The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 21, 1898, Image 2

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KHI A III. till Kll I H7H.
Iubllahril every Kvenlnit, l!ic-i K'Hiilny nl
fh llnmlil In ilollvtii-il !'
urnminlltiK low.vt lor li itjntK 11 cek , m '
iilil oheootticm. Hy mnll 1)h i
cental month, linynlile In lulvnncv. Ailvertlf
menti clmrKwl nwonlnm tfi p:iw nml nnitloli
The publlnliera rwrvc Hie rlulit I" i lmnm' the
ixilllon of dvertiiM inent wlionevur the pub
f'lutltn of newn ilpiiutiitln It. The rlK"
trjervKl to rcjc-'nny mlvcrtli.cii.ent, whctliii
puld for or mil, Hie publisher- niny ilcem
Impmiwr AiIvcrllnliiK niton miuli- kiimn ,
upon application. .... ,
Kntrred t tlio pimtoUtcv at rliietii.iiilo.ili, iw
econd cIiwh mull mutter.
"All the Hews Thai's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
Dlltl) without 11 doctor." tlu hend-
HllO ill a Ullicilfe'O plipi'r, Wllifll liovn
tlntt, strnii(,'e us it limy s-ouui, it totiii'
times lutpptiiiH that way.
TllK Citizen priiitiirius will bo held
this afternoon, butweuii this hours of
4:00 nnd 8.00 o'ulouk. Thero will lie
spirited uontosts in the Second,
Third and Fifth wards.
TlMK, which coiihifeteth of parts,
can be no part of inlinite duiation or
of eternity, for then there would be
an infinite time past to-day, which
to morrow would be more than in
linite Time is one tliitif,' and infinite
duration is another. (J row.
AVk are in receipt of an invitation
to utteud the commencement exer
cises of the l'ottsville hospital tiain
mg school for nurses, on Tuesday
evening next. The exercises will be
hold in the Academy of Music, and
will consist piincipally of an address
by Jloralio ('. Wood, M. 1)., L. L. I).,
and tlie presentation of diplomas In
Guy E. Farcpihar, K-n.
Manaukh Quirk, of Kaier's j;rand
opera house, Mahanoy City, is milk
ing a record for himself and his pop
ular playhouse in the meritorious
attractions booked this season. He
has secured Robert Mantell, who has
no superior on the American stae in
the interpretation of romantic drama,
for the production of "A Seciet War
rant, "during the early part of March
This play is said to eclipse "Mon-
bars." and will lie lnesonted with a
perfect metropolitan cast.
Hon. Moxhok 11. KlJl.1' will not bt
a candidate for re-election to (Jon
Kress. JIo makes this announcement
in a letter addressed to tlie voters of
the Seventeenth Congressional J)ls
trict and published in the Uhnmokin
papers yesterday. The popular Con
gressman does not say so in so many
wordSj but those on the inside sus
his determination to retire is primar
ily due to the treatment he received
from the '"powers tiiat bo" in the ap
pointment of an Internal Itcvenuc
Collector. Mr. Kulp's candidate was
turned down.
Tine Hazleton Standard says the
appointment of J. II. Olhausou as
general manager of the Lehigh
Valley railroad is now a certainty,
and gives as its authority for this
statement a man well versed in rail
road circles. Mr. Olhausen would be
a valuable addition to that company
And could be expected to muke some
radical changes and place the coal
region branches on a paying basis,
something that has not been done for
many years. AVitli this statement
comes the further information that
several officials are hooked for re
moval on the Mahanoy branches.
Silent Factors,
It was Donald Q. Mitcholl who said
"Hang around your walls pictures
which shall tell stories of mercy,
hope, courage, faith" and charity."
What factors in education are these
silent teachers I Their unconscious
tuition is incalculable. The story of
the widow's four sgns who wore led
to adopt a scu-fiiring life through the
constant silent inllueuce of a large
and beautiful picture of the ocean
with u vessel riding on its billows
serves to illustrate, if illustration
were needed, the part even pictures
may play In shaping our lives and
giving direction to our thought and
energies, their influence upon the
moral and aesthetic side of our life.
Life in all its phases is influenced
by environment and for young people
especially that environment should
he mode the healthiest and most iu-
BDiring possible. Tlie iutluence of
good pictures for this purpose is Hnd
ing increasing recognition among
those who have to do witli the train
lug of the young.
Many houses are adorned with
beautiful and costly pictures, mute
but efficient teachers, each in its
peculiar sphere ; hut many more
houses are without these educational
forces for reasons only too well
Granting that beautiful pictures
and other works of art are valuable
auxiliaries in educational work, what
wore appropriate place fortheiu than
tlie school room t We need an awak
ening in this matter. A new era is
dawning upon us, for education in its
Beit to take after dinner j
prevent dlitresi, aid dlge s- m-M all
tlon, cure constipation. I I 1 J"
JuxtlrveceUbledo pot gripe
r etiiu pln. Sold lv all druggliti. S6 cnti.
tlSii tnl; Ij U.L ilood Do., Lowtll. tlui
3 j& i
Luriiest pacliiiKo (-reatcst economy. Muile only by
St. Louis. Now York. lloston. Philadelphia
broadest sense is not the slavish
working out of tasks, but it menus
the bringing of broadening i'liliieiicc
to bear upon 1 ho mind, and the de
velopment of a (me culture which
shall lead to wise, right living, and
the attainment of a more beautiful,
public and private life.
to ctnti: A VOI.II in oni: 11.1v.
I'uku Ii xiit 1 vu Ilroino IJnlniiie Tulilcls. All
IniKjjiiN lufiinil tlio money if it I'.illii to
lire. S.'w. Tlio iiiiiuliio litis 1,. It. Q. on
oucli tlllltt't.
A C.roiil Ciillfi'tlini ill' IiiIiti-kIImk lii'iiillni:
I'ur 11 Nomliml Sum.
One of tlie mint iliiinintie ineiilents of tin
year will lie tlio ilhlillmtiiin of t lit toiitn-
Imtions of food mid lidtlimn fiom citizens ol
the United Slates to tlio dMressed pe ple ol
C11I1 1. Secretary of State Slieiniun, 1ms
wrilti 11 exclusively for tlie next Issue of tlie
Brent riiiladelpln.i Sunday rnts, .lanuarj
2 Ird, 1111 nitiele deM-riliiiiK nliat is most
utedid. l.'larn liartou adds all appeal of tlio
Ited I ross Society and ('omul ( I'itz
IIiirIi bee gives sonic hi t licrto link iintvn facts
which will stir the lion rt of all readers.
Othi r iinpoitant ami inteiettiut; fealuies ol
next Sunday's I'less will he numerous. On,
doerihes how a colon il man (.uanls tl.i
millions of Kieen hacks in tlio L'nittd State
treasury. Candy us 11 health liuildini: diet
is seriously discussed. Then there are storie.
ahoutii marvelous six year old musician, a
woman who servid as a spy, and lnid
features of Ameiicau social life, in Cairo
You had hotter order next Sunday's l'res1
to day.
fur those who will go to-day and get n pack
age of (IKA1N-0 It takes the placo ol
. oll'ee at nliout 1 tlio cost. It is n food drink,
full of luultl', and can ho given to tin
chllil 1 (' as well as the adult with greal
h' lietlt. It, is uiiido of pure grains and looks
ami tastes like tlio fluent grades of Mocha or
Java eoll'co It satisfies everyone. A tup ol
lirain-O is hotter for the syttem than 11
tonic, liccaiibo it benefit is permanent. What
cotlee lircaks down (Iniin-O builds up. Ask
voiir grocer for (Irnin-O. 15c,. and 'J.'ic.
.lUrrlcd ut Cirurdtlin.
Eli. IlKliAMi : Ono of tlio most fashion
able weddings of the season took placo yes
terday afternoon ut 2 p in. In St. JosophV
Catholic church, when liov. Father Mr
Collougb united in the holy bonds of mat
rimony Miss Mary S. Mcllale, ol J! street,
mil J. T. Mcl adden, tlio popular assistant
superintendent of the Prudential Insiiiance
Company, of town. 1 ho bride was attended
by Miss Maggie (iarner, ol town, ami tr.o
grooinsin 111 was 1'. .1. Feoley, of Shenandoah
The bndo was attired 111 pearl satin, the
bridesmaid woio palo blue satin, and the
gents were attired in conventional black.
After the ceremony tliey drove to Ashland,
then returned homo and partook of a well
prepared wedding dinner. After doing jus
tice to the Inner man they left on the 4:10
train for an extended wedding tour to
Wilkeshario, Now York, New Jersey, Phila
delphia and Washington. The out-of-town
guests were Miss Sadie nnd Nel ie Mel'addcn,
of liloonisburg, sisters of the groom; the
presents were numerous and costly. On
their return home they will take up their
residenco ill a neatly furnished homo 011
Second street. I'. S.
Oiraidvillo, Jan. 20, lSOS
A ScnBible Man
Would use Kemp's ISaHam for Throat and
Lungs. It is curing more cases of Coughs,
Colds. Asthma. ISronchitis, Croup and all
Throat and Lung Troubles, than any otheimcd-
cine. The proprietor has authorized any drug
gist to give you a Sample liottle Fret to con
vince you of this great remedy. Price 25c.
and 50c.
Tlio .lie-Hurry CI11I111.
Iist February John McG.irry, of Forest-
villo, wrenched his kneo on a delectivo pave
ment on West Coal street, on property owned
by tho Schaefer estate. He placed his claim
for damages against the borough In the bauds
ofJI.M. llurke, Ksq.. and that gentleman
appeared before Council several times and
ullored lo settle for fiou. Council reniseu
payment until they could communicate with
the Schaefer estate, and usccrtaiu wlut pusl-
ion they would assume in the matter. In
tho meantime McUarry, it appears, made a
settlement with tho Schaefer estate for f;!00,
without the knowledge of his attorney. Mr.
llurke demanded his fees from Mcdarry, aud
upon refusal the attorney yesterday entered
suit ut PutUville.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
Away. j
If vou wnut to quit- tobacco using easily 1
and forover, bo made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take No-lo-isac,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
itrong. Many gain ton pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Ituy No-To-llae Irom
your own druggist, who will guaruntco a
cure. SOc or 1.00. Booklet and bamplu
mulled free. Ad. Steiliug Uemedy Co.,
Chiiago or New York,
Mlllersvlllo Aliilulil Itminloil.
Tho eighth annual dinner mul reunion of
the anthracite branch uf Mlllersville Alumni
und Students' Association will be held at
Pottsvillu this evening. Tho business meet
ing will be held at H o'clock and dinner will
be serteil ut 0:30, at Putin, Hall Hotel.
Grapes Overhang Two Miles of Carriage
Orapo arbors loaded with Grapes, 2 miles
long, und over 300 miles of vines trained 011
wires. This is thu extent of Spier's Oporto
(1 rape Vineyard at 1'asMtie, N. J, only 12
miles from New York City. Those who
doubt it can have their expenses paid ami
$100 given them by the Speer N. J. Wine (Jo
If they will come and see und do not find the
above true. The wines are tho oldest and
beat to be had.
II0111U lllu I.Ul.
William Lewis, Jr., son of W. W. Levl,
of Mahanoy City, was the tlrst of eight ap
plicants to pass tho examination as a cadet
on hi sch olslilp "Vcimeu'." He boarded
the ship st Newport, It. I., yesterday to enter
upou h s duties.
Ask your grocer for the "I loyal Patent
flour, aud take no other brand. It is the best
'flour made.
Tim Ohio nnd Ti'lliiitiii'lo lliioinliiir.
and Per-MtiiM Drowned.
Louisville, Jun. -1. Ferns are enter
tained here of n flood. The Ohio Is ris
ing steadily, lteports received lnd! ati
that much ilnmaRe was done through
out the state by a heavy ruin and wind
storm. Thomas Cioss, a drummer from
North Veinon. Intl., was drowned while
classing a swollen stream near Wen;
linden, Iiul. A son of a farmer named
Drury, and u iicuio farm hand, wlu.
were riding f,n a hnrsu across a Cum
berland liver ford. In Jackson county,
Tennessee, were drowned.
In Kentucky a Me.hodlst church near
Falmouth was unroofed, nnd barn and
farmhouses In Oarnird, Grayson, Hen
derson, 1'nlon and Hickman counties
were damacod. The LIckhiK. Ulg Sandy,
Cumberland. Oreen nnd all their tr b
utarles aio booming, anil many ot thorn
are out of the bunkn.
The touiioat John Williams, with u
tow of CO coal boats, was caught in the
storm above Leavenworth, Ind. Four
teen of the coal boats were sunk and
two of the stcamei's crew were washed
overboard and drowned.
A dispatch from llldgway, Ills., says:
A very disastrous wind and rain storm
visited this county 'Wednesday night
unroofing luuris, blowing down fences
and drowning ?:x'l;. The back watcn
of the t 1 ; ,nd .'"''xsh rivers ale in
Ui da inn this 111 1 t y.
For Infants and Children.
Tie fie- )
It es
wripiir. llrm'i. hiiy't O'tl Home
HolioUin N. .1.. Jan. 21. In the housi
In West 1 l-or f'i:iur!y ircj:.i d b
William H. lirockwuy, the forger, now
serving .mt a ten years' sentence In tin
penitentiary ut Tienton, there wen
found yesterday CoO $100 counterfeit
bank notes of the bank of Montreal.
The bills, which were printed only on
one side, hnd been concealed beneath
the floor of the attic.
Fill a buttle or common glass with urine
and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sedi
ment or settling indicates an unhealthy
condition of the kidneys. When urine
stains linen it is evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire lo urinato or
pain in the hack, is also convincing proof
that tho kidneys and bladder are out of
Thero is comfort in tho knowledge so often
expiessod, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot,
the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish
in iclieviug pain in thu nack, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of the urinary pas
sages. It corrects uialiillty to bold urinu
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad clfects
following use of liquor, wine or beer, nnd
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times durini; tho
night to uriuate. Tho mild and the ex
traordinary eH'cct of Swamp-Hoot is soon
realized. It stands tho highest for its won
derful cures of tho most distressing cases.
If you need a mediclno you should have the
best. Sold by drugslsts, price fifty cents
and ono dollar. You may have a sample
bottlo ami pamphlet both sent freo by mail.
Mention the Evening Hekami and scud
your address to Dr. Kilmer &Co., Ilinghamp-
tou, N. 1. the proprietors of this paper
guarantee the gomiiuess of this oiler.
Ill- .. . !. ,.,. .. , ,1.
Washington. Jan. 21. Ilallett Kil
bourn, one of the oldest and best knowi
business and newspaper men of Wash
Ington, will bo examined In lunacy pro
ceedlngs today, with a view to his con
finement hi an noyliun. His mania I
suicide, and unknown to any except hb
physicians and his Immediate family he
lias made half a dozen attempts at self
destruction In the past few weeks. Hi
twice tried chloroform, once gas, and
at other times tried to throw himself
from the windows of his home. He Is
perfectly sane on all Bubjects, but In
suffering from Intermittent melancho
lia. The oornmPmptit proceedings are
with his full consent.
Monarch over pain. Hums, cuts, sprains,
stings. Instant relief. Dr. Thomas Kclcc-
tric Oil. At any drugstore.
i;iotrlc Lneoinnt o Tor London',
Schenectady. N. Y Jan. 21. Th
Central Undei ground railway, of Lon
don, Knglaiul, has placed with tho Gen
oral iilecttie company, of this city, ci
order for 32 eloctrlc locomotives, tb
largest order of Its kind ever given. Tin
tunnel of the London railway will In
small, nnd the locomotives will not b
of the monster size previously turnei'
out. They w 111 be of 00 horsepower
and will welph 45 tons. They will h
able to draw a train of live ears, welsh
ing luO tons, at the rate of Itj tulles per
There is no need of little children being
tortured bv scald bead. eczciM hik! skin
eruptions. Dewltt's Witch Haz 1 Nilie gives
instant rcllefand cures pcrmant'illv ('. II
Tim Ohio (lorryniiiiKlor.
Columbus, O., Jan. 21. Senator Flnck's
bill tu gerrymander the congressional
districts of the state was Introduced In
the legislature yesterday. Tho main
purpose of tlio bill, and Mr. Flnck
frankly acknowledges It. Is to legislate
Congressman Grosvenor out of ofllce
und put a Democrat In his place. Con
gressman Grosvenor. however, clulms
he could carry the district as real rang
ed. The bill Is one of tho direct results
of the unlt-Hunim combine.
The Right Name In the Kight (lace.
Pan-Tina for cuughs aud colds, 25u. At
(Jruhier llros., drugstore.
Kor 1111 AMiuilt li.v Her Soldlori 011 Our
Vleo Consul.
San Francisco, Jan. 21. A sperlnl cor
respondent -it Hangltolt, Slam, writes as
follows, unrier date of Nov. IB, 1S97:
"The long awaited and much debated
decision of the arbitrators In the mat
ter of tlio ossault upon Mr. H. V. Kel
lett, I'nlted States vice consul, by Sia
mese soldlois at Chleiignuil. Nov. ID,
1SSG, was published yesterday.
"Shortly after the assault Mr. John
llarrett, the United States minister
resident and consul general, opened
negotiations by demanding an Investi
gation by a mixed coin'nlsslon, which
Blum refused. The arrival ot the gun
boat Machlas In February. 1S9T, opened
the eyes of the Siamese and hastened
"After n 20 days' session the com
mission agieod upon a decision, nnd the
result Is a decided victory for Mr. Bar
rett. While the commission finds that
the conduct of the olllcers nnd soldiers
who committed the assault was to a
certain extent excusable from tlie ex
citement resulting from the unusual
and Imprudent steps taken by Mr. Kel
lett In releasing his servant fiom the
custody of the authorities after he had
been arrested, It was ngrecd that the
Siamese government should apologize
and pledge II self to punish the offend
ers. The olllcers In command of the
troops are to be publicly reprimanded
and degraded In rank, while the men
are to be deprived of their pay for
throe months."
It Is a plain fact that twenty per tent, of
tlio deaths In our larger cities arc caused by
consumption ; and when wo reflect that this
terrible disease can bo forestalled by Dr.
Hull's Cough Syrup, shall wo condemn the
sufferers for their negligence, or pity them
for their ignorance.
Invest 1 . ' tr''
C 111 d n. N. .1., Jan. - . '." 1 1 v
eouiiiv grriid Jury . 1 : 'km
special session yeslerd.ij aft 1 on
Supreme C-urt .Tusihc (lairison to In
vestigate the charges of jury embracers
on the part of friends of K 1 Shaw
whose trial was recently postponed by
mutual consent of counsel pending an
Investigation. Attorney General Grey
of the state, will be called Into the casi
for the purpose of assisting In slftln
evldi in e :md tilt stl'Hii'.g '. ilnei-, 3. T'u
iu;y In n Its in. 1 'i ,.th 11 t ''-!.
"I tried a bottlo of Salvation Oil on
wound and was cured within sevorat days.
never had such a good remedy as Sdvation
Oil In my hands. Mrs. J. C. Duncan, Lex
ington, Mo."
llrlbery ( oinilitUo". liepoi t IV ipoiied
Co uinbus, ,Jan. 21. The 1 ixtoiU
bilbory Inveftlcdthn v.oe not b. re tin
senate yesterday, as expecu Tk(
enn d-s u 1 9 pi v.. c a ir; i.orr
be c, 1: : .11, d. 1 u . . . i.J. o Oe-
liy :i ! t '
Mrs. Stark. Pleasant Kblge. ().. says,
"After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I
saved him Irom croup by using One Minute
Cough Cure." It is tho quickest and most
certain remedy for coughs, colds and al
throat and Iungtroublcs. C. II. llagcnbuch
111 il Aim l-i d.
Chicago, Jan. 2I.--.Mil.ula ( zomy, tin
child pianist, has -1 hi r eyesight. A
a result the talented girl, who is not t
years old, has been compelled ,11 give
up concert engagements In New York
and Boston.
Sufferers from blllonsall'cctions, fuvcr and
ague, ludigestion, etc., should use Or. null
Pills, whoso powers of curing these ailments
are gratefully acknowledged by thousands
10 and 25 els.
To Mala Kliio-ciiiiii mi op. -ti ivim
London, Jan. 21. A dljpa'ch tn Th
Times from Shanghai says: "It
staled In olllclal quartets here that Get-
many will make Klno-ubau an opei
port, without exclusive privileges to the
Germans, and broacliv 011 the llnet
adopted at liong Kong, the island be
Ing held under crown leases."
Don't let tho little ones sutler fiom
or other tortuiing skin diseases. No need fi
it. Doan's Ointment cures. Can't harm th
most delicate skiu. At any drug store, no
I!iVtK-ll (I 111 O 'll'I'dO.
Colorado Spilngs, Jan. 21. -A blizzard
Is sweeplnir over this pot tlon of tbc-
state. It Is very cold and a high wind
Is piling the snow In great drifts. The
storm Is ve-y severe In the Crlppl
Creek mining ulftrict, and the wagon
roads aie Impafcslnle.
cbltK 1'OU IT.
Catarrh of the stomach has long been con
sidercd the next thing to incurable.
The usual symptoms are a full or bloatin
sensation alter eating, accompanied some.
times with sour or watery-risings, 11 forma
tion of gases, causing pressure 011 thu heart
and lungs aud difficult breathing ; headache,
fickle appetite, nervousness and a general
played out, languid feeling.
Thero is often 11 foul taste in tho moutl
ated tongue, and if the interior of th
stomach could be seu it would bhow
slimy, inflamed condition.
Tho cure for this common and obstinate
trouble is found hi a treatment which causes
tlio food to be readily, thoroughly digested
before it has time to ferment and irritato the
delicate mucous surfaces of tho stomach.
To securoa prompt and healthy digestion
is the one necessary thing to do, and whe
normal digestion is secured tho catarrhal
condition will have disappeared,
According to Dr. Hurlaiisou thu bafest nnd
host troutmeut is to use after each meal
tablet, composed of Diastase, Aseptic Pep
sin, a little. Nux, Ooldcn Seal und fruit acids
These tablets can now be found at nil drug
stores uuder the iiatno of Stuart's Dyspopsii
Tablets, und, not being u patent medicine,
can be used with perfect safety and assurance
that healthy appetite and thorough digestion
will follow their regular use after meals.
Mr. N,J. lloohor, of 2710 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, III., writes : "Catarrh is a local
condition resulting from a neglected cold tn
the head, whereby the lining membrane uf
the nose becomes inflamed and the poisonous
discharge therefrom, passing backward into
the throat, reaches tlio stomach, thus pro
ducing catarrh of the stomach. Medical au
thorities prescribed for mo for three years for
catarrh of tho stomach without cute, hut to
day I am the happiest of men after Using
only one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. 1
cannot find appropriate words tu expiess my
good feeling,
I have found flesh, appetite aud sound ittt
I'rum their use,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is thu safest
preparation us well as the simplest and most
convenient remedy for any form of indiges
tion, catairh of stomach, biliousness, sour
stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals.
Send for little hook, mailed fieu, on
ut,.,.,,,,.!, 1.., n.lilri..,!,,., Ul,,rl fV. I
Mirslull, Mich. Thu tablets can he foutid at
I Hi
rumbling will Cease If Shenandoah
People I-ollow This Citizen's
When the l-ldneys aro sick they grumble.
You hear them clear through the back.
011 foul tlieiu clear through the body.
They Knntiblo when over-taxed.
Know how the kidneys gi limbic?
It's a sluiplo thing, your back will tell you. is the first grumbling warning.
The kidneys givo It and if you heed it nut
Louk out tor truiilile, It will surely come,
Urinary trouble, kidney trouble mil many
Duaii's Kidney l'llls are maile for kidneys
Tliev euro every form of kidney ill.
Tlio experience of Shenandoah peoplo
prove this.
Here s 11 ease in point:
Mr. Patrick I'oley, of 11) South Chestnut
street, miner, was subject to an indisposition
common to miners. On reading about Dunn's
iilney Pills ho decided to try thoo d Quaker
remedy nnd got a box from Klrliu's Phar
macy. This Is what ho says of his experience.
I have had a great deal of pain across my
kidneys and littleness in tlio small uf the
ick. My head usnl to ncho at times nnd I
id 11 feeling of giddiness. There was not
much annoyance from the kidney secretions
but sometimes there was too frequent action.
I bent forward, sharp twinges passed
thiuiigh 1110 and my back was so weak I
could baldly lift nnythinc. I used 11 box nnd
half of Doan s Kidney Pill! and they gave
1110 the greatest relief. They removed the
pain from my head and the lameness and
aching from my back. I can sleep better anil
do not havo that tired feeling 1 nail
formerly. I strongly recommend Doau's
Kidney Pills to others because I kn iw from
personal experience that they arc reliable."
Doan's Kidney Pills lor sale hy all dealers,
rice r0 cents. Mailed by Foster-Mllburn
Co., Hairdo, N. Y solo agents for tlio U. S.
Ucniombcr the name Doau's and take no
Mliiec' .k'i.'.h ,1 . I,e: i- ..
Denver. Jan. 21. The Northe :v Colo
rado coal operators, whose 1,201' miner?
are out on strike, met yesterday and re
fused to grant the demands for an In
crease of wages. The competition of
southern coal Is given as the reason.
in oi.ii;n ti.mi:s
People overlooked tho Importance of per-
anently beneficial cllects and were juustled
with transient action; but now that it is
generally known that Syrup nfl igi will
1 crinaneiitly overcome habitual constipation,
well-informed people will not buy other laxs.
lives, which act for a time, but finally in
ure ihu system, liny the genuine, made by
thu California 1'igSyrup Co.
T'upli'n im'Miiiur urn .
liattle Creek, Mich., Jan. 21. One ol
the largest syndicate deals ever entered
Into this state is about to be consum
mated by New York capitalists. They
propose to buy both electric light plants
and the gas plant of this city, the elec
tric street railway of this city and Kal
amazoo, thu new electric toad now In
process of construction between this
city and Kalamazoo, the Kalamazoo
elect! Ic plant, tlio electric light plant of
Albion, the electric railway and light
ing plant of Jackson and the electric
street railway of Lansing.
Citizens Support tho Strikers.
HIddeford, Mo., Jan. 21. An effort
will be made by the ofllclals of the Pep
perell and Laeonla cloth mills to start
Monday next, and all textile worker!
who desire to return to work under the
10 per cent cutdown will have the op
portunity to do so. The union men are
almost positive that not enough will gc
back to start tho mills. Business men
and others are freely pledging assist
ance to the strikers. Even Chinese
laundrymen gave cash donations. Nevei
In the history of the city has there been
a strike where the strikers had the
sympathy of citizens as much as the
present one.
It Only Happens
We know that well enough. We couldn't know the goods and not know it. But that isn't the
point. We are not holding our goods here to work its way out of the store. The only kinds we have use
for are the kinds you will grab for. When you hesitate, we don't we whack the price on any lines that
will not sell themselves or on random pieces or lots. That was the Up to-Date way since our 'existence. It
is more than ever the Up-to-Date way. Clean, sprightly stocks that keep us on the iutnp and vdtt'on the
jump are tlie only welcome ones here. And that is what brings you sometimes Half Prices on goods that
we brought into the store since tlie
Wc have the largest
and most complete
line of gent's uudcr
wearcver shown in
Schuylkill Co. We
were early huycrs and
evaded the tarifl re
cently put 011 woolen
goods. .This gives us
the opportunity of
selling those goods
from 25 1040 pet cent,
cheaper than any of
our competitors. We have them in
Swits Condc high grade glove fitting
apparel, red flannels, natural wool,
camel's hair fleece Hud and Derby ribbed
wool, We have held hack 48 dozen shirts
and drawers, heavy wool, fleece lined, nt
50 cents. We guarantee to be J1.00
values. Heavy cotton fleece lined
37 cents. We must close our stock out.
and Caps.
attention to
Our stiff hats nrc un
equalled ill styles and
prices, as we pay close
department. We
buy nt close 111 ar
jius and sell nt
small profits. That
is solely responsible
for our immense
hat trade wc have
established. W e
quote a few prices :
SUIT hats.blacktmd
brown, all shapes
nnd styles, for fi.
Wc guarantee them
to be the newest
thitiK in the market. Our 1,50 and $1.75
hat cannot be bought elsewhere less than
2.50. Our f 2.00, ii 50 und $3.00 hai 4
arc the nobbiest and neatest blocks made
of unceasing wearing qualitios.
Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's -
And Yet tlm Disorderly SttidniitfcCot'.
1 1 11 110 Thole lleiiioiilvntloii
I'nrls, Jan. 21. Pver 2.C00 studen 1
starte d a demonstr tlon V' evening :
the Doulevard Mt. Michel. They ti ir,
to cross the r.lvei Silna, hut the pnlle
prevented thpm. Altogether there v.. tc
115 arrests yfEterilay, nn 1 many i f
those arrcsled are ke;it In custody
There were no Ferlous dtsotdors. Num
bers of bands of students, however, ar
still parading t'.ie T.i In qu.rtoi.
Despite the i;jvei.i.tul pic i 1'dtbm
the orKardzIn,,' comr.ilitee of Monday'
anti-Semite meeting at the Tivnll Vou
Hall has dec tded to hold a public del
onstratlnn on Sunr1!!" nficrnoon.
A dispatch from Kplnal, capl al of tin
department of Vo-res, sl.uated abou
1C0 mllec front heie, says the I i.'t tin 1
Helirew tlrt:v nsttatlcn took plate ther.
yesterday. Placards, hea'ing the now
popular cries, denouncing Zola and the
Hebrews and upholding thu aimy, were
misted In front of tho Hebiow stores.
At llouen the police cnirgeu ine
students, but failed to Utsperso then.
The troops buic fen consigned to bar
rncks nnd the occupy the strcetf
In force.
Anti-Scmltec disturbances took place
throughout the day at Nonry. News
naiiors suppoi ting 1. vfu-i weie burned
on the stnh 1 ate of On university.
'It was almost a miracle. Itiirdock Wood
Hitters cured mo of a terrible breaking out
all over the body. I am very gratelul
Miss Julio- Fllbrldge, West Comwell, Conn.
llnnli Cnsliler "Out tlio Dropoii Hltn,"
mid Ho Fled.
Pot Hand. Ore.. Jan. 21. A hold at
tempt was made to hold up the Citi
zens' bank about 3:30 o'clock yesterday
afternoon, hu owing to the courage of
Cashier Lambert the robber was put to
flight without securing a cent. The
bank had Juut been closed for the day,
and Mr. Lambert, the manaser, with
his assistants, was prepatlng to put the
money In the vault when the masked
man entered the front door. In his
light bund he held a tevolver, while
with his lett he was apparently hold
Ing his mask close to his face. Point
Ing to a stack of hills on the counter
behind the screen, the robber demanded
that Cashier Lambert hand them out.
Lambert started to pick up the money,
but nt the same time secured a revol
ver from the drawer. As soon as the
robber saw that he was confronted
with a revolver he fled, but before he
reached the street Cashier Lambert
fired a shot at him, which passed
through his clothing. The robber f
cir.-cd his l. irse. vhlth was tied only a
blork n-.-ay, and v. ..s m cn out of sight.
Itching, gcaly, blooding palms, shapclces nails,
and painful linger ends, plmplca, blaciliiuds,
oily, mothy skio.dry, thin, nnd falling hair, itch,
ing, scaly scalps, all yield quickly to warm baths
with CuTicuru Boav, and gcntlo anointings
with Coricuru (ointment), tho great skin cure.
I Mill throughout the world. Pom Daca mo Cntu.
rNi SoI 1'rupi., IlHton.
Q-J How to Produce Soft, WhH Umdi," free.
loptlantly rfllered by
Cut leva a Siuimu,
Once a Year.
leaves lell.
AKE if your particular business to call on
us before purchasing or Inspecting else-!
where. We can show
you the greatest
money saving values.
Our store never fol
lows others, but lead,
Our store may not be
the largest in area of
space, but It is In
stock and cheapest in prices.
Silk MUfflerS. winter end of any
purchaser. We have them ranging in
piiccfrom 50 cents to $2.25.
l'rom Sc
pair aud
COLORS : - Tan,
brown aud red.
Woolen gloves of
every description
French Kid palms
with Astra k halt
backs and woolen
lined. Trice Sl.oo,
u special olTcr. Our
stock of working
gloves cannot be
y ix
"Saved Her Life."
MH3. JOnN WALLET, of Jefferson,
Wis., than whom nono Is morohlghly
esteemed or widely known, writes.
"In 1300 1 had a sovcro attack of Ladrlppo
and at tho end of four months, In splto of all
physicians, friends and good nursing could
do, my lungs heart and nervous system rcro
so completely wrecked, my llfo was lo
spalrcd of, my friends giving mo up. 1 could
only sleep by thouso of opiates. My lung3
aud heart pained mo terribly and my cough
was most aggravating. I could not Ho In
ono position but a short tlmo and not on my
left side at all. My husband brought mo
Dr. Miles' Nervlno and Heart Cure and I bo
gan taking them. When I had taken a half
bottlo of each I was much bettor and contin
uing persistently I took about a dozen bot
tles and was completely restored to health to
tho surprlso of all."
Dr. Miles' Itcmcdlcsi
aro sold by all dru;-l
gists under a posltlvo!
guarantee first bottlo i
benefits or money re
funded. Boole on dis
eases of tho heart and I
nerves freo. Address,
DU. IIILr:3 MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
pil. W. II. Y1NHST,
(Irodlinte. and Lnte Resident House Burgeci'
the University 8toto of W. Y.
Ilcndauartcrsi-Commerelal Hotel. Shenandoah
Calls night or dny promptly responded.
Office Egan building, corier of Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre street.
Lock no 1 03, Mahanoy City, Pa.
studied under some of the beat
masters h1 London and Pari a, wJll pre lefrfvo
on the violin. mandolin, tr ultar and vooal ciflmre.
Term reason ho lo. Address In care of Strotue,
the Jeweler Shenandoah.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin Is Inva
riably obtained by thors who use Pozzomi'b
Complexion ."owder.
Up-to-Me Hat Store,
in black and
blue, full length,
cape and coat at
We have still
Come and inspect
better qualities,
A special lot
26-in. SilkOlorl
Umbrellas, clos
rolling, with steel
rotjs. choice n
ural wood handles,
plain and silver
trimmed, black
handles, fi.25.
Anybody who
wants a good and
neat looking um
brella nt a moder
ate cost, see the gloria silk ones, with
steel rod, paragon frame, ut
85 Cts.
PitlP Rent's I,l,y 0 lm,f or quarter
Half HOSe. that will make the
wearer smile. We have the very newest
creation in plaid und polka dot liosc.
Furnishing . House,
15 East Centre Street,
i' ii 11 11 wmm
Roatorc jl
Of. IJ UL .