i : EVENING HERALD tMTAIll.H!Ii:i 1HW, PublUhnd every Evening, Hxcrpt Siimlsy, at f Hortn JAROIN StBEKT, NUAR CrSTTIIK. Tim HctkM Is ilellvtied liiHIieiuttiilflaii nml tin surrounding tow.HforsU cent n wwli, pay -l.t tnllmnartlpra llv miU M.OO Ik VPIr. Of '2 ooliMa month, payable In advance. Advertise meiiUcliBrKWlRccorilliiKtoiinconiiilinltliiii. The tinbllMiets rwwvn the rlclit to chnnito tin position ot advertisement whenever the tml ntln of news dnnamU It. Tho rlRlit If imrrvut to rejenny advertisement, whether paid lor or not, niit tho iiiiblUheti nmy deem improper. AiirertWntt rte made known niton application. .... Rnteiotl lit tho postofllco at Shenandoah, l'u., urconil c1rm mall matter. TKLKPIIONK CONNIKTION "All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald WEDNESDAY, KKItKUAKY 0. 1SDS. Tun government ruliof expedition counts on tjootl sleighing tllt; Wll' to Alaska. Very likely. If it get v away before August. IV the Spanish government is at a lo-a what punishment to mute out to Weyler, ho lnigut bo sent to Washing ton to listen to a silver debate. WiiKTiiKit tho Klondlkors are in urgent need of food or no, the soldiers who accompany tlio expedi tion will come in very handy to pre serve order. It having Ikmmi shown that thero is a shortage of $Si'J in the silver coin in the treasury, it will not take Sena tor Stewart lone; to fix the blame on the Kothschilds. Tiik news of the withdrawal of the Lehigh Valley trains from tho Potts vllle short route, published exclu sively in last night's Hkhai.I), has caused much comment. It is safe to say that tho Pennsylvania, in run ning their own traiiiH, will givu much better ser ice to tho traveling public. ON'K of the vexatious problems which confronts the heath and the borough authorities is the proper col lection anil disposition of garbage. There is hardly a housewife in the borough who cannot bear testimony to the slovenly, inellloiont and objec tionable methods which aro now em ployed to rid tho borough of the necessary waste of the kitchen. In Now York the problem has been solved in a hygienic, and highly satis factory manner. The contract has been let for a term of years to parties who have erected plants wherein the garbage, which is collected in carts especially constructed for the purpose which do not leak in passing over the streets, nor permit theodors toese.ape to taint the air with their oil'eiihtve exhalations, ischenilcally treated, and from tho fatty matter is obtained a composition which is declared to he superior to the ordinary iat in the manufacture of soap: purer, inodor ous nnd for which there is a const. mt market. The contractors in Xow York huyo entered into the manufac. turn of this chemically treated soap stock as a regular business, and the result in benollcial to the public and lemunerative to the contractors. There is no reason why we should not adopt the same plan in Shenandoah, if it can ho shown to private parties that a permanent business can bo es tablished which will bo remunerative to those in control, and at tho same time introduce a system in gathering garbaga in tho borough that will do away with tho objectionable features which are now presented in our present manner of disposing of that waste. Vim,K Buientiilu expeditions and scientific exploration are looked upon by the bulk of the people, as harmless novelties, and without much partic ular value, it is a fact that the scien tific; advance guard is doing better work for the race than the old school of accident and waiting ever did. Tho Hcioutiflu parties sent out by the government and private individuals have been responsible for nearly everything that is known of the ex treme north, tho exploring parties on the Yukon years ago announcing the existence of gold nil through the in terior of Alaska. One of the latest Kcientilic expeditions is that which goes to tho Klondike from Washing ton to study tho pcuulinritius of climate. The sevoro storms which sweep down over the United States have their origin far beyond th Canadian border, and it is thought that a study of conditions in the Klondike country may help to deter mine the origin and progress of the severe disturbances. lieyoiul what help will bo glvon the weather bureau by the expedition other sources of Information of various sorts will bo encountered by men skilled in reading the book of nature, nnd when they return Ahnika will bo made familiar to the people of the United States. The untrained mind sees with a distorted vision, and ascribes many illogical reasons for things noticed. The man of learn ing goes to the root of the matter, nnd takes nothing for granted that is susceptible of proof. When the government expedition comes home again the members will bring with them more than 11 superficial know! edge of the country, Thoy will tell of it us It is, and what they say will bo Tellable. We are uuxlous to do a little good hi tlda world and can think of 110 plcusauter or better war to do it tliun by recouiineiidiiii: One MIiidU Couru Cure aa a preventive of pneumonia, consumption mid other serious luug troubles mat louow uegiecivu corns, V. Ii. Uageubuck, OUR MINISTER TO SWEDEN. Mr. Tllomif. tlrootod With Mucked IIoiiki' li Klinr Oxcnii. Stockholm. l I). . Wllllnm 'W. Thomas', the tuw American minister to Sweden nnd Norway, wild received In special audli-nee hy King Oiscnr for the purpose of presenting hid creden tials. Thin Is the third time y Thomti has represented the United State us minister to Stockholm, some thliiK unprecedented In the history ot the Swedish court, and the reception accorded him yesterday reflects honor Upon Minister Thomas and upon the United States. Mr. Thomas was con- WII.UIAM V. THOMAS. veyed to the royal palace In the king's own earrlii'-e the cclehrated "Seven Glass 'antr'se," as It Is called. This mngnlllcpnt i iiulpaue was drawn by four richly caparisoned horses The coarhmnn and footmen wore the bale and silver 'hvy of the king. In ad vance ra!le;.i d an iiitilder. mounted on a black ptnlll-m. At the palace Mr Thomas wng received with especial honors, and In reply to the minister's address King Oscar warmly compli mented Mr. Thomas. How tu Look Good. Good looks aie really more than skin deep. lepemhng entirely on a healthy condition o: nil the vital organ1,. II the liver he inactive yen have a biltom look ; if your stomach hi disordered, jou have a dyspeplia look ; i ; our kidneys he aliened, you nave a ninchei look, becure good health, and sou lull sureP have good looks. "Klcclric Hitters" is n good Alterative and Ionic. Acts directly on tin stomach, liver and kidneys. Purities the blood ciues pimples, blotches and boils, and gives i good complexion. r.very bottle guaranteed Mild at A. YVaney s drug store. 50 cents jwi bottle. Over 1 Ores. 11 t'ltj. containing five falls jenerdny. his fr' us (leoi'M' i .- Victim. ore., I'Vb. 8. A boat men went over the I'eoiKH Freeman, Sr.. mid James and I.. J. Slinim in were dio'.md. Harry Frce jnan held to the boat and reached the fclioie. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema 01 skin diseases m secure Instant rebel liy usinir Don Ill's vt itci lla.ol S.ilve. It is the sre.it Pile, remedy. C 11. llnnciibuch. i in Montevideo. . 1 1. !).- !' . ,.ll ol!loo led lor ci ,.,illelty In M. 1 i . I. have 1 in n mllit.uy jib. 1 ., eashien d lor n support to t'ne Senor Cues! as. Old oheiK have been liiFitej: to nUdsc theh piesident ad Interim The proclamation of dictatorship Is daily expected. Cuesta; Is losing popularity, owing to his In decision, and many peoplo nro leaving the city In order to escape enrollmen In the national Riiard. Don't iiiinov others by your couchine. bh risk your life liv neulecthii; 11 cold. Ono Min ute Couidi t'liie cures cnuijlis, eulds, croup, Krlppu and all throat and hint; truiililcs. 11. llascnmieli. LIKE GULDENSUPPE'S MURDER. A not her .'Mot I In led llody found flout 1 11 ir III Now Yorlc Harbor. Now York, Feb. 9. The mutilated body of a man, without a stitch 01 clothim? on It, was found In the I'.ast river yesterday. Half of the head was missing, the right Ice was cut off at the hip, the left let? was cut off at the knee and both arms were none, hav InK been cut off close to tho shoulders, The police believe that another mur der mvstery of a similar character to the fluldensuppe case has been un earthed by this discovery. The man had apparently been stranBled death, stabbed with some sharp Instru ment. thouKht to bo a stiletto, and then cut to nieces In the most ruthless man ner. The portion of his scalp which still remained was covered with sandy hal The entire front part of the head was cut clean oTf. Wherever dissection had taken place the cuts were regular and razor like. Inspector Cross said he was oositlve the man had been murdered imd that the mutilation was to con ceal the Identity of the victim. Host to take alter dinner, prevent distress, aid iliges- tillll. rure i'iiii,! ip.lt 1 on. I'urelv vf.'el.ilil hiiiriiiie or ratiM, i.nii hi il li all drugKlnt. 2V rente l'lt'larud only l) I, I, Hood i Co., Lowell, 11am PROFESSIONAL CARDS V. II. YINfiST, VETERINARY SURGEON. (IrnibmtH and Ijile Kmlileiii lloiwe Hiirilf. tli Uulvenlty Htoto of N. V. Hcuduiinrteri :-Comiuerilal Hotel. Hlioiinndoiil TIHtliH HAIt COUItHH. Culls night or day promptly responded. M, ntlltKK, ATfOltNEY-AT-LAW. ORIrn Kunn Indldlnir. eor-er of Mitt 11 an Centre htrcet, Kheiiiiiidonli. J II. l'OMHUOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hliemtiidoah, Pa. E. V. HIIOHMAKKIt, ATTOUN EY-AT-LA W. Corner Market and Centre treU. prtOI'. JOHN JONliH, MUSICAL INSTRUCrOK, Uck not U, Mahauoy City, I'a. flavliiK studied under sooie of tlio birnl Ir london and farts, will sire Icnnouf 011 Hie violin, mandolin, puliar and vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Adureas lo care of Htrouse, the jeweler Shenandoah. INTENSE SUFFERING From Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble. INSTANTLY UEL1EVED AND PERMA NENTLY CUKED. New Discovery, But Hot a Fattnt Med icine. Dr. Uedwell relates an interesting account f what lie considers a remarkable cure of acute stomach trouble and chronic dyspepsia the use' of tlic new discovery, Stuart's ablets. lteMiys: The patient was a man who had uflered lo my knowledge for years with dys pepsia, l'.vcryllimg he ate seemed to sour and create acid and gases in tlic stomach ; he ad iiins like rheumatism in the bck, shoulder blades and limbs, fullness and dis- rcss after eating, poor appetite and loss of llcsh ; the heart became affected, causing itilpit.ition and sleeplessness at night. I gave him powerful nerve tonics and blood remedies, bvt 0110 purpose. As an expert ncnt 1 finally bought a fifty cent package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at n drug store and gave them to him. Almost immediate relief was given and after he had used four ioxcs he was to all apjiearances fully cured. 'I here was no more acidity or sour watery risings, no bloating after meals, tlic appetite was vigorous and he lias gained between 10 ind 12 pounds in weight of solid, health) flesh. Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are ulvelised and .sold in drug .stores yet I con lder them a most valuable addition to any lhysician's line of remedies, as they are per fectly harmless and can he given to children ir invalids or in any condition of the stomach .villi perfect safety, being harmless and con aining nothing but vegetable and fruit es- ences, pure pepsin and Golden Seal. Without any question they are the safest, most effective cuie for indigestion, biliousness. constipation and all derangements of the stom ich however slight or severe. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by drug 'ists evei) where at fifty cents for full sized package. THE 'PRODUCE TrIARKETS 1 llelleeled by I)enllnu'- In I'lilladol plila and Ilnltlmnru. Philadelphia. Feb. S. Flour dull and weak; winter minerllne, $2,005(3.10: do. ex tra. :M.25'u3.riO: Pennsylvania roller, clear, till I.Sj: do. stralKht, $l.20if4.C0: western winter, clear. 14.2054.40; do. straight, $1.50 ft 1.73: city mills, extra, $3.23.'u3.00. llyc tlour dull nnd unchanged at $2.U02.E0 per barrel, ns to quality. Wheat a shade tinner: No.2 red. 97x(2D7$4C.; No. 2 Penn sylvania and No. 2 Delnwaro red, spot ItoWiOS-Hc. Corn Mulct; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, 3IVi'if3oe. ; No. 2 mixed, In ex port elevator, SSliliR-Tic. Oats slow; No 2 white, WWttU:: No. 1 white, clipped, 31Hc.: No 2 white, clipped, SO&ffSlc. liny dull; choice timothy, $12 for large bales. lleef firm; beef hams, $23?72lc. Pork firm family, $12'12.50; mess, $10.2.'.'iT10.50; short clear, $10.D012.25. Butter firm; western creamery, H'A(f20c. ; do. factory, llffHc Klglns, 20c.; Imitation creamery, 13D17c. Now York dairy. ls'iiiRc. ; do. creamery, llfilDc; fancy Pennsylvania prints Job bhiB at 2:Mi2i'c. ; do. wholesale. 2.'. Cheese dull: large, white ond colored, September, 8V,c.; small do. do., Septemuer, 9ii9Vic. light skims, GfilHic. ; pnrt skims, i'ui'Ac. full skims, iific. Mggs steady; Now York and Pennsylvania, 17c. ; western, fresh. lCc. Potntoes dull; Now York $2,37162.50; sweets, $:Wit. Tallow dull; city, 3 9-10e., country, 3V.iii3?i,c. Cottonseed oil tlrm; prime crude, 18Vjfiil9c.; do. yellow, 22c. Turpentine llrm fit MMSm. Cab bngo at 3.fiWt I. Pig Iron warrants ver quiet at $6.45fiG.i5. I.ako copper quiet a $10.!)OTill. 'I In (inlet and uncnniiged at v.".92Mi'iil3.9"14. Spelter unclinnged at $f 4.10. Lend llrm at $3.C2,(fi3.Cl'4. Baltimore, Feb. S. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat firm; spot and month nsiiftM'ic: March. SiSViWic.; May, 90Vi 94c; steamer No. 2 rod, OIVfctTOHia southern, by sample, tilSfWc. ; do. on grade. 9IV&?i9!t4c. Corn firm; spot nnd month, 33i4.B33"ic: March, S34J33V(,c. steamer mixed, 32',;C. ; southern, white, 32S3IUC. ; do. yellow, 22fu3le. Outs firmer No. 2 white, 2fli&20'.ie.; No. 2 mixed, 2Sff 2814c, Ityo firmer; No. 2 nearby, 61c; No 2 western, S5c. Hay steady; choice tlm othy, $13. Grain freights quiet, but easy steam to Liverpool, per bushel, 31id. March; Cork, for orders, per quarter, 3s, 3d., Fobruary; 3s. lM.d.(&3s. -Hid.. March, Sugar strong and unchanged, cneeso steady and unclinnged. Lettuco, $1,259 1.50 per basket. Ltvo Stock MnrkntH. New York. Feb. 8. European cnbles Jiuoto American steers at lOUSllc.. dress' ed weight; refrigerator beef at 89i5J9&c, per lb. Calves slow; about 180 head un sold; veals, $3fS,25; grassors. $3.25fl3.75, Sheep steady; lambs sold slow and weak about 400 head unsold; sheep, $3.&oiB4. lambs. $5flC.l.ri. Hogs higher at $4.2504.50, East Liberty, Pa., Feb. 8. Cattle steady; prime, $4.90)5; common, $3.60H4 hulls, stiigs mid cows, $2(51. Hogs fairly active; prune medium weights, $4.2iv4.25 heavy Yorkers. $!.10fi4.15; heavy hog; $4.05f)110; light Yorkers, $l1.05; pigs, $3.75fi3.93; good roughs, $3.25ft3.G5; com mon to fair roughs, $2.50fl3. Sheep Blow and lower; choice, $1,705? I. SO; common f3.30g3.S5; choice lambs, $3ffi5.S0 common, to good, $l.Q0ttt,C5. Veal calves, $6.757 NOT ALWAYS UNDERSTOOD A fact often overlooked, or not always under stood, is that women suffer as much from tressing kidney and bladder troubles as th men. The womb is situated back of and very cose to the bladder, and for that reason any distress, disease or Inconvenience mani fested in tlic kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage l often, by mistake, attributed to fe 111.1I0 weaklier or womb trouble of some sort The error Is easily made and may be easily avoided by ti tling urine aside for twenty four hours 1 n sediment or settling is evidence that your kidncyk and bladder need doctoring, If you have pain or dull aching In the back pass water too frequently, or scanty supply, with smarting or burning, these are also con vjneing proofs of kidney trouble. If you havi doctored without benefit, try Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Koot, the great kidney remedy. T mild and tlio extraordinary effect will surprise you. it stands l)ie blubcst for its. wonderlul cures. If you take a medicine you should take the host, At druggists fifty pents and one dol lar, You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mall, Mention III KAU and kend your address to f)r, Kilmer S: Co,, llingbaniloii, N, Y, The proprietors of lhispaier guarantee tlio genuineness of this offer. To Miil Our fin's; Uniform. Washington, Fob. 9. Hopresentntlvo Palzoll, of Pennsylvania, has Intro duced a bill to secure uniformity In the American Hug nnd OHtubllshliiB that there shall be 13 alternate red and. white stripes and 13 wlilto utars on n blue Hold. liny Keystoncflour. Ilosuro that the name hKHHio & IUkb, Ashland, Pa., Is printed on ever sack. ROMANCE 0PA PRISON. Mntrou Secured a Convlot'R Ilotcnso nnd Then Married lllui. Kansas City, Mo Feb. 9. A scion of a noble Mexican tfmlly. languishing unknown In tho Kansas Btnte peniten tiary for six years for murder done In self defense; his pardon after three years of untiring effort on the part of the matron of that Institution, and their final mnrrlage by a justice of the peace, culminating In a revelation of his Identity, aro the chapters In a most remarkable Btory of real life made public here yesterday. Tho principals are Presclllana L. Corplo, whose late father, Presclllana Corplo, was a mil lionaire and ox-postmaster general of Mexico, and Mrs. Motile U. Peebles, of Dispatch, Kan., a widow. In the early 80'a Corplo, who went under the name of Cnmllo Lopez, kill ed Sam Dodson at "Wichita. In self de fense, but was convicted and sentenced to 30 years' Imprisonment. Lopez could not tnlk Kimllsh, and did not Know how to go about making a defense, Feeling positive Hint Lopez was in nocent, Mrs. Peebles, then matron or the penltentlarjv-Bet about to prove so to the Governor. It u.is three years ago this month that Mrs. Peebles be gan to Interest herself in Lopez's be half, and on Jan. 19 of this year ho was pardoned by Governor Leedy. In the meantime Mattle Peebles had left the penitentiary and was living with a grown son and daughter near Dispatch. Kan. Hoth of her children have rerently married, and for a time she hnd been living alone. When Lo pez was freed he wrote her a long let ter. It resulted in bringing Mrs. Pee bles to Knnsns City, their marriage and the revelation of the man's Identity. They have cone to Mexico on their honeymoon. A tluill of terror Is experienced when 11 brassy rnuuh of croup sounds through thu house at night, lint the terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough C1110 lias iccu nil in ni'.tered. Site and harmless fur chlldien. C. II, Ilngenbucb. 'MRS-'PLACE PHANT1C. Tho MurdoroMH Trios to Escupo From Tlio lloMptinl. Brooklyn, Feb. 9. Mrs. Mnrtlia Place, who was held In St. Mary'f) hos pital, ISrooklyn, charged with the mur der of her stepdaughter and a mur derous attack on her husband, tried to escape yesterday. She sprang from her cot and nwi toward the door. Tho policeman on guard beside her bed pursued. She resisted him with the fury of a maniac. She tried to get her hand on his throat. The policeman Anally succeeded In pinioning tho wo man's arms to her side and dragging her back to the cot. She had to bo quieted with morphine. Mrs. Place bo far recovered that she was taken to the pollco station and arraigned on the chnrce of murder. The charge of attempted murder was also placed against her. and she was committed to' the coroner's office. The motive for the crime Is said to have been discovered In the fact that Mr. Place had refused to take Into his family an adopted son of his wife of the same age as his daughter Ida, and who is now living; In Now Urunswlck, N. J. Thero aro threo Uttlo things which d muro work than any other three llttlo things created they aro tuo ant, tlio nee and Hew itt's Llttlo liar y niseis, tlio last Heine the famous littlo pills for stomach and liver troubles. U. II. Uacenbuch. riie Florida Limited Mill Again Itiin oil the Southern Itullwny. Tho Florida Limited, which is tho syn onym of all that is elegant In modern rail way trains, and which during its former servico has been a prime favorite for tourists from tlio North seeking tho mud chmato of Florida, will bo placed In service by tho Southern Railway about tlio first week in January, 1S0S, With its return to servico this train, which will bo solid Pullman vestlhulcd between New York, Philadelphia and St. Augustine will present features in the way of luxurious and coinfot table appointments not heretofore presented, and which will le destined to ndd still further to its already well established popularity. Tho Southern Hallway is having built for the Florida Limited service threo trains.cach containing a dining car, two druwiug room sleeping cars, a compartment car and a library and observation car, each car com pute in nil its appointments and equipped with tho very latest devices and appliances for the comfort and convonienco of the pas sengers. Whilo 110 tchedulo has as yet been announced, it can bo stated that it will he tho quickest over arranged between Philadelphia and St. Augustine, and will be so planned that passengers can leave Philadelphia at some convenient hour during tho day nnd ar rive at St. Augustine before nightfall of the following day. Philadelphia Itoeord. Notice. Applications for further informa tion addressed to Jno. M. Iicall, District Passenger Agent, Southern Itailway, 828 Chostimt street, Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention. lu-'Jfl-tf No man can curo consumption, You can prevent it though. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, soro throat. Never fails. NUGGBTS OF NEWS. Two thousand students of Hush col lege, Chicago, had a desperate fight with police. They were finally repulsed, and many arrests made. The Uaiton estate ylneyard at Fres no, Oil., hns been assessed $15,2t0 by the government for alleged Irregulaiitles In the matter ot distilling. It )s reported at Ilerlln tljat a Chi nese commissioner has been pent to St. Petersburg to negotiate a loan. The captain and 19 men of tho Nor wegian bark It, P, Meteitlf, which foundered In mldoeean, were taken to Now Yoik by the steamer lttirgundla, Another ense of consumption in New York has been cured, It Is said, by the serum discovered by Professor Mnra gllano. Counsel for Chnrles O. Kaiser, the Norrlstown wife murdcror, will make no further effort to delay tho execu tion of the hiw. Ono of the uttorney advises hint to confess. Jnmes Olvens, of Columbia, told his friends that ho was going to commit silclde. nnd then shot himself. St. I.,ouls police lepprt that Mrs.'j. West, p( Now VorK, lias heel! robbed of 7,Ov0 worth of (llamDIHls mid jewelry. No ouewonlil sver bo bothered witli consti pation If everyone knew how naturally and quickly llnrdock Illuod Uittora regulates tlio stomach and bowols, Troliiiirty H rurirory. New York, Feb. S.Itepresonlutlvea of tho Cuban Junta yesterday gave out copies of u letter signed "Uurlqtie I)u ruy De Lome," who Is minister of Spain In Washington. In this letter the Spanish minister refers to Presi dent McKlnley ns "weak and catering to the rabble" and as a "low politician, who desires to stand woll with tho Jingoes of his party." De I.omo pro. nounces tho letter u forgery, Cu os croup, soro throat, pulmonary troubles Monarch ovci pain of evory sort. i)f. Thomas' Kclcctrle Oll.- II MILY li. Work Which Can be Inspected Per sonally Is Always Better Per formed Then That Passed Upon From Reports. It's the dally work of the "Little Con queror." Tlio workings right hero In Shenandoah, Lifting bunions from helpless backs. Iirhislng siinshhio to many n homo. It's deeds that count, That bring tho novor-ccaslne sounds ol pralso. Thu public aro learning fast, Lonrulng to appreciate merit. Learning to distinguish between claims and proof. Homo proof is tho best proof. Doan's Kidnoy Fills nro eudorscd by Shen andoah people. Head what a citizen says : Mrs. Fatrlck McNealus, of 121 North Main ti act, says: "I was very miserable all tho whiter of 1807, and had tumble, all tho timo with my back and kidneys. I felt sharp tningosot Jain over my left kidneys and a dull, aching and lamonnss in the small of my back. I felt all dragged out with weariness nnd hud no ambition left. Tlio kidney secretions hotlicied inc. I was In a bad way when I read about Doan's Kidney Pills and got them from Klrlln's Pharmacy. Since using them I do not have tho aching In my back nor any troublonrlsliiBfrom my kidneys ticcptinc at times n Blight tenderness over tho left kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills aro a splundid remedy and I am glad to let others know It." Doan's Kidnoy Fills for s-ile by nil dealers Price 50 cents. Mailed by Fojler-Mllburn Co., lluiralo, N. Y., solo ngents for tho U. 8. Kumembor the 11:11110 Doan's mid take no other. TO PREVENTFILIBUSTERING Our Government Has Pumi M noli Jloro Than Spain's Xavy. Washington, l'"eb. 9. From a reliable quarter It Is learned that the recent note delivered by Minister Woodford to the Spanish government relates to the cuestlon of filibustering, and Is a strong showing of what the United States has done and the amount of money tho government has spent in stopping filibustering. The statement showed an aggregate expenditure of upwards of $2,000,000 by this govern ment in running down filibusters, maintaining detectives, equipping ves sels and searching parties. It showed also that the United States has been more successful In this regard than Spain, ns the detailed statement shows how a large number ot filibusters were apprehended, parties broken up and prosecutions carried on by tho fed eral authorities, while the Spanish na val force surrounding tlio Island of Cuba has not succeeded In accomplish ing equal results, the Competitor party being, it Is said, the only one of any proportions which has been apprehend ed by tho Spanish. It Is understood that tho showing 13 mainly important In Its array.il of facts and figures rather than In ItB controversial tone. Wh.it pleasure is there in life witli a head ache, constipation and biliousness? Thous ands experience them who could becomo per fectly healthy by using DeWitt's Little Early Kisers, tho famous littlo pills. C. II. llaecn huch. Tlrow aTioiililo l-ciision. Washington, Feb. !). IJenJamln Bar wart, a soldier at the home, who was 'arrested Monday, charged with Jl legally drawing two pensions, was yesterday held in $1,000 bail for the ac tion of the grand Jury. Ho confessed his guilt to an examiner of the pen sion ulnce. Whooping congli is tlio most distressing maladv: but its dotation ran be cut short by the uso of Ono Minute, Cough Curo, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. C. II.Hagen buch. Fine 1 Gent's Furnishings $ Lends 1 to Good ;.t Looks. Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent' s - THE MAX LEVIT, Prop. PROMOTER GRABLE'S PLAINT. IlonouncoFi tho Action or tho Now York llntik 1'rcHldont. Omnha, Nob., Feb. . 3''ranclB C. arable, premolar, nrrlvcd In Omaha from St. Louis yostejday. Mr. arable, who looks us though he had under gone a severe mental strain, said! "I can only sny now that I organized all the companies In which I was Identi fied upon a logical basis, nnd that there 1b no reason why they will not ulti mately prove pnyhig investments. I have received many kind letters from friends, both In this city and In tho Ulack Hills country, who still express their confidence In mo, and with their assistance I hope to once inoro legal 11 my former position. "The whole trouble wns precipitated by the action of President Williams, of the Chemical National bnnk, of New York, In demanding the resignation of Cashier Qulnlan. Tho various com panies with which I wnB called were In good condition, although It is true carrying a large Indebtedness, and they were In no way dissimilar to thousands of other projects which are at the present dny bached by large eastern cnpltnl, I had a consultation with President Williams a few days previous to tho resignation ot Cashier Qulnlan, and told him that I had al ready $1S0.000 on hand vlth which to pay the Indebtedness of our companies to the bank, and that within a few weeks' time 1 could easily raise the rest of tho amount. He was aware of the fact that I had paid olf a note of $190,000 which had boon due tho bank upon a former occasion, and he had no right to doubt my ability or hon esty to do so in the present Instance. If President Williams had withheld ac tion In the matter for a fortnight his bank vould have received every dollar that was due from the Edgemont com panies." WHAT DO THE CHILDREN DRINK? Don't givo thorn ten or cofleo. Havo you tried the now food drink called Grain-O? It is delicious nnd nourishing and takes tho placo of coffee. Tho more flraln-0 you glvo the children tho nioro health you distribute through their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffeo hut costs about us much. All grocers sell it, 15c and Mudo IlmiinVsV by Hurl tiiitinitcs. Constantinople, Feb. 0. Shocks of earthquake continue to bo felt at Hal ikeer, Asia Minor, and in Its vicinity. About -1,000 people have been rendered homeless, some 3.fi00 houses, SO mosques and ID khans have ben more or less de stroyed, and 120 persons have been kill ed or Injur, d. Aftor years of untold suflbring from nilci. 11. W. Pursoll.of Knitersvlllo, Pa., was cured by using a single box of DoWitt's Witch IIszlc Salve. Skin diseases such as eczema. rash, pimples and obstinate sores aro readily cured by this famous remedy. C. II. Ilagen- uuch, TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE And Flowers, the Hand of Anmrlcn, Call. forntn. Via tho truo pathway, "Tlio Iron Mountain Pioutc," which tra verses a region of perpetual sunshine, whero snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes nro unknown. Pullman first and second class palace and tourist sleeping cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregou, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without change Quick timo, low rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chaso tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway system. For rates right from your home, literature, mid full information, drop a postal card, J. P. McCann, T. I". Agent. 510 Kail road avenue, Elmira, N. Y., or 301 Uroad way, Now York. 3-1-tf W. E. Iloyt, O. E P. Agt. SHENANDOAH'S GREATEST rx ISHIN6 HOUSE. MARK YOU ! Look Where to Save Your Money. New styles of Spring Hats are now being shown by. us. They arc now open for inspection and Only a starter. we feel satisfied and prices will suit all range in price from Many 45 cts Fine Gent's "y n lln,f r, l.ie Tr , tlozeu pair. That kind Halt HOSe. that will make the wearer smile. Wc have the very newest creation in plaid and uolkadot hose. Fine Imported Silk Mufflers. Something that meets the mid winter end of any purchaser. Wc have them ranging in pi ice from 50 cctUs to S?.?5- UP - TO - DATE HAT La Grippe, Followed by Heart Disease, Cured by DR. MILES' HEART CURE. 7a JSfl'.C. C.BHUIIB, or wmtcrsei, lowa. Inventor nnd manufacturer of ' Bhults' Enfcty Wblffletrco Coupling, writes of Dr. Miles' Heart Curo. "Two ycara ago an attack of LaQrlppo loft mo with a weak heart, I had run down In' flesh to rncro skin and bono. I could not sleep lying down for smothering spoils! frequent sbnrp darting pains and palpitation caused a con-,-tantfear of sudden death, nothing could lnduco mo to remain away from homo over night. My local physician prescribed Dr. Mies' IlcnrtCuionndin a few days I was ablo to sleep well nnd tho pains gradually lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced tl.o tho doses, having gained flf teen pound?, and am now feeling hotter in every way thiin I havo for yours." F'2SriJ55S5j Dr. Miles' Itcmcdlcs tSj' n,l?: aro sold by all drug- UV p.., , r gists Under a positive JR WI9S -v, guarantee, first bottle jKrifiiinLCliE&i bunoflta or money ro- fe Rostcreo. funded. Book on dls- Kjrf jui. 'vsS eases of tho heart and Bj&J, ?T nerves free. Address, Mi l ifil'l I'll 1 1 DU. MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind. "THEY DO THE WORK" 3 BRONCHO I HOMOEOPATHIC 4 f I REMEDIES IOC I S Relieve and Cure 3 Head Troubles Stomach Disorders System Irregularities TToTdJuim of tod f-E "For every III, a special pill." 2 If not at Drug Stores, wrlto Bronx ObomlcalCo.,Tonkers,N.T. 3jj Si Health Hook Mailed Fro.. j2 PmilGlltolalaid renu.'oii eKfKicrr.rae..iUv IEVJ.U. AT EIK STORES Up-to-Date Hat Store, .15 EAST CENTRE ST. IDS CATViO. URIHKW0. i1 ftMl JvOT A llll I HT'f ml That is the place the closest buyer is now looking for. We are closing out our entire stock of "UNDERWEAR At the lowest cash prices. that the styles Only a Starter. " Furnishing - House, STORE, 15 East Centre Street. JBMMstte'iL