The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 11, 1898, Image 3

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0! the Me.
Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Marshfield, Mo.,
writes: "For sir years I linve been a
sufferer from a scrofulous affection of
the glands of my neck, and all efforts
of physicians in Washington, D. C.,
Springfield, 111., and St. Louis failed to
reduce the enlargement. After six
months' "constant treatment here, my
physician urged me to submit to a re
moval of the gland. At this critical lno
mcnt a friend recommended S.S.S.,
and laying aside a deep-rooted preju
dice against all patent medicines, 1 be
gan its use. Before I had used one bot
tle the enlargement began to disappeur,
and now it is entirely gone, though I am
not through Ttith my second bottle yet.
Had I only used your S.S.S. long ago,
1 .1 ..... nnnuul trnnra r( YMIOPtU
X WUUIU uttvw jwu.w w. J
and saved over $ iso."
This experience is like that of all who
suffer with deep-seated blood troubles.
The doctors can do no good, and even
their resorts to the knife prove cither
fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the only
real blood remedy; it gets at the root of
the disease and forces it out perma
nently. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable)
A Real Blood Remedy
is a blood remedy for real blood (roubles;
it cures the most obstinate 'cases of
Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism,
etc., which other so-called blood reme
dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the
root of the disease and forces it out per
manently. Valuable books will
be sent free
to any address
by the Swift
Specific Co., At
lanta, Ga.
1 Fever, Congestion.
2 Worms,
3 Infants' Diseases. .
4 Diarrhea. tyy 4r
7 Coughs & Colds.;" k
O Headache.
No. lO Dyspepsia, Indigestion.
No. 1 1 Delayed Periods.
No. 12 Leuchorrea.
No. 13 Croup.
No. 14 Skin Diseases.
No. IB Rheumatism.
No. 10 Catarrh.
No. 27 Kidney Diseases.
No. 34 Sore Throat.
No. 77 Grip & Hay Fover.
Dr. Humphrey!' Homeopatlila Manual of
RntMi it your DruirirUU or Mailed Free.
84d by drunlits, or tent on receipt of SScts.,
WeM or 11. HumphreTt' Med. Co., Cor. William
ul Joh SM .New York.
Opera House,
J. J. QUIRK, tVlsr.
Harry Markliam and his
Superb Stock Company
opening in that sensational
Grand Scenic and Electricnl Surprises,
Ladies Free Ticket for Opening Night.
Watch for the Matinees.
New and novel specialties intro
duced between the acts by Harry
Fieldinpr, Chas. Blanchard, Thos.
O'Neil, Major E. A. Bills and
Misses Pauline, Vera Renaurd
and Sisters Clyde.
Witty Dialogue, Funny Situations,
Startling" Cltmaxes, Elegant
Costumes and Superb
Prices :
10, 20 and 30 Cents,
The Distinguished Artiste,
In Her New Napoleonic Play,
And a Company of Selected Players.
Prim: - 25, 35, 50 and 75 Cents
aiwkti Brompiana n,Dit. rnw
FAt drug itorw, r ent Jtr1 itifA I. prlc., 1 1.
rcTrnlre Co . rWIno, ui Our hook, to.
For uU at ICirlln'a 4ni( store nd Sbenandoai
5 fe
a .
M 1
drug (tor.
Will Not Bo Hastened by Action oi
Our Government!
And IIo Is Sow Only nil Ordlunry Bpnn
IhIi Cltlzon I.limmlnix I. our Knouirli
In the Cnpltnl City to I'nok Up aurl
Ilcmovn Ills KfTectH.
Washington, Feb. 11. A non-otllclal
dispatch received from Madrid yester
day says! "At n meeting of the Span
ish cabinet the minister for foreign af
fairs, Senor Oulton, read a dispatch
from Sonor Dupuy De Lome, the Span
ish minister at Washington, saying
that the published letter to Senor Ca
nalejas was written by him, and that
his position, consequently, had becomo
untenable, and he begged the govern
ment to accept his resignation. The
cabinet decided to accept the resigna
tion of Senor Dupuy Do Lome, and the
ministers subsequently mot and de
cided to telegraph to Senor De Lome
accepting his resignation and entrust
ing the first secretary with the conduct
of tho affairs of the legation."
In view of the news from Madrid of
the acceptance of the resignation of
the Spanish minister It may be stated
that our government Is not disposed to
split hairs over the method of the of
fending minister's retirement. In other
wordB, It Is not concerned as to whether
he resigns or Is recalled, so long as he
leaves the capital. It Is true that the
exact language of the message sent by
tho state department to Mr. Woodford
indicated the president's deslro that the
minister bo recalled, but the language
was used as the most proper for such
an occasion, and must not be taken to
mean that the president Is disposed to
go further .than Is necessary In the
pursuit of .Mr. Dupuy De Lome, now no
longer an ofllclal of the Spanish gov
ernment representing It at Washington,
but simply a Spanish citizen lingering
at the capitol only long enough to pack
up and remove his effects.
The Madrid cable dispatch was com
municated to the Spanish minister, and
was his first knowledge that action had
been taken by the cabinet and queen.
The acceptance of the resignation was
fully expected, and occasioned no sur
prise or change of plan. The effect of
the acceptance Is to close Senor De
Lome's services as Spanish minister at
The future status of Sonor De Lome
Is a matter of doubt. One of two courses
is open to his government a recall to
Spain or a transfer to another diplo
matic post. A recall without designa
tion to another post would leave him
In the ranks of the diplomatic service.
on waiting orders. This Is the position
of Senor Murngua, who preceded De
Lome here. In case of a desire to
transfer him to another post there are
number of Important Spanish em
bassies and legations available. In
some quarters It is thought that the
sentiment of the Spanish people would
approve a transfer of this character,
but It Is believed to be more probable
that the Spanish government will wait
until the strain of the Incident Is over
before deciding the future of Its retlr
lng minister. This is the more likely
since Senor De Lome Is not a Liberal,
but belongs to the Conservative party,
which is now out of power.
The action of the cabinet in desig
nating the first secretary as charge
d'affaires leaves a question as to
whether Senor Pablo Soler or Senor
Dubosc will be In temporary charge.
both having rank as first secretaries,
It has been understood that Pablo
Soler would be named, but at the le
gation It was said nothing definite
could be stated until the official notlfl
cation from Spain was received.
Under the peculiar circurnstances ex
isting the ceremony attending the de
parture of the Spanish minister are at
tended with much doubt. It Is usual
when a foreign representative leaves
the country for him to be received In
formal audience at the White House,
when an exchange of well wishes takes
place between him and the president,
It Is hardly expected that this formal
ity will be observed in the present case,
owing to the personal aspects of the
In cases that approach this In most
respects the minister has usually al
lowed his letters of recall to be pre
sented by his successor. Senor Mur-
uaga, who was Senor Dupuy De Lome's
predecessor, left Washington suddenly
on leave of absence, shortly after the
appearance In a newspaper of an In
terview In which he criticised our gov
ernment. He did not return to Wash
ington, but Senor De Lome appeared
with the letters of recall of his prede
cessor and letters accrediting himself
as his successor. So that there Is pre
cedent for a failure on the part of the
retiring minister to take formal leave
of our officials. It Is said at the state
department that there Is no time limit
within which Mr. De Lome must leave
Washington, and being now only a pri
vate Spanish citizen, he may take
reasonable time to arrange his affairs
hero without calling for criticism.
The De Lome letter has already at
traded the attention of foreign gov
ernments, and appears to be regarded
by them as an Important factor In the
general Cuban question. Some of the
foreign ministers at Washington have
advised their governments fully on the
occurrence. These were mlsleandlng at
the outset, for members of the dlplo
matte corps assumed that the letter
was a forgery, and some advices con
veyed this view of the case. Now that
Its genuineness has been established
the facts have been sent to most of
the foreign capitals.
No incident in recent days has caused
such a sensation in the ranks of the
diplomatic corps. It has also aroused
a keen discussion as to the right of
criticism which a minister can Indulge
In, under tho seal of a private letter,
While there Is no general concensus of
opinion among diplomatic authorities,
yet many of them take the view that
It is not only a right, but a duty, for
a minister to present every detail, even
of a personal nature, which In, his
Judgment may aid in a correct under
standing of a case, A distinction 1
made by them In ofllclal and personal
It Is Thought In Havana That Senor
Mui'iinga Is tho Man,
Havana, Feb. 11. The publication of
the news of Senor Do Lome's letter pro
fluced a profound sensation In Havana.
In political and military circles, at the
theaters and In tho coffee houses It was
the theme of eager dlscusston. Not for
a long time has any piece of news been
the subject of such widespread and ab
sorbed attention. In all circles tho let
ter Is pronounced "Indiscreet." Senor
Muruaga Is considered as likely to sue
ceed Benor De Lome.
La Lucha, commenting upon the D
Lome affair, says: "At various times
during past years we have sold that
Benor Do Lome It not the man pai
need at this moment In Washington
In spite of this, the most prominent
Madrid politicians have not thought so
Wj huvfe. callable Information, to tho
ii ilPAOTfilM
AVceclablcPrcparalionfor As
similating UicToodatulRcgula
tiiig HicSlQmfidis'nnilDoVi'cIs c
ncss and Rcst.Conlnlrts neither
Opium.MorptiinO nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
JunJiin Srtii"
Aaitt Jan
Jltfxrrvint -In
ftamSted -Clarified
Sugar .
IliWtyM flam
Apcrfcct Tlcmcdy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions Jcvcrish
ticss andLosS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature oC
effect that 'the letter attributed to
Benor Do Lome was Intercepted before
was delivered to Senor Canalejas.
Other things are said, which will be
cleartl up In time and cause consider
able astonishment."
Wo.vloi,,"Aimrlc!iiiH Itnvo
Hocomo Our Lord's ninj Mnntor"
Madrid, Feb. 11. Senc sagasta, the
premier, and other members of the
cabinet state publicly that the De
Lome Incident will not affect the rela
tions between Spain and the United
States, and that a new envoy, compe
tent to conduct tho commercial nego
tiations, will be selected.
El Kpocha says: "Senor De Lome s
resignation having been accepted, the
international question disappears.
Nevertheless the Cuban Insurgents
have succeeded In chasing from Wash
ington a representative of Spain who
has always displayed great zeal to pre
vent filibustering expeditions, but they
have done so by tricks only employed
by the clients of penitentiaries."
Correspondencia Milltaru says: "The
government should not have accepted
Senor De Lome's resignation. The
American attitude is offensive and hu
miliating to Spain."
El Correo Uspanola, the Carllst or
gan, says: "We are nt the beginning
of the end of our respect for the United
La Nacional, the Weylerist organ, re
proaches the government for yielding
to the exigencies of Washington, and
adds: "The Americans have become
our lords and masters."
Consumption Positively Cured.
Mr. R. 15. Greeve, merchant, of Cliil-
howie, Va., certifies that he had consumption,
was given up to die, sought all medical treat
ment that money could procure, tried all
cough remedies he could hear of, but got no
relief j spent many nights sitting up in a chair;
was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery,
and was cured by use of two bottles. For
past three years has been attending to business
and says Dr. King's New Discovery is
the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done
so much for mm and also lor others in Ins
community. Dr. King's New Discovery is
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Consump
tion. It don't fail, Trial bottles free at A,
Wasley's drug store.
s K YourOealer ForTh emT
Grocer can tell
you why thoe
whobuy SEELIG'S
keep coming back
fortU You can't
keep on selling a
poor tiling to the
.same people.
saved by
using Seel-
lg'S because you
kciu buy cheap
'coffee and make
it delicious bv a
kllttla oi this admixture.
The famous Appliance and ltemodlcs ot j
theKrlaMoulcul Co. now tor tho Urst time I
onoieu oa trial wuuouioiptnso to uny
honeatman. Not a dollur to bo Paid
In advance, Curo Kilecta of Errors
or iaxotwsaa inula or xounjr. jtianuooa
Vullr Iiostored. How to Enlaruo and
Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Tortious
of Dody. Absolutely- unfailing Home
Treatment. KoC. o. I). or other scheme.
A, plain olfer by a firm ot high standing.
IP nniiure fob nrriiEit snx,
E.E unun otiiIh
reineilv lielnir in
jected directly to tliu
or tho Gentto-Urluory
Orgnns, rooulroH no
change of diet. Cure
guaranteed In 1 to U
dajH. Mum 1 1 plain puck.
A J Xfc.SU Bold only by
s. p. KIULIN, Shcna b.
i lunoiuEBin
The EM You Have
Always Bought,
Bears the Fac-simile
To Alaska
In the Spring will be Tremendous.
Tho most profitable business will bo In trans-
fiortatlon and merchandising ami In furnishing
nod and supplies to tho inultitudo of Gold
Seekeis In shoit. a general Trading. Mercan
tile and Steamship business. It was so hi '49 it
will be so In 'Wi.
The Alaska Transportation
and Development Company
'.Wd $5 000,000 "n-,eob.
To meet this demand, will own and operate Its
Connecting with Its own line of largo and
Magnificent Ocean Steamers,
Specially adapted for passenaer business carry-
Int? to that country an Immense amount of bujh
piles nnd equipment for tho miners, as well us
furnishing them transnnrtntlmi for themselves
and their coods. and establtshlnir Tradlntr
Stations at different points. An opportunity Is
onereu any person, ue mey oi smaii or larpe
means, to buy shares of stock In this company i
and participate In the
sure to bo earned within the next 12 months.
Shares are offcied at $1.00 each
par value, non-assessable, and will bo offered
for n limited time only
Safer than Savings Banks nd Bank Stocks
Favlntr lareer dividends. While numerous
savings banks and hanks liavo suspended,
transportation ami trading companies' were
never seen In the Hit of failures. This stock is
ont of the most desirable Investments offered
the public
The incorporators and stockholders who are
connected with this company nro men of wide
experience In similar undertakings and nion
whose names are sufficient guarantee of tho
standing of the company, to wit:
Aljiiiiiti i , uijAiis, i res, vai jnati lircw Co.,
HON WM. K. MASON, United States Senator
from Illinois
D. U. KDWAKDS, Pass. Tralllo Mgr. C. II. fc
D. II. U , Cincinnati.
FUANK A. HKCIIT, of Chas. Kaestner & Co ,
CHAS. II, KOCKWKtjL.Trafflo Mgr. C I, A L.
K. KM (Monon uoute) I'mcago
W. C. RIKISAKSOK.Ucn'l Pww. Agt. C. N. O
& T. I. It. It., Cincinnati, O.
B. W. GRIFFITH, Pres. First National Bank.
Vieksburp, Miss.
FRI5D. A. OTTI5, past eighteen years with
aneiuy jiqiik, oneinyvuie, inu.
J. M. PHILMFS. Cashier First Nat'l Bank,
vicicsnurg, miss.
And hundreds of others equally prominent.
Auuress ana maice an money pay am o to
The Alaska Transportation & Development Co.,
Fl.her liulldlnir,
Cor. Van lluren & Dearborn Sta.,
Side Entranc tn Grasn St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
You nr. old, stasia or married thoB con
templaltng man-lags, ifyou are a Ttctlm ot
Prlrate Diseases l,,,,r.SeAVr2!,.?i!,1ihe'
ttrnr mind and ha At. and unfit tou for tho
dotte of life, call or write and ho mtji1. Ilourit
Daily, 0-3; ot'm, fl-Ql Sua.,
Ft amp for Dooc with sworn tvntlmonlnli
VxpoilngQauoki and Ifttko Institutes
1 -BAZAR, feftfi-jji :
tblic Fashionable. Original. Perfect-
? rating. Prices 10 ami 15 cents, r
1 None higher. None bcttcrat any price. Q
I Some tellable merchant sells them In
r nearly every city or town. Ask for J
J them, or they can be had by mall from
f us In either New York of Chicago, v
Stamps taken. Latest rasnioa oneci ?
sent upon receipt of one cent to pay
postage. . J
tt , . i 1. Jl. ,,-l- t-1!.(,-4
Invaluable for the home. Fashions of
. ths day. Home Literature, Household
Hints, fancy wotK, urrem lopics,
Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year, In
cluding i'reo pattern, your own selec
tion any time. Send two 2 -cent stamps
for sample copy. Address
J42-H6 West Hlh Slice!, New rrt.
' 189 Fifth Avenue, Chicaeo.
Till? TW
Hhirty-Nino Lives Have Probably
Boon Sacrificed.
Tho Other Twntity-Mnvtm Aro Doubt
limn IIui'loil 'Ni'iitll tlio Ittilns of
V rockoil Mil I Id Inns Property J.osh
Will IttMioh (i .Million mill n Hull'.
Plttsburir, Feb. 11. Twelve persons
dead, 27 mlHslnR and 19 injured, and n
property loss of tl.500,000, with about
$1,000,000 Insurance, Is the record of the
bis fire of Wednesday night. Follow
ing is a revised list of the known dend:
Police Lieutenant A. J. lierry; Wllllnm
Scott, eldest son of the president of the
Chautauqua Ico company, and his
youngest brother, John; Vllllam Mc
Conlgle, the company's assistant en
gineer; John McIIunna, Tanley Btllz,
John Dwyer, George Loveless, William
Smith, Albert A. Wolf, Thomas Claffey
and William L. Wallehabensteln.
The missing, all of whom are prob
ably burled under the ruins, are:
George Newman, flro Inspectoi of
Philadelphia Oas company; Professor
James Moxan, organist of the Evan
gelical Lutheran church, Drushton,
Pa., Samuel McLaughlin, Jacob Booth,
Jack Farrell, George McDonald and
four companions, who weie In a saloon
on Penn avenue when the falling wall
crushed In the Ifulldlng; Mrs. May Mc
Fadden, with her family of eight chil
dren, who lived In a house on Mul
berry alley, which was crushed; Will
lam Doran, William Finch, Edward
Donnelly, Chris Schrlver, James P.
Morrison, D. P.. Weckerly and George
When the explosions of whisky bar
rels took place those within the Are
lines were seen to fall In alt directions.
Those outside the lines were not be
yond reach of danger. Those not pros
trated by the tlrst blast were knocked
down by the reactionary waves of air,
as the falling walls created a vacuum
that seemed to draw everything.
A company of firemen was throwing
a stream Into the great storage house
from the narrow courtyard In the rear
of Penn avenue, from which a much
narrower alley led to tho street, when
the first explosion took place, and part
of the massive wall of the storage
house toppled over on the roofs of the
houses and Into the courtyard. The
firemen at work there escaped by the
narrowest chance.
It was on the Mulberry alley side,
where the least danger was anticipated,
that the force of the explosion was the
most severe, and there the greatest
number of fatalities took place. Ex
plosion followed explosion for. about
half an hour. Walls kept toppling
down, and firemen, policemen and spec
tators were rendered almost powerless
to act by the sense of awe and terror
which the scene Inspired. The old brick
houses along Penn avenue from Thir
teenth to Twelfth streets caught from
the rear and burned rapidly.
All day llremen, police and other
city employes worked at the risk of
their lives, but little progress has been
made In clearing away the debris. The
work will be continued without cessa
tion until it is known no bodies re
main buried. Twenty streams are con
stantly playing on the still burning
ruins. A heavy pall of 'smoke over
hangs the desolate scene, and the tired
policemen have hard work to keep the
thousands of curious onlookers from
getting within the rope cordon. Many
of the people who lied panic stricken
from their homes on Wednesday night
are plucking up courage enough to re
turn to the houses not Jeopardized by
the fire weakened walls.
Mayor Ford yesterday afternoon, re
alizing that some of the worst features
of the calamity are yet to come, so
far as the dead and heads of families
are concerned, and that many will be
In need of prompt aid, Issued a public
letter suggesting subscriptions from
the citizens for distribution among the
needy victims.
Don't ToDacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
Ifyou want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, bo made well, Btrong, magnetic,
full of now life and vigor, tako No-To-Ric,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many sain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
euro. 50c or fl.OO. Booklet and samplo
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Eomedy,,Co.,
Chicaeo or New York.
Twenty KiHod nt ii rnYiornl.
Warsaw. Feb. 11. During a funeral
service in the synagogue at Idzienciol,
in Gordno, the woman's gallery col
lapsed. In tho panic that ensued 12
women. S men and 3 children were
crushed to death, and many others
were seriously Injured.
After years of untold suffering from piles,
B. W. I'ursoll.of Kuitersvlllo, Pa., was cured
by using a single box of DoWitt's Witch
liuzle Salvo, bkin diseases sucli us eczema,
rash, pimples and obstinate sores nro readily
cured Dy tins lamous remedy, u. u. imgeu
Otlloors of tfio WIivoIiiikii'n I.cuiriio.
St. Louis, Feb, 11, Tiie national as'
sembly of American Wheelmen yester
day elected the following olllcers: Pres
Ident, Isaac Potter of New York; first
vice president, Thomas J. Keenan of
Pennsylvania; second vice president,
E. N. nines of Michigan; treasurer,
James C. Tattersall of Now Jersey
Providence was chosen as the next
place of meeting.
for thoso who will go to-day and get a pact
age or UUAlN-u. ii tascs mo piace oi
coffee at about 1 the cost. It is a food drink,
full of health, and can bo given to the
children as well as tho adult with great
benefit. It Is made of pure grains and looks
and tastes like tho finest grades of Mocha or
Java coffee. It satisfies everyone A cup of
Grain-O is better for the system than a
tonic because its benefit is permanent. What
coffee breaks down Qrain-0 builds up. Ask
your grocer for Groin-0. 15c. and 2Sc.
Kcntiit " ' " "fl
Frankfort. Ky., Feb. 11. The state
senut bv a vote of 20, sutllclent t.
nasH a bill over a veto, yesterday pass
ed the Goebel elections, or "foreo" bill
and tent It to the house, where It
nearly RUie to go through In time to
tret a veto from the governor back and
nassed upon beforo adjournment. The
rtenubllcanH admit that If the bill be
comes a law they can never carry the
utate or an Important election therein
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often lay, "Oh, it
will wear away," but in most case it wears
them away. Could they be induced to try the
successful medicine called Kemp's Dalsam,
which is so'd on a positire guarantee to cure,
they would immediately see the excellent effect
after taking the first dose. Trice 25c. and 50c.
Trial size free. At all druggists.
Sllli Artur 1 ii tt I ii ii n iomciiits,
lndlnniip'li Feb. ll. GuviincT
Mount has employed Hugh IX MrMuI
len. of Auroia, to assist the state in Its
efforts to hcpum Indictments ngalnst
the lllpley rouiity lyncher- The gov
ernor said to the attorney: "If the
next legislature does not pay you, t
will puy ynu nut of my own pocket."
The evident e the state has leathered,
connecting ut Co mnn with the mob,
will be laid befoie the Jury today or
lommrow. Mr. JelinlUL'S, widow of
one of the men iytifhed, will bring suit
for dainiiLMs In the federal court
unluM members i f the mob
Wo nro anxious to do n little good In tills
world and am think of no pleananter or
hotter way to do It than by recotniiiemliiiK
Ono Minute Cough Cliro ns a ptoveutlvo of
liucliinonia, ctiiistiiiiptiim and other serious
Iuiik troiililrs that lollow neglected colds.
0. II. lliifcnljucli .
Itcxli'iii'd I ni i I r. V.'ili' t'liiireli.
New Yolk. Feb. 11. Hlght resigna
tions weie prisenied to the meeting of
the session of the Fifth Avenue Pres
byterian church last night. The resig
nations were not acted upon, the reason
assigned being that is was customary
to place resignations on lile for future
action and to give those who resign an
Ttunlty to reconsider their action.
In olden times mistaken
enthusiasts used to inflict
upon themselves all manner
of painful and horrible tor
tures. Men scourged them
selves with whips nnd hot
irons, and rubbed vinegar in
to the wounds
and wore hair
cloth next to
their skin day and night
Nowadays such cruel
torture is discounte
nanced. Nevertheless.
' l' I men and women po on
torturing themselves.
only in a Ullterent ana
more serious manner
than of old. They neg
lect their health,
and neglected
health means phys
ical torture of the
worst description. It means slow starva
tion. Because a man forces food into a
weak and impaired stomach, it does not
follow that he feeds his body. The life
giving elements of the food taken into an
mnaired stomach arc not assimnatea into
the blood. Instead, the impurities of the
sluggish liver and bowels are taken up and
carried to all parts of the body. The con
sequence is that the body is not only
starved but poisoned. The immediate re
sult is physical suffering front which the
old time zealot would have drawn back in
horror. The final result is disease and
death. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery Is a scientific remedy that acts ac
cording to natural laws. It is not a violent
spur to nature or a mere artificial appetiser.
It gently, nut surely aim permanently, pro
motes the natural processes of secretion
and excretion. It creates appetite, makes
the assimilation of the food nerfect. invig
orates the liver and purifies and enriches
the blood. It omuls up urm, muscular
flesh. It cures nervous exhaustion, debil
ity, sleeplessness and all the evils that
follow in their train. Found at all medi
cine stores. Accept no substitute that may
be represented as just as good."
I can heartily recommend Dr Tierce's Cold-
en Medical Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets' to
anyone troubled wittl Indigestion and torpid
liver." writes 51. G Crider, Kstj . of Leonard.
Hnrlan Co Ky. "My disease was clirontc. our
famllv nhvsirian could do nothing for me. I
could not walk nor help myself. 1 could not eat
anything but it caused a horrible distress and
Euawillg in my biomncn. i imvc ufccu tu-j,
attics of vour Golden Medical Discovery ' auo
one vial of your ' Pellets' andean work all day "
January 16, 1898.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tho abort
date for Wlggans, Gllberton, Fraokvlllo. Dark
Water, St. Ulalr, l'ottavllle. llamnurg, Heading
Pottstown. Phoenlxvllle. Xorrlstonrn and Phil
adelphia (llroad street station) at 6 08 and 11 05
a. m. anu-izu p m. on weeK uays. nunuays,
0 08 n. m.,3 10 p. m. For Pottavlllo and Inter
mediate stations only 9 17 a. m. week days.
Sundays, 9 45 a. m.
Leave blienandoali lor roltsviue ivia JJeianol
7 38. 9 11 a.m.. 12 SO. 3 05. 5 58, 8 42 p. m. week
daVB. Sundays. 9 10 a. in., 12 50 and 0 31 p. m.
Trains leave rracKTiue lor mienanaoan ai
10 40 a. m. and 12 81. 5 41. 7S2 and 10 37 d. co.
Sunday, 11 13 a. m. and 5 41 p. m.
l.eave I'ottsviuo lor nnenannoan tviarmcic
vllloi 1015 a.m., 12:03, 8 15, 7 25 and 10 10 p. m.
Sundav 10 10 a. m., 5 IS n. m.
Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah (via Delano)
fi 00, 7 45, 9 ftl a. m., 12 35, 3 00, 5 40 p. in. week
days, Sundays, 8 43 a. m 12 33 and 6 10 p. iu.
lave 1'lilladeiplKa, turoaa sireei uiasion), 101
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 85and 10 19 a. m., 4 10 and
7 11 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 SO a. m.
Leave Broad street statton, Philadelphia, lui
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Loni
Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8.20
11.14, a. m., 3.80 and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
Leave llrond Mireel .nation, i-nuaaeipm,
KxDreas. week-days. 3 20. 4 tt. 4 50 S 13. 6 50.
7 33, 8 20, 8 33, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 00 a. m,
12 00 noon, i ao ii.imiieu i uu anu 4 p. in
I)lnlliL-Cllrl.H0. 2 30 (DinlnK Oar) 3 20. 3 50.
4 00,5 00, 5 56 (Dining Car), 8 00, 7 02,7 43, 10 00
p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 SO, 5 15,
8 20,8 33,9 50, 10 21, (Dining Cur), 11 35 a. m.,
12 30, I ua turning uar z;w turning jnr;, sou
M.lmltod4 22Dinillir Car). 5 20. 5 58.(Dlnlne Car)
6 33, 7 02, 7 43, 10 00 p. m.. 1201 night.
ISxprcss tor uosion wnnoui cuange, nws m.,
week-days, and 7 43 p. m., daily.
For Baltimore and Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 32,
10 20, 1123, a. m., 1207, 12 31 (Dluing
Car), 1 12, 3 18, 4 41, 5 25 Congres
sional Limited, Dining Car, 017. 655 Din
ing Car, 731 Dining Carl p. m., and 1205
night week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23,
a. m., 1207, 1 12, 4 41, 520 CongreMsional Lim
ited, Dining Car, 6 55 JDInlng Car, 7 31 DIn
lug Cur p. in. and 12 03 night.
Leave Broad street station via Delaware rlvei
bridge Express, 7 05 p. m, daily.
Leuvo Market Street Warf Kxprem, 8 50 a m
2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p. in. Sundays, 8 43, 9 45 a. m
laeeommoaaiion iw nnu ouuu, m.i
i ...... t i , ... .1 ir,j i
1 111 Vl ll . I A 1. 1 , I'lHSI-."., ..un wu ".!
1 1 -., 1. I.I. flM.n , 'I Avnlnn and
I II I V. 1 1 , . . I. I .T I . , Wba.a Ul,,, ......v..
Stone Harbor Express, 900 a. in., 400, p. m.
weekdays. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
For Homers I'ouu uxpreaa, oou, a.
100, 5 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 8 45 a. m.
I. 11. Hutciiinsok, J. It. Woon,
Gen'l Managar. Gen'l 1'asaVr Agt
vigor to the whole being. Alt drains and losses are checked ftrmamntlv. Unless padnts
are properly cured, their condition often worries them Into Insanity. Consumption or Death.
Mailed sealed. Priced pcrboi: 6 boxes, with Iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund IM
money.t5.oo. Send lor free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0..
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
1 1T
For Weak nnd Run Down Pooplo.
UHftT IT IQ I The richest of all restore
WnHI II 10 1 tlve foods, becnuso It re-
filncoo tho osscntlnls of Ufa that nro ex.
iiiusled by disease, indlgORtloi, high living,
overwork, worry, oxcosses, abuse, otc
digestion pcrfeq-lt creates solid llohli,
limsclo mid strength. Tho nerves being
made strong the drain becomes u.tlve and
alone. It resloros lost vitality, stops all wast
ing drains and wcjikness In cither sex, nnd
OHafemalo regulnCor has no equal, l'rlco
Wa, or live boxes 82.00. DrugglHts ortirmalL
WO cun help you. Advice nnd book, free.
fWrlto Us About Your CasoT
IMS Chestnut Street. I'lilladeluhl-
Philadelphia :
Reading Railway
Enjiii..-. Hum I lard Coal NoSmoke
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows i
For New York via Philadelphia, week dave.
210, 5 86, 703 9 54 a.m., 12 33, 8 10 and 0 07 p,
m Mondays, 2 iu a. m.
For New York via Maueh Chunk, week days.
5 86, 7 05 a. m., 12 83 and 8 10 p. m.
vat Keadinir ana i'liiiAdeinhla. week days.
2 10, 5 36, 7 03, 9 51 a.m., 12 33, 8 10 and 07 p. ra.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
Vat fottsvl He. week: davs. 2 10. 7 0i. 9 31 a. m..
12 83, 8 10, 6 07 and 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m,
For lamaotia and aiahanoy CUV. week uavs.
2 10. 5 36, 7 06, 9 54 a. m., 12 S3, 8 10 and 6 07 p. I.
Sundays, 210 a. m
rot winumsnort. Munburr and Lewlsburc.
week days. 3 25, 5 36, 7 03, 11 SO a. m.. 1283, 7 25
p. tn Sundays. 8 23 n. in.
For Muhano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 23, 5 86,
7 05, S 54, 11 80 a. m 12 33, 3 10, 0 07, 7 23, 9 55 and
11 40 p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 8 23 a. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 8 25,
5 36,7 05, 11 30 a. In., 12 33, 3 10,6 07 . 726 and
9 S3 p. m. Sundays, 8 25 a. ru.
T) .. 1 .1 . A,'. .1.1 . J ll.
.... iti.iiiiuiD, , ,0(iiiikum 1 ce, vii.
11. ,tO. It. It., through trains lea-i Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (1. tc It. II K.) at 3 20,
7 55, 11 26 a. m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. L.. Sundays.
3 20,7 00,1126 a.m., 8 43 and 7 27p.m. Addl-
notini trains iron, i weniy-lounn and unest
nut streets station, week days, 1080 a. m. 12 20,
12 15 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 185, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 30 a. m., and 1 SO, 4 30,
9 00 p.m. Sundays, 5 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Maueh Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 and 4 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 85, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 80, 11 30
p. m. Sondays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Kpadlng,week days, 1 85, 7 10,10 08, a. m.
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 135
a. m.
Iave I'ottsvllle, weekdays, 2 85, 7 40 a. m.,
12 80 and 6 10 p. m. Sundays, 2 85 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 43, 11 23 a.
tn., 1 36, 5 56, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
a, rn
Leave Mahanoy City, week days. 12 20. 8 45.
9 12 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 6 18, 6 22, 7 44 and 10 08 p. m.
Sundays. 12 25, 8 45 a. m.
I.cave Mabanoy Plane, week days, 1233, 2 40,
4 00 6 80.9 26. 10 25. 1169 a. in.. 2 82. 5 32. 6 88.
7 57, 10 22 r. m. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 00 a. m.
Leave w llllamsporl, week days, 7 43, 10 20 a
tn., 4 00 and 11 30 p. m. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war and
South street wharf for Atlantic City
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. in,, 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 p. ni. Accommodation, 8 00 a. m., 6 30 p. m.
Sundays Express, 900, 10 00 a. m. Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a. In., 4 43 p. m.
Returning leav.-e Atlantic City depot, oorntr
Atlantic and At cansas avenues.
Weekdays ISipresg, 7 35, 9 00 a m., 8 80, 5 SO
p.m. Aecommttdattoii, 8 15a.m. 405p.m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 30 p. in. Accom
modation, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, opply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
or address
I. A. SWEiaAun, Edsos J. Weeks.
Gen'l Supt., GenM Pohs't Agt,,
Reading Terminal, Philadelphia.
I International I
m i : .f f thr 11 Vtuthntltf if "
The Ono Groat Htnndurit Authority,
s.. urn. i II m 1 l ,r. id.
of the V S (.ov'tprintlnif (
I'oun, an me m&i hu
nieino Court, and of near
ly all ttm Hclioolbooks.
ty SLrite Siiperintendt-nt (
of Hchootft, rollt k' lTl'Rt (
iltMitn.ninlnthej htlucatoia t
aunopi wuiioui uumoer
111 till' llM(t8t'llilt, (IIHl t'
llu- ( :i li4r. hc1iol.ii . ir i
fcsli'tuil inuii, anil bolf-
It la easy to find the word wanted,
It Is easy to ascertain the pronunciation.
It Is easy to trace the grow tli of a word.
It is easy to learn what a word means.
Tho AVtr Vnrk Tribune Savs;-
I lie I il'-ot i Ittitiii rinnt'B imin tli. iireai villi a
iiinil ' ! -ttinl Ininld'S tin it i .si thor.iH'h If .
nit mil i ii tirr inlili :il sniterMhinn is
Kl I'M If t ' . ll'l.U tlllS tl U'Tlv to wliU-U tlU S
cj - . i-uuiu us lull i t i ru a ibao.
K EfiySperimcn pafies sent on application to
5 C. MKKRTAM CO., 2nbUshvrt
&mr pillsi
UAP"1!' Wa:n Specific Co,PruiJuPa.
at Povlnaky'a drug store,
Oentre street.
Celebrated Femalo
I'owders pcror fnU
tifBUid tura rafter faillnf
with Taniy 'nd Pcnoyrojal lllli yrt other Ulv
fix uk tuv' nHitoii,Mtik
id have cured thuulands A
,vM,c ttnoa tne tptt oi vian.
cases oi Nervou, Di,ea&es. ilfch
as Debility, Uiznncss, Sl.eplcss
neis and varicoccle,Atrophy,&0.
Thev clear the brain. streDslala
the circulation, make dlgcvAO
nerfect. and impart a h.llthv
, . , . 1 5
ill '
C are lirojrrofwvo 111111 Kit'p luiuniieu m
tho AVorhPd Progress Tho well in- -K
fortuetl unil thrifty Ilousa-wlfo wills
& tihvuys keen S
Sjirttjiia, llruleeH, Cronips, llhoumatlBni, 5
ami all nehes aud pains. r
Hrlct 28 ctl. md BO eti, ptr boltla. E
Prepsrctf B II, I. HACXEIT & CO., Philadelphia 3