MNG HERALD KTAIll,ISIIi:i) 1R70. Published every Kvcnlujr, Kxoept Hominy, at A South Jahiiin Struct, NKAtt Cfntiib. The HvrHlil Is dellveird InSheimndoftli mid the urruundlitK towns tor six cents a week, m ruI to the cm rters. lly nmll Jil.00 n yrnr.or If cents h month, payable In ndvmicv. Advertise ments chanced according to pnce nml posl tlon. Tho puhllhcts rmerte the rlql't to change the position of ndvcrtlscmcnti whenever the pul I'tMlon ol news demnnds It, The tight Is irservfcd to i.'Jc'any ndvertlseiuent, whether paid lor or not, .int tlio publishers limy ucem lproper AdvcrtlsliiR rntes made known upon application. Kntcred ut tho postolllce at Shenandoah, l"a.,as second class mall matter. TKI.Kl'IIONB CONNECTION "All the News That's Fll to Print." Evening Herald Tl rxnY. rT.UKt'AKY 2. mns. TllK Now York Sun volet'i the imtriotk' MMitiiiioiit of the uitmtry in maying tlmt "the U) of the Muiuo increases the need of prompt notion by Congress to ndi to our sumll list of ships of the line." TllK report of Mine Iuspeetor Stein, published in Inst night's II KH ALI), proved interesting to our thou sands of readers. The Inspector's pertinent comment added greatly to the value of the report. TlIKHK is much surprise in Schuyl kill county that our representative has maintained silence during the "Maine" disaster. As a usual thing, lie is the first Jingo that is touched oil when war talk is on tap. TllKriK has never been a time in the history of this country when it could afford to go to war with any foreign nation, except in sulf-defeuse. This was the spirit of the devolution, and President McKinley is following tho example of his illustrious prede cessors. To-day is Washington's ISirthday, but its observance in Shenandoah was coMlined to the closing of the banks and several business places. It is a national holiday that has been less honored, in recent years, than any of our holidays, and it rellects no credit upon the patriotism of our people. Tho day is one. that should be generally observed. A DKCISION was rendered by the Supreme Court of this state at Phila delphia on Tuesday, in which that tribunal held that the common law of contributory negligence which re quires a person to "stop, look and listen" before they cross steam rail roads applies to persons crossing a street ear track on the city streets. This decision will no doubt in the future save the street railway com panies considerable money. TllK Lenten regulations for 181)8 have been issued by Archbishop Hyan, of the archdioce-e of Penn sylvania, and were published in these columns yesterday. In addition to calling tho attention of his people to the various rules of conduct during Lent, promulgated from time to time by the Holy Sea, the Arch bishop recommends to their gener osity the charitable works in which the Catholic church is engaged, and appeals for contributions in behalf of the extension of Christianity in pagan lauds. Thk trial of Kinilo Zola, the famous novelist, continues to attract wide spread attention. He is without doubt the most talked about man in France to-day. He iias made a bold stand as the champion of the con vict Dreyfus, and charges the French authorities, who condemned Dreyfus to a traitor's doom, with all manner of wrong doing. For this Zola is compelled to defend himt-clf in court, and they afford him very little op portunity to do that. Trial by jury in France is a farce. It was expected that the appoint ment of a Naval Ofllcor and Sur veyor of the Port at Philadelphia would be made this week, but from information received from Washing ton it looks like another trying sus pense for tho "faithful" in this county. These appointments will not be made until tlio middle of next month, when tho term of tho present incumbents expire. This was the in formation given out on Saturday by Senators Quay and Penrose, and is received with any tiling but delight by the friends of Maj. Finney. How ever, everything comes to those who wait. THK anthracite coal trade presents little change, says the Ledger. Some what more demand for coal has fol lowed the colder weather of the past week, but it has rather given en couragement for the future than done much to deplete unsold stocks. Tlio cold wayo has extended over most of the country north of tho Potomac and Ohio rivers, and tho hope iu tlio trade is that it will stimulate orders from the Northwest as well as New Entrland. It is unfortunate that tlio coal trade should depend so largely upon tho weather, for tlio publio gen erally do not ugree wltn coal opera tors in the wish for severe cold and storms. The general impression is that radical restriction will be necessary for several months to come tokcup the output down to actual market requirements. Dealers are only buying from hand to mouth, and yot spring Is closely approacn ing. Never Falls for Coughi and Colds. That what I'an-Tiua U, 85c At Gruhlor Sunn li Vint Hi-xtroyrn, Pnyton. I'M 22. The National CrkIi ltcRltiT company Is holding a convention run- of iim nts from all over the world, anil amotitr other countries Spain In lepn'senlecl. In honor of the various nations the different Hubs were displayed at the factory. Objection was was niaile to the Spanish linn by the workmen, and 12 Spanish Hugs dis played about the works were pulled down and torn Into slueds. President John II. Patterson ordered 21 Spanish flags put up to replace the ones torn down. This made the 2,000 workmen angry, and trouble was feared. TO Ct'ltl! A COM) IS ON11 HAY. Take tixntlve llrnnio Quinine. Tablets. All druggists refund tlio money If it fails to cure. 2"iu. Tho geiiulno Inn b. II. (J. on enrli tablet. Tbi'eo Mates tiowhniitiil. Chicago, Feb. 21. The states of Wis consin. Iowa and llliii"ls are practically snowbound. Ileports from Cedar ltap lds and Webster City, la., Freeport, Illooinlngton, ltockfnrd and Clalesburg, Ills., 'ndlcate an average snowfall since Saturday night of two feet. Through out Wisconsin and northern Michigan the fall whs much heavier in fact, tho greatest of the season. A -tO-inlle gale has idled the snow Into enorincus drifts, completely pai!i! zing street railway traiflc Rtid seriously Intel ferlug with the operation of trains on tho steam roads. Whooping rough is the inn-t lUitrcsslng malady; hut its duration cf.n bo cut short hy tho uso of One Mluuto Cough Cure, which is nlso tlio best known remedy fur croup and nil lung and bronchial troubles. C. II. llageu bucii. KlHliorinen Alive ami tvpn. Marinette. Wis., Feb. 22 The 12 fish ermen who started from Green Island for Marinette during the blizzard and were thought to have been lost, have been located alive and well. Hot It orn ! ! ami I'el'.oner Killed. Know l!U Tenn.. Feb. 22. James Shumate, i hii f of police of l.u Folette, Tenn.. aid mpt-d to nrrest William Kuthetfoid. who was drunk. The lut ter shut the otlUer, and in the melee botli men were killed. possible doatli for some wives. For others it means practically no discomfortat all. There is no reason why child birth should bo a period of pain and dread. Sev eral months before a woman becomes a mother she should prepare herself for tho critical ordeal. Thero is a prepara tion mado which ia intended for this purposo alone. Tho name of this wonderful preparation is It is a liniment to bo ap plied ex ternally. It relaxes tho mus cles and re lieves tlio distension, to every organ con cornod in childbirth, and takes away nil dangor and nearly all suffer ing. Ik'st results follow if tho remedy is used during tho whole p o r i o d of preg nancy. It is tho only remedy of tho kind in the world that is endorsed by physicians. 1 perbottlont nil drug stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Fiiee Books con tiotiisr s taining invahiablo in formation for nil women , will ho sent to any ad dress upon application to The Bradfield ilcflulotor Co, Atlanta, Qa. HilHonsof Dollars Go up in smoko ovory year. Take cc risks but get jour houses, stock, fur. nituie. etc., insured in first-class Ti llable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST. insurancc Afcui, Alao Lllx und Accidental Garaiuinlea AWN'S TANSY PILLS A TBiro.TCEAKOiri WOMAN'8 RELIEF. AI... nrnmntainil r lb e. Iltvtff iMXUlltOtU. (-1 f.....'. HihbvPiii aanri HAW KEG at It Tl. .tnK n ami .liwM rap&Vdi. urtrc. It L'atum tfi'KC. Co , lioctoDi Mam. Our book,4C. Kor Bftle lit Kirlin'H driiu atom nnd Hhenanrinnfe THE PHILADELPHIA TIHES IS THE HANDSOMEST and BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. DurliiK 1 Mis Till! TIM ICS will not only maintain the IiIkIi f-taiidnrd of i'ii'1Ic iko it u-aclii-d tho iuMt year, but will Htendfastly endeavor to excel its own heat record, and will not swerve from its bet purposo to mako THE TIMES THE FAVORITE FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF THIS COUNTRY AND BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED 1'ltlNHKO ALL THE NEWS OK ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME THE No Journal l morn extensively circulated or lum u wider clrclo of rendem Iu Pennsylvania than THE PHILADELPHIA TlflES WHY ? BECAUSE IT DESERVES THEM Specimen Copies Sent Free Send for one TT3PMC DAILY, 3.0i) per annum 25cenU IfJltl'lJ per month; delivered by carriers for 0 cents per week. HUNDAV HIllTlON.iK large, hundsome pages 331 columns, elcgnntly Illustrated, beautifully printed In colors, f J-CO wk Li ' if m per annum i B cents c-r copy. Dally nnd hun day, 83.UU per annum ; 50 cents per month, Addruu all letters to THE TIMES, ruiuiDKU-uu. IS IT CUUABLE. A Question Often Asked by Those Afflicted With Pllei. Is a strained Joint curable? Is local In flammation curable? Of courso, if properly treated. So is piles. People often becomo nflllctcd with piles and ask soma old "chronic" who has olwuys persisted iu tlio wrong treatment and natur ally hu discourages them by telling tlicm Hint their caso Is hopeless. They in turn dlscounigo others, oud thus a diseaso that can In otcry caso be cursd by careful nml skillful handling is allowed to sap the energy of thousands who might free themselves of the trouble hi a few days. Pyramid l'llo Cure will cure the most ag gravated caso of hemorrhoids hi an astonish ingly shurt time. It relievos the congested parts, iodines the tumors instantly no mat ter how large, allays the hillammatloii und stops tlio aching or itching at one. Thousand! who had resortad to expensive surgical tieatment have been cured by the Pyramid l'llo Cure In a nuiiibcrof instances peisous who had spent months in a hospital under a pile specialist. It is a lemedy that nono need fearto apply oten to the most aggravated, swollen and lullaiucd hcuiniorrhoidal tiuiiora. If you are Hlllictcd with this stubborn dis ease you ran master it und master it quickly This remedy Is no longer an experiment, but a medical certainly. It is manufactured by the Pyramid Drug Co. of Marshall, Mjeli. Druggists sell it at SO cents per box. It Is becoming tho most popular pile cure this country has ever known and druggistseYcry where aio ordering it for their ci-toiners. KLONDTKERStPRNING BACK. Itiihlilng to lteeover Abandoned Calms on Unelo Slim'" Territory. San Francisco, Feb. 22.--Ptewart Miflizles, nn ngent of the Alaska Com mercial company, who has Just return ed from the Klondike region, starting from Dawson City on Jan. 20 and from Skaguny on Feb. 10, reports that the tide of gold hunters that swept Into Canadian territory wben the news of the rich sttlltes In the Klondike region was Ilrst announced is now turning, and those who abandoned their claims on American nnd Chicken creeks are now returning there, accompanied by many others who have been unable to locate claims on Canadian soil. Menzles says that just before he came out claims on Davis. Chicken, Napoleon and Walk er's Fort creeks, which are tributary to Foity Mile creek, showed better re sults than before the rush to the Klon dike, especially those on Chicken cteek. which are from eight to twelve feot deep, averaging to the pan. On American creek, which Is a branch of the i ukon river, the claims are very rhallow, running from $3 to 5 per pan ut a depth from three to four feet. Menzles predicts that the majority of the miners now on the Canadian side Will cross the boundary in the near fu ture, as It is almost Impossible for one iirth of tin -e n'n-udy in the Klondike to locale tl 'ms. and they will be com pelled to : lead out over territory which, Lie int so rich ns the Klon dike, promises belter returns than were formeily i m t cled. lhicrgy all gone? Headache? Stomach out of order? Simply a case of torpid liver, liuiiloek Wood Hitters will mako a new man or woman of you. rim Florida. Limited Will Again ltun on tb Soutburii ltallway. Tho Klorida Limited, which is tho syn onym of all that is elegant in modern rail way trains, and which during its former service has been a nrimo favorito for tourists from tlio North seeking tho mild climato of Florida, will bo placed hi service by the Southern liailway about the first week in January, lfe!)S. With its return to service this train, which will bo solid Pullman vcstlbuled between Now York, Philadelphia and St. Augustine will present features in the way of luxurious and comfortable, appointments nut heretofore picscnteil, and which will te destined to add still further to its already well established popularity. Tlio Southern ltallway is having built fur the Florida Limited service three trains.cach containing a dining car, two drawing room sleeping cars, a compartment car and library and observation car, each car com plete in all its appointments and equipped with the very latest devices and appliances lor tlio comfort and convenience, of the pas senders. Whilo no schedule has as yet been announced, it can bo stated that it will be tho quickest over arranged between Philadelphia and St. Augustine, and will be so planned that passengers can leave Philadelphia at somo convenient hour during tho day nnd ar rivo at St. Augustine before nightfall of the following day. Philadelphia Record. Notice. Applications for further inform:! tiou addressed to Jno. M. ileall, uistrict Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, S2H Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention. 10-23-tf THROWN FROM HER HORSE. Tho Wife of Jlx-Soerotnry Whitney Moots with ii Serious Aooldont. Aiken, S. C, Feb. 22. While following the deer hounds yesterday Mrs, William C. Whitney, wife of ex-Secretary of the Navy Whitney, was knocked from her horse and quite seriously hurt. Mr, Whitney and his wife, with a party of 35 or 40 friends, were out on a deer hunt two miles from tho city, at Rob Inson's Park. Mrs. Whitney was among the leaders, and was riding at a gal lop along a narrow path a short dls tonco from the roadway. Nailed across tho path was a scantling, which Mrs. MI18. WILLIAM C. WHITNEY. Whitney did not see until too late. She was riding so fast that she could not stop, and was carried directly against tho piece of wood. She was struck In the forehead and knocked from her horse. Luckily her foot did not catch In the stirrup when she was thrown When picked up she was unconscious and had a long, ugly gash Just above tho eyes. She was carried to her resi dence In this city, where Dr. Valentino Mott, of New York, who was in the party, attended her. She will be con fined to her room for some time. Thoro are three little things which do more work than any other three little things created they are the ant, the lice and DeWltt'a Little Early Risers, tho last being the famous little pills for stomach and liver IT'I troubles, C. II. luseubucu. THE PRESIDENT IN PHILADELPHIA llo DotlvorH nu Orntliin nt tho Wnth Iliutoii llli'thdny Jlxorelsos. Philadelphia, Feb. 22. President Mc Kinley, accompanied hy his secretary, 7. Addison Porter, arrived here yester day afternoon In the private car of President Frank Thomson, of tho Pennsylvania rallroai. The president was met hy Frank Thomson, Charles C. Harrison, provoBt of tho University of Pennsylvania, and C. Stuart Pat terson, and hy them escorted to the street. Here carriages were entered, nnd the party vas driven to tho resi dence of Mr. Harrison, whose guest the president and Mr. Porter will be dur ing their Btay In the city. The presi dent today delivered an oration at the Washington birthday exercises of tlie University of Pennsylvania at the Academy of Music. The prevalent excitement over Span ish affairs seemed to give added public Interest to the president s visit, and tho big Pennsylvania railroad station and the streets adjacent thereto were crowded with people eager to see and greot the chief magistrate. Two com panies of mounted policemen escorted the carriages to Mr. Harrison's resi dence, which is several hlocks from tho station. Cheering crowds greeted the president along the entire route. In view of the condition of public affairs, every arrangement had been made to keep tho president in touch with nil tho departments at Washing ton, and to keep him fully Informed of developments nt Havana direct tel egraphic communication had been es tnbllshed between Washington and Mr. Harrison's house, and In addition to this a long distance telephone was at the disposal of the president In the event of the necessity of communica tion with Washington. The city authorities propose to exer cise the utmost enre over the president during liln stay here, in order to pro tect him from any possible annoyances. Both the flout nnd rear of Provost Harrison's residence are guarded by policemen, and In all Ills movements while in this city the chief magistrate is closely followed by a cordon of of fleers. BLADDER TROUBLES. The bladder was created for one purpose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, nnd as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one or two ways. The lirst way is from imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases. SAMPLE SUNT l'ltUi:. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. It is comforting to know that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root fulfills every wish in quickly curing bladder and urinary troubles. It corrects ina bility to hold urine and scalding or stinging pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during tlie night to urinate. The mild and extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At drug gists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail upon receipt of three two-cent stamps to cover postage on the bottle. Mention HltRAMi and send your address to Dr. Kil mer cc Co., llmgliamton, IN. Y. llie pro prietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. THE "PRODUCE MARKETS As Itclloctrd by Doallims In Philadel phia ami llaltliiiiii'e. Philadelphia, Feb. 21. Flour strong: winter superllnc, fcMT.I.SO; do. extras, $3.25 6l3.Cai Pennsylvania roller, clour. tl.ij'iO 4.40 do. Btrnlght, $1.40T) 1.70; western win- tor, clear, H.SUfi-I.CO; do. straight, St.CVffl 4.90; city mills, extra, $3.303.C0. Hyo Hour moved slowly nt $2.75'S2.S0 per barrel, ns to quality. Whent strong; No. 2 red, cash and February, S1.03U61.03U: No. 2 Penn sylvania nnd No. 2 Delnwnro red, $1.01',4(J 1.01V4- Corn slow; No, 2 mixed, cash nnd February, 354di35',4c; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, 3Ce. Oats slow; No. 2 white. 83Vfcc.; No. 2 white, clipped, 31c. liny llrm tor superior grades; cholco timothy, 112 for largo bales. Ilecf firm; beef bams, 23Q2l; packet, JlOfill; city extra India mess, J15.MT(17. Pork firm; family, $130 13.(10. Lard firm; western Btcunied, $3,155 6.47V4. Ilutter strong; western creamery. 14V45I20O.; do. fuctory, ll'iflle.; Klglns, 20c; imltntlon creamery, 13'U17e.; Now Yoik dulry, 13'uT7e.; do. creamery. llBlSc. Cheeso quiet; lnrge, white and colored, September, 8,4c; smnll do. do., Septem ber, SttfjOc.; light skims, Gfifilie.; part skims, 4(5Hc.; full skims, 2f3c. Eggs strong; New York nnd Pennsylvania, 15!4e. : western, fresh, 15'c. Potatoes quiet; New York, $2.37!02.ri0; sweets, $35? 4. Tallow Armor; country, :b'tjW&c. Cot tonseed oil (Inner; prime crude, 2UV4c; do. yellow, 23112JVJ.C, Itosln steady; Btralned, common to good, $1.10571.45. Turpentine nrm at 3I5J3IH'C. Cabbage steady at $3.50 04. Pig Iron warrants very dull at $0.50 5(6.70. I.nko copper llrm at $11.304711.50. Tin cosier at $U5jl4.10. Spelter llrm ut tl.15ff4.20. Lend easier ut $3.77',ii5l3.S2',4, liulllinorc, Feb. 21. Flour Inuctlvo; western superllnc, $2.601j3.20; do. extra, t3.45(U0: do. fumlly. $l.40ft4.70; winter wheat, patent, $1.855.10; spring do., $5.10(1) 6.30; spring wheat, straight, $4.905j5.05. Whont dull; spot nnd month, $1.03ViliJ 1.03ic; -March. tl.03&fil.02; Mny, tl.OSli Q1.03M; steamer No. 2 red, 9Si5l99c. ; southern, by sample, 99c.5j$1.0l; do. on grade, 99c.'! $1.031, Corn dull; spot nnd month, 35,s&35Uc.; March, 35iu3.'i'.j,c. . April, 2553.")l4C.; steamer mixed, 31ftt(3lc.; southern, white, 3t?iij2Cc. ; do. yellow, 34HT(30c. Oats firm; No. 2 white, 3P.5P 35e.; No. 2 mixed. 32!5;iS3c. Ityo easier; No. 2' nearby, 6Gt4&5C?ic,; No. 2 western, B7V4?j57?ic Hay steady; choice timothy, $12.60BI3. Grain frelghtH steady; steam to Liverpool, per bushel, 3;d April; Cork, for orders, per quurter, 3s, 4Ud March. Sugnr strong; granulated, 5.33, Ilutter quiet; fancy creamery, 21c; do. Imitation, 105317c; do. ladle, 15c; good ladle, 135jl4c; store packed, 12Mlle. lCggs quiet; fresh, 15c. Cheeso steady; fancy Now York, large, 9?i5jl0c; do. medium, 105il0',ic; do. small. 10',itilOV4c Lettuce, $1.25 per basket. Whisky, $1,255)1.20 per gallon for finished foods In carloads; $1,275.(1,23 per gallon for Jobbing lots. I.lvo Stock Miu UutH. New York, Feb. 21. Itecves nctlvo and I0c higher for steers; bulls and cows 105J 15c, higher, except for good cows, which were steady; nbout all sold; steers, $1.50 (15.15; tops, $5.25; oxen, $2.755j 1.55; bulls, M.2053.85; cows, $2.30513.40. Calves higher: venls, $I.5055."5; choice, IS; grusscrs, $35 5.W. Hheep llrm; lambs lower; 12 cars unsold; sheep, $3.50(5; lambs, $5.15fj5.90; extra do., $G. Hogs llrm at $1.30514.55 per iuu i us. Kast Liberty. Pa.. Fob. 21. Cattle slow at unchanged prices. Hogs nctlve; prima mediums, $4.35; best heavy Yorkers, $1.30 U4.3&; light Yorkers, $l.20i(4.25j heavy hogs, $l.20'i4.30: plgB, as to quality, $3.905j 1.10; good roughs, $3.4003.75; common to fair. $2.503.25. Shocp steady; choice, $1.80 B4.90; common, $3,5054. Choice lambs, 13.755jS.85; common to good, $l.75j6. Veal talvcs, tC5jG,75. Don't nnuoy others by your coughing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Min ute Cough Curo cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe aud all thruati and lung troubles. 0. 11. Ilagcnbucli, The Princess of Wales ORDERS 5 JOTIANN HOFF'S HALT EXTRACT. MAnuionouon House, S. W. Please send lor the use of II. H. II., the 1'rlnccss of Wales, sik dorcn of J0HAHH HofPs Malt Extract ns soon ns ijos dble. Kindly give two bottles to bearer for to-dny luncheon. Yours faithfully, JOHN GWILLIM, Cellnrmnn For II, II. II. BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. If Tho genuine J0H AUtf Iloff 's Malt Ex- ,(. tract mnkes Flesh nnd lllood. Ono S, do?cn bottles of tho genuine JOHANN X Hoff's Malt Extract will give inoro S strength and contains more nutritive X elements than one cask of nlo or porter, i without being intoxicating. ? EISNKU ft MI5NDF.I.SON CO., J Sole Agents, New York. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE tiiil rioucrs, tlio Hand of America, Cali fornia. Via tho truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain Route," which traverses a region of perpetual sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes nie unknown. Pullman first mid second class palaco and tourist sleeping cars to points iu Missouri, Arkansas, Toxas, Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah nnd Novada, without change. Quick time, low rates, nnd nil tho comfortsof modern railway improvements guaranteed to nil who pur chase tickets via tlio Missouri Pacific railway system, l'or rates right from your home, literature, mid full information, drop a postal card, J. P. McCuiiu, T. V. Agent. 5111 Rail road avenue, Khuini, N. Y,, or 31)1 Ilrond way, New York. i-l-tf V. K. Hoyt, O. K 1. Agt. The Discovery of the Day. Aug. J. llogcl, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cuies my cough, nnd it is the best seller I have." J. K. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes : "Dr. King's New Discovery is nil that is claimed foi it ; it never fails, and is n sure cure for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot say enough for it merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for'Consumption, t-ouglis ana Colds is not an experiment. It lias been tried for a quarter of a century, and to-day stands at the head. It never disappoints, l'ree trial bottles at A. Wasley's drug store. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Central and Southern New Mexico Is overrun by sheep thieves, nnd trouble Is feared. The people of Switzerland have voted In favor of the government purchase of the railroads. A cuve, said to rival the Mammoth, of Kentucky, has been" discovered In Centre county, Pa. Pollcemon Holly, of Flndlay, O., was fatally shot by ono of two robbers whom he tried to nrrest. The Transvaal government Is Increas ing the defences of Johannesburg by mounting a number of new guns. The new wharf nt Tnniplco, Mex Just constructed by the Central railroad, was destroyed by fire, Involving a loss of nearly $2,000,000. Frunlc J. Van Pelt, of Chetlo, Ore., wns shot dead from ambush, supposed ly by friends of a man for whose mur der ho had been Indicted. Fine Gent's Furnishings I ;! Lends i to Good 1 as T a Aire IllY I MMT IL 1NAA Willi, PH Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's - Furnishing . House, MAX LEVIT, Prop. IN SENATE AND TiOUSE. Tho CotiRiii lltircnu to llo Placed Un der tlio Interior Department. Washington, Feb. 22. Yesterday was private bill day In tho house, but lit tle wns accomplished, owing to tho fact that most of the time was con sumed In the passage of private pen sion bills coming over from Friday night session three weeks ngo. The feature of the day was the spirited contest over the bill to pay Newberry college, a Lutheran Institution in South Cnrollna, f 15,000 for danages sustnlned by It while used ns n barracks by fed eral troops shortly after hostilities censed. It was strongly opposed by Mr. Dingley nnd Mr. Dalzell, but Mr. Cooper, of Texas, who championed It on the Democratic side, wns rupported by Mr. Mahon of Pennsylvania, Mr, Walker of Massachusetts and othet Itcpubllcans, and It was finally passed. For three hours to'day the senate had under discussion the bill providing for the taking of the 12th and subsequent censuses. It wns bo amended as to place the census bureau under tho sec letary of tho interior, but the extended discussion which followed disclosed so wide a divergence of views on the part of senators as to the various features of tho measure that no further action was taken. A resolution offered by Mr. Allen, of Nebraska, directing the committee on naval nffnlrs to mako nn Investigation of the disaster to the battleship Maine was adopted without debate. The senate nlso passed tho house bill appropriating $200,000 for raising tho Maine, A thrill of terror s experienced when a br sy cough of croup sounds through tho house at night. Rut the terror soon changes to relief tfter Ono Minute Cough Curo has been administered. Sife nnd harmless for children. C H. lhiKenbuch. A HOTEL FIRE HEROINE. Nonrly Snorllleed Hor Lire Will lo Alrt IntX inborn to 1-Nenpe. Prescott, A. T., Feb. 22. A disastrous lire occurred here about midnight, re sulting hi the total destruction of tlio Johnson House. The house contained between 20 and 30 guests, and the fire made such headway before being dis covered that they lost nearly every thing, nnd many had narrow escapes. No fatalities occurred, but a number of persons were seriously Injured. Dr. D. P. Knyner wns seriously burned about the head, feet and back. Doctors have expressed hopes of his recovery. Charles Perkins jumped from the sec ond story and S. H. Garrett from tho third story. Hoth were seriously In lured. Annie Plerson, a. chambermaid, discovered the lire and remained In the third story awakening guests till the Humes closed every avenue of escape by the stairways, and she was compell ed to crawl through a window to the roof. She was rescued badly burned. Pimplos, blotches, blackheads, red, rough, oily, mothy skin, itching, scaly scalp, dry, thin, and falling hair, and baby blemishes prevented by Cuticuua SoAr, tho most effective skin purifying and beautifying soap in tho world, as well as purest and swoetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. 3 icura flir It uM throughout tfifl world. Forrta Dapo kd Cjiiw. Com., Hole I'ropa., Bolt on, IT, fl. A. (O "How to I'menl Face Humon," nillo4 free, CUCDV U!IMnDimPlM toSerofuUetire-1 uvcni nurnun bcuTicuiuiuwiuiu. SHENANDOAH'S GREATEST r MARK YOU ! Look Where to Save Your Money. FACE HUMORS New styles of Spring Hats are now being shown by us. They are now open for inspection and Only a Starter. wc feel satisfied and prices will suit all. Many range in price from 45 cts $3-50. PirtP ftpnt's H"y lm,f or 'lunrtw rr ,r tt pnir. That kind Half HOSe. tliat will make the wearer smile. Wc have the very newest crcntiou In plaid oud polltn dot hose. Fine Imported IZul V,!id! Silk Mufflers, winter end of nny purchaser. We have them running i piicc front 50 cents to $2.25. THE UP-T -DATE HAT Uev Health Restored II E misery of sleeplessness can only bo realized by those, who havo experi enced It. Nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, neuralgia and that mlscrablo fooling of unrest, can surely bo cured by Dr. Miles' Hcstoratlvo Ncrvlno. So certain 13 Dr. Miles of this fact that nil druggists aro authorized to refund prlco paid for tho first bottlo tried, providing It docs not benefit. Mrs. Henry Ilruns, wlfo of tho woll known blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, says: 'I was troubled with sleeplessness, porvous noss.beadacho and Irregular menstruation; suffering untold misery for yoars. I used various advertised remedies for fcuialo com plaints besides being under tho rare of local physicians, without holp. I noticed In Dr. Miles' advertisement tlio testimonial of a lady cured of ailments similar to ralno, and f shall never ccaso to thank that lady. Her testimonial Induced mo to uso Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno and Nervo and Liver Pills, which restored mo to health. I cannot say enough for Dr.Mlles'ltomcdles." Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug gists under a posltlvo guaranteo, first bottlo benefits or money re funded. Hook on dis eases of tho heart and nerves free. Address, yjv ur. H Mllos' ? Restores C Health ..itiiitf' Dll. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. PROFESSIONAL CARDS nn. W. II. Y1NOST, VETEMNARY SURGEON. Ornduato and Iito Itcsldcnt House SurKcri the University State of K. Y. HcniliiuartcrHi-Coinmcrctnl Hotel. Rhcnandoab TIIKKK Y15AII COUK8H. Colls night or day promptly responded, j- M, BU11KK, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Oftlce Kfznn building, con er of Main an Centre streets, Bhcnnndoab. T II. I'OMEltOY, (J ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ShenandoAh, Pa. JjJ W. HIIOEMAKEU, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market and Centre streets. pilOF. JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Cox 63, Mahanoy City, Pa. Having ntudled under some of tho best innater8 lp Ixwdon and Paris, will give leaMiml on thov!ollti,mAiidol!n, guitar and vooalaultyfe. Terir.f reasonable. Address In care of strouse, llio lewAler Shenandoah. J Handsome Complexion of tno greatest charms a woman can I'OZZONl'S UOMTUillOM I'OWDKH Up-to-Date Hat Store, 15 EAST CENTRE ST. A I Is ono 1 possess I I jlyeslt That is the: place the closest buyer is now looking for. We are closing out our entire stock of "UNDERWEAR At the lowest cash prices. that the styles Only a Starter, STORE, 15 East Centre Street. JJros., drugstore.