The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 25, 1898, Image 3

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Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys- j
tern effectually, dWpclB colds, head-1
aches and fovcrs and cures habitual 1
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho taste nnd ac
(teptablo to tho stomach, u. nipt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agrccablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo made it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for salo in CO
oont bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
san mncmco, cal
umsvius. icr. aew vorx, H.r.
No. 1 Fover, Congestion.
No. 2 Worms.
No. 3 Infants Diseases.
No. 4 Diarrhea.
No. 7 Coughs & Colds.
No. 9 Headache.
No. lO Dyspepsia, Indigestion.
No. 1 1 Delayed Periods.
No. 12 Leuchorrea.
No. 10 Croup.
No. 14 Skin Diseases.
No. IB Rheumatism.
No. 19 Catarrh.
No. 27 Kidney Diseases.
No. 34 Sore Throat.
No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever.
Dr. Humphreys' nomcopathlo Manual of
DlseaVea ut your Druggists or Mailed Free.
Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of SScts.,
Met orjl. Humphreys' Mod. Co., Cor. William
aad John Sta , New York.
The f fimoua Annltance and Hemr-dlpa of
tho Erie Mod leal Co. now tor tho flrst time
offered on trial without expense to any
bone t man. Not a dollar lo ho nnltl
In advance. Cure KITccts of Eirors
or Bxceeses In Old or Youutr. Manhood
Fully Itnstored. How lo Enlargo and
Strengthen, Weak, Undeveloi ed Portions
of Body. Absolutely unfailing Homo
Treatment. No C ( . I), or other scheme.
A plain offer by n flrni of high standing.
cdic luminal pn 6a. ni ag ar a at-i
n, rm:. tjc deai
Cares giuercl or special debility, wakeful
rsss, sperraatorhecfl. emissions, Impotency,
finals, etc. Corrects functional disorders,
ciu-ed It errors or excesses, quickly restoring
t ust Manhood in old or young, gitiag vigor and
l rengtli where former weakness prevailed. Con
t irot pic--,,-, simple, effectual, and legitimate
Cur os Quick, and Thorough t
Wr : deciived by iTnitationt: Insist or
Ca ION'S dlzers. Sent sealed il your dru(
rin dik n- ic it. Price $1 per pkge, 6 for SS,
t 'h wrl n guarantee of complete cure.
I -imtirwlefercnce, cti., free and mnfidential
r 1 us kt-tcmcntof case and 25 cts. lor a wcclc'l
1 ' remirt-pl. One only sent to rath twrsou. i
?oo fir-o. co , ooston, MASS
old at Klrlln'a drug store, Shenandoah, Pn
Agent (or
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
a turn bit ivn uri WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AlaavanrAmnlind rtlitbU. Avof t mtluHuM
n.t Dirnn'iHitsT I'll! a and lilt KUKI11
il A.a ainma ill tnt .Hrft (J-nlfdi. DftC. II
C4T0brx0.Co(lktoD.Mua. Our book, 4c.
For jule at Klrlln'a drug store nml Bhenamloat
4ruff itor.
a m
In tho Sending of tbo Stoamor Maino
to Htwaua.
Tito Spanish MlnlHtor nt AYnohln jrton
Fully liiftil'int'il, mill Soon No lti-uson
I'or Ohje'ultou L'oiimil (lonoi'iil Leo
Dili Nut Am1 For a Wnralilp.
Washington, Jan. 2G. Within a few I
hours, for the first time since the In
surrection broke out In Cuba three
years ngo, the United States govern
ment will be represented In the harbor
of Havana by a warship. The decision
to send the United States steamship
Maine was finally reached at a special
meeting at tho White House yesterday
between the president, Secretary Long,
Attorney General McKenna, Assistant
Secretary Day and General Miles, and
It Is a striking fact that with the ex
ception of the secretary of the navy
and tho attorney general not a member
of the cabinet knew of the president's
intention to take this radical action.
It Is not denied, however, that some
such move has been long In contempla
tion, as is evidenced In the following
statement of Assistant Secretary Day:
"The sending of the Maine to Havana
means simply the resumption of friend'
ly naval relations with Spain. It Is
customary for naval vessels of a friend
ly nation to pass In and out of the har
bors of other countries with which they
are nt peace, and British and German
warships have" recently visited Havana.
This Is no new move. The president
has Intended to do It for some time,
but heretofore something has happened
to postpone It. The orders to the Maine
mean nothing more than I have said,
and there Is nothing alarming or un
friendly In them. The Spanish minister
here is fully Informed of what Is going
on, and so far as I know has not made
tho slightest objection to It."
Further, Assistant Secretary Day
said that Consul General Lee had not
sent for a worship.
This statement shows that the move
was made deliberately, and that It
could not have been taken If there were
Berious apprehension of Its results In
Havana. The general belief here, how
ever, Is that In Madrid, rather than In
any Cuban town, Is trouble to be looked
for, If there should be any misapprehen
sion of the purpose of our government
In sending the Maine to Havana. The
temper of the opposition newspapers In
the Spanish capital has been threaten
ing for Borne time, and It may require
the strong hand of the news censor to
repress utterances that would lead to
Admiral Slcard's orders were not
made public In their text at the navy
department, but It was stated that the
substance of them was contained In the
statement made by Secretary Day. The
orders were not sent directly to the
Maine for the reason that she Is now
attached to tho squadron, and the naval
regulations require all such orders to go
through the superior officer. There Is
some question whether the telegram
reached the admiral before he sailed
with his squadron from Key West for
Tortugos harbor. The belief Is that It
did not, but this will make little dif
ference in the program, Inasmuch aa
the telegram doubtless will be sent to
tht admiral y one of the torpedo boats
or some other means of conveyance.
The details of the Maine's movements
are believed to be left for the arrange
ment of Admiral Slcard.
The German ships to which Assistant
Secretary Day referred In his state
ment are the Charlotte and the Geye,
both training ships and not of for
midable type, though one sufficed to
settle hastily the recent Haytlan dif
ficulty. Their touching at Havana Is
not believed to be significant, as their
cruise was arranged in all details last
September, and the same ships are due
at Charleston, S. C, early next month.
The commander of the Maine, Cap
tain Slgsbee, Is a favorite In tne navy
department. For four years he was
chief of the hydrographlc office, and by
his energy brought the office up to a
high standard. He was lucky to get so
Important a ship as the Maine, con
sidering his actual rank, which Is thai
of commander, but immediately he
Justified the department's Judgment in
the selection by running his ship
straight Into a dock In New York har
bor to avoid running down a packed
excursion boat. This was a display of
quick Judgment, nerve and pluck that
pleated the department so highly that
the captain was sent a complimentary
Senor Quesada, secretary of the Cu
ban Junta, and Senor Albertlnt, of the
Cuban staff In Washington, were about
the Capitol during the day conferring
with members concerning the Cuban'
status. Mr. Quesada said:
"The sending of the Maine to Cuba,
whatever be the official version, is, In
our opinion, proof that things are In
such condition in the few Spanish
strongholds that anarchy reigns, an 1
that American citizens and property,
unable to find protection at the hands
of the Impotent Spanish government,
have now the protection of their own
vessel. It Is a declaration to the world
that the United States are not afraid
of the Spanish rabble which seems to
control the Spanish officials. The at
titude of the Spanish papers and of
ficials has been that the presrm-e of an
American warship In Havana means
Intervention. Undoubtedlv thev will
now say that It Is the most natural
thing for any nation to send Its vessels
to the ports of a friendly povi r, and
Mr. Do Lome will declare that his
government is delighted. Hut we Bhall
soon hear from General Wpyler's sub
ordinates In Cuba and fiom Spain
that Is, If the cannons of the Maine do
pot bring to the Spanish minds the
conviction that prudence In this case
Is the better part of valor."
Assistant Secretary of State Day said
late last night: "There Is absolutely
io truth In the report that General Leo
lias tendered his resignation. He Is In
perfect accord with the administration,
and the administration with hm,"
llucklm's Arnica Bulye.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
hrnUeji urn-en. ulcers, salt rhenm. fover sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
u ol-ln nrmitlnm. and notltlvely cures idles.
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
Dorfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
25 centa per box. For salo bv A. Waaley.
sbi I'tury Alitor llolti-r".
Washington, Jan, 25. Secretary Al
ger Is reported to be very much better
today. He was able to sit up In bed
and read the newspapers. As soon as
he Is Eble to stand the fatigue of ti
Journey he will be icmoved to some
convenient resort on the coast, with
the chances In favor of fort Monroe,
There Is no need of little children being
tortured by scald head, eczoma nnd skin
eruptions. Hewitt's Witch Hazal Stive gives
instant reliel and cures permanently, u, it
Buy Keystoneflour, Be sure that the name
liEHSia & Baeb, Ashland, Pa., is printed en
ever eatk,
It Has a World of Meaning
to All But the Sick.
the Sick it Kings Like
Knell to Happiness.
j Can You Understand and Appreciate lis
Deep Meaning.
Iiev. Phillips Brooks said, "The man who
knows what it Is to act, to work, cries out,
This alone istoltvol'"
How many there arc, broken down in
health and strength, who notild gladly test
tho truth of tho noted divine's words, but
who feel themselves tumble to work and act.
They havo lost their health nnd strength
They aro run-down, wink, tiled. They go
to bed ut iilirht fatigued In every limb, fiel
ItiC that lifo is hardly worth living; they
wnko in tho morning unrcfreshed after a
restless night, with dull and aching liend,
Impaired digestion, dlipirited, languid and
unfit fur the day's duties.
Happiness, then, moans good health,
and if you will follow tho advice and
oxamplo of Mr. I,. J. Boardinan, of Man-
Chester, N. II., nnd nso Dr. Greene's Ncr
vura blood nnd uervo remedy, which is tho
suro restorer of health and strength, you can
certainly get well. Ho says :
"I was troubled a great deal with indiges
tion. I was in such n condition that I had
frequent nose bleeding. Tho action of the
stomach afl'ected the heart, and at one time I
was anay from my work fifteen days, and
under the care of a local physician. I he
lievo that I camo near dying.
"Someone recommended Dr. Greene's
Nervura blood and nerve remedy, and I
havo already taken two bottles. It is doing
me much good and I am able to ho at my
work again."
Dr. Greeno's Ncrvurn blood and nerve
remedy is tho grandest restorer of health,
the surest blood purifier ami tho most won
derful nerre builder known. Uso it at onco,
you who need a medicine to givo you health,
to make you well and strong.
Dr. Greene, 35 West 1 1th St., New York
City, proprietor of this grand remedy, tho
most successful physician in curing disease,
can be consulted in all cases, absolutely free
of charge, personally or by letter.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railw'
Enuu.v!) Hum Hard Coal No Smoke
Trains leave Shenandoah aa follows:
For New York via Fhlladelnhla. week dan.
210, S86, 7 05 9 51a.m., 1283, a 10 nnd 0 07 p
m Uundays, 1 10 a. m.
rorwew YorK via Aiaucn ununlc, week days,
98. 7 05 a. m 12 S3 and S 10 t. m.
For Headline and Philadelphia, week davs.
2 10, 5 86, 7 01, 9 84 a.m., Vz 33, 8 10 and 6 07 p. ra.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
Kor FovllIe. weefc Hays. 2 10. 7 05. 9 51 a. o .
12 33, 8 10, 6 07 and 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. r ,
For Tamanua and Mahanov Citv. week ilnva.
2 10.8 88, 705,9 51a. m., 12 83, 3 10 and 6 07 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 u. ra "
For WUllamsnort. Hunburv nnd Iwliihiirv
weekdays. 8 25, 5 3(5, 7 05, 1130 a. m.. 1233, 7 -a
in nuuun0,Ma. in.
For Mahanox f'lanc. weekdays. 2 10. S 25. 5 38.
7 05, 9 51, 11 80 a. m 12 83, 8 10, 6 07, 7 25, 9 85 aod
11 10 p.m. Sundays, 2 10,3 25 a. m.
For Ashland and Shamoktn. week daw. 3 25.
5 36, 7 05, 11 30 a. m., 12 33, 3 10,8 07, 725 anil
9 55 p. in. Sundays. 3 25 a. m.
For Ilaltlmure. Washltiirtoii and the Wet ria
H. Sl O. It. It., through trains lea-i Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. IJ H.) at 3 20,
do, n m a. m., oiu ana i.s, p. i. oununys,
J20. 7 00. 1126 a.m.. 8 46 and 7 27r,. m. Addi.
tlonnl trains fiom Twenty-fourth and Cheat-
nut streets station, weeic uays, iu hu a. ra. 12 2U,
vi it. o u p.m. aunuayn, i aa, n j p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
Jays. 12 15. 4 SO, S 00, 11 30 a. m.. and 1 80. t
9 00 D.ra. Sundays. 5 00 n. ra.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 and 4 16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, weak
days, 4 20, K 35, 10 10 a. m. and 1 12, 1 05, 6 80, 11 SO
p. nj ouiiuayH, it ou p. iu.
iveave ueauinR.weeK uays, 1 BO, 7 10,10 08, a, m.
12 00 iu., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 1 85
leave Pottsvllle. weefc dp vs. 2 35. 7 40 a.m..
12 30 and 6 10 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 a. m.
Leave Tamaciua. week davs. 3 18. 8 43. 11 23 n.
Hi., 1 86, 5 56, 7 20 and 9 43 p. in. Sundays, 8 18
Leave Mahanoy City, week days. 12 20. 3 45.
v n il it a. m., z ii, a is, u v si ana iu us p. la.
Sundars. 12 25. 3 45 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 35, 2 40,
IUU VtHI, VZU. IU Al, 1!UV It. 111., -31, OOS, QUO,
7 57, 10 22 p m. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 00 a. in.
l,eave u iniainspuri, weeK uays, i 43, 1U2J a
m.. 4 00 and 11 SO p. m. Sundays, 11 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war and
Houtu street wnari ror Atlantic uity.
weekdays express, uuu a. in., auo. 4 ou.
5 00 n. m. Accommodation. 8 00 a. m.. 6 30 n. in.
Sundays Express, 900, 10 00 a. ra. Accommoda
tion, a ou a. iu., t 43 p. m,
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner'
Atlantic and Arkansas avenuea.
Weekdays Kxprcss, TM, 0 00 a m., 3 50, o DO
p. ru. Acooniniouatloii, 8 la a. re, i Uj p. m,
Sundays Kipresa, 4 00, 730 p. m. Accom
niodatlon, 7 IS a. m., 4 IS p. m,
farinr uarfi on an expreHs irainn.
Philadelphia and Heading Hallway ticket agent
or addresfl
I, A. Hw'EitiiBD, KDaoif J. Weeks.
uon'i cum,, iien i rasa r Agl.
Keadiiiff Terminal, l'hlladelphla.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
BFor 5 a le. ByAllS
I.culMliitlvc Comniltti'i- Tlii'imtous to
I'iiiiIhIi Itoi'ii'i'ltnuit WIIiipsm1,
Clnclnnntl, Jr i. 20, The legislative
committee Inst nlelit chwci Its Inves
tigation In this city of the Otis charges
of bribery In the r nt "lpctlon of
United Btutos senntor. The senate com
mittee will continue Its wmk nt Colum
bus. '1'hlrtv witnesses hnvf liwn ex
amined here slnro last Fildny, most of
them being employes of the Olliwm
House, of telegtanh nnd telephone com
panies and of the Union fjavlngs and
Trust company. Jnti'd V. Hllss, Al'en
O. livers, Sr., and 13. II. Archer wi li
the other principal witnesses. Tln-y re
turned to Columbus last night with the
committee. The attorneys and thteu
members of the house committee also
As the evidence of Ueprpsentntlve
John C. Otis and of Colonel Thomas C.
Campbell will be very lengthy, they
were not culled here, but Mr. Otis will
likely be tin. next wllin.s at Columbus.
The employes of President Schmldlnpp's
bank and ITnrry M. Daugherty, chair
man of the Ttcpubllcnn state committee,
yestordnj declined elthet to lie sworn or
to answer questions. Chulrman Huilte
announced thnt as soon as tin- commit
tee was through with all the willing
witnesses proceedings would at once
be taken to bring all of the unwilling
witnesses before the bar of the senate
for punishment for contempt.
It's folly to suffer from that liorriblo plaguo
of tho night, Itching piles. Doan's Ointment
cures, quickly nnd permanent. At any drug
store, 50 cents.
ltntolif.i' J u.'.il r.lL'iuiitMt.
New York. J - n. 25.- lOdward J. Itat-
cUrfe; the actor, was he'd In $2,000 ball
ypstenlny on the chaij.e of perjury.
The nllcgeii perjury consists In ills
swearing iluting his recent trial for as
saulting his .Ife, the daughter of Peter
Del.ncy, that he had never been mar
ried before. Yps'.ordny Ca::i, . llaven
hlll, who allcrcs that ItalcliuV niurtlcil
her In England In 1SS". produced the
original of the martlagc certificate
which Is nlif ed to prove the actor's
perjury and bigamy.
"Kttlecteil colds make fat gravoyards."
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup helps men
and women to a happy, vigorous old age.
Tim .M'IiIpi-" Convention.
Chicago, Jan. 23. The interstate bi
tuminous coal miners and operators
made little progress at yesterday's ses
sion, but the miners made their position
plain by a reiterated demand for a ten
cents advance and h uniform base of
weights. As the convention seemed
nearlng a point when action would be
absolutely necessary the whole matter,
Including the resolutions presented by
the miners, was referi.'d back; to the
scale committee with instruction to re
port today. The main (mention is now
whether Illinois will break away from
the contracts running to lliiv l, or In
sist upon holding them good, if the
Illinois opeintMia-can in arranged for
nothing will ,ir vent a quick settlement,
as tho others operators are ready and
willing to grant the advance" demanded.
5 The. sweetest
"j f and the most
i expressive
8 word in the
English language and the one about
which the most tender and holy recol
lections cluster is that of Mother she
who watched our tender years; yet the
life of every Expectant Mother is beset
j jLjk i;jJtii u iuutiit.1 jo uvolv
Mother's Friend
so assists Naturo in the change taking
filace that the Mother is enabled to
ook forward without dread or gloomy
forebodings to the hour when she ex
periencea the the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives of
botli Mother and Child, and she is left
stronger after than before confinement.
Sent by Mail, on receipt of price, $1.00 per bot
tle. Hook to ' Lxpectant Mothers " will be mall,
ed freo on request, to any lady, containing val
uable information and voluntary testimonials.
ThoBriiineld Regulator Co., Atlanta. 0s.
for rrrnr.n sex.
TIiIh reined v bcliiK In
jected directly to tho
Neat or tnoHC uinenHCH
or tho Gciiltn-Urlnai-y
Organs, rcqnlrcH no
change of diet. Cnro
guaranteed in 1 tola
ituj'H. HiiinllplnliipucU-
J- fTf TTB "T7 ni;c. by mail, 81. OO,
uJ KJ .E&JEilMold only by
S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah.
Hir-nbii4t. Niieelal U I .", Vart
HI lrcelct Strict u rci. .o Cut Must
tl irl.,likii,.ln..i..l il...r.iu . I naf
.ffSiTSitSSSlil BLOOD poisuk
llti nil riiiei. l'reftli ciuea cured Ii I
in i u tiny, ecnti iu ci. Biamim ior uiktc
'"rriith.onlvtriiemetllcal booklix liOBlntf
Quucka&XftkoIuatUutetithL'lr tricks iiSclieiueaL
Novum rk n 29, 1897.
Traliifl will leave Shenandoah after the nbovi
dnte for VS'lKns, Gllberton, FrnckvlIIe Dark
Water, Ht. Clair. Pottsvllle. HamburR, HedliJn
I'ottskowu, I'hoenlxvUlo, Xorrlstown and Pldi
ftdelphla (Broad street station) nt 6U8 nnd if 00
a, in. and 20 p m. on week davs, Sundays,
mediate Htatlonn only 917 a. in. week tlayn
6 OS a. rn. a iu p, in. ror ronsvun nu imr
Hiinrinva. 9 1 a. m.
Leave Shenuiulonh for Pottsvllle (la Dclnnol
7 as, 9 Hn. m., 12 58, 3 10, 5 00, 8 42 p. 111 Meek
days. Uuuduys, 9 10 a. 111., 12 SO nnd 0 31 p. 111.
lraina leave itacktiuc ior iieiianuoan mi
10 40 b. m. and 12 81. 5 41. 752 and 10 37 u. m.
Bunday, 11 13 a. m. and 5 41 p. ra.
iave i-oiMviuo ior miennnaonn via i- rncK
villa 1 10 15 n. 111.. 12:05. 5 15. 7 25 and 10 10 11. in.
8umlT 10 40 ft. in.. 5 13 u. 111.
Leave Pottsvllle ror siienanuoati (via Delano)
(100,7 45,9 05 11. in., 1235, 3 00. S 40 p. ill. week
days. Hundays, 8 45 n. m 12 35 nnd 0 10 p. in. 1
Iare PlilladelpUa, (llroad atreel ahttlou), to
Hhenandoali at 5 97, 8 USand 10 19 a. m., 4 10 and
71 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 8 50 a. m,
Leave Broad afreet station, Philadelphia, In
Hen Olrt, Anbury l'ark. Ocean drove, Loni
llrancb, and intermediate atationa, 8.20
11.14, a. mi., 8.30 and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
Leave llroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Kxpreaa, week-days, 8 20, 1 00, 4 00 5 15, S 50,
7 83, 8 2C, 8 33, 9 50, 10 21 (l)lului: Car), 11 00 a. Ul,
12 00 noon, 2 85 (Limited ICO and 4 22 p.m.
Dining Cars), 1 40, 2 30 (Illliluir Clir) 3 20, 8 50.
4 00.8 00,5 56 (DltllllK Car), 6 00, 7 02.7 43, 10 00
p. 111., 12 01. nlKllt. Sllllilays, 8 20. 4 05, 4 50, 6 IS,
8 20,8 33,0 50, 10 21, (1)1 lug Car), 1135 ft. m.,
12 35, 105 Dlnlne car) 2 30 (Dliiluu Car), 4Q0
(Limited! 22Uluing Cur),S20, 3SS,(DluiiiK Car)
6 35, 7 02, 7 43, 10 0(1 p. ni.. 12 01 nlglll.
Kxprcns Ior noaton wituoui cuange, 11 oua m.t
Mreek-ilays, and 7 43 p. in., dally,
I'or Baltimore and Washington, 3 50, 7 30. 8 32,
1020, 1123, a. m., 1209, 1231 (l)h.liig
curl, 1 l, u in, 1 , l" ,-uiiKrua
sloual Llmltctl. Dining Car, 0 17. 635 lliii.
lug Car, 731 Dining Carl p. in., and 1205
night week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20. 9 12, 11 23,
n. in., lW, 1 4l. uiiKn'aaiouai Lim
ited, Dining Cur, 6 55 mining Car, 731 Dili
tug Cur p. in. nnd 12 03 night. 1
Leave Broad street station via Delaware rlvf 1
bridge KxpreiMi, 7 05 p. m. dally.
Ix-uvo Market Street Wurl Expreas, 8 50 a 111
2 00, 4 00,6 00 p. 111. Sundays, 8 43, 9 43 a. ui
(uevouiu.odatlon 4 30 and 5 00 p. iu.)
For Cnue Mav. Anulcseu, Wlldwood and IIoll
Beach, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Aridon and
Stone llurbor lCupn-M, 9 00 a. 111., 400, p. in.
wet It duya. Sundays, 9 00 u. ui.
For Soinera I'olnt Ripreaa, 8 50, a. in., 2 00,
4 00, A 00, p. 111. wruk days Kilndiiya, 8 13 u. iu.
J, II, lluicniKaoN, J. 11 Wood,
Ueu'l Muuager. Uen'l Tosa'g'r Agt.
m ras-firi rj carps
mu a in. i
Tho Ex-Presidont Contradicts Sen
ator Morgan's Statements.
Itcirnril" tlin lnti'i lui i'iico of Our (!nv
uriiiiicnt In I lio lliiwiilliiu lli'voliitluii
ol'IMII.'l "l)lnuriicofiil"-CHiiinit Uli
iliii'Htiiuil .Mr. .Miii'uiui'm MlHtuho,
Princeton, N. J., Jan. 2B. "U In otif
of the BlrmiKeut tliltiKH of Uihi ntfanRf
times that my position upon the Ha
waiian queHtlon should be mlnututer
stood." That Is the way ex-l'ieHlilcnt
Cleveland expresned himself when
shown tho statement of Senator Mor
gan relative to his position in the orn
ate yesterday. In order that then
could bo no inlsunilerstandlUB of his po-
sltlon on the part of the public he au- '
thorlzed the following statement for the i
"I do not believe In discussing mat
ters of this kind as a private citizen.
I do not care, however, to be mlsrepic
Bontcd. I will, therefore, say that ever
Blnce thp question of Hawaiian annex
ation was piesenteil I have been utterly
and constantly opposed to It. I re- j
Barded, and still recard, the proposed i
annexation of these Islands as not only
opposed to our national policy, but asj
a perversion of our national mission i
The mission of our nation Is to build up
and make a greater country out of what
we already have, Instead of annexing
"I did not suppose that there was any
one In public life who misunderstood
my position In tills matter. It had been
said that I was partial to the former '
monarchy, and desired to it te-,
stored In order that I inlfrlil tieat Aithl
It for the purpose of annexation iirn
could I have hud Btich an idea il i i-'
garded annexation as contrary to oin
national policy? The sunn aiv 'r cu .
be made to the statement thai m op-,
position to Hawaiian annexn'lon
based merely upon dissatisfaction wp
the treaty pending before the sen. '.i
at the time of my second inaugural l"n
I was opposed to annexation as stiUi
"In regard to the Hawaiian mon
archy, aside from any question of an
nexation, and without hniboilng eiy
previous d signs of restoring thu' mon
archy, I investigated lite relHtlmib of
our representatives to Its overthrow.
This investigation satlslled nie thai our
Interfel once In the revolution of 183
was disgraceful
"In regard to the Cuban quest inn, my
position was l'uilv made kmm n t ti
gress in the various messages in which
the subject was discussed. I was op
posed to the leeognltion of the bellig
erency of the Island, and my position
wan perfectly well known. Indeed, so
very unmistakably were my views on
the subject that I was time and again
threatened by ftenzled men and women
with dire calamities to be visited upon
myself and children because of what
they saw lit to assert as my enmity
to the Cuban cause.
"My position on all the questions was
made perfectly clear In the olllcial doc
uments of the time, and there can be
no possible mistake. It is very dif
ficult for me to understand Senator
Morgan's evidently wrong Imp esslons
in regard to my position. Indeed, it is
one of tlu strangest things of these
strange tinn lb it my position In these
matters sin u'd b i n'led into question
It Is easy to catch a cold and just as easy
to get rid of it if you commence to use One
Minuto Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds
bronciiitU. pneumonia and all throat, and
lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to
uso and sure to cure. C. II. Hagonbuch.
YV roe ' ii rnliiiat i,.? .i lierciieil.
New Yi.l: Jan. 25. .' iptnin 'lenrg.
E. Demnu; u:ul crew of he tun .lumes
K. Wallace, which foundered off the
Sandy Hook lightship Sunday night,
were landed at the quarantine dm k,
Stntcn Island, last night by the steam
pilot boat New York. Captain Deminp
reports that when off t lie lightship the
tug comment ed to leak, and he w as
obliged to let go his hawser and aban
don the two scows which were bi.ns
towed. The captain and crew landed
on Sandy Hook lightship with great
dllllculty and the tufj drifted away.
There were two men on one of the
scows sent adtlft. They were well sup
plied with provisions.
Don't glvo them tea or coffee. Have jou tried
the new food drink called Orain-fi ? It is
delicious nnd nourishing nnd takes tho place
of coffee. Tho moro Grsin-O you givo the
children tho more health you distribute
through their systems. Grain-0 is made of
pure graius, aud when properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of coffee but costs
about as much. All grocers sell It, loe and
llsciihInir ltnl.v'w ltrend 1:! w
Home, Jun. 25. In rtsp'jse to ur
summons a cabinet council , e .i,
vened at 10 o'clock last evening to ill
cuss measures for dealing uh tie
bread riots and the socialist dlMii'.b-rs
Two peisons were killed "yestei day a'
Voltrl, near Genoa, In a cunllkt lie
tween troops and rioters who wore agi
tating for higher wages.
Grapes Overhang Two Miles of
Grapo arbors loaded with Grapes, 3 tnilet
long, and over 300 miles of vines trained on
wires. This is tho extent of Speor'b Onorto
Grapo Vineyard ut 1'asMiic, N. J., only la
miles from New York City. Those who
doubt it can havo their expenses paid and
$100 givou them by the Speer N. J. Wino Co
if they will come and see and no not unit tn
abovo true. Tho wines aro tho oldest aud
best to bo had.
An a-h ".1 ' I'lii'iiU'-.
llio Jani'lm, .Ian. 25. HlHpo, who us
Busslnated r.en 'rul Mnreado Hltten
court, the minister of war, Inst No
vember, nt the time of the attempt on
the life f I'li aldirit Moreus, bus com
mitted suicide In prison.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
aud forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic,
full of now life and vigor, tako No-To-Hae,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds lu ten days.
Ovor -100,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bao from
your own druggist, who will guarauteo a
cure. SOe or fl.OO, Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad, Sterllug Remedy Co.,
CLIcugo or Now York.
MoIUult" Will I'iiiu'Ii to lltitton.
"Wnshlnguin, Jun. 85. Senators Per
kins and White and Representative
MuKiiire. of California, yesterday for
mally Invited the preaident to touch
the button next Saturday which will
open the golden Jubilee mining fair of
that state. Tho president ha consent
ed to touch the button, and to put the
machinery of the fair In motion.
Miss Alllo Hughes, Noifolk, Va., wai
frightfully hltrnud 011 tin face and neck
l'ain . was Instantly rulieed by DuWitt's
I Wili'li Hazel Kilve, which bealeil the injury
: without leaving a scar, It is the famous pile
I remedy, O. II, HuKciibucli.
Tim Alltf-'Mnft ItepilliteiiVm.
New VorM Jan. i!5. Congressman
Janms J. Hjuv, of Syracuse, has re
fused the irtfih-mhlii of the so-called
"antl-l'lattT-rfepublleans, tendered to
him at the recent meeting In tills city,
licrauie he thought II would be better
to have som younger and more active
tnttn to tnkp charge of thp niovenunt.
"I want yiu to understand fully." the
congressman said, "that 1 am in en
tile syinpn(lhy with the mcvi ment. and
I will do fcerythln.t In tnv mer to
aid It. lltlt I believe that otlin ma
terial should hi' selecti d for the le ad of
tills effort to purify the I , . , 1 1 ii an
party. I know that the time Is lipe for
the success nf such an effort."
Onvemnr -.'Nlartt- 'l.'ci lr nient.
Trenton. Jan. 26. The two houses nf
the legislature held brief sessions Inst
night and little was done In either body
outside of introducing n number of
hills. It Is now definitely settled that
Oovernor !rlTg will irrlgn next Mon
day, and I 'resident Voorhees, of the
scnatn. will probably take the oath of
of lice as ae'lng governor on Monday
vlli m twin, unn
?.,VZi' its alicestois All of
them contribute some
thing to baby's physical
or mental or moral
make up The mother
gives tlic largest
share. To a
great extent the
h c a 1 1 h of a
child depends
upon the health
of the mother,
both before and
If, during the
period of ex
pectancy, the
mother enjoys
good general
and local
health, she will have a child with a robust
body, an alert brain and vigorous health.
You . annot expect such a child from a
weak, sickly, nervous, despondent woman,
who is broken down by derangements and
disease of the distinctly feminine organs.
A woman in tint condition is almost sure
to have a puny sickly, peevish baby. Dr.
Pierce's Kavntite Prescription is the best
preparation for motherhood. It relieves
maternity of its dangers, and of almost all
its pain. It resiores the delicate utid im
portant organs that bear the brunt of ma
ternity to perfect health and strength, and
assists the regular and lualthful perform
ance of all tile natural functions It ban
ishes the ailment- uf the critical period,
nnd makes bain's debut easy and almost
painless It insures the little new comer's
lie-iUli. Thousands have I stilied to its
merits. Good medicine dealers sell it, and
no lmuest dtuggist will in ult your intelli
gence iiy urging upon you something else
as"inst as good." Th "just as good"
kind is dear at any price.
V -s R B. Cannings, nf No. 4320 lluraphrev
Street, St Louis. Mo., writes: "I am uow the
happy mother of a fine, healthy baby girl. X
feel that vnar ' Favorite Prescription ' lias done
me more 'good than anything I have ever taken.
I look three bottles of the ' Prescription.' and
the con-eniieuc-s were I vac only in labor forty
five minutes. With my first baby I suffered
eighteen hours, ami then hat! to lose him."
A 1.50 home doctor-book prfx. I'or a
paper-covered copy of Dr. Tierce's Common
Sense Mi .lical Vilviser send 21 one-cent
stamps to cover cost of mailing only.
Cloth binding 10 cents extra. Address Dr.
R. V. rierce. Dufialo, N. Y.
Hillions of Dollars
Go up in snioko ovory year. Take m
risks but get your houses, stock, fui
niture. etc., insured in flrst-cbtss n
liablo companies as represented by
A1b6 Life nnd Accidental Oompanl ra
DRUG jM RFP amq EUHt. iiVMrnac.Fnow&MAU a KAFr
lytifj'tuMK ' vfurox specific warniLr,,KA
sk Fovlnety'a drug Htoro,
Centre flreel.
csoinuylkill Dental Parlors,
7 North Jardin Street, -
A first clnss dental pailor where all the branches of dentistry are skill
fullv executed.
Best Artificial Teeth,
OOLD FILLINGS, .... $,.O0 and up
All our work 1m nccouiimuicd with a etiarnntce.
BoniattoieB nee ts a reliable,
the purest drugs
Dp- Peal's
Thejr aro prompt, sale and
uoini. oeaiaiiywaere,
For Sale al KIRLIN'S
, n ! i
s N ' : .
('". 1 VI '
7ffflify In tlu- I iut-, 11.- b !iitntlunl ruaieily for s
if '' xfiSmi til,lul"'- HruiuOa, t'i.iiiii-, XlhuuiuatUtu, E
5 t..,l..-r.n ' 'f$C lricc?5ct aim to eta. per bottle E
- "- re m n . PACKEII & CO., Philadelphia
E FOE, J3A.1.13 WHEKE.
Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii'" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiitiiTS
25 SO
JRSflT IITPT V P.IlIPUKTPPn fu" anfoineorronitlpatlon, Tasearrta art IheUenl Ijj
ToWliU I uii I UU5II -ill 1 lifjU n, n,,er trip or eripe.t.ut raute easj uaturalretuUa. Viin
il'. tfree. Ad. MUll lM) 1"1. l K1V
For Weak nnd Run Down People
UHAT IT I Q I Thertchestofntl rubor
VVriHI II IOI tiye foods, because It re
placed tho essentials or Ufa that are ex
hausted by dlHciike, lndlgcstloa.hlghllTlng.
ovcrw ork, worry, oxcosses, abuse, etc.
UHAT IT nflF5l By making the blood
WnHI II UUEOI puro and rich RDd the
digestion perfect It creates solid flesh,
Inusclo and strength. Tho nerves balng
made strong tho brain becomes lutlvo and
olear. u restores lostvltallty, stops all watt
ing drains and weakness lneltliur box, and
ns a fcninlc rcgulntor bus no equal. 1'rlca
Wa., or live boxes 52.00. Druggist or by malL
Wo cun help you. Advice nnd book, free.
WrltoUs About Your CnaoJ
tfila Chestnut Htrfrnt. Philadelphia.
B. Relieve and Cure
Head Troubiw
stomach l' mm ' nnL
System trresuiafliiss r'v
"For every III, a special pill."
I . If not at Drug Stores, write
I H Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkers,N.T.
Health Hook Mailed I'rce.
A Keuuine welrauie waits you at
iof; wyait's saloon.
Cor. Hain anil Co I iita.
HiiCfll whlnkey, bewr porter ud U
cot sUntly on lap. Cholc eiuptnuci dtinfcf
and clirarf
Celebrated Female
Powders never fftlL
r uid mur faftar fkllinc
with Tini 'id l"cillirrorl ntl nil MhCT Ukf
m,.iin.t A lw... httv thii hmt ftfid Affnld dull.
Ihe bef t 111 th nffrkft, A No. L bartlcullrt, Ca," Dt.t-T.
ViX. tiauk lur. Uoiton, Mw
;; Webster's
? 5sat eraaati osial
j tn i-t itr tf the " Vunhriftacd "
f? The Ono Croat ytantlnril Authority,
? Sn writ 1 1 .1. itrewer,
nupreino uun.
pfUier.S.r.oft TrlntlnKf
Office, tho r S. Hnprrnio (
t.oiiri, mi uio rn
nipme fonrtondof near
ly fill the b Jioolbook b.
t y Stat Siitfrinifmle ti (
r school. Culletrn Trrsl i
(liutH,.nnlotift L.uU(Mttia ,
nimnhi triuiout nuinut-
Jj Iiivaluntile
in inr (iiiiiBPiiiuti, nun 1
tlif tfiH-liP' , fh"l.n . in
l'hil'ih.i) man, ami t h
' ' ran .imr.
r j;nj jtie nrd wanted,
t i, iu y tu nsccrtuin the pronunciation.
rt foTiiv to trace the growth of a word.
!t is c.i'iy Irn what n word means.
t .
I'i'iii. i 1
11I'. II
1 frel I tl ! f'M'81 Wl' '
11 . M 111. leni 1'
n I-.I
t-!': 1 !:"".t.
s ' .'ut tin uppUcatioi
I T ro.. I'ltbllsh,
iir 'J'-hl, IT.ivs., r.s.A.
-k -. o,- r 000 (KVOAIV
Good Set ol Teeth,
monthly, resnlatiDK niedirm Only liarmltaa &M
should be useJ. It youwuiji 1 . iH.a.p-ct
PennroS Plih
certain In result. The cnoloo (Dr. real's) ceTcraUsas
Aoaress riLiLilEBicmi: Uo., CleTclaua, o.
Drue Store. Shenandoah, Pa-
- '" ' '.ii l.i'i'p fiituin.eil nf E
- ill- . II i'..
l" ii- .--. t wills
I , I l 1. I' , I'l' will
(.. (hlcsso. nuatrtal. Tan.. oren Turk.. 311.1
-harass i