The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 01, 1898, Image 2

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KSTAiii.isimn 1810.
I'uMljliod tivory Kreiilnn, Kirrpt Hundnjr, nl
Sovtn Jamhn HTBEKr, Nitn fmr-rttn.
The HprMliI Is ilelivrixil ItiSlioiiiitiitiwii and Hie
(utrronnillnK Ioa-.h f or it i rnnt. woek, imij -Mil
. V the onrrlcr. Hy niall 00 n y wr. or i
cent, n month. tHcyAtile In advance. Ailvertlse
merits ctmrifeu nconrtilUK to pavc uml (Kwltlon.
The ptibllslieia reserve tlio right to chiiiiee tlio
portion of mlrertlctiient whenevnr tlie nub-"fttlo-i
ol news ilenmtnl. It. Tlio right Is
iri"rvil to rcjf'uny ilvertlntiient, whether
p-iliHw or not, ..nit the imlill.hern ih- cieem
liiir"r. AilvrrtlvltiK rain maile known
iihiii niilltlon.
Kiiterwl t the uontiiSlr t Hhi immlonli,
nmt claw mall iimttor
"All the News That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
Tlic Horougli Illectlotl.
Both tlio Citizi'iis mid Pi'inoeriitlo
parties lmvu coiiiiilt'tt'd their buroujili
and ward tit-kuth, iitnl from now until
the lflth inst.. election tiny, thuro
will be much ui'tivity uuioni tlio
loRftl political wire-pullers. Tlio uletv
tlonof lnuniclpulonicfrsis of ureuter
Importance to tlio citizens of tlio
town tliun tlio foleetloli of either
county, htato or liutlonal ofllciuls.
Ami especially in this tmo In l of uretice
to Counciluion uud member of the
School Hoard. CJroat euro xhould be
exerclseil by the voter in ousting- bin
voto for candidate for tlioso positions
of trtiht and responsibility.
For thi.s rous-on, wo think tlio
nominees of tlio Oiti.on puny will
compiiro favorably with tlto.e of the
opposition. Kach man upon the
ticket from the candidate for Bor
ough Treasurer to that of tljo small
est wurcl olllee is worthy and capable
of filling the po-ition to which they
respectively aspire, und tlioy one uiul
nil deserve the confidence and respect
of thoir fellow-citizens. xS'othitig can
bt said iigiiinst their characters as
privatu, and as public olllcials
tlioy would bear tlio same scriitinity.
Tlio Citizens party presents an ex
cellent borough ticket, in John T.
Ciiuileld for Horougli Treasuror and
Jacob Bamberger for liorotiu;li Audi
tor. This your tbo citizens of isliuu
andoab will, for tlio llrHt tiiuo, be af
forded the opportunity of selecting n
man for the iirst named position, in
accordance with tlio law. Heretofore
the Borough Council has made the
appointment. The emolument ol
the olllee make it one of the niosl
desirable within the gift of our
people. Ho will receive two per cent,
of all moneys pas-ing through his
hands, which will make his sular be
twoen $1800 and i?14im. At preeiii
tlio Treasurer receives 'OO.OO. Mr.
Oanliold, the Citizens nominee, has
been a resident of t tit? borough for
the past twenty-live years, and is one
of our most progressive and promi
nent citizens. There is no (juestion
as to his qualifications. Ho has held
many positions of trust, and is at
present manager of one of our leading
industries. He will mako a strong
candidate and will receive a large
complimentary voto from the Demo
crats. Tlio candidate for Auditor, Jacob
Bamberger, who is the retiring mem
ber of the Board, lias shown himself
to bo the right man in the right
place, and possesses all tho qualillca
tioiiH to till that olllee. Ho deserves
a ro-olection for faithful service and
wo believe tho people will freely ac
cord him a hearty endorsement.
What is true of tlio borough ticket,
is equally true of tho ward nominees
for Council and School Board. In the
First ward, tho Gibraltar of the local
Democracy, Charles K. Smith is tlio
candidate for Council and Robert
Anderson for School Director. Both
are competent, and their nomination
will utTord the citizens of that ward
an opportunity to rebuke the people
responsible for tho tactics at the re
cent primaries.
In the Second' ward V. E. Magargle
is a candidate for re-election to Coun
cil, and his record as a member of
that body during tlio past three years
bears the closest scrutiny. Ho is a
large property owner and one of our
leading business men qualifications
that fit him for tho position. The
nominee for School Director, Edward
Mulick, is a young man closely identi
fied with tlie party's interests, and a
staunch Hiipportor of tlio free public
schools. He Is young and energetic,
and knowing the needs of thesehools
has the ability to suggest a reined
for any shortcomings that may bo
discovered in tlie future, and with all
ho is popular.
The nominees in the Third ward
where a nomination on tlie Citizens
tioket isequivulent to an election are
no strangers to tlie voters. William
Neisweiitor for the one year term and
David R. Jaiuos for the long torm,
are at present members of that body,
und it is safe to say tlioy willcoutinuo
to represent the people in that capac
ity. Botli take an active part in
tlie deliberations of Council. Vov
Sohool Directors, Jolm 11. Martin
and George Holvey will lead their
Democratic opponents by the usual
Citizens majorities. Sir. Martin has
always been closely identified with
educational matters, and his colleague
on tho ticket will no doubt prove his
wortli long before his term expires.
While tho Fourth ward is con
sidered debatuhlo ground, with a
slight inclination towards the Do
mooraoy, yet there is every reason to
believe that tho Citizens candidates
will besuccessful. Arthur Whomsley,
the nominee for Council, Is well and
favorably known, and has every
qualification as a member of the
Ail A
Dr. Duviu
For five years
Mrs. Jane S.
Dane, N i'h
field, Vi , v.- is
afliictcil with
Kidney Disease and Rheuma
tism. She suffered so she
could not turn over in bed.
Four bottles of Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Ur.Mnnv completely
cured her. That was two years ago, and
there has been no return of either trouble.
municipal government, and will ln,'b
late solely in tlio interest of tlio
ttroutost good to the grottiest number.
His colleagtio. Louis Hopkins,
though a roiini; man, has Hie nei -lilt?
lux'i'ss'irv mike a faithful :
dian of the interests of tho seho
Not tainted with partisan feeling '
will legislate with a liberality du. n'
The handsome majority nwi'
R. D. Reese at the prillllirv olf
attests that ttolitleliiati's liomil .
among tlie voters of Ills own p- .
Among tlie Democrats, too, he
inanv admirers who recognize in ii'
a conscie'itiniis and energetic poi :
oilicial. Mr. Kecse, during his in
years hi Council, lias ocenpie I
prominent position and boen ideiri
tied with every movement Iookui
to the advancement of the to i.
His record alone is sttfllciont reemn
inundation to secure re-election. Tlie
candidate for School Director i
equally popular and well known
Benjamin Brovton has many friend
among tlio Democracy, which if
Nitres for him a large complimentary
voto. lie has never sought nor hel-.
public olllee, and has always take
an active part in public matters. UN
is a popular nomination from ever;
As an advocate of the Citizo s
party, the 11 Kit ami has herein pre
sented briefly the candidates of that
party and feels confident that th"
choice of the voters of the p.irt
will be ratified at tlie polls on the
loth inst. Against tho Democrat i
candidates we have nothing to '.tv
The people aro supreme and will
fide into whose hands the boro.ur1'
gmeriiinent shall he entrusted
Examination Mutlo at tbo Route or
Our Store.
No. 7 South Main Street.
Polmlnri wanted in embroidery nnd fuiu'
necillo work Lentous civen vcry uftcrnumi
All UlmUof HtaliliiugUunu.
Miss Laura Folmer,
Corner Mnln and I.lod Ktn., bhcnnnduili
7S K Yo U R 0 EALE R Fo R Th E. M.
L i &
1 VitilJi
" " D CFr-SCTn AT oNc& THi'i,
. centra! or special debility, wakeful,
us. tporinatorliGca, emissions, Impotency,
ireils, etc. Corrects functional disorders,
I'ed by errors or excesses, quickly re&torins
t Munhood la old or young, givinz vigor md
enjih where formervreakness prevailed. Con
rut r "k .b'-, simple, effectual, and leidmate
Cur O3 Quick and Thorough
' e'f dtciivtd cy imitationt: iu&isi oe
ION'S Vltallzers. Sent sealed il your dru
i 1 x-, not have if. Price SI per pkge, 6 for $5,
t ib written guarantee of complete cure.
I rmalii.n. rcferencei, etc., free and con6dcntul.
S nd us iti.leir.cntc! case aud 25 ct. for a wcclc'i
vul treatment. One only sent to each per&oa.
C von Km CO , D03T0N, MABE
old nt Klrtln'fl drug store. Hlienandoali, P-
.- !
2 C nniIEJ'9 vob r.iTimit hf
h ronifilv l.lif? l.
Jcctetl directly tu tii
Heat of tlioNO cllMcasi
or tho iciilto-l.liiarj
OrscnitM, require i.
(ranraiitccd in 1 to i
days. Nmullpluliiimr!
rS TTT US "E "ee. hy mall, ui.Ou.
up r ji..jLttioia only hy
S. P. KIKL1N, Sea(!c.ll.
PilllAllEU'illA, fA.
jcwitiic if t'l , rt witltk,
, Nultitlmf. tiirvt .i.i m. u., Xi
llvucrlv. hlfi I..- f. Jio t'lillll.
Mmiill Unili t'lopicl Oi uiinn.V I.t
- "''J.iwoiuruifcHiiKmKj'.npoillIia
Uuucka&fakvlustUuteMUeir tricks AiwuwieiV
I Tho nosy Froshnoss
I And a velvety softness of the skin Is I
...... M c" BIU IS I DTI
rlalilv nlttninp ,vl nuh, itn. ......
Oomplezlan ."owder.
Aro CURED with
3nncdy's favorite Remedy.
is good for Kidney, Bladder and
inaty ailments, which it cures
ckly. Constipation yields at once.
ATI Blood Diseases arc
permanently cured.
Women's l'cculiar llh
cannot exist if this
great remedy is taken.
SI a bottle.
Amjl Iiit Party ol' KlcunltUers.
New York, Feb. 1. Sixty men with
?C00 each und provisions enough to Inst
them for nine months will leave this
city Thursday for the Klondike. They
will tiavel liy rull as far us Seattle, and
then tako a ship for Juneau. The party
Is composed of Germans mainly, and
Is known as the Peter Schramtneti
Klondike party. The members of the
1 expedition represent almost all the
Various trades nnd two professions. The
men propose to remain Tor nine months,
! and if they are successful they may re
muln for a year.
Double Miirilei'oi''H Awful ( oiiI".mIi)m
Ilurllngton, la., Feb. 1. Abe Storms
has confessed the murder of Mrs. Fanny
ltathburn and her daughter Mary. The
confession was mnde to Chief of Police
Grenler and the county attorney.
Siornier rays he committed the deed on
.Sunday night, Jan. 23. He killed the
mother llrst, in the cellar. Then he en
tlied the little chi Into the bedroom
.ib mi', and after a terrible struggle to
1 1 ! ixe hei.iut her throat. Threats of
iy...l;uig are heard on ull sides.
A Deadly (ii'iidn OohmIiuj.
Philadelphia. Feb. 1. Giovanni Car
tclla, aged 31 years, was Instantly killed
I yesterday at the Fifty-eighth street
crossing of the Baltimore and Ohio
I railroad by being struck by a shifting
. engine. It was at this same crossing
; that Thomas Patterson was killed Sun-
1 day night. Cartellu leaves a widow and
i one child.
to cinti: a coi.i) is onu day.
I Tnko Litntlvo Ilroino Quinine Tablets. All
! druggists refund the money if it falls to
euro. 25c. Tlio genuine lms L. H. Q. on
each tablet.
Veteran Itotlrocl Joiii'iiatlHt Dead.
Newark, N. J Feb. 1. Joshua J
Chandlee died In the New Jersey Homt
for Disabled Soldiers In Kearney Sat
urday night, aged CG years. He waf
born in Oxford, Pa., May 1, 1S31. Hi
early engaged In newspaper work, and
then became Identified with several of
the leading papers of central Pennsyl
vania as special correspondent. Sub
sequently he edltqd the Kaston Free
Press. Hefore the war he secured an
Interest In the WVmlngton (Del.) Ga
zette, and became its managing euitor.
He served in the army throughout the
war. and afterward fllleu a number of
positions on Philadelphia nnd other
papers, including the loik (Pa.) Tri
bune. New Brunswick (N. J.) News and
Dover (Del.) Journal.
Murder In tho Second Decree.
West Chester, Pa Feb. 1. ltalph
Moore, aged 20 years, who shot and In
stantly killed his grandfather last Au
gust, yesterday pleaded guilty of mur
der In the second degree In court. He
will be brought up for sentence later In
the week. The crime was committed at
Mlnktown during a beer drinking so
ciable. During a quarrel between young
Moore and a man named Benjamin
Moore, not a relative, the former ran
Into the second stury of his uncle's
house und fired off a shotgun. The con
tents struck Iteuben Segner, the grand
father, Instantly killing him.
Th a Greatest Discovery Yet.
V. M. Ilcpinc, editor Tiskilwa, 111.,
"Chief," says : "We won't keep house with
out Dr. King's New Discovery fur Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. Experimented with
many others, but nerer got the true remedy
initii wo used Dr. Klus'a New DiscoTerv.
I No cither remedy can take its place in our
home, us In it we h.tvo a certain anil sure
I uro for Couijlis, Colds, Whooping Cough,
etc " It is idln to experiment with other
; lemedies, even if they are urged on you as
just as good as Dr. King's Now Discovery.
! They are not as good, because this remedy
liasa record ol ctiresnml besides is guaranteed.
It nevor falls to satisfy. Trial bottles frco at
A. Wasley's drug store.
A-llninb In Havana.
Havana, Feb. 1. At about midnight
a man named Luis Coro I.azo, who re
cently returned to Cuba from the Af
rican prisons, exploded a bomb at the
private residence of the Conservative
ex-mayor of Havana, Senor Miguel
Diaz. Tho noise of the explosion was
heard throughout Havana, although
the scene of the explosion was at Jesus
Del Monte. Tho door was broken and
a larce hole was made In the house.
The Diaz family and those inhabiting
neighboring houses were panic stricken.
Dazo was captured while attempting to
William Pardons n Cartoonist.
Derlln, Feb. 1. Kmperor William, It Is
reported, has pardoned Ilerr Trojan,
j editor of The Kladderadatsch, who was
sentenced a few days ago to two
months' imprisonment in a fortress for
lese majeste In cartooning the emperor.
The caitooi ropiesented Frederick tho
Great, Napoleon. Alexander the Great
and Leunldns reading Emperor Will
lam's speech delivered at the ceremony
of Bwearhifj In the guards recruits,
when his majesty remarked that in
order to be a Rood soldier It was neces
sary to be a good Christian.
A llurr ,-iuioiii ii Tun.
Vienna, Feb. 1. A hurricane ragf.-d
nere fauimay night and continued y.
terday, doing great damage to pre
erty. tearing off roofs and blowlnc
windows, it has been dangerous to
venture on the streets, and there have
many accidents.
Croniatcd in Hoc Ilointi,
New York, Feb. 1. Mrs. Kllon Day,
60 years of age, was burned to death
in her flat on Eighty-eighth street last
night. A lamp exploded, and her cloth
ing caught fire. Hefore help arrived
she was dead.
Flamot Destroy a Hwlss Vlllntro.
Berne, Feb. 1. The village of Itan
dogne, In tho canton of Vnlals, has been
burned to the ground, A woman and
two children perished In the llamea.
The disaster Iibb caused great distress.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Illdge, 0,, says,
After two doctors gave, up my boy to die, I
Kived liliu from croup by using One Minute
Cough Cute." It is the quickest and most
ttiUtla remedy for coughs, colds and all
hroat ami lutig troubles. C. II. Hageiibucli.
i One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly,
i ' Tuat'a what you want I (J. II, HagenWh.
Three sailors who weie cuRt away on
Kaster Island were rescued and taken
to San Francisco.
C. V. YnuiiR anil child were Killed hy
their huasj" being struck hy a locomo
tive at Orepnsvllle, o.
Several convicts In the Indiana peni
tentiary have become Insane because of
a lack of employment.
A child was burned to death In an
alleged Ineendlnty fire on Iieechwood
boulovatd, Pittahurg.
Mrs. Phoebe uant- r lost her life hi
trying to save her son from their burn
ing house In New York.
A monster meteor, which foil near
Dubois, la., caused the Impression that
an earthquake had occurred.
A 13-year-old boy una In a New York
polite court, chanted with beating his
mother and threatening to kilt her.
John Loimhney, nf PIttston, l'a was
phot and killed hy a Polander last night.
They had quarreled over a trivial mat
ter. Hunch Acker, a you man living In
1'aterson, N. J,, hu liiTome violently
Insane from the excessive smoking of
Mary A. Nowmycr, a young woman
of Jersey rity, w.'s pet haps fatally
beaten and robbed hy three men at
West Hohoken.
While suffering from alcoholic mania,
Lieutenant It. T. Walsh, U. S. A., at
tempted suicide on the steamer Alex
ander while bound from London.
A young woman student of the Iowa
State university was kidnaped by haz
crs in a carriage, the horse ran away,
and tho girl was badly Injured.
Mrt, Mary Ulrd. IlarrUburii. l'a.. stys.
"My child is worth millions to mo; yet 1
would have lost her by croup had I not in
vested twenty-five rcnti In a bottlo of One
Mhiutt Cough Cure." It cures ci)Ujhs, colds
nnd all throat and lung troubles. 0. II
I:p.o ut it. . ..
i m :
i i r
id i! e a
A. '.i my. ;v . , ..
V I I '"I s, i.t al
sembly .v. 1 la
night by tho Inli
', s't,
:f.n : t.itu. :i li
i'.uLtii.n of a result)
tluii cen-u infr anu reque.-i Ing the n
signatlt n of Kdwurtl Muiphy, Jr., se
nlor T'nited States senator from tins
state, frr voting fir the Teller slhei
resolution. The m.olutlun btought to
their feet n number of the members ol
the minority with objections. The,
could not object to the Introduction ol
the resolution, but they slgnllled theh
Intention to deba'e the proposition. The
resolution was m ide a special older for
next Mond: . evi .iin
SSer lieaBtth Restored
ii. 1
TIIEml-oryof-l epl-ji sncss can only be
rcaliztJ by in.-o rlu hv.o experi
enced It. Kcr-.ottsne-.s, Rlooploisness,
headache?, ncural.'ij. ana 11:. -t ! .Iscrablo
feeling of uuretit, i a.'i suicly ha i uiodby Dr.
Miles' Itcstoratlvo Kcrriuo. So certain la
Dr. Miles of this fact that, all drnsgldt3 aro
authorized to refund prlco paid for tho first
bottlo tried, providing it does not benefit.
Mrs. Henry Ilruns, wlfo of tho woll kuo-n
blacksmith nt GrandJtinctlon, Iowa, rnys:
'I was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous
ness, headucho and Irregular menstrua. Ion t
mflcrlng untold misery for yens. I use J
various advertised remedies for feinalm om
plaibts besides being under tho caro of lorn 1
physicians, without help. I noticed in I)r.
Miles' advertisement tho testimonial of a
lady cured of ailments similar to irpnio, and
I shall never ceaso to tlmnk that lady. Her
testimonial Induced me to m.o lir. Miles'
Nervlno and Nervo and Liver I ills, which
restored mo to health. I cannot, say enough
for Dr.Miles'ltcmcdioa." FFtB&fflffffldfSi
Dr. Miles' Ilomcdles EBSV nJ'W
rosold by all drug
;lsts under a positive
cuarantoe, fir-.t bottlo
icnoflis or money ro
fuudctl. Iloulv oa dis
eases of tho heart and
nerves free. Address,
Sff tti
! nervine:
K- Rootoroo
Dlt. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind.
Graduate and Iite ItcslUent House Surgecp
tlio University State of N, Y.
Headquarters :-Commerclat Hotel. Shenaiuloal
Calls night or duy promptly rerponded.
JJ" M. 11UHKB.
Ofllce Kgan building, cor er of Main an
Centre streets, Hlicimudoali.
r if. poMitnoy.
Hhenaniloali, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Ixclc Box 63, Mahanoy City, Pa.
IlavtnK studied under some of tlio lies)
mostrisle Indon ond l'arls, will give lucBoni
ui, iuu viuiiiiiiuimunn. guitar nim voeal culturo.
Termr reasonable. Address In care ol Htrouso
the jeweler HheuandoAli.
ftej4 "Vujrf"1!
Those filio once
Veep coming oacK
for it. This ad
mixture makes
the flavor of cof
fee delicious.
Ail Grocers.
iwifji-uuAK t wh;k upccific eor'nii-APA
t Porlntky'a drug utoro,
Centre street.
t leizr-iOi-iP; fi
1-1 M
best, by
adding a lit-
tic of Seelig's
m r nrH i n n rF
arc a comfort to themselves and the
reason so many tamillcs mess
It has done more to make strong,
healthy children than any other nutri
tive Unit., because it makes Strong,
Healthy Mothers,
Hultiin Will I'l'Dbiilily llo Ccimpnllc'tl to
Accept II I in as (iovoi'iior.
London, Keb. 1. There Is an Impres
sion heto that the sultan In the end
will be compelled to accept Prince
George as travel nor of Crete. It Is
strong enough to provoke discussion of
tho consequences, namely, that the
Turks, with Mohammedan feeling
aroused, will be I' s1- disposed than ever
to evacuate Thcsmi'y, and that the
Ualkan states, alteady disturbed and
restless, will be likely to ask compen
sation for Greece's virtual gain of
The Kuropeun concert ns to the far
cast Is temporarily dissolved, with Ger
many and Austria cm ond side and the
other powers on the other, but It Is not
beyond ro-establlslmient.
The Greeks are likely to be cnlmer
and more content with the dynasty, but
there are fears of worse than the exist
ing anarchy for a time In Crete.
For Infants and Children.
Tin fis-
Buy Keystonetlour. Bosuro that tho name
f.Essin & Bark, AkIiIhiicI, Pa., is printed ou
ctvnr Jin.t
I'lio l loi bin I.liiiltril Will Agiilu Itllii on
tlio Southern Itullwny.
Tlio Florida Limited, which is the syn
onym of all that is elegant in modern rail
way trains, and which during its former
scrvieo lias been a prime favorite for tourists
from tlio North seekiiiL' thn mild rlimntn nl"
Flotilla, will bo placed in service lij' the '
houtlicrn ltailway about tho first week in
January. IMS. With its return to service this
train, which will bo solid Pullman vestibuled
between Now York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustine will present features in tho way of
luxurious and comfortable appointments not
heretofore) piesented, and which will bo
destined to add still further to its already
well established popularity.
Tho .Southern ltailway is having l.ullt for
tho Florida Limited serv'co threo tralus.each
containing a dining car, two drawing room
sleeping car.-", a compartment ear and a
library and observation ear. each ear com
plete hi all its appointments and equipped
with the very latest devices and appliances
for tlio comfort and convenienco of tho pas
sengers. While no schedule has as yet been
announced, it can ho stated that it will bo tho
quickest ever arranged between Philadelphia
and St. Augustine, and will ho so planned
that passengers can leavo Philadelphia at
some convenient hour during tho clay nnd ar
rivo at St. Augustino before nightfall of tho
following day. Philadelphia Keeonl. " "1
Notice. Applications for lurther informa
tion addressed to Jno. M. lleall, district
Passenger Agent, Southern ltailway, 82S
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receivo
prompt attention. 10-25-tf j
It Only Happens
SjlSieii l,d5TW1"bfr-, WhPyotate. we don't-we whack the orice" on Z 1 hS tS?
wjll not sell themselves-or on random pieces or lots. That was the Up-to-Date way since our existTr Jt
is more than ever the Up-to-Date way. Clean, sprightly stocks that keep us on the ji"r andTou o,!'tlL
jump are the only welcome ones here. And that is what brings you sometimes Half P ices 0 Sod "that
we brought into the store since the leaves fell. g tUat
Wc have the largest
and most complete
line of cjcut's uticler
wearevcr shown in
Schuylkill Co. We
were early buyers and
OVrlflpl iin fnriO rn
fHMceutly put on woolen
r' Hoods. This uives us
the opportunity of
selling those goods
front 25 to 40 pet cent.
cneaper than any ol
our competitors. We have them in
Swits Conde high grade glove fitting
apparel, red flannels, natural wool,
camel's hair fleece lind and Derby ribbed
wool. We have held back 48 dozen shirts
and drawers, heavy wool, fleece lined, nt
50 cents. Wc guarantee to be Ji.oo
values. Heavy cotton fleece lined
nyi cents. We must close our stock out.
and Caps.
attention to
Our stiff hats are utt
ccmallcd ill styles and
prices, as we pay close
that x?
buy ut close mar
gins and sell at
small profits. That
is solely responsible
for our immense
hat trade we have
established. W c
quote a few prices :
Stiff and
brown, all shapes
and styles, for fi,
to be the newest
thing In the market. Our S1.50 and 51.75
hat cannot be bought elsewhere less than
f 2.50. Our $ 2.00, jfe 50 anil $3.00 hats
arc the nobbiest and neatest blocks mnde
of uugeasiug wearing qualities.
1 cjr
Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's - Furnishing . House,
pride of their parents
An Alleuri-il 'o!ixilrncv to linoo Ills
Younger llrotlioc on tho iiirnuo.
Berlin, Feb. 1. The Post says it learns
from Husslan souiceu of the discovery
of a conspiracy at Teheran. Persia, to
murder the shah and to Install a young
er brother nt the palace. Mouznffer Ed
Din, the shah of Persia, has six young
er brothers, of whom the eldest Is Mas
sud Mlrza, born In 1SK0, and the second
Is Kamran MIrza, born In lSEjC.
Prosperity comes quickest to tho man
whosu liver is in good condition. DoWltt's
Little ICitrly Itl-,crs aru famous little pills for
constipation, biliousness, indigestion and all
stomach uud liver troubles. C, II. Ilageu
liucii .
Vononililo ' t up'o li vnrcTcl.
Hutlor, Intl., Feb. 1. Yesterday An
drew Casi'beer, 92 years old, was grant
ed a divorce from his wife, Mt 0 Jane
Caseb-er, but -a few years younger than
himself, who now lives with a daughter
In Chicago. Mr. Casebeer yesterday
walked a long distance In a blinding;
blizzard to be present at the trial. Ho
Is hale and hearty.
Italy May IK'tiuco near initio.
Home, Feb. 1. In the chamber of
deputies the minister of finance, Slgnor
Luzzatl, replying to question's on the
subject, declared that the customs duty
on wheat could be entirely abolished,
but. he added, it could safely be re
fob mm mi
Tbo famouSAppUancoand Uemedlcs of
tnoHrloModlcnt Co.nowforthelirsttimo
otretcd on trial wltboutexpenso to sny
honest man. KotaituPurtobonald
liwiavniicc, -yuro- -tiS-of-Ertor4J
it ejeacs in kjiu or xounir. wancood
Xtdly Itcstotc-d. How to Enlargo and
8trencthca Wealr. Vnrilnna
of Body. Absolutely unfailing Homo
s. , '. J. ,ir UllHTHOUC'IIie,
Aplaluottorbynnrci of high stnndlnjr,
ERIE ttimn rn ifK:
"r j m..ini
'fi niniiinmtin nniinr
'UKHIdilimi HUUit.
Once a Year.
AKE it your particular business to call cn
us before purchasing or Inspecting else
where. We can show
you the greatest
money saving values.
Our store never fol
lows others, but lead.
Our store may not be
the largest In area of
space, but It Is In!
stock and cheapest In prices.
Fine Imported So'ftiK that
Silk Mufflers, winter end of any
purchaser. We have them ranging in
juice from 50 cents to 2.25.
I'rom 50c
pair and
brown and red.
Woolen gloves of
every description
French Kid palms
with As tra k butt
backs and woolen
lined. Trice Si. 00,
a special offer. Our
stock of working
gloves cannot be
This is the w
SI ' M 11
And Flowers, the Hand of America, Cali
fornia. Via tlio trim pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Kuttto," which traverses a region of perpetual
stmslilno, whero snow storms, bUzr-arcls or
high altitudes tiro unknown. Pullman first
nnd second class palaco and tourist sleeping
cars to points In Missouri, Arkansas, Toxas,
Old and Now Moxlco, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Novada, without change. Quick timo, low
rates, and all tlio coinfortaof modorn railway
improvement guaranteed to all who pur
chaso tickets via tlio Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your homo,
literature, and full Information, dropapostal
canl, J. P. MuCnim, T. P. Agent. B10 Rail"
road avenue, Eluiira, N. Y., or 301 Broad
way, New York,
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, O. E P. At.
I Jl takes matried
m W cvftmr-n thrnltcth
the wliole period
of pregnancy in
s.ifetv and com-
It U used externally and it relaxes
the muscles so that mere is no uis
cotnfoit. It prevents and relieves
morning sickness, headache and rising
breasts.' shortens labor and preserves
4l,n ,,ltir'c mrl-
ish fosm.
SI a bottlo at
Send for a Free
copy of our illus
trated booklet
Tho Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Qa.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler of . . .
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Oranee Champagne.
A Handsome Corrmloxlon
I ia oho of the greatest charms a woman ean
i ;ives it.
Up-to-Date Hat Store,
English Serge
in black and
blue, full length,
cape and coat at
We have still
Come and inspect
better qualities.
A special lot f
26-in. Silk Gloria
Umbrellas, elotc
rollinj, with etatl
rods, choice nat
ural wood handles,
plain and silrcr
trimmed, black
handles, $i.aj.
Anybody who
wants a good and
neat lookinr um-
l.r.11. . .
ate cost, see the gloria silk ones, with
steel rod, paragon frame, nt
85 CtS.
F ne Gent's ?u' ,mlf r,
Un1f iin-a dozen pair. That kind
Halt HOSe. that will make the
wcarcrstnile. We have the very newest
creation iu plaid aud polka dot hose.
15 East Centre Street,
...i Mi'."1 zm