The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 25, 1898, Image 2

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    'X7 1il mrr 1 V
lTAIlI.ISHl'.I) 1H70.
PuolUued every UvenlnK. Kxrciit Sunday, nt
t South jAnmx Sthkht. CF.srRK.
Tlie Herald Is iteitreiru InJOieimnUoBti unil the
urrnumllnK ton .is lor six cents a week, pay
nbl o the carrier. Hy mail SS.00 r. yir, or a"
cent ft month, payable In advance. Advertise
ments chartied nccorilliiKtoncciniI portion.
The publlstieca reserve tho right to change the
position of ailvcrtUcinents whenever the jml
I'tatlon ol news Ucummls It. Tho rlht Is
leservtd to i .ijv'any advertisement, whether
paid lor or not, Jnt tho publishers may ueetii
iproper, AdvcrtlsliiB rates made known
upon application.
Entered at the postoBlce at Hhcnahdoah, I'm., as
second class malt matter.
"All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
Mil Unv AN hit ngi-wil to speaU In
Washington on JolTeixm's liirtliilny.
The occusion will be nmrkotl eliielly
bv the law of contract.
A jf.VA M. olllcer who, a few moments
after loMnir his bliip so suddenly, can
counsel a suspension of judgment un
til the matter has been Investigated,
is what we call a truly great num.
Cuaiuman .Tonus, Chairman Hut
ler. Chairman Towne. nil declare that
the free silver folk must get together,
and they evidently mean it. If any
free coinage boomer refuses to get to
gether he will bo speedily informed
that ho is no gentleman.
Dn. Swallow has a variation ot
lludolph Hlnnkenburg's joke about
Pennsylvania being Quaysylvania.
He says that this is no longer the
Keystone state, but the (Juaystone
Btate. The map which goes with Dr.
Swallow's juke explains that the
proper pronunciation of the word
Quay is Key.
Go KltN'iili Hastinci.i is not a warm
admirer of John Wanamaker, and
while he dislikes Quay, it is an open
question w hether ho cares any more
for the Philadelphia merchant. As
ho is arranging to take a long trip to
California with Attorney General
McCormick in March, the reasonable
conclusion is that he is not anxious
to help the Wanamaker cause.
Ql'lTK a number of our county ex
changes, who apparently have space
to give away, are publishing a 12
inch nnverti.seiuentof Howell's patent
medicine, for one year, in exchange
for the American Newspaper Di
rectory and membership in the Con
fidential Information Bureau. What
use they have for either is diillcult to
determine. Such advertising proposi
should oe deposited in tne waste
for a long time lias this Sunda v
as an institution been handled
,..!.. ...Itl,..,,. ,l...'.iL.. .... f.
ward Hok's editorial on "The J)e-
. nr Nntiiliiv Ni inn ' in run Aliirioi
Ladies' Home Journal. Mr. iok has
evidently studied his subject closely,
and the results must have been far
from satisfactory, judging by the
way in which ho handles the entire
topic. In words which no one can
misunderstand, with a sure aim, lie
pillories the avurago Sunday school
and declares it to bo "a rebuke to in
telligence and a discredit to the
church." Probably no religious
article of recent publication will
cause so much comment or evoke
such bitter controversy as this re.
markable editorial by tho Philadel-
Many Varieties.
There are publications and imbli-
o.aHniiK. There are some that are
ear at an price, wnore tne anver-
sr in cijiicmiieii. il iiieroiiiiiiL cull
a - 1 ...l.ll.
lin mtp iiiilv f,eiin exorbitant, vet it
n -nncAtinli ii It, tipntmi'Tlftii Tn
tlie returns received oupiiosini; tie
would say to the business liiana-jer,
"No, you must run this advertise
ment for much less or I will k'vo it
to your competitor." He places his
nd. in the cheap-rate paper, strides
homo with the satisfaction of having
"ilnriH.ui)" and irot even with that
.J.-l. I 1 ...wl ,..1...1l..
1111 jlliUUll , lit... JllUVll.ltJ
! . ... . ...Ill ,ll.,...,iti,,,,
Tho two miners when printed loon
n good deal alike. He got his cheap
advertisement, which probably
wasn't worth one-third what he paid
for it, and then becomes a continued
pessimist on tho question of adver
tising. As he was probably a two
cent limn, ho doubtless got tho worth
of his money.
The paper asking tho higher and
reasonable prlco goes right on giving
good yalue received, publishes an ttp-to-dute
medium. Tho cheap con
cern In time drops out of tho race
and quits indiegustnnd doesn't know
"whut's the matter." Tho cheap
advertiser has let his more prudent
competitor get the start of him, .and
he quits and doesn't know "whut's
the matter."
The cheap paper publisher und tho
nliPim advertiser both thought they
knew it uu, aim uom louucu uui in
.... . . i .i i . .
isdain on tlieir respective compel
ors. Thoy are both in timo looking
r a Job and giving past acquaint
ices us references. Their business
id not been a success on account of
laru iiiiieo.
i .1
Ilucklen'a Arnica 8U.
. . . I 1 3 t
lsea, sores, ulcers, salt rheam, lever aorou,
1 1 1 n-n anil
kla eruption, and posltfYoly cures yllos,
o pay required. It i guaranteed to We
ect aaturactlou or mouy reiunueu. rnw
qu per dqx r ur nu ujt a m miu
i n l l a ir.i-.
Tim 'Irivrtriiiiiont Witt J?mlpnvor til
ItftllK tlu I'lOlIll to .lllHlk'O.
Washington, Feb. 26. The postoMce
department hni directed Inspector Wil
liams, at ChitUinonira, Tenn., to de
tail another inspector to proceed to
Lake City, S. C and anslat Mr. Moye.
Who arrived ihere Wednesday nlftht to
conduct the liivi-Htlirntlon into the mur
der of Postmaster Haker and the tiurn-
lnK of the luntolllce. A singular coin
cidence In the case of Haker is that on
Feb. 21, the day of the night on "which
he was murdered, he wrote a letter to
the postottlce department saying that
his life had been threatened, vnd ask
ing that the government extend some
protection to him. tonator MeLattrln,
of South Carolina, was among Post
master General (Silly's callers yester
day, and expressed ills horror at the
crime In which Baker lost Ills life. lie
asked that the department use every
means at Its command to discover the
perpetrators of the outrage, and as
sured General Gary that lie would do
everything In his power to assist him.
A dispatch was received from In
spector Moye, at Lake City, saying
that he was pursuing the Investigation
diiected by the department. There was
no clew to the perpetrators, and no part
of the postolllee pioperty bad been re
covei ed.
to cum: a coi.i) is dm: iav.
Take. Laxntivo llromo Quinlno Tablets. All
ilrugKists refund tlio money if it fails to
cure. -'.V. Tho gcmiino lias L. 11. (J. on
each tablet.
1'he riorldil Limited Will Again linn on
the Southern ltailviay.
Tho Florida Limited, which is tlio syn-
oiiyin of all that is elegant ia modern rail
way trains, and which during its former
service lias been a prime favorite for tourists
from tho North seeking tlio mild climate of
Florida, will be placed in service- by the
Southern Itnilw.iy about the first week in
.liuiuarv. lM's With its leturn to service this
train, which will lie solid Pullman vestlhuleil
between New York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustine will present features in the way of
I iixu t iuns and comfortable appointments not
heretofore pie-cnteil, ana which will le
destined to add still further to its already
well established popularity.
The Southern Railway is having built for
the Florida Limited serv'te three tr.vins.eacli
containing a dining car, two drawing room
sleeping ears, a eoinpaitment car and a
library and observation ear, each ear com
plete in all its appointments and equipped
w ith the very latest devices and appliances
for the comfort and convenience of the pas
sengers. Wlille no schedule has as yet been
announceil, it can be stated that it will bo the
quickest over arranged between Philadelphia
and St. Augustine, and will be so planned
that pas-engers can leave Philadelphia at
some convenient hour during the day and ar
rive at St. Augustine before nightfall of the
following day. Philadelphia Ileeord.
Notice. Applications for lurthcr informa
tion addressed to Jno. M. Ileal), iJistrict
Passenger Agent, Southern It.iilway, MS
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, wjll receive
prompt attention. 10-25-tf
Whooping cough is the most distressing
malady; hut its duration can be cut short by
the use of One .Minute Cough Cure, which is
also the best known remedy for croup and
.ill lung and bronchial troubles. C. H.llagen-
Coming Kvouts.
Miueh 11. Social mid entertainment under
the auspice of the Christian Kndeavor will
lie held in the M. 1'.. ebureh. Iicfreshments.
Admission 10 cents.
Theio nre three Utile things which do
more work than any other three little tilings
created they are tho ant, the hee anil
peWitt's Little Lariy ISIsors, tho last be'ng
tho famous little pills for stomach and liver
troubles. C. II. lliigeiihucli.
KmlH'..lnl' Acl.f rdgeti m-niio.
Boston, Feb. 23. William II. Iilrd,
the former bookkeeper of the Frnming-
ham Savings bank, who was arraigned
In court Feb. 3, charged with the em
bezzlement from the banking institu
tion of $10,000, and was held in $20,000
bail, has been adjudged insane and
committed to the state Insane asylum
nt Wcstboro. Ilird was in Cambridge
jail awaiting trial.
cur tor iliirrlxoirft Hoolc nifl'reoMiVer
Chicago, Feb. 23. Mayor Carter II.
Harrison announces that he will write
n linnlc on the free silver question, to
orove his devotion to tho white metal.
The book will be Issued within six
liestore full, regular action
of the bowels, do not Irrl
tato or Inflame, but leave
all the delicate digestive or-
ganlim in perfect condition.
Try them. 25 centi.
l'r chared onlj bj C. 1. liood Co., Lowell, Mum,
Agent for
Shenandoah and VJcJnitj
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
Every man s
wife vh lias
knows a good
drink Try it on
your husband
S A TillP. TIM aud ir WOMAN'S BEtlEC,
B AlwrtpnmnUnlrllliU. AvopI Imtalmu,
SL-At il rur turn. 01 km Jlrect (kM !.''Au
"aB9CATo Hrso. Co , IkMton, Mau. Our book. 4e
For aale at Klrlln'a drug utoreanj Bheuandooi
drug ator.
Ib's. Tbi auanx
tur improves cheap
cotlce and makM
f vouadrii.nuaiiaK i k
lur liu.c rnonev, Jc. apaiu-f
1 A..e grm era,
Serious ItCKtilts Soiiietlnicii Follow Ita III e Itne.
Common soui Is nil right in Its place ami
Iniliipcimhlc hi tlio kitchen and for cooking
and washing purposes, but it was never In
tended for a medicine, and people who use, It
ai shell will some day rcgiet it.
We refer to tlio eommou use of loda to re
lieve heartburn or sour stomach, a habit
which thousands of people, practlco almost
daily, and one which is fraught with daugcr;
moreover tho soda only gives temporary re
lief and in tho end the stomach trouble, geta
worse and worso.
The soda nets as a mechanical irritant to
the walls of the stomach and bowels and
cases are on record where it accumulated In
the intestines, causing deatli by liillammu
Hon or peiltoiiltis.
Dr. Harlmidsoii recommends as tho safes
and suiest cure for sour stomach (acid dys
pepsia) an excellent preparation sold by
Iruggists under thu name of Stuart's Dys.
pepsia Tablet. These tablet! aro large 2(
grain lozenges, very pleasant to taste and
outaiu tho natural acids, peptones and dl
gestive elements essential to good digestion,
and when taken aflor meals they digest the
food perfectly and promptly before it has
time to ferment, sour and poison tho blood
and nervous system.
Dr. Wuerth states that ho invariably uses
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets in all cases of
stomach derangements and finds them
certalu euro not only for sour stomach, but
by promptly digesting the food they cieatea
healthy appctltu, increase tlcsh and
strengthen tlio actlou of the heart and liver.
They aro not a cathartic, but intended only
for stomach diseases aud weakness and will
bo found reliable in any stomach trouble ex
cept cancer of the stomach. All druggists
sU Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at 30 cents per
littlo book describing all forms of
stomach weakness and their cure mailed free
by addressing the Stuart Co. of Marshall,
HiiMtlnu" 1"ooh 5,'ot Hxpeot War.
Ilarrlsburc, Feb. 23. Governor Hast
ings arrived home last night from New
Haven, and was asked what he thought
of the present alleged troubles be
tween the United States and Spain
While he did not care to discuss the
matter, he intimated very plainly that
he did nut tl.lnk there was the least
possibility of any immediate trouble
between the two countries. As proof
of this belief the executive will In a
few days leave for tho Paclllc coast,
to bo absent three weeks. Almost
every mall brings to him letters offer
lng to raise troops to offer the govern
ment In the event of war.
I he bladder was created lor one purpose,
namely, a receptacle for the urine, and
such it is not liable to any form of disease
except hy one or two ways. The first way is
from imperfect action of the kidneys. The
second way is from cai cless local treatment of
other diseases,
SAMl'Li: SUNT 1-RKi:.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is
the chief cause of bladder troubles. It
comforting to know that Dr. Kilmer's Swam)
Hoot fulfills every wish in quickly curing
bladder and urinary troubles. It corrects ina
bility to hold urine and scalding or stinging
pain in passing it, or bad effects following use
of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that
unpleasant necessity of being compelled toget
up many times during the night to urinate,
The mild and extraordinary effect of Dr,
Kilmer's Swnmp-Root is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cures of
the most distressing cases. If you need
medicine j ou should have the best. At drug
gists fifty cents aud one dollar. You may have
a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free
by mail upon receipt of three two-cent stamp;
to cover postage on the bottle. Mention
Herald and send your address to Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Tile pro
prietors of this paperguarantee the genuineness
of this offer.
ConcroHsinon More Ulicriil In Wnrllko
AVashlngton, Feb. 25. The house de
voted Itself strictly to business yester
day, and disposed ot 40 additional pages
of the Bundry civil appropriation bill
An unsuccessful attempt to Increase
the appropriation for tho suppression
of epidemic diseases $200,000 led to con
slderable debate on the advisability o
establishing a national quarantine. The
fact that the government is preparing
for contingencies was recognized In the
house yesterday when Chairman Can
non, who has been laboring to keep
down appropriations, accepted without
a word of protest an amendment to In
crease the appropriation to care for the
unused machinery at the Sprlttjfleld
arsenal. Mr. Gllrctt explained that
necessity for using this machinery
might occur at any time. Resolutions
which were objected to a few weeks
ago for the appointment of two ex
navnl cadets to positions In the en
cineer corps of the navy were also
adopted. One of them will fill a va.
cancy caused by the death of Lleuten
ant Merrltt, of the Maine.
A feature of the senate's session yes
terday was the speech of Mr. Spooner,
of Wisconsin, on the right of Henry W,
Corbett to a seat In the senate from
Oregon under appointment of the gov
ernor. Mr. Spooner made a constltu
tlonal argument In favor of seating Mr,
Corbett, and had not concluded when
the senate adjourned. An effort was
made to obtain consideration of tho
Aluska homestead and railway right
of way bill, but on a parliamentary
technicality It went over. The resolu
Hon offered on Wednesday by Mr. Al
len to annolnt a committee of live sen
ators to Investigate the Cuban sltua
tion was withdrawn by its author whe
It was laid before the senate.
The Coming Woman
Who cocs to tho club whilo lier liuslian
tends tlio lialiv. as well as the good old
fashioned woman who looks after her home,
will both at tunes got run down In health
Tliev will lie troubled with loss of apnetlte,
headaches, sleeplessness, fainting or dizzy
spells. Tho most wonderful remedy for them
women Is l.lcctrlc Hitters. Tliousanns
su tie re rs from lama hack and weak kidnc.
llso tin mid call it blessed. It Is tho mod
cine for women. Female complaints aud
nervous troubles or all Kinds are coon re
lieved bv the use of Electrlo Hitters. Deli
catn women rhoitld keep tills remedy on hand
to liulhl up tlio system, uniy cue. per bottli
For sale by A. wasiey.
l'nst Trains to Florida.
Tlio Southern itallway is now oneratln
threo trains on weekdays, and two on Hun
days on the fastest and most convenient
schedules ever in effect between l'uiladalphl.
and the resorts of Florida. Call on or ad.
dress John M. Ileal), District Passenger
Agent, 82S Chestnut street, riiiladelphia, for
illustrated nutter and all information. 18-lw
Ah Itellcoted by Dcnllngs 111 I'lillndol-
phln mid Haiti more
Philadelphia, Feb. 21. Flour firm: win
ter supcrllne, $3ff3.30; do. extras, k3.2MJ
65! Pennsylvania roller, char. 4.ztT4.4U;
do. straight. H.BOtM.TO; stern winter,
clear, $l.50ifl.C0: do. straight, JI.Coflt.M);
city mills, extra, Js.Goea.iw. Itye Hour
moved slowly at J2.7r.W2.S0 per barrel, as
to quality. Wheat lower; No. 2 red, cash
and February, Jl.OlVittl-Ol'..; mi. ueia
ware and No. 2 Pennsylvania red, $.102'4fl
.02V4. Corn slow; No. 2 mixed, cusli and
'ebruarv. 33fi 35Uc. : No. 2 yellow, for lo
cal trnde, 31c. Oats quiet mid steady;
No. 2 white, 33c.; No. 2 white, clipped,
31c. Hay In good demand, choice tim
othy, $12 for largo bales. Heef steady;
icef bntns. $23ff2l. I'ork easier; mess,
$10.731711; fnmllyi $13ri3.B0 Lard oasler;
western steamed. $6.47 i. Hutter llrm;
western creamery, lltMSOc; do. factory,
He; Elglns, 20c; Imitation creamery,
I31(l7e.: New York dairy, l3Wlic; no.
creamery, limuc; fancy l-ennsyivnnia
prints jobbing at 23g26c; do. Wholesale,
22c. Cheese dull; large, white and col
ored, September, 8V4c; small do. uo
September, 8?ifi9c; light skims, OSiCVfcc;
part sklins, 4fi5Vic.; full skims, 2ru3c. Eggs
llrm; New York nnu i'ennsyivania, iic.;
Western, fresh. 13c.
western, fresh, 13c. Potatoes steady;
Now York, J2.37i.2.GJ; sw. els, $3tf4. Tal
low steady; city, 3a.; country, 34f3c.
Cottonseed oil easy; prime crude, 20V4c.;
do. yellow, 23ti23Vic. Petroleum firmer;
ellned New York, $3 CO; Philadelphia and
Baltimore, $6.55; do. In bulk. $2.93. llosln
steady; strained, common to good $1.4i'ni
1.13. Turpentine firm at 3OTi35c. nice
llrm; domestic, fair to extra, 45Tbc;
Japan, GfyGijO.. Jlolasses llrm; New Or
leans, open kettle, good to choice. 2xp
33c. Cabbage quiet at $3113.50. Pig Iron
warrants dull at $(!.13(f 6.(15. Lake copper
higher at $11.5GSil.C0. Tin llrm nt $1I.03W
11.15. Spelter unchanged at $U0fel.3O.
Lend easy nt $3.751i3.SO.
Baltimore, Fob. 21. Flour quiet aud un
changed. Wheat dull and lower; spot
and month. $1.00?iil.01; March, $l.Uljf
1.01U: May. $1.U01.01; steamer No. 2
red, 96W&MM.C.; southern, by sample, t)Se.
C$1.02; do. on grade. 97c.iii$1.01. Corn dull
and lower; spot and mr.nth. 31Vt'3r-4c. ;
March, 3PBc; April, 3Hi3IUc: Ktcnmer
mixed. 33Mj33?4C.; southern, white and
yellow. :Uti33c. Oats llrm; No. 2 white.
31',s33c; No. 2 mixed. 3J!4g33c. Ityo
easier; No. 2 nearby. 5Bc. : N ' vstei i
67c. Hay steady for best grades; cholco
timothy, $12,501(13. Grain Heights veiy
dull, demand light, unchanged. Sugar
strong and unchanged. Uuttcr firm and
unchanged. Fggs quiet and unchanged,
Cheeso sternly and unchanged. Lettuce.
$1.23 per basket. Whisky unchanged.
l.lvi' itn'k MiirUet.
New York. Feb. 24. No trailing In
beeves; fei'Mng steady: cables iiuuttd live
cattle unelmngiHl tit London uml Liver
pool; refiigi'iutor beef. S',e. pur lb. Cnlves
llrm; veuls. WJfiS; no gr.issers or west
erns, bheep ami lamDs arm, out quiet;
heavy lambs not wanted; sheep nom
inal nt $3.fj0'5; lambs, Jo.COfiO for good
to prime. Hogs weak nt $1,257(1.50.
East Duffnlo. Feb. 24. Cattle about
steady. Hogs about steady; Yorkers,
good to choice, $4.17?f 1.20: roughs, com
mon to choice, $.1.G5fr.1.S3; pigs, common to
choice, $164.10. Sheep und lambs llr'nier;
lambs, choice to extra. $5.i0fiD.75; culls
to common. ?l.'.iUy 5.40. Sheep, choice to
selected wethers, $4,851(4.90; culls to com
mon sheep, $3.23S3.M,
Jlrs. Mnniiliii: TJIcetrd rre-ilrtoiit.
Washington, Feb. 25. The election of
oITlcers of the Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution, assembled In congress
here, was not llnlshed last night. The
vice presidents general and historian
general yet remain to be elected. Mrs.
Daniel Manning was elected r resident
general, she receiving 306 votes, against
HQ for Mrs, Donald McLean and 220 for
Mrs. Hose llrockett. Mrs. A. D. llrock
ett, of Virginia, was elected vice presi
dent general, and Mrs. Charles A.
Stakely, of Washington, re-elected
chaplain general. The other ofllcers
are: Secretary geneVal, Mrs. Albert
Ackers; register general, Miss Sue Het
zel; treasurer general, Mrs. Mark B.
Hatch; assistant historian general, Mrs.
Robert S. Hatcher, of Maryland; li
brarian general, Mrs. Gertrude ISascom
Knifiozzler Moony I'lciuW Utility.
Chicago, Feb. 25. William O. Moody,
bookkeeper and cashier of Dunlop
Brothers, bankers, pleaded guilty yes
terday to the embezzlement of $26,000
of the funds of the Oak Park Building
nnd Loan association, and $2,747 from
Dunlop Brothers. He was sentenced
to an Indeterminate term in the peni
tentiary. Moody was prominent In
church and social circles.
"Saved iiler Life."
TtS. JOHN WALLET, of Jefferson,
Wis., than whom nono is moro highly
cstccmod or widely known, writes.
"In 1800 1 had a sovero attack of LaGrlppo
and at tho end of four months, In splto of all
physicians, friends aud good nursing could
do, my lungs hoart and nervous system wcro
so completely wrecked, my llfo was 3o
spalrcd of, my friends giving mo up. 1 could
only slocp hy tho uso of opiates. My lungs
and heart pained mo terribly and my cough
was most aggravating. I could not Ho in
ono position but a short timo and not on my
loft sldo at all. My husband brought mo
Dr. Miles' Nervlno and Heart Curo and I be
gan taking them. When I had taken a halt
bottlo of each I was much better and contin
uing pcrslstontly I took about a dozen bot
tles and was completely restored to health to
thosurprlsoof all,"
Or. Miles' Remedies
aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, Erst bottlo
benefits or money re
funded. Hook on dls
jases of tho heart and
nerves freo. Address,
IHt.fIILi;.iMr:DieAl.CO., Ulkhart, Ind.
Livery and
No. 13 Norjth Jardin St.
Oovornor Mount ltuniilim Down tho
Self Appointor! UxooiltlonofH.
Cross Point, Ind Feb. 25. Thero Is
a large crowd here at the preliminary
hearing of Intlrmary Superintendent
Hughes, arrested by Governor Mount
as the leader of the mob that lynched
live outlaws last September. Only one
witness was exnmlned for the stnte,
Charles Kclley, a boy, who was In the
Versailles Jail at the time of tha
lynching. He said ho knew Hnrry
Andrews, J. H. McCoy and Hose
Hughes when they entered the Jail and
told nil to throw up their hands.
Hughes hit Shuter with a. club, nnd
then put a rope over his head and drag
ged hlin out. Hughes came back and
told Kelley to remain still, as he (Kel
loy) was not wanted. McCoy hit Jen
kins and dragged him out, McCoy
shot Levi, the leader. Kelley said they
wore musks, but he recognlged their
voices. The relatives of tho live vic
tims nnd over n hundred ot their
friends are here, but the other specta
tors outnumber them four to one. The
relutlves will not be able to testify for
some days.
A Chicago motormnn was killed and
two passengers Injured by a train
striking n trolley car.
Experiments will be made In rural
free mall delivery In Burlington county,
N. J., nnd Bucks county, Pa.
It is said that two Spanish detectives
have been watching the Holland sub
marine boat nt the shipyard at Ellza
bethport. N. J.
Dr. Gatllng, who Is superintending
the construction of a big gun at Cleve
land, thinks the coast defenses are not
what they should be.
The Interior department has decided
that it must be shown that a pensioner
was addicted to drink at the time the
Injuries were sustained before his pen.
son can be annulled.
Shennndonli is Learning it, Learning
it Fast Proof not Lacking.
Kveryliody has it.
That tired reeling.
Don't know what it means.
Keeps you awaks at night.
Destroys dally comfort.
Wearies tlio body. Worries tho lulud.
You would shako it nil'.
You would be hoaltbful and strong.
So you can.
If you go at It right.
First lcaru what it means.
Somo say it's bad blood.
Others say it's a lazy liver.
They're all wrong.
Tired feeling means tired kidneys.
Just as Lame back means Lamo Kidneys.
And liackaciie means Kidney Ache.
How do wo know it?
llec.iuso Dean's Klducy Pills cure It.
And tliey aro for kidneys only.
How can we prove it?
lieeauso tho public say so.
Here is a caso in point :
,Mrs. Wm. Gradwell, of 28 North Gilbert
street, says : "I had no trouble with my back
until about four years ago but from that time
on it was quite severe and stcmed to bb of
the ii'ituro of a pain across my loins and
when standing much an aching took mo
across my back. At times there was con
siderable pain between my shoulders. The
kidney becretious wero not normal and
caused an uncomfortable feeling. I had a
tired sensation mornings which mado me
loso all my energy. I becamo interested in
Doan's Kidney Pills and procured them from
Kirliu's drug store and though I did not tako
a whole box I found thorough relief from tho
troubles. I am quite freo from them all now
and I consequently have no hesitance in re
commending Doan's Kidney Pills as a valu
able preparation for the kidneys."
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers.
Price DO cents. Mailed by Fosler-Mllburn
Co., Iiullalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho U. S.
Ivcmembcr the name Dean's and hike no sub
stitute. Fine
Gent's I
$ Lends
I to Good
MiVll, I GEM
Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's -
The Weakness
A woman who has suffered eighteen ycars who has
been aired after a life of n, isery and lives again in the
sunshine of happiness spca.':s to other women in words
of no uncertain meaning.
lust a woman's story.
Not strange because it happens every day,
not romantic or thrilling, but just a story of
misery and suffering such as only women
For eighteen years, Sara E. Bowen, of
Peru, Indiana, carried a burden of pain.
Night and day, without respite, she suf
fered the most dreadful experience that ever
fell to the lot of woman.
That she did not die is almost beyond
That hf. Is well to-day is a miracle.
Mti. Bowcn's trouble requires no descrip
tion beyond the symptom, which every
woman will instantly recognize.
In describing them Mrs. Bowen says :
"For eighteen years 1 suffered with
weakness peculiar to my sex.
"I was a broken down piece of human
ity! a shadow of a woman.
"My brain was tortured until I could re
member but little. I could not sleep or eat
and was reduced in weight to a mere skele
ton. What little I did eat could not be di
gested in my weakened state, and caused
me untold misery.
"My skin was muddy, my eyes were
heavy. I was di::y all the time and to
tally unfit for even ordinary housework.
" Doctors prescribed for me without avail.
Medicine was recommended and taken in
quantity but it did no good.
" Time and time again I was at the brink
And I'bmcru, the Iliuid of America, Cali
fornia, Via the truo pathway, "Tlio Iron Mountain
Iioute," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunslilno, whero snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes aro unknown. Pullman first
nnd second class palace and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old nnd New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, and full information, drop a postal
card, J. P. McGinn, T, P. Agent. BIO Rail
road avenue, Elmini, N. Y., or 301 Broad
way, Now York.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. E P. Agt.
A thrill ot' terror s experienced-when a
brssy cough of croup sounds through tho
house at night. Hut the terror soon chnuges
to relief after Ono Minute Cough Cure lias
been administered. Safo and harmless for
children. C II. Hugcnbuch.
t?l tidMtoiiii VnTiee tiio-r.ri i rn .
London, Feb. 25. The St. James Ga
zette says It Is Informed that Mr. Glad
stone will shortly undergo an ope'rat
tlon to alleviate the pain caused by
necrosis of the bone of the nose from
which some of the specialists say he
Is Buffering.
For Infants and Children.
lis fie
tUdle Blgaatsrs
Look Where to Save
Your Money.
New styles of Spring Hats are
now being shown by us. They
are now open for inspection and
Only a Starier. We feel satisfied
and prices will suit all. Many!
range in price from
45 cts
PinP npflt'c Buy n half or quarter
fr i? tt "zcn I"'r- Tliiit kind
Half HOSe. that will mnkc the
wearer smile. We linve the very newest
crcatiou in plnkl and polka dot liose.
Fine Imported ?Shi; V,!fi!
Silk Mufflers, winter end of any
purchaser. We liuve them ranging in
piice from so cents to 52.25.
of despair. Day by day my trouble grew
worse, and dark indeed was the day before
my deliverance.
" A friend of mine told me about Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People and what
they had accomplished for others in my
" It was the first glimpse of the sun of hap
piness through the dark clouds of misery.
"I bought a box and took them. Even
then I felt their effect. I bought more and
continued to take them until I was well
and strong.
" They liberated me from the most terrible
bonds that ever tortured a woman. They
brought me new life when death was
" I recommend them to my friends, and I
do not hesitate to say to every suffering
woman ia the world that Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills will cure her."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
arc a specific for all forms of weakness.
The blood ii vitaliied and becomes preg
nant with the elements ;f life. The ner -vous
system Js reorganized, all irregularitcs
are corrected, strength returns ana disease
disappears. So remarkable have bfa the
cures performed by these little t-illi that
their fame has spread to the far ends of
civilization. Wherever you - ,-ou will
find the most important article in every
drug store to be Dr. Williams' Pink PillJ
for Pale People.
lU. W. II. Y1NOST,
Omdunto nnd Ijite Resident Hollso Surgccp
the University State of K. Y.
Hciuluimrtcrai-Coniniercial Hotel. Shenandoah
Calls night or day promptly responded.
M. BUltKK,
Oulce Kgnn building, con er of Main nn
Centre streets, Shennndonli.
.) .
Sbennndoah, 1'ft.
Corner Market nnd Centre streets.
Lock Iloz 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under some of tho beet
runaters 1p London And Pnrls, will give les,nnff
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vooal culture.
Termp reasonable. Address In care of Strouse,
the leweler Shenandoah.
Handsomo Complexion
tho greatest charms a woman can
I'ozzoni's Complexion l'owrjun
Up-to-Date Hat Store,
1 is one of
That is the place the closest buyer is now
looking for. We are closing out our
entire stock of
At the lowest cash prices.
that the styles Only a Starter.
Furnishing . House,
15 East Centre Street.