The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 12, 1898, Image 3

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Both tho mothod and rcsulta wlicn
Syrup of Figa iB taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acta
gently yot promptly on tho Kidncya,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho oys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fovcrs and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced, pleasing to tho taBto and ac
Beptablo to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agreeable substances, ita
many excellent qualitica commend it
to all and havo mado it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
oont bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliablo druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
Opera House,
J. J. QUIRK, Mgr.
Harry Markham and his
Superb Stock Company
opening in that sensational
Grand Scenic and Electrlcnl Surprises.
Ladles Free Ticket for Opening Night
Watch for the Matinees.
New and novel specialties ititro
duced'be'tween the acts by Harry
Fielding, Chas. Blnnchard, Tlios
O'Neil, Major E. A. Bills and
Misses Pauline, Vera Renaurd
and Sisters Clyde.
WittjfDialogue, Funny Situations
Startling Climaxes, lilegant
Costumes and Superb
Prices": "'
. 10, 20 and 30 Cents
The Distinguished Artiste,
In1 Iter New Napoleonic Play,
And a Company of Selected l'laycrs,
Prim: - 25, 35, 50 and 75 Cents.
Zola Has Little Opportunity to In-
troduoo Evidonco.
lint Kvtm tlio Colonol Who Wim IMin-
InIioiI For It tn Uoltorln JlroyriiA' Inuo
eonco WltliholdB Full I'lirtlculiii-H on
Account of "I'rolbiHloiinl Soorooy."
Paris, Feb. 12. There were tho usual
crowds about the assises court o the
Seine yesterday when the fifth day of
tho trlnl ol MM. SCola and Perreux
commenced. M. Zola and Colonel Pie
quart wero greeted with hostile cries
on their arrival. The court was throng
ed. There are still CO witnesses to be
examined, and therefore the case will
continue most of next week.
Tho first witness was General Pel-
lleux. Tho general testified that Gen
eral Saussler, the former military gov
ernor of Paris, desired a public trial for
Major Esterhazy, but General Billot,
the minister for war, ordered that the
trial bo In secret. Nevertheless, the
witness added, the court martial re
fused to keep the entire proceedings
secret, therefore it was Impossible to
contend that Major Estorhazy was ac
quitted by order of the authorities.
The Dreyfus papers, added Colonel
Pellleux, wero sealed after tho con
viction of Captain Dreyfus In 1894, and
wero not opened until quite recently,
when the witness opened them In order
to re-examlno tho writing of tho bor
dereau. The papers had since been
sealed up, and had not been reopened.
Colonel Pellleux also said he desired to
emphatically deny tho statement of M.
I.o Blols that MM. Lo Blols and Henry
held a two hours' conference with him
In a private room.
General Pellleaux also said: "If tho
members of the court martial who
Bpllled their blood on battlefields while
others were no ono knows where had
been heard here, they would have In
dignantly repudiated the accusations
against hem. I, their chief, will be
their mouthpiece, and I alllrin that tho
court mnrtlal was regular."
On General Pellleux leaving the
stand M. Zola rose and exclaimed:
There are several ways of serving
Franco. You, general, made your cam
paigns, but I will bequeath to posterity
the name of Emlle Zola, and posterity
will bo my Judge."
Colonel Plcquart was then called and
narrated how ho had acquired frag
ments of a telegraphic card In 1890, and
concluded therefrom that Major Ester
hazy was corresponding wlthsusplclous
characters. His chiefs ordered him to
continue his Investigations, and he pro
cured some of Major Esterhazy's hand
writing, which, compared with certain
documents, led to the conclusion thai
Major Esterhazy was Improperly using
olllclal papers.
Colonel Plcquart was the best wit
ness for M. Zola thus far heard. He
made an excellent Impression upon al'
present In court. His evidence was-
very damaging to his superior offlcert
and favorable to Dreyfus, and It alsc
showed htm to have beeen tho victim
of persecution since he began his en
deavor to probe the truth. At the con
clusion of his evidence Colonel Plc
quart met with an enthusiastic recep
tion from the public.
Colonel Picqunrt emphatically denied
General Pellleux's statement that hf
had divulged an espionage nffalr to
outsiders. He candidly admitted send'
Ing an agent to Major Estoxhazy's
apartments, but he pointed out that at
tho tlmo Major Esterhazy's Hat was
advertised to let, and his agent only
brought him an unimportant letter,
which, however, served for a com
parison of handwriting. Tho agent,
however, reported that a number of
letters had been burned in a fireplace.
Colonel Plcquart added that he com
municated his suspicions of the guilt
of MaJoriEsterhazy to his chiefs, who
never said they had additional evi
dence of the guilt of Dreyfus beyond
what ho himself knew.
Colonel Plcquart said he knew a pu-
perlor officer whose name was mighty,
mentioned furnishing documents to a
foreign power, adding that he did not
wish to further disclose secrets while
he (the colonel) was still Investigating.
He continued: "Tho newspapers began
an agitation, and interpellations com
menced In the chamber, adding to my
difficulties. Then I was sent to Tunis,
where all letters reached me opened.
When I was summoned back to Tunis,
to attend the Esterhazy Inquiry, Gen
eral Pellleux treated me as the real de
fendant, refusing to listen to my
charges against Major Esterhazy."
Colonel Plcquart pointed out that
while the anti-Dreyfus papers publish
ed fan si vf the bnulereau they
Every Wife
feels an indescribable dread of the
danerer attendant unon tbe most criti
cal period of her life. Becoming a
mother should bo a source ol joy, due
the suffering and danger of the ordeal
makes its anticipation ono of misery.
Mother's Friend
a thoroughly tested remedy, gently
prepares tho system for this period,
lessens the pain, and removes all
danger. Its use insures a safe and hap
py termination of tho dreaded event.
91.00 PER BOTTLE at all Drug Stores,
or Bent by mail on receipt of price.
Containing Invaluable information of
Interest to all women, will he sent to
any address upon application, by
The llradflold Bcgulator Co., Atlanta, Sa.
Health is Wealth.
THE ORIGINAL. ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS.,inn.i. nn:n.n Wrliirn nnarnntoc.
by authorized agents only, to euro Weak Memory,
Dizziness. Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quick,
nous, Niht Losses, Kvil Dreams, Lack ot Conti.
deuce, Nervousnoas, Lassitude nil Drains, Youth.
ful 1,'rr.iru V-rtnaai an 1 lun nf IhneCO. (JdIUUI.
or Linnor. which leads to Misery. Consumption,
insanity ana Death, At storo or ny num. i
box, six for f5; with written euarniitco to
mil-it n. vnfimil ,nB.A' Mlllllllln liaCU-
nito, containing fivo days' treatment, with full
Instructions, 25 cents. Ono samplo only Bold to
eacn person. At etoro or by man.
tg-Rcd Label Special
I Extra Strength. ,
Pnr Tmnotenev. Lo8a of
Pnwnr. Lost Manhood.
Bterllliy or iiairnnuo
.$1 n box; six for f 5, witMfr.
:vrlttcu ciinrniitcefj
eEPOnEorbymaib AFTfifl
Tor Sale at KIRIIN'S Drue Store,
Secretaries of Associated Charities
Say Dr. Greene's Nervura Cures.
The Associated Charities Thus Place Dr. Greene's
Nervura Above All Other Remedies to Cure,
a Real Blessing to the Sick and Suffering
The Remedy Which Vill Surely Make You
Strong and Well.
No greater proof of tho wonderful efficacy
and great curative powers of'Dr. Greeno's
Nervura blood and nervo remedy among tho
sick and suffering is possible, than tho en
thusiastic and glowing reports of tho As
sociated Charities concerning this wonderful
medicine and tho marvelous cures it is every
where effecting.
Mr. Geo. S. Wilson, General Secretary of
Associated Charities of Washington and tho
District of Columbia, and the best known
man in the country in tho field of charltablo
work, reports :
in our work of the Associated Charities or
Washington, wo havo dispensed Dr. Greeno's
Nervura blood aud nerve remedy anions tho
It has been gladly received and with vcrv
gratifying results. In ono caso especially of
nervous debility tho report is very eucourag
njr. suo was also mulcted with dyspepsia.
"I am ulcascd to say that all rcnorts that
havo come to my knowlcdgo havo been
did not publish a Vac Bimile ot ne tet
ter written by Droyfus at Major du
Clam's dictation, "as It would have
been too embarrassing," the witness
Implying that a comparison would havo
tended to show that Dreyfus was not
the author of tho bordereau.
The witness concluded with stating
that tho Intrigue of tho officials of
which he had been the victim had been
aimed to rievent him from demon
strating the guilt of Major Esterhazy.
M. Laborie then questioned Colonel
Plcquart regarding the secret docu
ment, and the witness said:
'I knew of the existence of the se
cret document, but I only saw It when
General Pellleux showed It to me."
The witness could not give any fur
ther particulars on account of "profes
sional secrecy."
General Pellleux was recalled and
denounced Colonel Plcquart for search
ing Major Esterhazy's rooms, where
upon M. Laborie quickly retorted: "But
you yourself had Colonel Plcquart's
rooms searched."
This sally was greeted with loud ap
plause, and when quiet was restored
a heated altercation occurred between
M. Laborie and General Pellleux.
Major Itavary was the next witness.
M. Laborie reproached him with Im
properly conducting the Esterhazy In
quiry, to which the major replied:
"Military Justice Is not conducted like
M. Zola's carriage on leaving the
Palais de Justice was followed by a
knot of people, shouting "Death to
Zola," who could bo heard through the
carriage windows exclaiming, "The
cowards." Tho police dispersed a
thousand people who were burning
pro-Zola Journals. Many arrests were
made, but the persons arrested were
quickly liberated.
Consumption Positively Cured.
Mr. R. II. Greeve, merchant, of Chil-
howic, Va., certifies that he had consumption,
was given.up to die, sought all medical treat
ment that money could procure, tried all
cough remedies he could hear of, but got no
relief; spent many nights titling up in a chairj
was induced lo try Dr. King's New Discovery,
and was cured by use of two bottles. For
past three years lias been attending to business
and says Dr. King's New Discovery is
the graudest remedy ever made, as it has done
so much for him and also for others in his
community. Dr. King's New Discovery is
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Consump
tion. It don t fall. 1 rial bottles free at A.
Wasley's drug store.
A sawmill blew over upon and killed
two men near Garrison, Tex.
There Is a possibility that both
branches of congress will adjourn about
May 1.
M. Ferdinand Fabre, the French
novelist, died In Paris yesterday, aged
68 years.
Gustav Ilerz, who was bitten by a
cat, is In a Brooklyn hospital, threat
ened by hydrophobia.
A race war Is threatened between the
whites and a colony of negroes recently
taken to Blackwell, O. T.
Tho senate appropriations committee
has almost doubled the figures In the
fortifications bill passed in the house.
England has bought up all the Welsh
coal available at Chinese and Japanese
ports for the uso of British warships.
Two of a party of 12 prisoners es
caped from the Emporln, Kan., jail,
having thrown pepper In the sheriff's
Tho body of Max Miller, which had
been burled beneath a snowdrift In
Chicago for 20 days, was exposed by
the thaw.
General Marroquln, the chief sup
porter of General Morales, of Guatc
mala, was killed In a fight which fol
lowed Barrios' assassination.
Captain Huy's report shows a serious
condition of nffults in the Yukon coun
try, both as regards the food situation
and the outlook for disorder.
In a fight between olllcers and out
laws in Fannin county, Texas, two of
tho desperadoes were killed and two o
tho posse wero mortally wounded.
A very polite burglar, whom Mrs.
Lamb, of New York, mistook for her
husband, got away with the valuables
before the mistake was discovered.
Special Indian Agent I'ray reports
that the ofllclals of the Seneca Indians
vote themselves large sums of the peo
ple's money for no apparent equiva
lent In service.
Begin Right With Coughs and Colds.
Take tho euro cure, l'an-Tlna, 25c. At
CSruhler llros., drug store.
Buy Koystonoflour. Ho stiro that tho name
Lehsiu & Daeb, Ashland, Fa., Is printed on
evor sack.
hlulily favorable.
Geo. 8. Wilpok,
Gcn'l Sec'y Associated Clinri tics of tlia
District of Columbia."
More enthusiastic still Is tho report of
Miriam V. Wltlierspooii, General Secretary of
tho Associated Charities of Worcester, Mass.
(35 I'carl Street), reganling the groat value,
as a medicine of Dr. Hrccno's Nervura and
its marvolous powers to cure dlseaso and
restore health to tho people She says :
"In my work ns General Secretary of
Charities In Worcester, I havo distributed
Dr. (Ircono's Norvura blood and nor70
remedy among tho needy poor and sick,
and it has bcon received with thankfulnoss
and great joy. Onn poor woman said alio
had been trylnc to savo money enough to
buy a hottlo, and when alio found I was to
Kivu hor one, her joy and gratitude vreie
"Ill all cases the results havo been as
wo hoped for, building up tho feeble, ner
vous, overworked and underfed people who
havo la general no helper. As far as my ex
perience goes It has been a real blessing.
Gcn'l Seo'y Associated Charities."
In theso days wliun so many ordinary prep
arations are advertised, It isa real beneficeuco
to tho weak, weary, norTo shattered, tired
and worn out sick and suffering to know
positively and to ho shown boyond any doubt
or question that this one grand remedy. Dr.
Greeno's Nervura, docs surely and certainly
cure tho sick; that It Is the best remedy pos
sible to take, either if one is only a little out
of order, nervous and run down, or if suffer
ing from more serious affections like nervous
prostration, low blood and vitality, rheu
matism, paralysis, stomach troubles, liver
and kidney complaint, female weakness or
other weakening and debilitating disease.
In theso reports of tho Associated Chari
ties is abundant proof that Dr. Greene's
N'crvura dues euro tho people; that it makes
those who use It strong and well, and that it
will euro you if you will take it. Don't fail
to try It now.
Itememhrr that In all cases you ran consult
Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th St , New York City,
tho noted ami successful physician, abso
lutely fieo of charge, personally or by letter.
To Alaska
In the Spring will bs Tremendous.
Tho most prodtfthle buntncfs will bo In trans-
F tort nt ion nml tnerclmndUIiiK and In umlshlnjr
ooil and supplier to tlio multitude of Gold
Heckein In tdiort. a (fencrnl Trading, Mercan
tile and .Steamship business. It was so In it
will be so in "Ji.
The Alaska Transportation
and Development Company
$5 000,000 """
To meet this demand, will own nnd operate Its
Connecting with Its own line of large and
Magnificent Ocean Steamers,
Sneclallv ndanted for nasscnecr builness carry
ing to that country an immense amount of sup
plies nnd equipment for the miners, ns well ns
furnishing them transportation for themselves
nxd their eoods, and establishing Trading
stations at uinerent noints. An opportunity is
o fie red any person, he they of small or largo
means, to buy shares of stock in this company
nnd partlcipato In tho
sure to be earned within tho next 12 months.
Shares are offeicd at $1.00 each
par value, non-assessable, nnd will be offered
for a limited time only
Safer than Savings Banks nd Bank Stocks
Paving lamer dividends, AVlillo numerous
savings banks and banks havo suspended,
transportation and trading companies wero
never seen in tue ust 01 lauurea. i inn it toe k is
out. of the most desirable Investments offered
the public.
riie incorporators nnd stockholders who are
connected with this company are men of wide
experience in similar untiertaKings aim man
whose names are sufficient guarantee of the
standing of the company, to wit:
AliHKUTt', hiatx, 1'res. vni lfiatz urcw uo.,
HON WM. 12. MASON, United States Senator
from Illinois
D. O. I5DWAHDS. Pass. Traffic Mgr. C. II. &
D. H. it , rtnclnnntl.
PItANK A. JIUCHT, of Chas. Kaestner & Co.,
CHAS. II. ItOCKWICLL, Traffic Mgr. C I, A U
It. It., (Monon Koute) Chicago.
W. O. UINIUItSON, Gen'l Pass. Agt. C. X. O
x. l. i'. IE. it.. Cincinnati, u.
U. W. aiEIFFITH, Pres. First National Bank.
Vlcksbur. Mian.
KKKD. A. OTTK, past eighteen years with
Shelby Hank, Sltclbyvllle, Iml.
J.M. PHILLIPS. Cashier First Nnt'l Ilank,
Vtcksburg, Mlsfi.
And hundreds of others equally prominent.
Add res nnd make all money payable to
The Alaska Transportation & Development Co.,
Fisher IlulMInc,
Cor. Van Iiuren & Dearborn Sta.,
derful appliance and scientific rem
edies nout on trial to niiyrrllnble
man. A world-wide reputation track of
this offer. Evory obstaclo to happy married
life removed. Full Mrenpth, development
and tone given to ovcry portion of the body.
Failure Impossibles ago no barrier.
No O. O. I), scheme. . .
Minim Hilt, of M'W York, Nwi-nra b
fun Alilmnuo L Kallmtii: "Fur ukht
weary fHnt I (InwseU through themU
Ltrlfrt ofil dl Ihul no itm-lorbeeiued to
MindYnttutul iinu i cuuhiuiMi man. oi tne
1 Iml lamilv iociorft. Riwt tlhta nnd IiohdI
ml nliinlclaiii of oik VUy mil not one ot
Ihi'iii KBe me nny rfilr. 1 turn nevtrepnlns una
BiUilhleemcil tm-ir fvcrv purl nf my hndy,
was very wen-, wl h MMtVOU- Dlillll.lTY.
foor memory, ulci'ra In y mouth, tmlr lew out.eta
I va my.tery lo inehow I rilatril liiRurhacony
for tho pul'i at Umrt w.u unlienrable anl I wai no
KouU lot nv itulle, tit ihti life: but a lucky itiiy
ume for rueut Irtkt ami thut ai when I vlillwl
my cumin In Philadelphia, when during a conver
sation with lilin and Ids rrleml Ihey remarked that
DR. THEEL G04 Horth Sixth St.
(l'rlvule enirniic on -lii ... 1'lilliidell'hla.
w a Koud In Micrlal trouble; an I at once thought
initio was ol Hint Rurl and the next day quiet
ly consulted tlx iloctoi, who thoroughly examined
riie and stated Ihiit mv trouble were due to
IAUI.YAlll"i:'dllI.O Ml IOIXON. I at
once went under hi-fare and cintlnued treatment
forelguteeu months and at the end of that time
was thoruUElily euieil. bend five io stamps for
"Truth." Tin bent Its initial cannot be found!
only one ex pontine quack- advertising as rreatand
famous uperlallKtx. 1 rmll ('uses cured In 4 to 10
las. lloura u-12. Kvc's. ; nun., Hi; Wed. and
Bat. Kves.inn, Trrntinent tir.innll. rJecrerr
Piitirn Hired. NonaruepuollKlied wlthoutconkeni.
ermaneut cure guaranteed after others railed.
some Comploxlon I
irroateit i-harms a woman eanr
MTO All))
A Hand
Is ens of tho
possess Pi
fctvt It.
Our QovornmontWill Not "Hound"
tho Insolent Spaniard.
Tho Spanish Minister tteilcimt Ion
Wim Aocoptoil llofot-n Our Oovoi'ii
inont'H Itciiiii'Mt For IIIh ltronll Wit
Ilecotvecl IIIh I'i-oIiiiIiIo Successor.
Washington, Feb. 12. Tho personnl
Incident growing out ot tho publication
of Senor Dupuy Do Lome's letter to
Senor Cnnneljas may be regarded as
settled. This has been brought about
by a short cablegram sent by Minister
Woodford, from Madrid, In which he
Btates that the minister had resigned
and his resignation hnd been accepted
before he (Mr. Woodford) presented
tho request of the United States that
he be recalled. Tho officials here feel
an Interest In learning the details of
the happenings In Madrid on Thurs
day, and are wnltlng for Mr. Wood
ford's promised full report. But un
less this should contain some statement
that Is not now expected there Is no
disposition on tho part of the govern
ment to protract tho closing of this
unpleasant Incident, and it Is not ex
pected that anything In the nature of
a demand for an apology will be made.
If a graceful disclaimer should come
that will be taken In tho spirit InJ
which It Is made: otherwise the mat
ter will be dropped, and the relations
between tho state department and the
Spanish legation will run smoothly
once more through the medium of
Senor Du Bosie, the first secretary and
now charge d'affaires. It can be said
for the president that he shows little,
personal concern In the matter as it
stands, and Is not disposed to pursue
Mr. De Lome In any personal spirit,
and with this spirit In the head of the
administration the cud of the affair
may be said to have been reached.
The retiring minister Is actively en
gaged In preparing his personal effects
for shipment and leave taking of his
friends and diplomatic associates In
Washington. Some of his chattels were
sent to New York yesterday. It Is the
present purpose of Senor De Lome to
leave this country early next week. He
will probably sail by ono of the French
liners to Havre, and thence will proceed
direct to Madrid.
Ijii ljiichii DoclnroH Do I.nmo Can Novor
A (.'ill n Fill Hluli Position.
Havana, Feb. 12. La Lucha, In an
editorial entitled, "Killed by a Letter,"
severely criticizes Senor Dupuy Do
Lome, who "fell a suicide from a high
position, devoid of shrewdness and dip
lomatic qualities." It says: "His traffic
fall will prevent his ever being appoint
ed to any high position. His post he
had long held without suitable quali
ties, entrusting to a letter. In a most
dangerous period, ideas of government
which It Is probable are In the thought
of most prominent Spanish politicians.
"If he had not presented his resigna
tion the government at Madrid would
have compelled him to resign, not only
for speaklnt; of Its plans, but for reveal
ing Its ultimate Intentions, to say noth
ing of the considerations affecting
President McKlnley and some of the
most prominent men of the neighbor
ing republic whom he bragged he could
deceive and dominate.
"By tho sarcastic way ho spoke of
Americans when he passed through
Havana we were led to fear that he
would meet with trouble, and we be
Heve that the letter which has been the
cause of the fall of Senor Dupuy Dp
Lome will be the shroud of his po
liticnl burial."
The Union Constitutional says that
Senor Do Lome Is an able diplomat.
and expresses thp opinion that his re
signation, In the circumstances, will
only make him more fully ripe, by re
cognizing the CuRin republic and In
sisting that the freedom and Independ
ence of the Cuban people shall be re
spected throughout the world."
Don't Tobacco Spit and Bmoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forovor, bo mado well, strong, magnetic,
full of now llfo and vieor, tnko No-To-Bac,
tlio wondor-workor that makes weak men
stroiic. Many eain ten pounds in ten days,
Ovor 400,000 curod. Buy No-To-Bac from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
euro. 50c or f 1.00. Booklet and sample
mailod free. Ad. Sterling Eemedy Co.,
Chicago or Now York.
Sonor T.ouIh Palo lttirnnbo Hntd to He
finlpotiMl Kor tho IMnco.
Madrid, Feb. 12. United States Mln
later Woodford cave a banquet last
evening to the diplomatic corps. Senor
Gullon, the foreign minister, and Senor
Moret, the colonial minister, were pres
ent. Senor Gullon, questioned by news
paper men on the subject, said that
Senor De Lome's successor would soon
be nominated. It can be stated on good
authority that Senor De Lome's sue
cessor will bo Senor Louis Polo Bern
abe, son of Vice Admiral Polo, who for
merly represented Spain In tho United
States. Senor Bornabe Is now engaged
In a special department of tho foreign
ministry, dealing with commercial mat
ters and consulates.
El Heraldo De Madrid says: "New
and menacing Incidents tend to arise
between Spain and the United States,
resulting from tho permanence
American warships at Havana, the dls
play of arms and ammunition by
yacht there, and the proceedings of
the American congress. This state of
things inspires alarm, and tho govern
ment Is gravely preoccupied by a sit
uatlon which is becoming Intolerable.
With regard to Selior Do Lomo El
Heraldo suggests that his letter was
In effect, produced by President Mc
Klnley's message, as he had previously
expressed "very favorable opinions" of
Mr. McKlnley
Borne Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often tay, "Oh, it
will wear away," but in most cases it wears
them away. Could they be induced to try the
successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam,
which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure,
they would immediately see the excellent efiect
after taking the first dose. Trice 25c. and 50c.
Trial size free. Atjjll druggists.
Mm di 1 mi by u Mtiiiluo.
Stamford. Conn., Feb. 12. James
Parker superintendent of the Stamford
almshouse and town farm, located In
North Stamford, about eight miles
from this city, was murdered yester
day by Mary Drought, an Insane In
mate, with an ux. The maniac sprung
upon hlra from behind because ho had
rebuked another Inmate for Bomo mis
demeanor. After vcars ot untold tullerlug from piles,
11. W. ruruoll.of Kultorsvllle, l'a was cured
by UBlng n Bingla box of UoWltt's Witch
llszlu Salvo. Skin diseases bucIi aa eczema,
rash, pimples and obstinate sores are readily
cured by this famous remeuy. u. 11. uu.eii
'I'lio ftu-i I" hp tito irtma".
Vhiic nuvr, M. C, Feb. 12.--H.ini' Idt-it
of tin rtuli t i the Klondike can I
gained from the Tact that 1). Ii. Mann,
the Stlcki'Pti ral! .ay contractor. Is i x
perienclng the gp.itest difficulty In get
ting transportation to Fort Wrangle for
150 homes, 400 men and supplies, to be
used In building a sleigh road from
Wrangle. All spSce on uteatnern going
north Is booked d;tyn In advance. M.inn
can only get his men up by twos nnd
Wo aro anxious to do a little good In this
world aud can think of no ploamnter or
better way lo do It than by recommending
Ono Mlnule Cough (.'lire as a pieventive of
pneumonia, consumption aud other serious
lung trouble that follow neglected colds.
C. II. Ilagelihuch.
Senator fnoiifi 'ltcr In Wed.
Cleveland. Feb. 12. The marriage of
Miss l.tlllnii Converse Ilnnmi. sister of
Senator llunnu. and Mr. It. P. Baldwin
will occur on Tuesday next at Thomas
vllle, I !a., the winter home of Miss
IIunnr.'M ulster, Mrs. Junes). Miss Hnn
na and Mr. Baldwin left Cles-elnnd for
ThomiiBville Thursday, accompanied by
Mrs. J F. I'lckunds, another sister of
the pr ispeotlvc bride. Miss Ilunna Is
about 10 yeais old and Mr. Baldwin is
A woman who;
takes chances with
her health is sim
ply Rambling with
tne liiacic Devil ot
Disease. If she has
any weakness or de
rangement of the
delicate organism of her sex, to rely upon
an unskilled, inexperienced, general prac
titioner is to risk her health upon a (ram
bler's hazard. Her only real safety n in
the careful well-digested advice of a physi
cian who has had wide, special experience
tn diseases ot tun particular class.
The chief consulting physician of the fa
mous Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute.
of Buffalo, N. Y., Dr. R. V. Pierce, has de
voted thirty years ol special study and prac
tice to the weaknesses and diseases pecul
iar to women, ins grand medicine, tne
" Favorite Prescription." hai done more to
restore perfect health and strength to wom
en than any other medicine. It is the only
proprietary medicine devised for this pur
pose by an educated, skilled specialist in
woman's peculiar ailments.
A woman writing to ur. fierce regarding
herself may feel absolute assurance of re
ceiving, free of charge, the best profes
sional advice by means of which the most
obstinate of these delicate troubles may be
promptly relieved and permanently cured.
Baibra A Mudd, of Indian Creek, Monroe Co ,
(.to., writes " I am very thankful for what Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription did for me. I was
til broke down from nervous prostration, but
lince takiuc this medicine I have? had more re
lief than from all the doctors. Your ' Favorite
Prescription ' rim me n world of rot
January 16, 1898.
Trains will leave Sliennndonh after the abovt
iato for WlKjrans, Clllberton, Frackvllle Dart
Water, St. Clnlr, l'ottsvillo. IfamhurK, Iteadlng
Pottstown, Phoenlxvllle, 3torrlstown and Phil
adelphia (IJroad street station) at 6 08 and 1105
a. m. and 4 20 p m, (in week days. Sundays,
8 08 A. m., 3 10 p. m. For Pottsvllle And Inter
mediate stations only 9 17 a. m. week days.
Sundays, 9 45 n. m.
Lcavo Sliennndonh for Pottsvllle (via Delano!
7 8S, 9 11 11. m., 12 50, 3 05, 5 68, 8 42 p. III. week
lays. Sundays, U 10 a. m., 12 50 and 0 31 p. in.
Trains lenvo Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
10 40 a. ni. and 12 81. 5 41. 7 52 And 10 37 u. m.
Sunday, 11 13 a. m. and 5 41 p. m.
lavo i'ottsvllle lor suenanuoau tvia rraeK
vllloi 10 15 a.m., 12.15, 5 15, 7 25 and 10 10 p. m.
Sunday 10 40 n. ni.. 5 15 p. m.
Leavo Pottsvllle for Shenandoah (via Delano)
0 00,7 45,9 0.) n. 111., 1235, 3 00, 5 10 p. m. week
days. Sundays, 8 45 n. m 12 33 and 0 10 p. m.
Leave Fhlladelplvln, (broad street station;, foi
Shenandoah nt 5 57, 8 85and 10 19 a. m 4 10 and
7 11 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a. m.
Lenvo llroad street station, Philadelphia, lot
Sea CUrt, Anbury Park, Ocean Grove, Lori
llrAiich, and intermediate stations, 8.20
11.14, a. m., 3.30 and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
Lenve liroua street ntation, I'liuaueipma,
Exnress. week-days. 8 20, 4 Ol, 4 50 5 15. 6 50.
7 83, 8 20, 833, 9 50, 10 21 tDlnlllK Car), 11 00 a. m,
12 00 noon, iz i ii.unitcu 1 uu anu 1 p.m.
DinlnR Cnrs), 1 40, 2 30 (Dlnlnir air) 8 20, 8 50.
4 00,6 00, 5 56 (DIlilllR Car), 0 00, 7 02,7 43, 10 00
p. m., 12 01. nlt-llt. Sundays, 8 20, 4 03, 4 50, 5 15,
8 20,8 33,9 50, 10 21, (Ulnini! mrj, nun. in.,
12S3, 1 in tuininir unrj zuu (I'mmf- inrj, uu
(I.lmlted4 22 Dlnlni! Car). 5 20, 5 56,(l)lnlnK Car)
6 35, 7 02, 7 43, 10 00 p. m.. 12 01 nlirllt.
jxpress tor uomon wimoui ciiuiiku, iitua in.,
week-days, nnd 7 43 p. m., dally.
For llaltlmoro and WnshlliKton, 3 50, 7 20, 8 32,
1020. 11 23. n. ru., 12 CJ, 1231 (Dining
Car), 1 12, 8 18, 4 41, 5 25 ColiKres
slonnl Limited, Dining Car, 017. 655 (Dill-
Inc Carl, 731 IDlnlliK Carl p. in., nndtzua
nlL'ht week davs. Sundays. 3 50. 7 20. 9 12. 11 23.
a. in., 1209, 1 12, 4 41, 1520 Congressional Lim
ited, Dining i;urj, u 0.1 twining tjurj, ui 1 win
lug Car p. m. and 12 03 night.
Iave Rroad street station via Delaware rlvei
bridge Express, 7 05 p. m. dally.
Leave Market Street Worf Expresi, 8 50 a m
2 00, 4 00,6 00 p. in. Sundays, 8 43, 9 43 a. m
(accommodation 4 30 and 5 00 p. in.)
Knr Ciiiiu Mnv. Am-lesea. Wildwood and Hollf
llcach, SeA IbIs City, Ocean City, Avnlon And
Stono llnrbor Express, 900 a. m., 400, p. m.
week dAvs. Sundays. 9 00 11. m.
For Homers Point Express, 8 60, o. m., 200,
4 00, 6 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 8 45 a. m,
Oen'l Muimuer. Gen'l IWg'r Agt .
BonseHBeB nee-ls a reliable, ionthly,reiralatlnjt medicine. Only lnrmlM BS4
the pureat drugs ah.uld bo used, 11 you want the bet, get
Or. PeaB's PeniBroyaB Pills
They are prompt, safe and certain to reralt. Tho cennlne (Dr. Teal's) neterdtitpt
nolut. Boat anywhere, J1.00, Address l'BAI.Mcmctti Co., Cloveind,0.
For Sale at KIRLIN'S
1 I W y& lonnpii
l-N U yjh ulwnys
f'" 'i the house, u a stiitidunl romcdy for 5
'STJAmr BiroJn8, Urulsefi, Cmuips, KhoumatlBiu, q
Wwiiti anil all aches and pains, 5
For Weak nnd Run Down People.
UHflT IT IQ I Thorlchrstofnll rcstora.
1 flH III 10 I tlyo foods, because It re
filncco the oaaentliils of llfo that nro ex.
lutiBted by disease, lndlKeBtto, high living'
overwork, worry, oxcossus, abuse, etc.
WHAT IT ni1Fl HymnklnB tho blood
WnHI II UUCOI piiroiiudrtchandthe
digestion perfect it crontes solid flesh,
imisclo and UrciiRtb. Tho nerves beliie
made strong the bruin becomes native and
lenr. J t restores lost vitality, stops nil wnst
lngdrulns andwetknes In cither sex.tmd
oh a female regulator hag no equal. Price
fC.. orflvo boxes S2.U0. nniRKlHts or by malL
Vo can help you. Advice iindbook, free,
"Writo Us About Your Case.
112 Chebtuul Street. I'hllndelchP
Reading Railway
1! im 1 lard Coal- No Smoke
IN EFFKCT NOVn.MIlEK 11, 1897.
Trains lcavo Hhenamloah as follows :
For New York vIa rhtlAdclphtn, week days,
210, S80, 7 05 J.Ma. m., 12 83, 8 10 and 0 07 p.
m Mondays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
3 8C, 7 05 a. m.. 12 S3 nml 8 10 p. m.
For lieadlnir and l'hllmlclplita, week days,
2 10. 5 SO, 7 05, 9 M a.m., 12 33, 8 10 and 6 07 p. in.
Hundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Pottsvlllo, week days, 2 10, 7 05, 9 54 a. m
12 33, 8 10, 6 07 nnd 7 25 p. m. Hundays, 2 10 A, m,
For Tamnqun nnd Mnhanoy City, week days.
2 10. 5 8S, 7 03, 9 54 a. m., 12 83.8 10 and 8 07 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m
For Wllllamsport, flunbury and Lewtaburg,
week dnys. 3 25, 5 86, 7 05, II 80 A. m. 12 33, 7 25
p. m Hundnys, 8 25 a. m.
7 05. 9 51, 1130 a. m., 12 33,3 10, 6 07, 7 25, 9 55 and
1140 p.m. SundaVB, 2 10, 3 25 A. n.
For Ashland and Sluimokln, week days, 3 25,
5 30, 7 05, 11 80 A. m., 12 33, 110,5 07, 725 and
9 55 p. m. Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
For nnltlmore, M'ashlnirton And tho West via
It. fi O. 11. K . tliroiiL-li trains lea-1 Keadlnir
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. A it. U K.) at 820.
55, 11 20 n. in., 8 10 nml 7.27 I). l. Sundays.
8 20,700,11 a.m.. 840 and 7 27p.m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and CLest-
nui streets HtHiton, wecK unys, iuuu a. m, 12 20,
12 15 S 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
LeAve New York via Philadelphia, week
dnys, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 30 a. m., and 1 80, 4 80,
0 00 p.m. Sundays, 5 00 p. ni.
Ix'Ave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
dAys, 4 80, 9 10 n. m., 1 80 and 4 15p. m.
lavo Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
dAys, 4 20, H 35. 10 10 A. in. And 1 42, 4 05, 6 80, 11 80
p.m. Sundays, 1180 p.m.
Iciive HeadltiK.week days, 1 85, 7 10,10 08, a.m.
12 00 m., 4 19, S 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 35
LeAve Pottsvllle, week dAys, 2 85, 7 40 A. m.,
12 80 and 6 10 p. m. Sundays, 285a. m.
Iave TaniAnua. week days. 8 18. 8 43. 11 23 a.
m., 1 88, 5 50, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
a. in
Leave Mahanor City, week days. 12 20.8 45.
9 12 11 47 a. 111.. 2 17, 5 18, 6 22, 7 44 and 10 08 p. m.
MunuAys. vi 0 43 a. m.
lavo Mananoy flnno, weelc dAys, 1Z 35, 2 40,
4 00 6 30,9 20. 10 25. 1159 a. In., 232, 532, 838,
7 57, 10 22 p m. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 00 a. m.
LeAve Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
m., 4 00 And 11 80 p. m. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave PhllAdelphlA Chestnut street war
Houtn street wnatl tor Atlantic city.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 p.m. Aceommodatton, 8 00 a. ra., 0 DO p. m,
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 a. m. Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a. m., i 45 p. m.
Returning le--o Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic nnd Ar ear ms avenues.
Weekdays Kp. 18,735, 900 a m., 880,530
p.m. AccotnmiMlatloh, 8 15 a. in. 405 p.m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 30 p. in. Accom
modation, 7 15 n. m., 4 15 p. tu.
PArlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to neArest
Philadelphia and Rending RailwAy ticket Agent
or Address
I, A. Sweiqard, Epson J. AVkeks.
Gen'l Hunt., Gcn'l I'Ass'r Agt.,
Rending Terminal, PhllAdelphlA.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
A gouutno wolcomo watts youat
Cor. flaln and Coal Sts.
Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and aU
constantly on tap. Choice emperance drinks
and cigars.
1 wd c ra never ralL
juiii-a tUeja
. Aland ariiwflfter fill t IK
' with Ta...y 'i'5EP''H.VS.dedrIi;i'
runeaieii. V""",, ;V -"vUWhi
fiSfS thVarffisrs ri-uus:4-i-tor. .
Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
iirogroneivo n
Worlil's l'roi
1 1....... t..t.b..1.TV.l .f
v tlio Worlil's I'mBrtivS. Tlio well In- E
.Aft frnieil tl thrifty Houuu-wlfo will
Sarainbow liniment I
Prlca 2& clt. and BO ct. per boltti. s
- re br II. I. HACKETT & CO., Philadelphia S