The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 19, 1898, Image 4

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    - T " A -r- i t- -9 T"
Vc have just received
ev stock of this paper in
thr loading tints. A roll j
ofeit lonir, 20 inches wide
jr 15 cents, former price 25c. 1
a b m a a at w 3 n u k i 11
N. Main St. !
I I.OIilDA. 1
. . l V K.Ul.lto w.
One ui . u , oustc 1 liu advantages nf
ml uf iii.r1 out-day anil find lilm- j
III 11111 I ll-tWlTS till- IIC.M. t
11 ,ttki t ' 1 1 Vimxyi v 1 inn Kiilr.ud
J iiv 1, whii-n ill .cave New
I I I, 'II II lit S i'l'lul II I'll lit'
it I i. I'm -d i . K-liitian 22
v. 1 - 11. l'mriil 1 (Aft. iiioii
nl 1 1 rtiluay t r.iriMi.n i it ion.
Ihnati 11 111 'f! iii-iiiH (one turd ). .nut
.1.1 tu rx ic 1 11 mini mn'uii"!.' ''nil
11 : in tlit special train, will ls I a'
nio in,, iaU-: Now Yurk. Jim (IJ ;
'jlil 1.1 Sis 00 ; CHiianibngiin. f.VJ.85; k.i Wt-kt-ii-irru.gftO.B1; Pittsburg,
Ki , mi. I 11 pr ijio Inmate nitt-H from other
1 -
urtkkctj. itineraries, Hiul full in rnrtita-
f'rli ticket agents; lonrlst Agent,
r ,: uv.iv Jse w Vnrk; iir uddre-s Geo.
ci' ' ,1 1 1 ii Pan- nger Agent,
il -1 -t ''t itinti. I '111 tittle) 11 lii 1
Olt Id NT T 1 iuro wttnTimm ninl n-tnlil
lit (lie r r i'f ,!. ih 1 nil h hIkh store, II
MitiiiHt v I nwik St'litnUU. 2- l-lv
IT 1 !. I 1 II V 'til lllll fPIIIIIIIfllll'll llflllHl. II
lillK'S 111 tllW scftlnn. Salary llJ , itli I'liin-
iitn I ft'ili M'tiiirily required. Aiiiirrt
.1 - Hm.ih. -mi r.i.m.i .iu.h
Oil HI r A rare cnance tor an nu'rnit
h)ihicHi tniiti A irrntiu Mnru either Io
n-cry iunl e.H or Milmm, in uoimI l(K-atlni.
-t eln (lwelhiiir npartnienlH iittaclietl with
1i ri 1111 atul fixture-, all lutipt Improvement,
ffllitr -H feet Innir imwhchhuhi to he mut
kkai.h 2-1 Mm
III-NT ttir- 100m and (twrlllnir, No 1(
N iirth M f n t. now oeeiipieil iiy MHjtp -
Jacob Noll II N M.iln street. If
tiiir 1 .1 A litnMrv mill two ltiitflier
wniroiiH, Will al rent my wlieelwriKhi
ni paint Httop, eor r I'oal t il .lartlin streom
pply tu C'liurlea INoinn-rt, on the preiNet, tf
TiTIC I?. Tin- iiiitlerftlmieil In ilf.slroim of
fhminir 1111 liN ntH-ounts either In ensh 1 r iiv
utes. for nil 111 Is that aro now uuo or over
U a tiKinth, All eontraetH, and iturremcntH,
...Mil.., ..,.PrI...l .ill, I I.1....M nil
.cur f .nit ticr(tiitiiM iti tlm liutkilv i.f 11 roiier
ill. I t 1'UWI.KIl,
January C, lb98. I-C-'Jm
4 UI)ITOU8 NOTiri-2 I. J. l!lleyH T'F.
A KuriuiWHkv Notice is liereliV uieli that
uurt to make ditrii)imon 01 ntnu iiiitu on
e nhoo Mated exeeution ami paid Inlo toiirt,
vi 1 m et at the olllcc of M M- Knrke, Kmi., in
' ltoroiii'li of Shenam oali. eoiintv or Nrhti vi
lli ami ftiaiu 01 i-eiinsyivaniii, lor niu imriMifi'
his nnnointment on haluniav. Kenmary iii.
reuue&ted to appear and make known
tliLiiemanut or ne nereaiter oarreu uuiii
couunt? in on Maid fund
j u- ronricov, Aiionor.
Shenniulonh, li , 1-Vh- .", IH'Ji. 2-5-15-1'J
K W 9 W V I W
f rv I I
We have now embarked into r,n.., it-Ill. ryur Tnr.. ilnr..
pretty a range, the "Queen t.'iiulirella," as
nun cull uc utii uii niiL'i: biiicb ikiuii.
mini? out. It is nicelv ornamented with a
shelf, and well nickeled. (Jood bakers
ith fuel savinR qualities. Will burn all
. f . i .11 .1 . : t .1...
nus 01 coai, c can ine niieiunm ui uic
He to call and examine our stock. Our
cs will suit you.
We can furnish any house
n the cellar to the lot if, and with such
ds at such price's, and of a sujierior
uy, as win meet 111c wuuis ui tue n.u-t
Ml UUJbl).
urniture House,
121 and 123 North Main St.
r Robbins Opera House.
III I II .1 111 I 1 ,11 .11. L A
ARent (or
enandoah and Vicinit
er and Porter
cv s iiuiieniiuii dcu r
V.IWW'in .
, U I
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
' J Y f If f ' ,1 f ' It I.-
Poisoned Blood
Dlsagroonble Itching Sprcnd All
Ovor His Rody-Sleep Dlsturbod
Uood'c Saronparllln Diovo Out
the Poison and Cured.
"I luve been polHoned overy summer
for yearn. Last immi.ier the poison camo
out on me worse than ever before. I
would frequently be luvnkenwl during tho
night by the Itching. I would scratch
myself, but Instead of being relieved tho
trouble spread to different parts of my
body. I tried various remedies which
people recommended to me, but none ot
them ever helped me. I tnRilo up my
mind the poison could not be cured un
til my blood was pure and then 1 decided
to take Hood's RaMnparllla. While tnk
In the lirst bottle I felt relieved from tha
Itching. I kept on taking the medicine
and it has entirely cured me. I am now
on my fourth bottle and I can sleep
soundly nt night." William Kan, 3120
Weslmont Street, Philadelphia, l'n.
Mood's Sarsaparilla
Is the l'est In fact the One True Illoi-J I'liriller.
All iniggliH. $1; six fur f 4. (let m y Hood's.
HnnrVc: Fft?5 '"r'5 "V('r rasy t0
IIUUU fc t lllii e.i-vtiioiici-.'te .eo.
A one-hoi-e I'lcitrli1 mntur liu- lieen iilaeed
'on the KtHKc of Killer's i pt-m hoti to raise
ami Inner the ciutulnt. The work has here
tofore been di'tic Iiy two men
Mrs Unlnmlin t'mreil. m' 13ist I'iin- .-tii-t-t.
has liten Kiiuteil a vlilns n i sii n nf fS r
mouth dating I'niin Atiu'iist, 1HH7. am! i per
until til t'nrcii-h of tier three eliildieu. Irs.
t'orrell's Innlund died last Annusl.
The IU0 iiiiu-t r, 's of l' ttsvllli will per
form at K iier'h opi ra house ntxi ruesilay.
Thmniis 15 an- slid 'I' uiuii-t Tr.icey havo
lei-ed I ho Kn-ililitueti u-rtlHurniit in the
llersker tlieatu lii!ldilij! Mr. 15vnus wus
I'lirnn rly eihiiliiy. d ---eo.! iuspeetiir at l,o-t
Cieok by the l.t-liijjli V.nley Coal I'umiiaiiy,
Mrs. Thnm.i- West sustained a pa ninl in
jury of an ankle hy siippit g mi it y steps and
Mri!. Charles iEiiyliuU'd slid' ltd suveie shuck
by slippiiiK on an iey paw incut.
Fourteen members of Camp No 3, P. 0. of
T. A , of DeUuo. piid a to Canip No. 1
of town lust uvtiniii. Tlit-re was a program
of miisii al and literary ixerei-es, Ibllowed
Iiy it diipperat .MeKlliunny's.
The -tcjiid Sunday Selionl convention of
the Evangelical l.utlieran Mini-teiiuin of
Pennsylvania will bo held in Chri-t church,
in town, next I'ue-d.iy.
Tho annual meetiiiL' of the Citizens File
I'innp.iny No U was lield last evening anil uu
eleetiun of otliiein lield
Tho Lithuanian Hand of town will attend
the ball of the Firat Lithuanian Hand at
Slicnamioah next Monday evening.
Nt-WM Which I- tillllll t-VM to Woiimii.
itisnfact that women who suffer from
female complaiutsunduio consequently weak,
tired, nervous, tlravgcd-oiit and full of pains
and aches, do not have tho same opportunity
tohucmcd as do tho lesideuts ot the great
cities whero the mo-t successful specialists in
female disea-es reside. l)t. (Irttcne, of 35
W'estlltli St., New York City, who has the
largest practice in the world ami who is with
out doubt the must smeessful specialist in
curing female complaints, oilers to give free
consultation Iiy mail to all women sullering
from the-o distressing weaknessis, discharges
pains ami inegularlties. Write at onto and
wo promise Dr. (iieene will cure you.
-1 ttlinlltl;n throughout Ihu Colllito
Chi-ontt-leil lot Hasty I'm-nsul.
The neatest job work is to ho had at tho
H KliALI) otliie.
The Lehigh Valloy pasfeuger tmuiues will
hu eiiuipped with tliu chimu whistlo.
Sherill' Toole took Charles Zelltir, u hoy, to
tint House of Kefuge at Glen Mlllsyesterday.
The Hlks open thtir new club liouso at
Ashland on Tuesday evening with a recep
tion and hamtuet.
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Diddle will entertain a
small paity at prugitsdvo etiehro on Tuesday
evening, at Fountain Springs.
Tho Delano shops only norked four eight
hour dajs this week and this state of a Hairs
will probably continue for u mouth.
Millu. iihea will play a return date at
Potlsville on tho SiUili iust., in "Camille"
at maliuets, and "Jotepliine" at night.
Letturs testameutaiy were granted to Mar
garet Mcliieruey, on the estate of Michael
Melnerney, Into of Mahauoy City, deceased.
Jobs DeSilva, of Mahauoy, succeeds Julin
Schwartz as district pics.deut uf the P. 0. S.
of A., tho latttr having removed from the
Kov. Father MiCullough, of Manchester,
N, J., who has been visiting his father iu St.
Clair the last two weeks, returned to his
homo yesterday.
The School Hoard of (lirardvlllc stands six
Democrats to three Jfepuhlicaiis, while tho
Council is eight to one. Tho one man has
his own troubles.
Tho benefit of Mrs. Delia Klioup, which
was to take place on Monday, has been post
poned until March -1st. Thost holding
tickets will govern thciusolvcs accordiugly.
Kate Haley in right of her infant son,
Walter Haley, sued tho Pennsylvania Iiail
road company yesterday for damages sus
tained by tho loss of u hand en tho part of
her sou.
Levi Urown, aged SO, was killed at Summit,
by his learn of horses, which had taken
flight at a locomotive.
Helievlng ho had hold uf the tail of an
oppussuni, Jaeub Henry pulled from x hollow
log, near llristol, a bUcksuake nearly six feet
Six-year-old Mary Falula, of Hazlebrook,
was burned to death by her dress becoming
ignited while sho was playing about a stove.
Paymaster Guy, of tho Heading Itaihvay,
disbursed fl5,000 to employes, at Heading,
Danger signs havo been erected on both
sides of the 15ast Centra street crossing of tho
P. li It. railway,
Don't annoy others by your coughing, and
risk your lifo by neglecting u cold. One Min
ute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, and lung troubles, C.
II, Hagciibuch.
ltetnrn tit '1'liHiiltu,
To the members of the Hubert Hums Club ;
Tho undersigned hereby extend sincere
thanks to tho members of thi Hubert Burns
Club for courtesies extended them at the
recent banquet, and also for the beautiful
testimonials presented.
Mtt. and Mus. John Miui.hazih,
Da viii Hkai), Caterer.
'lite Modem Wny
Commends Itsulf to the well-informed, to do
pluisantly aud effectually what was formerly
done in the crudest manner and disagreeably
as well. To ileiusu the system and break up
colds, headachos, ami fevers without un
pleasant after effects, use the delightful liquid
laxative remedy, Syrup of Flgur Made by
California Fig Syrup Co.
Jleetls Itecortleil.
From Catharine Shelpe to Mary Seltzsr,
.IUII1 UtlllUIIIIO UllVlfU ... J k-VLbV!
premises in McKwiusburg; from II. H
Zulick t-tal to Frank L. Miller, premises in
premises lu
Schuylkill Haven ; from Joseph Warugiristo
Win. LetiHaitis. premises in Miuersville;
from Jonathan Khcard to Delioruh Mart,
premises in Miuersville.
Ask your grocer for tho "lloyal Patent
dour, aud tako no other brand. It Is the best
our made.
Viprd in 'lSssi9
Daniel Dully, of St. Clair, was u town
visitor yesterday.
Miss liattio Jouos, of North Jardln
street, has goiio to Newaik, N. J., on a vaca
tion. Misses Martha and May Gallic left town
jestcrday for a week's visit to Catawissa and
Masters F.dnrd and Fraures Hutchison,
of Siiuliiiry, aro the guests uf their father at
Hit- I'ciuiiMiit Hoti-e.
Matt Mcl'iitcheoii, of Akron, O., and
daughter nic visiting Mr. McCutchcon's
patents on West I.auicl stieet.
S. (1..M. iiollopeler, 15sii,, has returned
home fiom Philadelphia, whero ho was In
attemhtlieu at the Supremo Court.
Mrs. 11. L. tlhiteluck has tone to
Saeltiett Harbor. N. Y , to visit her sou,
Kail, who is sullering fiom a seveie attack of
typhoid fovcr.
MAln: A mi- is ciiic.vcio.
llcntfrow's Jolly P.ithlindeis havo been for
nineteen years in the front rank of musical
comedy organizations. That thty ale still
good not liavellug upon reputation is
shown by the following from the Ci.itago
ltecord : "The llijoii was t-ruwded to tho
doors and the audiemes were us jolly as tho
Jolly Pathilnders themselves. "Below
Zeiii" is iiuu-eusi -ill, but it is l'niiiiy. It is a
comical ahsiiidlty, tiiigtd wi li just oiiough
music and earuestae-s to inako u a pu-.tsaiiD
mixture. Tho company is a tlettr one ami
tho enter iiiument by no means cliilly." Tho
Pat' flnduH will he here all tho wtek com
mencing Monday, and the fniihitcis of this
tuwn may ie.isun.ibly anfiiiatc iho biso
entertaiuuieuts ever presented hcie.
Tne appearance of tho "100 Minstrels" at
Kaier's gland opera house, Mahanoy City,
tm the S2d inst. will prov- a drawing t-aid.
iMauy I loin Slienandeuh ill ho in allt-udaucu.
Some of our local talent is included in tho
cast. The-e young nieu, prineiially lesideuts
of Potlsville, have luadu a hit wherever they
appear and received much nattering com
ment. Marring Licenses,
Frank Itotama and Julia Suulling, uf Mah
auoy City.
William White, of ltinglown, sud Susan
Markle, 01 Shenandoah.
.-!, coil Chiirelt Notices.
Services in the P. M. chinch to-morrow.
Homing subject, "Tho, halibalh, a Divii-u
lustiliitiuii." Sunday school at 2 p. m.
livening subject, "Tho Impcrisliablo Name."
Everybody welcome. Heccptlou of mtuihers
mi the morning and tho ordluauco of baptism
ill uiso lis administered.
Last Sunday evening a largo audieuce was
in utttndame at tho Cahury llaptist chuich.
To-morrow evening at (1:30 the pastor will
preach a sermon entitled, "Sincereity." Dur
ing iho evening the choir, led by Pi of. W.
Waters will give un anthem. All welcumo.
In tho First llaptist church to-morrow
evening tho pastor, I!ev. I). I. Evans, will
pieach, tho subject being, "Need 1 ho
Haptised 1" There will ho baptismal service,
with nlovcu candidates. A special iuvitatiou
is extended the public.
Hev. L. F. llrown will occupy tho pulpit, in
tho Presbytsrian church to-iuorrow at thu
morning aud evening services.
The lovival inoetings in the United Evan
gelical church, aro still in progress. Thero
will be services to-night at 7.30. The servicn
of song preceding the sermon will be in
charge of Edward Jtosoivall. Services to
morrow morning and evening. Subject for
the sermon in tho mornin at 10 o clock.
"The Chief Shephard." In the evening at
U:JU Kui . I. J. Itoltz, tho pastor, will preach a
special sermon to tho members of Henry
tluincastle Camp No. 40 Sons of Veterans.
Tho improvements tiro continuing in tho
M. E. church. Tho painters havo finished
their work on tho walls. Carponters are en
caged to begin work on Monday. When the
carpet is laid uu the eutire floor and tho
seats aro arranged in semi-circular form, thu
audlenco room will bo a very attractive place
for public worship. At present services are
held in tha lecture room. Uor. Alfred
Hecbner, Pastor, preaches to-morrow morn
ing and evening. Polite ushers aro iu at
tendance. Everybody welcumo. Come
Don't ! If a dealer oilers you a bottle of
Salvation Oil without labels or wrappers, or
iua mutilated or defaced package, don't
touch it don't buy it at any price, you can
rest assured that thero is something wrong
it may he a daueorous and worthless counter
feit. Insist upon getting aperfect, unbroken,
gcnulno package. Prico 25c.
S. of V. lit Mluttrsville.
About 25 members of Henry Hnrncastle
Camp, No. 40, Sous of Vetoraus, drove to
Miuersville last night to take part in the
parado and tho mustering in 58 new members
into Gen. John U. Hoskin Camp, No. 204, of
that place. They speak in glowing firms of
the courteous treatment received jt the
hands of lloskins Camp. They returned
homo at an early hour this morning.
and wife should know about the pre
paration that for half a century has
been helping expectant mothers bring
little ones into the world without
danger and the hundred and one
discomforts and distractions
incident to child-birth. It
is applied externally, which
is the only way to get relief.
Medicines taken internally
will not heln and mav
X t.A t . I
.LVt tcsuu iu uuriii
fits and prepares every
organ, muscle and
part of the body for
the critical hour. It
robs child-birth of its
tortures and pains.
Baby's coming is made
quick and easy. Its
action is doubly bene-
Vficial if used during the whole
period of pregnancy.
SI per bottle at all drug stores, or
sent by mail on receipt of price.
Hooks Free, containing valuable infor
mation to all women, will be sent to any
address upon application by
The Oradficld Regulator'Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvet softness of tho skin Is Inva
rubly obtained br tboriwhouse l'oziom'o
Oomplexiou powder,
runiite 1'iicr.ulU Held I'or Trial mi u Series
of Charges.
Th s crashing of a blazing liouso lamp to
tho pavements caused some excitement on
North Emerick street last ulcht and was
followed by nricsts. Tho atl'air arose out uf
the family tribulations of Joseph Paczulisnml
his wlfo, Fannie,
Shortly after the Incident on the street
Mrs. Pac7.iills was arraigned before Justice
Shoemaker on a series of charges preferred
by her husband. She was accused of habitual
drunkenness, common nuisance, neglect of
family and scvoral other acts. Tho husband
ald his wiftfsold clothing helmnting to him
self and the boarders fur drink. That she
left the house last .Monday ami went oil' on a
protracted spree. Tho husband concluded to
bleak up housekeeping and sold tho house
hold goods. While they wcro being moved
out of tho liouso yesterday the wife returned
and, iu attempting all assault,
lighted lamp out of a womau's hand. Mrs.
Paczulis was committed in delault of 10 1
ball. Ileforo lier arrust she liad snorn 'tit n
warrant before Justice Shoemaker, charging
her husband with assiult anil battery aud
neglect, and ulsu chaiged Mis. Snilkiewicz
with tlnowlmr the lighted lamp at her.
When before Justice Shoemaker Mrs
Paczulis nllt-gad that she was tho innocent
paity in the alfsir. That her husband heat
and drove her from the house laH Monday.
Yesterday she wont back to seo one uf hei
children and found Mrs. Shilkicwlez encased
iu removing tho household effects. Mrs.
Paczulis said she did not understand what
wasuoing on and remonstrated, wheiuupou
Mrs. Sh ll.iewicz threw he lamp at her
Mrs. Slii'kiewiez denied the chuge an t
Mr. Paczulis also made a denial of tho charge
made against him. Ho slid ho would sup
port his children, but not his wife, as she was
in tho habit of going on sprees and nealeet
iug her family for two or time weeks at n
time. Mrs. Paczulis was unable to produce
any witness to sustain her charges and the
tuso was dismissed. This nmrnlng she win
taken to .1 1 bv Constable Giblon.
Childr, ii ami ndinls toiturcd by burns,
scalds, Injuries, eczema oi skin di-eases may
seeuro Instant relief by using DoWill's Witcli
Hazel Salvo. It is tho great Pile remedy. C.
II. Hagciibuch.
Tliolr Con-soloss Conflicts ltptrnrtlluc
Hm-dur Line's In Afi'lcn.
London, Feb. 13. In the house of
commons last evening the Hlght Hon.
Joseph Chamberlain, secretary of state
for the colonies, replying to a question
by Sir Charles Dllke with reference to
the grave news from West Africa, read
the telegrams received.
One was fro mthe governor of rtorrea
(or Borla), a place In the Lagos Hin
terland, occupied by the Boussa guard
on Feb. C, and read: "On Feb. 0 30
Senegalese, probably from NlkkJ, ar
rived at Horrea under orders to occupy
it. They ordered the non-commlsslon-ed
oincers to haul down the British
flag. The demand was refused, as
made by a foreign power, whereupon
the Senegalese retired and pitched their
camp about three miles from the town."
A telegram from Major Northcoto,
who Is in the cold coast Hinterland,
runs thus: "The French have estab
lished a post at Wae. consisting ot
subaltern officers and about 30 native
soldiers. M. Codrenler, whom I believe
to be a lieutenant, accompanied by
Captain Mlnot, two lieutenants and Gi
native soldiers, arrived at Vassa on
Feb. 1 and tried to establish a post. I
dispatched Major Fortescue to protest
against his passing by this point and
suggested n conference at Wne. De
spite ray protest, he advanced. After
protests In the usual form between
both parties M. Codrenler left for Leo,
leaving behind the above mt. ioned
post, unmolested."
Dr. Tanner, antl-Parnellite member
for Mid Cork, exclaimed "Vive la
France." Speaker Gully called him to
No Muss. No Trouble.
A Pleasure nt Last
STYLE - -L ffpf itYLE
V soap '
Sold in All Colors by Grocers and Druggists, or mailed free for 15 cents;
Address, TUB MAYPOLB SOAP DEI'OT, 127 Duaao Street, A'evf Fori.
1 17 13 Main St,
Where will be found the very best
goods lor the least money consist
ing of Bedroom Suits, Sideboards,
Sofas, Kxtension fables, Rockers,
Chairs, Lounges, Beds, brass, iron
and wood, Bed Springs, Mattresses.
Call and see us. For the past ten
years we have gireti the public
satisfaction in the Jstove business,
as our customers will admit with
out an exception
117 S. Main Street 123
nilllons of Dollars
Go up In smoko oYiry year. Tnkoufi
risas but get jrom houses, stock, fur-
niiuie, etc., insufod In nrst-class rt-
wuiiiitnios s rcprosenun py
DAVID FAUST.insurancc Agrcnt,
'J South dentin Ht.
Also I.tfnsndAocldern Onmnanlea
(Hlieeler's Oiatantl.)
109 NOllTIl MAiff S'MIWT.
Thirty-nine tlninteit, lOlovou Unilrr Ad
visement ami One Withdrawn,
Potlsville, Feb. 10. Tho throe Judges
havo considered cno hundred and thlrtynnu
applications, mainly new stands, ami of this
number elchty havo been refused and thirty,
nlno granted, whllo eleven aro held under ad
visement and una lias been withdrawn. It
was late yesterday afternoon when Judgo
Koch handed to the Clerk of the Courts the
applications acted upon, Tho following in
this section are among those acted upon :
Itutler Twp. Patrick Oinley, retail, re-fu-'cd;Atnia
II. Miiidlcr, retail, refused;
Frederick Deltcr, retail, undecided.
Gilberton East ward, Patrick M. Walsh,
retail, lefuscd ; Stanislaw Haliowiez, retail,
refused. Middlo waid, Ellen Wolsh, retail,
undecided ; Joint It. Evans, retail, granted ;
J. W Stone, retail, undecided.
Glraidville East wind, Gctirgo II. Tolilu,
n tall, gninted ; J. II. Coorer & A L llower,
wholesale, granted ; lUchard Sneddon,
wholesale. iiudechUd ; William Duleliauty,
retail, refnvd.
Mahanov Citv First waul. Miko lluceia-
wicz, retail, refused; Hinry Fisher, letall,
lel'used: John McDonald, rccousidf led. Thild
ward, John IIuhc.1i, wholesale, undecided.
l ourth ward, John Sehad, retail, undecided;
.Matt, lliiksx.tackaliui. retail, rclusrii; 1) (i.
Yui'ligling it Sue, holesale, granted. Filth
Hard, Joseph Kaczr artzyk. letall, reluscd
Mahanoy Twp Peter Shlllo, retail, ri'
Shenandoih First ward, John M. Jltdalis,
retail, withdrawn ; Michael Mullahy, retail
refused : Matthew Strovchlnsky. rebtil. su
decided : Josenli Hell, retail, refused. Thild
w-ud, Kasiniei' Slinpenas. wholesalcgranted ;
Kiisiiner Sliiipciia-, letall, leluseil ; Lilwartl
.1 AlciNclls, retail, rclu.-eil ; .Martin luilns
key. letall. granted: William August, n-
fused ; .limits Me tee retail, refused ; George
Kar tskv letui . tefn-id. l ourth mud
Pt tor (Irt onbrrg, lelail, gi'anted. Filth ward,
William Klmtall, retail, refined ; .David
Mel, Il l: 1 1 1 1 T l . it-tail, lefuscd : Thomas Me-
Gnlre, letall, leftist d ; Enoch H cklnus, le
tall, u-ru-ed ; Barry Hi.-chko, letall, rein-id;
John l-'eely. retail, refused ; Stephi-n-ii hwait,
retail, granted; .loliu Daltou, wholesale,
u ranted.
Union Twp. Grant Liudemutli, retail,
leftist tl; Daniel Neiswenb-r, retail, granted.
Union, Hast (liileiiu It Koch, retail,
granted; Frank Dedo. retail, granted; Jos.
I', retail, refusal; John Kurtz, retail,
refused; Thomas Tosh, letail, refused; liufus
G. Lash, retail, grai tei1; Charles Hahhich,
retail, refused; Charles itabbi-h, wiiolesale,
granted; Jonathan Yost, retail, giaiited; Ed
ward Malloy, retail, refused.
North Union Casper Hughes, retail, re
fused. Headache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davis' Anti-Headaeho never falls, 25c.
The Gits Imploded.
Superintendent Wallace Halderman and
Frank Klelndenst wero badly burned by an
nxplosiou of gas yesterday in the yard of tho
Mahanoy City Gas Company. Last week it
was decided to put an old tank in service
again Water had accumula'sd in tho bottom
and was frozen, and in order to thaw tho icu
out steam was run into it. Haldermau and
Klelndenst took tho lid off tlit top and low
ered a lantern to seo how tho steam was
working. Tins naptha gas which remained
in tlie tank, was ignited by the lantern and
oxplodrd. Itoth men were hurled against a
feneo, about ten feeta.way. They were badly
burned about the face neck and hands.
Kleiudcnst is iu a serious condition.
Latest spring styles and hats just received,
iu still' and Fedora shapes. At Samuel
lilock's. tf
COAKI.KY. At Shenandoah, on the 17th Inst.,
Maine, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Ciwlklev. I'uneral will take i!aeo on Monday
morning at 9.110 o'clock, high mass being cele
brated in Annunciation church nud interment
iu tho parish cemetery. I'rlemlsamt relatives
aro invited to attend. It
Ml M.Kit. On the 17th lust., nt Shenandoah.
Johanna, wife of John J. Miller, aged 27
years, runeral will tako place cm Monday,
iilst Inst., from the family restdentc. No. Ill
North Pear alley. Will leave town on the 0: 1.1!
a. m. P. t It, Hallway train for Orwtgslnirg,
-whero Interment will bo piade, ltelativesniul
friends respectfully Invited to attend It
TL? Clt mest, Fastest Dye for Soiled
or Failed Shirt Waists, Blouses,
Ribbons, Curtains, Underlinen, etc.,
whether Silk, Satin, Cotton or Wool.
A Specialist on Rupture from Williamsport
will visit
Shenandoah Every Thursday
Ferguson House, from 9 a. m. till 1:30 p. m.
Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or
no pay. Written guarantee to absolutely
cure all kinds of Rupture without
operation or detention from
Absolutely no Danger.
. . Examination Free,
loo persons cured in Sunbury, Sliamokin,
Ml. Carmel and vicinity who can be referred
to. Charges and terms moderate and within
reach of all. '
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
llefulf.uartert for
, . , , Commercial Travelers
Cor- !onl and Main streets, Shenandoah, I'a.
T'Titui 11.00 per day.
Stabling Facilities I'nsiirpaesod,
llOAnlrra eoinforuibly aeeoiuinodated Iiy week
or mouth.
25 Years With Herald.
Mrs. E. S. Cromwell Has Utmost Faith in
Fame's Celery Compound.
Twenty-five years is a lone time, especially
for a woman to work iu the galling harness
of a metropolitan uowspnper.
Such is tlio record of Airs. Cromwell, vice
President of tho Woman's national Press As
sociation, iii tho service ot the Chicago
Herald. As Washington correspondent she
telegraphed to her paper the dally reports of
tho proceedings of the famous electoral com
mission of 1877.
A Quarter of a century of ratine work like
this lias enabled Mrs. Cromwell to know
what "ncrvis" mean. Her faitli iu Paine a
celery compound to restore the nervous sys
tem when it is run down ami depressed by
work, worry, rush or sickness, cannot b
lightly sot asido :
Washington, u, u , l eu, 1'J. ini'J.
1002 11 St
Walls, Richardson Co.:
Gentlemen A voiinc lady residing in my
family, who had tried various remedies for
nervous debility and depleted condition of
tho system, found great and permanent in
liuf from the use of Pablo's celery compound.
I can therefore recommend Hits excel lent
remedy to those iu uccd of treatment of tho
same kind.
Ellen S. Cromwell.
Women have their health much more
laisely in their own bauds than they are
accustomed to believo.
Tho impure blood that undermines tho
stomach and the neivous system can ho un
questionably enriched; the number 'of t lie
red corpuscules Increased, and luoclrt-uiation
cleaned of humors by Palnu's celery com
pound. Sleeplessness that causes much of
the nervous prostration ainoug women is en
tirely within the control of every person
who will tako pains to correct the bad habit
the biain has fallen into. Prof. Edward E.
Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of the Dartmouth
medical school, in auiiounciiic his wonderful
discovery of Paine's celery compound at a
me otlng of the Dartmouth medical faculty,
showed how closely he had studied, iu all
their bearings upon health, suuli disorders us
New Store! - New Goods!
Our stock is composed of everything in Boots, Shoes, Gent's Furn
ishings, Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Dry Goods and Notions. We invite the
public to call on us and convince themselves. Our prices correspond
with the times. A few of them :
Men's Rubbers, - - - - 31 cents
Ladles' " - 19 cents
Shoes, - 75 cents
Men's " - - - Q (3 cents
All other goods are sold on the same low comparison.
rslo S6 Eaat Centre Street.
Next door to Singer ScwIiitfMschlnooniee. ABE LEVINE, PROP.
For Franck's Imported Chloovy. In Europe.
Oeuutno Franck will plcnso you If you love ft Kd cup ' coiTeo
Your Kreer sells It.
sSohuy I kill Dental Parlors,
7 North Jardln Street, --j -. r-rw-
A first class dental parlor where all the branches of dentistry are skill
fully executed.
Best Artificial Teeth,
All our work Is aotompanted with a guarantee.
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
2 West Contre Street.
s'eeplessnt-ss, blood impurity and the ner
vous diseases that aie likely to follow such
daily poisoning of the system.
Paine's tetery compound by its pronoun
ced nourishing power enables the nerves to
get hack their control over tho cliculation so
that the blood supply becomes greatest whero
it is most needed, us in the stomach aftor
eating, and least wher its presouee can only
do harm, as in tho brain whon sleep is uaed
ful. The nerves, when they are stroug and
properly nouiislied, limit the flow of blood
to tho head aud draw off tin excess from the
brain, thus ensuring refreshing sleep. Per
sons who wake up tired, drowsy and ambi
tionlcss, or can not sleep a whole night
thrmiih ar suffering from disordered
nerves. Paine's celery compound calms and
feeds the nerves orcn to their tiniest branch
ings, and they iu their turn are enabled to
equalize the Idood supply ovor tho body,
thus sparing the heart, preventing conges
tions and rushes of blood to the head, dizzi
ness, paralysis, pain over tho heart, and those
headaches that seem to come and go without
any good reason, and are so inexplicable to
hosts of men aud women.
It thus indirectly, but none tho ltss
surely, icllevcs the dangerous prcssuro on
the kidneys aud heart, which eventually
leads to their rapid deterioration and break
down. This great iuvigorator is a long step for
ward in the definite euro of nervous dis-ea-oi
and disurdors that are induced by au in
sullicieiitly nourished system. It is possi
ble to namo. without hesitation, several
diseases that havo been reptatcdly traced to
such impoverishment of the blood nervous
dyspepjia, a "run-down" physical condition,
loss of appetite, nervousness, heart trouble,
tired feelings and a despoudant outlook upon
life. To rid the body of such evidences of
trouble within, it is necessary to stop tho
friction Huong the nervous tissuos that is
pulling down its healthy touo. The remedy
is Paine's celery compound
Sole Agents.
Good Set ol Teeth,
go Cents
$i.o0 and up
25 Cents
Examination Made at the House or at
Our Store.
No. 7 South Main Street,
jIUOD a riMjJJ cure Ijlyer Ilia,
Biliousness, IntllgcsUou, lIondachB.
& uleaa'-ut laxative. All DruggltU.