a IK EVENING HERALD ISiTAtll.tSllKIt 1K1U. funhciliril BTory Kvenhin, Bicepis unly,l Sooth Jarmn hthfrt. Nkab (Trmr rh Unnihl l.dellvtied inShcMmnciimn iti.rt 'h. .lirmundlllK to.1 fnrll 1-lMlta ft rt wlr. ,n I thl nt)iecnrrler. It) nmll S8.P0 it year, or 2 eant. n mnlh, nble In ftilVBiH1 A'tirti-.- montSCllA Kl """'"": "Ppri 'I 'IIioi. I TIib publlnhern raw vr Hi rlirln t. 'i (' ' 04I1IUU of Bdvertl.eracnU .vlicnuvur th mil, Vwloi d !' iW-iimnd. It. Tli" Hull 1 lriPrti,l in rr)p"'i Hilvt ttlnciucnl, al'Ml" iiftUl ("r or iml, ..ml tlio jmblUbcm inny uprm lmroi'r. Ailtertlnlnt" raier nuvlp known niton application. Bnterm t tlio potcnlcv al Hhnnnnilonli. I'i... m urooml cla mill nmttor. TKI.KI'HONK OO.NNItCTlON the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald WEDNESDAY. JANUAKY 2(1. 1808. LlKK tlic iioliticiiuiH, all tlio bad Indians fire not dead yet. and ihiio or tho good ones nri nlill living. Thk election of MeConms as United States Senator by the Maryland ?$ liiture is looked upon an ill accor dance) with tlie national administra tion's desires. Tims a Hepiiblii-iiti HticceedH a Democrat, and Arthur V. Gforuiim steps out. Tub Citizens party enters the municipal campaign with bright prospects for a decided victory next month, while tins Democratic forces aro somewhat demoralized because of unpopular nominations in several of the wards. Tiikuk are some candidates for the legislative nomination in this county, Becking a re-election, who should tret a. few lantern slides and take to the lecturo platform while their boom is on. Uevolvinj: pictures, represent ing their past record, would be n drawing cird. Thk banquet of tlio llurns Club last evening was a decided success in every particular, and the toasts were responded to in an able manner. Especially was this true in reference to tho address of our journalistic friend, J. Harry James, H-tj. . eulogistic remarks to the memory of Burns thrilled his hearers, who love to honor the memory of the poet of humanity. Thk reappointment of Gen. Mul holland as pension agent at Philadel phia is a just recognition on the part of President MeKinley of the many thousand sound money .Democrats in Pennsylvania, who supported the Republican ticket in tlio last presi dential election. Although a life long Democrat, the appointee is re tained in the ollice to which Cleve land appointed him. fienl. Mulhol laud had the endorsement of every Graud Army Post in Philadelphia with a single exception. Hie Loud Bill. There is no measure more wide spread in its application, or more wooping in its efTect, than the so called Loud bill now pending in Con gress. The same measure was up in the last Congress, and although it bore, as it now does, the name of the Chairman of the House Committee on postofrices and Post Itoads, it was in point of fact prepared and fathored by the Cleveland Administration. It passed tlio House of Representatives in the last Congress, but failed in the Senate. On its face the bill proposes to pro hibit tho sending of newspapers through the mails under the pound rates, except to prepaid subscribers, unlesi at a ruinous charge for postage. It proposes to greatly re etrlot the naturo and form of supple ments and other matter sent by pub lUherv frequently as adjuncts to in crease the attractiveness of their pub lications. "Without going into dotnil with reference to the measure, which is somewhat lengthy, it is enough to say that it should be designated "A Bill to Restrict Other People's Busi ness." There are many reasons why the public is, or should be, awake to the danger to the general welfare which lurks in this pot bill of Mr. Loud's. It is not only a blow nt education, and at general business Interests, but alio strikes at labor, mid thus reaches every home in the country however humble. The full scope of the measure has not been appreciated by the publio at large. Its effect would be greatly to decrease the amount of printed matter Issued from the press and circulated through tlio mails, tihould it became a law it would decrease the demand for white paper by thousands of tons every year; it -would throw thousands of printers, machinists and pressmen out of work. It would curtail perhaps SO por cent, the de mand for presses, and its effect upon the great shops where printing machinery is constructed would bo ruinous, not only to the proprietors, but the artisans mployed, Tlio hundreds of articles that are adver tised in the newspaper press in all sections of tho country would suffer a decreaso because of the restrictions on cheap avenues of publicity, and the thousands of people engaged in the preparation of all kinds of goods would suffer accordingly. With all thsse reasons, and many others that might bo cited for hostility to tho measure, it follows that the only way tjie bill will pass Congress will be through the neglect of the people. If the constituents of the . . !4t - S I AH'etnb!cPrcparationror As similating Uic Food mulUctftila llng Hie Slomachs and Dowels of Promotes Digcstion.Cliccrful ncss and Rcsl.Contalns neither Opium.Morpiiinc nor Mineral. Not Naiicotic. HttVe orOMn-SAKVELnmiER Jlmpttn Sttil" A..tw UmAllhSJU Anist Still JlpnntHt - ItlmnStttl -Cfartfird Sitprrr . Apcrfeet Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomaclt.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPV OF WRAPPED. E2 nieliibers of Comrress would arouse themselves to the danger which tlireatens them through this proposed legislation and write vigorous pro tests the evil would be averted. A Clever Trick, It certainly looks like it, but tlieie !s reull.v no trick about it. Anybody enn try it win. lint l.iiiio luck and weak kidneys, malaria or ne'vom troubles. We mean lie can cut himself rlclit avv iy by taking Illeetrie Itil ten Thin medicine tones lip the wind. v tein, nets a' u -t 1 mil Iti n r to the liver me t i.ln'-y-., Is a blond purilier ami nerve toni It cup's cm--1 i 1 1 i. 1 1 . Iic.ulac.liu fain'Mi "pells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It purely vegetable, a mild laxative, mid ie stnrc the svstem to its natural vigor. Tr Hlietric Hitters and bo convinced that they aie a miracle worker. Kvcry hottlu gimnin teed. Only sue. n buttle at A. Waslcysdrup 'toie. Mi'Klo i , to V . i Tt'ow Vorl;. New Yi J.'.r. J' - To.no: -ow Perd. dent MeKi.'.y. a-eon.pai'bd by Mrs. MeKlnh y, ''eeietnry l'i t i and Cap tain and Mis. I.afaye'te " IcWUliams. now ciiest!. at the White House, will arrive heie l. nt'end tho banuuet of the National Association of Manufac turern of the Unlud States, to be r.Iven at the Wtldorf-A.Ttoriu tomorrow tvrti-Inr-. Tht ;o-"-dc!U'fl adJiess In looked foiv..td t j ' of nioru 0tn lite il tereid .-rid '.;.r.i t.'iu e. Wi.dcllh trend b n ni.n'uw ". , , undert-t . d ;.u ! l.e v 111 touch u;' o i':, financial m m-.' n. IT IS EASY TO TELL. People who fail to look after their health are like the carpenter who neglects to siiarjicii his tools. People are not apt to get anxious about their health soon enough. If you are "not quite well" or "half sick" hive you ever thought that your kidneys may he the cause of your sickness ? It is easy to tell by setting aside your urine for twenty-four hours j a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trcublc. Too frequent desire to urinate, scanty supply, pain or dull ache in the hack is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. There is satisfaction in knowing that the great remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, ful fills every wish in relieving weak or diseased kidneys and all forms of bladder anil urinary troubles. Not only docs Swamp-Koot give new life and activity to the kidneys the cause of trouble, but by treating the kidneys it acts as a tonic for the entire constitution. If you need a medicine take Swamp-Root it cures. Sold by diuggists, price fifty cents unci one dollar, or hy sending your address and the name of this paper to I Jr. Kilmer & Co., Hinghamton, N. Y., you may have a sample bottle of this great discovery sent to you free by mail FATAL GALE IN ST. LOUIS. Two I'ooplo Killed anil Another I'or liapi Filially In. lured. St. Louis, Jan. 20. a gale that reach ed the highest velocity of any experi enced here since the tornado of May 27. 1890, when the destruction of life and property was so great, prevailed vesterdnv. Its velocity was GG miles an hour. T vo deaths, one fatal lit- I Jury and several minor casualties were ! reported, as won an considerable de struction of proporty. The dead are: August Weynieyer, aged 37, a car penter, who was blown from the roof of tho Shields (school; Thomas Joseph Peterson, aged I, blown from the roof of a porch. Mrs. Sarah I.orln had her spine crushed, and she may die. The Injury was caused by the blowing down of a fence. Swinging signs were blown down, window panes broken, outhouses demolished, fences leveled, telegraph poles and wires broken, and In some In stances roofs were taken oit. Th e Createst DUcovery Yet. V. M. Iiepinn, editor Tiskilwa, III . "Chief," says; "Wo won't keep liiiuso with out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Coughs awl Colds, lixpcrlmeiitcd with many others, hut never got tho true romedy until we used Dr. King's New Dlkcovery. No other remedy can take Its place in our homo, as In it we hwo a certain and sure cum for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etu " It is Idlo to experiment with other remedies, even if they are urged on you as Just as good as Dr. King's New Discivory, They are not as good, liecaiiM) this remedy lias a record nfciirtwand besides is guaroiiteed It neve- falls to Kitisfy. Trial bottles free at A. Wasloy's drug store. sk your grocer for the "Royal 1'atcnt dour, and take no other brand. It is the best flour made. The Kind You Have Alwars JioiigM, Bears the Fac-simile Signature OF ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE. THE KIND YOU HAYE ALWAYS BOUGHT. Tur crNTiun COMPANY. MCW VOBK riTV THE PRODICE MAI!KET$ As ltellecl.Ml iv Dcitlln-rs In I'hlliidel plilu mill Iln! 1 1 luoro. I'hlladelpl'hi, Jim. 2f. I'lour slow; win ter sup. r..ne, ;j.!iCi 3.10; do. extra, 3.50; l'c..m; lveniu roller, clear, $l'4.23; U0. straight, M.-'O'-ibW: western winter, clear, N.25u-!.'iO; do. straight, SL.TOn I.7B: city nulls, extra, t3.2Mi3.Oi. Ilye Hour dull at J2.00S12..V) per barrel, as to quidity. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red, KHitSiWie.: No. 5 I' " p- Ivunln and No. 2 Delaware red, s.n.i, l.tWfo. Corn tlrm; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, 33Vi(fir.',,c.; No. 2 mixed, In export elevator, CSifji .c. Oats quiet and steady: No. 2 white, 30c; No. 2 white, clipped. :m. :;ViC. ; No. 1 white, clipped, 31 e. Jl.iy weal.; choice tlmolhy, $12 for largo bales, lieef llrm: bief hams, f22.S0f 3. l'ork linn; fnnPv. i:12.ii. 1. iro firm; western etc:,: led, J.VIO. Utilter steady; ui'd'Tii cie uiery, 1 PltfSV. ; do. factory, ll'o ;.'c; Ulfbis. 2(io. ; Imitation creamtry, ludilSo. ; New York dairy, 13'. lie; do. creamery, Hiill),;. ; fancy Penn sylvania prints jobblni; ut 22'fi2.'ic. ; do. wholesale, 2b. Cheese dull; lr.rt;e, wl.lt' and coloied, September, Mfcc.: small do. do., September. !!ifty9!ie.; lisht skims, Gc C'jC. Ebks steady; New York and I'unn f; Ivunla, lMltle.; western, fresh, lse. Po tatoes quiit; New York, $2.!7' 2..Vi sweeta, ?'"ii4. Turncntlnu film ut, 31V.' I S t?jc. Freltibts dull and tinner; cotton by steam, 2sc; Kraln, by steam, SUfi 3'e. Vie Iron warrants dull at $B.GUTi0.70. l.ak "cotipcr dull at JlO.SOTcll. Tin dull nt $13.7i tilu.S.".. Spelter unchiuificil at J3.00t:4.10. Lend dull at $3.C0Ti 3.C3. Cottonseed oil cpilct and easier: prime crude, 19c; prinn bi ninier yellow. 22' jCfi22"1c ; off summer yellow, 22c; prime winter yellow, 27Vit SS'.jC. Uiiltiinorc, Jan. 23. Flour dull, but firm. Wheat flitner: spot, (W'sfiMlic; montband February, M'i(iii)0"jc.; March, toe; May. SCi'iiOlfc; steamer No. 2 red, SGifiDC'ic: Boutlicrn, by sample, 97c.i$l; do. on grade, !i!k'.fit$l. Corn Urmer; spot. 33Vii 33ic. '. month and February, 33Uitj33c; .March, WWWJlc: steamer mixed, 32Vic. ; south ern, white, 31?i''3l'ic; do. yellow, 31H Siv. Oats firm, No. 2 whit , v. -jtcrn, 2l)',i EfSOc; No. 2 mixed, Sc. Ilye flimer; No. 2 nearby, 03c-. ; No. 2 western. CIc. Hay steady; choice timothy, Jl.l. Grain freights quiet and unchanued. Sufrar stroni; and unchanged, llutter and egus cpilct and tincliangccl. Cheese steady and unchang ed. Whisky unchanged. I.Ivo Stock MnrkotH. New Y'ork, Jan. 25. Cables quota Amerl can steers nt 10i&ll',c; rcfiiserator beef, S1)S',!,c. Cnlves ciulct and steady; veals. $3'!S.50. Sheep and lambs quiet and Steady; sheep, f3.501il.75; h mbs, J3.73DG.2r,. Hogs hlBher at S 1.15ft 1.40. Fast liberty. Pa., Jun. 25. Cuttk Eteudy; prime, J4.S5'c)4.95; common, J3.33ti B.73: bulls, stags and cows, J2T( 3.70. llogr steady; prime assorted medium weights, J3.931t4: best Yorkers, J3.90i3.95; heavy hciBs, J.l.fcUf3.90; pigs, as to quality. $3.751i I.S5; good roughs, J1ti3.10; common roughs, J2.25r(2.73. Sheep strong; choice, $.4.70 4.S0; common, 13.250.75; choice lamb", tn.7065.tK), common to good, JI.50S5.CO. Veal eulves, JG.50S7.23. GREAT SURPRISE IS IN STORE for thoso who will go to-day and get a pack aw of GKAIN.0 It takes the place of eolleo at about J the cost. It is a food drink, full of health, and am ho given to the children as well as the adult with great benefit. It is made of pure grains and looks and tastes like tho finest grades of Mocha or Java coliee. It satisflos everyone. A cup of (lrain-0 is better for the system than a tonic, because its benefit is permanent. What coliee breaks down Grain-O builds up. Ask your arocer for (Iraln-O. 15c. and 23c. THE M0NETARYC0NYENTI0N. It I'rcHontH the Appciirnnco of a Nil tlonii' I'olltlcm! Con vein Ion. Indianapolis, Jan. 2G. Four hundred delcKates were present at the Grand Opera House yesterday when Chairman Ilamia, of the executive committee, called the monetary convention toorder. This was an Increase of 100 over the number of delegates that attended the first Indianapolis convention of a year arro. The hall presented the appearance of a national convention of one of the two great political parties, the various delegates being Indicated by standards bearing the names of the various states. Governor Mount dellvored the speech of welcome and Governor Shaw, of Iowa, -spoke for more than nn hour on tho gold standard and the retirement of the greenbacks. Ills homely and forcible comparison of our financial system with the gradual growth of a pioneer's home, gradual addition of "iean-to's" and thatch roofs, which ought to be replaced In our more ad vanced condition by a new structure upon llrm foundations and of harmoni ous architecture, caught the audience with great eltcct, and brought forth round after round of applause. Among those who arrived Just before the convention met was General Simon H. IJtiPknerv of Kentucky, the Gold Democratic candidate for vice president two years ago. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Itidgo, 0 says, "After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved him from croup by using One Mlnuto Cough Cure." It la the quickest and most certain remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. 0. II, llasenbucli. THE NEW ENGLAND STRIKERS. PrOlllf!tN Not tlOOll Toe s.().(.(ly sol tliillll'llt lit- Lntim Troll b.., Hr .-.ti.n, Jan. 2C. V.!t linivivlnir ills conunt unci unrest nrm.np tlio oper atives at Pall Jlivor, wlili increasiiiK privations among the tn'.c- anil the increaie In calls !or cltv itld at Nc-.v Hedford, and (ho ni u . c u'iit of o B per cent sen l-nnntim drndond In the I'cppcrcll irt Is i lid 1'. i r tout ren! omiual dividend ut the t,,ici n'- in'.l)e, boih at lilfWford, vl,. u- there ato Btrlkrs, tlip pli spects a. i u f.- m good for a settlement of the liUor troubles In Now t'.nfcliml this v.- !:. The ncv turn of nfl." n yosicfilliy was In ltliode Island, nt .)!' rent rev 111.' cotton mill, where a ns- ut';p w.ii le poiteil by liif weaveta jutt i Infr work on the claim thr.t their cut tveraoed 16 per cm. If wan alo .mnounrcd that a bill would be Introdum! In the ffen eral assembly to Invol ,i;i'.te the tex tile conillti' -is In that state. In Maine all was (titb t. In New liedford an unsupported ru mor was current lint one 1 1! 1 won! 1 break Its agreement and rcsiote the old wat;e scale. Whon the weavers' o.lec utlvo poinmlttee mot In that cltv the line lflue .:is not considered, showing that I he stiikers are not Inclined to coiiipiomlse on any point. The strike I aid piomlsed seems quite ajbstantlal. .1UUH1IIK ltooi lepoiin Riven oiu. The Interest of citizens at lai'Ke to end the stillse In New Bedford by nsk Inu the mill tnannKements to take dov n their notices and eurtnll production has been rebuked by a positive refusal. 'Tisn't safe to ho a day without I) . Thomas' liclectrie Oil in the house. Never can tell what moment an accident is going to happen. ... ,). rirp 1 ''li. 2. -.t.H'.'i lb I. is, thf i v j-lin shot a -d kl . ! Ott" : - - n-'.jv U nv " a! .-. , nr".(ttr' In": cslr-"- -'-ti c ' . ' h" " n nlr!. I e!n:; nok !'' b ic h1 to' thcr'n home, nnd .i h.-n Dhh! 1 V r d .-t i r. v jUiy 1".:' away 1 . he retti'-.nd to itel her b 'longing" Ulehl refused to give them up. Dlehl seized an iron teapot, threatening to strike him. Ileitis drew a revolver and said "My sister is dying, and you nie her murderer. I guess It's no crime to kill you." In effect the jury declnriv. that there was no blame to be attached to Heinz. Mm. Maiy Diiil. Ibirrishiiri.', P.'., Rays, "My child is worth mlllloiH to mo; yet I would have lust her hy croup had I not in vested twenty-five cents in n bottle of One Minnta Coiiuli Cure." It cures roughs, cold mil all throat and lung troubles C. II. HiiKcnhurh. JlcKi .... i Ins. WusM'i. i i. .luu. 2:i. Attorney !:; ernl 1,1c' ii.ia attended his last cabi net moc-ti.ig yesterday. The fn"t wat noted by lib' colleagues, and the ietir Ing ofilcov was the leciplent of niaiij heat ty cxprcrnlons of reeret at the. simdcrir" rf ho close relations tha; had exl. ted between them. The day was nlso the 27th anniversary of tht marriage of President MeKinley, and the fact was made the subject of con gratulations. CASTOR! A Tor Infants and Children. TO f ae- 7 It ra fiiti wrapper. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE And Flowers, the Hand of America, Call roriibi. Via tho truo pathway, "Tlio Iron Mountain Route," which traverses a region of perpetual sunshiiio, wliero snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes aro unknown. Pullman first and second class palace und tourist sleeping cars tu points in .Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California. Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utali and Nevada, without change. Quick time, hm rates, and all the comforts of modern railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via tlio Missouri l'acillc railway system. For rates right from your homo, literature, and full information, dropapostal uinl, J. 1. McCann, T. 1. Agent. 510 Rail road avenue, Elmira, N. Y., or 391 liroad way, New York. 3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. E P. Agt. Th e Rieht Name in the Bight flace. I'an-Tiua for coughs and colds, 23c. Al Gruhler liros., drug store. ! 7t. uo. 1'hilace. ! , Jan. seven : annual ime:ing of tho Ti.ides L-aga.' of Philadelphia, was held last night in the Academy of Music, at which the principal speaker was Hon. Lyman J. Gage, secretary of the treasury. He spoke on the subject of "Finance," and his remarks were frequently punctu ated with ap;dause. As soon as Sec retary Gage had finished he left tho hall to attend a banquet of the Com mercial Exchange at the Hotel Wal ton, where he delivered another ad dress. Followed by Heart Disease, Cured by DR. MILES' HEART CUHE. It. C. C. DnULTS. of Wintcrset. Iowa. EhuP ' Safety Whifflctreo Coupllnr writes of Iir. Mllua' Heart Cure. "Tt"o year ago an attack of LaGrlppo left mo f till r vfoak heart, I had run down In fiesh U moro skin and Ixinc. I could not sleep lylir down foroniotlierli)T peltsi frequent dhar darting pain? und palpitation cacd a coi Etantftarof suddui death, notliln;; coul lnduco mo to remain away from hoc novc night. I!y local physician proberlbod Dr. Mllos' Heart Curo and In a few ilaya I was ablo to sleep well and tho palna gradually lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced tLo tho doses, having i.alned fifteen pounds, and am now feeling better In overy wa7 lhan X havo for yeurs." Dr. Miles' Ilemeilios aro sold by all drug gists under a posltlvo guarautco, 0nt Wio bcnoflU or monoy re funded. Hook on il'ui caaes of tho heart and nerves f ,-oe. Addre a. Ro8toreo jl DU. tlll.CS MEDICAL 00., Elkhart, Ind. Jtil W" K 1 mu, Health PRESIDENT DOLE IN WASHINGTON Jlct nt Sciitlon by SpcrctiifV 'Iinrmnn and Altnnt oritnry Adco. Wnshlnitton, Jan. 20, I'resldent Dole, of Hawaii, arrived in Washington to day. Aa there was no military display on his pntty tn the city, thf presence of I'tesldenl MeKinley wns not tetittlied iiccorcn'j to diplomatic precedent. PccretHt of State Sherman, accom panle 1 by i litant Secretary Adcc. met Prer font Dole's train a' the Ilil tlmoto and Ohio depot nt 11:50. Ac companied by an escort of mounted police, the tiarty proceeded at once to the Arlington hotel, where I" resident Dole wan nsslgned to what Is known ns the "royal suite," which lias been oc cupied by many notable. There rooms have been especially decorated by the government llorlsts, and ate arranged with every view to the convenience of Hawaii's pvertitlvc. As soon n- the ptrty wns Ins'nlled at the hotel tVrretary Sherman and Mr. Adeo left ib.eni, and they received a cntl from Secretary Porter and Colonel ningliam, who Innulred nt wh.it hour It would be convenient for I'resldent Dole to receive a (.ill from I'resldent MeKinley. Owing to the fact thai President McKlnle;- did not r eet lib guest at the dc.Tit, '! Is In l.-r foi lit til to pay the lliTl formal vb . It It' believed this formal visit will b" paid this evening. It's folly to suller from that horrible plague of the night, itching piles. Doau'sOintmcut cures, quickly and permanent. At any drug store, 50 cents. I Phlladcl, 1:1a. .'.:;i. 2J Min t duel Ion of i is l'i n In he Unite for 1SJ7, a: shown by tompleie received bv the Am lean II 1 pro State: etui.u n anci Steel assochitb n. was 0,C32,oS0 tons, an Inciease of 1,029,C:3 tons as compared with 1S90. The production of basic pig Iron for 1SD7 was dls'rll.uted as follows: New Y."'k and iew Jersey. 70,011 tons. Allegheny count. Pa., 2G5.54S tons; other counties in Penn sylvania. sir,20 tons. Maryland, Vir ginia nnd Mnbama. D7,ri02 tons- Ohio Illinois. Wisconsin and Mlssouii, 20,72t tons. Bort.'Wliito Hanilswith Shapely Nails, buxu riant Hair with f'leau, Wholesome Scalp, pro duced by Ci'TiecitA Soap, the most effectivo skin purifying and beautifying soap In the world, as well as purest and sweetest, for toilet, bath, and nursery. Tlio only preicntli o of inflammation and clogging of tho I'oitra. oura Pup f MtM throiKthnot the worM, Tottbe Druo h Chrm. Coki., SIe l'rojui,. liston, U. 8. A. Cj llnw (n rurlfj ftnj Iteautiff tha Sklo, Soilp tul Imr," mailed free. BflBY HUMORS iv,"?u";Siin;;:;:; Groccra can tell you why those whobuySEEUG'S k ec p com in g back for it. You can't keep on 6elling a poor thing to the same people. are saved by using Seel- ilj'S because you can buy cheap coffee and make it delicious by n ;1 ilittlo oi this admixture. mil It Only Happens Once a Year. WINTER UNDERWEAR CLEARANCE. We know that well enough. We couldn't know the goods and not know it. But that isn't the point. We are not holding our goods here to work its way out of the store. Tlie only kinds we have use for are the kind? you will grab for. When you hesitate, we don't we whack the orice on ny lines that, will not sell themsel ves or on random pieces or lots. That was the Up-to-Date way since our existerce. It is more than ever the Up-to-Date way. Clean, sprightly stocks that keep us on the iumo and vou on the - jump are the only welcome ones here. And that is what brings v6u sometimes Half Prices on roods that we ututigm niio uie store since uie Underwear. We have the largest nnd most complete line of gent's utidcr wearcver shown in Schuylkill Co. We were early buyers nnd evaded the tnrifl re cently put on woolen goods. This gives us the opportunity of selling those goods from 25 to 40 pci cent. cheaper than any of, our competitors. We have them in ; Swits Cofule high grade glove fitting opparcl, red flannels, natural wool, earners hair fleece liml nnd Derby rihbcd wool. We have held back 48 dozen shirts and drawers, heavy wool, fleece lined, at 50 cents. We guarantee to be $1.00 values. Heavy cotton fleece lined 37 Yz cents. We must close our stock out. Hats and Caps. Our stiff equalled prices, as hats are un it! -styles and we pay close attention to that department. We buy at close mar gins and sell at small profits. That is solely responsible for our immense hat trade we have established. W e , quote a few prices : Stiff hals.bloclc and brown, all shapes yV und styles, for $1. " Wcguarmitcethcm to be the newest thing in the market. Our S1.50 nnd $1.75 hat cuniiot he bouuht elsewhere less thon 2.$o. Our 2.oo, $2 50 and $3 00 hats arc tnc nonnicst and neatest blocks made of tiiicaasitig wearing qualities. I ijSl ifj Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's - Furnishing . House, MAX LEVIT, Prop. "Q0LD DUST." TMs is tlie Packagfe remember it. It contains Washing Powder that cleans everything quickly, cheaply and perfectly. Largest package greatest economy. THE Ji. K. FAlltllANK COMl'ANT, Chicago, Bt. Louis, New York, llostoD, l'lillaJelphU, CHICAGO POLICE METHODS. Cliliinmnii SnvH Ho Wns Imprisoned .,. 'putblim Too Mui'li." Chicago, Jan. 20. The committee from the state senate In .'estlgatlng the Chicago police board heard testimony yesterday tending to pliow that a regu lar police system of blackmail on the Chinese and white opium Joints exists. Several Chinese appeared before the committee, but with one or two excep tions said they were afraid to testify. Sing Tin, the proprietor of an opium Joint, said In reply to questions that if Governor Tanner or Mayor Harrison would guarantee him protection he would tell all he knew. Sing Tin said that within the past ten days the po lice had visited all the opium Joints and warned all keepers against giving tes timony before the senate committee. When aBked If police In uniform had not called on him for tribute Sing Tin said the question wns too hard for him to answer. He created somewhat of a sensation by stating that lie and Sam Moy had once been imprisoned for 15 days nn the north side for "talking too much," and that Sam Moy had been compelled to leave the city. Moy Tin was more free with his answers. He said that most opium Joint proprietors paid $10 a week for police protection. He, however, paid but $3 a week, tell ing the man who called to collect that amount wns all he could afford. This man, according to Moy Tin, said that Alderinun Coughlln was the 'benefici ary. ' to cum: A COM) IN ONK DAY. Take Laxative Hnuno CJuinlnu Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 2.1c The genuine lias I.. II. Q. on each tablet. " . JiiHtlcti to rnltlii'i. I niilo,rpM. New York, Jan. ... j. 1 i these dis patches puffer date ia Jan. 10 state ment 'vau made that nic.re than 30 un-falthful,-cr:p oyefi Qt Ad Uj-s Expies. company '!.. .his city ! .1 bee.i dis covered In vecin: pecuntl'ns amount ing In rum-to b.-t; - a.i- 3 000. This alicgntldi Mew c vt cf a conver lation ben i n a rupc t r and A ornoy Abraham Levy. The i.ifci'iu t.on sent out on the .tj tin v J l-JIca'cd thai peul"tl n ' v dvci d sys matleal ly ni u ng i .i -leyi.- r tv "xpr aa com l-:.ny - n't ; si , :.t Mr. Lev feels It M ' Si . ' i." not war rai-lt ,i - i time Prosperity conies quickest to tho man whoso liver is in good condition. DeWitt's Littlo Karly IiNcrs aro famous little pills for constipation, biliousness, indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. C. II. Hagen bucli. Buy Keystonoflour. Be sure that the name Lkfsio & BAEB. Ashland, P.. Is printed nn ever tucM SHENANDOAH'S GREATEST E. leaves iett. AKE it your particular business to call on us before purchasing or Inspecting else where. We can show you the greatest money saving values, Our store never fol lows others, but lead, Our store may not be the largest In area of space, but It Is In 10 Gcj stock and cheapest In prices. Fine Imported Silk Mufflers. Something that meets ' the mid winter end of any purchaser. We have them ranging in pticefrom 50 cents to 52.25. GLOVES, Front 50c pair and wards. per HP- COLORS : Tan, brown and red. Vbolcu gloves of every description1 French Kid palms with Astrn k ban backs and woolen lined. 1'riccSl.oo, a special offer. Our stock of working gloves cannot be surpassed. j feggss lip THE UP-TO-DATE HAT Q0LD DUIT." PROFESSIONAL CARD Jlt. W. II. Y1NOST, VETERINARY SURGEON. (iradunte and Lnte Itcsldent House SurgeCP the University Suite of If. Y, Ileailnuaitcrst-Cominerclal Hotel. Shenandoah TIIItHK YKAR COURSK. Calls night or day promptly reioiiUed. 1IUKKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllce Kgan building, eon er of Vain an Ccntro streets, Shenandoah. J- II. POMEItOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, Pa. T71 W. HIIOKMAKKIt, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market and Centre stfeeta. pnoF. john jones, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, 1 Lock Box 6.1, Mahanoy City, Pa. Ilavlng studied under aomo of th bc1 (mutters le London and Paris, will k4t tvMtfnt on the violin, mandolin, guitar and rowl inflttrre. Termr reasonable. Address In care f &ttfl0, ho ieweler Shenandnah. Tho Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness of the skla Is lara riably obtained br thort who us ronoHi'a Complexion owder. FDR UllKC. 0RINKIN0. I COOKING. BAKING B! ft runiyoinaienuand i .. ...... . w Delicioiisnessnjurl'tiaallEi'v TOR SAU AT OUR STORES Ap BY GROCERS EVXRYWIIERE. Up-to-Date Hat Store, 15 EAST CENTRE ST. f MACKINTOSHES. English Serge 111 UlMUk. H11U , -r blue, full length, cape and coat at- $4.85. We have still 1 better qualities. Come and inspect them. Umbrellas. A special lot of 26-iu. Silk Gloria Umbrellas, close rolling, with-steel rods, choice nat ural wood handles, plain and silyer trimmed, black handles, $1.25, Anybody w h o' wants a good and neat looking utn brella at a moder ate cost, see the gloria silk onesj with steel rod, paragon frame, ut ss cts. Finf npllt'c. Buy n half or quarter it i5 it Par- That kind Half HOSe. that will make the wearer smile. We have the very newest crcatioti in plaid and polka dot hose. STORE, 15 East Centre Street. CH0C0LjITES Mil 111 11' " 9 I l''''k III WW Mr