tlM mvaio. THE HERALD Crea Its luiiness because of its known arge circulation and renders rich YOU1 'WANT mum To reach the fullic through a fro gresiive, dignified, influential journal results to its advertisers. use the UKRALD columns. VOL. XIII-NO 30. SHENANDOAH. PA.. TUESDAY. FEBIUTAHY 8. 189U. ONE CENT !do m S Better Than Klondike. Invest your money for the same. to receive full value Parlor Suits, 5 pieces, - $18.00 Wood seated chairs, - .45 Caue seated chairs, - .75 J. P. Williams & Son, SPECIAL SALE OF. La d Ladies' Plush and Cloth Capes and and Children's Jackets at half price. $5, $6 and $7; your choice for $2.50. will sell for $4. J. J. PRICE'S, O'HARA'S LIVERY. BOARDING AND SALES STABLES. Undertaking in - - - - all its Branches. Open Day and Night. Cor. White and Lloyd Sts., shenandoah, pa. These beverages just suit the most critical drinker. It just suits us to have them drink it, because they are pure and whole some. COLUM KEEP THE Oil Your Store Floor FLOOR SWALM'S HARDWARE STORE. The Cup That Cheers! '1 his coffee is n. less coffee on account of its greater strength. Our Java Coffee Nothing but Java. If you want Cheap Coffee we can give you a fair roasted coffee at 10 cents per pound, equal to any low-price pack age coffee in the market. ORANGES AND LEMONS. New California, Jamaica Nassau Oranges. Large, sweet and juicy. New Lemons. At KEITER'S. where you are Sure Solid Oak Fancy Base Extension Table, - $3.75 Iron Bedsteads, - . $ 3-5 Solid Oak Chanila Suits, eight pieces, - - 14.00 V Full size well made couches, spring seat, full fringed, $ 3.75 Side boards, - - 5-5 13 S. Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. ies', Misses' and Children's . . COATS A CAPES. Jackets, at half value. Misses' Children's Long Coats, worth Also 4 coats worth $10 and $12, North Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. MANSION HOUSE STABLES, MAHANOY CITY. BEER ALE PORTER They also suit the most health iest drinker. Why ? because they have no equal. Good brews are the most comfort-giving and best tonics of the system. UST OWN With the Original OIL. BIA A Reduction in Price, but not in quality This week we have reduced the price of our popular 30c. Blondod Coffee to 25c. blend of the highest grades of the best coffees, combining strength and richness of flavor, and is really but little more expensive than the common, low-priced goods in the market, requiring is a strictly Old Government Java. Tin: avi:atii:k, Tlie forecast for Wednesday : Fair weather with slowly rising temperature, and fresh southeasterly to southerly winds ted hate or fog on the coasts, followed hy rain In tlio western nnd Ink districts nnd possibly nt night on tho coasts. ANOTHER HOTEL FIRE. Tlio Alt Curini'l limine Dentroycit Kurly Till. Morning. Mt. Carmel. Fcby. 8. Tho Mt. Carmel Home was destroyed hy flro early this morn. Int. Flames wore discovered hy the night watchman on tho second floor, near the head of tho main stairway, of tho building. Thi-y spread with lightning rapidity through the largo framo structure nnd many narrow escapes from death hy tho occupants arc ro portod. Tho fire started shortly after three o'clock and thero wero ovor seventy guests in tho houso. Furtunatoly none lost their lives and no one was seriously Injured. Tliree woman had their hands injured hy sliding down ropes from the windows of tho hurniui! hulldlng, ' Tho building and all Its contents weie entirely dostroyed. The loss on the hulld ine and fumituro amounts to about $20,000. I he losses sustained by guests have not been estimated. The hotel had about forty per manent guests. Tho origin of the tire has not been discovered. Tho Mt. Carmol House was an immense four-story frame structure. It was orected about fitly years ago and at first used as u land office building hy tho (iirard Kitato. The structure hud a width of about 75 feet and a depth of about 100 feet. It was located in the center of a plot of ground about six hundred feet square. About two years au the property was purchased by tho Brad'gan llros., of Shenandoah, and they leusod it to lilchurd lioelcke, of this place. TJio management has been very successful especially since the destruction of tho Com mercial Hotol by firo a month ago. Tho Jit. Carmel Houso Eccured nearly all tho trade the former place had. Mr. T. llradlgan, one of the owners of tho Mt. Carmel Houso, loft town this morn ing to view the remains and recapitulate. He was interviewed by a Hebald rcportor boforo his doparture this morning and said the loss on the property would amount to betweou $15,000 and $20,000. Thero was no insurance on the building. Of the contents tho llradigan llros. owned only the bar fixtures. Tho hotel furnishings belonged to Mr. lioelcke. Although tho building was erected many years ago it was still in a well preserved con dition and excellently adapted for hotel pur poses. The llradigan llros., it is understood, paid $18,000 for the property, but they spent Boveral thousand dollars in alterations and improvements. To Cure Headache In 15 Minutes. Tako Dr. Davis Atl-Hcadache. All druggists. AMIJSKMIINT.S. A. (STRONG HILL. In line with his record of furnishing none but Ilrst-class attractions, Manager Quirk, of Kaier's grand opera house, Mahanoy City, has booked the distinguished actress, Madamo Khoa, in her Napoleonic play. "Tho Empress of France," for ono night during next week. It is a strong hill. TO-NiaiIT'S ATTRACTION AT KAIEB'S. At Kaier's Grand opera houso, Mahanoy City, opening to-ulght, will be Harry Mark ham and his big stock company. Mr. Mark- ham stands to-day with a reputation of being ono of tho best leading mon in America. His supporting company has been secured from the very best ranks of the dramatic pro fession. IIo was seven consecutive seasons Augustin Daly's leading man in stock in New York city. Miss Graco Wolby, the leading lady, and Miss Pauline, tho sou bretto, aro acknowledged to be two of tho most beautiful women on tho stage. Miss Walby was Mr. Frohinan's leading lady all last season and twenty weeks this season. Miss Paulino was pilncipal soubrette in Catherine lienors company for (he past two years. The opening bill will bo "The Lad- dor of Famo," a sensational rnelo-drama of the most pronounced type and had a run of four months at the People's tbeatro in Now York city last season. Now and novel specialties aro introduced between each act. Prices are only 10, 0 aid 30 cents. Every lady accompanied by one paid ticket is ad mittad free. Matinees Wednesday and Sat urday. Naw and special scenery. Don't forget this company opens to-night at Maha noy City. Tho best gas lamp mantles in tho markot; 35 cents at Ilrumm's. l-2t-tf Church Improvements. Following the favorable action of the meeting of members and friends of the M. E. church, with reference to tho proposed improvements, thorewill be a meeting of tho olllclil board this ovoniug, at 8:30. The Im portance oi tnis meeting requires tho pres ence of every official member. Headache Quickly Cured. Dr. Davis' Anti-Headacho never fails, 25c. Acknowledgment To tho Officers of the Homo Friendly So ciety of Baltimore, Md., Mr. II. L. Talley, President. I dasira to add my acknowledgment to tho many that have bean made to your Society for the prompt and efficient manner in which it conducts its busiuess and acknowledge the receipt, through your Superintendent, Will lam T. Evans, and agent, Joseph Feist, of fifty-four dollars ($51) due ma upou the death of my father, August Schmidt. Mus, Manda Montig. Shenandoah, Pa., Feb. 8, 1893. It A Serluus Jok, Matt. Kepchinskl, the salooukeoper, was a victim of u practical joko that resulted seri ously at tho ball of tho St. Paul Citizens' Society in Itobbius' opera house last night. Same of his friends pulled him from a chair on which he was seated while intently watching the dancers. In tho fall Mr. Kcpchlnskl's left kneo cap was badly sprained. Obituary. August Schmidt, aged 01 years, died at the homo of his daughter, Mrs. Munda Montio, on South Main street, after an Illness of about four weeks. Tho funeral will take place to-morrow afteruoou. Services will bo held in tho German Lutheran church. Thumb Almost Severed. At tho Kllangowan colliery yesterday afternoon, Felix Vermutis, met with a pain ful accident in which one of his thumbs was almost severed. The injured man was Ukou to the offlco of Dr. G. M. Hamilton, where his injury was dres.ed Soma parts of tho thumb wore mashed into a pulp. Keep it In tho bouse and It will save you many an anxious mouiont during tho changes of season and weather; we refer to Dr. Hull's Cough Syiup, tho best remedy for cough and cold, THE M W WITHDRAWS It Will Surrender lis Pottsvllle Short Line Lease. AN UNPROFITABLE INVESTMENT ! It la Claimed the Royalty Is Too Oreat to Allow Sufficient Profit on the Lease. Several Crews Will be DIb pensed Wlth-Other Re ported Changes. A rlpplo of extraordinary Interest was created to-day hy a report that tho Lehigh Valley Itallruad Company is about to re linquish Its lease of tlio Pennsylvania Uail- road Company's shurt lino between this town nnd Pottsvllle, nnd the intorost was Increased when this report was closely followed by an other that there Is to bo n big reduction in tho operating forco of tho Lehigh Valley Company. Ilotli reports ato evidently well founded and the public may expect to soon hear of a number of radical changes in tho system oporating under the Lehigh Valley colors. Within two weeks changes will begin to dovclop. Lehigh Valley liuilroad ofllcialsareroticent on the subject, although admitting that a number ot schoddlo changes are under con templation. It was learned to-day from what appears to bo excellont authority that the Pennsylvania short line will ha released by tho Lehiirh Valley by tho 20th hist., and that en and aftur that date tlio lino will be operated directly hy tho former company. The cause for this relinquishment hy the Lehigh Valley company is a subject of speculation outside of the immediate official circles of the compauies directly interested. It is said to be n policy of retrenchment and economy on tho part of tho Lohish Valley. It is quite well known that a financial investment the short line has beon a failure to far as the Lehigh Valley company is concerned, and the Pennsylvania Itailroad Company has been tho entire profit maker by a largo margin. It is not pretonded that the line is not a paying one. Quite to tho contrary, tho link it one of tho best pay ing in the country. The trouhlo has been that tho Lehigh Valley company is handi capped by royalty. It is understood that the Lehigh company ij paying a royalty of CO or 05 per cont. for tho leuso and tho surplus has not keen sufficient to make the investment a paying one. Tho change will bo a sovcre blow to the Lehigh Valley company's forco of employes. It is stated that with the relinquishment of the short line the company will also disponso with a number of crews. The figures given at present ar to tho edict that twenty-sovon crows will bo laid cfT, five of them to be taken from tho Mahanoy ilivisiou. There was also a report to-day that radical changes will bo raado ou tho Ashland branch of tho L. V. It. 1!. It seoins to be a cer tainty that somo of the crews will ho taken otT and there it a possibility that tho branch will ba given a schedule of its own, which will mean that through trains shall ho dis continued. A geutleman well known iu railroad circles stated to-day that tho Pennsylvania Itailroad Compauy will no doubt accede to tho wishes of the traveling public in many respects con cerning tha operation of the short lino. One of the first changes will probably be made in the moruiug schedule, whereby a train will leavo tha I'ennsy depot at 8:15 a.m. This will euablo peoplo north of tho mountain to reach tho court house at 9 a. m. Under tha present schedule this cannot ba done unless departure is mado on the Ga. m. bhort line traiu, or on the 7:33 a. m. train, via Delano and New Boston. It's Winning New Friends Dally. What? Pan-Tina for coughs and colds. Gruhler llros., drugstore. At They Want the Curfew Law, At a meeting of the ministara of Pottsvllle and vicinity yesterday a county organization was formed by the election of officers. Tha main subject of discussion w the curfew ordinance presented to tho Pottsvllle Coun cil, which providai that children under 15 years of age shall be kept oil' tho streets after 0.00 o'clock at night. Tho following resolu tion was adopted, signed hy all the ministers present : "That after the proper presentation of tha Curfew ordinance wo give it our hearty support and recommend Its considera tion and adoption by the Councils of the various boroughs of our couuty," Scalp Treatment, Katharine A. Hlckey, lad N. Main St. tf Itnvlval Meetings, Itev. T. P. Morgan, pastor of tho Mahanoy City Welsh liaptist church and formerly pastor of tho American church at Whitney's Point, I. Y., will preach at the rovival ser vices in tho 1' mt liaptist church in town to night. He is an eloquent pulpit orator. Tho revival services in the First lliptist church are highly successful. Cures croup, sore throat, pulmonary troubles Monarch ovoi paiu of every sort. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. A Select Dance. Quite a number of Shenandoah people hive received invitations to nttoud a select dance at Tamaqua on the 21st hut., undor the aus pices of tho Clover Leaf Club, of that place POWDER Absolutely Puro rOI.ITIOAI. roi.NT. The Democrats will asncinblo in conference this evening. They havo troubles of their own in this campaign. Tho Ollbcrton and Lost Crcok peoplo me wondering if tho Democratic postmasters are to bo allewed to servo another four yours. These commissions expired almost three lonths ago. The Democrats. In cntielimtlon of a victory next Tuesday, are picking out tho choice plums. The Fifth ward already has two ap plicants. Ex-Chief Ilurgess Hums wants to bo Supervisor and Martin Foylo has aspira tions in tlio direction of the police force. The Democratic candidate in that ward surely cannot sreuro tho appointment of both. Ono of the two will surely get tho "dump." The election of stato dolegates to tho I(o publlcau convention will souu occupy tho at tention of the "statesmen." It begins to look as If It. Jefi'orson Yost will havo a clear field for the liapublican nomination fur tho Legislature iu this dis trict. Tho fight over tho postmastershlp has about narrowed down to a contest between John Mathias and Letter Carrier Frank Itecd. The former has boon the support of tho anti-Coylo people. Those on tho inside say tho ox -Senator will drop Dave Graham, his partner, and uso his Influence) with Ilrumm in tho interest of Jteed. The pres ent incumbents' commission expires tho first of next month. Tho Citizens candidates in tho Third ward secured their nominations in an open fight, and the result showed them to ho tho choico of the party voters. Thoy have a right, therefore, to expect tho support of those who participated in tho primaries. Candidate Caufiold is making an nctivo canvass for the llorough Treasurership. If tho voter will mako an honest com parison between tho opposing candidates, and cast his vote for tho host mon, tho Citi zens will record a haudsomo victory ou Tues day. The Democrats of the Fourth ward havo llttlousofor tho voters of Turkey Itun, s far as tho nominations are concerned. They gsvo caudidato Kerwin tho marblo heart. Thoso hungry place-huuters should bear iu mind that the present County Commissioners still retain their olllce and the probabilities ure they will continue to do so for somo time. They wore found guilty of acts committed during a previous term, and tlioio who pro fess to know say the sentence cannot legally carry ouster with it. Candidato Whitaker, if successful at tho polls, will take care of his brother two years hence. Other Democratic candidates for superintendent no doubt realize this. Alehlalxla Care. Mean soup will bo served, free, during and between tho acts to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. IN SENATE AHD HOUSE. Mr. Moi-gmi's Amendment I'rovliilnir For tlio Annexation of Hawaii. Washington, Feb. 8. An amend ment of more than ordinary impor tance and significance at this time was propjosed in the senate yesterday by Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, to the resolu tion offered a few days ago by Mr. "White, of California, Mr. White's reso lution declared that It was the right of the people of Hawaii to maintain their own form of government, and the United States ought in no wise to in terfere with It. Mr. Morgan's amend ment provides distinctly for the an nexation of the Hawaiian Islands, de claring that the present government has a right to make such cession to this country. The presentation of a memorlul prepared by the late Admiral Worden elicited some Interesting state ments regarding the historic llgbt In Hampton ltoads between the Monitor and the Merrlmac. The senate was In executive session during the remain der of the afternoon, which was occu pied In a speech by Senator Teller fa voring nniitnxntlon. The house passed the military acad emy appropriation bill, with only one unimportant amendment. The debate on the measure was desultory and touched a variety of political topics. As passed tho bill carried $453.5 10. be ing 20,032 less than the amount car ried by the current law. The bill to limit the period for the refunding of the certificates of deposit of 1S73 to Dec. 31, 1899, was passed. Today the house takes up the Aldrlch-Plowman contested election case. Kendrlck Mouhu Free Lunch Puree of pea soup will ba served, free, to all patrons to-ulght. Mr. Wi-nit' ..n'.fr NntllhMl. Philadelphia. Fel.. S. Kx-Postninster General John Wnnnmuker was yester day olilclnlly ni.tifiud of the action of the recent nii'l-Quay meeting of busi ness men nnd politicians from ull sec tions of the s'lte, which decided upon him as Its tin, Ice for the Republican nomination for governor to succeed Governor ITnst'ugH. After a confeience lasting four hours Mr. Wannmaltor made no definite announcement of his determination, other than to suy he would give the matter his careful con sideration nnd make uuswer within tho next few days. At KepchlnsWTa Arrailo Cuf. Puree of pea soup will be served, free, during and between tho acts to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow moruiug, MInerHvilli, Int'eed'urlo-. " Mlners.ille, l'n., Feb. 8. Incendi aries have caused n reign of terror In this town. One nlabt last week the two public schoolliouses In the town were set afire. Fortunately the firemen were quickly on the scene and tht flames were extinguished before much damnge was done. Sunday night the torch wns again applied to one of the BChool buildings. At the same time fire was discovered in the Delaware and Hudson freight depot. The firemen were again equal to the emorguncy. The people are so tarruiized that they rannot sleep nights. Illcl4rl' Cain, Fish cake, frco, to night, Baked potatoes and sausage to morrow moruiug. ; 77" ' '. ' ' ,m, Cnillslf, i'4. r ib. a. i',i..ii. thl'Un dels and l'.mn.e K iridium, Indian gli .s, who tried to burn the girls' build ing ut the Indian school here, yester day pleaded guilty and wore sentenced to one year and six months. They said they were homesick, and wanted Cap tain Pratt to Bond them homo. Everybody's llahlo to llchlng piles. Itich and poor, old and young terrible tho torture thoy sudor. Only ono sure cure, D.uu's Ointment. Absolutely safo j can't fait. Tfpii OF DEPUTIES Judge Woodward Takes Occasion to Rebuke Sensationalism. PREMEDITATION TESTIFIED TO I One Witness Swears That Deputy Dodson Declared He Would "Shoot Strikers at a cent a Head" A Blun dering Slavonian Witness. Wllkesbane, Pa., Feb. 8. When court opened yesterday In the trial of Sheriff Martin and his deputies Judge Wood ward vigorously rebuked the attorneys who had engaged In wordy warfare on Saturday, after adjournment, and threatened them with punishment for contempt If the offense was repeated, lie also severely denounced newspaper sensationalism, saying that some news papers were "endeavoring to prevent justice by an exaggeration of facts," nnd declared that "if the astounding falsehoods and misrepresentations con tinue the representatives of the papers will find the door of the court closed to them." Silas Jones, justice of the peace nt West llnzleton, was the first witness of the day. His evidence, which added nothing new to tho case, was ruled out after a long argument by opposing counsel. This Is regarded as an Im portant gain by the defense. Ilefore the noon adjournment the court accepted ball for ull the accused deputies and the sheriff In the amount of JG.OOO In each case, making a total of $402,000 in all. Hall was furnished by a Philadelphia surety company. George Yeugor, a Slavonian who re quired an Interpreter, followed Jones on the witness stand. He saw the shooting at I,atllmer, and pointed out as among those whom he had seen lira at the strlkeis Deputies John Zelrdt, Harry Zelrdt, Schuyler Hidgwuy and Thomas Hall. He pointed out several other deputies whom he had seen with guns In their hands, and when John Hampton, chief of the coal and iron police, was culled before him he posi tively Identified Hampton as one of those he had seen among the deputies. Illustrating how Hampton had held his rifle. Tho defense will prove that Hamilton was not on the scene at all. but was In Hazleton at the time. Thomas Hall, clerk of the Valley hotel, In Hazleton, testified to a con versation he had heard on Sunday fol lowing the shooting from the lips of Deputy John Turner, during which Turner said: "I shot nine of them, and killed five." On cross examination Hall said he did not know whether Turner was "blowing" or making a statement of fact. The next witness was Christopher Brehen, a miner of Cranberry. Brehen said ho was ut West Hazleton when the strikers arrived, and that he talked with Hornheiser, one of the deputies, who wunted him to Join the deputies, llornhelser said: "13 very one of these strikers ought to be shot." "They havo as good a right to strike as anybody," the witness replied, "and I would not stop them." "You are a coward," Horn- helser said, "or else you would get a gun and go nut with us to shoot them." "If you want to shoot them, all right," the witness said, and then llornhelser wont away. A few days before the shooting the witness had a talk with a deputy named Dodtsnn, who said: "We ought to get so much a head for shooting down these strikers. I would do it for a cent a hpnd, and make money at it." On cross exnmlnntlon the witness ad mitted that he had been In Jail once for n week on the charge of burglary, but thnt he had been balled out and ncqulttcd. His original story was not altered by the examination. The last witness wns John Costello. who said ho was helping a wounded man when Deputy A. K. Hess np proached him. He was about to detail tho conversation which ensued, and by which the commonwealth hoped to prove malice on the part of tho dep uty, when the defense objected. There was a long argument, nnd at its cmja clusion the court ndjourned, decision being reserved. Don't Trifle With Coughs and Colds, Tako Pan-Tina (25c.) and bo cured. At firuhlor llros., drug store. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. l'rom March 3rd. Will ha the It'tlle at I. GoUllu's Mammoth Store. The popular clothing mart of Shenandoah j. (Joldiu's mammoth store, is tho sceno of much uctlvity just now. IIo will dispose of his present stuck to the peoplo of Shenan doah at auction prices until February 10. After that dato the stock will bo removed to Now York and sold at auction. Tako ad vantage of tho opportunity, nnd secure clothing at 50 cents 011 tho dollar. After March 3nl strictly ono prico to all, rich and poor, will be tbo rulo. Your child can como to this store mid secure clothing as cheap as if you came yourself. My store is tho leading clothing house in Shen andoah and wo aro confident that with One Prico wo cau prospor fully as well as we do at present undor the cut rato system. I will deposit a check for $200 with a responsible Shcmindoah citltcu as a forfeit to any charit able institution Iu case it may bo shown that I havo deviated from tho 1)110 Prico system after March 3rd, 189S. Every article iu tbo storu will bo marked with plain figures uud at a prico so low that poople will bo asbainod to ask us to reduce it. Hy February 10th, we aro going to send our stock now ou baud to tho miction houses, hut until that date wo will give tho benefit to tho people of Shenan- doih and vicinity. Until February 10th wo will positively soil our goods way below cost to mako room for our now stock. Maumotu House, h. Qoldln, Prop., 1) and 11 South Main street, 1-20-tf Sltouandoah, Pa. Classlo Clliighuuu. We havo received it caso of celebrated Classic Dress Ginghams, former prico 10 cents par yard, which wo will sell at 0 ceuU per yard. It. F. Gill. Fino footwear nt amazingly low prices, Wouior's, 121 North Main St. a-3-l)t Removal Sale ! MM 1 4 ine tinuersitnieu atss to av nuuiicc iu me: duduc mar ne vr, : . 1 ' . . 1 r . niuviiiy iu ins new piace oi uiore ness, commencing January 2f. We invite every one to call at our store, and examine the few lots Oi Ladies' and Misses' COATS aiu r.Tr?c! ...i.:i. .:n t. . u wll tviiiwix win uc nuiu oui ui one-half less than the orirnnal price. We have a large line, single and double shawls that wi be sold at 25 per cent, less than the regular price. Several numbers of white and colored blankets, and a large selection of comforts and white spreads will be sacrificed at 25 per cent, less than the regular price. . F. GILL, Corner Main and Lloyd Streets. Operations Upon the Rye. Dr. J. P. llrown will in the near future open ollices iu Mahanoy City, where ho will practice medicine and surgery in all its branches, including eye, ear, nose and throat. Spectacles and eye-glasses adjusted artificial eyes inserted and operations up eye performed. 1-10-Sin J. P. IIeown, M D. Tirol lirot Href Insure your proporty from loss In tho oldest and strongest cash companies Phila, Underwriters Insurance Co. of North America and Fire Association. Hartford Firo Ins. Co., American Firo Insurance Co., West Chester Flro Ins. Co., UnlUd Firemen's lus. Co. T. T. Williams, 13 S. Jardin St., Shenandca!: For Infants and Children, Tho fae tittlla I: C3 crcrr llgutcre 2 TORM, Tin, tjollHrs for CarciiHs, Telephouo or telegraph to M U'rteh ii Sou, Ashland, Pa., when you have a dead borso, mule or cow. Thoy will pay y.a f2 C3 and remove it promptly. 1 ::f Largest assortment of rubbers, cheapest prices and best quality are to bo had at Werner's. 124 North Main St. 2-3-9t Ask your grocer for the "Eoyal ' Hi dour, and tako no other brand. It is tho Sour made. ETnTiTmimmtrmtmnniiiiiiiiiiiiini iniiiiiiniiiiiMiming O'NEILL BROS. 106 South Alain St. 1 pllllllllllllllllii.1iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiinMiiMiiiimtiiiiul;g E The cheapest furniture house in Shenandoah. I The prices and goods other dealers are ofiering the pub- 1 lie cannot "touch" our 1 stock. imiiMnrnnnmriiiiiiiniiHiinninm O'NEILL BROS. 1 06 South Hnln St. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniitrt 011, TES, IT'S C0LD! rmTrmmnnTQ llllllllllhllllllM But there is a warming op portunity for you even if the weather is severe. We have the advantage of excellent GROCERIES At prices which will make you ' glad, it costs so much to keep warm in cold weather that you appreciate the saving we will give you on these goods. We give you more comfort giving inducements at this timo than ever before. T.J. BROUGHALL, 25 South Main Street.