EVENING HERALD icsTAiu.isiucn ir7o. Published every Evening;, Kscept Sunday, nt SonTn Jardin Htbbbt, Near Ckntrk. Dio Herald la dellveinl InSliciiHUdonn nml the surrounding towns for six cents a week, pay Bbl otlio carriers, lly nmll J.l.OOn yiMit.or S cents a month, paynhlo In advance. Advertise ments charo-ed ncconlliiK to ponce nml tni-dtlon. The publishers reserve the riKht to chango the position of advertisements whenever the pub ':rtlon of news demnmts It, The right Is reserved to wJeMftny Advertlseincnt, whether pAld for or not, .tat tho publishers may deem iproper. Advertising: rates mmle known upon application. Knterod at the postoDlco at Hhenaudoah, Ph., as second class mall matter. TELEPHONIC CONNKOT10N "All the News Thai's Fit to Print." Evening Herald TiiriiSDAY, FEI1HUAUY 21. IMS. TllK minor of Grfiitor New York 1ms very tmtl milliners, if the reports of his reception of the captain of tho Spanish ship now in our waters lire true. TllK manner in whioh Captain Sifrsbee conduct hiim-olf in tho try ing ordeal lie is passing through ex cites tho admiration of naval oflieers of Christendom and adds lut-trp to the name of the American seaman. TllK evidence for tho defence in the case of Sheriff Martin, now on trial, puts a different aspect on matters around Lattimer on the ill- fated day in September last to what the evidence of tho prosecution pre sented. War has not yet been declared against Spain, but Congressman Brumm is still declaring war against the Civil Service law. Ho lias a bigger job on hand than Samson had when he killed so many Philistines with a similar weapon. NoTWiTiiSTANDlXO our friend David Graham's statement to the olTeot that he has tho Mahanoy City postofflce in his grasp, wo are st'Al of the belief that he will never lick stamps for Uncle Sam. When the appointment is made, however, he will bo just as anxious to lick both his journalistic partner and Urunim. Thk steamship companies and their agents are agitating against the passage of the Immigration act. It would mean a great loss to these companies if the bill bocame law, but a great gain lo tho workingmeii of this country. Congressman Brumm is receiving hundreds of petitions in favor of the enactment of more stringent laws than now koxist. It has become so common a prac tice for political organizations to leave a balance due tho publishers at the close of every campaign, that a kick is seldom heard. Publishers have become so use to tho practice that they expect it. Hut a Now York publisher has entered suit for a claim of tltls nature. There are a very few publishers with sufficient nerve to push a suit of this kind, although it 0 is strictly a business transaction. Thomas V. Uoopkh, of Media, is out as a candidate for Governor and has cut loobo from all relations with tho Quay forces. He has announced this in a telegram just sent Senator Quay, as follows: "I havo burnt all my bridges behind mo. I am out to make new friends. You need not dook for my assistance any more. I am my own candidate for governor and have no boss." Cooper has here tofore been a strong Quay supporter It is amusing, In theso times of pro gressive journalism, to rear'i the self laudatory comments of some county newspapers over what they term "special industrial editions." The fact of the matter is, they are com piled and printed in a Philadelphia newspaper oillco as an advertising scheme, and those enterprising (?) county papers receive a $5 bill for their "distribution." Fortunately there was but one newspaper in this county that was so badly in need of the small stipend. Beautiful Tribute. The following beautiful tribute to tjie gallant sailors of the ill-fated Maine was delivered by the Ilev. Father Woods, at a Requiem Mass celebrated in the Church of the Holy Cross, Platbush, Now York, on Washington's birthday : "No true American has ever gone to his grave unwept and unsung. His bones may rest on a foreign shore, but hie memory and tho glory of his achievements live and become the Beeds which keep our country tilled with heroes and patriots who are Inspired with the spirit of '70. We have never been precipitated in trouble with other nations Bave when justice and right have been violated or endangered. Tho brave men whose loss wo mourn to-day started a few weeks ago on the ill-fated Maine simply to protect our countrymen in Cuba. They lost their lives in saving those who sought shelter beneath the Stars and Stripes. We add now lustre to tho crown of Washington i by doing honor to the memory of tho Idead horoes," These are sentiments which rouse echoing Anion in tho breast of kevery patriotic citizen Uueklan'a Arulea Sab The. bent salve In tbS' farnisei. aoref. nlcen, aril rheiil tetter, cha'VPed handjfchilbUInsJ alUktneroT"0!?, and positively cO or ao mt required. It w euaranh perfect utiiiaotlon or mcmy refunde MccnUperbox, For le by A. W The I'lorldn Limited Will Again Hun nn the Southern Hallway, The, Florida Limited, which Is tlio syn onym of nil that Is cleKHiit in modern rail way trains, and which dnrhiR Its former service has been a prime favorite for tourists from the North seeking tho mild clltnato of Florida, will he placed in service by tho Southern Hallway about tho first week In January. 1MW. With its return to service this train, whiih will be solid Pullman vcstlbulcd between New York, Philadelphia and St. Augustine will present foatures In tho way of luxurious and eonifurtahli; appointments not heretofore presented, and which will lo destined to add still further to Its already well established popularity. The Southern Hallway is having built for tho Florida Limited serv'cc three traiiis.each containing n dining car, two drawing room sleeping cars, a compartment ear nml n library and observation car, each ear com plete In all its appointments and equipped with the very latest devices and appliances for tho comfort and convenience of the pas sengers. While no schedule has as yet been announced, it can bo stated that It will bo the quickest ever arranged between Philadelphia and St. Augustine, and will bo so planned that passengers can leave Philadelphia nt some convenient hour during the day and ar rive nt St. Augustine before nightfall of the following day. Philadelphia Koiord. Notice. Applications for further informa tion addressed to ,lno M. Ileal!, uistrict Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway, S28 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention. lu-aii-tf Mothers Friend. What Is it? Much lias hetn said and written about It, but the half has not been told. It is a remedy If used by Hxpectant Mothers rob the ordeal through which they all have to pass of an incredible amount of sutl'erlng and makes her recovery moro rapid. "If a price can bo placed on pain, Mother's Friend is worth Its weight In gold as an alle viator. My wife suffered more in ten min utes with either of her two children than she did altogether with her latt, having prev iously used four bottles of ''Mother's Friend." It is a blessing to any expectant mothur, says a customer." Hknuhrson Dam:, Druggist. Ciumi, III. If any lady who desires to investigate the merits of Mothers Friend will send their ad dress we will mall to her free of charge our little hook containing valuable information ami voluntary Ustimonials. Tin: liiiAUPirji.ii Itmm.ATOit Co. Atlanta, Ga. Sold by Druggists. Georgo Kllot. She- Is fominlno to tho ery core, though hor understanding is that of n man. Evon her early ploty, with Its zeal that bordered on tho sanctimonious, is very womanly. And, though hor Christianity passed nwny, hor piety roninlned to tho very end. It preserved her conselonco nllvo, nnd It filled hor with nn ninultion to lenvo the world soniothlng hotter for hor having lived n necessary inspiration, surely, for good work of any kind I Sho wns moro womnnly still in hor rcceptlvonoss and clinging dependence. AH through llfo Oeorgo Kllot needed n man's arm to lean on. Klio leaned on thnt of her fnthor Adam liedo In his strength, Caleb Garth In his Rolf distrust; on her brother's, tho Tom Tulliver to her Hag gle; on that of Georgo Henry Lowes; finally, when sho was old and nlling, on that of Mr. Cross. One cannot look hack on her life without recognizing tho loving, sympathetic, trustful woman's heart us well os tho powerful und splendid Intel loot. Academy. Every thought, word and action takes vitality from tho blood; every none, muscle, bone, organ and tissue depends on tho blood for its quality mid condition. Qnyiuo- Therefore pure Opriflg blood is absolutely MpriiriniP necessary to right medicine Mui, iina healthy bodies. Hi kI'n Sarsapiirilla is thegrcat blood purilier and tho best Spring .Medicine. Therefore it is tho great euro for scrofula, salt rheum, humors, sores, rheumatism, catarrh, etc.; tho great nervine, strength builder, appe tizer, stomach tonic ami regulator. Sar-saparilla;'K?,: tlx for $5. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. (let Hood's and only Hood's. Hood's Pills takenatterdlnneralddlgeitlon. WM. SCHMICKER, JR. Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinltj --For BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer I Grocers can tell you whv Uiose K., Canting wnen Vccpcominjrbuck iir.il ie anlfiir It. Strnnrre ... . (though how long admixture to ,tta1-M le ordinary col-ltry a new tiling. tee manes at- k delicious drink r.ck.ij. ATOM'S TANSY PILLS .. n. iwi nt WOMAN'S RELIEF. AlT promol bd1 rtlitt.lt. AvoU Jntitaitou, At rltn tnrM liiuntdlrrrt (wtltKlL DftCt. II CATOvDrKO.Cu-.boctoD.M4M. Our foot. 4C For mI nt Kirllu'a drug irtor and Shenandoah drug stort Hood s m a Saving Lives. Doctors declare that cancerous growtht cannot be cured. Surgeons say they can cut them out, but that it only postpones the in evitable. The old trouble comes back. The poison it in the blood. You can't cure it from the out side. Make the blood pure and rich, then the disease can't thrive. That is exactly what Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is good for. Rev. I. W. Hill, pastor of tho M. E. Church at West Almond, N. Y. ,some years ago suffered with a cancer of long standing on the lip and concluded to have it removed. About three weeks before the operation ho purchased Dr. David Kennedy's Favor ite Remedy, and continued taking it for some time after the cancer was removed. Ten long years have passed since then, and no trace of the ugly thing has returned. This wonderful medicine acts as a nerve and blood food. It makes permanent cures of Nervous Debility, Sleeplessness, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism and all Women's Weaknesses. It restores the disordered liver to a health condition and cures constipation. $1 a bottle at druyylitt'. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE Anil Flowers, tlie lliilul of America, Ctlll f irnlit. Via the truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain Route," which traverses a region of perpetual sunshino, where snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first nnd second class pahtco and tourist sleeping ears to points in -Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California. Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without change, Quick time, low rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chaso tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway system. Kor rates right froui your home, literature, and full information, drop a postal card, J. P. MiCann, T. P. Agent. 519 Itail road avenue, Elmira, N. Y or 3111 Broad way, New York. 3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. E P. Agt. BLADDER TROUBLES. The bladder was created for one purpose, namely, a receptacle for tile urine, nnd as such it is not liable lo any form of disease except by one or two ways. The first way is from imperfect action of the kidney?. The second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases. SAMl'I.H SUNT l'KKH. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. It is comforting to know that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root fulfills every wish in quickly curing bladder and urinary troubles. It corrects ina bility to hold urine nnd scalding or stinging pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At drug gists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail upon receipt of three two-cent stamps to cover postage on the bottle. Mention Herald and send your address to Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The pro prietors of tiiis paperguarantce the genuineness of this offer. THE WRECK" OF" THEASIA. Tliroo Survivors 1'lnootho I.tst or tlio Donrt nt KlKhtoon. Provincetown, Mass., Feb. 24. Will lam F. Smith, Jacob Steburc and James Paces, three survivors of the wrecked British ship Asia, are at Hyannls, hav ing been rescued from a piece of wreck age by the crow of the Handkerchief UehtPhip, and thence transferred to the United States steamer Azalea. The men had been lloatlnsr for 24 hours, and were greatly exhausted. They report a terrible experience after the vessel struck on Ground Shoal. Mrs. Dakln, the wife of the captain, with her daughter, Mate Cook and four sailors, left tho Asia on a rude raft, and the survivors did not see them again. They believe that the bodies now at Wood's Hall are those of the daughter and Mate Cook. Captain Dakin himself was washed overboard nnd drowned while constructing the raft. Following Is a list of those lost: Cap tain G. N. Dakln. Mrs. Dakln, Lena Dakln, First Mate Thomas Cook, Sec ond Mate John Crosby, James Murray, Michael Doyle, Charles Stone, Frank "Walter, Charles Wyna, George John eon, Charles Itamba, Charles Williams, Charles CarUton, John Fielding, Bur nett Burneson, Alfred -Oldbury and Fred Lanchette. 1 .1.-111 ... a ,vnftrtfoirsfl wtipn a !. ....l. nr i -in t uiinitt rhrntleh tlm house at night. Hut tho torrur soon changes to relief after Ono Minute Cough Cure lias been administered. S.fe nnd harmless for children. U 11. liugcnmicu. Tln Cfininpfoii 'riirciui imio. New York, Fob. 24. Thomas D. Hoop er won thu amateur pigeon shooting championship of American for this year at the Carteret Gun club's grounds, near Oarden City, U I., yesterday. Mr. Hooper Is better known In financial circles than among pigeon shooters, aa he Is a prominent Wall street broker. Mr. Hooper killed 88 birds and mUsed 12. Enorgy all gone? Hoadache? Stomach out of order? Simply u case of torpid liver. Burdock Blood Hitters will mako a now man or woman of you. Fuit Trains to Florida. The Southern itallway is now operating three trains on weekdays, and two on Bun days on tho fastest and most convenient schedules ever In effect between Philadelphia and tho resorts of Florida. Call on or ad. dress John M. Beall, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, for illustrated matter and all information, 18-1 it Never Falls for Coughs and Colds. That's what Pan-Tlna is, 23o. At Gruhler Brtx., drugstore. i1' The produce thahkets- An ltollootcri by Doullnir In I'lillndol ttlitn nml llnltlmoi'o. Philadelphia, Feb. 23. Flour strong; winter superfine, 1383.30; do. cxtrns, f3.2G J3.C5; Pennsylvania roller, clonr, $1.25f( 4.40) do. strnlght, tl.SOi4.70: western win ter, clear, t4.SOQ4.COi do. strnlght, tf.CGq 4.90; city mills, extra, t3.S0fi J.CO. Ilyo flour steudy, but nulet, ut t2.75S(2.80 per barrel. Wheat stendy; No. 2 red. cash nnd Fcb runry, tl.02',4; No. 2 Pennsylvania nnd No. 2 Delaware rod, tl.0314. Corn firm; No, 2 mixed, cash and February, 33'i3oHc. Oats quiet and steady; No. 2 white, 33c. ; No. 2 white, clipped, 34c. Hay firm; cholco timothy, tl2. Iiecf firm; beef hams, t23J? 24. Lard firmer; western steam, tfi.MHS 6.65. Pork tlrm; fnmlly, 13.00. Uutter firm; western croumery, 14V20c.; do. fac tory, 1HI4c.j Elglns, 20c.; Imitation cream cry, 13Cil7c; New York dairy, 13Ul"c.; do. creamery, 14s19c. Cheeso dull; largo, white and colored. September, SHc.; small do. do., September. 8V 9c.; light skims, CjiG'jc.; part skims, i'iju'ac,; full skims, 2f3c. Kggs firm; New York and Pennsylvania, S'fjlSe.; western, fresh, 15c. Potntnes steadier; Now York, t2,37'MJ2.00j sweet, t3iil. Tallow llrm. elty, 3c.i country, 3V4'i734c. Cottonseed oil Arm; prlmo crude, 20'c; do. yellow. 23023'Ac. Petroleum firmer; refined i'cw York, t3.50j Philadelphia nnd llaltlmofe, t5.45; do. In bulk, f2.S3. Cabbage dull, but steady, nt t33.50. Pig Iron wurranls rud at 10.500 0.70. Lake copper firm at tll.3Uffll.60. Tin quiet at tl45il4.10. Spelter llrm nt t4.10 4.30. Lend barclv stendy nt t3.77ViJ73.S2V4. Ualtlmore, Feb. 23. Flour llrm und un changed. Wheat dull nnd lower; spot nnd month. tl.02iil.02V&; March, t1-02VM(1.02; May. tl.U2Mil.02V4; steamer No. 2 red, fiSlifiHSc.; southern, by sample, S8w.f7tl.03: do. on gr.ide, 9S3ic.f7tl.02fi. Corn dull and easy; spot und month, 34'4SJ3l9ic.; March, 3lS34ifec; April, 34 Mf 3 IT(,e. ; steamer mixed, 3l'ii31ViC.; southern, white. 345S 3554c; do. yellow, 34Vvfi35':e. Oats firm; No. 2 white, 35c; No. 2 mixed, 32V4nT33o. Ilyo ensler; No. 2 nearby, 5U!ie. ; No. 2 western. 57'iC. Hny stendy; choice tim othy, tl2.60dil3. Grain freights very quiet, unchangtd. Sugar strong and unchanged. Butter firm nnd unchanged. Kggs quiet and unchanged. Cheese steady nnd un changed. Lettuce, $1.25 per basket. Whis ky uniJiiinged. l.hn Stock Mnrlcnto. New York, Feb, 23. Steers closed lower; oxen and bulls stendy; cows easier; all sold; steers, $4.50fi5.20; oxen, t2.7534.B0; bulls, $3.2563.90; cows, $2.3.ri. Calves firm; all soldi veals, $4.50I8; yearlings, $2.60 8.12V4. Sheep scarce and firm; light lambs llrm; heavy do., dull; four cars unsold; fair to good sheep, t4.25B4.70; Iambs, t5.25 RC.05; one car extra nt t0.124. Hogs weak at ti.30fH.50; cholco state pigs. $4.00. Kast Liberty, Pa., Feb. 23. Cattle about steady; prime, $4.D075; common, $3.50f(4 bulls, stags and cows, t2!34. Hogs slow and lower; prime mediums nnd best York ers, $1.2Gfi4.25; light Yorkers. JI.O5ffi4.10; pigs, $3.90171: heavy hogs. t4.154.20; good roughs, $3.40(t2.nr; common to fair. t2.50fl B.25. Sheep steady; choice, tl.805T 1.90; com mon, t3.50fi4. Veal calves, tG.5087.25. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forovor, be made well, strong, masnetic, full of new llfo nnd vigor, toko No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker that makes weak mcu strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from your own druggist, who will guarantee a euro. 50c or $1.00. Booklet and bample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Bemedy Co., Chlcaxo or New York. Moth HunllHtH Mortally Wounded. Little Hock, Ark., Feb. 21. A bloody tragedy was enacted here yesterday, the principals being Dr. J. II. Hartsell, a physician, and William Klliott. The tragedy grew out of family nrl'alrs In which Mrs. Hartsell was Involved, and which, it Is alleged, led to that lady's suicide about a month ago. Dr. Hart sell fired three shots at Elliott, two of which took effect. Klliott wrested the revolver from the physician's hand, turned it upon him and fired two shots. Physicians pronounce both men mor tally wounded, it is said that Elliott made improper advances to Mrs. Hart sell during tho doctor's absence some time ago. The Hartsells filially sepa rated, and later Mrs. Hartsell commit ted suicide on account of her trouble. Wo nro anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no plcasantcr or better way to do it than by recommending Ono Minuto Cough Cure as a preventivu of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that lollow neglected colds, C. U. llagcnbuch Tlio fftudont Vdiuntoor. Cleveland, Feb. 24. There are 1.D00 students and 600 missionaries, profes sors and representatives of missionary societies In attendance at the third In ternational convention of the student volunteer movement. Simultaneous meetings will be held dally in several halls and churches near the Armory, which Is too small to hold the delegates. Many prominent churchmen aro pres ent, besides missionaries from every quarter of the globe. IS IT CURABLE. A Question Often Asksd by Thost Afflicted With Piles. Is a stralued jolut curablo? Is local in flammation curable? Of course, if properly trsated. So is piles. People often become aflllctcd with pllos and ask som old "chronic" who has ulwayr; persistod in tlio wrong treatment and natuV ally he discourages them by telling them that their caso is hopeless. They in turn discourage others, and thus a dlseaso that can in every easo bo cured by careful and skillful handling is allowed to sap the energy of thousands whomght free themselves of tho trouble in a fey days. Pyramid Pile Cure will cure the most ag gravated case of hemorrhoids n an astonish ingly short time. It relieves'' the cougested parts, reduces the tumors instantly no mut ter how Urge, allays tho Inflammation aud stops the aching r itchlnc at one, Thousands who had resorted to expensive surgical treatment have been cured by tho Pyramid Pile Cure in i uumberof instances persons who had spent (nontlis in a hospital under a pile specialist. - It is a remedy that none need fear to apply even to the most acciavated, swollen and inflamed hemmorrhoidal tumors. If you are afllicted with this stubborn dis ease you cau master it aud master it quickly. This remedy is no louger au oxperimeut, but a medical certainty. It is manufactured by the Pyramid Drug Oj. of Marshall, Mich. Druggists sell It at 50 cents per box. It Is becomiug tlio most pjpular pile cure this country has ever known and druggists every where are ordering it for their customers. EVAN J. iDAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, No. 13 NorH jardin St. 1 The Prince of Wales J0IIANN HOrr'S MALT EXTRACT. AnrnoELniE Castlk, I ADEHDEENSIimH. I Please supply three dozen Hoff's nalt Extract, on account of 11. R. H., Prince of Wales. J. Cross. lly goods train to Abergcldlo, Ilnllatcr, Aboruccnshire. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Tho genulno Joltunn llotfe Malt tstract makes Klcsh and lllond. Moro strength in one dozen bottles of Jotiann Moll's Molt txtract thnn In a catlc of Ale, lieer or Porter, without their intoxicating effects. ItUN.NINO OS thu:. MlUTIllMlX RAILWAY PLORinA TRAITS MAK ING A RIOIAlIIvAlll.K RIXUED. Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 22. Last season it was not au uncommon occurrence for tlio trains from the North to reach hcru from ono to five hours lato. Tlio remarkable regu larity of tho arrival on thno of tho Southern JJiil way trains this season Is a matter of comment and favorable criticism around the hotels and by all Incoming tourists. Tlio hcbedulo of tho Florid i Limited, tho fast train oor tlio Southern lialhvay and tho Florida Central and Peninsular, is several liouis shorter than that of last year, but tlio track has been put in excellent condition and tho engineers of incoming trains say tlio new schedule Is made with ease. lw Give the Children a Drink called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to tako the place of collco. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who havo used it because wbcu properly prepared it tastes like tlio finest coffee but is free from all its injurious properties. Grain O aids digeitiou and strengthens tho nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can driuk it with great benefit. Costs about I as much as railee. 15 and 25c. I.nlto Cltv'H Po'stolllon DiRonntinntMi. Washington, Feb. 21. Tho postmastei general has offered a reward of $300 for the arrest and conviction of the per sons who burned the postofflce at Lake City, S. C, on Monday night, and a reward of $500 for tho arrest and con viction of the persons who murdered the colored postmaster and his child at the same time. General Gary has Is sued an order to discontinue the olllce at Lake City from this time on. Tliero aro threo littlo things which do moro work than any other three littlo tilings created they nro tho ant, tho beo and DoWitt's Littlo lvarly IiUers, tlio last being tho famous littlo pills for stomach and liver troubles. (). II. Hiigcnbuch. Mrs. Whitney Norlouiiy III. Aiken, S. C, Feb. 24. The condition of Mrs. William C. Whitney Is 'serious. Evidence of paralysis has sot In. Dr. William T. Bull and Dr. Valentine Mott, of New York, ure In constant at tendance. Dr. Bull arrived on a special train from New York yesterday morn ing. Whooping couh is tho most distressing malady; but its duration esn bo cut short by thu use of Ouo Minuto Cough Cure, which is also tho best known remedy for croup and all lung aud bronchial troubles. C. ll.llagcu buch. Fine Gent's I Furnishings t Lends I to Good ft LOOKS. Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's - Furnishing . House, MAX LEVIT, Prop. MYSTERIOUS "TOJSOh'ING tASfe. Deaths In n Fnrmor'n Fnnilly l.ondto .Suspicions or Murder. Huntingdon, Pa., Feb. 24. By direc tion of District Attorney Dunn CoronVr Schumm yesterdny begari an Invest gallon into the alleged wholesale polsj onlng of the family of Joseph Demci a naturalized Hungarian farmer lot Cromwokl township. Mrs. Demco rynd the youngest child died suddenly fuom what D. J, C. Stever, tho attendllng physician, declared to be convulsion9 caused by an Irritant poison, Dmco and the two remnlnlng children,) suf ferine with the same symptom, arc barely alive. Their bodies nre ema ciated to almost skeletons, and cjivorcd with eruptions. Demco nnd Johm Wll her, also a nnturallzed Hungarian, pur chased a farm In common, amy lived In a double house with their famlVles. Dls senslons arose over Wllber's effort to dispose of an Interest in thai farm to a fellow countryman. ; Wllbdr, who Is under surveillance, acknowledges hav ing bought arsenic reccntljj, but saya It was to kill barn rats. Tlo bodies of Mrs. Demco and the child jwlll bo ex humed. 1 TO CUltU A COI.H IN ONI! HAY. Tako Laxatlvo Bromci Quhilnjo Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it falls to cure. 23c. Tlio genulno has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Kx-?.lii.vor oh n iwistrniffo nonin-r. Canton, O., Feb. 24. ExMayor W. J. Plero, a leading attorney, jwas at r tod yesterday on complaint of Postolllco In spector A. P. Owen, cliargrJd with com plicity In the robbery of tho Masslllon postofflce Sunday morning. William HendeiBon nnd James Crowley wore also nrrestcd. In Plero's office 4,000 stamps wore found, together with a lot of burglar's tools and compromising letters. For Infants anrl SMI The fas- ) It ea M ffrapfer. orcbni-Vo ciiiim ivirr tioiu. London. Feb. 24. The Pekin corre spondent of The Times says: "An Im perial decree having replaced the tao tal of Yen Chau, dismissed on Ger many's demand for the murder of mis sionaries by tha taotal, who was dis missed at Germany's Instance in 1895 for the outrage on Bishop Anser, Ger many now demands the immediate can celling of the appointment. China will be compelled to accede, in order to avoid giving Germany a pretext for the permanent occupation of Klao Chau." Itching, scaly, bleeding palms, shapclcns nails, and painful Anger end., pimple., blacihcad., oily, mothy .kln.dry, thin, and falling hair. Itch Iur, .caly mlp, all yield quickly to warm batha with CuTicon Soap, and gentlo anointings with CencuttA (ointment), tho great skin cure. Qticura Ii mM throughout the world. Fottu Drco and Chiu. I'uHr.. Solit rropt., floitoii. C;7 " How lo Produce Soft, TThln lUndi," frte. ITCHING H UM0RS SHENANDOAH'S GREATEST . MARK YOU ! Look Where to Save Your Money. RED ROUGH HANDS New styles of Spring Hats are now being shown by us. They are now open for inspection and Only a Sfarler. we feel satisfied and prices will suit all. Many range in price from 45cts $3-50. Pin? flpnt'Q Buy a lln'f or quarter rinc ijciu j doeIl iu That kilul Hall HOSe. that will make the wearer smile. We hnvc the very newest creation in plnid and polka dot hose. Fine Imported Silk MUfllerS. winter end of any purchaser. Wc hnvc them ranging in piicefrom 50 cents to 2.25. THE UP-TO-DATE HAT Dr. Miles9 Nervine A flEMGDY FOn THE Effects of Tobacco. THE ox ccsslvo uso of tobacco, especially by young men la always Injurious and undoubtedly shortens llfo materially. Mr. Ed. O. Ebsen, compositor on tho Contra Costa Ifcwi, Martinez, Cab, writes! "I havo used Dr. Miles' Restorative Ncrvlno andro colvcd much benoflt from It. I was troubled with norveusncss, dizzy spelU nnd sleepless ness, caused by tho uso of tobacco and stim ulants. 1 took Dr. Miles' Kerrlno with raar rclously good results, allaying tho dizziness, quieting tho nerves, and enabling mo to sleep and rest, proving lu my caso a very beneficial remedy." Dr. Miles' Bostot-atlvo Ncrvlno Is especially adaptod to restoring tho nervous systom to Its normal condition under such clicumstanccs. It soothes, haals ana strengthens. f&ivjwr T)r. Miles' Itnmorllna bBwv aro sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantco, first bottlo henoflts or money re funded. Book on dis eases of tho heart and nerves free Address, DR. MILE3 MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. PROFESSIONAL CARDS rjn. w. ii. yinost, VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate nnd Ijite Resident House Burgecp the University Stale of N. Y. Headquarter :-CommcrcIal Hotel, fllicnandonu THREE Y1SAU COUItSE. Calls night or day promptly responded. ir. M. BUItKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Kgan building, correr of Main an Ceutro streets, Shenandoah. ' J II. POMKItOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, Pa. W. SHOEMAKEK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Markf-and Centre streets. pitOF. JOHN JVTES, MUS1CA1INSTRUCT0R, Lock Box MVahanoy.Clty, P. Having studied unti some of tho heat wasters Ip London nnd l-ls, will glvfl lessons on tho violin, mandolin, gvirand voenl cpltirre. Termt reasonable. Auaredn caro of Strouse, the Jeweler Shonnndnnh. A Handsome CoriMoxIon i Is ono of the greatest charms i com an can possess. Pozzoni's CoMriatxioJ'owDim ives it. Up-to-Date Hat Storey 15 EAST CENTRE ST.V ' 'VMS 53) That is the place the closest buyer is now looking for. We are closing out our entire stock of "UNDERWEAR At the lowest cash prices. that the styles Only a Starter. STORE, 15 East Centre Street.