The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 27, 1898, Image 2

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nriTAIII.IbllKP IH10.
-Muil.nvd every KvciiIiik, Kxccpmuiulny,
Tile HertiM I. denn-ietl in Hheiintioimo nd the
mirroitnclho; to., .is tor tlx vents veek, ny-Klil-
otheenrrlers Ity imill l.l sciir.ur "
i ruts a month, iylle In ndvnnee. Arlrertlnw
incuts chnrgodaieorilliiK to -pwo mo k-,Uio.i-TIio
publishers re"ne the rhdit to cIihiiko the
oellloii ot HdvcrtlwinviitK whenever the pnl
"loT of news driimnil It. Tlii- rlli in
trofTTtl to re)e"nn) utlvertineiuent, whether
pnlrf (fir or not, ..1st Hie puhUMier. tuny ileem
improper. dvertlsltiB rates miwl known
upon application.
Kutered tho postorllce nt Slietiandonh, I'b.. m
ceond cliwt uiall matter.
"All the Hews That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
Thohk bound for tlio Klondike
must look out for sharpers mill bogus
stock coiiipuni.-. The swindlers
have opunt'il the ht'nson, mill tiumi'i
pus victims nre nlreudy reported.
lK some itble-boilied bruiser will
five both Corbett ntiil Fitzsitninoiis u
good trouncing, or oven quiet them
for a. few davs, the whole country
will contribute liberally to the purse.
A steamkh in New- York in taking
on bonrd n cargo of American loco
motives for Uorea. That is the ex
tent of our interference in the
Oriental stoiiu center.
asked Congress for an iiuniediule ;ip
propriation of $1(3:1,000 to nteei the
expected deilciency in the carrier ser
vice during the remainder of tltu
llHcal year. It should bo grunted.
Editor I'ahkkk bus brought his
Record from tho ruins l'hoenix like,
and that favorite paper of the people
of Mahanoy City looks as eris and
noway us though the lire llend had
not gotten In its destructive work in
our contemporary's ollice. Editor
Parker bus the s inpathy and good
will Of his journalistic brethren.
A liKIIIOH Vali.KY director at
Allentown denies tho rumor that Mr.
Olhausen is to be appointed General
Superintendent, but admits that Mr.
Olhausen has made u thorough ex
amination of the working condition
of the road at the request of .1. .1.
Pierpont Morgan. This means some
thing that perhaps this director knows
nothing ubout, suys the Hazleton
A PKA'JfriYLVANIAN has do.-igned a
freight and passenger car for high
speed on railroads, which is cylinder
shaped, witli cones at the ends to
lessen the resistance to tho air,
bumpers being placed in the cones
and designed to engage the bumper
of the next cur f to flfde the curs
pnst each other instead of telescop
ing them when a wreck occurs.
Thk Italian republic which the
Pope is said to favor may not bo as
far away as is commonly supposed.
There is more political discontent
among the populace in Italy than in
almost any other country in Europe
except Spain. Taxes are high, trade
is torpid, and general bankruptcy
iffappurently not far olT. lloth the
weight of the taxes and the dullness
of trade are attributed by many
to .'Italy's position in the present
division among the powers.
CliKUK llKUKH, of the County Com
missioners' ollice, has'our thanks for
a tabulated statement of the regis
tered voters mm ino unmoor oi
ichobl children in Schuylkill count,
by districts. It is tho first and most
complete of its kind ever issued from
that ofllce, and is an interesting and
valuable compilation of iigures, es
pecially to School Hoards. Mr. Ueber
Is not only obliging and courteous to
the patrons of that ofllce, but is the
most efficient clerk that has yet held
tho position. His was in every sense
a popular appointment.
Thk Courier-Journal remarks that
Blaine, like Clay, "seemed to be the
victim of some malign agency, never
quite visible," und askb : "Is tlio
doom of Clay und Maine upon the
young Loohinvar who bus come out
of the West only to be slaughtered
by the scheming politicians of tlio
North and K'istt" Bryun is certainly
doomed. The knives wjth which he
J is to be slaughtered in the eonven-
"But nobody has a right to yoke his
caso with Clay's und Blaine's. Tho
names of Clay and Blaine wete con
spicuously coupled with the presi
dential cnndldticy many years before
their nomination. Both had ren
dered great service to their party and
the country long before their unities
wore montJned in u national con-
In Its thousands of forms U tho most tor
riblo affliction of the human race. Bait
rheum, sores, oruptione, bolls, all humors,
swellings, etc., originate in its foul taint,
snd are cured by the great and only True
Blood Purifier, flood's Sarsaparllla. The
advanced theory ot today that tuber
' en i -i or consumption, Is curable by
proi-ur nun -:ou, care and purifying thr
blood, finds cCDllrmatlon In the experi
ence of many who liavo been cured by
Hood's SarsaparNIa
Hood's' Pills cure sick, heauachc. 25c.
A'HancISomP! Comploxjorr
one of the greatest charms a nonun can
When Friends Say "You'll be
All Right By and By."
You Must Act lor Yourself if You
Wiiiit to Gut Well.
Ynu Can Ccilalnly be Cured By Dr.
Greene's Nervura.
When yon are lit front overwork, worry,
exposure or cxcbhihs, when your vigor has
depart-d and your strength and vitality is
lint innl your friet'ils suy, "Oh, don't depalr,
you'll be nil right liy ami by," ilon't believe
It Whrh your Irietuls till joti to ehecr up
ami hope for reeoveiy thiouch the ur.Uii.try
proeeses of mituie, they simply express
their wish, They want to no you well, but
their wish will not save you. You must net
yourself. You Hre on the dnvtiiwuid
noil tieeil a Mire ami oll'ictlle midieine to
:me3t the proxres. ol the diteue .mil testoi.
you to lieallli ami sir. ntli.
There is only one uieilleine whieli will
surely enre you, and that U Dr. (Ireeiie'
Xcrvtir.i blood and tieno remedy, the nri il
health River, which has cured so many sick
and suffering people
Mrs. William 11. Dow, of Arsylc, Maine,
says :
"I want to tell of the henellt I have de
rived from Dr. lireetii-'s Nervura blun I mid
uere lemedy. When 1 commenced using
this medicine I had been ck in bed fr niee
weeks I siitleicd lerrihly with my luck,
ami my limbs wero so miioli nt times tint 1
would pinch them to see if I could m't iiny
feelitiK in them. I was veiy nervous, had no
appetite, and could not sleep.
"I suffered so much that 1 was reduced to
a very weak slat , and uasnlnut a skeleton.
I took seven bottles of Dr. Uieeiie's N'crvut.t
hloo.i ami nervo lenndy, and betan to im
prove almost as seon as 1 began taking it
Kor the last-i.x niontbs I h.ivo been able to
do my honsenork for a lainily of si a d
have baldly bad a sick day. I (jive lliai.1
for what Dr. lircene's Nervura has done for
Ue Dr. (ircune's Xervnra and bo cured.
You can consult Dr. fircrne, II.) West 14th
St., New York I'ity.absolutely free of charge,
personally or by letter.
i Conllniri-ntlon nt mUniic Viili.,Wlt!t
I'.-rrl lii I'n t ii I lli-nlt.
Spokane Wash.. .Ian. 20. ICIght lives,
anil probably nine, were lost Monday
night in the 11 1 a- In the Great Kaitc-.j
block. They w iv: Mlr.s Alice Wilsi n.
1 aged 18, empb yed as a hat trimmer;
JIuuiI Wilson, u sister of Alice, aged
I 5 yearH; Miss Hose Smith, aged 20; lira.
I II. O. Davles, ati elderly lady from
Nebraska City, Neli. : w. IJ. uonb n a
mining i nt.-n ir: Mrs. Cora l'pteri nid
daughtcis, itliel and Alma, uged 'J and
7 years, icspectlvely.
It Is also thought that Mrs. Peters'
son Charles, aged 12 years, perished,
hut there are reports that he was saved
and taken into custody by relatives.
Mrs. Davles was living with her
daughter, Mrs. J. T. l'ronger. They had
rooms on the fifth lloor, and wore cut
off from the .stairway and lire escape.
The firemen failed in their efforts to
lalse life laddt rs to the fifth story, ow
ing to a tangle of the electric light and
telephone wires. Mr. I'm niter caught
two large wires running up the outer
wall of the building. He crawled down
these to the f..urth story and managed
to catch the top of the swaying ladder.
He descended to the ground and was
followed back up the ladder by a III e
man carrying a light ladder on his
shoulder. This was connected to the
large ladder. Mis. Pionger caught it
and made it fast to the outer end, and
she descended in safe'y. Meanwhile
Mrs. Davles had tried to follow Mrs.
Pronger, but in the dense smoke she
missed the ladder and fell to the stone
pavement. She was 72 years of utc.
The Greatest Discovery Yet.
W. M. Iieplne, edltur Tiskilwa, 111.,
"Chief," Kiys : "We won't keep bouse; with
out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. Experimented with
many others, but never got tho true remedy
until wo used Dr. King's New Discuvrry.
No other remedy can uko its place in our
home, as In it we have a certain and sine
cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough,
etc." It is Idle to experiment with other
remedies, even if they are urged on you u
just as good as Dr. King's New Discovei v.
l iieyaio not as good, because, tins rcium.
lias a leconl of ctiiesaud bcsldesisguaruiiti-i d
It neve" fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free it
A. YVusli-y s drug store.
riu- I'll I'-biirg Cyclists.
Pittsburg. Jan. 27. The score at mid
night ut the end of 3ii hours in ihe 72
hour blcvi le race was: Wuller. ''til
miles; Kikes, G'JI; Schlnner, GG1 ; Hall,
057; Dinch, C20; Gannon, G9u; ItucUol,
DSO; Walters, 031; Heushaw, 527.
Spilln Willi In ii M'riHIUlT Nnvy." "
London, Jun. 27. The Madrid corre
spondent of ihe L-i;y Mall says that
the government will ask the next for
tes to vote d:8,000,000 for strengthening
the navy.
A Doiiirn' o f'o ''rifto.
Constantinople, Jan. 27. Haron .Do
Calico, the Austro-Huucariau ambas
sador, and Mr. Anrell, the American
mlnlstor, visited the poite togothur on
Tuesday to demand icdress for wrong
done by the Turkish authorities at
Aleppo to the Amer'ean consul theio.
who Is an Austrian subject. Frederic
Pocho Is the consular ngent of the Uni
ted States at Aleppo, Syila.
Gorman snilor K Moil liy ( hlnoi.
Berlin, Jan. 27. The I.okal Amteig-r'a
China correspondent says that a Ger
man sailor named Schulz, ot the cruiser
Kaiser, while on outpost duty at Tslmo,
the fxtrome German post In Klao-Chau
bay, was murdered by the Ch!rie rab
ble last Monduy night. Detachments
of marines have been sent to Tsimo und
to the town of Klao-Chau,
Union l'milflo 1'iiyliitr Up.
New York. Jan. 27. The first Instal
ment of the Union Pacific pu' chase
money on deposit In the banks of this
city was paid to the government yet.
terduy, pursuant to the recent call of
the secietary of the treas iry. The
amount of the first Instalment Is 52,
700.000. - - n
It Ktulorei tho M niM'tiiry ('iiniinls.
Hliiu llllt Now lloforo 'oiiui'ih.
Indianapolis, Jan. 27. The monetary
convention tett'ed down to work very
I rcmptly nt 10 o'clock yesterday morn
lag nnil adjourned at 2 o'clock subject
to the call nt the chairman. Tho num
ber of bnnktrs who attend"d was lim
ited to less than a dozen. The remain
der of the 100 delegates were represent
atives of the various commercial bodies,
with a sprinkling of political econo
mists, prominent anions whom was
Professor Taussig, of Harvard uni
versity. The proceedings of the convention
wete transacted with that business Hko
method which was characteristic of the
men engaged. The business of the con
vention was to endorse the report of
the monetary commission, which Is now
before congress In the form of a bill,
and when this was done It promptly
The monetnry executive committee
has decided to continue the AYashing
lon and Indianapolis bureaus indefinite
ly, and to attempt by the dissemination
of literature to work upon popular sen
timent for the commissioners' plan.
Chairman Hanna has given carte
blanche to conduct a campaign along
this line.
Three men were killed by the prema
ture explosion of dynamite at Two Har
bors, Minn.
M. Jules Hmllc Hlchebourg, the
French novelist, died in Paris last
night, ased C3.
A man struck by an express train
seven miles from Chicago was carried
Into the city on the pilot of the engine.
"M-. 3.-itish gunboat Lapwing has
telzed the steamer lialuehlstan and her
cargo of annn and ammunition off Mus
cat, Gulf of Oman.
It Is said that an Oriental firm Is buy
ing up all the Welsh and English coal
It can procure In China and Japan In
the Interest of Ungland.
The bodies of 300 Infants have been
found wit bin the past couple of weeks
at WeehawKen and West Hoboken, N.
J. The police are trying to capture the
A strong effort will be made to save
John Andeison, the mutinous sailor
under sentrnee of death at Norfolk for
the murdei of Mate Saunders, of tin
schooner ouve Picker.
For Infants and Children,
Tho fa:- )
It es
T'lionpr. Halls In IEiihmIh.
Washington. Jan. 27. The price of
steel lulls In Russia this year Is to be
$30.72 per t n, instead of ;, which
was the prb e last year. United States
Vive Consul Smith, at Moscow, who re
ports to the state departemnt upon the
subject, says the government railways
offered that price and threatened that
if It were not accepted they would buy
abroad, so the syndicate of rolling mills
had to accept. The government is sold
to have made the cut In the price of
rails to prevent the mills from turn
ing their entire plants Into rail mills
to the exclusion of structural iron work.
They were making from CO to 70 per
cent dividends on the rails.
TiiHtlco MoKonnii on tlio lloiicb.
Washington, Jan. 27. Hon. Joseph
McKenna took his seat on the bench of
the supreme court of the United States
yesterday as an associate Justice. The
official ceremony Inducting him Into
this Important office consumed less than
four minutes, and was simple in the
extreme. He wnlked Into the court
room, bringing up the rear of the pro
cession of Justices. He, like all the
other members of tho court, wore a
long, flowing black robe. The cere
mony was very simple, consisting of
the taking of tho oath, and at Its con
clusion the new Justice took his scat
on the bench.
Remarkable Remedy Which is Brlnglnr
Comfort to Thousand of BufTcrera.
Probably half the people who see this article
stiller from piles. It is one of the commonest
diseases and one of the most obstinate'. People
have it for years and just because it is not im
mediately fatal they neglect it. Carelessness
. anses no end of suffering. Carelessness aliout
so simple a thing as piles lias often caused
death. Hemorrhages occur duiing surgical
reatment, often causing death.
Piles are simple in the beginning and easily
cured. They can be cured even in the worst
stages, without pain or loss of blood, (ui-kl)',
surely and completely. There is only one
remedy that will do it tyrainid Pile Cure.
It allays the inflammation immediately,
heals the irritated surface and with continued
treatment icduces the swelling and puts the
membranes into good, sound healthy condi
tion. The cure is thorough and permanent.
Mere is a voluntary and unsolicited testi
monial we have lately received :
Mrs. M. C. Ilinkly, 6ot Mississippi St.,
Indianapolis, Ind., saysi Dave been a suf
ferer from the pain and annoyance of Piles for
fifteen years, the Pyramid I'i'e Cure and
Pyramid Pills gave me immediate relief and in
a short time a complete cure.
Druggists sell Pyramid Pi'c Cure or will get
it for you if you asked them to. It is but
50 cents per package and is put up only by
, the Pyramid Drug Co. Marshall, Mich.
Deaths occur every day for which there
is no excuse. T'ie lives 'ove ones p0
out needlessly. In the craveyards are
thousands of bod:fs that ought not to
be there. Death comes and conquers
when It could be driven away.
Dr David S(eisncdy$
lias stayed the h md 6f death In cases
without number. 1 h " are peotile dying
this minute who would uicat the under
taker if they could only have been Induced to try this great medicine.
Dr DavlJ KenneJ'. s Tavorltc RemeJy makes tho whole bojy well. It purities the blond, and
cures erysipelas, sail rlmm eczema, ulcers, rheumatism It regulates the bowels, and currs
hpaJaches, biliousness i nnstlpallnn. It Is a tonic and builds uptho system. It Is the most cer
tain cure for kidney dis. nses that the world ever saw
Ju Sf.3 Clancy, of llor IKvllle, N. Y., had liver trouble and blood disorder. He says the Pavo
rile Homrdy built him nhi up and creally Improved his health. It will build up thousands nora
If they will TRV it.
SVI.VANIA lilll.nolll.
The second of llui pi-cent series of four
day tours to Old Point t'.ioit'.irt and Washing
ton under the l'ersouall.v -Conducted Tourist
c i... il... o.,tu...,.i ...m
L . ,, . ', ' , i
ll'irtv will fr:ivel bv tln (':l1u Cb.irb's Itoiitu
to Old l'oint Comfort, where one day will bo cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
spent; thence by boat up the Potomac to , , , Sow jIcxic0i Arizona, California,
Wiishiniiloti, spending two days at licit 1 , v. , . ,,, , . i
point. Hound-trlp mte, including tmiiMor-, )roK,m- W'lslunston, Nebraska, Utah and
Utiou, meals en route, transfers, hotel ac- Nevada, without cliaiiKc. Quick time, low
commodatiolis, beith on stunner, and all t-ttcs, and all the comfortsof modern railway
frmuX , ..upn-veinents giummtecd to all who pur-
pbia Proportion-lie rates from otlu t- points. I uliaso tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
At a sllglit additional expense tourists ran I system. For rates right from your homo,
extend tint trip t" Virginia Iteach, with nc- moi,,,,, ;,mi fi information, dropu postal
eommodiitioiis at the Priuci ss Amu- Hotel. i ,,,., r . i ,., n
Tickets to Oil Point l omfori only, Inelud- eard, .1. P. Mi-Gum, 1. P. Agent. BUI Kail
big one and tbiee-fouiths days' board at that road avenue, Klinlra, N. Y., or aill llroad-
place, and goid to return dnert by tegular i
trains within six days, will be sold In runner
tlon witli this tour at rate of $10 On from
New York, $tr.00 from Trenton, f 1 1 (K) from
Philadelphia, and proportionate rates fiom
cither points.
For itineraries and full information, apply
to ticket agents ; tourist agent. 11IH) Ilr.wd
way, New York ; or address Geo. W. lioyd.
Assistant General Passenger Agent, llionil
street station, Philadelphia.
for those who will go to-day and get a pa k
ago of GKAIN-0 It takes the placo of
coffee at about 1 tho cost. It is a food drink.
full of health, and can be given to tho '
children as well as the ailn'l with great
benefit. It is iiiado of pure grains ami looks ;
mil tastes like the finest grades of M-.cha or ,
iHvacoiiee. it satisnes everyone. A cup ot ,
Uraiti-O is better for the system than a
tonic, heciusu its benefit Is permanent What
coffee breaks down Gmlu-O builds up. Ask
pour grocer for Grain-O. ITic. ami 'Joe
Innocent Man soiitMieed to Kleolro
ciitloii Karly Next Month.
New York, Jan. 27. Angelo Curbono
Is In a cell at Sing Sing. N. Y awaiting
the execution of the death sentence for
the murder of Nntalo Hrogno, In New
York, while the guilty man is In a cell
at the central police station In this
city. The guilty man has contessed
his crime, and has surrendered to the
detective who arrested him the knife
with which the murder was committed.
The real murderer Is Alexander Ciara
mello, who was arn sted in Baltimore.
Nntalo Brogno was killed on Sept. 12
last vear. The affair was the out
growth of a fight at a christening party
In an Italian tenement house In New
York. Before dying Brogno accused
Carbon! of his murder. Cniboni has all
along protested his innocence. Ho was
to have been executed the week begin
ning Feb. 7.
Sing Sing, N. Y., Jan. 27. Warden
Sage, of Sing Sing prison, received the
news of the confession of Ciuramello at
Baltimore last evening and also a tele
gram from .Carbone's brother. With
the telegram and clippings from the
papers Warden Sage went to the pris
oner's death room, accompanied by an
Interpreter. The telegram was rend In
English, but Carboue could not under
stand It. The Interpreter then ex
plained and also translated tho Balti
more dispatches. Carbone chnnged In
stantly. He became greatly excited
and elated at the same time. He want
ed to go away from the prison Immedi
ately, but the warden persuaded him
that such a thing was impossible, and
that he would have to await the due
process of the law before his release.
Western lllrds Defeated tlio Host.
Chicago, Jan. 27. Chicago birds de
feated the eastern representatives In
one of the greatest cocking mains ever
held In the west, the score being 8 to G.
The cocks were furnished by John
Mnckln, of this city, and Frank Cnsey,
of Blackstone, Mass. The main was for
$5,000, and large amounts were wagered
upon each battle. On account of threat
ened prosecution the battles were fought
at Antioch, about 40 miles from this
city, but in the state. The eastern men
are supposed to h r, e lost between $5,000
and $0,000 in th- re ult.
Cascarcta stimulato liver, kidneys and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe 10c.
Mrs. Laura K. Mims.of Smlthville,Oa.
eye became teniblv
inflamed, and was so
swollen thatforquite
a while I could not
see. The doctors
said I had Cancer of
the most malignant
type, nnd after ex
hausting their efforts
without doing me
anv cood. thev eave
np the case as hopeless. When in
formed that my father had died from
the same disease, they said I must die,
as hereditary Cancer was incurable.
"At this crisis, I was advised to try
S.S.S., and in a short while the Cancer
began to discharge and continued todo
so for three months, then It began to
heal. I continued the medicine n while
l. .11 il.nrt .11 1
Of the Face.
ne. MA emnll 1 I
lor appeared on my cneek: it soon f 7 , , . -
n to grow rapidly, nolwithstand- '-' reiurneu 10 wie wom
an elforts to check it. My I , , , T, , , , ,
i . ji.i' 1 At 4:15 o clock President Dole return-
luqgci.uuill nic.iiia;ci uipaiiiicuicu cu- t . . ,,,,,,
tirely. This was several years ago and thin talk was purely unofficial and per
there has been no return of the disease." wonal. Then the party was escorted
A. Ren! Blood Rcmccl 1 down stalrs nnd r6turnei' to u,e iutci.
Cancer is a blood disease, and only a 1!;'nnZnht,,Vn Vr',,A,,,,,,,'"L!r-,
blood reinedv will nire if. S. S.'s. . I'hllndelpl ia, Jan. 27,-Manager Sink
guaranteed purely vegetable) is a reai
blood remedy, anil never fails to per-
matlPntlveiirRCnSnrnfiiln Frrenin
Rheumatism or any other disease of the
blood. Send for our books
on Cancer and Blood Diseases,
... n .i A.
any address,
Swift Specific
Co. Atlanta, Ga,
Anil Flowers, tlie lbiiul of .Vmurlea. Call-
Via the true pathway, "The Iron Mountain
Itonte," which traverses iv region of puiputual
sunshine-, where snow storms, blizuds or
bleb altitudes am unknown
l'ullii an first
and second class tulaee and tourist sleepini
lva.. Xew York.
W. i:. Hoyt, G. E P. Agt.
Th e Right Name In the Right l'lace.
Pan-Tina for coughs anil colds, fBc. At
(iruhler Ilros., drugstore.
I'lio I'loi-iila Limited It ill A gain Kiwi mi
tlio Southern Hallway,
Tho Florida Limited, which is tho syn
onym of all that is elegant in modern rail
way trains, and which during its former
service lias been a prime favorite for tourists
from tho North seeking tlio mild climate of
Florida, will be placed in service by the
I .Southern Hallway about tho first week in
Junnarv. lf()9 With its return to service this
; ,( which will bo solid Pullman vcstibuled
between No v York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustino will lucent features in the way of
luxurious and comfortahlo aniiointiiieiits not
icretofore picsented, ana which will be
destined to add still further to its already
veil established popularity.
Toe SuuUiein liailway is having built for
tho Florida Limited serv'ce threo tniiii9,eacb
containing a dining car, two drawing room
sleeping cars, a compartment car and a
library and observation car. each car com
pletu in all its appointments and equipped
with tho very latest devices and appliances
for the comfort and convenience of tho pas
sengers. While no .schedule has as yet been
innouiiced, it can bu stated that it will bo tlio
quickest ever arranged between Philadelphia
ind St. Augustine, and will bo so planned
thnt passcitgcis can leave Philadelphia at
some convenient hour during tho day and ar
rivo at St. Augustino before nightfall of tho
fullowiug day. Philadelphia Record.
Notice. Applications for iiirther Informa
tion addressed to Jno. JI. IScall, District
Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, b2S
chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive
pionipt attention. 10-25-tf
IT is easy" tFtell.
People who fail to look after their health
arc like the carpenter who neglects to sharpen
his tools. People arc not apt to get anxious
about their health soon enough. If you arc
not quite well" or "half sick" have you
ever thought that your kidneys may bo the
cause of your sickness ?
It is easy to tell by selling aside your urine
for twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settlin;
indicates an unhealthy condition of tb
kidneys. When urine stains linen it is
evidence of kidney trcublc. Too frequent
desire to urinate, scanty supply, pain or dull
ache in the back is aljo convincing proof
that the kidneys and bladder are o"t of order,
There is satisfaction in knowing that the
great remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, fill
fills every wish in relieving weak or diseased
kidneys and all forms of bladder and .urinary
troubles. Not only does Swamp-Root give
new life nnd activity to the kidneys the cause
of trouble, but by treating the kidneys it acts
as a tonic for the entire constitution. If you
need a medicine take Swamp-Root it cures,
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one
dollar, or by sending your address and the
name of this paper to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
llinghamlon, N. Y., you may have a sample
bottle of tilts great discovery sent to you free
by mail.
Chlof Mnglsl rates MoKliiloy nnd Dolo
KvohHugn Formal Visits.
Washington, Jan. 27. President Me
Klnloy called yesterday afternoon on
President Dc'c. of Hawaii, at tho Ar
lingtnn hotel. President McKinley's
call was entl-olv formal, nnd did not
last longer than 15 minutes, lie was
accompanied by Mr. Porter and Colonel
Blr.gham, and was met by Assistant
Secretary Crlder "i.d Mr. Hatch, the
Hawaiian minister, who Introduced
them to President Dole, Mrs. Dole and
the other members of the party. After
ed the visit of President McKlnley. He
drove oyer to tho White House In
magnificently appointed carriage, In
company with Minister Hutch and As
slstant Secretary Crlder. His private
secretary. Major laukea, with Mujor
Ilelstnnd and Lieutenant Commander
Phillips nnd Secretary Day, followed In
another carriage. On arriving at the
White House the visitor was met by
Colonel Binghnm, and the party was
led at once to the elevator, whenco they
were soon transferred to the library on
the second lloor. There President Mc
Klnlcy was In waiting, and gave the
guestB a greeting. Aftet a few words
' ot General conversation the two prcsl
; dents retired to a couch In one cornei
of the room and spent ubout five mln
1 lltpn In (inntiiiltntloi, Tf rnu cold tUnt
01 "'e "stty of PBnn8y!v
' ''. bnt . 1 ,eiV' ',ed ',uv'"
, f""" tIe Of the Naval Ucad
emy at Annapolis for a threo mile race
on May 20 over the courso on tho Sev
ern river.
Mrs. M. 11. Foul, Ruddcll's, III., sull'ered
for light yiars from dyspepsia and chronic
eonsilpition and was filially cured by using
l)c Witt's Llttlo Rally Risers, the famous
little pills for nil ftomach and liver troubles,
j C. 11. lliigenbuth.
Motion i Strlko Out. t'nrlMo Indian
s-oliool Approprliit Inn DiTentnl.
Washington, Jnn. 27. The house de
voted all of yosterd-y tri the consider
ation of tho Indian appropriation bill,
most of the time being consumed, as on
the two previous days. In discussing
extraneous subjects. By far the most
Interesting f attire of the dny was tho
debate on the question of tcduelng the
mail currier serlcp In the large cities,
owing to the failure of the senate to
attach tho estimated deficiency of $1C0,
000 to the urgent deficiency bill. A
dozen repi rsentatlves from as many
different cities protested against the
proposed rrditrtlon and urged an im
mediate appropriation, when Chairman
Loud, of the postofflce committee, and
Chairman Cnnnon, of the appropriation
committee, allayed the wrath ot the
members by assuring them that there
was no occnslon for alarm: that the
service could not possibly suffer until
June 15, before which time there would
bo ample opportunity to pass a de
ficiency appropriation. The motion to
strike out the appropriation for the
Carlisle Indian school was defeated, af
ter considerable debate, by 2D to 65.
For more than six hours yesterday
the senate had under discussion the
Teller resolution providing that the
government may pay the principal and
Interest of the
government bonds In
silver. By agreement the resolution
and pending nmendment thereto will be
voted upon before adjournment today.
Yesterday's debate was devoid of the
sensational Incidents and acrimonious
colloquies which characterized that of
Tuesday, but It was replete with argu
tnent and oratory. The time was con
sumed by Mr. Teller, the author of the
resolution, and Mr. Daniel, who sup
ported the resolution, and by Messrs,
Honr and Piatt In opposition to It. All
dellveied sot speeches except Mr. Hoar,
Whose srecch was In reply to some
points advanced by Mr. Teller on Tues
Prosperity comes quickest to tho man
whoso liver is in good condition. DoWitt's
Lit tin Ivnly Risers aro famous llttlo pills for
constipation, iiiiiousncss, lmngestion ami all
stomach ami liver troubles. C. II. Ilagcn
Mrs. Ubl I'.leoted Ilomnllt.',"
Chicago. Jan. 27. -Mrs. Kdwln F. Uhl,
of Grand Iluplds. Mich., wife of the ex
ambatsador to Grm?ny. was elected
president of the National Federation of
Musical clu' at 113 ' meeting in
Str.lnw.iv Hull yccter'ay. d. featlnj-
Mrs. Theodore Suti. i.i New 5crx.
It's folly to suffer from that horrible plague
of the night, itching piles. Doaii'sOintnient
cures, quickly and permanent. At any drug
store, 50 cents.
lie II l''il-t'-lll I '
ma. Jan. J'""
engineer at lii lmaivn F,.ipyam.
rinonnltnteil vesteraay wm.e in e.iaio
c i,o hnlsitlnir enir ne. His body was
found on the floor and his head whirl
ing around In the cables. He leaves a
widow and family.
IlltlM'Dllt I'llllll ColirtOtlt'K
Washington, Jan, 27. As an act ol
International courtesy, the ways and
means committee yesterday agreed to
report favorably a bill exempting from
duty a set of bells given by the czar of
Russia to the Hussian church at
Bridgeport, Conn.
Take Laxative Hromo Quinino Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money if it fails to
cure. 25c. Tho cell u no has L. 11. li. on
each tablet.
THE PR0DUC3 iiahkITts
A ltofliTtcil be Deiillii;:s In I'lillndol
phlu and ltnitlinoi'o.
Pblladelp1 in, Jan. 23. Flour firmly
maintained; . winter superfine, J2.90fj3.10
do. extra, J3.253t3.C0; Pen lsylvanla roller,
clear. fl-Ui.26; do. straight. Jl.SOIil-GO
western w' 'ter, clear. S4.20ffl.t0; do,
straight, $l.r.Oo4.73; city mills, extra, $3.2351
3.00, Hye Hour sold in n sm:'!l way
S2.C0fi2.S0 per bairel, as to quality. Wheat
a shade firmer; No. 2 red, !Kc.?fSl; No,
2 Pennsylvania und No. 2 Delaware, red
spot, Sl.oul&O'.Ol. Corn firm; No. 2 yel
low, for local trade, IBUfiiSSUc. ; No,
mixed, In export elevator, 3i?4f(3Jc. Oats
quiet; No. 2 white, 235100.; No. 1 white,
clipped. ;ilc. liny weak; choice timothy
$12 for largo bales. Beef firm; beef hams,
$22,305(23. Pork quiet; family, $12(t12.:0.
Butter steady; western creanjory, l!V&ifj
20c; factory, lift 15c. ; Klglns, 20c; Imlta
tlon creamery, lSfilfe. ; New lork dairy
13ftlSc. ; do. creamery, 14019c.; fancy
Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 22fi2uc; do,
wholesale, 21c. Cheese dull; large, white
and colored, September, SVtc.: small da,
do.j 9((9iic. ; light skims, Gft&V&c.; part
slms, 43io'.sc:: full skims, 2ri3c. Egg
firmer; New York and Pennsylvania, 195
21c; western, fresh, IX', Potatoes steady
New York, $2.37',;5i2.E;o; sweets, $3(54. Cot
tonsccd oil easy; prime crude, 19e. ; yellow.
22M;c. Turpentine firm nt 3P,463iaic. Cab
huge steady nt $3.5034. Tin firmer at
$13.S3ffl3.90. Pig Iron warrants easy at
tU.50IiU.75. Lake copper dull at $10.80yil
Spelter unchanged tit $3.90if(4.10. Leud
weak at $3.G0i3,i;2M..
Baltimore. Jan. 2G. Flour firm and un
changed. Wheat ensy; spot, month and
February, SSMfiDSVic.; March, We.; May
SGliftllG'tc.; steamer No. 2 red, ifi'Afc 93',ic,
southern, by sample,$l; do. on grade,
9tie.f$J, Corn steady; spot, month and
February. 33ii33?!,c,; March, S3 .4(t 33c.
Bteamer mixed, 32V4c.; southern, white, 33
(330c; do. yellow, 32Mf34c. Oats firm
No 2 white, western, 29'4f30c; No.
mixed, 2Sc. Itye steady; No, 2 nearby,
C3c; No. 2 western, 5tc i lay quiet; choleo
timothy, $13. Grain freights very quiet
unchunged. Sugar strong, unchanged,
Butter und eggs qua t, unchanged. Wins
ky unchanged. Cheese steady, unchanged
Live Stock Markets.
Now York, Jan. 2G. Beeves active, gen
ernlly stronger, except for bulls; nntlv
steers, $t.40f3.10; stags mid oxen, $3i4.50
bulls, $3f(3."ri; dry cows, $23.75; cables
quote American steers ut 10t(ll'4c; re
frigerator beef at sfiR'ic Calves active,
nt a general advance of lie; all bold
veals, $3118.75; grussers, $1.25f(3.75. Sheop
and lambs quiet; firm all around; sheep,
$3.50ft4.75; lambs, $5.50ftf.30. Hogs easier
ut JlfH.30.
East Liberty, Pa., Jan. 26. Cattle
steady; prime, $4. Sofa 4.C5; common, $3,35
3.75; bulls, stags und cows, $2ft3.70. Hogs
firm; prune medium, $lw4.0.r, best York
ers, $3.95U4; heavy, $3.S:.'n3.95; pigs, $3,850
3.93; good roughs, $31(3.40: common, $3.2!
C3.7G; choice lambs, $3,701. D.Du; common t
good, $t.G05.'. Veal calves, $C.50S7.
Instant relief for skhi-tortured babies and
rest for tired mothers In a warm bath with
CcTiciitA SoAi-, anil a slnglo application of
Ci'ticira (ointment), the great skin euro.
Tlio only speedy and economical treatment
for Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and
pimply humors of tbo skin, scalp, and blood.
! oil ibroufhout thtworM. Pottb Dbvo t Cwtuictb
tkn.f Kin, Bol rruTlUri, Ikufoa,
0UV (oCuri Kitrjr JUb Jluiuur," uailwl froa,
Dr. Wiles' Nervine
Effects of Tobacco.
rtllE oxccsslvo uso of tobacco, espec Lilly
ky young men is always Injurious and
undoubtedly shortens llfo materially.
Mr. I'd. C. Ebscn, compositor on tho Coatra
Costa A'ctcs, Martinez, Cal., writes; "I haro
used Dr. Miles' Rcstoratlvo Norvlno and re
ceived much benefit from It. 1 was troubled
with nervousness, dlzz7 spolU and sleepless
ness. Caused by tho uso of tobacco and stim
ulants. I took Dr. lilies' Kcrvlno with raar
volously cood results, allay las tho dizziness,
quieting tbo nerves, and enabling mo to
sleep and rest, proving In ny caso a rvcry
beneficial remedy." Dr. lliks' Rcstoratlvo
Kcrvlno Is especially adapted to restoring
tbo nervous system to lis normal condition
under such circumstances. It r oolbc.3, hcal3
and strengthens.
Dr. Miles' Remedies
aro sold by all drug
gists under a posltlvo
guarantco, first bottlo
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of tho heart and
g P.octoro3
i? Unnlth S
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Grocers can tell
you why those
whobuy SEEUG'S
saved by
using Seel-
tor it. You can't
keep on selling
poor tiling to the
, same people, ,
Ill's because you
IcolTcc and make
it delicious bv n
little ot tuts admixture.
To Alaska
In the Spring will bs Tremendous,
The most profitable business will be in trans
portation and merchandising and In furnishing
food ami supplies to the multitude of Hold
Seekeis in short, n general 'Trading, Mercan
tile nnd Steamship business. It was so in '491
will bo so In '9S.
The Alaska Transportation
and Development Company
$5 000,000 non....e,..bU
To meet this demand, will own and operate 1U
Connecting with lta own line of lane and
Magnificent Ocean Steamers,
Specially adapted for passenger business carry
ing to that conntry'an immense amount of sup
plies nnd equipment for the miners, as well aa
furliistilntr them transportation for themsalvea
and their roods, nnd establishing Trading
Stations t different points. An opportunity U
tittered any person, be they of small or large,
means, to buy shares of stock in this company
and parttclpato III the
sure to be earned within the next 13 montlii.
Shares are offeicd at $1.00 each
parvnhic, non-nssessnble, and will be offered
for n limited time only.
Safer than Savings Banks nd Bank Stecks
Paying larger dividends. Wlilla numrroui
savIiiKY hanka and banks hv suspended,
transportation and trading coimaletf yrerm
never seen In the list of failures. This stock Is
ontol the most desirable Investments offered
the public.
The Incorporators and stockholders who are
connected with this company are mi of wide
experience in similar undertakings and man
whose names are sufficient euarantes of tht
btandinf; of tho company, to wtt:
ALHKItT C liLATZ, Pres. Val IJUti Drew Co,tr.
HON VM. 12. MASON, United States 8enator
from Illinois
D. O. KDWAKDS, Pass. Traffic Mgr. O. II.
I). It. U .Cincinnati.
FRANK A.IIECIIT.of Chas. Kaestner k C ,
CHAS. II. UOCKWKLL. Traffic Mtr.O I. L.
It. I., (Mo non Koute) Chicago
W, O. HINKAUSN.OenM Pass. Agt. O. N. O-
AT. P. it. It.. Cincinnati, O.
n W.OHIFK1TH, Pres. First National Bank.
Vicksburir, Miss
FJtKI). A OTTJC, pnt eigliteen years with
Shelby ISank, Shelbyvllle. Ind.
J.M. PHILMPS. Cishier First Nafl Bank,
Vtckshurg, Miss.
And hundreds of others equally prominent.
Address nnd malco all money payabls to
The Alaska Transportation & Development Co.,
Fisher Ilulldlng-,
Cor. Van lluren & Dearborn SU.,
fjn. W. II. Y1NGST,
Graduate and I.ate Iteatdent House Surged
the University Htate of It. Y.
Headquarters :-Cominerclal UcUI. Hbinandoali
Calls night or day promptly rcponded.
M. BUltKE,
Ofllce Kuan bulldlmr, con er of Main an
Centre streets, Bhcnnndoab.
8henandoab, Pa.
Comer Market and Centre street.
pitOl', JOHN JONI58,
Lock Box S3, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Ilavlnx studied under some ol Ihe beat
musters U London and Paris, will give Iesn
on Hie violin, mundolln, Kuttarand vocal culture.
Terini reasonalile, Addre.s In care of Htrouso,
the Jeweler HlieuaudoaU. f '