ma 5. EVENING HERALD KSTAllLlSlir.I) 1H70. t'uDltshed every KvcnltiK. KxieptHmutftf.M Houth Jardik Hthkkt, Khar Chktrk. The lliumM Is (leilrttetl luHht'iianUoiu. Hiid ihc surrounding town for nix cent n week, pny nbl. u tho curriers, lly until Ki.OOn cents h month, pnynlilo Iti mlvniice. Ailvert'e ineiits clmrKfti to a piu'eiiml khUIoii. The tiubiiMhCEs rtwen o Hip rlicht to change the position of mlvertlaemeut whenever the piuV ':ntloi of news ilemnnd It. Tho Is irservul to rejoftiiy mlvprtlsemeut, whether palti (or or not. .tut the publisher itttiy dee in improper Auvertlslnic mtc mudo known upon nppllentlon. Entered nt the potoUlee nt Hheimmloah, Ph., n nccOntl clasn mnll matter. TKMtrilONK CONNKtrriON "All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald THURSDAY. HBUUUAKY 10. 1SSM. TllK Toller ivolutliui ia an oxccl lent uuiiipnipi iloriiiiient for tho ('011 gronHlotiiil eloi'tloiiH thin year. It will brnt'o up tho wimiil in )iioy foivex for miothur oiiHlitiilit on tho fifty cotit (h)lliir. TllK trial of Sheriff Martin itiitl hid deputies "t WilUoubnrro in nttnie tiii( niiu'h attention in nil parts of tho country. Kven our Knglli-h cousins are evincing liiueli concern in to tho outcome TllK organization of a Hoard of Trade by tho progress-lvo oitiens of Mahanoy t-ity, if nnotlier evidence that our neighboring borough is forg ing to tho front, lt'n a good thing: push it along in thin direction. -John Dam.m, of Point l'loui-mit, West Virginia, was married recently, and una the recipient of a telegram from fiic old folks which read: "Please ttefipi ill'1 congratulations of the vhol I 1 1 ii in family," which can bo cm rti. ,1 as an emphatic endorse ment of John's action by the family with a 'trong name. A i i. the young belles of Ashland and that town has its full quota wore viobig with eaidi other over an eont of much importance to the fair x'ox. It was the anniversary of the birth of . Hairy .lames, Esq., who colo bratod tho event in a stylo becoming the (illusion. Our journalUtio friend boasts of having for lifty-iwo years withstood tho onslaught of Cupid's darts, although his most plea-ant moments are spout in tho company of the fair sex. Hurry is a good catch, but there i little hopes that ho will risk the ups and downs of a henpecked husband after having for so long a period enjoyed tho sweets of single blessedness. May our friend Harry enjoy many more anniversa ries. -whether thov lie siuireu witli a partner or by his bachelor chimin. Wk are in receipt of a long com munication from ono J. A. Clark, who gives his residence as Pittsburg, Pa., with the important statement that ho is connected with the long distance telephone. AVe have not tho pleasure of a personal ncquaint anca with our correspondent, nor with tho geiitluman whose cause ho espouses Why he should expect tho Hkiiami to co-operato with him in se curing tho Democratic nomination for Goyernor for George W. Guthrie, we do not know; nor are we positive that tho aforesaid Clark, with tele phono connections, is a member of the grand army of middle-of-the-road, patriots, but this conclusion is arrived at after carefully reading his typewritten letter laudatory of his friend Guthrie, who apparently has no connections by 'phone. What is more, wo fail to see ids connection with Republican journals, and Mr. Clark, of Pittsburg.Pa., has certainly given tho wrong ring this time, and Ilia "hollo !" remains unanswered. Ring up the American. Short and Profitable Talk. No one Identified with the progress of newspaper publicity is bettor qualified to givo advice on this im jjortaut, and sometimes expense, sub- joot tliau unaries ausiiu nates, lie hag made it alifo-stmly, and is a great believer in the daily probS as a medium through which to reaeli tho buyers. It is continuous elTort that pays in advertising as in everything else, Biivs Mr, Hates. A business man doesn't keep his store opou one day in the week, or ono week in tho month, of throe months in tho your. If he advertises that way that is the impression people will got. It is con- tinuoiiHiiess that has inatlo each letter in tho word "Hoynl" before tho words "Uaking Powder" worth over $3,000,000. Tho owner of Hoyal linking Powdor recently refused $13, 000,000 for bis business a business built up and fostered by persistent advertising. People are very forgetful. They haye to think pretty hard to remem ber the vlco-prusidonthtl candidate two campaigns back, and yet he was pretty well advertised at the time. It lias been truly said that tho time to advertise is all the time. Iii business there Is no such thing as standing still. A business limn must go forward or he will fall back Do Just as much business this year as you did last, some other fellow is doing more buslnessaud he is getting ahead of you. Eauh year's eilort should bo to ex ceed last year's sales. The only sure way to do it is to advertise. . Advertise in busy times because tbe iron must bo struck while it is hot, and advertise In dull times to boat tho iron. It cun be done. Constipation. A Disease that Is Numbttn Itr. Vic tims by Hundreds of 'thousands. Constipation is a disease that stops the machinery of the body. It puts every organ out of condition. Dis ease spreads into tho entire II lie- tion ill the bowels. People say their heads trouble them. Thty have no energy. They ca.i't sleep. They arc nervous. Appetite ii poor. Down at the bottom of all is constipation, which is one of the things that Dr. David Kennedy's I-avorltc Remedy always cures. Here is proof: Mrs. Julia A. Ycaple, of Kingston, N. Y says: "If it were not for Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite lem?dy I think I should die from constipa tion. It gives me an appetite, pro duces refreshing sleep, and cured me of a nervous affection I had fof years. I could not live without it." ,11 i)ruutlt't' '" " f"f $1 bottle. THE PRObtfCE MARKETS A llnMccloil hv I ) on 1 1 1 1 tr- In riitliulol phla and lla't Inini'o. Philadelphia. l' b. 9. Klonr steady: winter Hiiperllne. J2.!niiiXll: do. extrn. $U.2."5i3.rtU; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $Ki 4.20; do. HtrulKht. ll.iXrii 1.50; western whi ter, clear, $1.10il.S0; do. straight. HI-" 4.(Ti; city mills, extra.- $.:.2.V(i:i.W. Hy, Hour mined slowly at J2.0t.Ki 2.S0 per bar rel, as tn (iimlity. Wheat strong; No. : red, iixiiSiiV.c. : No. 2 Pennsylvania an, No. 2 Delaware red. spot. Mftic.lTffl. Corn quiet and steady; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, SI'.iUP.jc. ; No. 2 mixed, In expoi t elevator, HoVa'il'-le. Oats (pilot and easy; No. 2 white. nil'.fiSle., No. 2 white, clip ped, SPt'dTOe.; No. 1 white, etlpp. d, 31c. May rti tidier; choice timothy. U2 foi larpe hales. IJeef Prm; beef hams, 2. 21c. Pork Htm: mess, $19.Sliei 10.75; short elcnr, Slu.Mitlil.DO. Lard nrm; western steamed. 5.:m. Hotter steady; western erenimry, lPi;1i20e.: du. lactory, llliHc.; I'.IkIiih. 20c.; Imitation creamery, l:Wi!7c.; New York dairy, 131 ISe. ; do. ereameiy, llf title. ; fnney Pennsylvania lalnts Job- bliiK at 23'(i20c. ; do. wholesale, 22c. Cheeso weak; large, white and colored, Septem her. Me. , small do. do., September. 9 9',ic.; light skims, f.Vtc. : part skims. H? av. ; full skims, 21i3c. Kggs steady; New York and Pennsylvania. lOHc. ; western, fresh, 1B'. ICe. Potntoi s oulet: New York, I2.37i;2..'iU, swels, I. Tallow dull; city, 3!l-liie.: country, 3..iri3Kc. Cotton seed oil tinner: prime nude, lS'AfllOc; do. yellow. lK'-J'.-e. Turpentine oulet nt SIMiSPic. Itlee firm: domestic, fair to extra. 4N're,e. ; MiW'iv. Cabbage quiet at 'XfiOa 4. Vnn steadier rt Sli.Mff C.70 Lake cooper steiidler at JlOAiiflll Tin 111 in nt Jl l.WUftl4. Speller firmer at JI.Oufi4.15 Lend sti ady at $J.C2V4i 3.C7V6. Il.iltlmore. !" Ii. !).- I' lour dull anil un changed. Wheat 111 m. spot and month, SSiMiWic; March. Jlfdl.ooy.; May, 97W 9Se.; steamer No. 2 red. O.i'.TO.i v. ; south crn, hy s-unple, &'(.o.iPJ1.00': no. on grade. t'nm linn: spot. XPiff :t3V-: month. 33ti:stiic.: llareh. Xi'ifi 33',ic.; steamer mixed, SSe.; -nouthern, while, 32((i:il'jc.' do. yellow. .Welle. Oats firm; No. 2 white, fflmini;.: No. 2 mixed, 2Sfi2SV2c. Hye firmer. No. 2 neiuby, SlUe.; No 2 western. 55lic. Hay easy; choice timothy, $12ri01il3. Ornln freights quiet and unchanged. Sugar strong .mil un chanced, flutter and eggs quiet and un changed. Cheese steady and unchanged. Lettuce. J1.2.VH 1.50 per basket. Whisky unchanged. Live snudc MiivkotH. New York, l'eh. 9. Peeves active; steers stoutly; rough butcher Block Ilrmer; all sold; mature steers, $l.n0fi.',.20; stngs and oxen, S.Hf4.b0; hulls. ?3(fi3.G5: dry cows, J2.1M3.G5. Veals lower; other calves steady; about 50 head unsold; veals, Jt.50 817.50; westerns, ?2. in. Sheep active and strong' lambs slow and weak; about 1.200 bend sold: sheep. $3.501,1.90; lambs, $5.75 0.15. Hogs slow and lower at $l.l.vfi 1.40. Liberty, Pa.. l'"eb. 9. Cattle steady: prime, $I.OMi.'i: common, $3.5irfil; bulls, stags mid cows. $21 1. Hogs slow and lower, prime assorted medium weights. $l.l5f;4.20; best Yorkers, $11(1.10 light Yorkers, $3.9011 3.95: pigs, as to qual ity. $3.ttKu3.Sil: heavy hogs, $11,1.05; gooi' roughs, $.':.2iMi:i."iO loimron to fair. J2.M1i 3. Sheep slow, choice, $1.70f4 kii; common $3.:M1, 1 Ti; choice lanibh, $51. " common. tl.OKu I.U". A thrill of terror is oxnerieneed when i hr-issy enush of croup sou mis through the house at night. Hut the terror soon changes to relief after Ono Minute Cough Cure has been administered. Sil'e anil harmless for children. C. II. llagciibuch. SOME FOREIGN OPINIONS (irMlnlHtei- lie l.omH Insulting Celt lel-ni ol" President MeKlnloy. London, Feb. 10. Witli the exception of The Dally Mnll the morning papers do not comment on tho De Lome incl dent. The Daily Mnll says: "We can not suppose the De Lome letfer genu Ine, hut If It Is, then nil tho fat would ho In the (ire. Things have reached a pass where little Is wanted to cuuso an explosion. Kven the recall of Senor De Lome would not satisfy or pacify the Insulted jingoes." The American correspondents are all of the opinion that Senor De Lome's recall Is inevitable, but thev believe Spain will he allowed to withdraw him in the least disagreeable manner, as after tho Republican criticisms of Mr. Cleveland's treatment of Lord Sack vllle-West It would he impossible to give htm bis passports. Tbe Washington correspondent of Tho Dally News says: "President Mc Klnley Is resolved that Siinln shall have no vestige of tin oxcuso to pick a quarrel with tbe United States, and Spain can disown Senor De Louie's ut terance without tbe slightest loss of dignity." Madrid, Keb. 10.-Tbe Do home letter incident Is legarded bore as a Jlngolst Intrigue Intended to dlstuib the rem Hons between the United States and Spain. Jnnnu ItofiiMw C hina lNirllior Tln'io. London, Feb. 10. The Pekln corre spondent of The Times says: "The Japanese minister, M. Yano Funlo, re gretfully intimates to tho tBung-ll-ya men the Inability of his Rovernment hnvlnc regard to the obligations con tracted by Japan, to grant an exten sion of the time for poymont of the Indemnity. Though no olllclnl state ment has been issued, the negotiations for a loan from llrlllsh sources are re garded as having failed." There aro tlileo little things which do more work than any other three little thing, created they aro the ant, the lee and I)eVltt' Little Karly ItiMTHrtho last being the famous littlo nllla for atomacb and liver troubles, 0. II. ilugvnbucu. xzs&&3 system, QffiBplpjjgj cause there is jstruc- PRESIDENT BARRIOS KILLED. Tho Itolor or (lliiitomiilii tho Victim ol'oi A--'issn. Wapli'iiRlen, Feb. 10. Senor Lazo Arrlgn, the Cuutetnalnn minister to the fulled S'ntcs, yestortjuy received an Wlielal .'nli.fRriim fn m the minister of foreign affairs of fluateniala announc ing the HssnRsliiatlon of President Har tio and tbe sui cession tq the presi dency of first vice president, Manuel Uatrada Cabrera. No details whatever were clven. The dispatch came from auatenla i City, the capital, where President liar llus has lived and the government dc- PllESIDDNT nAimios. partments are carried on. It ndded that entire calm prevails. This last assurance, coupled with the Immediate succession of the first vice president, special source of gratification to tbe ofllclals of the (tuateninlan legation here, and to some extent alleviates the shock with which they received the news of the tragedy. Senor Arrloga said President Darrlos was a man of wide attainments anil marked executive ability. He was comparatively young, being only 42 years old. The six years' term of ser vice for which he was elected termin ated March 15 next, but the national congressional assembly already had ex tended the term for a further four years. Consumption Positively Cured. Mr. U. 11. Greeve, merchant, of Cliil- howie, Va., certifies that he had consumption, wtw tjivcn up to die, sought all medical treat ment thai in'inev could procure, tried nil couyh icmedies he could hear of, but got no elicl ; spent many nights sittint; up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, Hid va cured hy use of two bottles, l or past three years has been upending to business ind says Dr. King's fcw Discovery is lie grandest remedy ever made, as it has done much for him and also for others m his community. Dr. King s New Discovery is guaranteed lor Loughs, Lolds and Consump tion. It don't fail. Trial bottles free at A. Waslcy's drug stcre. Ithoile I's 1 it ii t strl'iei'M Wenki'iiliitr. Providence. Feb. 10. The machinery In tbe Lnph.-un Cotton mill at Centre vllle woh stni ted yesterday. Some of tbe leaders of tbe striking weavers as sembled at the mill irate and endeav ored to keep the weavers from going to work. Those who refused to stay out were hooted ami hissed. When the ma chinery was started thete were 18 of the weavers at work, and two went In later. Superintendent Allen says the mill will not shut down again, and that If the strikers do not at once return to work be will employ new help. WHAT DO THE CHILDREN DRINK ? Don't give them tea oreoffeo. Hnvoyou tried the now food drink called (Imin-0 ? It is lelieious and nourishing uud takes the place of coirec. Tho moro Oniin-O you givo the children tho moro health you distribute through their systems. Uniiu-O Is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coU'co but costs about i as much. All grocers sell it, 15c and Now- York Clotlibin Workers Strike. New York, Feb. IT). About 7,000 cloth ing workers are on strike In this city against low wntsos. Of these nearly 4,000 are members of the Pnntsmakers' union, nfcar'y 3,000 cloakmakers and some members of the Brotherhood of Tailors. There are possibilities of 20, 000 clothing workers going out before the strike Is settled. It Is claimed that for work of nearly IB hours a day the wages paid amount to from $5 to $9 per week. ('hlcatrn'H Covoriimont Denounced. Springfield, Ills.. Feb. 10. The senate committee which Investigated the Chi cogo police submitted Its report to the senate today. It declares that the civil service law of the citv has lwen, through the lnlluence of tho present mayor, practically set nslde, and that gambling and pool selling are allowed to run wide open, the evidence tending largely to show that they were con trlbutlng to tbe police department for protection. SURGICAL OPERATIONS FOR THE CURE OF PILES AND REC TAL DISEASES NO LONGER NECESSARY. A Medical Discovery Which Will Change the Treatment of All Such Disease It has lone been thought not only by some physicians but by pnople in general, that tho common, painful and exceedingly annoying trouble, piles, was practically incurable by any other means than a surgical operation and tills belief has been the cause of years of needless suffering, becauso of tho natural dread of surjical operations. There are many salves, ointments and similar remedies on the market which af ford some relief in casei of piles, but tho Pyramid Pile Cure is the only pieparallon so far Introduced that can he reliably depecded upon to cure to stay cured, orerr form of itching, bleeding or protruding piles. Mr.. M. C. Hinkloy, of 001 Mississippi St Indianapolis, was told by her pbyaiciaue that nothing but a eiirelral operation costiug be tween seven and etjebt hundred dollars, could cure her as she bad sutTered fur 15 years; yet even in such a case- as hers tbo Pyramid I'ilo cure accomplished a complete- cure. She lay. : "I knew an operation would bo death to me and tried tho 1'yramld nlth very little hope and It is not to he wondered at that am so enthusiastic In Its praise." Mr. I). K. Itced, of South Lyons, Mltl says i "I would not lake f."00 und he placed back where I was before I used the Pyramid Pile Cure, I su lie red for years and It U now eighteen mouths since I used it and not the slightest trace of the trouble has returned, The Pyramid l'ile Cure Is eold hy nearly all druggists at SO cents and (1 per package and a it contains no opium, cocaiue or other poisonous drugs can be used with porfect safety, No one need suffer from piles In any form who will givo this oicellent remedy a trial, , , ,, " bend for book 011 catuo and euro of piles, iieut free by addressing 1'yramld I)ru Co.. i i n 1,1 1 ,r 1 ,,,, ... , , Marshall, Mich., (formerly Albion, Mich. M Ask for the Genuine JOHANN llOPF'5 AlALT EXTRACT AM. OTIIimS AUH W0RTHI.nSS IMITATIONS rim Florida Limited Will Again ltun on the SiiniliVrii Hallway. The Florida Limited, which is tho syn onym of all that is elcgtuit in modern rail way trains, and which during its former servlto has been a prime f.mirlto for touriits from the North seeking tho mild climato of Florida, will he placed In service by the Southern Kalhvuy about the ilrst week in January. 1SIIS. With its return to service this frill H, whieh will bo solid Pullman vestihuled between New York, Philadelphia and St. Augustine will present features in the way of luxurious and comfortable appointments not lioretofiiro piesented, ami which will le destined to uilil still further to its already well established popularity. The Southern hallway is having built for the Florida Limited serv'cu three tiuins.cath containing a dining car, two drawing room sleeping cars, a compartment car and a library and observation car, each car com plete in all its nppoiutmt'iits anil equipped witli the very latest devices and appliances for I lie cunifort and eoiiMinienco of the pas scuguis. While no schedule has as yet been aniiiiuueed, it can- be stated that it will Ira the quickest cer arranged between Philadelphia and St. Aiigustiuu, and will be so planned that passengers can leave Philadelphia at -sumo convenient liuur during tho day and ar rive at St. Augustine before nightfall of the following day. Philadelphia Kccord. Notice. Applications for iurthur informa tion addressed to Jno. M. Iieall, iJislrict Passenger Agent, Southern Itaihvay, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention. 10-25-tf NOT ALWAYS UNDERSTOOD A fact often overlooked, or not always under stood, is that women suffer as much fioin dig ressing kidney and bladder troubles as the men. 1 lie womb is situated uacn oi anu very close to the bladder, and for that reason any distress, disease or inconvenience mani fested in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, attributed to fc male weakness or womb trouble of some sort The error is easily made and may be as.l easily avoided by setting urine aside for twenty four hours ; a sediment or settling is evidence 1 that your kidneys and bladder need doctoring, i If you have pain or dull aching in the back pass water too frequently, or scanty supply, I with smarting or burning, these arc also con-1 vincing proofs of kidney trouble. If you have doctored without benefit, try Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. The mild and tbe extraordinary effect will surprise you. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures. If you take a medicine you should take the' best. At druggists fifty cents and one dol lar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, botli sent fice by mail. Mention Hkrai.I) and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., liinghamtou, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of litis offer. CAl.lrOlINIA, lMUlSONALLY-fONUL'CTKl) TOUIt VIA l'ENN- SYI.VANIA ItAII.ltOAl). The next Personally-Conducted Toilr " to California via thu Pennsylvania Itailroad will, leavo New York, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg by thu "Golden Oato Special" ou Wednesday, relmiary III. slopping at tuo (Ireat Mammoth Cavo and New Orleans dur ing tho Mardi Oras Carnival. Four weeks will bo allowed ou tho Pacific Coast. lie- turning, stops will bo made at Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs (Garden of the Gods), Denver. Chicago. ,v.c. Kouud-trin lute, m- eludiugtmusportatiun, meals, earriagodiives, Hotel accommodations, and l'ullman accom modations en route, and Pullman berth Los Angeles to San Francisco, and transportation in California, ?335.00 from all stations east of Pittsburg; with hotel accommodations, meals, transfers, and carriago drives through California continuing four weeks, $123.00 ad ditional. An experienced chaperon will ac company tho party for the benefit of tho lauy tourists. l or tickets. Itineraries, and lull Informa tion apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 110(1 llroadway, Now York; or address Geo. W. lloyd. Assistant General Passenger Agent, I i roai I btreot btatlon, rmiailclphla. How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, lepending entirely oe n healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver be inactive, you have a bilious look ; if your stomach be disordered, you have a dyspeptia look ; if )our kidneys be aflecled, you have a pinched look, becure good health, and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Hitters" is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches nnd boils, and gives n good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. hold at A. Wasley's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. PROFESSIONAL CARDS rn. v. 11. YiNasT, VETEHINARY SURGEON. Graduate and Lute Hrolilent House HlirHrCf the Unlvemlty Htato of N. Y, lleadauarterei-Coinmerclul Hotel. Hhenumloal. THUICI5 YHAU COUUSI5. Calls night or duy promptly responded. M. J1UHKK, ATTOIUIEY-AT-I.AW. Onlce Kgau building, cor er of Main on Centro utreeU, rUienundoau, T " POMKHOY, ATTOrtNEY-AT-LAW Hheaandoah, Pa. E. Vf. HII015MAKKH, ,1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Murktit and Centre atreela. pilOP. JOHN JONK8, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, ! lock IJo S3, Makauoy City, Pa.' . HavliiK tuillej tinder some of tho het miutorii le London anil 1'arU, will Rive Icenon 2." "ls vlollu.mandolln. galmr and vocal culture. '! Term reasonable. Adilriwa lu care ol Btrouse Who Jeweler aiionamloah. exanaer E2s2Jlie Late Czar of Russia Caused the followine telegram to be sent to the Branch House ofjohann Hoff, at St IVterduirc: " Send imme diately one case of Johatin Hoff's Malt Extract to Sars kojc, Cclo, by order of the Czar, Count von Schuwaloff.' Mor itrensth In one dozrn bottln of Johann Hoff's Malt Extract than In a cult of ale or potter, without their deletetluus ellecls. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE And I'lowcrs, tin Iliind of America, Call fnrnlii. Via tho true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain ltoiite," which traverses a region of perpetual sunsiilno, where snow storms, hltairds or high altitudes aro unkauowii. Pullman first and second class palat-o and tourist sleeping cars to points In Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Old and New Mexito, Arizona, California. Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without change. Quick time, low rates, and all the eomfortsof modem railway Improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway .system. For rates right from your home, literature, and full Information, dropapostal card, J. P. McGinn, T. P. Agent. SID Kail. lend avenue, Elinlra, N. Y., or :illl Itroad way, New York. H-l-tf W. E. lloyt, (1. E P. Agt. THE EVAN"ijr,STlTUri:'; To i:rtucuto Poor Itoys 111 the Art ol Dentistry. Philadelphia, Feb. lo.-rj.friyor 'War wick and several of the Incorporators yesterday tiled, with tho recoider of deeds the certificate of incorporation of "Tbe Thomas W. ISvans Museum and Institute Society," under tbo terms of the will of the famous American den tist who died in Paris recently. Mayor Warwick yesterday made pub lic tho provisions of Dr. E'ans' will. It provides that bis body shall be In terred' In Woodlands cemetery, this city,' and that a monument be erected over his grave, with a vault, which shall cost not loss than $100,000 not more than $200,000. He bequeaths the sum of $500,000 In cash to his wife, and sums varying from $1,000 to $20,000 to various relatives and servants. His business In Paris Is left to a nephew. The will proceeds: "I have Intentionally omitted to be queath any legacy or part of tny es tate to John Henry ISvans, son of my brother Hudolph II. Kvans, and I ex pressly direct that neither bo nor his descendants shall In uny case receive anything from my estate. This I do after mnture reflection and for reasons ns well known to the said John Henry Evans as to me." To the Ameilcan Cbailtable Fund-' association, of Paris, of which Dr. Evans wasvthe principal founder, is be queathed 100,000 francs, to be used for the relief of poor American subjects that may apply for aid. The balance of his estate, about $10,- I 000,000, Is bequeathed to the Evans Museum, which Is to be erected at Spruce and Fortieth stieets, the old Evans homestead. Here the gifts and letters be has received from royalties and other distinguished persons must be displayed, and a college established for "the education of such deserving students of dentistry of my native state of Pennsylvania as the corporation deems best nnd advantageous to help Btrlvlng boys to get their education." No ono would ever bo bothered with consti pation if ovoryono know how naturally and quickly 11 unlock lUuod Hitters regulates tho stomach and bowels. Fine Gent's Furnishings I Lends 1 to Good i? Looks. I if .ii ha Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's - THE UP-TO-DATE HAT MAX LEYIT, Prop. f8 TUB WORK OP CONGRESS. Cnbnu Oratory In tbo Suurtto Plow mnn Unsented In tbo House. Washington, Fob. 10. For more than three hours yesterday Hie senate chem ber rang; with eloquent appeals In be half of tbe Cuban insurgents. An nounced Hpeeches were delivered by Mr. Cannon cf rtnb Tind Mr. Mason of Illinois, In advocacy of tho adoption of resolutions which they ptecnted to tbo senate on Tuesday. Following Mr. Cannon's speech. Mr. Hale of Maine ad dressed tbe senate br!"0y, urging the senate to uphold tbe policy of the ad ministration. Ho pointed out that much bad already been accomplished by President McKlnlcy, not only for the cause of neoco on the Island, but also for tho protection of the Amerl cam and Ameileon interests and for the rebut of the concentrados and imclflcos. Mr. Cannon's speech was a calm and dlspanslonato argument. He warned congressmen and ofllclals In adinlnliitratlo.n circles that unless defl hito nctbln was taken upon the Cuban question bv the United States tho heavy band of the people would fall upon them. Mr. Mason followed Mr. Hale in a long andat Lmesfiery speech: In which he uiged the president Im mediately .( In.civene in tbe Cuban war. He did not believe war would l suit from Intervention, but thought if it should It would be a war of glory and of honor. Tbe 'Kepubllcan majority was In creased yesterday from 49 to DO when tbe bouse, by a vote of 143 to 112, un heated Mr. Plowman, Alabama Demo crat, and gave tbe seat to Mr. Aldrlch. This was tho first contested election case decided by the present houso against tbe sitting member. No man can euro, consumption. You can prevent it though. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat. Never fails. Dcntli of tho'Olilo-t r I'cmnsoii. Ran llernardlno, Cab, Feb. 10 Georgi Lord, the oldest Mason In the United sintoK. .and nrobably 111 the world, nnd nlnn tho oldest Odd Fellow In till. countrv. Is dead.. He v. as born 1 1 New Toik cLy June 27, 1800. nnd Ilrst came to California In 1S'0. Whooping cough is tho most distressing malady; but its duration etn bo cut short by the use of One Mitiuto Cough Cure, which is also tho best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. C. H.llagen buch. To ..- ..iV.I '' -"terry. Chicago, Feb. 10. ISefore mounting tho gallows Chris Merry, the pcdd.U-r under sentence of death for wife mur der, is to undergo an X-ray examina tion of his brain. Several years ago Merry was struck on the head with a brick, which left a pronounced Indenta tion. Merry's attorneys believe this is responsible in great part for his vio lent outbursts of temper. of tho Expectant Mother dangers lur!(, and should bo avoided. so prepares tho system 1 for the change taking fc; place that tlio linul hour is robbed of all Danqcr. Its use insures safety to the life of both mother and child, and makes child-birth easy end recovery moro' rapid, "'Mother's friend' is the greatest remedy ever put on the market, and all our customers praiso it highly." W. II. KING & CO., Wliitcwrignt, Tex Sent by Mall on receipt of price, $1 Ptn BOTTLE. hook ro Jtxpcctani Aioiners" maucu ir eo, THE BR ADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, G A. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS SHENANDOAH'S GREATEST 'S FURNISHING HOUSE. MARK YOU ! Look Where to Save Your Money. That is the At the lowest New styles of RSr8 now being shown by us. ?The"y' are now open for inspection and Only a Starter. we feel satisfied that the styles and prices will suit all. range in price from Many PinP fifMlt'Q ihiy a half or quarter uiif u I 1" Pir- Tluit kind Hall HOSe. that will moke tho wearer smile. Wc havo tho very newest creation in plaid ami polka dot hose. Fine Imported fn,?ll,f"t '.V osu, iT,.ffiaw. meets the mul SllK MUfflerS. winter end of any purchaser. Wc have them raii(;iug in pticc front 50 cents to $2.25. Dr. Miles' Nervine A REMEDY FOR THE Effects of Tobacco. THE oxccsslvo uso of tobacco, especially by young men Is always injurious and undoubtedly shortens llfo materially. Mr. Ed. 0. Ebson, compositor on tbo Contra Costa A'tu3, Martinez, Cal., writes; "I havo used Dr. lilies' Restoratlvo Norvlno and re ceived much benofit from It. I waa troubled with nervousness, dly spells and sleepless ness, caused by tho uso of tobacco and Btlm ulants. I took Dr. Miles' Nervluo with mar vclously good results, allaying tko dizziness, quieting tho nerves, and enabling mo to sleep and rest, proving In my caso a very boncflclal remedy." Dr. Miles' Eostoratlvo Norvlno is especially adapted to restoring tho nervous system to Its normal condition under suchtlrcumstauccs. It soothes, heals and strengthens. Dr. Miles' Remedies Dr.' aro sold by all drug Mllea" gists under a posittvo 1 guarctntco, first bottlo I .Nervine: bencula or money re funded. Book dn dis Restores . , Hoalth ; eases of tho heart and nerves free. Address, I DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind. (mmmmmmmmmwim "THEY DO THE WORK" BRONCHO I 10c I HOMOEOPATHIC Remedies H Relieve and Cure Head Troubles Stomach Disorders System Irregularities 'jtf formulas of noted 3 3 3 "For every III, a special pill." If not at Drug Stores, wrlto 3 3 8 Bronx Chemical Co.,Ypnkerj;N.Y. CT ' " Health Hook Mailed Free. CHOCOIeflTES rOR EATING. DRINKING. 1 . ft COOKING. BAKING B! )' ft U Purify af Material and uencioosaess turor unexcelled. rOR SALE AT OUR ETORtS AKP BY CROCLTtS EVIRYWIILRL Up-to-Me Hat Store, 15 EAST CENTRE ST. place the closest buver is now mi -y . looking, for. ' We are closing out our ' entire stock of '"UNDERWEAR cash prices.. Spring Hats are Only a Starter. Furnishing - House, STORE, 1 5 East Centre Street.