar, two drawing room
sleeping cars, a compartment car aud a
library and observation car, eacli car com
plete iu all its appointments and equipped
with tho very latest devices aud appliances
for tho comfort and convenience of the pas
sengers. While no schedulo has as yet been
announced, it can bu stated that it will ho the
quickest over arranged between Philadelphia
and St. Augustine, and will be so planned,
that passengers can leave Fhih'.ut, ,iliia at
some convenient hour during tho day aud ar
rive at St, Augustine beforj nightfall of tho
following day. PJiiliiieipUia Record.
Notice. Applications W turther informa
tion addressed to Jno.
f. Peal!, District
Passenger Agent, Soutlfcrii Railway, 2S
fhcitiiut street, Philatlc
phia, will receive
PTompt attention.
The Coming Woman
Who goes to tho club while her husband
.nils t In, littliv. us wi.ll
.... 41... .......1 ,.1.1.
fashioned woman who loo
will lioth .it. times L'er. run1
ksSftor her home,
iliiivn in .lw.'iltli.
I hey will he troubled wit
I. .....1.. ..1 1 t
h loss of appetite,
i , -1 r, .iu...,
nciuiHciicj, sleeplessness, ..minu w .i..j
spells. The mtst woudetl'l remedy fur these
women is 1'lfirrii. hitters. Thousands of
sullorcrs Irom lamo back lauu wean Kidneys
liso up and call it blessed! It is tfce medi
cine for women. Fcin:(lo complaints and
nervous uuUDIes ol an funis aru soon rc-
I! 1 1... ,1 .. ..P l.,,,
cato women fhould keep Mils remedy on hand
to nuiiu up tlio system. fJiuy ouc. per uuuic.
For bale by A. Wasley.
l'ltzlnftOlo; oyj Mny KlRhr.
Indianapolis, Feb. 28. Fitzsimmons
has wired a proposition to the effect
that he Ib willing to light McCoy If tho
Btakes were made large enough. The
"kid" not being home, his brother.
Homer Selby, immediately answered
FItzslmmons' telegratn, proposing $10,
000 a side, and if that was not enough
the amount would be doubled. Stake
holders should be named at once and
McCoy's money posted Immediately.
FItzslmmons was asked to send a rep
resentative to Cincinnati on Friday,
March 4, to arrange;
un mnnev. '
details and put
. . ! '
Thousands of People HaWe Dyspepsia in Its
Worst Form and Do Not Know It
A weak stomach is the cause of about
nine-tenths of all disease, yet iu most cases
the wrong thing is trptcd and the true
cause overlooked.
This is because a enk digestion pro
duces symptoms resembling neajly every
disease because it weakens and disturbs the
action of every nerve a:
id organ in the body;
poor digestion causes h
part trouble, kidney
troubles, lung weakness
and especially ncr-
voui break down or nervous prostration, the
ni ves cannot stand the
wear and tear unless
generously fed by well
digested, wholesome
Keep the digestion goj
id and no one need
fear the approach of di
Airs. II. M. Lee o
Rochester, N. Y
writes: For the sake o
f suffering humanity
I want to say that from
weak stomach, threw U
after eating and after
. child I had a very
my food very often
t few years nervous
dyspepsia resulted and (j
r more than twenty
years I have suffered inexpressibly,
I tried many physi'
ians aud advertised
remedies with only tern
porary relief for ncr-
vous dyspepsia and not
taking Stuart's Dyspcps
tember, six: months age
until I commenced
Tablets last Sei
liave 1 been free
from suffering caused
nervous dyspepsia.
by the condition of
I have recommende
1 Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets to many of in)
fricuds and now I
o say they are the
believe surest cure
want in a public way
safest pleasantcst and 1
for stomach aud nerve
honest opinion and 1 wi
roubles. 1 write my
I gladly answer any
letter of inquiry at any I
me and feel that I
ping on a good cause,
am in my small way, lie;
Stuart's Dyspepsia Ti
blcl is not a patent
medicine, but they c
salts, digestive acids ant
ntain only the fruit
peptones necessary
to help the weak stomn
cli to pioniplly and
tlioroughly digest food.
All druggists sell Stu
rt's Dyspepsia Tab
s'ued package and
lets at 50 cents for ful
anyone suffering from m
rvous dyspepsia, sour
stomach, headaches, ac
lity, gases, belching
only a quick relief
liarshall, Mich., for
cause and cure of
etc., will find tnem not!
but a radical cure.
Send to Stuart Co.,
little book describing
stomach troubles giving
ment of the various fori
eymptoms and treat
is of indigeition,
Sr-HKnY emit Trrhtmbst for torturing, dliflfr
urlng, Itchinir, burning, anil rcnljrtkln anil scalp
dlscaset with loss or hair. Warm baths wlthCu.
tiour Boat, gentle applications of Cuticdha.
(ointment), nml full of CUTiouiu linoL
vsHT.grciteist ol blood puilQcrs aad liuiuor cures
Ii will throti hntit th woTlJ. Pott a
0 j" ' Huw lo Curu 1 idling Hkfii IMneiuci, ' free,
J.EQ RMMJANDSl;ct"s'H".e'1
Ilenrgo of (Jiwee I'lrt-d Upon Whllo
Dl-lvlliu' With Ills Duiichtfi'.
Athens, Feb. 2S. While King George
wns returning from I'hnlerum Satur
day evening In a landau, accompanied
by the Princess Maria, two men who
were hidden in a ditch alongside the
road opened lire with guns upon the
occupants of the cairlage. The flrBt
shot missed, but the second wounded
a footmnn in tho arm. The coachmnn
whipped up his horses, and the royal
party tlnshed awny at a gallop. The
miscreants fired seven shots after
them, none of' which took effect, and
the king nnd princess returned to the
palace unhurt.
When the second shot whizzed past
the carriage the king rose and stood
in front of his daughter, In order to
shield her. One of the horses was
slightly wounded. One of the assail
ants knelt In tho middle of tho road
nnd aimed straight at the king, who
noticed that the man's hand was shak
ing. Tho shot missed, and the king
had a clear view of this man, who, his
majesty says, wa3 barely 20 years old.
He continued to lire after the carriage
until It was out of range. His com
panion, who was more cowardly, did
not leave the ditch.
The action of his majesty In shield
ing his daughter, the princess, at the
risk of his own life has aroused great
Tho first shot was llred at a distance
of 20 jjards. The king relates that he
perceived a third individual a little fur
ther away, and several persons who
wereln the vicinity during the after
noon report seeing suspicious looking
meij In a field beside the road.
A cadet who was on horseback some
dltanco behind the royal carriage
hJard tho shots and galloped to tho
scene In time to see the king's assail
ants fleeing in the direction of Hy
mettus. All tho healing balsamic virtues of the
Norway pino aro concentrated in Dr. Wood's
Norway Pino Syrup. Nature's own remedy
for coughs and colds.
Jury Decided Against tho State
Omaha, Feb. 28. The Jury In the
case of the state against the bondsmen
of ex-State Treasurer Bartley returned
a verdict for the defense last evening.
The amount sued for was $555,000. The
case was on trial l'J days and was given
to the Jury on Friday evening. The
court's instructions were In effect that
a verdict for the full amount should
be returned in favor of the state. The
state will move to have the verdict set
To Cure. Headache in IS Minutes.
Take Dr. Dtvis' Atl-lleadacho. All druggists.
Buy Koystoucllour. Be suro that tlio namo
Lessig & Baku, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
oir ac.
11 9
to Good
H Looks.
K i5 ' 'it! : ifi
1 s ' Mi 1
i Ihlu 5 S 1 2 5 1
I i ; ' I
4 ;
Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's - Furnishing . House,
Tlio Ovordtio Fronoli Liner T'owotl
Into Halifax Harbor.
New York, Feb. 23. Saturday night
the Holland-Atncrlcnn line steamer
Rotterdam, from Rotterdam, arrived at
Quarantine with Third Olllcer George
Unswerth nnd nine seamen of La
Champagne on board. They wero pick
ed up from a lifeboat on Feb. 21. Tho
men when taken aboard the Hotter
dam were In a helpless condition, hav
ing been In the ship's lifeboat for six
days and nights. They suffered ter
ribly from the effects of tho weather,
and were nil more or less frost bitten.
Third Olllcer Unswerth stated that
La Champagne broke her tall shaft on
Feb. 17, at 5 p. in., und the vessel was
totally dlnabled.
On the morning of tho 18th, the life
boat being fully provisioned, Unswerth
and his crew of nine men left the ship's
side In the hope of intercepting some
passing steamer and getting assistance
for the disabled liner. The men work
ed stendlly at the oars until, on tho
24th, nt 1 p. m the Rotterdam bore
down and stood by, and with no little
difficulty rescued all hands. Captain
Bonjer nnd his officers made the men
us comfortable as possible, and tho
Rotterdam's surgeon nttonded careful
ly to thu suffering seamen.
Olllcer Unswurth reported that La
Champagne was In no danger when he
left, but an the vessel was totally dis
abled there was considerable anxiety
regarding her until last night, when
a telegram from Halifax announced
that the vessel had been towed Into
that harbor by the steamer Roman,
with all on board safe and well.
H'lekleU'rt Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo in tlio world for cuts,
bruises, bores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud
all skiu eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
25 coots ptvr box. For sale by A. Waaler.
ING A ltl;.MAltKAl!t.K ItlX'OllI).
Jacksonville, Fla Feb. 22. Last season it
i was not an uncommon occurrence fur the
J trains from the North to leach hole from ono
to five hours lato. Tho lennrkuble regu
larity of the arrival on time of tho Southern
Railway trains this season is a matter of
couiment and favorablo criticism around tho
hotels and by all incoming tourists. Tho
schedule of the Florid i Limited, the fast
train over the Southern Railway and tlio
Florida Central and Peninsular, is several
hours shorter than that of last year, but tho
track has hccii put in excellent condition aud
the engineers of incoming trains say tho now
schedule is made with case, lw
It's a mistake to imagine that itching piles
can't ho cured ; a mistake to sutler a day
longer than you can help. Bonn's Ointment
brings Instant relief aud permanent euro. At
any drug storo, 50 cents.
And Flutters, the Hand of America, Cali
fornia. Via tho true pathway, "The Iron Mountain
Route," which traverses a region of perpetual
suiisliina, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first
and second class palaco and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Slissouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah nnd
Nevada, without change, Quick time, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
Improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your borne,
literature, and full information, drop n postal
card, J. P. McCanu, T. P. Agent. 511) Rail,
road avenue, Ehnim, N. Y., or 301 Ilrnjid
way, New York.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt. G. E P. Agt.
I'S 11111 II.
Look Where to Save
Your Money.
That is the
entire stock
At the lowest
New styles of Spring- Iats are
now being shown by tsf. They
are now open for inspection and
Only a Starter. We feel satisfied
and prices will suit all.
range in price from
45 cts
Pinp font's ny a lm'f or n"-irtcr
if wii doenpmr. That kind
Half HOSe. tl-at will mnUc the
wearer smile. Wpi lmve the very newest
crcntion iu plaid und polka dot hose.
Fine Imported f-11';
Silk Mufflers, winter end of atiy
purchaser.' We have them ranging iu
pticc ftm 50 cents to ga.25'
From Extreme Ngusiigss,
id fi
THAT no ono remedy can contain the
elements necessary to euro till diseas
es, la a fact well known to everyone.
Dr. Miles' System of Restorative Iteincdlc3
consists of sovcii distinctively different
preparations, each for its own purpose.
Mrs. L. C. Hramlcy, 37 Henry St., St. Cath
erines, Ontario, writes; "For years 1 suf
fered f jom oxtrcmo nervousness and annoy
ing constipation, doveloplnglntopalpltatlon
and weakness of tho heart. I was unablo to
sleep, suffered much from headache, pain in
my left side, n-.lpltatlon and a constant
feeling of weakness and prostration, I began
uslns Dr. Miles' Nervine, Hrtrt Curo and
Nerve und Liver Pills and tho Autl-1'aln
I'lPi to relievo sudden pasbxysms of pain
and headacho. I soon feltmuch Improved
and tlio pains and aches and weariness left
me. I then took Dr. Miles' Ttestoratlvo
Tonic and am now restored to my former
good health."
Dr. Miles' llemcdlesr
aro sold by all drug-
gists under a positive'
guarantee, first botUp
uencuts or money yj
funded. Book on is-
cascsoftbo heart And I
nerves free. AddrWs,
jyt. w. II. YityosT,
Graduate, nntl ljtto Resident House Surgccp
tho University State of N. Y.
llcnduuartprsl-Commerclal Hotel. ShcnaiidoAU
Calls night or day promptly responded.
Otllce-Kgan building, corier of Main an
Centre Mrccts, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre- streets.
Lock Box 6.1, Mahanoy City, Pa.
studied uider some of tho best
mutters Ir- LondaiT an ' Paris, will kIvo lespna
onlbo vlolln.mindollfl guitar arid vooal culture.
Jtsvf.reiteontOMo it-tirena In care of Slrouse.
jeweler nnenan
1 1.
A Handsomo Complexion I
ono or mo greatest cnarms a woman can f
'ives it. i
Up-to-DAte Hat Store,
place the closest buyery
for. We are closingV1"'
V PSllac' 21
r 1
1 I
cash prices.
that the styles 01 a SUlUr'
15 East Centre Street.
, ,