The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 27, 1898, Image 3

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Both tho method and results wlicn
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acta
gently yct promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and 13owels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dhpolB colds, head
achos and fevers dnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tnsto and nc
teptablo to tho 'stomach, 1 j-;njt in
its action and truly beneficial 111 its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthyand ngrocablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any rcliablo druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
ouro it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
wumiUE. xr. he w mmuix
No. 1 Fever, Cpngestion.
No. 2 Worms.
No. 3 Infants' Disoases.
.No. 4 Diarrhea.
No. 7 Coughs & Colds.
No. 9 Headache.
No. IO Dyspepsia, Indigestion.
No. 1 1' Delayed Periods.
No. 12 Leuohorrea.
No. 13 Croup.
No. 14 Skin Diseases.
No. ID Rheumatism. ft
No. 10. Catarrh.
No. 27 Kidney Diseases.
No. 34 Sore Throat.
No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever.
Dr. Humphreys' Ilomoopathlo Manual of
.Diseases at your Drurclsts or Mulled I'rec.
Sold by draritlsn, or sent on receipt of 23cta.,
Mote orjl. Humphreys' Mod. Co., Cor. William
aid John SU.. New York.
on tbiil
To Any Reliable P.lan.
Marrelotii appliance nd one month's rmed tea
f rar powarwtll be tent on trial. untAout any
dvtne4 paymsnt, by the foremast com puny in tho
world In tbe treatment ol men weakYorokcn. dls
cou raxed from effects of exceses, worry, oTer
work. Ac Happy marriage secured, complete res
toration or development of nil robust conditions.
Tt tlms of this offer Is limited. No O. I.
aghvnet no deception j n, exposure- Artdras
atshvmei no deception! n, expos
Cuttf general or special debility, wakeful
ness, eoorroatorhosa, emissions, Impotency.
r jr-;sl, etc Corrects functional dUorlere,
cawrd by errors or excesses, quicldf restoring
I itt Manhood in old or young, giving vigor ami
' -englh where former weakness prevailed. Con
I ent pacy.fc. simple, effectual, and legitime
Cun'aia Quick and Thorough
r n' dtcrivtd cy ti'ittationt; inuu
CAiON'j Vltallzers. Sent sealed il your drug
c .1 d"e not have it. Price S I per picric, 6 lor tS,
i written guarantee of complete cure
1 . MAlmn, releinces, etc., free and e inndctiat
- , m Htalementof case and 25 els for a kcck'
1 -vr -. Unit only f it lu n trviu '
old at Klrlln'a drue store, Shenandoah, l'n
AKent (or
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne
8 A tniin.TtiirWOMAN;s BELIEF,
M Alairspromi.lsndrslUtilt. iokMiKiiiom.
H 0. l"to -i Ta it I'i LU and sir s mo at a.
(f. j7ai. tut alorca orm,tairl(-aUcl)..riM. II.
WBiycVtiii iSrtc m.Bnatoa.Maaa. Our looL. 4C.
For sale at Klrllu'a drug store and Bhonandoai
f- -
1 mm
drug stors.
Tho Warship Vkcaya to Anohor in
American Portst
ThoVool In T.nraor, lfiintor nnd More
I'oworful 'l'liuH tho United Btuton
Stcnmer Mnlno Consul Gonornl J.00
Itoports All Quiet In Ilnvntui.
Vnshlngton, Jan. 27. All the advices
received by the state department and
navy department from Cuba today were
satisfactory. General Lee last even
ing1 reported that all was quiet and or
der prevailed In Havana. At about the
same hour a cablegram came to the
navy department from Captain SIbs
bee, of the Maine, saying that general
Interest was manifested on the arrival
of tho Maine In Havana harbor, but
there had been no demonstration. He
had been ashore several times, of
ficially, and had been received with tho
greatest courtesy.. He expected to visit
tho palace today.
The Information from Madrid that
the Spanish government had decided to
send the warship Vlzcaya on a visit to
American ports caused no comments
In official circles. She Is a formidable
craft, larger, faster and more power
ful than the Maine. The shin was
launched In 1SD1, cost $3,000,000, and Is
capable of 21 knots speed, while tho
Maine Is but 17t4 knots. Altogether the
Vlzcaya Is a formidable ship.
Secretary Long, when Informed of the
proposed visit of the Vlzcaya, said that
the Spaniards were perfectly welcome
to come and go as they pleased, and as
far as he was concerned he would be
delighted to have them come. Span
ish warships have frequently visited
tho United States since the Insurrec
tionary movement broke out in Cuba
three years ago without having excited
the least unfriendly comment, and there
was no reason why any significance
should be attached to their coming
again whenever they felt disposed to
do so. The Spanish llagshlp on this sta
tion took part In the ceremonies con
nected with the dedication of the Grant
monument In New York about a year
ago and also at the subsequent cele
bration In Philadelphia last summer,
after which the Spanish admiral and his
staff visited Washington and paid their
respects to the president and the mem
bers of his cabinet. Secretary Long
said he recalled with pleasure the visit
of the party to the navy department,
Secretary Sherman also said he saw
no reason why Spanish ships should not
visit the United States, and In fact he
would be glad If they did come. They
would be welcome.
J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity. O.. was for
thirty years needlessly torturau oy ptiysictans
for tho euro of eczema. Ho was quickly
cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazol Salve
thn famous healinc salve for piles and skin
diseases. C. II. Hajrenbucn.
Allf-ciMl t'rv.cTH t tI'itiiroif.
Itlchmond, Vu., Jan. 2. For some
time $10 counterfeit gold pieces have
been In evidence In and around Dan
ville, Va. Just before daylight yester
day a United States government secret
service agent and a local state ofllcer
arrested at his homo In Henry county
J. O. King, charged with' counterfeit
ing. They also arrested Charles De
Shasto, charged with being King's ac
complice. It Is said that King and
De Shasto left a kit of counterfeiters'
tools in a house In Danville some time
ago when fleeing from arrest.
liucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo in tho world for cute.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay roquirod. It is cuarantced to eive
perfect satisfaction or mony rofundod. Price
85 pouts por box. f or Bate ny &. vvasioy.
Iti'iitnl l.yiiflli'ri Mill at I.nrgo.
Guthrie. O. T., Jan. 27. Deputy Uni
ted States Marshal Tilghman returned
last night from Pottawatomie county,
where he has been for a week Investi
gating the recent burning of the two
Seminole Indians. lie states that thers
Is no truth in the report of the arrest or
some of tho lynchers. The names of
a score or more of the mob have been
obtained by the ofllcer, however, to
gether with strong evidence. A large
number of warrants will ue tssueu ai
once, and wholesale arrests will be
made before the week Is out. lie says
that nlmnst every member of the moo
is a resident of the Indian Territory.
When it was said to the woman: "In
sorrow shalt thou bring forth chil
dren." that a nernetual curse was
Eronounced, hut tho thrill of joy felt
y every Mother when she clasps to
her heart her babe proves the con
trarv. True, dancers lurk in the
pathway of the Expectant Mother
anu snouiu ue avoiuuu.
"Mother's Friend"
So prepares the system for the change
tnkinrr nlnnn that the final hour 18
robbed of all dancer and pain. Its
use insures safety to the life of both
Mother and child, and makes child
birth easy and recovery more rapid.
Bent b Mall, on receipt of rrloe. 10 PER POTTLE.
Hook, "To Emectsnt Mothers," mslloJ freo.oon.
Ulnlni raluable lnformstion and TolunUrj tMtl
The Brail field Itegulttor Co., AtlsnU, Ga.
Steel Pennyroyal Treatmeni
In tlmnrieinnl nmlonlv FRENCH
safe and reuabVn euro on Uie mar
ket. I'rlee,; sent uy num.
lienulue sola only uy
S. P. KItUIN, Shenandoah.
IHIP TFFL604H.SixlhSf,
Side Entrance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
Tounir, old, alnulo or married & 1I1010 con
teinplatlni; rnarrlaui", irynii arc a victim of
Dl flfin nniCntl I'-Hrly Abuse,
LII.UUU ruiyuil uxcraaes, or
Prlvafa 11 saasBS KHSgSiTC
?7atrov mind and bodr, and unlit you for tlie
duties of life, call or wr te and, no lavjil. llourjt
n.O. Hun., fi-l !. Send 10 cts. In
nanips for Boole with wo'nre1,,,m.M,!.,.i.,1,"
VxpostUE tluaeks sad JTke Iuatltutea,
COCOAr" nn.1
CH0C0L tfs
rial and
Purity of Halerial
Deliciousntsj fUw Unexcelled
kHj) BY
Manv Think!
"I havo froquontly usod tho Gonuino
Franco, whouovor I folt myBolf run down.
I also uso It In Amorlcn uud find It moat
oxoollont In cloaring my voico."
tlhWAKti Uf IMHAI1UIN3. trie
IU1IANN Holt's Malt txtract nas tins
Airents, New York.
Tttirboat J.ot llor 'I'mv iiutl tb(1lnti;o
Yntikui'H Wont Down.
New Votlc, Jan. 27. The towboat
Walter A. I.uckenbach, which sailed
from Newport News last week, having
In tow the barges Yonkers nnd litilycoii
bound for I'rovldence, when off Uarne
gat last Sunday morning discovered
that the Yonkers had sunk, with the
four men on board.
The captain reported that at 0 a. m.
Sunday he observed that the tug was
making better headway, and upon go
ing astern found the towllne slack and
nothing attached to It. The Lucken
bach at once turned nbout, and had Just
started back In search of the two
barges when she nearly ran Into the
On tho Halycon as little was known
about what had become of the Yonkers
as on the tug, she hoinir fnr astern at
the end of a hundred fathoms of tow
line, nnd in the darkness she would be
hardly discernible. The men on the
Halycon, however, thought they saw
something dark rise In the air a short
distance In front of them, and then dis
appear, but a short time before the tug
came up. It is supposed that the
Yonkers must have foundered in the
heavy sea talsed by the strong gale
and cone down only afew moments
before the discovery of the parting of
the towllne, carrying with her the four
men composing her crew.
The Luckenba"h, after the accident,
put into this port yesterday and re
ported the loss to her owners and then
proceeded to Providence.
Dou'tglve thorn to.i orcolleo. Havo you tried
the new food drink culled Orain-O? It is
delicious nnd nourishing nnd takes tho place
of coffee. Tho moro Grain-O you give the
children the mora health you distribute
through their sybtcms. Grain-O is made of
puro grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like thochoico grades of coffee butcosts
about I us much. All grocers sell it, 15c and
To InvoHtlcnt'u Indtffrliil Hopri-sslon
Providence, U. I., Jan. 27. In the
house of representatives yesterday Dr.
Garvin, of Cumberland, introduced a
resolution providing for the appoint
ment of a Joint special committee to in
vestigate the causes and report a rem
edy for the depressed condition of the
cotton Industry of the state. The house
refused to pass the measure under a
suspension of rules, and it was referied
to the committee on special legislation.
There is no need of littlo children being
tortured by scald head, eczema and skin
eruptions. Dewltt's Witch Hazo mIio gives
instant relief and cures permanently C. 11.
StoiiiniM' I '. T.mirei-i'il 011 11 llur.
Chicago. Jan. 27. The steamer City
of Duluth is reported as being stuck nn
bar off St. lospph, Mich., and pound
ing heavily. The boat left South Chi
cago for St. Joseph and lienton Har
bor 011 Tuesday, and struck the bar at
the mouth of the river while trying to
force her way Into the river. The last
report received from there was that
the beat was almost certain to be de
stroyed, and that the lite saving crew
at St. Joseph were preparing to throw
life lines to assist the members of the
crew to tho shore.
Neglected colds make fat graveyards."
Dr. Wood's Norway Pius Syrup helps men
and women to a happy, viijoroiis old age.
llliiiit!i,I?-iiTtloti Tour.
Havana, Jan. 27. In spite of the opti
mistic cable advices that are being for
warded to Madrid, It Is not believed
In political circles here that the Journey
of Generul Blanco through the east of
the island will bring peace. Although
he carried about $150,000 with him when
he left Havana, no one believes that
any Important leader will surrender.
The presumption Is that he went In the
expectation of meeting General Gomez.
Should he return without bavins In
duced the principal Insurgent chiefs to
surrender autonomy, It Is believed,
would be considered a failure at Mad
rid. It Is easv tn catch a cold and just as easy
to net rid of it if you commence to uso One
Minute Couru cure. It cures cougos. coins
bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat, and
lung troubles, It is pleasant to take, safe to
use and sure to euro. C. H. Hancnbuch.
flloodllui: in' t'nnnitn.
Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 27. The commis
sioners appointed by the Dominion
government to Investigate the man
agement of the St. Vincent de I'aul
penitentiary, in Quebec, has submitted
Its renort to the minister of justice.
The report states that Irregularities in
all branches of the administration nave
been brought to light. Accounts have
been nald two and three times over,
goods have been purchased at five times
their value, and oinciais nave appro
priated to their own use goods belong
ing to the government. Tho report will
lead to sweeping changes, Including, in
all probability, the dismissal of many
drapes Overhang Two Miles of Carriage
Grnno arbors lruulrd with drapes. 2 mites
long, and over 300 miles of vines trained on
wires. This is the extont of Spoor's Oporto
drape Vineyard at russalc, N. J., only IS
miles from New York City. Those who
doubt it can have their expenses paid and
f 100 civon them by the Speer N. J. Wine Co.
if they will come and seo and do not flud the
above true Tho wines are tho oldest and
beat to bo had.
Holm Vids SiimiII Kortiiiio.
Sioux City. In., Jan. 27. After 2G
years' tramp life Cleorge Soiuervllle has
married a woman worth $20,000. Ills
father, a New Jersey minister, educated
him for the pulpit. Tho hid ran away
at 18 nnd 'tramped It" until nearly 40.
Last month he chanced to attend ser-.
vices at tho local rescue mission. Among
the workers was Mrs. Christina Olson,
a well-to-do widow. Bomervllle's schol
arly face Interested her, and she Rave
him money and Induced him to seek
work in town, Their acquaintance soon
ripened Into matrimony.
Mls Allio Hughes, Norfolk, Vs., was
frlRhtfully burned on th face and neck
Pain was Instantly relloved by DoWitt's
Witch lluzcl Salro, which healed the Injury
without leaving a scar. It in the famous pile
remedy, C, II. IUiiuubiich.
says :
signature 10 jrfsji!,
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
llurn Ha-d I oal No Smoke
Trains leave Hhcnandoali ns follows:
Fnr New York virt Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5SS, Jtl.1 0 51 a.m., 12 83, 8 10 nnd 6 07 p
m Hnndayfl, 1 10 a. in.
For New nrk via Mnuch Chunk, week iluys,
5 80, 7 05 b. in.. 12 S3 nnd 8 10 p. 111.
For Itrntlinj? and Phllidfdphln, week days,
2 10, 5 80, 7 0.1, 9 51 a.m., 12 .13, 3 10 anil 0 07 p. III.
Hundnys, 2 10 n. in.
For l'cittivlllo, week days, 2 10, 7 01, 9 51 a. m..
12S3..1 10, fl 07 nnd 7 21 p. 111. Sundays, 2 10 n. m.
For Tuinaiiun nnd Mahanoy City, week dnys
2 10.5 30, 7 0.5,9 51 a. In., 12 33,3 10 and 0 07 p. 111.
yundnyn, 2 10 a. tn
For Vllllftinfport, Sunhury and LewUhurg,
week days. 3 25, 5 30, 7 05, 1 1 80 a, m.. 12 33, 7 2.1
P m Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
For Mahami ulnli, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25. 5 80,
7 05, 9 51, 1 1 30 n. ni., 12 83, 3 10, 0 07, 7 23, 9 6.1 anil
11 40 p. 111. Huudays, 2 10, 3 2.1 a. tn,
For Aililnnd and Shaniokln, week davfi. 325,
5 30, 7 05, 11 30 a. in., 12 8:!, 3 10,0 07, 7 25 nnd
9 55 p m Hundays, 3 25 n. m.
For Italtllunre, WnslitiiKlou and tho e.t via
It, &l O. H. It., through trains leu! Heni lug
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. Ac H. V U.) at 8 20,
7 55, 11 20 a. tn., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i. Hundays,
3 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. m., 8 10 ainl 7 27 .. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Cl cst
nut streets station, week dayn, 1080 a. in. 12 20,
12 1! 8 10 p m. Hundays, 1 81. 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 30, 8 00, 11 30 a. 111., nnd 1 30, 4 80,
9 00 11. 111 Hundays, 5 00 p. in.
Iave New York via Mnuch Chunk, week
d ys, 4 80, 9 10 a. in.. I 80 and I 15 p. in.
IVeavo Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
dayB, 4 20, itll, 10 10 a. 111. and 1 12, 1 05, 0 30, 1 180
p. in. Holidays, 11 30 p. m.
I.eave Heading, week days, 1 35, 7 10,10 03, a, in.
12 00 in.. 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. m. Hundays, 18.1
a. m.
Iave Pnttsvllle, wecK days, 2 35, 7 40 a.m.,
12 SO and 6 10 p.m. Hundays, 2 81 a. m.
Leave Taniaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 43, 11 23 a.
111., I 36, 5 50, 7 20 and 9 43 p. in. Hundays, 8 18
it m
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20, 3 45,
9 12 1147 a. m 2 17, 6 18, 6 22, 7 41 and 10 08 p.m.
Hundayi- 12 25,3 41a.m.
Leavo Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 81, 2 40,
100 030,920. 10 25, 1159 a. 111., 232, 532, 083,
7 57, 10 22 p ill. .Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 00 a. In.
Leave VVIUIatnsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
m., 4 00 and 11 30 p. tn. Sundays. 11 80 u. tn.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war and
Houth street wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Ki press, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 p. m. Aeoommodatlun. 8 00 a. m., 6 30 p. m.
Sundays Kipress, 9 00, 10 00 a. in. Accommoda
tion, H 00 a. n.., I 45 p. in.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Kzpress, 7 35, 9 00 a m., 8 80, 5 30
p.m. Accominouaiioii, a i a.m. 4 05 p. m.
Sundays Kzpress. 4 00, 7 30 p. m. Accom
modation, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
Harlor t;nrs nn nil flxnrc trains.
vor further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and ltcadltiR Itallway ticket acent
or address
Gcirl Hupt., Oen'l Pass'r Agt.,
IteAdlnR Terminal, Philadelphia.
November 28, 1897.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abort
date for Wlffftans, Gilberton, Frackvllle Dnrr
Water, Ht. Clair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg, Itetdlii.
Pottstown, Ptioenlxvllle, Iforrlstown and Phi1
adelphla (Proad street station) at 6 08 nnd 1105
a. m. and i 20 p in, on week days. Sundays,
6 08 n. m., 3 10 p. m. For Pottsvllle and Inter
mediate stations only 9 17 a. m. week days.
Sundays, 9 45 a. m.
Leave micuatioonn lor l'oiisvine tvia lielnnoi
38. 911 n. in.. 12 58. 3 10, 6 00, 8 12 n, m week
days. Sundays, 9 10 . in., 12 50 and 6 31 p. in.
Trains leave rTiicRVIlle tor slienniidoaii at
10 0 a. m. and 1211. 5 41. 7 52 and 10 37 n. m.
Sunday, 11 13 a. rn. and 5 41 p. in.
l.eave I'ousvnie ior nueiianuoan iviarracK
vllle 10 15 a. in., 12:35, 5 IS, 7 25 and 10 10 p. in.
Silinlas 10 40 a. In., 5 15 n, m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Snenandonh (via Delano)
0 00,7 45,9 0.1 n. 111., 1235, 3 00. 5 10 p. in. week
days. Sundays, 8 45 a. m 12 35 nnd 0 10 p in.
Leave PlitladelptiJa, (liroad street stntlony, fo
Shenandoah at 5 57, 835and 10 19 a, m 4 10 and
?i p. in. week days. Sundays leave at 8 50 a. m.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, lu
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Lon
Ilranch, and Intermediate stations, 8.1.0
11.14, a. m., 8.80 and 4.00 p. m week-days.
Leave Uroad Street Station. Philadelphia,
F.xpress, week-days, 3 20, 4 to, 4 50 5 15, 8 50,
7113, 8 2i, 8 33, 950, 1021 (Dining Car), 11 00 a. m,
12 00 noon. 2 35 (Limited 100 and 4 22 n. III.
Dliilnit Cars). 1 40, 230 (Dining 3 20, 3 50.
4 00, 5 00, 5 SS (Dining Car), 6 00, 7 02, 7 43, 10 00
F. m., 1- Ul, niglll. nununys, a as. a ui, i nu a io,
20,8 33,9 50, 10 21, (Di lug Car), 1135 a. in.,
12 35, 105 Dining Car) 2 80 (Dining Car), 100
IL.1I1111CU 1 3- I'llllllK ltirj, J liu,iiiiiiik I't.r
8 35, 7 02, 7 43. 10 Oil p. ill.. 12 01 night.
Express for Itostou without change, 11 00 a rn.,
week-days, and 7 43 p. m., dally.
For IUltlmoro and Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 32,
1020, U23, a. m., 12011, 1231 (DIulllR
Cnr), 112, 3 18, 4 41, 5 25 Cougres
slounl Limited. Dining Cnr, 0 17. 655 Din
ing Car, 731 Dining Carl p in , nnd 12 05
night week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, U 12, 1 1 23,
a. in,, 1209, 1 12, 4 41, 520 Conirrensloiinl Lim
ited, Dining Car, 0 55 Dining Car, 731 Din
ing Cnr p. ui. and 12 03 nUlit.
Leave Itroad street station via Delaware rlvei
hrlritre Kxnress. 7 05 u. in. dailv.
Leave Market Street Warf Hipress, 8 50 a m
2 00, 4 00,9 00 p. in. Sundays, 8 45, 9 45 a. hi
(accommodation 4 30 and 5 00 p. m.)
For Cane May, Anglesea, Wililwood and Hollj
Uracil, Sea Isle City, Ocen City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor Kxpross, 900 a. in., 4 00, p. m.
weekdays, wunuays, v w a, m.
For Soincra Point Hxpreos, 8rM, a. m., 2 00,
4 00, 5 00, p. lu. week days Sundays, 8 45 a. in.
I, li. Hutchinson, J. It. Woou,
Clen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt.
For 5 ale By AlljIh
D EA L E K 5
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
ii i i iii
Non-Unionists Join tho Army of
Unoaiployod Labor.
limy Oliilin iiint iinilr Wim-os Ilnvo
Ilcntt licdut'cil toiintt llxK'lll.llcsldcM
Hnvlntr tho spiM'il of tlm Mni'lilni'i'.v
Inoronwi'd Aid From l.cioliillxcri,
Tall Hlver, Mass., Jnn. 27. Although
the sulking frome spinners at the Iron
Works mill hnve no union, they are
making a light which bids fair to be
a stubborn one. They succeeded In get
ting some of the operatives out of the
No. 1 mill, tint making the strike in
clude and affect three of the four mills
operated by this company. The sttlk
ers at the Hagamore mill sny that their
places have been partially filled by help
from the other mills, but they refused
to go to work yesterday. They claimed
that their pay was reduced about IS
per cent, nnd beside this the speed of
the machinery was increased. They In
formed the mill authorities that If tho
fast pulleys are removed they will ac
cept the reduction.
The loom fixers have decided to sup
port their biethien In New liedfmd by
assessing each member 2f cents a i k.
Yesterday the card room operatives
of the Klnir rhillp mill met and de
vised a plan whereby those locked nut
may report and be paid. Last night
the carders of the Orunlte mill reported
an excessive reduction In theli- wages,
In some cases as high ns '22 per cent.
The union vtlll not accept the 1 eduction
as it i:ov stands, and will order a strike
If the uagex are not revised.
Mrs. Stnrk, l'lens.ttit Hidge, O., says,
"After two doctors gave up my liny to die, I
saved hlni from cruiip by ifshig One Minute
Cough Cine." It is the quickest and most
certain remedy for coughs, colds and nil
throat and lung troubles. C. II. Hugonhueh.
Government Will I'robulil.v ottlo tho
AtlHIrs or Slimei-ly's I'lilli'il Haiti k.
Philadelphia, Jan. 27. Comptroller
Dawes, In Washington yesterday after
noon, made thp following statement re
r;ardlng the iendlnp; negotiations for a
settlement of the affairs of the Chest
nut National bank:
"In reference to the statement of the
managers of the plan I will say that
I cannot modify the conditions which I
have Imposed, as in my best judgment
they are necessary to protect the peo
ple of whose Interests the law consti
tutes me the guardian. I cannot con
sent to the plan unchanrred, which
would lepally endanger the claims
against the directors and stockholders?'
When shown the above dispatch
Mr. Earle said: "Under no circum
stances will we go on with the plan, it
the comptroller Insists upon his latest
It Is now believed that the comptroller
Will at once move for a permanent re
ceiver, and thn liquidation will proceed
under the government.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forover, bo raado well, strong, magnetic,
full of now life and vigor, tako No-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Uuy No-To-Bac from
your own druggist, who will guaranteo a
euro. 50c or $1.00. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Bemedy Co.,
Cbicaio or Now York.
Iloto'f Int I'o.v r Nfirlfuniioo.
Boston, Jan. 27.- Mrs. Luclndn M.
Huff, who claimed to have caught pneu
monia in a Uoybury hotel owing to the
failure of the owner to provide sulll
clent heat, was yesterday awarded
$1,000 damages.
j;iovoii Killed by r.vplodlui; I'owdor.
Buenos Ay res, Jan. 27. Eleven per
sons have been killed by an t xploslnn
of Runpowd'i- at Flutes, In the pruviace
of 'hat n.i if, fi.uthctt of Uueiio"
Household Necessity.
Qiscarcts Candy Cathartic, tho most won
derful medical discovery of tho age, pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, act gently uud
positively on kidneys, Hvor and bowels,
clcausiug tho entire system, dispel colds, euro
headache, fover, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Plcaso buy and try a box of
C. C. C. to-day ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to euro by all druggists.
Tonnc"M'o''s i-iiiitiii'lnl lA'iuKocdc.
Nashvilb-. Tenn., Jan. 27. The two
branches of the Renernl nssenibly met
In joint convention iikuIii yesterday. A
ballot wis tnkun and resulted In Jlc
Mlllln receivins 4 votes, Turley 3 and
Taylor 2. Two of the Populist mem
bers voted for McMlllin and one for
Turley. The other Democratic vote?
were rcattercd. Tho Democratic cau
cus last nittht took 17 ballots, tin- H'-M
ballm ri".iiltlnK: McMibiu. 3S. Tut ley
27 Yuyl. '
A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks like it. but there is really
no trick about it. Anybody can try it who
has lame back and weak kidneys, malaria or
nervous troubles. Wo mean ho can euro
hlm&clf right away by taking I.lcctrie Hit
ters. This medicine tones up tlie whole
system, acts as u stimulant to tlie liver uud
klilnuys, is a niooii puriiier anu nerve ionic.
It cures constipation, headache faintiim
spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It ii
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re
store! tho system to its natural vigor. Try
Electric Hitters and he convinced that they
aro u miracle worker. Kvery bottle guaran
teed. Only 50c. a buttle at A. Wusley's drug
No Now Muto, This '7iimross,
Washington, Jan. 27. Statehood leg
islation at this session was killed yes
terday by the house committee on ter
ritories rejecting the Arizona, New
Mexico and Oklahoma bills by a vote
of 8 to 3. Delegates Smith and Fergu
son, of Arizona and New Mexico, Btated
that they wished to put themselves on
record that If they were allowed to vote
they would vote for the bills.
Mary II! rd
Ilarrisbnrg, Pa., says,
"My child Is worth millions to mo: yet 1
would have lust Iter by croup had I not in
vested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One
Miuuta Cough Cure." It cures cuughs, colds
and all throat una lung troubles. (J. 11.
To Itolfov!) tfio Slinwmon,
Washington, Jan. 27. Itepresentntlvi
DIngley, of Maine, Introduced yester
day a bill amending tho act allowing
certain nrtliles exported from the
United States for exhibition purposes
to be returned free, so as to include In
the free entry privilege wild and other
animals of foreign origin taken abroad
temporarily for exhibition in common
with any circus or menagerie, The ob
ject Is to re.leve tho Ilarnum and
Bailey circus, which has been exhibit
ing in Europe, from the threatened
necessity of paying heavy duties on its
return here
'Tisn't safe to bo a day without Dr
Thomas' Kclectrlo Oil In the house. Never
can tell what mumctit an accident is guing to
lJfil(iCtmt Ifrx, r.m-lirert,
Chicago, Jan -According to the
testimony of the witnesses foi the de
fense, which el'isi d Its case with ad
journment of court yesterday, the inl-"i-Ing
wife of idoiph L. Ltiotaert Is obi ,
qultous. The Kenosha witness snw het 1
In the Wisconsin town from May to
C of last year. Mrs. Thcmpson. nf Ko ' ",m ' ' 1 ,u 1 ,y '"ods, because It r
...... rn. ,!.. a ...1.1. 1 . , .1 places tho essentials of life Hint ore ex
wanee, Ills., chatted with her at the lmusU.u by ,iSCn0f indlgcstloB, lilfth living,
railway station In Cedar Hapldi, In., ; overwork, worry, oxcubscs, abuse, eto.
the nlaht or May 2i. ile T'p- llfllflT IT nflFQ I Uy making tho blood
dyke, on the night of June 1. ,et her. i, ,, J "r" , ,, I",ro,"nu r'n'!,Hn
t . ... , , ., , , , digestion perfec-lt creates solid fletih,
near Jnnesvllle, K, and the ,l iy f..i- mu(,ci0 nml ttretigth. The uervos blug
lowing Henry Klopfer saw h-t near1 mudostronir the bruin becomes uUvo and
llnnunn 1'nrk H on!, 111I1 nf chlcnirn I elear. It rostoros lost vitality, stops all wast
Hanson l ark, a sui.utu or 1 nic nt,a. )n(?urnln, nnd weakness Inclther sex .and
Theodore Arndt met her in the Metro- nHttf0tnnlo reirttlator bus no oqual. i'rlee
polltan Elevntfd railway B'atinu nt I 6O0., or llie boxes SiOO. DruRglats orby mIL
AtBl-1Hlelrt .tvemio tho nflpr.i,,.,n i,t .Inlv
18, and six tesidents of Monmouth, Ills.,
an... t . .. t t. .... ... I-
" I
ro iton:ti;iiVvnii,si l.nlmr Low.
Honolulu, via San Franclsm, Jan. 27
One of the nu st bills ever
brought before a Hawaiian legislature
will be introduced ut the coining ses
sion, whiib t'pen Feb. fi. If the bill
carries It will do away with a contract
labor law which has been In vogue In
this country for a jrreat mnny years
All the American planters uill favor
the bill, but It Is anticipated that plant
ers of other nationalities will make a
A woman's health is
her hi t mid most pre
cious endowment, lb r
good look-, her t njoy
meiit of life. In r happi
ness, and love
and it-, rnntinu
ancc all depind
upon her health.
Call it vanity if
you will, it is a
woman's duty to
worship at the
shrine of her mir
ror. It is her duty
to preserve her
good looks anil youth
ful spirits as long as
The woman who suf
fers from some weak
ness or derangement
of the organs distinctly
feminine, can note the
dailv encroachments of
general ill-health, by looking in her mirror.
The sallow or blotched complexion, heavy
eyes and dark circles under them, the little
wrinkles that gradually creep around the
corners of her eyes and mouth and the
general look of ltstlcssness and despond
ency will tell the story. Special tumbles
of this kind arc too frequently neglected
because the natural and proper modesty of
women keeps them from consulting the
nveragc run of physicians. Tin se men,
because they arc without inherent delicacy
themselves, imagine that women arc the
same. They insist upon obnoxious exam
inations and local treatment from which
any sensitive woman sin inks. Dr. Pierce's
I'avorite Prescription will do more for a
woman who suffers in this way than all the
doctors of this description together. Dur
ing tlie past thirty years it has been used
by over ninety thousand women with mar
velous results. It is an unfailing cure for
all weakness and disease peculiar to wom
en. All good medicine dealers sell it.
" Por a number of years I suffered with a com
plication of female t-oubles," writes Mrs J. B.
Ferguson, of ICdgmoor, Chester Co , S C. "I
tried various remedies from phsicians. but
nothing seemed to do me any good It seemed
that my back would kill me 1 had smothering
spells lit night so bail I could not rest Also had
constipation I took Dr. Pierce's Pavorite Pre
scription and 'Pleasant Pellets' and was en
tirely cured "
Send for Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser Paper - bound, 21 one
cent stamps, cloth-bound, ten cents more.
Address l)r R V Pierce. Buffalo, N Y
Ollc. Fashionable. Orizinal. Perhxt- V
T FiUlnf. Prices lOillltl 15ct'Iits. '.
j None higher. None better at any price, f
J Some reliable merchant sells them in
J nearly every city or town. Ask for J
ft them, or they can be had by mail from (
I us in either New York or Chicago. 5
Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet
sent upon receipt of one cent to pay
, postage.
i mscau:
i iirignti
I Invaluab
Brightest ladies' magatine published.
able lor the home, .fashions ot
i ths -Jay, Home Literature, Household
I Hints, Fancy Work, Current Topics, 7
Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year, in- 6
. cludinga free pattern, your own selec- I
j lion any time. Send two 2-cent stamps T
I for sample copy. Address P
i iirui vrri uii, ci., it v.r I
' 1R9 Fifth Avran,. r.nir.-iern. f '
l sX
Bomfetitcea Dee 'a a reliable, monthly, rojolattup medicine. Onir h&rata&ft C&4
tho purest drbgs should be useJt If you trout the Uet, get
Br. Peal's PerarcirsssE PeSIs
Ther aro prompt, cafe ard certain in result. Theccnuinedir. rua.'B)t)eTer.iUap
For Sale at KIRLIN'S
5 IF L I
E Ly f a,t' progrmtivo ttitti kecii liilorincd of 5
'7mU " tho W.irhl', Prokfress. Tho well in- 5
: ((A H V V' f"m "1 ll,r,"y Houso-wlfB wills
l- h'k rJ M vA "u,"y" 1,'t'I,
1 . - J I. - mA r
Qiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiii'-""' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii
25 50
1 00 AT Tltppr V nilllDIIHTrPn In !!
j .".IJd'JbU 1 UU1 UUrtUnlULiliU Mrr erp or crlK.hul rauwe taj natiiralrraiilla im- ,
J , te ami lio-iMi't fret. Ad. STTIIMMt ItKHKIIt CO.. rhlcasu. Jlonlrral. Pan., nr New tori. au
For Weak and Run Down Peoples
llllnT IT I C I The richest of all restors
WO cull Ueipyou. AUV1CO and OOOK, It BO.
Wdto JJs About Your CasoJ
1613 caiiwloutHtruet.
Relieve and Cure
Head Troubles
Stomacfi Disorders
System Irregularities
'1 formulas
of noted
fc "For every III, a special pill."
Siw If not at Drug Stores, write
: Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkers,N.Y.
llrnltli Hook Mailed Free.
A genuine welcome ws its you at
Cor. Haiti and Coal SU.
CuuHtaully- on tap ('hole uipraiHe drlnur
nnd cleArt
Celebrated Teunle
l'owderw never falu
1 O lulewcleatara llttn
tafeaudturefafter falllrti
with Tansv pi1 PcnnyrtiTal Pllla and other Uks
Alw.v. hiitf the hMt and aTold dts,r
Dfl'Btment. tiusrtnteed supenor to, all otaera. ltUrrtj
uSi Tin the uS rket, A No 1. I-alticultra. .' Dr.
l(.. lU':a 1W oofwra.Ai
5 Irateraiatl oiial :
) Smi'cswf of tho " Ciwttrtffgrd."
Tho One Croat atamlnrti Authority,
Hii unit's Hon I' .1 lirewer,
iluaiux! I . .s. suprt-nie I'ourt.
ortboV S Oov'trrintlntf
Olttce, lh V K. Huprfitw (
UOUTl, hu me mii nn
ni erne tT'onrt. nnrl of near
ly nti me rtcuooaOooKft.
by Stat 8iiprtntn(lr.t
of Schools, Cotlepp I'rvtl i
(ipnt,ntiri(itriei htiniroi t
iuiiiuri wiuioui niunir
in (lie rmu&f-l.niit, tn t
tin lt:'lief. nchnhir. nr-
fi-Bslonnl nmn, and a-lf
It is easy to find the word wanted.
It U easy to acertulti the pronunciation.
ii is eay 10 trace inc prowin dioti aru.
It is easy to learn what n word mear.e.
Thn Yen- V-
1 in-1 i -t . '
. minli h-1. li
I .11 ,1 ,H. H
TrUmnr S.-ij-'. :
.nn n (ii'in Iti,. v tl'i
lilii d Hi, it st tin rmlrlM
il hi in 1 1 tsli.i i
U Huh ii u.iiK tn Mhlch i
i '. r prll r.WK.
x onr THii ncT.
X JySic. m.n pants ont on application i
5 (t.x-t: i i:mu ro., rniiiixinr.
ft Sorfnjliebf, Mnsi.. I'.fi.A.
0-000000 o-ooooo oooo-ocyoo-o
Hillions of Dollars
do up in smoke evory year. Tako no
risks hut get jour houses, stvtk, fur.
niture, etc., insured in flrst-cbuw re.
liablo corapanios as represented by
rvAvm PAT1QT lDS'""S!t.f,!
t a n2o toil
itb Jardla 8
Alflo Life and AccldeniftlCnmpnl i
Hr5 ANO SUHE. S(3 Ac. F OS'-wSllHW S Hit
tiJAP-" Wi.rox Specific Co,rwuuP,
at Povlusky'a drug ntoro,
Centre atreet.
Druir Store, Shenandoah, Pa-
I fti
In the liou.-p, as a standard remedy for S
Sintlii3, ItruLses, Crmups, Iihcuixiutl6m, S
and all aches aud nuins s
all aches autl pulna
Price 25 cli, and 60 cti. per bottle. c
b II I HACKETT & CO., Philadelphia, g
anrraur of cumtlnatlon. t'sr.irrl art the Iiirnl Ijisa