The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 19, 1898, Image 3

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    OKnQ) B?I(jrj'0'?2'S '
Botll tho method and results when
c . r r- . t . i i
Syrup of Figa i taken; it ,is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acU
genuyycr, promptly on uicniuney?,
Tjivnr mill lrvn1. ni nniiRoct lltn rvs. 1
tern effectually, dhpels colds, head-1 General nnisdeffro was the ilrst wit
aches and fovers and CHIOS habitual I ness. The Rencral confirmed the Btnte
constipr.tiou. Syrup of Fiqn is tho i montB made by General Pellleux.
onlv romedv of its kind cvor mo. I Tho Piestdltm Ju elms addressed Gen-
duced, pleasing to tho taste r nd ao-
-. " . . . a
(eptnblo to tho stomneh, ir: ljpt in
its notion and truly henelieiul 111 its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthyand agrecnbloBubsttuiccs, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug,
gists. Any reliablo druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Part I. Diseases of Horses.
Part II. Diseases of Cattle.
Part III. Diseases or Sheep.
Part IV. Diseases or Hogs.
Part V. Diseases of Dogs.
Part VI. Diseases or Poultry.
Samo book In bettor binding BO eta.
Ul'HrlinKTS'lICD. (O., Cor.UlUIim A John Hu., New York
and Prostration from. Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Speciflo
No. 28, In use over 40 yenra, tlio only
Bucscssful remedy.
Sola by PrusRttta, or Itnt pot.nM oil rerelpl of rlc.
HUUI'lllltUS' ItKU. to., Cor.Mllllmii ic JolinoU., htn York
J. J. QUIRK, Mgr.
uesaay, ttd.
Washington's Birthday.
n.., ..l-v-Ant i f. . I ! . n . . w 1 l... I lin
elebrated "oo" minstrel band.
compssed of the soloists of
the 3rd Brigade Baud.
rices : - 25, 35 and 50 Cents
Seats on sale at Snyder's drug store.
ciJAP"':' Wueax Opkcifis Cn.,FHiA.,Px
nt l'ovlnsky'i drug etoro,
Oeutre itreet.
Eomarlcablo Proceedings in the
Trial of M, Zola.
Tlic.v Address tlio Jury nt Tliolr 1'lcnn-lu-omid
Answer Only Suoli Questions
ns Tlitv I'lenso TCstoi'hnzy Snubs
Zulu's Lawyers, ns Does tlio .Turtiro.
Paris, Feb. 19. The remarkable trav
esty on Justice, the "trial" of II. Zola,
wns con"mi!l yesterday In the same
mnnnpr ,n,s heretofore Zola's counsel
was snubbed and Insulted by the pro-
BldlnB JudBCf whlle wllMJs for,je
resecutlnn were permitted to nlr their
views and address the jury at their,
1 rj, .... e..,t . ...i i
vim utiiMicn 1 1; tin luuiiMEi. ii'iii'i ill,
an Incident we did not anticipate oc
curred yesterday. A desire was mani
fested that you should be examined,
and the court has acceded to It."
Tho piesldlng Judge then rend the
horthand report of General Pellleux's
statement, and asked the witness what
ho had to say on the subject. General
Uolsdeffre leplled: "I confirm fully tho
authenticity of General Pellleux's state
ment. I do not wish to add a word to It,
but, gentlemen of the Jury, you are the
nation lieie, for you represent It. If the
nation has not confidence in the chiefs
of the army, let It say s, and- we are
eady to leave to others the burden of
our responsibility. Gentlemen of the
Jury, you, who represent the nation,
pronounce an opinion."
As General IJolsdelXre wns leaving
the stnnd M. Laborle, counsel for 11.
Zola, llstng, said:
"I fhould like to question General
You cannot," replied the presiding
What!" exclaimed St. Laborle.
No!" vehemently retorted the pre
siding Judge; "you cannot. Call th
next witness."
M. Laboile vainly protested against
this ruling, but an usher called Major
Esterhnsr.y, who took the stand.
The Judge asked the major what he
had to answer to the charge that he
was tho author of the bordereau. Es
terhazy replied:
Gentlemen of the Jury, on, a shadow
of proof, this miserable Mathieu Drey
fus has accused me of being guilty of
his brother's crime. I have been ad-
udged by my peers, who have acquit
ted me, but today I am summoned as a
witness so that he may reaecuse me,
when I have neither advisor nor coun
sel to defend me. I will answer any
questions you put to me, gentlemen of
the Jury, but as for those people," turn-
ng to M. Zola and his counsel, "I won't
reply to them."
M. Laborle, who was drawing up an
application to cross examine General
Bolsdeffre, was ordered to "question
Esterhazy Immediately or not at all."
Laboile protested, but the judge or
dered Esterhazy to quit the stand.
General Pellleux rose In tho body of
the court and urged that one of M. I3on
chon be called to the stand. The Judge
did not reply, but suspended the sit
ting temporarily.
Tho noise In court was deafening and
almost Indescribable, everyone vocifer
ously maintaining his Individual views.
the prevailing opinion being that the
case was being settled In military fash
ion. When the session was resumed M.
Laborle presentud his exceptions, and
concluded with demanding the recall of
Generals Uolsdeffre and Pellleux and
Major Esterhazy.
The advocate general reminded the
court of his demnnd that the Dreyfus
affair should not bo mentioned, other
wise, he added, he would leave the mat
ter In the hands of the court.
Counsel for M. Zola retorted: "The
generals came Into court In full uni
form and wearing their decorations, in
order to make speeches for the prose
cution. The defense is reproached with
attempting to secure a revision of the
Dreyfus case, but the cenerals have
harangued against a revision of the
trial of Major Esterhazy, who was ac
quitted. Gentlemen of the Jury, I
Intieat you most earnestly to rise above
the of tho misled public and to
consiii i i hat wo are perhaps at a turn
lug point in our history, and that your
decision will have consequences which
no one today can measure."
m. z.oia leu tne paiace mi justrue at
5:30 l). m., and immediately he was
greeted with a storm of hisses and
derisive cries, and the authorities were
obliged to protect his canlage with a
double cordon of police.
On reaching tho St. Michael bridge
the mob made a murderous rush for
the carriage, but the police threw
themselves between tho vehicle and tho
mob nnd a series of miniature battles
ensued. Ultimately the police drove
tho mob bark.
Don't glvo thorn teaorcolloo. Hnvoyou tried
tlio now food drink culled Or.iln-O? It is
delicious nnd nourishing mid takes tlio placo
of cofl'co. Tbo more Grnin-0 you glvo tlio
children tlio more health you tlistr hutc
through their systems. Oraln-0 is niado of
pure grains, and whon properly prepared
tastes llko theclioico gnidnsof colTeo hutcosts
about ns much. All grucers tell It, 15c nnd
ltnllor Kxpcilltlnn 'Striinilcfj,
Tacoma, AVash., Feb. 19. Tlio ship
Lucille, havlnc on board the govern
ment relief expedition, Is stranded at
Departure bay, walling for something
to come along nnd tow It to Dyea. The
Lucille haB 112 mules, 100 tonsot freight,
Ave packers, two United Statea omcers
and 21 men.
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for Throat and
Lungs. It is curing more cases of Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup and all
Throat and Lung Troubles, than any othermcd
icine. The proprietor lias authorized any drug
gist to give you a Sample Dottle Frtt to con
vince you of this great remedy. Price 25c.
and 50c,
Conn turlol tor 'PurdOncfi.
Wnnhlngitoii, Feb. 19. Stanlslau
Wrabtonakl, of Dolaware, convicted In
1891 of pausing counterfeit money and
sentenced to n term of eicht years In
the ponltenttnry, has been pardoned by
the prenldent. The nttotney general, In
his brief In the case, says he regards
the sentence as excessive. The flna la
also remitted.
Hurklen'a Arnica Halve.
Tho best salvo In the world for cuts,
hruiaos, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever foros,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positlToly cures piles,
or jo pay required. It l guaranteed to give
porfoct satisfaction or mony refunded Price
85 cohts per box. For sale by A. Waaloy.
ft -
a Mil - V
tJtewen A. Mcunirf cnu
Malt Extract
lor some years
1. vfc
a thoroughly up-to-date periodical for women, will enter upon Its
thirty-first volume in 1S93. During the year It will be as heretofore
Paris and New York , tach issue will contain carefully pre.
rnehinn i pared drawing of the advance fashions
rasnmns I of Paris and New York Once a month
A Colored Fashion the IIazak will issue, free, a colored
Supplement fwhion supplement Cut paper patterns
of certain gowns ineach number will be
Cut Paper Patterns made a feature. Thee will be sold in
A RLWeeltlv Pnttprn connection with each issue at a uniform
H oi-neeKiy rauern pric(, The ,)AZAI( wjl, a)s0 publlsh bl
vheet I weekly, free, an outline pattern sheet
TwofamousauthorswlllcontributetonR WILD EELEN
serial stories to the Hazar in 189S. The uy irlLLIAM BLACK
first deals with Scotch and Continental tJA-t.T, t nw
scenes, the 6ccond ii a storv of a vountr KAGG11.D LADY
Kin, vcrMiiie, ana typically inierican
Mary E. Wilklns
Octave Thanct
H. P. Spofford
M. S. Briscoe'
Katharine Lie 1'orcst
There will be a series of articles on Etiquette, Music, the
Voice, Art, the Play, Women and Men, Leaders among Women,
Gardening, Housekeeping, Life and Health, Indoor Details, etc.
10c, a Copy (Send lor Free Prospectus) Sub., $4 a Year
Vostttge Jree in the United States, CttttaJa, and Mexico.
Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York City
W. D. Howell.
.Mr. Ailrt-tl SI. llnrlHiuck h&.vh unaoroatlr
3"l'r i wi-iitv vefir. I Rtitr. i .l Inim Motf.
'C ftf AIiuhi' ftii'l tho n;tf r-eIK'ct of u case of
Y tniu my HjHicm Uy a former l'lillndelphla
-mail fort ii no wltli tuiwi every kufUTti spo
1-lnlUt In tliUfiiiiiitrt iifti.r u. Iilch I ivaauil.
Vised by MaclMrMc McDavison to consult
DR.THEl604 N,SUthSt.:
l-hllitilulplilit. I told til in that liououht no
clou hi bw liku ult Hie oiliurs, but I found out that
Dr. f het'l wtw fur uirior to all others, for his ex
cnilmiUon wiih ilitiuiifflt and hW irtatnient, I b
llevo, unrlvalod by any physician lti ihU country,
1 (e khvu ino i eiief; be i'rmnH'ntl,v cured me of Lobt
MatihiMNl an t eiadlcatod all poison from my ny
VAlUUOt'KLK; ha wave lack to mo tho greatest
rift on earth, health unci Iiapnlneni. I am sure, suf-
lerniK uroiiirr nii'i imurK, in ur. ii.cci jouwm
Unci tne most honorable nnd fklllfut Kpt'dftllit llv
In s." NIicoNcas"s pnbllsliedwI.U -tit consent.
The utmost srerecv guaranteed. Krcnh ennrn
cured In I to 1 O days. HKI'HIT'S DIskahk and
DIAltl-iKrt MRIiMTUh. H12LK-A HUSI3 and
IlLUUI) p(il-f) cur d under a Kiiarautee. When
you call brlnir your urine with Von. Treatment by
mall. Kent flvo 2-cent stampa for book, Truth,
lis egual cannot h Joiitul; tliuonlytrud medical;
book rxpoH ii if (hmrk Doctors. Hours : U-5
ev'e",(Ve; Hun. 9-12. Cures iuurnntccd.
for mm Mm.
TBlAl t!TtjiniiT comes S3
Tliofumom Apppareonnil Itcmi'dlm of S
thoErloMcdunl Cu. nowfurtliBfirettimo 5
oflorcd on trial TrUbcutoxpcnso to ony F
borjuat Diail. Not tlcl'ar to bo tinld ,
til n.ll'mlp.1. dil-n ortn nf Tfrrnrr .
nr Kiresf cs In Old or Tuuuir. Manhood rl
Fully Hcftori-il. How to Unliirgo nnd M
oirvriyiuuu vitchk, ui;oevciotK:u roriinn?
of Body. Abwiluttiy unfalllnu Homo
Trefltmont. No C. 1 1. I), or nthi.r Rchpnie-
ApluinoC'orbviilliDi of lilsli Btnuiliiir. :'i
jRl HEDlGill COW?:!
Is eold under positivo Written Guarnntce,
IjiRHltniln. nil Drninfl. Yontll
fill Krrors, or Kirocsivo Upo of Tobacco, Opium,
or Liquor, which loads to Misery. Consumption,
Insanity nnd Death. At store or by mail, $1 n
box, sis for 15; with written puurnnteo to
euro or reniiul money, htimplo J"vfT
tiKO. containing fivo d!yBr treatment, with full
instructions, 25 conte. Ono eamplo only sold tc
oachporuon. Atetoroor Ijj mail.
C35ficd Label SpeciaMMTfaj
Ptra Slrsnnlh. Iasi, .
e-7fWFor Impotoncy,Loss qtSJt
Urnr'.llfn r 1 tn rmi naca I
Ss.?rfAl " box; eix for f.r). with
!f5-ys7"vrlttisu finrntittH'tef.
OCOntorbymail. At'TEF
lor Sale at KIRIIN'S Drug: Store.
nmr ihtfrnai nn external. 9
l'or sale at Klrlln'a drug etoro mid Shenandoai
drug store.
4aalth is ieeii
J. ucrS&n
SlV iMSrie Co.,Ho.tcn,M. Ourt.k.10.
Cbaimcey )VL Depew
. .4 r. .
URAND central uepot,
December 16, 1895. J
C rt
The genuine Johann Hoff's $
has been used in my family $
These and a score of other equally
prominent writers will contribute
stories to the 11AZAK In 1895,
the paper especially rich in
Octave Thanet
In the Spring will be Tremendous.
Tho inot inrontnble ImsJncss will bo In trnni
portation nnd nierclmiHUalnj; and In furnishliiK
food nnd HUppHe to tlio multitude of Gold
SeekciH In fdmit, n general Trading. Meruni
tile and MeaniBliln biulnetw. It was ao In M0 It
will be so In "jH.
The AlaSKa TranSttnTtatlOll
1 11 -iaon.a. 1 1 UUOpul UlllUll
and Development Company
$5 000,000 ""."
To meet this denmnil, will own ami operate Its
Connecting with Its own line of large and
Magnificent Ocean Steamers,
Specially ndnptcd for iasencr business carry
lnirtothat country mi Immense amount of huih
piles nnd equipment for the miners, ns well ns
funiMiinK them transportation for themselves
nun ineir immhis, nmi ehtuitiitiuuK i rnauiK
Slntlons at different noints. An onnortimitv Is
oilered any person, be they of small or Inrge
meaiH, n miy siiarea 01 sioctc in tins company
and participate In tho
sure to be earned within tlio next 12 months.
Shares arc offeied at $1.00 each
par value, non-nsneMable, and will bo offered
for n limited tt mo only.
Safer than Savings Banks nd Bank Stocks
Paying larger dividends. M'lillo n morons
savings hanks nnd b.inks have suspended,
transportation nnd trading companies were
neer seen In the list of failures. This itock Is
out of tho most desirable Investments offered
the public.
The Incorporators nnd stockholders who nre
connected with this company nre men of wide
experience in similar undertakings and men
whose names are sufficient guarantee of the
standing of the company, to wit:
AI.ltKUT ( M,ATZ, Pres. Val lllatz llrew Co.,
HON WSI. 1C. MASON, United States Senator
from Illinois
D. (J. KinVAUDS, Pass. Traffic Mgr. C. II. &
J). IE. It, Cincinnati.
FliANK A. 1IKCIIT, of Chas, Knebtncr & Co.,
CHAH. II. UOCK.WI-:iJ,,TramcMgr. O I, & T
It. if., (Motion ltoute) Chicago
W. C. ItlNICAltHON, Uen'IPaKH. Agt. C. N. O
Ac T. 1'. K. It., Cincinnati, O,
Ii W. tUCIFKITII, Pres First National Hank.
Vi(.kslnirg, Miss.
FHK1). A OTTIC, past eighteen years with
Shelby liank, Mielhyvillc, Ind.
J. M. PIIILMPS. Cashier First Nat1 1 Hank,
Vtckshurg, Miss.
And hundreds of otlicrs equally prominent.
Address nnd make nil money payable to
The Alaska Transportation &, Development Co,,
Cor. Von llurcn & Dcnrborn St.,
Pennsylvania j
FKimUAnv 20, 18!
Trains will leave SliminiKtoorfi after ttie abort
rtnto for Wlggnns, allberton," Krackvlllo Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllloyilainburg, Headlud
l'ottttown, l'lioenlxvllletifarrlstowii ncd PliU
acVplila (llroail street nW tlon) at (IU3 and 8 10
h. 111 , 2 03, a 1.1 p 111. ouij'uck days. Sundays,
A 0.1 a. 111 , 1 50 p. 111. n
Lciivn Shenandoah for PlottavHle (via Delano!
7 38, 911a. 111., 12SO, 3 0.1? t5 88, 8 2 P. weok
days. Sundays, 0 10 . my 12 80 and 0 31 p. in.
Trains leave KruckvlllM or Slieiiitniloii '
I1 11 a.m. and .140, TS2S3, ,u. Suuduy, 731,
,U tj II, (II 1IIIU J m, (J. IU. I
Leave Puttsvlllo for Sll
namloah (via 1'rack
0, 7 28 p. m. Sundtfj
vllln 710, 1120 a. m., 5!
10 3! a. in.. 3 00 11. 111.
Leave Pottsvillo for She
andoah (via Delano)
:!(, S 10 p. in, week
2 31 and 0 10 p m.
000,7 1.1,9 01 a. 111., 123'
(lava. Sundays. 8 41 n. in
l.cavo Philadelphia, (ltd
nd street station;, (m
Slicnandiiali ut S 87. 8 33ui
10 19 a. ni i 10 ana
tyg leave at 0 80 a. m.
in. Philadelphia, lu:
" It 11. m. week days. Sun
lavo Hroad street slat
Mea Cllrt. Asbun Park.
Ocean drove. Lorn
Branch, ami Intermedi
tto stations, 8.C0
11.11, a. m., 8.KO ami i.uupi
in week-days,
ii. Philadelphia.
lx:uvo nroftu niret 1 man
Kxnress. week-davs 3'.1. 103. 1 80 8 1.1. 6 80.
7 83, H 2"', 8 83, 'J SO, 10 21 (lAiilug Our), 11 00 a. ni,
12 uo noon, 'Ziu ii,iiiiiii'i iw ana ics p.m.
Dining Curs), 1 10, 2 80 III lilng air) 320, 380.
100, 8 00, 8 60 (Dining Car)! 6 00, 7 02,7 13, 10 00
n. in.. 12 01. lllelit. SumlaSs, 8 20,4 0.1,180 8 18,
8 20,8 S3,J.!0, 1021. (Dl lllg Onr) 1133 a. m
12 35,1 08 Dining Oar) 2 30 (Dliiiiig Our), 4 00
(Limited 1 22 Dining Oar), 8 20, SS0,( Dining Cnr)
0 31, 7 02, 7 43, 10 00 p. m , 13 01 night.
Kipress for Ilostou without change, 11 00 a in.,
week-days, and 7 43 p. m., dally,
l'or Ilttltlinoro and Washington, 3 SO, 7 20. 8 82,
1020, 1123, u. III., 12011, 1231 (Dll.lllg
sloni'il Limited. Dining Vr, 0 17. 88.1 Din
big Oar, 781 Dli'lng Oi rl p. in., and 1203
nl Klit wee K (lays, rniiiunjii, a i m. v i, ii j,
a. Til, 12CJ, 1 12, 41 It, 1820 Congressional Lim
ited, Dining Cur, 0 85 Dining Our), 7 31 Din-
lug Cur p, m. and 12 05 iilgQit.
Leave Itrnad street stutloti via Delaware rlvei
bridge Kxpreaa. 7 03 p. m. dally.
Ij uvk Market Street Warf Uxprees, 8 SO a ra
2 00, 4 00,8 00 1. in. Sundays, 8 43, 9 43 a, m
lurconiiiioclatlon 4 30 nnd 800 p. in.)
l'or Op May, Anglesen, Wild wood and Holl j
Peach, Sea lele t'lty, Ocetn City, Avulou and
Stono llaroor I' xpress, vuj n. in., iw, p. in,
v ekdaya. Sumluys, 9 00 s m,
For K imers Point l'ip.foa, 860, a. m.,200,
4 00. fi 00. p. in. wesk davH Sundays, 8 13 u. in.
I I, II. Hit' urtioM, J, 11. Wood,
1 ' ,,.....1 If... ......... flu. .'I V..m..I A.rt
Msry I!. Wilklni
9 i
rh try a T 4a
In tho Oaso Against Sheriff Martin
and His Doputios.
From Present Indldntlnnn tlio Tvlnl
Will Draw Aloiiir For Four WooltB
l.ontror MoroFvlclonconstoTlirentH
Mndu by liopiitlos,
Wllkcsbnrre, Pn Feb. 10. The
commonwealth today finished Its
case against Sheriff Martin nnd his
deputies, chnrged with shooting down
the strikers nt Lattimer. The defense
will open on Monday, nnd will con
clude In about two weeks. The dis
trict attorney will then call nbout BO
witnesses In rebuttal. Altogether It
looks us though the trial will drug
along for four weeks longer.
The llrst witness called yesterday
was Frank Kublskl. lie said that the
sheriff had told them at West llazle
ton to go home, adding: "I'm the sher
iff of Luzerne county, and you cannot
go through here without you kill me."
Then the witness stated that Deputy
Cook Hied In the ulr, and when the
Btrlkers had gone back Policeman
Jones showed them how they could
reach Lattimer by a side street, telling
them that so long as they were unarm
ed the deputies could not hurt tliem.
At Lattimer he saw two men shot dead
by the llrst fire, and ns he ran two
more dropped by his slue on the fur
ther side of the railroad track, lie
1 was away up on the hill when the fir
ing ceased. He denied, on cross exam
ination, that his father had dynamite
In the house to blow up the company's
works, but he admitted that he hud It
In the mine to use In his work there.
John I'eckuhanls testified that ho
was shut in tho thigh while 140 yards
i from the deputies. John Hantiwlcz, a
friend, ran over to assist him, and was
shot through tho body. x
John Mloklas, the ytngest witness
of the trial, a 10-year-old breaker
boy, who marched with the strikers
to Lattimer, testilled that when the
sheriff stopped the men at West 11a
zleton that oinclal was told they were
going peaceubly and with no Intention
of hurting or murdering anybody.
Joseph Padladeck, tho next witness,
declared the sheriff gave the order to
fire. Asked If he could identify the
sheriff he pointed out Mr. Palmer, one
of tho lawyers for the defense, and
there was much laughter.
B. C. Laubaeh, a baker of Freeland,
heard Deputy William Itaught say af
ter the shooting, "1 used live or seven
shots." Another deputy said, "I emp
tied my gun."
Bernard Ttuman, who was brought
into court on a stretcher from the Ila
zloton hospital, is shot through both
hips, and mny not recover. Ho said that
the sheriff told the strikers at Latti
mer to disperse, and when the leaders
began to argue he shot down a man
standing near to him, and when the
man clung to his arm the sheriff struck
him down with the butt of his revolver.
He then Jumped back and shouted,
Andrew Stabonlk showed to the Jury
the scars of three wounds. Ho was
shot through each shoulder and in the
middle of the back, each ball passing
quite through his body.
The widow of Mike Cezlak, for whose
death the sheriff and deputies are on
trial, Enid that she had been married
IB years and had Ave children.
Mike Zlek became exasperated when
In the cross examination Attorney Len
nhan persisted in asking where the
Btrlkers expected to see the men at
Lattimer, and finally exclaimed: "I
don't know; I'm not tho Holy Ghost.'
Zlek was shot In the side, and exhibited
the wound.
Thomas Lynch testified regarding
threats by the deputies. He said: "At
West Hnzleton Thomas Manley told mo
to get out of tho road, saying I might
get shot, and when I would not go he
swore at ine and said he would knock
my brains out. Deputy Cook told him
to shut up, us I had as much right there
as anybody. Later 1 heard George and
James Ferry say they would blow out
the strikers' brains. I also saw Alonzo
Dodson holding a wounded striker
against a fence with the muzzle of his
gun. The man was bleeding from a cut
on his head."
John Welsh said he heard Edward
Barnback say: "This is the hardest
day's work I've done for some time. I
don't see why tho sheriff Is taking us
around without giving us a chance to
do some shooting." Welsh admitted
that John Damschek, the driver of a
beer wagon, who was wounded, said to
him that the strikers had pulled him
from his wagon and forced him against
his wishes to join them nnd march to
Lattimer. Damschek died in the hos
pital a tiw days later.
Ant'iiony Novatny. John B. Ilallman
an John Marinko gave corroborative
Robbed the Grave.
A startling incident of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was tlio subject, is
narrated by him as follows : "I was in u most
dreadful condition. My skin was almost
yellow, eyes sunken, tonguo coated, pain
continually in hack and sides, no appetite
gradually growing weaker day by day.
Three physicians had given mo up. fortun
ately, a friend advised trying 'Klectric
Hitters,' and to my great joy and surprise,
tlio first bottle mado a decided improvement.
I cou t limed their uso for three weeks, and
am now a woll man. I know they saved my
life, and robbed tlio grave of auothor victim."
No ono should fail to try them. Only 50
cents per bottlo at A. Waslcy's drug store.
1'riintila'B Awnii Mlno.JJisrtister.
noschum, Prussia, Feb. 19. So far
74 bodies have been recovered from the
Verelnleto CarollnengluecK colliery.
which was destroyed by an explosion of
fire damp. Thirty men are still en
tombed in tho ruins. Up to ine present
time 110 bodies have beti taken from
the ruins.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forovor, bo mado well, strong, magnetic,
full of now life and vigor, take No-To-Bac,
tho wondor-workor that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds lu ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Hac from
your own druggist, who will guarantco a
euro. SOc or fl.OO, Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Storliug Isomody Co.,
Chicago or New York,
ltroiii! Itrut'iii-R Mifit nown.
Palermo, PU'lly, Feb. 19. Three hun
dred vIllaBors, Includlnu women nnd
children, mado a demonstration yester
dav In the vlllano of Strolna. demand
lnrr suecor. Several were armed with
axes, pistols and cudgels. They refused
to disperse, ami tne soioiers wno in
tervened were ureeted with a shower
of stones and pistol shots. The troops
returned the fire, ltlllinff two peasants
and wounding four.
Wo nro anxious to lo a little good In this
world ami ran think of no pleasantor or
lmltcr wav to do it than hy rvonmiemlltiK
One Minute CsukIi (lire in a prc-cntlve of
luioniiionla coir.uinptlnii ami otmr rcruma
IiiUK troulilcB tliut lullow lii'BU-ted coldi,
I II llaceiibucli
The revenue cuter Corwln will ioon
leave San Francisco to aid the Hear In
rescuing Ice bound Arctic whalers.
A movement has been started for the
erection of a statue of General Lafay
ette by this government in Paris dur
ing the coming eximsitlon.
Ux-Audltor Moore, of Lincoln, Neb.,
lias been set free of a oonvlctlon for al
leged emViczglement on the ground that
the statute ii unconstitutional.
A panic was created In a West Seventy-second
street (New York) house
by a large piece of rock blown through
the walls fiom a near-by quarry.
There lire three little th ims which do
more work limn any other three little things
crented they are the ant, t lie liec and
Hewitt's Little llarly lii-ew, the Inst being
tlio laiiioiiH little pills for Momnch and liver
triltlll'! (J. II. HhKCllllllI'll.
Twoiit.v-tlin'O Wi'.'iV'itescitcn.
TenerlfTe, Canary Islands, Feb. 10.
Nine more of the crew and .passengers
of the (.'ompugnle Oenerule Transat
lantlque line steamer Flachet, wrecked
on Anagn Point, this isl.ind, early Wed
nesday mornintr In a fog, have been
saved, thus raising the number of res
cued tn 23.
V list pleasure is there In life with n licail
iirhe, cnnstlpitiuti nnd liiliuusnesR? Tholls
mils c.ierlonco them who cnuld liecuuie per
fectly liimlthy by using DeWitt's Little Early
liisers, tho famous little pills. C. 11. Hagcii
Illicit. FlllbiixterM 5fll Dcimrtlmr.
Atlantic City, Feb. 19. A report was
brought to this city yesterday that a
tugboat and a large steamer had been
acting very suspiciously in the vicinity
of Ship Bottom and Beach Haven. The
belief is general that a filibustering ex
pedition has been successfully launched.
The boats were seen by a lineman In
the employ of the United States govern
ment, while fixing the life crew tele
phone line In that vicinity. The line
man says lie worked there for three
days, nnd the tug appeared to be trans
ferring goods from Ship Bottom beach
to the steamer.
For the Cure of Plies.
Is not only intensely painful, dangerous to
life anil very expensive, hut in tlio light of
modern medical research and since tlio dis
covery of tho Pyramid I'ilo Cure a surgical
operation is wholly uuncciwry. If you
have any doubt on tlio point kindly rad the
following letters from people who knorr that
our claims regarding tlio merits of tlio
Pyramid Pile Cure arc borne out by tho
From N. A. Stall, Ilidge ltoad, Niagara Co.,
N. Y. : I received your Pyramid Pilo Cure
and tested it last night. It did ino more
good than anything I have ever found yet,
anil reiiiumbor this was the result of one
night's treatment only.
From Penn W. Arnctt, Ilatesville, Ark.
Gentlemen : Your Pyramid Pile Cure lias
dona mo so much good in o short a timo
that my son-in-law. Cant. T. J. Klein, of
Fort Smith, Ark., lias written me for your
address, as lie wishc s to try it also.
From A. E. Torrnsiend, IUnville, Ind.: I
have been so much benefitted by tlio Pyra
mid Pile Curo that I enclose $1 for which
please soud a package which I wish to giro to
a friend of mine who suffers very much from
From John II. Wright, Clinton, DeWitt
Co., Ills. : 1 am so well pleased with tho
Pyramid Pile Curo that I tluuV it hut right
to drop you a few lines to inform you its ef
fects Iiito been all that I could ask or wish.
From P. A. Bruton, Llano, Tex. : Gentle
men : The Pyramid Pilo Curo lias done so
much good for me that I will say for the
benefit of others that after using only two
days I am better than I have been for
The Pyramid Pilo Cure is prepared by Tho
Pyramid Drug Co. of Marshall, Mich., and it
is truly a wonderful remedy for all forms of
piles. So great has been tho number of
testimonial letters received by them from all
parts of the country that they have decided
tu publish each week a number of such
All druggists recommeud the Pyramid
Pilo Cure, as they know from what their
customers say that no remedy gives such
eneral satisfaction.
Relieve and Cure 2
Head Troubles r Wmuiiw1
Stomach Disorders ",'vnr'.u!,
System Irregularities l-
"For every III, a special pill." 2
If not ftt Drugstores, write
Bronx Chemical Co. ,Yonkers,N.Y.
Health Hook Mulled Free.
a tj t ri r r f i
vigor to the whole beinp. All drains and losses are ch -fcd rmanen r I'1 s patient
are properly cured, their condition often worries thci n lits.iniiy. ncr Death.
Malledsealed, Trice $i perhoi; 6 boxes, with Iron-cl -Hi , .Ingram ur orrcfuodth
moucy.ts-oo. bend for free book. Address, FEAL MEDICINE CO , Cleveland, O.
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Druj: Sturc, Shenandoah, Pa.
- Xkf-y A f nrc , rcjruxMVd nun Ki'.-p inioriut'ii .11
'v5yj.s ' ,. . rf il.e vill 111. 5
z T.Oas iV i'' "uiic.i mil i!'.. ; i; .iiim-wifo will
l'10 Ioii-p. '8 n staii'lanl remedy lor 5
' r ' til'iajus, BruUes, C'imiips, Khouiuutlbin, ;
' ' ' tiMfd anil nil aches and pnlns. E
hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 1' lllllllt
When a joi
cut in r.inrtl
life Witlll
cicj-,t hoi
ccnt2i!)tnr il
tli, ta.e neel
cities, slit pirn
turcs herself Itl
the f,.ture tucl
tit! ttesa of
faUly man-1
flou, contain J
ing the omj
furti r.nd lumjB
net of life IiV
th..t drcamlandl
of the futurcl
rc v.,M
ri b c.rpeti ori
thi flcor fin.
p.tinttnp.i 011I
the wiills, sM
tn .1 r n 1 fi c p n il
sideboard loaded with biH r . tli d.ilntyl
labliwnre in the dining r' m rtti i ..1 In I
slrtimenH, book" and all that Hi luurtofl
a sybniitc could yearn for, and .1 1 y
10 eiincr man or n ' tli
fort-, and nil the luxuries 11 c ' all
wealth in the world soon L .nr a
and a wearinc, unless tin n t n I nby
wnom uiey can notii contii' 't 3 ii
work. A woninn who, tin ) 1.1
or neglect, stifle! from m Lb 3 t 1 c
mip nr the nelleflte nnn titmnrl.tnt
concerned in wifehood an) tnothirlKiol
blasts all these hopes. Iiith' r 'i will bi
childlcs". or will lose her uwn Itft ni thil
strtiirelc of maternity, or her 1 ' . v. ill bl
born puny, sickly and pci n b .J t,; Jjlil
to withstand the ordinary ailtncr ( cf iliilj-l
huod. Dr. Pierce's Favome I rcc riptt ml
surciy anti completely cur. - m '!itt del
icate complaints. It is till ill1 v ry .folKj
of the most eminent livnie rptciali ts ill
women's diseases, Dr. K Tier.1; fol
thirty years chief consulting rnvsicizn tl
the Invalids' Hotel and Snrgu 1 In titute.J
at Buffalo, N. V. The "F.iwti- I'rir.cripl
lion " acts aireciiy upon ire s timve or
KanUm concerned It imp ," it health
strength, vigor, virility and l tn ity Itl
fits for wifehood and .hood Itl
robs maternity of its peril' auo injures ai
neaituy, roiiust ciiuu.
lTree. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Med
ical Adviser Send 31 otii n t.-.'npa to
cover mailing only for pup 1 buuitd copy
Cloth-bound v cents. Audrey Dr l'V.
Pierce, HiifT.ilo, N. Y.
Philadelphia z
Reading Railway
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke
Trains lonro Bhenandoah nn follows ;
For New York v!a I'hllnilclphln. week tlnye.
z iv, o ati, t no 'joi a, ra., iuj, ts w anuuu p.
m HutidnyH, 2 10 n. m.
For New York via Maucli Chunk, week days,
a, 7 uo a. m., &s ana is iu t. in.
For ICendlnfr nnd lMdladulphla, week days,
2 10, 5 36, 7 05, 9 M, Il; 33, 3 10 and 6 07 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For I'ottHvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 05, 0 51 a. m.,
12 IT?, 3 10, 6 07 and 7 25 p. m. Hiindayn, 2 10 a. ra,
For Tamanua and Mahanoy City, week days,
2 10, 5 36, 7 05, 9 51 a. in., 12 33, 3 10 and 6 07 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. ra
For Willlamnport, Sunbury and Lewlnburj?,
week daH. 8 25, 5 36, 7 05, 11 30 a. m. 12 33, 7 25
p. m mundayH,3 25a. tn.
ForMahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 5 36.
7 05, 9 6-1, 1130 a. m., 12 33,3 10, 6 07 7 25, 9 6 and
11 40 p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 a. m.
For Aahliuid and Shamokln, week dayB, 8 25,
;s5, 7 or), ii so . m., a io, 007 7 25 an
9 55 n. m. SninJaVB. 3 2S ft. m.
For Haltlmoie. W'asliluirton and the Vct via
II. Sc O. H. It., through trains lea-i Heading
Terminal, I'lnmilolplila, (l. cc it. 11 K.) al U'A),
7JW, 11 M a. rn., a 10 anu i.'Zi p. u.. minuays,
120.7 00.11 20 a.m., 3 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addj
tloiml trnlns from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week day( 101'Oa, m. 12 20,
12 15 8 40 p in. Sundays, 1 35, H 23 p. m.
Ieave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 30, 8 00, 11 30 a. m., and 1 SO, 4 30,
9 00 p.m. Sundays, 5 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 9 10 a. in.. 1 30 and 4 15 p. ra.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, rt 35, 10 10 a. ni. and 1 42, I 05, 6 30, 11 30
p. 111. Sundays, 11 30 p. in.
Leave Hiding. week days, 1 85, 7 10,10 08, a, m.
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. 111. Sundays, 135
B. m.
Leave Pottavllle, weekdays, 2 35, T 40 a.m.,
12 30 and 6 10 p. in. Sundays, 2 35 a, m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3 18, 8 13, 1123 n.
111., 1 86, 5 56, 7 20 and 9 43 p. in. Sundays, 8 18
a m
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20,3 15,
9 12 11 47 ft. m., 2 17, 5 18, 6 22, 7 44 and 10 08 p. m.
Sundays 12 25, 3 45 a. ra.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 35, 2 40,
4 00 6 80,9 26. 10 25, 1159 a. ra., 2 32( 5 32, 6 38,
7 57, 10 22 p m. Sundays, 12 40, 2 10. 4 00 a. m.
Leave WUMnmniort. week davs. 7 12. 10 20 a
tn., 4 00 and 11 30 p. ra. Sundays, il 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war and
South street wharf for Atlantic City.
WeekdayH Express, 9 00 a, m.. 2 00, 4 00,
fi 00 p. m. Aeuoinmodation, 8 00 a. in., 6 30 p. ra.
Sundays Express, 900, 10 00 a, m. Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a. ia, 145 p. m.
Heturulng lea.-e Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic and At uinas avenues.
Weekdays- E ..preai, 7 35, 9 00 a ra 8 30, 5 30
p. ip. Accommodation, b 15 a. ra. 405 p. ra,
Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 30 p. ra. Accom
modation, 7 15 a. ra., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Caih on all extmw train.
Vor further information, nnnlv to nearest
Philadelphia and Itcndliu-1 tall way ticket agent
I or address
(Jcn,l Sunt.. (Jpn'l Piwu'r Atrt.
ltejitiintr Terminal, rtiuatieioiiia.
A gonuino wolcomo w&na youat
Cor. Haln and Coal Sts.
Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale
constantly on tap. Choice omperance drinks
anu clears.
Otlefr itrl rtir
I'ou ilnrs n?v r filf
with Tnnsy id lVnnyroyal l'llU od other lli
J" rcmwlle.). Aiwiy.buvthe bet nnd evolJ tllMf
, u.t in the M.Trkel. A No. L lartlcoimri. ctl. Ur . K
0k 11.. OMtaa.Miifc
I A Hand
I Is ono of the
1 possess. l'
fiives it.
Handsomo Com(
iplcxion I
a woman can I
eroateet charms i
They have std lh" T tcf yean.
n d have d rc
c.i&es of Nci
i ?iC5. such
as Ucbil iv. 1
m b and V .
i' ,blceplcss
. '.A.rophy.&v
tsri ctr-ngthca
, malt 3 digestion
fett. an 1 nun rt a healthy
Vr -ttbcU indSOdi per bottle s
- 1 .1 r HAbKEII & tO . PhltaiJlphl
- .Ay