) - EVENING HERALD CHrAHLISIIKM 1871). PuulUhol every lCvenlnit, KieeptSimiley, l Sotrrn Jabuik Stkkbt. Nkau Oicntrk. file llorxlil la iteltveirtl liiHlieimmluun mid I'M' turronmlliiK toii for li cents n woelc, ay jtbl 'olliocntilcni. Ily mIU3.00 yonr.or' MiU luiiutli, uyblo In luKunce. Ailvcrtlso meats olmrijoilBConrJIiiKloniiii'oaiiil inltlciii. The pulillshets resorve tlio riulit to cliaiiRe the lofUlou o( lulrcrtlaciuent whenrvrr the yml. '"allon of nrw ilenmniU It. Tim rlirlit la icKcrvi.l to rele1,ftny wlvortlMM.iont, whether paid for or Hot, jnt tlio imbtlslierx nmy ueoin Improper. Advertising mti mndc known upon itppllrntlun. , , . ,, Itnli-ru.l t tlio piillice Bt HIii'liRUUimh, I'm.,im semmt clniw iuhII matter. TKMCI'HONH CONNKUTION "All Ih? K-"S That's F! to Print." Evening Herald Fltlli.W. r'KltkUJAKY 11. 180S. TiiK courts luivo (lui'iiU'il tlml w ..;it yea tlml doi-H licit belong to you, pro vided you llud tlmt it helmih'H to soinuono ulso. Very good logic, in deed. Tun KngliNh tK threatened wi .1 udiioeiiliiiuity. Sir Robert l'eel, the .li'o'eiu'iuio ieooiuliint of im jllu tii..us statesman, is :o bui-uiue un tietor. With tlio Maine at Havana, tint Montgomery at Matanzas and tlio rest ii the ileet at tlio Tortuous, Uncle Sam is in good hhupe to talk over Cuban affairs in a reasonable and friendly way. Tun free silverites are preparing for n battle royal in thin eounty next fall. Plans are being laid for the control of one or two newspapers. Thefee people appreciate tlio value of tho public press in a political cam paign. An exchange presents the self evident proposition that gents wear pants, while mere men attire them selves in trousers and gentlemen alone in pantaloons. Wo know of some married women who at e adorned in tlio whole combination. TllK reports that are coming in of lawlessness in those portions of Alaska which are crossed by tlio gold seekers seem to indicate what may be expected in tho spring when tho worse elements from thol'iicilio coast will be included in tho rush to the Klondike. Scotch whisky keeps on booming. There are 158 distilleries at work in Scotland that find it dillluult to koop up with orders, and more Govern ment inspectors are called for. Tho output last year was 28,500,000 gal lons, an incruiuo of !10 per uont. over tho year beforo. There aro 77,000,000 gallons stored away maturing. Tub itopublicans in the Ktist ward of (Jilberton are bringing tho post office fight into the local election con test. They refuse, at least the friends of Williams, to support tho party nominees bocatibo llrunim will not give their favorite the postofflce. Tho Minorsvillo statesman is causing heaps of trouble. Thic First Assistant Postmaster General has announced that hereafter newspaper men will not be considered barred out as candidates for post mastorships. If such a policy has re-illy prevailed a better plan would have been to appoint a lot of news paper inon without making any men tion about a discriminating policy. It would havo shown a more friendly feeling toward tho party press. Tub wide-awake newspaper, with its kaleidoscopic and interesting news and special features, is eagerly -Bought, read, discussed and com mented upon. Its novelty is never ceasing. It brlngB into view some new pliaso of life with every issue. Its columns record tho heartbeats of humanity, with thoir joys and sor rows. It is the unolllcial journal of the human family, and, rightly con ducted, Alls n sphere of great useful ness, says thoScranton Truth. TllK Congressional committees of hoth the i;reat parties havo hoon or Kanlzel mid the hattle of 181)8 will shortly ho boyun. The lines between sound money and that from a dopru olated metal will bo us distinctly drawn as hi 180C. The fact that every assertion of the advocates of freo silver made in the campaigns two years ago has been dlsprovon by the events of tho past eighteen inonths, and that tho prosperity promised by the Republicans through the adoption of protection uml sound money is already making its appear anco, should strengthen greatly tho prospects of that party In the com ing campaign. There aro, however, no less than 7fi close Congressional districts in the United States, and upon these the Democrats, Populists and Bilverltoi will turn their united forces in an attempt to eleut any silver man, no matter to which one of tho three organizations ho may belong, so long as ho can be relied upon to vote In tho interests of the silver-mine owners. And ono of those is tho Schuylkill district. Tho' Atliitix Ntit u lTHIuiBtor. Providence, Feb. 1L The lighter Agnes, from New York, arrived heri' yesterday. The report that Bho was connected with the latest Cuban fili bustering expedition, which Is supposed to have left the Long Island coast on Monday nignt, is uemeu. ?lark Wrecked, Bovqii Drowned, Palermo, Feb. 11. In the wreck of the Austrian bark Mattea, for I'cnsu cola, at this port, before reported, the captain and six of the crew wore drowoned. STATESMEN IN BAD HUMOR. Bonutor Alton Amiilln Mptmltor Hoot! nnd tlio Lower llmmn l'llllinitoi1'. Washington. Feb. 11. During ol most the entire session of the senate yesterday the Indian appropriation bill was under discussion. The reading of the bill was completed ond all of tho committee amendments w,irv adopted. Subsequenll several amendments of a minor character were attuched to the measure. Mr. Allen, of Nebraska, enlivened the proceedings a few min utes before adjournment by making an attack on Speaker ltted l.'r preventing 1 the enactment, as the Nebraska!! de- ! dared, of meritorious legislation sent I to the house of representatives by the senate, lie denounced the speaker's action In this regard ns a "disgrace" to congress and to the American pytiplo. When a point of order was made ngnlnst him for the use of Impioper language concerning the other branch of congress Mr. Allen said that he was only stating the truth, and that he was responsible here or elsewhere at any time for his statements. The house was la very bad temper yesterday, and the whole session was consumed In llllhustilng against two bills of minor Importance, one to Issue a duplicate check and the other to make Uockland, Me., a sub-port of en try. Neither got further than en grossment nnd third rending. The trou ble uroso over the enforcement of the rule against the discussion of Irrele vant subjects, when Mr. Handy, a Del aware Democrat, attcmptcu to reply on the lloor during the consideration of those bills to a letter recently writ ten by Thomas P. Huynril, secretary of state under the Cleveland administra tion, In denunciation of the free silver Democracy. Holl call followed roll call all day long, and partisan feeling reached a high pitch. Finally an ad journment was taken until Monday. .Nnw York'n Latest Murder MyMtery. New York, Fob. 11. The police are Inclined to favor the theory that the dismembered body found at the foot of Itoosevelt etreet on Tuesday Is that of Juan Lanei-ez. a carver, who was employed In a Sixth avenue restaurant. They will not make public on what ground they base their belief, and they are not paying much attention to per sons who nre equally positive that the body is that of Alfred Nelson, a waller Will Nut Out Mr. Kelltm. Washington, Feb. 11. The senate committee on pnstofllces and post road Is not likely to report the nomination of O. W. Petty to be postmaster at Charleston, W. Va. A general under standing has been reached to thru ef feet. The senators do not want to dls place Mrs. Kenna, the widow of the late Senator Kenna. who Is the present Incumbent of the olllce. Wh.nt pleasure is there in life with a head ache, constipation ntnl biliousness? Thous ands experience thctn who could become per- teeny healthy tiy using Hewitt's Lime riariy liisi'iB, tlio fatuous little pills. C. 11. lliigcn liucli. Ii"!i:c, S., L-i. il. -Tho steam ship ti.tllla, ttom Liverpool, passed through a teitltie hurilenne on Feb. 1. A tremendous sea boarded the vessel cairylng aay two boats and davltts smashing the side of one of the Iron deck houses, carrying away the ven tilators of the engine room, skylights and doing other damage. The cabins and holds were Hooded. The carpen ter nnd four men were Injured while clearing away wreckage. TO CUKH A COLD IN ON'L IAY. Tuko Laxativo Ilrotnu Quinine Talilcts. All druggists refund the mutiny if it fulls to euro. -5c. Tho genuine has L. II. Q. on each tablet. Now .ler-t y .e in.' .t Summit. N. J., Feb. 11. The Summit Silk mill suspended operations yester day, nnd iuO employes are thrown out of employment. The suspension of work Is due to the fact that about a hundred weavers struck against a re duction of two cents per yard. The weavers canted about per day under the old schedule of prices, but with the redui ed pin es their wages would be cut down to $1 per week, they claim. Hucklen'B AtuIch Halve. The best salve in tho world for cut, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhonm, fever soros, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positiroly cures piles, or jo pay required. It Ui tfunrantcod to gtvi porfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 85 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasloy. mdlitu L uelieiw on Trial, Shawnee, O. T., Feb. 11. The pre liminary bearing of P. Smith, W. H. Davis and 10. D. Dlx, charged with conspiracy to burn the Seminole In dians Mcliolsy and Sampson, hns been begun before Commissioner Galbralth. Nix Is a nephew of ex-United States Marshal Nix. and Davis Is the editor of tho Earlhoro Plain People. Among the 11 culprits who had previously been held tor ti ial were two preachers, ono & Methodist and the other a Baptist. Sovoro Slont Storm In NobntHhii, Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 11, A sleet storm of unusual severity prevailed Wednes day night uml yesterday throughout the southwestern and central part of Nebraska. The damage In this city Is considerable, telephone und telegraph companies being the greatest sufferers. In country districts the storm was even more severe, thousands of fruit and shade trees being broken down. The weather Is colder, and unsheltered stock will suffer. Harriott AushIii Inxtiintly Killed Washington, Feb. 11. The official lonllrmatlon of the assassination of President Unrilos came yesterday to the state department In a cable from United States Minister Hunter at Gun temaln CiU as follows: "President Barrios was shot and Instantly killed while walking with two military olll cers near the palace. The usBassln, while attempting to escape, was Imme diately killed by the president's staff. All quiet." General lloolh VImIIh tlio I'reMlilont. Washington, Feb. IL General Will iam Booth, commandor-ln-chlef of the Salvation Army, and his son-in-law, Commander Frederick D, Booth-Tuck er, yesterday afternoon called upon the president at the White House. The president received his callers very cordially, and In the course of the In tervlew he expressed his great ndmini tlon for the meat work of the Salva tion Army, especially In the United States. HoocT Are much In Itttn, niuiijs ready, efficient, sal "f.n tory , prevent a cold or fru-r ruro i'l Hi,' li ,1 ache, J.umil''p, conciliation, i c l'rlre lis ctnti Hie only l'tl! la Ul ult.i llnuj'i S iri.'imrlll Handsome Comploxlon of the e:reatest charms a worn earn t'ouoNra uouruuiON rowm lis I U eue I possess aires It INTENSE SIOTEBING From Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble. INSTANTLY KELIDVED AND PERMA NENTLY CURED. A New Discovery, But Not a Patent Med icine. Dr. Keilwcll relates an interesting account of what lie considers a remarkable cure of nettle stomach trouble and chronic dyspepsia by the use of the new discovery, Slttart's Tablets. HcMiys: Tlte patient was a man who had uflcteil lo my knowledge for years with dys- pepia. l'.cr)lhinc, he ale seemed to sour and create acid and gases in the stomach ; he had pains like rheumatism ill the back, shoulder blades and limbs, fullness and dis tress aflcr eating, poor appetite and loss of llesh ; the heart became affected, causing palpitation and slecplessnesi at night. I gave him powerful nerve tonics and blood remedies, bvt ond put pose. As an experi ment I liually bought a fifty cent package of Stuart's Dysiepsia Tablets at a dtug store and gave tltctti to him. Almost immediate relief was given and after lie had used four boxes lie was to all appearances fully cured There was no more acidity or sour watery risings, no bloating after meals, the appetite was vigorous and he has gained between to and 12 pounds in weight of solid, healthy llesh. Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are adve-tised and sold in drug stores yet I con sider them a most valuable addition to any physician's line of remedies, as they are per fectly harmless and can be given to children or invalids or in any condition of the stomach with perfect safety, being harmless and con taining nothing but vegetable .and fruit es sences, pure pepsin and Golden Seal. Without any question they arc the safest, most effective cure for indigestion, biliousness. constipation nud all derangements of the stom .tell however slight or severe. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by drug gists evcrywheie at fifty cents for full sized packat'e. THE i rfODUCE MARKETS As Itoiloetod liv ciilliirr In l'llllnile) pbln ami ll.iltlinoro. Philadelphia. Feb. 10. Flour slightly oicuuier; winter siipornne, I2.SKHI3.10; do. extra, J3.25i3.50: Pennsylvania roller, clear, ;ht4.25; do. straight, Jl.30Sf4.50; western winter, clear. it.10SI4.30: do, straight, J4.40fi4.Gj: city mills, extra, $3.23 ST3.50. Itic Hour sold In u small way at $2.G0fi2.S0 per barrel, ns to quality. Wheat sieauy; imo. z red. U'.niMi'kc. ; No. 2 I'cnn syivanta and No. 2 Delaware red. spot Jllil.OOtti. Corn strong; No. 2 yellow, for local trade. 34V;fi3Se. ; No. 2 mixed, In ex port elevator, 33?4(tr3lc.; No. 1 white, clip ped, 32. Hay steady; choice timothy, J12 for large hales, lieef linn; family, $11.25 tlii.T&; ueer iiains, vzwm. 1'orlc firm family, $12il2.Co. Lard steady; western steamed, J.,.30. llutter steady; western creamery, llfeffSOc.; do. factory, llffillc. logins, 20c.; imitation creamery, 13517c. New lorK dairy, l3?MSc.; do. creamery, HSlOc. ; fancy Pennsylvania prints job bing at 23f2Gc.; do. wholesale, 22c. Cheese steadier; large, white and colored, Sep teniber, S'ae. , small do. do., September, asj'Jtic; light skims, GiTiGlte.; part skims, 4Ui'.lc.; tun sklins. 23c. Eggs steady New ork and Pennsylvania, 15c.; west ern, lresli, IPfce. 1'otutoes dull; New York, ?2.37i.'j2.&0; sweets. $304. Tallow steady; city, 3c.; country, SQZYsO, Hosin steady; strained, common to good, tl.421sSL45. Cabbago quiet nt $3.50i4, Pig Iron warrants dull and easy at $0.43 jC.Go. Lake copper firm nt $115111.15. Tin llrm at $13.M!"14.(i5. Spelter firm at $1.03 4.15. Lead strung nt $3.70ti3.T3. Baltimore, Feb. 10. Flour dull nnd un changed. Wheat firm; spot and month OOVtfWic. : March, U0')4c.fl$l; May, 9S StoVic; steamer No. 2 red, 95V4093Jo, southern, by sample, 95c4r$1.00V4; do. on grade, SGe.ifiSl. Corn Ilrmer; spot nnd month, 33j5T34c; March, S3tT339ic, steamer mixed. 33c.; southern, white, 32 IVic; do. yellow, 32ii34',ic. Oats Arm; No, 2 white, 30S30i.c.; No. 2 mixed, 28SJ2SWC, Rye Ilrmer; No. 2 nearby, 6414c; No. western, 55!e. Hay quiet nnd steady choice timothy, $12.50fll3. Grain freights quiet nnd unchanged. Sugar strong and unchanged, llutter and eggs quiet nnd unchanged. Cheese easy and unchanged Lettuce, $1.2381.50 per basket. Whisky unchanged. Live Stock MnrlcotH. New York, Feb. 10. European cables quote American steers ut, 10-)illlia dresed weights; refrigerator beef nt 9( 9c. per lb. Calves slow; ubout 250 hend unsold; veals, $47.25. Sheep and lambs slow and weak all around; nbout 1,400 head unsold; sheep, $3.D01f4.7O; lambs, $5.50 10.15. Hogs cnsler ut $1.10ff4.30. East Liberty, Pn Fob. 10. Cattlo steady; prime, $4.9065; common, $3.50iff4 bulls, Btngs nnd cows, S2QI. Hogs stendy prime medium weights and heavy York ers, $4.104.15; common to fnlr Yorkers, 4.1004.43; heavy hogs, ilQl.OS; pigs, $3,750 3.90; good roughs, J3.2iV,j3.50; common to fnlr roughs, V2.wii3. Sheep stendy; choice, $1.704.80; common, $3.30((I3.S5; choice lambs. $5Q5.S0; common, JI.C0S4.05. Bow to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely o n healthy condition of all the vital organs. II the liver be inactive you have a bilious look ; if your stomach b disordered, you have a dyspeptia look : if )our kidneys be affected, you have a pinched look, becure cood health, and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" is a good Alterative and Ionic. Acts directly on th stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood. cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed, Sold at A. Wnsley's drug store. 50 cents per uottie. CAI.ll'OKNIA. l'KBSONAIXY-CONIJUCTKU TOUK VIA PI SVI.VANIA ItAILltOAD. Tlio next Poraoually-Conducted Tour to Culltoruia via the Pennsylvania Kallroad will leave ,ow ork, I'lilladelplila. and Pittsburg by the "Golden Gate Special" ob Wednesday, rebrtiary lu. stopping at tli Great llam noth Cave and New Orleans dur ing the Mardl Gras Carnival, rour week will be allowed 011 the Pacific Coast. lie turning, stuns will be made at Salt Lak City, Colorado Springs (Garden of the Gods) Denver. Chicago. tc. Komid-triii rate, in cluding transportation, meals, carriage diives, hotel ae ;omiuodatloii9. and Pullman accoui. modations en route, and Pullman berth Los Anceles to San Francisco, and trunrnortatlan In California, $335.00 from all stations east of rittslmrg; with hotel accommodations, mats, transfers, and carriage drives through uilllurula coulinuing four weeks, f 125.00 ad ditional, An experienced chaperon will ae company tlio party for tho benefit of the lady tourists. For tickets, Itineraries, and full lufurma tlon apply to ticket scents: Tourist Anen 111)11 Hrnndway, Now York; or addre-s Geo V. lioyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Jlroail a I reel suillou, i'hliadelpliia. A t 11 , . 1 ,iy. Montcudi o, Feb, 11. Swnor Juan L'CuestaB, the president of Uruguay ad interln, has executed His thrcatcne coup d'etat, und hus Issued a decree dissolving the assembly. Don't annov Others hv vnur rnunhlnir. an risk your lifo bv uecleethnr a cold. On,, Mln ute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and oil throat and luug troubles, C. 11, lluKeubucli. Uoth Gofninii Tmollsts-lClllod. London, Feb, 11. A Bpeclal dispatch from Berlin Bays a duel has taken place between Prince Frederic Hohcn lohe - Waltlenburg and Lieutenant Scholts:, officers of the Hussars. Hoth men were wounded. Senator Murphy Censured. Albany, Feb. U. The resolution cen suring United Stales Senator Murphy for his recent vote on tho Teller bill was adopted In the assembly yester day. The vote was 70 yeas to 63 nays. NUGGETS 0P NEWS. State Senator Uobert J. Hanby, of Delaware, died at Holly Oak, of apo plexy. Dr. William Q. Cattell, ex-presldent of Lafayette college, died In Phllndel- hla, aged 71. Charles Drown, a 17-yenr-old boy, shot and killed Clint Sutlts at a dance hear Atlantn, Ga. Professor Andrew J. Seymour, of Utlcn, N. I"., proposes to have himself burled alive for three months. One man was killed nnd another fa tally lnjuied by a foil of rock In the Baltimore mlno at WHUesbarre, Pa. The king of Italy has consented that the Due d'AbruzzI shnll undertnke the proposed expedition to tho North Pole It Is reported thnt General Prospero Moral's, who bended the unsuccessful rebellion against Uarrlos, has been de clared president of Guatemala. l'liero nro threo llttlo thitiES which do more work than any other three litllo things rented they aro the ant. tho nee aim DoWitt's Little Knrlv Hlers. the last being the famous llttlo pills for sUtuach nud liver roubles. U. 11. llugculiuch. l!t,v. ,.!. . " ,i ". end. New Y. r'. Feb. 11. IV :. Dr. "Vill ain A. I'l ..herds died ui the h.-me of a relntb e in lb j city yi slerday of par alysis. u;.otl i.i years. Uuilng the war lie was ciiapli.In In the navy, and sub sequently he held Protestant Episcopal pastorates in Portsmouth (N. II.), El mlra, lilnghamton, liatavla, Buffalo (N. Y.) and Pittsburg. Nine years ago he was offered the bishopric of western Pennsylvania, to succeed Bishop Ker foot, and later he refused to become the bishop of a western state. Everybody's liablo to itching piles. Itlcb and poor, old and young terrible the torttiro liey sillier. Only one sure euro. Doau's Ointment. Absolutely safe; can't fail. the Florida Limited Will Again Hun on the Southern Hallway. The Florida Limited, which is tlio syn onym of all that is elegant in modern rail way trains, and which during its former service has been a primo favorite for tourists from tlio hortli seeking tlio mild climate of Florida, will be placed In service by the Southern Hallway about tho first week in January, 18D8. With its return to service this train, which will bo solid Pullman vcstlbuled between New York, Philadelphia and St. Augustine will present features in the way of uxurious and comfortable appointments not heretofore presented, and which will lu lestiued to add still further to its already well established popularity. Tho Southern Hallway is having built for the Florida Limited service three trains, each containing a dining car, two drawing room sleeping cars, a compartment car and a library and observation car, each car com plete in all its appointments and equipped with the very latest devices and appliances for the comfort and convenience of the pas sengers. While 110 schedule has as yet been announced, it can bo stilted that it will bo the quickest ever arranged betweeu'l'hiladelphia and St. Augustine, aud will be so planned that passengers can leave Philadelphia at somo convenient hour during the day and ar rive at St. Augustine beforo nightfall of tho following day. Philadelphia Iieeord. Notice. Applications for further Inforraa. tion addressed to Jno. M. licall, District Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receivo prompt attention. 10-25-tf NOT ALWAYS UNDERSTOOD A fact often overlooked, or not always under. stood, is that women suffer as much from dis tressing kidney and bladder troubles as the men. The womb is situated back of and very close to the bladder, and for that reason any distress, disease or inconvenience mani fested in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, attributed to fe male weakness or womb trouble of some sort, The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided by setting urine aside for twenty- four hours ; a sediment or settling is evidence that your kidneys and bladder need doctoring. If you have pain or dull aching in the back pass water too frequently, or scanty supply, wilh smarting or burning, these are also con vincing proofs of kidney trouble. If you have doctored without benefit, try Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. The mild nnd the extraordinary effect will surprise you. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures. If you take a medicine you should take the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dol lar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Mention Herald and send your address to Dr. Kilmer &Co., liinghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of tliis paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. PROFESSIONAL CARDS nrt. w. 11. YiNOST, VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate and Lata liealdent House Surge ! the UalversUy State of X. Y. Headquarters :-Commerclal Hotel. Hhenandoal THRKE YKAR COUIWK. Calls night or day promptly responded. M. BUHKK. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, Gfflce KgRii building, con tr of Main an Centre BtreeU, Shenandoah. J. POMKKOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, Pa. Jjt W. 8HOHMAKKB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner if ark at and Centre streets. pilOK. JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box u, MaUauoy City, Pa. flavin studied andsr soma o( the heel uuwrs 111 ixrnaos aad farts, will give lessons un ui.Tioim.BiMdon., jtulwrand vocal culture, Terms rMuwnable. Address lu can of Stroufie, Here Arc Plain Facts indorsed by firs. J. Jones, Who Resides on 2i8 South Jnrdln Street. Few people wilt admit failure where there Is a chance lor nrguineut. Many peoplo claim success when 110 one rises to dispute It. What we want to do It to place our claims where doubt Is out of tlio question, We aro doing this every day and Shenandoah people are beginning to appreciate it. Now, to get right down to the point, everybody knows that there is many an aclilug back, many a lamo and painful one, the suffering from which make) life a burden, but having tried su many remedies tho sufferor not finding success, looks upon nil those who profess to havo a euro with all the skepticism of a skeptic. And yet one muro strugglo with tho right ally and tho back is free. Others have done It right licie hi Shenandoah, why not you ? Head what Mrs. Jones says; "I had been troubled for a long time with pains across my loins and n lingering lameness In-my back. There was also a distress in my head which I was fiiiro also arose from my kidneys being out of order. Heading accounts of Doan's Kidney Pills and the many cures they were makirg Induced mo to get them from Klrliu's Pharmacy. I had not taken many doses when I found an Im provement In my condition and I was soon freed from the pain and tho intense lamenoss I suffered from departed, I am now sleeping well nnd feel generally Invigorated, My head Is cleand and I am not tired all tho times as I used to ho. I have 110 hesitancy In recom mending Doan's Kidney Pills. They nre most effective and causa 110 luconvonlenco whatever, while taking them." Doan's kidnoy Pills for silo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Iluffalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho U. S. Remember the name Doau's aud take no sub- tltute. 'Promoter J 1 itf,",."- 'oo. Omaha, Neb., Feb. 11. The Edgmont Stone company, the South Dakota and Wyoming Town Site company, the Ddgmont company nnd tho Edgmont Land and Improvement company each and nil hnve, brought suit against Francis Grnbel, alleging thnt as an ofllcer and stockholder of the compa nies hp refuses to turnover to the plain tiffs the certificates of stock and the looks of the respective companies. Tho National State bank, of Burlington, Ia has sued Grnbel In an action to re cover $4,000 alleged to be duo on a draft paid for the defendant. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may Becure Instant rellel uy using DoWitt's wncii Hazel Salvo. It is tho great Pile remedy. U. II. llngenbiich. Aid Kur Now i.cil..,i -'ii-li:t-r. New Hedl'ord, Mass., Feb. 11. Tho number of families of strikers aided dally by soup hltchens, the distribution of llsh and ether means of relief Is not far fiom LS00, and Is crowing con stantly. Two thousand loaves of bread baked by readers of the Uoston Trav eler reached here last night, and were distributed this morning, a thousand loaves being distributed at each end of tho city. No 0110 would ever bo bothered with consti pation if everyone knew how naturally and quickly Hurdock Blood Hitters regulates tlio stomach and bowels. yniully Aspliyxlntt'ifliy (Vinl (!ns. Cleveland, Feb. 11. Morris Ablltzky, his wife and seven children were found unconscious at their home, 279 Forest street, early in the morning. They had been nsphyxlated by coal gas, which escaped from a base burner In the dining room. Mrs. Ablltzky and her daughter Hertha are In a critical condition. Tho others will recover. A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy coueh of croup sounds thrnuch the house nt night, liut the terror noon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Uuro has been administered. Safe and harmless for children. C. II. Hngcnbtich. Fine Gent's Furnishings I Lends I to Good i Looks. Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's - THE UP-TO-DATE HAT MAX LEVIT, Prop. rm BARON MICKEY'S SUICIDE. Trororrod llolutc n Dond Ooiitlotnnu to 11 Llvlntr lllnokuunrd. El Paso, Tex., Feb. 11. Baron Har den Hlckej-, better known as the "Prince of Trinidad," committed sui cide by poison at the Pclrson hotel, In this city. He left a letter addressed to his wife at Corona, Cala., In which lie stated that hi- wnH golnrf to tile, saying ho preferred belnp a dead Rontlemnn to a llvlns blac'-.Ttinrtl. Deccnscd was married to a dnunhtur of John H. Flag ler, of No iv, York, the Btandnrd Oil magnate, In 1SD1. Huron Illckey at tained notoriety somo years ago when he took porst.-lon of Trinidad Island and proclaimed himself military dic tator. He was a mnn of brilliant at tainment!, and 1ms bad a somewhat erratic career. Tn 1878 he stnrted a weekly Hallrlcal paper In Pails called La Trlbolct which caused him con stant trouble. It was devoted to the interests of the Uoynllsts, and Its editor, the baron, made 111 appear ances In the police courts, paid fines amounting to 200,000 francs and fought no less than a dozen duels. Ho was eventually compelled to leave France, going to Tinglnnd. He was thoroughly conversant with the San skrlt languar.e, nnd after studying Its literature, di t.-rmlned to propagate the religion of Huddhn throughout the Unl ted States. In the "meantime he met and married I.Mss FIngler and gave up his lntenth ns In that direction. He then eet uln-ut suirtlng a new kingdom on the Islt.! J of Trinidad, but the revi. utlnn in lirazll Interfered with his plans. No mini can"uro consumption. You can prevent It though. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat. Novor falls. Jnpnii Will Ilotiilu Will lint YVoL Paris. Feb. 11. Olllclal advices re ceived by the foreign olllce from Pe king say Japan has notified China that she Intends to keep Vvei Hal Wei per manently. China, In notifying the Chinese ministers abroad to this ef fect, directs them to notify the powers also that In view of this no foreign loan Is required, as the purpose of the loan was solely to pay the Japanese war Indemnity. WHAT DO THE CHILDREN DRINK? Don't give them ten or coffee. Havo you tried tho now food drink called Graln-0 ? It is delicious nnd nourishing nnd takes tho place of coffee. Tho more Grain-0 you givo tho children the more health you distribute through their systems. Graln-0 is made of pure grains, aud when properly prepared tastes like thu choice grades of coffee butcosts about i ns much. All grocers sell it, 15c and 25c. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE And Flowers, the Hand of Amorlcn, Ci 11 fornla. Via tho true pathway, "The Iron Mountain Itouto," which traverses a region of perpetual sunshins, whore snow Btorms, bllizards or high altitudes aro unknowu. Pullman hist nnd second class palaco and tourist sleeping cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without change. Quick time, low rates, and all the comfortsof modorn railway improvements guaranteed to nil who pur chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway system. For rates right from your homo, literature, aud full Information, drop a postal card, J. P. McGinn, T. P. Agent. 510 Rail road avenuo, Elmlra, N. Y., or 301 Broad way, Now York. 3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. E P. Agt. Whooping cough Is the most distressing malady; but its duration ccn be cut short by the use of Ono Miuuto Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy fur croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. C, ll.llagen buch. MARK YOU ! Look Where to Save Your Money. SHENANDOAH'S GREATEST uffl'SlilHII. New styles of Spring Hats are now being shown by us. They are now open for inspection and Only a Starter. we feel satisfied and prices will suit all range in price from Many 45 cts Fine Gent's ?"y n h.n,f TT-.1 tt- dozen pair. 1 hat kind Hall HOSe. that will make the wearer smile. We liave the very newest crcutiou in plaid and polka dot hose. Fine Imported lmM"? th.a cm, M..ffta "ects the mid SilK PlUIllerS. winter end of any purchaser. Wc have them ranging in pticcfrom 50 cents to 52.25, "Saved Her life." MRS. JOHN WALLET, of Jefferson, WU., than whom none la more highly esteemed or widely known, writes. "InlSOOlhada sovcro attack of LaGrlppe and nt the end of four months, In splto of all physicians, friends and good nursing could do, my lungs hoart and nervous system ware so completely wrecked, my llfo ttm de spaired of, my f rlonds giving mo up. 1 could only sloop by tho use of opiates. My lungs and heart pained mo terribly and my cough was most aggravating. I could not Ho In ono position but a short time and not on my left stdo at all. My husband brought me Dr. Miles' Norvlno and Heart Cure and I be gan taking them. When I had taken half bottlo of each I was much better and contin uing persistently I took about ft dozon bot tles and was completely restored to health to tho surprlso of all." Dr. Miles' Remedies! aro sold by nil drug gists under a positive! guarantee, first bottlo benefits or monoy re funded, nook on dis eases of tho heart and I nerves free. Addres9, DK. MILES MF.IUOAL CO., Elkhart, Intl. mmf?!fTtfT?iitf??fTtmmm "THEY DO THE WORK" eT I BRONCHO : HOMOEOPATHIC 4 f REMEDIES H)C : Relieve and Cure Head Troubles Stomach Disorders System Irregularities 27 formulaa of Mated ft: "For every III, a special pill," If not at Drug Stores, write Bronx Chemical Co.lYonkerslH.T. Health Hook Stalled Free. 3t muuiiumauttiiumuuLm COCOA and CHOCOITES FDR EATING. DRINKING, COOKING. BAKING flf Purify of Material and DelitimsaEss'IknirDiintrDti' fOR SAlE AT OUR STORES ANO BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. Up-to-Date Hat Store, 15 EAST CENTRE ST. r-rMH BifiitiGatfl That is the place the closest buyer is now looking for. We are closing out our entire stock of -UNDERWEAR At the lowest cash prices. 36 that the styles Only a Starter. " Furnishing . House, STORE, is East Centre Street. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBVR4hrSBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBH' BBsB IbbbbI bbbbbi