The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 19, 1898, Image 2

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trii a) i til etci Hv.t (..!' 11 m1 '
ll(t1 I .1, , r ' M.M'T.hl! .-.-M- 1
lilt oth." nrr i 1 uia1 ft "
-eiilnn month. t-rtyiMe In mlviiHcc
The nublUhcts rrn'TM tht rfuht to ft mi u t
twrit'on of iwlvcrtiprmeiit henevpr x i
ot newn dcirmtnl 1 T1"
truer vwl to i - tiny ntlvertliehu ' tin -imid
for or noi .ml Hit' ntMilc -i.m 1
irrroprr AdvertKuij? tMv 'in.Ii kit..
"All the Thai's nt to Prim."
l., i .
1-1 it- i'i il
Ik 1
1 1 (
ili .f Iliizli'ton mi'
I vcr tin' nt'tt (n.i'N
.1 ! i.lll In- m fin-tor in ' ! -
(c, i if i-ii'iil I iVi fur tli' Leu'-I
tiff Will Si-Inn Ikill .'guru i" t!
ll(lit in .T.-.-nt M illi! If1 ' 111 '
Ax ml ' ,tr who jilnco 1 11 sum)
1111 nut "rui'-.ti t 1 , 1 11- ,- . , itiiii-
IM! 1 tuvr "in ill 1(11 1 Mill " 1 n
111 Willi UP l"llll! OillTII II". I
III 11 1 1 II I.- l" XI ''I I Ill-Ill' 1)1 . .1
mm I . - 1 t in' 1 I ml 1- nil ii-lm Itti.
lirt II Ivll i I !iiu I '-I'l'l' lv l
better MltifiM 1: nu'ilimii ,.tili;-lu il
11 mm cnuiii .
order cltuligititi tint postal luwh
livery M'vl.,o. iviuii hig nil lettc-
Immunol si-innr v. 10 nit' new itmiii-
wl'h the Act of Cniireic. apprnvei1
AiifjtiNt 1:1 1 s; 1 un Mi'iirit .
TitH J)tMiio rutH coming in control
if till, l-i il-, .11 -1, I',, ivIMi 1 1 ,.., I
i,.i..'!n- f-t- ,,r 4I1.... 1.
I.T H I II ' IIP. I'I I I II lllit(lll (I
police f.iive niitl (itlier dopim
utm oi tne noroitii government.
... 1 1. ! .1 ti .... 11 1 . . 1
iii 10 iiit inn iiiiiu 111 rilliruil JIUIlli"
.il ..f I. ..M. I.. -I 1.. II I I
..1 1 .1. . i. ..ill.
llli 'I llit liiiiiiiliiirsi nf r I111 1I111111 1111 nt
.Mill d ... . ..I ill 1 1.1. i......
,.,!.. t 1.1... 1
true" fur the various po.-it ioiih
id let us h-ipf that t lieir ehiiiee wil'
11111 11 in 1111- 1 11-1111 1L1111 iii'iiiiiii in
8aviii(,'8 Hunks of tho htato of New
l. 1 II -..A i n
1 1 il 11 1 'I'lini'ii n ni 111 1 11 11 r cm Ti u t r in
nicui' 1111113 inn vji iiii'iu niiiuvn, wiiii
...nDu .iiiii.iii.1Ii... flllll AAfl
..I tin. .......I.. .!.. fi.;..i i. ,.
Jntr poorer.
Hxtrnorillnnr.v I'recmitlniii to (Itinnl
tlic NpiiMNli Hnrtlilp l'roiii f'uiiiUKi,
Nou i'oiVi, Keli, IP. Tho Spnnlfili war
ship VI.:. ay a came to nnchnr outside
the bar ut D:M last evenliiK, nnd stentu
r d op the bay this forenoon. Hear Ad
miral llmiir lias elven final lnntruc
tl inr. to l.i' uttnant John A. DouRl.erty,
who ill ) .ivp chniKe of the patrol tugs,
Blx In ruirlnT, to Kttaril the cruiser dur
inir her s-fi.v In this vicinity. IJnuRherty will make his
hca'l'.uarters on the navy yard tUR
Nina, end Hie other tut; from the navy
yaid, the Nnrkeotn, will also do duty,
but will be ued principally as a dis
patch boa, carrying" messages between
the navy yard and the guard boats.
Lieutenant-Dougherty will have en
tire charcre of the pntrol, which will
consist, lns.'l s the two tuftn mentioned,
of two tin:' of the supervisor of tho
harlmr and two pi. lice patrol boats. The
watches lll be divided between the
six boats. Kach boat Is to have on
board, while on watch, four mailnes
and or.o non-comnilBsloned oillcer of
marlivs. a teundsman nnd four police
men of the metropolitan forfo. While
on duty tl.e bni.i.-'rrc to patrol carc
ful'y ihc . t'.eir. In tl.e vicinity of the
vlsitiiiK Siifir.ard. n.i.''. no boat or per
son v 111 be allowed to aw.oach the
Vlzcaya without the snnc.lon of tho
comi'iaiidii ; n leei of that vessel. Tne
Nina -vill be always within call of the
At nli;ht II Is Intended to Ueep the
Vlzcn.i Inlll.ntly Illuminated with
ep'ctrii- llKb.s, end the watch boats will
be also well llphted, so that there can
bo 110 jinf! liilo means of appioachlng
the Vl;i -a without detection.
I.leiv i 'luut J. C!. Sobinl, naval nt-tar-l.e
(,i tl.e Riialilsh lefratlon nt Wash
lnplon, wa: in ibis city yesterday ac
tively co-operating with the autliori
'ies In ma' ms preparations for insur
ing the -fely of the battleship Vlzcay.a
luilnp her ttay In this port. Ileuten
..nt Fi.limi said resaidliis the explo
sion mi Hie Milne: "It was the result of
an ecl"sioii Inside the Mil p. which took
olai ' In rue of the forv.a'd maKazlnes
Thf f ' t ,if 'lie irr.t er
clii'liie c.d the
bliip v. ly lax."
Blood and Nerve Remedy
. . . A1AKES . . .
Nerve, StirengtH and
tint Iient of it. it istl.o intention of
tho experts to conduct another tent
letweun two now eninos of tlioo
.IITcrcnt types.
lliiniln lis nf lives s'lveil every yinr y
iivIiik lr. 'riii'iiins' JXi-rtric Oil ill Hie
mis" jint wlien it is inidcil. Ciirus iiiiiip,
teals linriis, cuts, (vounils of oveiy Kint.'-
Iiiii'i 'in 1 1 10 linn M 'irn'..
Vienna. Feb. IS. A fieu.i duel was
foimht yei teiday between Prince
Philip or f?:i.;e-Cobur,T and Dotlia, hus
band of Princess LouIfp Marie of liol
pium. and Lieutenant IJittuchii b. They
fousbt with lilstols and then with
swords. The prince was wounded se
verely In the rlBhl arm.
Knercy all koiio? llo.nlacliu ? Stnmiicli
out of order? Simply a oinj of torpid liver,
liiinloelc Illmid Hitters will mako a new man
or woman of you.
Testing Fire Engines.
v oiiuiiiiiuioitii iiioiiiuu win ue
tr in uiu lusl iiiuue in 1 iiiiu-
fn 1.1 ...n..l. ..1. t.. 41... 1....
N (11 1I1H II1NII1I1 ILIII1 1(11111 V ( I1HN
ire enirlnes. it was under tne
Linn .il av,m,.tD n miriliif ...1 in.
1 .H.w.l w. u A , IV. . V.I .....IIIIIUVI. "J
(I I i.1 II I l I
I lHr (lift dllllllllR W'llvl 11 1C
ubly older Unit, the rotary, lint
KeelllPll to lilt ill itveellHllt eriiiill.
Kvery preciiiition was taken
nYiinrts to nuLko the test il full
11 iiiini iiiun icimiii in ntiii-
110 0110 can tell exactly the
.in. .1..
I ..v, .. V. I V . , v.v... ...V.
miirtmi iitnl lint niirtii'iibirlv
-.,,." , 1 v.v J
1 t 1111 . ( 1
1U1U 111 11I111ILT IUIVU , IVIllO-
recordors wore attached to
lllll'l lllll UIU Vl.flHlU-ll.,l,ll.
tilt liuso of the liOMipipe,
the obhei'vatlmiB Unit
..I. 1... X..I..V I.. II.... II..
lUd IJU II1I1CII 1(11 (1111(11 IUIII1J
.....v.. j 1 v
'Ill .
l..l .( II 1. 1 1 II. ..I
host stream thrown ly the
engine whh 85 feet, and liy the
I .... (Ii'l 1.. ..t 1(1
In tlie lifting tent at tlioScliiiyl
le roturv throw a stream llll
II 1 1 Tllll IllWTIlIl i:(ll (Mill. 1(11 llll
onuiries were not in service
hIoiih cltn lie druwii la advance of
... ...!..( 1
exporiM roiiuii.
osnibly the experts iiiuy luivo seen
untaReH to the credit or tin
but to the Bpectntors tho
encine seemed to liuvo mucli
l.olte'r'H t'iirner on n'llear.
ChlcuKO, Fell. 19. Joseph Iiclter said
today that he had engaged freight room
for 1,000,000 bushels of wheat since
Feb. 1. and that he uAv controls room
for about 4,000,000 bushels. lie added
the significant remark that most of the
4,000,000 bushels bad been sold to con
sumers In Europe, principally to En
glish millers. He has avoided, he says,
disposing of any wheat to speculators
on the other side of the Atlantic, in
order that they may not becomo his
competitors in the near future.
A tlirill nt" terror s cxiierieiiccil when il
linssy courIi of croup wiumls throuuli the
house nt niKlit. Hut tho terror toon clmiuoii
to relief after Ouo .Minute CoiikIi Cure lias
oou iiilininisterid. IS-do iiihI Harmless tor
children. 0. It. HiiKuulmcli.
WlioopiiiK cotiidi U tho mint di.stresiliiK
inali'ly; but itt ihiratiiui cmi he cut short liy
tho use of Ono MInuto CourIi Cine, which Is
also tho best known remedy fr croup and
all Iuiik and bronchial trouble. U. ll.Jlagcn-
yj x v.t;i
K...V'(( ll
v v.i ifS-jr. i
of Material and
n it ..H.I .
caj -1 WW USUI EMU
tn KV
rurmmnirDF n
Senntor Mason Wants OntrroNt to In-
vohtlirato tho Maine l)liaHtor.
Washington, Feb, 19. A debate de
cided In Its sensations was unexpected
ly precipitated In the senate yesterday
over the consideration of tho resolu
tion of Mr. Allen, of Nebraska, direct
ing the committee on naval affairs to
Investigate the disaster to the battle
ship Maine. An arrant,'-!." nt had been
made for the adoption of ih,- 'ilutlon,
with a minor amende '. -.1'iu ut de
bate. Mr. Mason, of i .moi however,
proposed a bubstltute pioviiiint, for an
Investigation to bo condii- ted by a
Joint committee of two branches of con
gress. Mr. Mason delivered a speeeii
In which lit said that the people de
manded the truth concernliiK the ex
plosion, and declared that they would
not be satlstled with the Investigation
to be conduced by the otllcers of the
navy, who would virtually try their
own case and would cover up any
blame that the fncts might show at
tached to them.
Mr. Wolcott. of Colorado, declared
that "not a :atrlotlc citizen In this
broad land has not the fullest and most
splendid and glorious confidence In ev
ery department of the government, and
In the department of the navy particu
larly." Mr. Wolcott thought this was
a time when we iihould refrain from
gratultlous insult to a friendly nation,
and from unjust and Ignorant criti
cism. "War may come," said he. "I
think myself the day may not bo far
distant. When that day comes our
course must be eternally grounded In
the right." Tho resolution went to the
The house yestarday promptly and
unu .lmously voted the J200.000 asked
for ! the secretary of the navy to
recover the bodies loBt In the Maine
disaster, and to raise the wreck If yiat
Is deemed advlsuble. The rest of Ihe
session, which lasted six hours, was
devoted to a continuation ot the debato
on the bankruptcy bill.
Solidity SpreiuU.
Services in the Trinity liefornied cliurrl-ii-niorniw
at 10:00 a. m., and 0::i0 p. m
Jiunl:iy i-clniol at 1:30 p. in. Itcv. Kolierl
'Iloyle pastor.
liegttlar services will he held in the United
lA'.mj-'i'lii'.il cliureh, N'nrtli Jardiu stieet, to-
'iiiiitiiw at 11) a. in. and 0.30 p. m. Sunil;i
vliniil at 1.3'.) p. in. l!ev. 1. .1. lteitz, pastor
I'limilive Methodist cliunli, James Mnoii
ustor. I'rcai-liiim ut 10:30 u. m. uuil 11:3!
,1.111. Sunday school at " p. m. Class meet
tig on Wednesday evening, (iencnil piiiyei
meting en Tliursd.iy evening. Everybody
Services in All Saints' Protestant Episcopal
hurch on WestO.ik street to-morrow. Holy
iCiicharist at 8 a m. Morula), prayer ut 10:30.
Minday school at S p. in. Evening prayer at
7 p. in. On the first Snml.iy in the month
Holy Eucharist at 10:30. Tho rector will
First llaptist church, corner of West and
O.ik streets-, llov. D.I. Evans pastor. Services
it 10 a. in. ami lip. m. Sunday school at " p. in.
Prayer meeting Monday evenings. Ymiiii.'
People's meeting Wednesday evenings.
Class meeting Thursday evenings.
Methodist Eplseopal church, corner O.ik
ad White streets, Iter. Alfred Heehner,
pastor, (leueral class meeting at U a. in., led
iiy .lohn Senior. Sermon at 10:30 a. in,
-in uday school at l. m.. Dr. J. S. Callcn.
Superintendent. Sermon at 0:30 p. zn. Seats
I'reo. Everybody welcome.
Calvary Itaptist church, South Jardii.
-itrcet. Preaching to-morrow nt 10:30 a. in
did 0:30 p. m. Itov. It. It. Alliins, pastor,
sabbath school at 2 p. in., Deacon
lohu ilium, Superintendent. II. Y. I'. U.
ruesday ovening, ut 7:30. Wednesday
.veiling, sencral prayer meeting at 7:30.
Ilvcrybuily welcome.
Services in the Presbyterian church to-
uioriow at 10:30 a. in. and 11:30 p. in. Sabbath
-cliool at ti p. m. Jr. C. E. and Sr. C. E.
l uesday evening at o:30 slid 7:30 o'clock.
Prayer and song servlco on Thursday oven
Ing at 7:30. Strangers always welcome.
St. Julia's Lutheran church, West Cherry
itrcet. l!ev. John Oruhler, pastor. Preach
ing, 10 a. in.; Sunday school, 1:30 p. in. ;
preaching 0:31) p in.
St. Michael's (Jreek Catholic church. West
Centre street. Ituv. Cornelius l.auri.sin, pas
tor. .Mutatiiiuui servicot) a. in. High mass
10 a. in.
Church of tho Holy Family, (German It.
C. ) North Chestnut street, llov. A. T. Schut-
tlehofer, pastor. 1-irst mass 8 a, in., second
mass 10 a. m.
St. Casimir's Polish li. C. church, Xorth
.laidiii street. Itev. J. A. I-enarklcwicz,
pastor. First mass 8 a. m., high mass 10 a.
in., vespers and benediction 4 p. in.
Church of tho Annunciation, 218 West
t 'horry stieet. Itov. II. F. O'Heilly, pastor;
Kov James Kane, assistant pastor. First
mass, 7 a. m., second mass, 8 a. in., high mass,
10 a. in, benediction, 7 p. m.
Kuhclcth Israel Congregation, corner of
Dak and Weat streets, Itov. Jlcnrv Mit
nik, pastor. Satuiday services, 8 to 10 u. in..
mil 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday services 8 to 10 a. in,
mil every week day morning from 7 to 8a. in.
TO Cl'lti: A Mtl.ll IN ON 15 HAY,
Take biimtive Ilroinu Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If It fall to
euro. 23c Tho genuine has h, II, (J, on
each tublot.
The bladder was created for one purpose,
namely, a receptacle for the urine, nnd a1
such it is not liable to any form of disease
except by one or two wa)j. The first way is
from impcifcct action of the kidneys. 'Ihc
second way is from careless local treatment of
other diteases.
ha i i'i. i: m:nt rum:.
Unhealthy mine from unhealthy kidneys is
the chief cause of bladder troubles. It is
comforting to know that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
kooi munis every wish in quickly curing
bladder nnd urinary troubles. It corrects ina
bility to hold urine and scalding or sliiijdn;.
pain in passing it, or bad effects following me
of liquor, wine or betr, and overcomes that
utiplcMuut necetsily nf being compelled to get
up many times during the night to urinate.
The mild and ext aordiiiury effect of I)r,
Kilmer's Swauip-Koot is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cures of
the most distressing cases. If you need t
medicine you should have the best. At drug
gists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have
a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free
by mail. Mention HERALD and send your
nddnssto Dr. Kilmer & Co,, Uinghamton,
N. Y The proprietors of this paper guaran
tee the genuineness of this offer.
At tempted nimble .Murder.
Philadelphia, Feb. 19. George Bern
hardt, a waiter in llio at
204 North Eight street, last night shot
and probably fatally wounded Iteinhart
L,osar, nged 30 years, and Hannah
llulnhart, ated 22 years. Ho also fired
a shot at Annlo Iteinhart, sister of the
younf? won. in, but the bullet nursed
her. All the iiersons concerned are
cousins, and live at 1S03 Vine street.
Losar is proprietor of tho restaurant,
and emidoys tho other three. Hetn
hardt is said to have had u disagree
ment with Losar oveTjals attentions to
Hannah. The shooting occurred mi
Vine street, above Eleventh. Bernhardt
was arrested. The wounded man and
woman are not expected to live.
Tho DUcovery of the Day.
Aug. J. ilogel, the leading druggist of
-ihrcveport, La., says: "Dr. King's Jsew
iiscovery is the only thing brat cures my
-ough, and it is the best se'ler I have. ' J. r
' .'aniiibell, merchant of Sa.Vord, Ariz., writes
"Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is
claimed foril ; it never fails, and is a sure
tire for Consumption, Couehs and Colds.
cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's
New Discovery for'Coiisumplion, Coughs and
Colds is not an experimet t. It has been tried
t a quarter of a century, and to-day stands
. ., i i t . i." .!..(
it uic ncau. il never uisnnnoinis. rrcc uiui
bottles at A. Waslcy's drrg store.
JJlt. W. II. YINtiST,
"Irndunte and Lute Keslilert Moiikh BurKcrp
tlio University of K. Y.
Hcnd(iunrtrrB:-Co!mncrcit.l Hotel. Hhcnnmlonl
Calls night or day promptly responded.
Ofllce Kfjnn building, Jor' er of Main an
Ocutro Kt recta, Shciintitlouh.
Hhnnnmloah, l'n
Cornrr Mnrhet bik! Oentr( Mm-tn
pnor. John joniw,
Lock Boj f-t, MfthR-ioy City. Pa
Having fltudltil under fionic of Ilie )
QiasturH ii honiloii tibil I'liriw. will irlvc l:Htii
on the vinHii.initndnHn, cultljir nnd vocal Qit ar.
rcrn;t rMhnniiMp. AddriH
ih Jeweler Hlionnndonh
Christ Sqlimidt,
Agent and liotttlcr nf
in care nf ytrt-iihi
You on tell Just as well as a physician
whether votirkidnevs are dhcaied or healthy.
The way to do is to take a bottle or uliistiiin
liter, utiil nil It Wltn tiriiie. il mere is a
H'dlinent a powdcr-llko siibstutii-i at the '
bottom after stiindtng n day and mulil, theio
ii somethliiK wrong Willi tho klduejs. All-1
other sure signol'diseasois iiileslio toiirlnate
oltcn, nuil still nuotlier sign is p-uii In the
hick. If Urine stains linen, thole llodollht
that tho ki lueys aru all'eettd.
Any and all iliseuses of tho kldnejK, liver,
liladiierand of tho uiinaiy paisases and eon
stlp.ttloli if thu biiwels a o ctiied by l)r
David Kennedy's 1'avorito licmedy There
is no question ubuut Its lielnit tin- best and
surest, mcdlcim' In tho world fur such trouble.
It quickly relieves and cuies 'liability to ho'.d
mine, and people, youiiK or old, who pike it
aio nut compellid to get up n number of
times diirini! the night, For putting mi end
to that sctildiug pain oxpoiienrcil in passing
in ine. untiling i so good in Dr Bavin Ken
lad's i'avorite lteiiudy It corrects the had
eileclsof wlilsUey and heir; Is pleasant to
Ihe taste, and doe nut i-e. m to be medlclio
stall." Dise.ists of the kin .eyn utnl lilmbler
iil'ten nquiie tl.o u-eol liitiiiments to push
liarl. tho Mudy matter suthoiulne can lie
vniiled. In such efts I'avorite Itemed
iliould be taken witlu ut I'unhei- delay or the
disea-o may proM' fatal. It l sold for one
dollar n bottle at all drugstores. It Is well
wottli ni'iny times its price.
Samples Free.
If you tilsh In test Br. B.iviil rl-nnedy's
I'.ivoiite lliiiiedv before buyini! It, send your
full pint otllco nd lress In the Dr. IHvid Ken
nuly C'oi 'p' io.i, 1' N Y. id
iiiciitiou tills pipiT We will then inai uui
a nimide buttle flee, as well Us circular- giv
ing full directions fur its use. lively leader
of the 1 1 t.ltA c in depend upon the gcutniie
noss of this H er 1 oiler, and all sullen.' s
fiiun 'ji'lin-v troubles' shuiilJ take advanlato
of it at onec.
s that tho dla
iserved on the
And I'loucr. Itin lbind of Aiueilcn, rnll
foriibi Vi.i the true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
lloule," which tmverses a region of perpetual
siiiishii,. where snow storms, blizzards or
high attitudes nro unknown. Pullman first
nnd second class palace nud tourist sleeping
ears to poinU in .Missouri, Arknusas, Texas,
Did and Now Mexico, Arizona, (lallfurnln,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rib", utnl all the conifortsof inodern railway
improvements guaianteed to all who pur
cliasic tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates light from your home,
litemtuie, and full Information, ilropa postal
card, .1. P. MtOiiin, T. P. Agent. Mil Ilall
ro ul avenue, r.lmlra, N. Y., or llrond
way, Xew York.
:!-l-tf W. 13. lloyt, 0. 11 P. Ant.
Who Said They Have a Cough 7
Ad v let Take Pan-Tina LVio, At (Iruhler
Itl'nS., lIlllL' BlOI'il
Porter and Wdiss Beer.
203 W. ConL Street,
For Infants ar.'t CJiildren.
tit fac-
- Is OS
vints cti' sa" v iTi'i' lrr.KH
Ah to the rroliaiilf (niisn oi mo
Mu'iieV I)cti-iietIon.
New Yoik, Feb. 13. The Army and
Navy Journal says regarding the cause
of the Mulne disaster: "At tne prcEeni
time of wil triur Indlentb ns favor the
presumption that the explosion of the
Maine was due to spontaneous com
bustion of coal In the forward bunker,
producing a tempeiature siilAc-lent to
overheat the intervening bulkheads and
thus effect thu explosion of lhe,.ammu-
For Weak nnd Run Down People.
UlliflT IT I C 1 Tho richest of all restonv
VUrlH I II 10 I uvo foods, because it re-
ilacco tho essentials ot Uto that nra ex.
uiustcd by (llbcaBc, lndlgestloj, high living
overwork, worry, oxcetbes, abuse, etc.
UHflT IT nnFQ! By making tho bloot
tWriH I II UUtOl pure and rich and the
digestion perfecjt It creates t.olid llcsh,
muscle and strength, Tho nerves being
made strong tho bruin becomes entire and
clear. It restores lost vitality, stops iill wast
ing drains and wjnkness u cltlier sax, nnd
as a fcniulo rcguluf'or has no cipml. l'rlco
60?., orflvo boxes 2.00. Drtiggiuts orbymalL
Wo cun help you. Advice and book, free.
"Write Us About Your Cascuj
iftW (InentnntStrtwt, t'litlariolDhl-
ultlon men a ift me Uvrjacent iiinn.t
zlnes. Whether this be the correct ex
planation or not, It Is significant that
It is Immediately advanced by many
, imminent naval otllcers. Some two
years nio the Cincinnati narrowly es
caped a like fate from the same cause,
and similar tires have originated in the
bunkers of both the New York and
After years of untold null'erlng from pllo,
1!. W. Purw'll.of Kuiteisvllle I'a was cure i
fbv usMig a single box of DoWitts Witch
linzle Salve. Skin diseases such ns eczema
nikii. idiindns and obstinate sores are readily
lined by this famous leinedy. C. II. Ilagon-
Our" ( onlil in ri'oiimo.
Lisbon, Feb. 19. The Portuguese
nowspapets aru mnkliig a great fuss
over the proceedings of the American
consul in the Azoies, now visiting here,
who after coluiT to various cafes en
tered Into an nllcrealion with his cab
driver about 2 o'cIock yesterday morn
ing. The police had to Intervene. Tho
consul, who tecelved a wound In the
head, was taken to thu police head
quarters, from which ho was released
at the request 'of the United States con
sul here.
It's a nilstako to in ngiufi that Itching piles
can't bo cured, a mistake to suffer a day
longer than you can help. Bonn's Ointment
brings instant relief and permanent ctlre.
Vt any, .r0 cents.
I-'uv! Tirol I'lrel
Insure your piopoity fioiu loss In llio
oldest and strung el cash companies i Phllu
Uuderwi Iters Insurance Co, of North
America ami J'iie Association, Hartford
Flio Ins Co., American Fire Iiisuniuco Co ,
West Chester Flro Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardlu St., Shenandoah.
Never Falls for Coughs and Colds.
That's what Pan Tina is, !J5c. At (hiihlei
llros., drugstore.
l-'ast Trains lo Cliiilitn.
The Sutitlieiu itailwa.v Is now operating
three tiains on weekdays, and two on Sun
days on tho fastest uud most convenient
schedules ever in t licet botwoeu Phlludol, Ida
and tho resoits of Florida. Call i.ii or ad
dress John M. lieall, Bistriet Passonger
Agent, b'2S Chestnut stitut, Plnladeliihia, for
iiitisirattd luatteraud all iiifuriuatioii. 18 lw
I At Four Score.
Dr. Miles' Nervino Restores
I if l
It I
Tho l'ranreH IL Wlltaid Solsool.
Chicago, Feb. 19. The board of edu
cation announced today that the now
public school bunding at Forty-ninth
street and St. Lawrence avenue will lie
named the Frances 11. Wlllntd school.
In honor of the late Miss Wlllard. The
building Is one ot the largest school
houses In the city.
No ono would over bo bothered with consti
pation if everyone knew how naturally and
quickly liurilock Wood Hitters regulates tho
stomach and bowels.
China 'Must Tny ITiutipu.v.
London, Feb. 19. Tho correspondent
of Thu Times at Kobe, Japan, says the
cabinet council on Thursday decided
that Janan's ilnances would not permit
of delay In the payment of the war
Indemnity by China.
tax collector, Bovorly, Mass., who has
pa-.'jed thoeoth 11 to tnllo stone, says:
"Dr. Mil j' Restorative Nervino has dona to
groat deal of Good. I suffered forycars from
slooplessncss and nervous heart trouble
Would feel V) eary and used up In tho morn
ing, had no ambition and my work seemed a
burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles'
Nervine, nud I purchased a bottlo undor
protest n3 1 had tried so many remedies un
successfully, I thought It no uso. Hut It
gave mo restful sleep, a good appetite and
restored mo to enorgotlo hoalth. It is a
grand good medlclno, and I will gladly wrlto
anyone Inquiring, full particulars of my sat
isfactory experience
Dr. Miles' r.omedlos j
aro sold by all drug- I
gists under a positlvo
guarantca, first bottlo
bcncOts or money ro-
it n..i. .,1-
lUUUvll. XIULllv llll HIS- - - ...
,,. .i f?&.. Health .ov?
ncrvoi free. Address, EilfCTiiMgS
C.t. MILES MEDIP h (.().. Elkhart. Ind.
. Nervine ;
k Restores .
Up-to-Bate Hat Store,
Fine I
Furnishings 1
to Good
Look Where to
Your Money.
! 5
That is the place the
looking for. We
entire stock of
closest buyer is now
closing out our
At the lowest cash prices.
1 llmOi 1
It H -1 1)3 ! 1
New styles of Spring Hats are
now being shown by us. They
are now open for inspection and
satisfied that the styles Only a Starter.
Only a Starler. We feel
and prices will suit all
range in price from
c LS
PillP (flit's Buy a half or quarter
,; dozen pair. That kind
Half HOSe. that will make the
wearer smile. We have the very newest
creation in plaid and polka dot hose.
Fine Imported f,S';;
Silk MUlllerS. winter end of any
purchaser. We have them ranging in
nice front 50 cents to $2.2$.
Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent' s - Furnishing . House,
15 East Centre Street.