EVENING HERALD K.srAlll.!Ml.HI 1X10. Puitll.hed every KvcnlnR, Kicept Hundny. at HODTII JARMH HtHKCT. Nkah Pfn f be. Die llentlil In (tcllmrri inHliennmlitun mid tin urrounillnt; to.v.n for nix cent week, pay ulit o the carrier, lty mail J3.00 year, or 2" o 'ttiflA montli. imynblelti advance. Advertise manta charitou according ti .uce mid position. The p iuMliett riwirve the. right to change the lllon ot advertisements whenever the til riittlon of nuws demands It. The rlht ! reserved to reje'any advertisement, whether luSiii tor or not, jnt the publisher mny ileum Improper Advertising rate made known iiKn application. Kntered at the postoMcc at HhenaniUi ih, I'm., an second clasH mail matter. TKLKPItONK CONNKtTTION "All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald TUESDAY. JANUAUY '-'5. 1SHS. Mil. UiiVAS litis mil yet (itc."fi'(l his opinion on the llniuiciiil system of Mexico. His dik'lice on the silbjoet is beginning to he eloquent. It is not often that the medicine of ostracism is employed in polities, but there lire some (licenses that require the most desperate remedies. Kvanukust Moody is giving Greater 'ev York n religious slink ing, and, realizing the extent of the job, has called for 100 earnest helpers - brave men who will quail before nothing Tiik latest estimate of the Klon dike nold production this winter is fl2.000.000. Colorado's yield of' gold last year was nearly double that amount. Somic of the marriage announce ments contain only the names of the bride and officiating clergyman. It will soon be the proper tiling to omil the groom entirely from the cere mony. WllKN Ureat Hritain found itseli powerless to control its American colonies by military force it signed a treaty of peace and recognized their independence. That was the sensible course, and Spain can prolltably study the example. IN the Hoston theaters a lady weal ing a hat is handed a caul hearing a copy of the city ordinance. The idea is incomplete unless the man who spits on the lloor, goes out he tween acts, or otherwise annoys follow play-goers, is handed a similar hint. In political circles, it is hinted that Hon. C. N. Hruiuin has an interest in Pottsville's only morning paper. Tile rumor, however, is vague and has not been verified by Major Finney. It muy have eminated from the "office, boy" or some under strapping. Schuylkill county lias a number of unscrupulous politicians, who re gard veracity as anything but a virtue. Messrs. lirmiim, Coyle and others pledged the Schuylkill dele gates in the state convention for Gov ernor Hastings, in consideration of the latter vetoing the new Quay county bill. The Governor kept his word, but tile triumvirate, according to Senator Loach's sworn testimony, sacrificed their manhood and repu tation for veracity. And yet they have the hardihood to prosecute other people for perjury. Silver in the Senate. There are two ways of looking at the silver vote in the Seimtd. Much seyare criticism is heard of certain members who either voted to take up the Teller resolution, or refrained from voting on the question. It is declared that such action has given aid and encouragement to tile foes of "sound money," and that thereby the credit of the country has been injured. All such idle fears should be dismissed. The credit of the United States is based upon the sure foundation of public integrity, in telligence and patriotism. BryituUm appealed in vain for support, because it represented false financial and economic ideas. A large majority of the American people profoundly be lieve in sound principles. They will never sanction any departure from the paths of wisdom and rectitude. They will never ask the public credi tors to discount their just claims on the Federal Government. But there is room for a wide dlHer enco of opinion as to the details of financial management. The coin of the country is both silver and gold, and must so continue indelluitely. There has been a uniform standard of value, and there nlwayB will be. Every dollar issued, whether gold, silver or paper, will be maintained at full face value. Public creditors will not be wronged; neither will unscrup ulous speculators and money lenders be permitted to squeeze the life out of helpless victims. The bonded In debtedness will be paid in honest BETTER IN EVERY WAY Was Always Troubled With Nervous ness Now Cured. MAHAKOY CITY, PA. "I have been troubled with nervousness and kidney difficulty. Have taken Hood's Barsapa rilla, and I am now feeling better in every way. I am stronger and have a good ap petite, and I sleep well at night. I have so much confidence In Hood's barsapa- rilla that I am glad to recommend It." Mas. Eliza. Hawkins, 1110 B. Centre Bt f-1rrrVc Diltc fro Liver Ills t r to, riOOU S F1IJS uke.eijjrtoopwatt.ao. NETHERSOLE "Aftor being completely worn out from constant nervous strain, I wua ndvlsod to usa tho Gonulno JOHANN HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT. Ithasbono- fltod mo bo wonderfully tnnt i navo uocomo its VrJ&yt' Btrongost advocate ! Johann Hoff's Malt AVOID SUBSTITUTES money. Congress cannot violate any contract, nor will it seriously attempt to do so. The efforts of silver ex tremists and gold enthusiasts will not succeed in putting the government in a false position. The Senate might as well declare Itself and get the question out of the way for tile pres ent session. No radical legislation is possible at tills time, and nil fears to that ell'ect are groundless. HOW TO FIND OUT Kill a bottle or common jjian with urine and let it stAUil twenty-four hours; a soli incut or sL'ttlhiK linllintos iia unhealthy condition of the kidneys When urine (talus linen it Is evidence of Miiti V troiililo. Toj frequent desire to urh.utt- ur I'.iln in the hack, is also cniivlininji proof t!i:it tlir kidneys ami Mulder hiu out of older. WHAT TO DO. Tilde Is eunilmt in the knowledge so often expressed. Hint Dr. Kilmer's Snump-Kunt, the ureat kidney reiiiody, fullllli cvciy wili in relieving p.iin in the i..ick , k hi uij iv. r, Madder mid eery part of tho iiiiu.iry pas sages. It corrects inability to huh! mine did scaldllit! p.iiu in passing it. or b.ul .lit et ollowin Mm1 of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes th.it uiiple.is.int necessity of beini; coinpellcd to eel up in. my times durin,; the night to iiriiialo. Tho in lid mid tie Uaoidiiiaiy ell'ect of Swaiuplinut is si. u rcali.eil. It stands the highest for its im i derful cures of tlio most (lii'iessing i .im s If you need a uudiciue you should lia-.e I Ill icit. Sold by drusxiits, price fifty -mil one dull r. You may havo a sample bottle and piuiphlet lioth sent fiee by mail Mention the HvKNlNO IIi'.H.vi.n nud scuil your aibliuss to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iliugliunip 'on, N. Y. Tile pniprietnis of this papui 'jiiariinteu tho KemiiiirsH of this offer. COMPTROLLER DAWES' PLAN. it (ilvos riirllicr Tlino Kor IMillndel lilitu's railed Haul; to l.liiililnte. WiiFhliiRtnn, Jan. 2.". At nildnlBht Comptiollcr of the Currency Dawes 1s nied a lengthy statement to the credit ors of the Chestnut Street National hank in which lie says: "A i the time of the failure of the Chestnut Street National hank my predecessor In olllce Issued a statement endorsing what Is known as Hie Sln Borly proposition, which has now been approved by a large majority of the creditors of the bank. In view of cer tain provisions and my conviction that the power of the committee to change the plan would enable me consistently to demand additional protection to the depositors of the hank, I approved the general plan, providing the unanimous consent of creditors could be obtained and allowed until Jan 20 for the secur ing of additional assents." Mr. Dawes then explains that he Is Informed that the assents to the plan already given have been solely lnllu enced by the assent of the two comp trollers, and adds: "In the published statements accom panying the plan, and as an argument for Its adoption, the following state ment Is made, which requires explana tion: "It must be clear to all concerned that in no case can creditors of the bank, of the Trust company, ot the Pulp and Paper company and of Mr. Slngerly himself realize more than tho total value of the assets and rights of these corporations, In addition to those of Mr. Slngerly individually. "In this statement the fact Is not brought out clearly that in the case of the Chestnut Street National bank there is a stockholders' liability outside of that of Mr. Slngerly amounting tc $215,000, and further, the directors, In addition to Mr. Slngerly, are by law individually liable for the full amount of losses resulting from the excessive loans and all other violations of law. "Another feature Involved In the plan as it stands at present is one which in my judgment has flbt been generally understood. This relates to the priori ties ot lien Involved In the redemntlon of the proposed different Issues of IJec- 1 ord stock, and the division of creditors into classes A. B and C. "Under the present form of the plan all the cash and quick aRsets of the bank may, In the discretion of the com mittee, be diverted toward the redemp tion of the first and second prefei red stocks, belonging to classes A and 11. r. i which the individual depositor of t'i Chestnut Street National bank does nut belong. "Upon the value of The Itecord prop erty the value of the plan entirely de pends, and I shall have a government expert examine the books and prop erty of The Itecord company to ascer tain whether the earning capacity cor responds with the statements given the public and inform himself as to the general value of the property. "In order tnat no damnge shall result from delay for the next 20 days the examiner In ehnrge will proceed to the liquidation of the bank in the regular way. If the report of the government expert Is unfavorable I sholl appoint a permanent receiver Immediately. If, however, this report Is favorable, be fore my acquiescence In tho plan, the following conditions must have been complied with: "One of the present committee, giving bond for the fulfillment of his duties, must be named as trustee for the cred itors of the Chestnut Street Nutlonil bank. To him must be puld all the net proceeds of the assets of the Chestnut Street National bank, which shall be devoted bv him as trustee to the re deeming rate of The Itecord stock Is sued for claims of depositors of the Chestnut Street National bunk. None of tho assets of this bank shall be used for any other purpose except the pay ment of such clnlms against the bank as are at present preferred and the ex penses Incident to Its regular liquida tion by the committee until The Itecord stock Issued for claims against the Chestnut Street National bank shall havo boen redeemed In full, with S por cent Interest, "The directors shall execute their ob ligation to this member of the commit tee, as trustee, hi favor-uf the bank's creditors, in .consideration of creditors WRITES: 3 0 Extract nsscntintf tn tbe i inn. 'to t.tV fnat said dlii'ctmn f'.i. 1. notwithstanding said plan, remain bound for all liabili ties Ini'iinid b.' them under the pro visions of law. "To this member of the committee, as trustee, each stockholder of the bank must inter as an Individual into an ob ligation ilr.illar to the ubote to the ex tent ( f his Individual liability as a stockholder. "An at. i cut of money equal to tho par of the claim of non-assen'lng cred ltois nnd (! : er eint Interest fioni the date of the failure ot the bank must be provided to pay said non-assenting claims. "Upon compliance with these condi tions, for the fulfillment of which I will allow 20 days, 1 shall then nppolnt the examiner In chnige as temporary re ceiver, who within live days after his appointment will appear In court and ask for the approval of the court to the transfer of th'j rrprt-( rf the bank to said convnll ee under thee conditions. Upon receiving such approval the prop erty will be delivered to the said com mittee, and fie trmpoi -y receivership terminal! !. oihei v. Ise I wl'l appoint a permanent reieher. In pursuance of law." GREAT SURPRISE MM STORE I'nr these who will go to-day and net a pack asn ot (iltAIN-O It takes the plaui of cdH'ce at about i tho cost. It is n food drink, full ot health, mid can be given to the children as well aa tho adult with great benefit, it is made of pure cntius and looks mil tastes like the finest grades of Mocha or laaeof!'ee. It satisfies everyone. A cup of tji.iin-0 is bettor for the system than a louic, because Its benefit is permanent. What ull'eo breaks down (Iniin-O builds up. Ask imr urocer for flr.iln-O. 15c. and 83c. I'ii.iiil'li'cv Xci'ii Mori Motley. Was hint! I in. Jan. 25. Post master Oneral ary sent to congress yester day a rei.uest for an appropriation of JlCS.OL't) to t. c( t a probable deficit in the free delivery service for the current firni ;err. I"e estimates the not de i. ii... y in salary account July 1, lS'JS, will be $117. CM: in Incidental account, J67.C2S; tnttt' deficiency, $1S5.2S1, while convertible ! i'ances In other accounts reach S22.(l;i), leavlnc a net deficit of 1G3.2S1. Tor Infants and Children. Its fic- It n our? wrijper. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE nd Kilmers, the Jluml (if America, Clill foriilii. Via the true pathway, "The Iron Mountain lioute," which traverses a region of poipetual Miiishine, where suow storms, blizzards or high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first and second class palaco and tourist sleeping cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California. Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without change. Quick tiuio, low rates, and nil the comforts of modern railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway system. For rates right from your home, literature, ami full information, drop a postal card, J. P. McCann, T. I. Agent. Bit) Itail road avenue, Klmira, N. Y., or 391 Urond way, Now York, 3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, O. E 1. Ast. Household Necessity. Oascarets Candy Cathartic, tho most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, act gently am) positively on kidneys, liver and bowels cleansing tho entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please, buy aud try a box ot U. C. C. to-day ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all drueiusta. lire! Fire! Mre! Insure your property from loss in the oldest and btrongost cash companies: Phlla Underwriters Insurance Co. of North America and Tire Association, Hartford The Ins Co., American Fire Insurance Co., West Chester Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen's ins. Co. T. T. Williams, 123 S. Jardin St., Sh.enaiidu.tli. IN SENATE AND HOUSE. Despite Cliivolnnd'H Denial, Morgan sinyH Ho favored Annexation. Washington, Jnn. 25. Proposed an nexation of Hawaii was somowhat ex tensively reviewed by Mr. Morgan, ot Alabama, yesterday while speaking to a question of personal privilege. The Alabama senator bad been represented as saying In ex"cut:ve session substan tially that ex-President Cleveland was In favor of Hawaiian annexation. This statement called out a denial from Mr. Cleveland, and in support of his original statement Mr. Morgan ad dressed the senate at great length. One of the features of the session was an elaborate speech by Mr. Turple, of Indiana, in suppott ot the Teller bond resolution. The pension appropriation bill was debated for nearly three hours, but was not passed, the senate adjourn ing until tomorrow pending the dis posal ot a point ot order made against an amendment by Mr. Allen, of Ne braska, to the pending bill. The house spent a couple ot hours transacting business relating to the District of Columbia, and the remain der of the day on the Indian appropri ation bill, During the consideration ot the Intter bill a lively political debate was precipitated by un allusion made b Mr. Simpson, of Kansas, relative to nn alleged Interview with the president on the subject of Immigration, Mr. Grosvenor too!; occasion to express the opinion that the president had never used some ot the luuguage Imputed to Mm, und the debate drifted into a geiv eral discussion of our industrial con dltlons, In the course of which tho strike in New England, the higli'prlces for wheat In Kansas and the default Ing Itepubllcan ofllcUls in Nebraska successively played their parts. Prosperity comes quickest to tho man wbosn livur Is in good condition. DoWitt'i Utile Early Itinera are famous little pills fur constipation, biliousness, indigestion and all stomach aud . liver troubles. C. II. liageii-buch. MINT DIRECTOR PRESTON RESIGNS HelHtUie( (led liy (lonriro I'.. Iloboi'tx, (if Port limine, la. Washington, Jan. IB. Tlv roplRnatlon nf H. (3. Preston as din t t.r of the mint was yesterday tendered in (he presi dent to take effect utmii the appoint ment mid qualification of successor. P.OHHUT 13. PKKKTON. Mr. Preston has been connected with the tuasury department for mine than 42 years. The president Inter sent to the sonnte the mime of Uemge 13. Uoberts, of Foit Dodge, la,, for the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Pres ton. The Greatest Dlscovcy Yet. W. M. Itcpine, editor Tisklhva, III., "Chief," ays : "Wo won't keep house with out Dr. King's New Discovery fur Consump tion Coualis and Colds. Etperlmentrd with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Di'covsry. No other remedy can take Its place In our home, as in it we hs.vo a certain and sure cure for CoukIis, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc." It Is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they arc urged nn you as just as gem! as Dr. King's New IMscnvory. llioynre not as good, bcc-inse this remedy has i record of curesand bc-blesisgnarunlecd. It i ve- fails to satisfy. Trial bottles flee at A. Waslcy's drug store. i ( fri - i ide n.' "is. an l uf.. i . , p., I uiK i'K 'I'' '"' ed IT' er b. . .! en Oenr. Hal-. n v. ii i in 1 , ill i Mm . , itilt'c c f tin the I)!e;'r afi'.ilr. H di -iv vhatlt .lly th.-Uth t. had i..ii'ions of any kind be n repie'i iratlvesoragents The minister said the 1 Dieyfu ry ot the waste basket Incident at Oernirn embassy in Paris, and the finding t hot ein of compromising docu ments affecting Dreyfus, was slider In vention. A Clever Trick, It certainly looks like it, but thcie is really no tiick about it. Anybody can try it who has lame back and weak kidneys, ui.il. Ilia or nervous troubles. We mean lie can cine himself right awry by taking Elcctiiu Hit ters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant lo the liter and kidneys, is a blood purifier anil nerve tonic. It , clues constipation, be.ulacbe. tainting spells, sleeplessness and melancholy It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re spite the system to its natural vigur Try Electric Hitters and be convinced that they aro a mi ratio worker. Every bottle guaran tied. Only 50c. a bottle at A. Wasley's drug sture. Th Mi ni 'i Jan. 13. 'ii. ...iiuhii.l t vents ltltist'iitl si in r -w 0n' .i niy v.ci . ! i . ' tu,.' ii in;,- .e; mo n of .be 'Ju"en InnM of Cit the mill st: il. ; at Bu:Il" i' !-. Vt.; em indly. tt thsi iiup'.tyeC in the deiaiinent of n mill nf ti. spinning Kalp Jtiv er Iron f. und.-y. and tlip-dlv. the refusal of the V'caveis' nr. un of Fal itiv allokv th or. bv a vote of 117 to 11 tn e Klmr PhlilD mil '.cenierc tn sti ike. The irfUFal was riven n th" llu't all the other opei itivi 'oil, i.J the surnt. cuidi'xn nf ground hay 11 l-l lie i ( n . and audi a p'llltc i.i uhi the union. weauen Mrs. Mary Ilird, Harrisburg, I'n., says, "My child is worth millions to me ; yet I would havo lost her by croup bad I not in vested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Miniit Cough Cure." It cures coughs, colds and all throat aud lung troubles. C. 11. Hageubuch. Dr. Tnlini're Auii.'i Wi "Jcil. rittsburg, Jan. 21. Itev. T. De Witt Tnlpiage. of Washington, was married Saturday to a widow, Mrs. Eleanor M. Collier, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. James McCutcheon. This Is Dr. Talma.-re's third matrimonial venture. He is about CO years old, and his bride Is W. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., was for thirty years needlessly tortured by physicians for tin) euro of eczema. IIo was quickly cured by using UeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve tho famous healing balvo for piles and skin diseases. C. II. Ilagenbuch. ( Two I," '' '.7' i ii ( net 1 1 1 . Plneville, 1!'.. .Inn. 25. Wil int'i an.1 Harvey Tq ie rm- ,;oiul and Lew Wal lace Is fatally wounded us tho result of a pistol duel In a room In Leslie county. The fight started over a card game. Pistols were drawn, the llgh s shot out and a. desperate duel began. When the shooting ceased die two To plen were dead and Wallace fatally In jured. COMMON SENSE CURE. PYRAMID PILE CURE CURES PILES PER MANENTLY BY CURING THE CAUSE. Remarkable Eemedy Which Is Bringing Comfort to Thousand of Sufferers. Probably half the people who see this article suffer from piles. It is one of the commonest diseases and one of the most obstinate People have it for years and just because it is not im mediately fatal they neglect it. Carelessness causes no end of suffering. Carelessness about so simple a thing as piles has often caused death, Hemorrhages occur (luting surgical treatment, often causing death. Piles are simple in the beginning and easily cured. They can lie cured even in the worst stages, without pain or loss of blood, quickly, surely and completely. There is only one remedy that will do it Pyramid Pile Cure. It allays the inflammation immediately, heals Iht irritated surface and with continued treatment icduces the swelling and puts the membranes into good, sounds healthy condi tion, The cure is thorough and permanent. litre is a voluntary and unsolicited testi monial we have lately received : Mrs, M. C. Ilinkly, 6oi Mississippi St., Indianapolis, Ind,, says. Have been a suf ferer from the pain and annoyance of Piles for fifteen years, the Pyramid Pi'e Cure and Pjramid Pills gave me immediate relief and in a short time a complete cure. Druggists sell Pyramid Pile Cure or will get it for you if you asked them to. It is hut 5 "nts per package and is put up only by the tyra-nid Drug Co. Marshall, Mich. I Facts Are Stubborn. Druggists handle hundreds of kinds of medicine. They know better than any one else which remedies cure and which do not cure. They are tn a 11 ' -5 position to know. I Si O O Q Dr. M. llnrknian. It .'''"'"' ' Court St., N. Y says: "I have sold Dr. David Kennedy's Favorlle Remedy for 18 ycats, and do not hesitate to say aud stand up And he counted that it is one of, if not the best, on the market. I have used it myself, nnd my family have also, and we have received great benefit from its use. Although I am an M. D., I am perfccVy willing to say this, for I know it's a good medicine." Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem edy is a perfect blood and nerve medicine. It restores the liver to n healthy condition and cures tho worst cases of constipation. It is a certain euro for all diseases peculiar to females. There is nothing like it for Kid ney, Madder and Urinary troubles. 111 ilrutigtuls netl t for U. ALGIERS-M0 To CO'NTINUE. Citizens JteiK-w Thole AttiiokH on tlio Moron of ill'lVs. Algiers, Jan. 25. Uiotlng incurred yestoidny when it was learned that a Hebrew had stabbed a Spanli id. A mob gathered, attacked and Jooted the Hebrew stores. Governor dene:al I.e pan personally intervened In order to Induce the l tutors to desist from fur ther dlsordeily conduct. The gr.vernni general narrowly escaped a chali which was thrown at him from a store. At the head of six zouaves, with fixed bayonets, thi governor genera!, pre ceded by mllii vy drummers, traversed the stieets, apuenlinff for quiet. I'o hp." followed by a mob of about 3,0; 0 peo ple, who she tiled, "Down with the Jews!" "IteslRii!" Intermingled with u few cries of "Vive le gouverneur gen- ernle!" The governor general finally re turned to the winter palace, escorted by detachments and zouaves. During the aftemoon the manager of an anti-.Iewipli newspaper, accompan ied bv the widow ot a Christian who was killed Sunday evening, herself dressed in dcip mourning, drove along the inuln bo ilevard and created intensi anti-Jewish excitement. The people mat sod beneath the arcades, shouting "Down with the Jews!" and tho like. Fin illy the chasseurs and infantry, hea led by beating drums, cleared the bou evaid. A number of the natives Joined the mob in hope of plllag No Jew ventured upon the streets. Last night tho town was In great tur moil. All the shos were closed, and troops picketed. In all the squares. Several Jewish shops were sacUel, and thu chasseurs several times dlr icrsed the crowds. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says, "After two doctors gavo up my boy to die, I saved him from croup by using One Minuto Cough Curu." It is the quickest and most cert tin remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. C. If. Ilagenbuch. & A 9 It Only Happens A A Jl .frJilM til WINTER UNDERWEAR CLEARANCE. We know that well enough. We couldn't know the goods and not know it. But that isn't the point. We are not holding our goods here to work its way out of the store. The only kinds we have use for are the kind? you will grab for. When you hesitate, we don't we whack the nrice on any lines that will not sell themselves or on random pieces.or lots. That was the Up-to-Date way since our existence It is more than ever the Up-to-Date way. Clean, sprightly stocks that keep us on the jump and you on the jump are ttie only welcome ones here. Aud that is what brings you sometimes Half Prices on goods that we brought into the store since the leaves fell. Underwear. I We have the largest j and most complete line ot gent s uuuer wearcver shown in Schuylkill Co. We were curly buyers and evaded the larifi re cently put on woolen goods. This gives us the opportunity of selling those goods from 25 I040 pel cent, cheaper than any of our competitors. We have them in Suits Conde high grade glove fitting apparel, red flannels, natural wool, camel's hair fleece lind nnd Derby ribbed wool. We have held back 48 dozen shirts and drnwers, heavy wool, fleece lined, at 50 cents. We guarantee to be Ji.oo values. Heavy cotton fleece lined cents. We must close our stock out. Hats and Caps. attention to department. Our btiiT lints nrc un equalled in styles and prices, as we pay close that We buy. at close mar- gins and sell at small profits. That is solely responsible for our immense hat trnde we have established. W o quote a few prices : Stiff hnts.black nnd brown, nil shapes nud styles, for 1. We guarantee them to be the newest thing in the market. Our Si.so and Si. 7 hat cannot be bought elsewhere less than ' $2.50. Our 2.oo, Si 50 and $3.00 hats I are, the nobbiest and neatest blocks made of unceasing wearing qualities. I Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's - Furnishing . House, MAX LEVIT, Prop. Orcnter Now York Will fonto-u. New York, Jan. 25, Corporation Counsel Wlnlen yt 'onlay stated that the ndmlnlstintlnu of greater New York would contest tho lrc-KV of nil contracts untored Into by the old coun ties of Queens itnd Ulchmond s.i.nc quent to tho cnaOtrrent und prior to the golnif Into foroc of the charier c the greater oit Mr. Wha'en stnted that those cont'-ets v. ere entered Into with Intent to r3c fraud the city. If the cor poration cutinsc'.'s opinion Is sustained In court roveral million dollruB' worth of wotk In road lrnprovemen s, 'Irlit Ing, seweiB, cc, In the old cotin'les of Queens and Richmond will not be paid for. 'Tisn't safe to bo n day without Dr. I Thomas' Kclcctrlc Oil in tlio homo. Never can tell what moment an accident la going to happen. .Mr, rs'iiriri Acquitted. Philadelphia, Jan. 25. Mrs. Anna Nlggl, who asphyxiated her two chil dren, Prank, aged 2 years, and Henry, aged 0 months, was yesterday acquit ted of the crime, the jury adjudging her to be Insane. The crime was commit ted on Dec. 2. Mis. Jliggl plnccd the two chlldt en In a bathtub, and turn ing on the gas, lay down beside them. Per husband nrrlved homo In time to nave her life, but the little ones were dead. Mis. tt iggl will be sent to Nor rlstown Insane asylum. to own: a coi.ii in oni: day. Tnkn htixativo llromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money If it fails to cure. 25c. Tho genuine has L. II. Q. on each tablet .. i:pinll I -en 'u-t i . I; I ' Three. Maii'son, 'M-. -n. J5.- Jy fie ox ploMi n of 'he boiler of a ' ci .notlve .stund ug In a roiutdhoUFo l'.ete thtco men ere killed, t.io others seriously Injui. tl, nnd the bullilintr and three en gines .vreckocl. The dead tire: Frank Deck, roup ihr lire imeman: Wesley Schelpcr, engineer (f the wrecked en gine; Checks Younr en.Unejr. The serlov.y bmt nri : Fred V. Uaxler, fireman, :cg burned and scakl.d; Hmll Olsen. ma' '-. n'r . u'.il.'y burned and icnlt.i d by n. sum. fiPRRDv cvnr. TnttATMEVT for tortnrlnff, dlifltr urlni;, ttthtnir, liiimlnp, aud scaly fiklu and scalp diseases with loss or hair, Warm baths wltliClN ticuiu Boap, Rcntlo applications of Gutiotjri. (ointment), and full doses of Cutioura. IIesol Tknt, greatest of blood pu rill era and humor cures mm Ii not.l throaitioDt the world. 1ottbb t pRCfl r "him. Coup., Kla l'rop., lioMm. I ,u tCur ltchiug Skin DlMMes, tYee. ! nrn nAIIOII lliunp SofteoM and TWuttned COCOA- and r.unr.m.4TFi U roft EATING. DRINKING. I COOKING. BAKING fl? Purify cf Material and vjj, Ub,.bIVUdtll..-,UIVI UUCJU.CUCU- roRSALUi our sums AHp BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. SHENANDOAH'S GREATEST 'S FURNISHING HOUSE. Once a Year. AKE it your particular business to call on us before purchasing or Inspecting else where. We can show you the greatest money saving values. Our store never fol lows others, but lead. Our store may not be 'C5 the largest In area of tG ($7FP L 1 11 i 1 "Lsir Spacei ,ut n Is in r stock and cheapest in prices. Fine Imported s'ctim.g that r.311 ivt cc meets the mid- Silk MtlfflerS. winter end of any purchuscr. We have them ranging in pticc from 50 cents to $2.25. GLOVES, 1'rom 50c per pair and up wards. COLORS : Ton, brown and red. Woolen gloves nf every description1 French Kid palms with Astral: han backs nud woolen lined, l'ricc $1.00, a special offer. Our stock of working gloves cannot be surpassed. ITC8IN6 i MvYmJ in ii- ""i THE UP-TO-DATE HAT STORE, Her Health Restored .HE misery of sleeplessness can only be realized by thoso who havo experi enced It. Nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, neuralgia and that miserable feeling of unrest, can surely bo cured by Dr. Miles' Itcsloratlvo Ncrvlno. Bo certain Is Dr. Miles ot this tact that nil druggists aro authorized to refund prico paid for tho first bottlo tried, providing it docs not benefit. Mrs. floury Druns, wlfo of tho well known blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, says: 'I was troubled Willi sleeplessness, nervous ness, headache and Irregular menstruation; stiiToriilg untold misery for yoars, 1 used various advertised remedies for female com plaints besides being under tho caro of local physicians, without holp. I noticed in Dr. Miles' advertisement tho testimonial ot a lady cured of aliments similar to mine, and I shall novcr cease to thank t hat lady. Her testimonial Induced mo to uso Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno and Nervo and hlvor Pills, which restored mo to health. I cannot say enough for Dr-SIilcs'Itonicdlcs.' Dr. Miles' Itomcdlcs aro sold by ail drug gists under n posltlvo guarantee, first bottlo benefits or money re funded. Hook on dis eases of tho heart-and nerves free. Address, Dlt. JI1L1C3 MEDICAL CO.. KUhurt. Iud. PROFESSIONAL CARDS rU. W. II. Y1NUST. VETEUIKAKY SURGEON. QrndimtR and Late Resident House Burgee the University Htote of K. Y. Ilcaduunrtcrg i-Commerclal Hotel. 8henniloh TUlilCII YKAlt 0OUI13B. CaIU niulit or day promptly retponded. M. BUIIKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW., Olllce KRan building:, con er of - Main an Centre atreets, ShenandoAU. r H. POMKUOY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAWJ Shenandoah, Pa. t W. 81lOi:iIAKHlt, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market and Centre streets. pilOF. JOnN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box S3, Mohanoy City, Pa. Having studied under Maaa of the best masters le London and Parle, wtll trfre- bMu on the vIolln.mandollB, pultar aad rml ndfbn. Trrnir reasonable. Addreea tn care at Stroma, the jeweler Sbennndnah. Tho Rosy Freshness Ana a velvet softness of the skin Ii 1bt riably obtained by there who use Pozaoiti'a Complexion powder. Up-to-Date Hat Store, 15 EAST' CENTRE ST. MACKINTOSHES. English Serge, in black ' and blue, full-length, J caPe an(l coat at $4.85. We have still I t. (.,. I better qualities. Come and inspect 1 , v I them. Umbrellas. A special lot of 26-in. Silk Gloria Umbrellas', close rolling, with steel rods, choice nat ural wood handles, plain and siWer trimmed, black handlea, 1.25. Anybody who wants a good and nent looking um brella at a moder ate cost, see the gloria silk ones, with steel rod, paragon frame, nt ss cts. FillP RPIlt'; nuy a half or quarter rZif u-Ui d0" P"- Tht kind Half HOSe. that will make the wearer smile. We have the very newest creation in plaid and polka dot hose. 15 East Centre Street. jfv MHoV' ;l Nervine 3 jj Rorjtoro3 Jjjj , I XII" s