The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 22, 1898, Image 4

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On the Sunday school
lessons are now on
sale. Publisher's price
$1.25. Our special
price $1.00. Only a
few left at this price.
a- ri. rviaim St.
lifers Friend I
THE Rt'Sl 1
is a li limcit for expectant mothers
to use extern illy. It softens tha muscles
and causes them to expand without dis
comfort. If used during most of the period
of pregnancy then will be no morning
sickness, no rKitv; breasts no headache.
When baby is born there will be little
pain, no danger, and labor will be short
and easy. $t a bottle at druggists.
Send f'.r a ! ;,ff mpy of cur illustrated
bOOk atl lit ' THEK S S-K1END.
The Gradfie.M Hcgaiator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
In the Spring will be Tremendous.
The moot profitable lMilnM w 11) lie In tnim
portfitloii anil mere. mini miir nul In furnMiliiK
fowl UMtl ft Up ,.11 CM to tin- nmltltuil. nf Unlit
Mfckr n n (jp..riil Trmliun-. Mt-rtnn-tlle
mid Meuinship om nt It n so In 10 it
will I'Cfo hi 8
The Alaska Transporta ion
and Development Company
'"cWtT11 $5 000,000
T meet th dciwuul, will own nml npcrute Its
Connecting with its own line of large and
Magnificent Ocean Steamers,
SpeclrtllyndnpUil fr p;wciKer !inlm' tMrrj -Inif
to that country nn tinmcnse of 8iip
iiircrt nml tqulpinent for tin iniiu rn, rn wi'llmi
lurnislilnw tbein tmuBpnrtiitioii for tlinimrhrR
fuid thrir vomit, nml t'! Timllng
Station it different point An opportunity tt
otTcrednny pen n, le tliry of tnii'l or lure
mcunq, ti Imy aliiuot of stock In tlilt Lonipmiy
nml participate In tliu
sure to bo earned within the, next 12 month
Shares are offeied at $1.00 each
JMrVh.ue, non-iisi's.iMe, und will bo offend
or a limited time on .
Safer than Savings Banks nd Bank Slocks
l'nylni; lamer tlUIdemN While t iimeronn
saying" bunkf nml lmnks luve Mit. muIcm,
trni-tp'-rt-tion and t ratling com pa i ,(- were
never seen In tin htt of failure.- '1 hit ntnek Is
niik of the most deiir.dile investments oITcicd
the puhlie
riie incorporator! nml t--rkhl,Jt-rs hr are
connected Itli thl coir p;wi are n-ui uf wide
experiancci In similar iindritaklnes and men
wlio- names nrn siitllctent Kunrantee of tin
stand Iiik of the v in puny, o it:
AMtKltTf Ht-ATZ, ran Val Jtlatz 11 fv Co.,
HON WM 1- MASON, rnited States renator
from lllittof.n
D. O KDWA1E1H, lUst. Trail, u Mr. C II A
J) IE It , Cincinnati.
I'll AN K A. HKCHT. of I hoa Kac-tner & Co.
CHAS II. HOCICWKM,,Trnn!! Mtfr. C 1. Sc I,
K. . tMonon Knnti-t Chicauo
W. C. ItlNlCUW'tN.Uciri 1'h-. AKt C. N. O
JtcT IV It IE . ( Incinnatl, O
t W. OHirrrni, Tre Klrtt National Itank.
V.cksbur., Mis-
PUKI. A OTIi:. p-wt tigl.tri-ii with
Shelby lUnk,Miclhvilfc, Ind
J, M. I'lUMJl'S, C-ttlilrr rirst Nat'I Rink,
VleksbnrK, Ism,
And humlrrdt of others cpiall prominent
Address and make all money payable to
The Alaska Transportation & Development Co,,
I'islier ltuHdiiiK,
Cor. Van Ibiren A; Dearborn Stt.,
A Socialist on Rupture from
will visit
Shenandoah Every Thursday
AT Til 12
Ferguson House, from 9 a. m. till 1:30 p. m.
Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or
uo pay. Written guarantee to absolutely
cure all kinds of Ruure without
operation or detention from
Absolutely no Danger.
. . examination Free.
loo persons cured in Sunbury, Sbamokin.
Mt. Cvmel and vicinity who can be referred
to. Charges and terms moderate and within
reach of all.
JHoney Saving Values.
mi:nt kou i&m
Solid Antique icn
! Oak Sideboards-13
Jiy the closlnr out of a largo sideboard manu
fecturfiiff business firm at tli end of the year, 1
wu afforded thU lucky opportunity to purchase
them and am therefor prrjuired to eater to the
trade with every Imaginable destKH. As th'
pace In our large store room In at a premium
which deprives us of displaying less than one
fourth of them, wo call the attention of the
public to come and examine our samples.
We Quote a Pew Prices :
A rice antique oak sMeboaid,
hardjomrly polished and car veil,
With a plateau- mirror, medium
Ize, at,
Another design, much larger,
with heavier carving, ut
These prices are merely Illustration., for we
have them at almost any price. Wn ure com
pel ltd to sell these goods at sacrifice prices,
occasioned hy the comp'alnt made by the rull
road companies who demand storage charges.
Bed Room Suits, Parlor Salts,
Lounges, Rockers, Chairs, Tables,
Sofas, Springs and Matressos,
At lowest prUes,
121 and 123 North Main St.
Near Robbing' Opera House.
HAY and BTItAW. 5
Ploar and Tabln Oil Cloths. '&
n r cm CV 27 West
C. O. rULUl, Centre Bt.
I (srd in rssiog.
i; llonvt r xUilid fiiftids at I'ottsvillc
Mr. and Mr. TIhhiuk II tint and son wi re
t'uttsvlllu visitors to-day.
II. M. WViili'timml, of Mt. t'aniH'l, wan
vitilnr to town yesterday.
Mr and Mrs l'atll V. llouek left to n
tu-djy to visit 1'rieniUat Ser.intun.
Miii T.iur.i Illckel, of I'ottsvjlle, i fit
mnt of lift- aunt. Mm. John T. (Iraf
1'ev. (leirKe II. Iluclier, of I'arlisle. is ill
town, tho snet of Kev. T M Morrison.
II J. Moie.iHlian returned ttil'ldlitdelpliitt
at noun to-dHy. lie tva acenuiianied by his
mother, Mr .1 II Minia(!' an.
Dr. V. X Sleln and sister. Annie, and V.
.1 James ntlimdril the lnmUtl ofthi' AutliM
eite eirch-of the Millersvillu N'orniHl S. I100I
alumni at tile 1'etinsyWnnia X tal I hotel Tolls'
ville, last even! nr.
To-nlElit and To-morrow Night
nd each day and night during this week y m
an get at any (hu?gists Kemp's llalcam for t'ie
Throat anil Lungs acknowledged to be the mot
.uccessful temedy ever sold for Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. Get a
bottle to-Jay and keep it always in the house, so
-o u can dice your cold at once. l'rice 15c.
Samtde bottle free.
I'iiel t'lro! l'lr.1
Insute your property from toss in the
ildcstniid stiongest cash compiiiics: l'liil.t
Underwriters Insurance; Co of Ninth
Xmcrira and I'iie Assneiatinn, Hartlord
I'"iiu Ins Co., American l'iiu Insuianee Co ,
tVt Chester Kile Ins. Co , United Firemen'.
Ins. Co. T. T. U'im.iajih,
l'J'i S. J.ii'diii St , Shenandoah.
(('oiiiluurd from Khst PnRn.)
lenirtu nn iiih mils inr cnnmilsslohs and ex
penses on the huililtiiR nf bridges, thn prose
eiitlon enileavoring to show that Hill re
ceived $100 more than ha was entitled to
, aienrdinu ti their vlow of thn case.
Mr. Hill said he never received any money
for service tint performed.
, Horace P. Hecbcr, chief o'etk in the Com
mUxlimcrs' olllce, told how ho kept tab uf
the expenses nn the Mcadvillo trip.
I W. J. Whltelinuse. Ksq., was the next wit-
lly Mr. Marr : Are you one of tliogcntlc
, men mentioned as one uf the parties who
' went to Ilarrlsburg nml other places to In-
, llueueo the tJovernor and members of tho
l.rgislatnie against the new county bill
, uhat did you do in this lespect?
A. Yes; I attended meetings of the liar
-soelation wlien hotli tho Orphans' Couit
hill and tho new county hill were discussed.
I It was decided to oppose both bills and a
ciimmittco was appointed. A great many
volunteered to o. Tho question of expenses
was (bseu.s-ed, and also railroad
1 iise; it was said the County Commissioners
Would bejiistlfied in paying tho expenses and
ought to pay litem. Somo persons were kept
Ner thcro to wateh the action of tho com
mittee on this new county hill; I was theie
myself anil Mr. I'ajno also. I went to
Washington to sco .Senator Quay, it having
heon reported that hu bad ordered the bill
passed. Tho Schuylkill county peoplu at
llariishurg had passed a les lutiun that I
and others including Mr. Phillips should go
lus.'tthim. VYosawD.ivc Martin at I'hila
ih Iphi.i and Quay at Washington. It cost
me $.12, I had t'l, leaving, burrowed f'-'O on
way, and $10 at rhiladelphi.i, ami had
nts left; tho petitions in tho Unions
and otlnr tonuships were ciruilated to
counteract Hie ell'ect of agitation in those
(J Uid you receive from tho county $20S
lr services to lienjatniu II. Severn.
A. I icciivid that money Tor tho timo
when Controller Severn first took the olllce
in January and was oustid in September. 1
1 had advised Mr. Severn that under the a t of
Assembly he was entitled to an attorney bo
I ause such was the practice ; I was attorney
1 fjr the Controller in all his lights with the
county otliccs ; some wanted to ignore him;
ho and tho Commissioners weio at lager-
1 1 (mi's. We appealed to tho Supremo Court
I when this court decided against him.
(J When were you paid that?
A. It was a long time after that: we were
nn the outs owing to the Allen case, and after
j that nas settled I put III my hill.
(J Was there not an agreement that if the
1 Allen suit and the quo warranto proieed
' nigs miu w itlidiawii the Commhsiuncts
oil hi pay certain hills and agree to make.
et rtaiu appointments?
A. 1 did not know it until a week ago
I when Mr. Snyder told 1110 thero as such a
paper in existence.
I Mr livon : What's that got to dj with this
through his stomach ; and not by his heart!
I want to say hero that tho J100 I tccelved
would not and did not pay otio flftli of my
(). lly Scbalck : Major, you didn't get any
money from tho Commissioners while this
light was going 011, but put In your bill after
wards to reimburse you In part?
A. Yes, sir.
Witness was sure tho work dono at Harris
burgstved the county from being cut up.
Tho (iovcrnor was not promised tho dele
gates but his friends were. I.tixorno county
made the same promise and unlike Schuyl
kill kept It.
Mlllcrsvllle Alumni.
Tho eighth annual banquet and reunion of
tho anthracite branch of the Millersvillo
Alumni was held nt the l'ouua. Hall Hotel,
I'ottsvillc, last evening. Itepresuntatlvcs
from all tliu towns In the region were present.
TI10 folluwinj olllccrs were elected: l'icsi
dent, John II I.auer, Lansford; Vlco l'iesl
duuts, Win. M. l'aussut, llsq., Potts ill; II.
' 1. Dornbelm, Tremont; Mrs. 1. K. Winner,
Itnsfoid; Secictary, Miss Hannah (lichcy,
Hnzlctun; Treasuier, II Day (iise. Schuyl
kill Haven. Tho banquet was an elaborate
udalr. I). W. X. Stein and Mis Anna It.
Stein, of town, wero piesciit.
MaHANOY city.
While John Kauo was walking along tho
highway to town from the I'rlmrosn dam a
fiiend wlio was humorously inclined gavo
him a sudden push, wlii-h causid Kano to
fall and badly sprain his right arm.
Tho members of Camp No. I, l. O T. A.,
will pay a fraternal visit to the Delano camp
on Monday.
Cyan II. Joint, a well known and highly
lespected citizen of town, died this morning
Ho had been a resident of tho town for
thirty years and was 11 deacon In tho Welsh
lliptlst church and a piomiueiit mcmhernf
Mahanoy City Lodge No. 017, I. O. O. I
The lluppes I',
The jury In tho caso of (leinge ' W. lluppes
vs. Sarali I., lloppes, claim for labor, tig tied
upon a vcidlct at I'ottsiillo last ov lilllg.
alter being out 2J hour- and sealing it mailu
ihei return this morning. It was in Kvnr
of the plaintill', lieo. W.Hoppcs, for JllWi'O'i,
The "Silver-Dollar" fountain pen Is solid
gold 14k. fine. Wo fully warrant it.
i-10-tr 1;. it. limiMM.
Leading Clergymen of Fvery Denomination Use and
Advise Paine's Celery Compound.
iippHuliigK Throil-xhoiit Hie (N.iinlr
CJliroulrlciI tor llust l'mnsHl.
Theie ale ."jij.O.TT taxahles in Schuylkill
The new ice machines have been placed in
Kaier's brewery, at M.thinoy City.
William Wood and Miss I'riscill.i drey, of
-t Clair, were married on Thursday.
Controller Severn and his ns-nciatcs are at
work 011 the annual audit of the county's
Charles Campbell, who has had charge of
thw !.itit'K euliu's in Xo. U slopu at Maha
noy City colliery, was transferred to tho out
side huistingengiiiesat tho s.iiue colliery.
James Kane has 110 opposition for Super
visor for tliu Democratic nomination in Mah
anoy township. Tho primaries will be held
this aften'oon.
Visitor Arrested.
Joseph Ililbco, of Wilkesharre, became
boisterous while drunk ar the l.ciii.ili Valley
depot this afternoon. Ho clinched with C. A
I. Policeman Kreigor when ordered away.
With the assistance of C. & I. Policeman
Heigcr, K reiser landed tho man In tho lockup.
stiLl no agreement
In tho ( 'iiii v.'ii I ton ot Mlntt Hiorator
nud Wni'i,ers In Chlcntro.
ChlcuRo, Jan. -'-'. After wailinr: upon
the scale coinml.toc since Tuos-ilay the
delegntes to the Interstate joint con
ference of bituminous cual operators
and miner- ,,t Pennsylvania, Ohio, In
diana and Illinois, and the miners of
West Virginia, received a very unsat
isfactory report. It was presented at
yesterday afternoon's session and em
bodied these propositions: The adop
tion of tho mine run, or urosa weight
system, and the uniformity of houis of
labor. No mention of an advance In
wages was made.
The report was accepted by tho con
vention, and Its consideration seriatim
was commenced. Hut It quickly be
came appaieut that no progress could
be made under the rules governinff the
convention, which require an nlllrma
tive vote to carry any proposition.
Finally the convention was resolved
Into a committee of the whole. A vote
was taken on the motion to adopt the
mine run. and resulted: Yeas, 21, nays,
12. This vote, the chair ruled, was u
defeat for the motion.
At the evening; session Operator nob-
bins, of Pennsylvania, presented a rr so
lution embodying- the adoption of a uni
form screen In the competitive field of
Inc h mesh. This plan was discussed
at length. Several amendments thereto
were defeated, and the motion went
over. It Is quite evident that it can
not be put through, as a single objec
tion will serve to defeat It.
Mr. Scbalck: Xcver mind, it will be brought I Cuced
into this coll it at the proper tune. ,
(J. Then you knew nothing of such an j
agreement before you gut tho bill? ,
I A. -Mr. Loach told me he was withdrawing
the proceedings because he did nut get the 1
1 proper support, and if lie had any such ar
I i.iiigemciil It was without my knowledge. I
' never got a penny fur my ollitu services fur
Controller Severn.
t-F.NAToit i.oscn's i:xi't:Nsia.
State Senator Samuel A. Loscb was swum
by Judge Iiechtel. To Wilhelm he said lie
has been in politics since '(l.i; knew must the
leading lteptesentatlvcs ill lfe!)3. and went to
Hairisburgat tho Instance of the County
Commissioners to light the new county bid;
lie spent the months there; ho appealed to
Senator tjuay also.
He nas always able tu prevent the passago
of tho bill until Senator Quay ordered its
passage. Then he tried to havo it vetoed,
lie got the iiillucueo of Cluist. Mageo, and
others. Witness told of Congressman
Hiuinm's stiriug light before the (.inventor,
and on the promise that tho Schuylkill dele
gates would voto for Hastings at tho State
Convention. Tho bill was finally vetoed.
A voice: "Yes, and the delegates went
back 011 him." (Laughter)
l Isn't it a fact that to reach the
average legislator you must entertain him
and spend money with him?
A. Yes sir; you must always reach In in
t onio Deposl mr-sOpiM)!' l'lli-nicl'Tlmo
I'm- Vo'lintnry Liquidation 1 111 1 .
rii'liidrlphia, Jan. 2.'. The Chestnut
Gtieet National har.k, whlih closed Its
doors on Dec. 23, 1 IT. was yesterdRy
granted further time in which to. re
ceive nsscnts to iln plan ot I,
voluntniy liquidation, the comptroller (
of the ciinency having originally fixed
Jan. 20 as the last di.y that he would 1
permit the bank to continue without a ?
receiver. Owing to encouraging reports '
from the managers of Mr. Slngerly's 1
affairs the comrtroller has been In-'
to extend further time. It de-'
veloped today that a number of the .
non-assenting creditors nre displeased
with the action of the compti oiler.
They point to the fact thnt the former
comptroller, Mr. Kckles, made a public
statement that ho was aware that the
bank had been In a had condition more
thnn n year hefore Its doors werecloscd.
and many of the depositors believe that j
no further time should be granted. The!
state of Pennsylvania has deposits .
amounting to $2C0.000, and the man-
agers of tho Dank s affairs have an
nounced tint it Is the withholding of
the state's assent that has caused the
delny In the acceptance ot the plan of
voluntary liquidation.
Justice .MfK'nllllll t'olllll'llicd.
Washington, Jan. 22. Sena'or Allen
occupied almost the entire executive
session of the senate yesterday wkh Ills
speech In opposition to confirmation of
Joseph McKenna as associate justice
of the supremo court, tin ngli there
were brief remnrks by Senators Tur
ner and Wilson, of Washington, and
others fnvorable to Mr. McKinna. Mr.
Allen spoke for about thiee hours. II'
sald he was convinced of Mr. MeKen
na's unfitness for the office. He cT!U
not Insist upon a roll cull -, hen the
vote was taken, and I he vote was over
whelmingly In favor of .confirmation.
A Pleasure at Last. " -
cRck iM .QUAD.
LULU BsSM-so yWfflB
I I lit K. I
I I 1 1 1 r. ?
' A v
Tho Cleanest, Fastest Dye for Soiled
or Faded Shirt Waists, Blouses,
Rbbons, Curtains, Underlinen, etc.,
whether Silk, Satin, Cotton or Wool.
Sold in All Colors by Grocers and Druggists, or mailed free for 15 cents
Address, TUB MAYPOLB SOAP DEPOT, 127 Duaoe Street,' Hew York.
No Muss. No Trouble.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler uf
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
Pcholurs wanted In embroidery and fancy
needle work Jx-ssons etveu .-very afternoon,
All kind of stumping done.
Miss Laura Folmcr,
C'orncr Main and Lloyd tits., ShuiiuLduah,
The undersigned have embarked
in the furniture business in connec
tion with their large and extensive
stove trade. We are not strangers
to the people of this vicinity, and
therefore need no introduction.
Our reputation for honesty, low
prices and satisfaction is iron clad,
which is fully demonstrated by our
many customers. We extend a
cordial invitation to the public to
call and examine our stock.
Made at the
Our Storo.
House or at
No. 7 South Main Street.
Stop That Cough.
d. & J. SIEGEL.3
; 117 and 123 H. Main St.
rniLn. - enenr - stoke.
SO West Centre Streets
Hold that cold back. How?
By using
Manager1 Ben Berg's
Celebrated Cough and Horehound
Drops. For sale only at
UO North Main Street.
A Handsomo Comploxion
i Is one of tho greatest charms a woman can
1 lives It.
"Like tloldsmith's parton who
'Pried each art. reproved each dull delay.
Alluicd to brighter worlds and lead the
yrciit pieachers throughout tho country have
(kjcii the most untirini,' and earnest in telling
tho truth about l'aine's celery compound, in
iiiKln;: sick peoplo to uso it, and at tho same
time they themselves have employed tho
jjreat remedy in their own homes with re
Milti that havo steadily kept up their faith in
its health-idviii! powers.
It is tigniiicant that Paine's celery com
pound stands alono as tho one remedy that
is fiecly u-cd in tho homes not only of clergy
men, but nf all libeially as well as proles--sinmilly
educated men : physicians, lawyers,
i-chnol teachers and others, while every other
remedy purporting to accomplish equal le-
Miilts, is promptly shown the door.
No class of men have tho public good so
.lismleiestedly at heart as clergymen; none
others see so intimately the atl'aiis of so many
hoincs. It is their business to know the sad
siide, sorrows and sufferings. As confidant,
-onfessor and comforter they learn the truth
sis even the physician often fails to do.
And clergymen recommend Paine's celery
compound wherever they enter a home vv here
strengthening of tired nerve. It is not food swallowed, but food well di
Another great picaelier, the licv S. Dnmer, gested that produces flesh and blood. Paine's
pastor of .St Paul's Ibiglish Lutheran church, celery compound disposes the body to take on
Washington, I). C , says : flesh. It makes the breath sweeter, the
Washington, 1). C, May IS, 1807. strensth more enduring, the body plumper
Wells, Itichardsou & Co., and the spirits hotter.
Gentlemen : Havo taken Paine's celery i Dyspeptics and nervous, sickly persons,
compound as a tonic, and am pleased to whose whole lives nre a failure, both as to
certify tliat so far as I have been able to test . enjoyment and usefuluess, ought to learn
it I have found It ipiito satisfactory. bow closely their debility, aches and pains
Yours very truly. depend on tbolr goneml run-down condition,
S DO.MKl!. and that the sensible, lasting euro can only
Si. Paul's Ihig. Lulh. Church, como from building up their general health
It cannot ho repeated too often that tho and constipation. This is tho grand mission
stomach is tlio fountain vv liicli supplies every uf Paine's celery compound. It cures neu
pait of the body. If tho stomach is sick, ralgia, rheumatism, stomach troubles, blood
tho brain, heart, liver, bowels and kidneys diseases an 1 headaches by this enlightened,
are all sick. The trouble may all h felt in broad treatment, Puro blood and plenty of
ono spot; it may bo in tho stomach Itself, or ! it, quiet, satisfactorily fed nerves and a con
It may be in tliu brain, or in a rheumatic dition of the brain that makes sound, swe-t
muscle. It will hu felt in the weakest place. 1 sleep a safe-guard agalust all nervous
Paine's celery compound is fully competent ' troubles como when Paine's celery compound
to correct all such disordered conditions of is used.
the. stomach, and to restore a healthy, hearty If you aro "played out," to use a forcible
tone that will enablo it to meet every demand street phrase, can't digest, can't work and
made upon it by hard-worked bruin, heart , have lost courage, Paine's celery compound
and nerves. will show itself to be tho best friend you
A dyspeptic stomach cannot furnish sweet, ever had. It will enable you to forget your
lip:lltb V I'll vino. Ha tlif. die.!!,!! fiioil fs I I ctmn.ii.ti anil will fir. fn vnti wliof. If lias dnrtM
cimo nieuiher needs n general building up of but adds and poisonous gases, and tho brain for so many others make you again s
tho body, h purifying of tho liluod and a ! and nerves thus u-t poison instead of food I healthy, active man or woman.
rriOIS HUNT. A i-torcroom nml tlwcIliiiK nt
I' proHLMU ott'Hiiieu liy Mnuu a iniiiint'ry
J'oHsess.oii Kiven April 1M, H.H,
M. II. Kchler, 210 Ninth Mali. .St.
Apply to
IOST On the 22nd Inst., n roM rinjr. ot.nik-i
i In sliiipc, bem itiK the Ima-lplinii "Iti'inrm-lc-r
A. Y." A rewurd will be mld tor return to
JlEUAUoll!ci'. l-?2lt
1,1011 KALI.. Ono second-hand orgnn, in good
' condition, s-henp cash or installment.
J. J. I'rnncy. 1-20-tf
ijioil WALK. A good, dcsirnblo property,
double block, 1M and 432 West tJentio
street. On good terms. Apply to U. O.,
corner grocer. l-l'J-lin
TTlOlt HALI2.-A llrst-cliiss parlor healer in
1' llrst-cbiM.eonclltlon. Will sell It Tor les
than onu-thlid of tho cost, Apply to William
II11.11, Win. l'enn, I'll. 1-18-lvv
Just opened a new lot. We have all
kinds and sizes arjfain.
ITIOIt SALU t'lIKAI'. On easy terms, th
" propel ty of lesse Newlln, in port Uurbon.
Modern eonveincnet, hot vvn'cr beat, largo
grounds, plenty of fruit, .v;e. Apply on
premises. I-ls-lw
A valtialileMain street property
1 ,
stable Address, "t. I
otllce, Khenaniloah, Pa.
PlOlt HKNT More and dwelling, ISO North
X Main street; plate glass (lonnie front.
eaie of llcuAi.n
to O. W.
Nevvhonser, 122 North Main
1,""Oit lti:NT Store and dwellliig, corner Coal
) mid Vino streets Apply to William Mo
Uuire, tIJI Hast Centre street. 1-l tf
vrOTICK. Tho underslglietl Is dcBlrons of
i closing np ids accounts cither In cash . r by
notes, fur all bills that are now due or over duo
til's inontli. All contracts, and agreements,
however, will bo carried out. 1 shall place all
over due account in tliu hands of proper
parties for collection
M. 1'. Kowi.kii,
January 0, lb'J8. l-O-lm
Notlco is hereby given that an opnllcatiou
will bu inadu to the Court of Common Picas of
Uclui) Iklll count) anil Mule of IViiiui., at l'otts
vtlle, 011 .Monday, the 7ih day of I'eliruary,
lsus, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, 11 dcr Ihe
Act ol Assembly to provide for tho Incorpora
tion noil regulation nf ceitaln corporations, iqi
,tf, it,., '"Mli ilnv or Anril. 1S71. ami tho nihi.
pieineiits thereto, lor the charter uf uu Intended
corporation to be called and known ua "The
stoldlcia' Mouuiueut Park Association, ot Hben
audoah, Ph.," the chaiailer and object of which
uro to establish and maintain In the Roruughot
Shenandoah, Pa., a public park ami a luomi
mciitcrictou therein to perpetuate the memory
of the soldiers who served In the defense of
their country in the war of the rebellion, lhtlj
lMWi The business of said corporation is to be
carried 011 at Shenandoah, Pa., for the purpose
set forth. Haiti corporation is to h.tre and eujov
hII tho rights, benelits and privileKca of tliu suM
Ait of Assembly untl its slippteineltt.,
Haiti applluitltm will lie inatlo by David Hoi
tan, John A. Itellly. Hon. M. C. Wutsun. I".
Ulersteiu, Win. Malay, M M llurko Thomn
ilellls, iVi. (i. Wurm, J.J. Kraney, W. J. Wnt
kins, ileoigu I'olmcr, It. I'. (Jill, 8. (I. Aekei.
M. P 1'ovvlcr, W. II. Zimmerman, John W 111
stin, Joseph lladtlovv, Charlo L Fowler, Duvitl
liingheiser, lion, Patrick Coury, 1' J Kergu.on,
II. 1. Jones, for themselves anil all otlicr who
may hereufter become associated with them
M. HI llutKi.,
j Shenandoah, P.I., Jan. 13, 1693,
I FAfflOUS 5 flliO lOe STOftE NO.
1 OS North Main Stroot.
Next Door to Gill's Dry Goods Store.
17 Cents Per Yard, regular price 3So. yd
CopperTinned Wash Boilers. 48c. each
No. 16 Galvanized Coal Hod,
500 White Plates, at
200 Opal Celery Dishes nt
200 Opal Fruit Dishes at
Table Oil Cloth, per yard
Glasses, per dozen
30c. each
3c. each, regular price 5c.
cjc. each, regular price 15c.
9c each, regular price 15c.
ioc, regular price 20c.
5c. each.
12 cents.
Keineiiihor those foods nre for this dav onlv nt thesi tirirps. Come enrlv
you wish to secure some of the bargains ; they will not Inst long nt these prices.
Notice. Nothing sold on the
Higher priced goods on second floor.
first floor above ioc.
Famous 5 & 10c Store No. f,
102 North Main Street.
Next Door to Gill' Dry Goods Store.