The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 04, 1898, Image 2

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"HP ppr t
liSTAIII.l.Slli:i IH70.
PH iil.hed every RvenliiK. Kscept Miimliij, nt
South Jaiiuin Hi hkkt, N'kak Ckbthh !
rile Herald iteitvtirit inHhcnandoan and th '
m minting tomiR fur l cent, n week, pay ,
11 o the cmrrien.. By iiibII W.nn yroir, or II
cent) a month, imynl.le In advance Vlvprttfie
menti chanced accord Inn to ni-e and position.
The ii.llilnilieu" ri-"rve the rldlit In clmnire the
position of advertisement, ivlieni'ver the pill-'.tio-i
of uewn di-niiind it. The rip-lit 1.
left rvt.l to reje.'any ntlvertlnenient. whether
piiiii tor or not. .iftt tlie puhll.lier. tuny ueetn
ln.i'r-icf Aihorll.liiK rate made known
llliuil ftpplloiitinn.
Entered t the pototrlc al thrmuuoIi, !'., as
ceoud I'lawH mall nintUtr.
"All the Hews That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
rillDAY. rr.llltUAltY 1. l-3.
A' itm no to tlia (iio.tntl lltf
tmlitioii, we shall luive forty nmro
days for Old Bun-ns to gut in his
Iris willi wonder and much huniili
iiti.ui that such oreuturus us soinu of' holilinx positions in this county
find it possible to securo political
An 'i r ni' year ago tho old state
ea,l "I hi HurrislmrK was destroyed
bv Urn. andtlie contract for tlio col.-iitra-tio.i
of tin- now buildings will
lie led on Monday. Mtieli vai-tialil-
linn' lias been lost, but let US
hope it has been for the best interests
of the state.
Ojjk week from next 'L'uefday the
b jrout;li election will be held. In tins
meantime, if xuccuss is to porcli upon
our banner, much work must bo done
on the part of thu party leaders. The
Oitize is parry Rops before- the people
with popular eandiilates for br mjjli
and ward odlces, men who will faitl)
f-ll) diM-lpirfje their duties. Tiie
b.ittle cri .liouid be. to work and net
M'lt the v te -and toe that it is cast
in tile riht column.
LwiKlt JI Mill should qualify his
remariis in charint; that "tho news
pipers prejudiced tho minds of the
people nuainst the Commissioners in
tile publication of prepared articles.'
This paper, at loist, lias conllned it
elf exclusively to the publication of
tho evide-ice. The only papers that
are guilty of the charge are
published at the county seat, and
winch usurped the of the
counsel, tin- jury and the court. The
II Kit t.L. with its usual spirit of en
terprise. recoe;iii.ed tho jreat inter
est taken in tho trial and furnished
its thousands of readers with an ac
curate report trom day to day.
Wo hino refrained from expressing
an opinion as to the K"'lt or inno
cence of tiie ucuiied, leaving that for
the proper tribunal to determine.
The case is now in tiie hands of the
"twelve men tried and true," and we
believe they will render a verdict in
accordance witli thu evidence, out
side of all other consi'.orations.
McKinlcy Republicanism.
President McKiuluy, wliosoized the
first opportunity to publicly express
his disapproval of tho proposition to
pay the United States bonds in silver
coin, finds himself cordially and
oarnostly upheld by the members of
his party everywhere.
The views of the Republican press,
of tho prominent Republicans in all
parts of tho country, and of the
members of Ids party in Congress
have been such as to thoroughly en
dorse his sentiments expressed in his
New York speech, in which lie said:
"Nothing should evor tempt us
nothing will over tempt us notliiny
to scale down the debt of tho nation
through a leal technicality. What
over may lie tho languntie of the con
tract, the United States will discharge
all of its obligations in tho currenc
recognized as tho best throughout
the world at the times of payment
Nor will we ever consent that tin
Wildes of labor or its frugal saving
shall bo scaled down by permitting
payment in dollars of less value than
the dollars accepted as tho best in
every enlightened nation of the
Not only was the lare;o proportion
of tl o Republican vote in tile Senate
distinctly uliu'iied against this pro-
posi'ion, but thu action of tho Hou-o
of Hepresontatlves, controlled by the
Republican party, by which it over
wheliuingly rejected the proposition
shows that tiie party, whether speak
ing through its official head, the
President, or by its Representatives
in Congress, or by its voters, as in
1800, is unquestionably clearly op
posed to the dangers and dishonor
able methods of ilnance which are
again being offered by tho men who
tiro willing to sacrillce anything and
everything for political success or the
success of tho party from which they
expe-t political advantages
It should not bo necessary for any
representative of the Republican
purty in Congress to olTer an excuse
in casting his vote against the Teller
nnd like resolutions, as the Congress
man from this district felt called upon
to do, Tiie party of "sound mono"
expects every man to stand by his
guns, and it has no room for political
trimmers and tricksters.
The Homeliest Man In Shenandoah,
As well as the handsomest, and others are in
viled to call on any druggikt and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's liaUam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that Is guaranteed tocure
and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs,
Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. I'rice
25c. and 50c,
1Vhy Mr. Cnrl'i'tt. or Oregon, In Nut
it I'nl'id Milton Senator.
WimliltiKH n Tel). 4. One nt the fea
tures of ( t .'lay's rcrslon if thu sen
ate was a s" in ly Mr. C'HfTety, of
Louisiana, hi MiptHjit of the rrn.ilutlon
rejioitcd by the committee mi privi
leges and elections dedailng that Htn
ry V. Porbetl Is n t entitled to a seat
In the senate from the state of OreKnn.
Mr. Corbeit whs appointed H3 smator
by the governor of Oreson after
failure of the legislature to elect a
i senator to suereed Senator Mttoiv 'l
j Mr. Caffery maintained that the .v
i ernor 'bt a state had lio authority to
appoint to nil an original vacancy.
Tho agrli ulturnl appropilallon bill w is
under con .deration the greater part
of the afternoon, und was llnally
The house passed the day ostensibly
considering the fortifications appro
priation bill. In reality the major por
tion of the time was consumed In tin
discussion of political topics. The ex
istence or non-existence of prosperlt;
In this country was again the m-.t i
question of dispute. The feature of tin
day was the discovery by Mr. Simpson
of Kansas, and the exploitation of tin
alleged fact that Mr. Dingley, rhaii -man
of the ways and means commit
tee, wore a London made pot hat. .V
Dingley explained that the hat
mude In New York. The London tr ul'
mark was placed there simply to pi an
the Anglomania! . who ahv.iys pre
ferred thiiiKS beiaitie they were l.n
gllsh. For Infants and Childron.
i c - .t i urnlval.
. . e, -. V., I'V-b. ;. T'le Ice
i'l.' of dte rated Hlelght.
. j i.-in day .as a beautiiu1
U he piocesslon filmed ut
und muichcd through tin
meets until 4. There wii
iror.i .t . York. Boston
l)u t
i li I
pi l. c I, al
Phl.nue i.hla, Ualtlmore, Montieal, To
ronio and Ottawa. Every house and
street waa dti' t; td s.illy for the oc
casion. In th even ns there was a
handsome o'' i.l .y of Urcvorks and the
stoii.. i. '. i 1 1 1 - ice furl. 3S, llghtins
up the !j' . .
Isitalmni? Uo Dr.
Oil. A cut? Use I)r.
Oil. At your drucsists.
Tlioinas' Kclrctrii-
Tlioinas' Kclectri
Votormi h.-i
n-:.ton, K.
savings bat:.'
day placed he
' I .' i ! I 11 11,11.
!.- Toe .ithusell-
oionil. ftioiu :'s y.-stei
i'Y.inilnKhum Savhih
Injunction to prevent
bank under an
it from doing business until turthc,
action an be taken. The action fol
!owr 1 the arrest of WII iam II. Bird,
former ashler of the bunk, who, in
the Fraieiiitiion court yesterday, was
held In W-M" for 'ho grand Jury on a
charge ot mi-iappri'priatinB $J,0U0 of
the bank"s tumls. Mr. Bird is 70 year:
old. and for man years was one of the
bank's most tiusted employes.
Are gaining favor rapidly,
business men and traicl-
lers carry them In vest
nocVeti. ladies rarrv them
tu jmneg, housekeepers keep them In medicine
closets, frleudi recommend them to friends, Mc.
Side Entranca on Grs.n St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
Vmini. nlil.slnvlti(ii.marrUd& those C0T1-
irmplstlnii niarrlat:, Ifymi are a Tlcthn of
.BLOOD P01SUE1 Ecee, of
!?rivat3 Diseases KSV.OTSi'ff
V siror mtnd and liodr. and unfit you for the
duties of lift', call or write and he fv it, Honrs:
Iiallr. 0-3l i-v'ifs, fl-m Sun.. Il-1'J. Send tuns. In
stamps for Book with iwura trsllmialals
Exposing 4ucka and Fake Institutes.
" r BDHM'G von snx.
,C DHUI'i OTIiIm remedy be 1 11 K In
jected directly to ine
neat of IIiomo iIlNeuises
or the. iJeiilto-lJrliiai j
OrsniiH, rcoulroH 1111
change of diet. Cur
guaranteed in 1 to 1
:i1iivh. H11111II nlaln nuck
r TT TC "57 n-c- ''y mall, 81.UU
li U rtLJAhiold only by
S. P. KIMir. SheirrcTrl'.
5Js I t I i 3 I a5-
: v. BAZAR.
Tuati'YLisMPA'rrnRN." At-
II-.' lc. EtsWonafcl?. Or's'nal. Perf-ct-
? rilling. Prices lOaml JOCOlilH.
1 None hiphcr. None belter at any pri.
I Seme reliable merchant sells Ihtm la
T nrtrly every city or town. Ask for '
them, or tney can oe rio Dy man irom
us In either New Ycrt or Chicago.
Stamps taken. Latent Fashion Si.t-.
sent upon tcccipl ol or.; cent to pay
( Brlgldest ladies' magazine publlshc '
I Invaluable for the hrm. Fa'l.Uaw rf
I I s -lay, Home Literature, Iiot. eholc'
f Hints, Finc Wnk, Current Toi'..s,
I Fictioc, all for only 50 cents a year, In
J cludlnga I'rco callcrn,youro7i' wl:
f lion any time. Send two 2-cent tti. aj;
I for sample copy. Address
J42-H6 West 14th Street, New VrL
J89 Fifth Avenue, Cnicago,
Hood s
NU llAlklnJwri J0K J'oHW DiTiX.
ScM-ntlonrl Itetioi't- Denied by II lull
I HrltKli (llllelals.
' London, I'Vli. 4. It Is stated on In
controvertible authority that CJreat
Britain has not backed down on the
(pjestliin of niakliiR Tallcn-Wan a free
port. The Marquis of Salisbury, Mr.
Curaon, the parliamentary secretary of
the foielgn olllee; the Husslan ambas
sador and the Chinese tnlnlitor eaeli
said In conversation that thuy had not
I heard of any backdown.
1 The opening of Tallen-Wnn, It Is
pointed out; wns never made a conill
. tlon In atiy sine qua non sense, In con-
nectlon with the loan to China. In the
! paillamentaiy negotiations on that
subject the rpenlng ot T.illen-Wan was
"sketched In neutral tints," Qrcat
Britain only sURKestlnK It as one con
dltlon favorliiR a speedy completion of
the loan. Shu never demanded It, and
therefote In no pense can be HUld to
have backed down, If the desire wns
not persisted In.
The tpiestlon of Tatlen-W'nn Is, how
ever, with other sugKested conditions
of the loan, still ncKotlating.
The next lViuisvlx otiia. Ilntlrn.til tour ti
i 'ismiiMlle, allowing two weeks in l'luriil.r.
II leave New York and lMillailehildi by
iei ial train of l'lilhiian I'.tliiee curs Tllesilay,
hnmrv 8. Bviirsi.iii tickets, including
Unity tniii.iortiitloii, l' iicconimoilu-
iin time lieith.) unit meals en rouie m ouia
neeiiiini while tr.ivclincim the. suecUl train,
iii he snlil at tho foilowliig rates: New
nrk. KiOOD: IMiilaile lilila. J18.00 : nmti
mIriih. $.V.'.8."i : Krio, $."itfc."i; Wilkcslurre,
.10:1.1; l'lttBiiurg, ixi.w ; huh at prupuruon
Le oites from uthcr ii.iints.
fur tickets, itineraries, nnd full ilifuraia
,11 to tkket uuents: Tourist Aeeut,
110.1 llriiiilw.iv, N'eiv York; or addro-i Geo.
r.JIoyd. At-iniint General rassenuer Agent,
Urn id St nut Stilion, i'lii lailelplita.
first or All, Hed Flag 011, 28c.
Wlut fur? Aciie, pains, hrubis.
iruhler linn., drug store.
Ilou the III en of thu Variability uf Hpe
ett-4 Curie to Darulu.
,s long uio as .Inly I. I b:J7. young Dar-
ivln, then tears ol agu, had opened u
piiMitc jotunal. Inn Inch he purposed tu
reiord all tacts that came to him which
soouicd to hau any bearing on tho moot
point of the doctrine- of transmutation ot
npucius ruttr or nc cars earlier, ituruig
thu course ot that famous trip around tho
world with Admiral I'ltzroy us natural
ist, to The Li agle, Uarwin had mailo thu
personal ohseriatlons which lirst tended
to shake his belief in tho fixity of species.
In South America, In thu 1'ainpcan for
mation, ho had discovered great ossll
annuals covered with armor like that 011
the existing armadillos" and laid been
-iriitU with this similarity ut type between
ancient ami existing faunas of thu same
region Ho was also greatly Impressed by
thu manlier In which closely related spo
eies of unbinds wero uberied to replace
onu another as ho proceeded southward
oer the continent and "by the South
American charucterof inuatof tho proline
tiuns ol tile ' i:il;i;i;;c.H archipelago, und
niuru especially b, toe manner In which
thuy diner on each inland of tho group,
none uf the islands appearing tu bo cr
ancient in a geological sensu. "
At hi'at the lull lono of thesoob.sena
tions did not strike til 111. lor under sway
ot Lyell's geological conceptions he ten
tutlvuly explained the relativu absence ol
life on one ot the linlapagos islands by
.suggesting that perhaps no species hail
been created since that island arosu But
gradually it dawned upon him that such
tacts at ho had observed "could only Le
explained un the supposition that spculcj
gradually become mounted. I rom then
on, in ho afterward asserted, the subject
haunted him. it will thus be seen that
the idea of thu variability of species came
to Charles Darwin as an Inlcrcnco trom
personal obtcnations In tho Held, not as a
thought borrowed lrom books. Jicnry
sjmith Williams, M. t)., In Harper's.
A MiiiiIneVTrlpIo I rime.
Little Hock, Ark., Feb. 4. Sol F
Autrey, a farmer, accompanied by his
family, went to visit his need fathi:
and mother, living near Mulberry, In
Franklin county. Shortly after his ar
rival Autiey became engaged In a ie
liglous ariiument with the old folks.'
Suddenly he grasped an Iron bar, kill
ed his father, mother and his 10-year
old son, and seriously wound -'d his
wife and three remaining children, two
of whom are not expected to live. Ills
wile and eldest daughter, although
badly hurt, managed to notify the
neighbors. When they reached the
house thy found Autrey a raving
manlnc, with his clothing on lire. He
was overpowered after a struggle.
Will Mrh.o .7 1,-11 f list Itediiotion.
Uenwood, W. Vu Feb. 1. The em
ployes at the Wheeling lion nnd Steel
company's works ceased negotiations
yesterday with the company on the
nronosed cut of 10 to CO per cent In
wages which is to take effect on Feb.
21. The men will Insist upon the con
tinuance of the old scale, and will light
against the acceptance of the new
scale. The plant employs from 600 to
1.000 men. and if a compromise Is not
reached a ttrikc old suieiy follow,
Both tlio method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidnoys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fovers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac
Beptablo to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agroeablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cont bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
ouro it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accopt any
utiitvw, xr. hew roM, N.r.
Valuable Little Book Sent Free for the
Medical books itie not alwJtys interesting
reading, csiiecially to people cnjojlng good
health) hut is a matter of fait scErcely one
person In ten is perfectly healthy, anil even
with such, sooner or later sickness must
It is also n well established truth that nine-
tenths of all diseases originate with break
ing down of the digestion, a weak ttomach
weakens anil impoverishes the s)'tem, mak
ing it easy for discnc to gnn a foothold.
Nobody need fear consumption, kidney
liscasc, liver trouble or a weak heart and
nervous sj stem as long as the digestion is
good and the stomach able to assimilate
plenty of wholesome food.
Stomach wesknese sliow itself in a score
of ways and this little hook describes the
sjmptoms anil causes and points the way to a
cure so simple that anyone can understand
nnd apply.
Thousand! have sonic form of stomach
trouble and do lint Vimw it. They ascribe
the headaches, the languor, nervousness,
insomnia, palpitation,- constipation and sim
ilar symptoms to some other cause than the
true one, Oct your digestion on the right
track and the heart Double, lung trouble,
liver disease or nervous debility will rapidly
This little hook treats entirely on the cause
.mil lcinoval of indigestion anil Its accom
panying annoyances.
It describes the symptoms of Acid Dys
pepsia, Nervous Dyspepsia, Slow Dyspepsia,
Amylaceous Dyspepsia, Catarrh of Stomach
and all aflections of the digestive organs in
plain language easily understood turn the
cause removed.
It gives valuable suggestions as to diet, nnd
contains a table giving length of time required
to digest various articles of food, something
every person with weak digestion should
No price is asked, but simply send your
name and address plainly written on postal
card to the V. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.,
requesting a little book on Stomach Diseases
and it will be sent promptly by return mail.
a su "
A'lntl- C y, V" ' .'urrpi John
son, a '.-'l oner in i" i y nn. com
muted t-' '"e vest' -('"y aft"rnniin by
hanging 1.: -fo f f;m a cell crossbar.
lie ued tvo henO' r; rhlofs In male
a nooe. John-Ti 5
ililde wasjirompt-
ed by fear rf beli.g
ent to state prison
V ft. .Ti hnsnn will
:n lm.'" r'ant wlt-
11 1 tase of Phlln-
". "1 P-'s ,-
for it Ing a
he iei i 1 ird a
ne 'n he Farrc-ll
; 1 . 1. m
Don't give them tea or rotleo. Have you tried
tho now food drink called Gmln-0 ? It is
lclicious and nourishing and takes the place
uf coffee. Tho more (Iniin-O you give the
hlldren the more health you distribute,
through their systems. Grnln-0 is niado of
puro grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of colleo but costs
about i us much. All grocers sell it, ISc and
And Flouttia, U". lliiml of America, Cali
Via tho truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Route," which traverses a region of perpetual
siinshitio, where snuw storms, blizzards or
high altitudes arc unknown. Pullman first
and second class palace- and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old nail New Mexico, Arizona, California.
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
ittes, and all the comfortsof modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri i'acific railway
syt,teiu. For rates right from your home,
literature, und full information, drop a postal
card, J. P. Mct'aun, T. P. Agent. 519 Kail-
road avenue, Eliuira, N. Y.t or 31)1 liroad
way, Now York.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. E P. Agt.
Grapes Overhang Two Miles of Ca
finuio arbors loaded witli Grimes. 2 miles
lung, ami over 300 miles uf vines triiimd on
wires. Tills is tho extent of Speer's Oporto
(Irapo Vineyard at l'assalc, N. J., only li
tulles from New York City. Those who
doubt it can have their expenses paid and
S1I10 elven them bv the Sneer N. J. Wine Co.
if they Hill come and seo anil Uu not unit tlio
above truo. t lie wines are mo oiucci aim
best to be had.
I'ni-doii 1. 1 1 in t :. . ' e iiiKi
llarrisbury, t.- id i .
pardons re'.onu.'.tndtd a paidon yes
terday afternr.on for Wlllam C. JMore
land, cx-clty r,olloH(or ot 1'ittsburs, win.
Is serving lluee jtars In the Western
penitentiary for cub. zz Ing elly funds.
Governor Has'ingji had not yet ucttu
upon the pa Irn.
Tako Laxative BromA Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tlio money if it fails to
cure, 25c. Tho genuine has L. B. Q. on
each tablet.
Oraduate Hnd Ite ltesidcnt lloue Surgec
the University Mate of N. Y.
Ileaduuarters i-Commerclal Hotel. Slienandoal
Calls night or day promptly reiponiled.
Office Kgan building, cor er of tt'atn an
Centre streets, Hlieiinmluali.
J. "
Btiotiandeali, l'a.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Luck Box 63, Mahanuy Oily, l'a.
Havlns studied under some ol tlio ties!
masters le Ixiiidou anil Paris, will give lewiuitf
nn the violin, mandolin, gulsar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Aaureas lu care ol Btrouse
the jeweler Hbenandoah.
Aunttr.'t' -repripvo rt.uTnrnon.
Sacramento, Cal Feb. 4. Governor
Build yesterday granted Salter V). War
den, awaiting execution at Folsom
prison for participation In the wreck
ing of the Overland train In Yolo
county duilng the strike In 1894, an
other reprieve until June 17.
Murder In the Second Decree.
Buffnln, N. Y., Feb. I. Frederick
Kntnll, wl)o murdered Kugene Lednt
In September Inst, striking hhn on the
head with a hatchet and afterwards
burying the body In a manure pile, was
last night found guilty of murder In
the Becond degree.
General ISlnnco has mot with little or
no success In his attempt to bribe In
surgent lenders to surrender.
Wilbur Jennings, of Bridgeport, Conn.,
hns become Insnne through brooding
over a murdpr that took place near
his home.
Dr. Murebla Hernandez, a prominent
Cuban leader, had arrived In New York
with Important documents from Gen
eral Gomez.
Colonel Ilend, who testllled before the
Ohio senate tntFt committee, said he
thought the senate trust might bear
New Yolk's Chinese laundrymen pro
pose to fight the bill Introduced at Al
bany requiring them to write their
checks In English.
A detained ltallnn Immigrant, penni
less nnd consumptive, escuped from the
custody of the Immigration authori
ties ut New York.
Superintendent Yiung, of the Yellow
stone National I'atk, has prepared a
bill to extend that reservation about
3,000 square miles.
Under the district court ruling nt San
Francisco the collector of the port did
wrong In admitting a Chinese woman
who made false representations.
Governor Hushnell, of Ohio, says that
he was forced into the ant.-llauna
flglit becauw h" tola tnat h? mufit
vi , 1 I tl.. !. .. ; . Nov .hit It Is ovi
he ' .
The Surprise of All.
Mr James Junes, of tho drug Arm of Jones
& Son, (Juwden, III., In speaking of Dr.
King's New Discovery, bi.ts that last winter
Ids wife, was attacked with La Grippe, and
ha, mt.i .row c, uat.ii.MU 'fix,, ttl, v a i ! tia nt
Cow.leii and Pana could do nothing fur ho.-. 1
It srctni'd to develop into U.isty '.onsuinp- ,
tinn. Having Dr. King's New Discnveiy in
slore, nnd .selling lots of it, he took n bottlo ,
home, mid to the surprise of nil she began to ;
jet better from ilrst dose, and half dozen
ilo'lnr bottics cured her sound and well. Dr. j
King's New Discovery for Consumption, '
Coughs and Colds is guaranteed t" do this!
good work. Try it. 1'reo trial bottics at A. I
W.vsley'sdrug stoto.
"WO C.-VECT5 A? OtlTHC ;
r rjerr.1 or special dcbliltj', a:,c(ul
s, . .cr2aicrhcsa emissions lmrlenc
.e ij, tic Corrects lunctionol djtarJeii
...1 by errors or excesses, quick! ie,toru f
MjnhoocJ In old or young, giving vizor ana
r oclh wlicrc former wcaliiitss prevailed. Cr-n
..: p:. Eimple, effectual, and legif"
Cu1 fi'i Quick and Thoroug
' . 1 deceived by itnitaUtnt; u.
" U 3 L'(ialicrs. Sent seal ;d it ymw .
' - .( Inve it. Trice $! per pit re. 6 rt S
v h Vvi.ttea (;unr.inte of comjl'te cur
1 re etc., Itfe ar"l cu- '
f- . 4 net . ica ,J '
old nt KfrMn's tlrue store, Shenandoah, Pit
ffpanr pills!
6AFStflO SUI1. Sf;3 4c. f 0H"WdMAN 3 SAFE
tiDA?'-1 Wu;ox Specific CoFHiLAs,PA
Fovluaky'e dru; ptoro,
Cnntre street
to Good
; Looks.
Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's -
Itallrouds Hnvo Lost ThntiHniius of
Dollars by tho Thi'l'is.
Cincinnati, Feb. I. The railways
here have discovered that they have
been swindled out ot thousanda of dol
lars by bogus orders ot the mayor for
pauper passes. These orders were
printed and bound In pads, ;wlth tho
name ot the mayor and his signature
printed on them. Instead of signing
these orders the city scat or stamps
had been used, but through careless
ness these orders were finally given out
without stamping. Many pads got
Into the hands of scalpers and have
been sold by ticket brokers. Joseph and
Lymnii Hess have been arrested on the
charge of purloining charity passea
from tho mayor's olllee. Their brother,
Harry, has been employed In that of
fice. Samuel Phillips was arrested
charged with selling these orders.
Mr. Wiiuainnkci' Will Consider It.
Philadelphia, Fob. 4. Kx-I'ostmaster
General John Wanamakcr, who was
decided upon on Wednesday nt a meet
ing of business men and politicians
from all parts of the state as their
choice for governor, returned homo
Inst night from the south, Mr. Wnna
maker freely discussed the meeting,
but wns rl'nt on the question of his
acceptance of the rennet that ho per
mit the Use of his nar e as a candidate.
He said, however, hi v. otlld give tho
call his serious cm:-i Vrc'lon.
It Is easy to catch a cold and just as easy
o fid rid of It if you commence tli tiso One
Minute Cough Cure, lc cures coughs, cohls
bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat, and
lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to
use nnd suro to cure. C. II. llaecnbuch.
WIlPITolinhly Moot UN OlillgatloiiB.
Silver's "rroporty" Not I.ocatod.
New York, Feb. 4. "William II. Kurtz,
who Is aald to have been associated
with Francis Crable In many o his
deals, said today: ".Mr. arable's deal
ings with the Chemical National bank
have extended over a considerable pe- I
rlod. As I undethtand from him, ho 1
was well known to all the bank's of- i
flclals. To my knowledge he owed tho
bank J170.C00 nt one time, and ltqul- i
dated the debt until only $ID,000 was
left. Thus he has gone on contractlg
obligations and discharging them.
the beginning of last week the total
amount of arable's Indebtedness to the
bank was $201,C00. After last Thurs
day's meeting Mr. Crable gave the di
rectors n demand note for $201,500. The
directors then agreed not to press him,
but to afford him a margin of time
In which to pay the note."
Judge F. G. Ilamer, of Kearney, Neb.,
who Is said to be Mr. Grable's coun
sel, said that Grablo had never failed
In nny of his enterprises, anof believed
that if he had not been pressed he
could have easily paid oft his present
Indebtedness to tho Chemical National
bank. ' GVaKa's vr A 'n companies,
Judge Hanier said, were all in a pros
perous condition. Jud&e' Ilamer said
he supposed Grable's property. If real
ized on, would bring JI,000;COO over and
above his total Indebtedness.
Dispatches from various sections In
dicate Grable's financial tesponsiblllty.
The sheriff received executions yes
terday against John S. Silver for $185,
413. No property was found on which
to levy.
Ijon't Tobacco
Spit and Smoke
Your Life
If you want to quii tobacco using easily
nnd forever, be niado well, strung, magnetic,
full of now life and vigor, tako No-To-B.ic,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Iiac from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
curo. 50c or fl.00. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling ..Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New Vnrk,
Look Where to Save
Youp Money.
New styles of Spring HaFs are
now being shown by us. They
are now open for inspection and
Only a Starler.
we feel satisfied
and prices will suit all
range in price from
PillP Hfllt's: Buy half or quarter
fr ,r tt dozen pair. That kind
Hall HOSe. that will make the
wearer smile. We have the very newest
creation in plaid and polka dot hose.
nina TiiinnftflH Somctliiiit' that
!,.!, . "tccts the mid-
SUk MllfllerS. winter end of any
purchaser. Wc have them ranging in
piiccfrom 5 cciit9 to jf.2.25.
i4SavBc8 Her? Life."
MRS. JOHN WALLET, of Jefferson.
V.'l3., than whom none, is moro highly
esteemed or widely known, writes.
"In 13M I had a sevcro attack of LaOrlppo
and at tho end of four months, in spl to of alt
physicians, friends and good nursing could
do, my lungs heart nnd nervous system wcro
so completely wrecked, my llfo ,wa3 do
3palrcd of, my friends giving rno up. 1 could
only sleep by tho nso of opiates. My lungs
and heart pained mo torrlbly and my couch
van most aggravating, t COuld not Ho In
mo position but a short tlmo and not on my
eft stdo at all. My husband brought mo
ir. Miles Norvlno and Heart Curo and I be
;a:i taking tbem. Whon I had taken a half
-'tic ! c ;rh I was much better and contin
uing persistently I took about a dozen bdt-
Ics nnd was completely restored to health to
ho surprise of all." f
Dr. Miles' Remedies!
.io cold by all drug-!
'Ists under n positive f
uarantcc, first bottle (
encflta or money re-1
unded. Book on dls-1
ies of tho heart and
.ervesfreo, Address, I
mi. mp Eikkart, ino.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler of . . .
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
I Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Oranse Champagne.
Up-to-Me Hat Store,
That is the place the closest buyer is now
looking- for. We are closing out our
entire, stock of
At the lowest cash prices.
that the styles Starter.
Furnishing . House, t
is East Centre Street.