The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 19, 1898, Image 4

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On tin; Sunday school
lessons are now on I
sale. Publisher's price
$1.25. Our special !
price $1.00. Only a,
few left at this price '
a IM. tvialn St.
WEDNES AY. JAN. 19, '98.;
Groat Sconlc Production
A carload of Special Scenery,
Costunus, Mechanical and Klec
tncal Effects.
With More Singing, Dancing:, Specialties
and Novelties "Than All Others."
"The Show That Ante-Dates the Almanac."
Personal Diiection of
Eagan & Leaderer.
Saturday, Jan. 22nd.,
111; Spectacular
The Bariinin of them all . Double
Band and Orchestra. A Great
Company anil a Great Cast.
Oriental Quartette. African Mandolin
Playing. Saxophone and Glocltcnspcil
Haycrs. Buck and Wing Dancers, Etc.
Grand Street Parade at
Chart at Snyder's Drug Store.
floney Saving Values.
MKNT l'Olt tX'J-i:
icn Solid Antique icn
1JU Oak Sideboards-i0U
JJy tlie L'lnliitf out of a arj;t Mriehonnl mnnu
fftcturlnu' !ulnes- firm at th ewl of the year, 1
was atlunletl thU lucky oitimrtunity to purchase
them ami am the re Torn jrinrtU to cuter to Mm
trmle with every iUhIkii. Ah tli
Hjiaon lit our larjtu store, room U at a premium
which (leprtveH uu of (linplayinj? Ivhh than one
fourth of them, wo call the attention of tho
public to come and examine our sampler.
We Quote a Few Prices :
A. nice Antique oak shlehoa (1,
hai dftoiuely iHillshed ouU carved, (h p prt
with phUeglaaa mirror, medium J)Q J
Another design, much larger,
with heavier carving, at. . ..
Thcsn price) are merely Illustration, for we
have them at almnat any prico. We nv nun
pelleil to sell theee kmA14 ut fuicriuee price,
occsloned by tho coinp'nlnt made by the rail
road companies who deinund Murage churKeu.
Bed Room Salts, Parlor Suits,
Lounges, Rockers, Chairs, Tables,
Solas, Springs and Matresses.
At lowest prices,
121 and 123 North Main St.
Ner Robbins' Opera House.
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
ER Ff)T FY 27 We
JJ. rULCl, Centre HI,
A Handsome Complexion
one or tbe trreatet cliarina a woman can I
oiitii. Fouoiu'a Complbxiom 1'owouul
Opera House, j
aro tlio seat or tho starting point, of
many maladies, all of them serious,
all more or loss painful, and all of
them tending, unles3 cured, to a
fatal end. No organs of the body
are moro delicatt or moro sonsitivo
than the kidneys. When symp
toms of disease appear in them not
a moment is to bo lost if health u
to bo restored. TI10 best way to
treat tho kidneys is tiirough tho
blood, cleansing it from the poison
ous matter which is usually at tho
bottom of kidney complaints. For
this purpose there s 110 remedy
equal to
'For many yeari I havo been 3 constant
sufferer fr-nn knln v trouble, and have
tried a number of largely adwrti.-u 1 kidney
cures without benefit. At List a friend ad
vised me lo try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tho
use of eight b ttle, of this remedy entirely
cured my mahH" Mary MlU.En, 1:513
Hancock Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Tlio 1 1 e 1 1 1 ii I M in, lcrer .MiiIiiIiiIiim iiu
Attlliido liiillll'oreni'i-.
I'hilnilelplila, Jun. 11). Samuel Hen
derson, the lTi-year-nld hoy chained
with killing G-yenr-old Percy I.ockyer
last Friday, wns yesterday nmiinlttod
to prison to nwalt the action of the
grand Jury. It wns testified hefoie
Coroner AshbrldKO that the cause of
death was di owning, and after a num
ber of witnesses had heen heard the
Jury held the boy responsible for the
child's death. The boy prisoner still
maintained the unconcerned bearing
that has characterized him since the
arrest, paying not the slightest atten
tion to his parents' grief. Ills father
and mother were present at the in
quest, and the former gave way to vio
lent outbursts of grief. Willie Add -son,
the 7-year-old boy who was in the
woods with young Henderson and lit
tle Percy on the night of the tragedy,
stated that he saw Henderson stnh
Percy a number of times and then take
him to the creek. He also said that
Henderson had previously tied him to
a tree, but that lie had broken away
and run for home. From Dr. Morton's
testimony It was evident that the child
hail been placed In the creek before he
was dead.
rcrHoniilly-Couductf d Tour vln l'euiiHyl
aiilil Itiillroiiil.
Siuso.viir isnr-8.
The rersonally-Coiidiicled Tourist System
of the Pennsylvania Itailioul Company Utlie
most complete and elaborate system of truvelinjr and sight-seeing yet du-vln-d
It is tho consummation of the ulti
mate idea in railroad travel, the final evolu
tion of uuusaiil.iblo perfection.
Kor the hcason of '!I7 and 'US i t hasarraiiRed
for tlio following tours :
California. Four tours will leave New
York, l'hil.ulelpliia, and HarrisburK January
8, January 27, Fehruary 10, and March 1!).
With the exception of the first party going
and the last returning, all of these parties
will travel by the "(lolden (iato Special" be
tween New York and California, stopping at
iutercsting points en routo.
Florida. Four tours to Jacksonville will
leavo New York and Philadelphia January
23, Fehruary 8 and 22, and March 8. The
first tliieo admit of a stay of two weeks in
tlio "Flowery State." Tickets for the fourth
tour will ho good to return by regular trains
until May 31, 18IIS.
Old Point Comfort, Ilicbmond, and Wash
ngtim. Three six-day tours will leave New
York and Philadelphia Fehruary 11), March
10 and April 7.
Old Point Comfort and Washington. Threo
foiiMlay tours will leavo New York and
Philadelphia December 28, January 2'J and
April 23.
Old Point Comfort. Six tours will leave
New Yurk and Philadelphia December 28,
January Sit, Febiuary lit, March 19. April 7
and 23.
Washington. Seven tours ill leave New
York and Philadelphia D.ecinber 28, Jan
uary 13, February 3, March 3 and 31, April
11 and May 12.
Detailed itineraries of thu above tour?,
giving rates and full information, may be
procured of Tourist Agent, 1HHJ Ilroadway,
New York; 600 Fulton Street, llrooklyn; 78!)
Ilroad Street, Newark, X. J ; or Geo. W.
lloyd, Assistant (leneral Passenger Agent,
Buy Keystonctlour. Be suro that tho name
fjEHSici A JtAKH, Ashland, Pa., ia printed on
ever nark.
SriiHluul CIiiIih to iM'iii-ruitt.
Chicago, Jen. 10. At Stelnuny Hnll
next Tueeduy nnd Wednesday there
will he a convention of delegnten repre
senting the amateur musical luha of
the entire countrj fur the nurpoie of
effecting a permanent federntlwi. Tho
object Is to Htlmulate musical culture
and to enable cities and orBuntzatlons
unable to puy grand opera prices to se
cure by co-operation the services of dis
tinguished musical artlBta.
Itohlicil li.v I'liiplovcs,
New York, Jan. 13. More than 30 un
faithful employes of the Adams Kxpress
company In this city, It Is said, have
recently succeeded In stealing between
2,000 and 3,000 In cash for foods dellv
erd or said to be either lost, stolen or
mislaid, all of which the compan has
been forced to pay. A number of the
KUBpected drivers and helpers have al
ready been arrested, and other arrests
are contemplated.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forurer, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-IUc,
tbe wonder-worker that makes weak meu
itrong. Mauy gain ten pounds In ten duyg.
uver iuu.ouo cureu. uy ao-kmuo irow ,
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 50c or f 1.00, Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad, Sterling Keuiedy Co..
Chicago or New York,
(( mi'liuifil from Khst Page.)
Uliicb supposed it wns not considered
ni-ccs.iry. Another thing that cnnllrmcd
this view was the approval of the Buchanan
bonds, lie said the Ames Iron Works con
tract was for special Automatic engines and
ihatho had instructed tlio Commls-loners
hat if they had tlio right to buy dynamos
rtllboiit advertising- they bail tho rigid to
put up engines In that way too.
The cimtr.ict with W.I). Hill, Architect,
Tor fJ.OUO was Identified. He was asked
about the p.iynicnt of $t.(!25 to Hill for addi
tional work on tho Almshouse improve
mi nis, and lie sild lie liiul seen a gieat deal
of work from Mr. Hill, at the Commissioners'
olllce, hefore thecontract was signed.
Court ruled that tho plans, etc., Would be
the best evidence of extra work done and
Mr, Kyon promised to produce them.
In sustaining an objection the Judge said
the contracts should spiak for themselves,
and not the witness for tliein
A lengthy argument resulted when the
defense urged the admission of testimony to
show that changes in tho plans and speeificn
lions made additional labor on tlio part of
the aicliitcct to justify the piyment of
fll2iuoie than tlio contract price to him
liter the contract's approval, $.00 having
hei 11 given linn previously.
Judge liechtul ruled out the testimony and
Intimated that the Commissioners hid no
right, in his opinion, to go behind the backs
of tho court to change the contract. Mr.
I'lricli was'alluwed to Mate that there was no
intention to do anything behind the lucks of
the court. The Court was very emphatic in
this repect.
Mr. Ulrirh, cuiinsel for the Commissioners,
continued on the witness stand this after
noon and was questioned about his expenses
for a trip to Meadvillo in 181)5, during the
Commissioners' convention there; and also
ilinul his expenses for opposing the new
county bill at Washington and llarrisbiirg.
Mr. Uli ich said that himself and Con
gressmau Ilruinm made a trip to Washing
ton in Fehruary. IMI5, to solicit tlio services
of I'liited States Senator Quay against the
new county hill.
Why weary your throat and patience willi
that wictched cough when a bottle of Dr.
Hull's Cough Syrup will cine you promptly.
Tho Caralnitu Damago SuU.
Tlio Supreme Court nflirmed the decision of
Judge Savidge refusing a new trial in the
case of Carahuta vs. the Schuylkill Traction
Company. Carahuta, who lives in Mahanoy
City, was given a verdict of $300 damages for
tlie oealh of a child, and the
Aimer Humeri.
James Ilolloway, a iniucr employed at tlie
nimwoud colliery, Mahanoy City, was pain
fully burned about the head and face by an
explosion of gas. ilolloway fired a shot
which liberated tlio gas.
Deeds ltecorded.
Deeds from John McGreal and others,
I', oi.i . Keating and wife, Ii. Coyleand wife
and John Toole and others to James O'Hcarn,
and from James O'Hcarn to the Fchuylkill
Trust Company of Pottsville were put on
record to-day. Tlio properties are located in
Kliu-d mid KxiipIIim! Krftin t !io "iMMtln.
Lebanon, Pa., Jun, 1!). Poter J. Dahm,
a private of Company II, I-Vurth regi
ment, this city, who was tiled by court
martial In this city on Dec. 20 last, was
found guilty, and the tribunal yester
day returned a veidlct dishonorably
discharging lilm from the state ser
vice and imposing a fine of $50 or 20
days In jail. Dahm forwarded the fine
to Captain Hutchinson, of the Klnhth
regiment, who was president of the
court. The churKos against Dahm weto
desertion, and grew out of his refusal
to accompany the company to tho
Hazleton coal regions during the late
miners' strike.
IIId-s Tor I'oiin-yl vmiiIu'm Cnpltnl.
HarrisburK, Jan. 19. A meeting- of
the capltol building commission was
held last evening, at which It was de
cided to open tlie plans for inspection
and advertise for bids next Thursday.
All proposals must be accompanied
with a cheek for $15,000, and the suc
cessful conti actor will be required to
give a bond for $150 000 to faithfully
carry out the contract. Kvery day he
falls to dellvir the hul "I.:;, after a
specified tin i he will forfeit $300. Pro
posals aie lo be opened Feb. 7.
WoiiH'ii for I iW mhiodi Ronvit.
Ibannn, Pa., Jan. 19. The Phohlbl
tionlsts of this city have nomlna ed
women for the ofllco of school con
troller In five of the wards. Thin Is the
first time in the history of the city that
Women were placed In nomination fot
Tlio l'lorlda Limited Will Again ltun on
thu Southern Italtwuy.
Tho Florida Limited, which is tho syn
ouym of all that is elegant in modern rail
way trains, and which during its former
service has been a prime favorite for tourists
from the North seeking the mild climate of
Florida, will be placed in service by the
Southern Hallway about tlio first week iu
January, 1108 Willi its return to service this
train, which will bo solid Pullman vcstibuled
between New York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustine will present features in the wuy of
luxurious and comfortable appointments not
heretofore, pteseuted, aim which will be
destined to add still further to its already
well established popularity.
'1 ha Southern Hallway is having built for
tlie Florida Limited serv'co three trains.eacli
containing a dining car, two drawing room
sleeping cars, a compartment car and a
library and observation car, each car com
plete in all its appointments and equipped
with the very latest devices and appliances
for the comfort and convenience of the pas
sengers. Whilo no schedule lias as yet been
announced, it can be stated that It will ho tlio
quickest ever arranged between Philadelphia
and St. Augustine, and will be so planned
that passengers can leavo Philadelphia at
some convenient hour during tlie day and ar
rive at St. Augustine before nightfall of the
following day. Philadelphia Record.
Notice Applications for turther informa
tion addressed to Juo, M, Beall, District
Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, 828
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive
prompt attention, 10-25-tf
Just try a lOo box of Cuscarcts, tlie finest
liver and bowel regulator ever made.
Personally-Conducted Tour via PeiuiMyl
viiiiiu Itallroad.
With Its matchless climate, its orange
groves, its rivers and lakes, its boating and
bathing, Its fishing and bunting, and its
primeval forests, Florida presents unrivaled
attractions for tlie valetudinarian, the lover
of nature, the sportsman and the explorer.
The first Jacksonville tour of thu season
via tlio Pennsylvania railroad, allowing two
weeks in Florida, leaves New York by special
train, Tuesday, January 25. Excursion
tickets. Including railway transportation,
Pullman accommodations (uno berth), ami
meals en routo In both directions while
tnive'iug ou tlie special train, will be sold at
thu following rates; New York, $50 00:
Philadelphia, $18 00; Cuuaudaigua, $52 8.1;
F.rlc. f.M.85; Wilkesbarro, f50 35; Pittsburg,
$53 00; and at proportionate rates from' other
Fur tickets, itineraries and full in forma.
Hjii apply to ticket agents; Tourist Aient,
111X1 llioadway, New York; or uddress tleo.
W Uoy.l, Assistant (leneral Passenger Agent
Broad Street Station. Plilladelnliia.
Wlieii bilious or costive, eat a CascareU
j candy cathartic, euro guaranteed. 10c, S5o'tlou,
A (Ireeiihorn Di-tcliips Into Thief, lint He
Stluey llogiusky, a Lithuanian, keeps a
barber shop at No. 233 South Main street.
His business lias been successful enough to
enable lilm to live comfortably and lay aside
some money. Ho sent an invitation to his
brother, Anthony, in the old country tocouie
bete and share In the prosperity. Anthony
arrived heto two months ago. The passage
was paid by the brutber. who lias also sup
ported Anthony since bis arrival.
List night the brothels wero playing pool
In D.inowskis' saloon on South Main street.
Anthony dropped oat of n game, hut tho
luother continued playing. Shortly after
Stiney llogiusky was called from tlio pool
room by his wife and told that ho bad been
robbed by bis brother.
Upon ariivlug home Stiney found that $310
In cash, a revolver, a gold hunting-cno watch
valued at $3(1, and a suit of clothes valued at
fit) had bicn stolen. It was learned that tho
thief had gone lo Mahanoy City. Two olll
cers followed, but were unable to tinee tlio
Lite last night Anthony leturncd to town
and made restoration of tlio siolen articles
to his brother. Ho was granted forglvtuness.
It appears that when Anthony aimed at
Mahanoy City lie went to the P. &. II rail
way station with the intention of Inlying a
ticket for Baltimore, or New York. Upon
learning that ho would have to wait until
after 2 a. in. for a train ho became apprehen
sive that olllccrs might follow and arrest him,
so he decided to return to town and ask
pardon of his brother.
Tno t.dlars for t Carcass.
Telephone or telegraph to M. Ulrich t
Son, Ashland, Pa., when you havo a dead
horse, mule or cow. They will pay you $2.00
and remove It promptly. 11-3011'
Happenings Throughout t, oinitry
Chronicled lor Hasty IVrusnl.
The Pottsville Town Council has decided
to adopt tlio system of milk inspection.
Tlie olllccrs of sdienaiulnali Coinin.iiidcry,
S. of A., will be installed to-morrow night.
Miss Annie SchaeH'er, of town, is taking a
business course at McCann's Business College,
Mahanoy City.
The appointment of II. D. Saylor, as
Consul at, Cuba, was confirmed
by the Senate.
(Jenrgo T, Llewellyn, the insuranco man
formerly of town, is a candidate for Council
iu Mahanoy City.
Within tlio past two weeks at least sixty
foreigners havo left Mt. Carmcl, for tho solt
coal region, and Lurope.
Tlio Pottsville electric railway is taxed $10
per year for each of thu total of eleven cars
that run in the borough.
Schneider & Maurer, tlio Ashland con
tractors, have just completed a row of thicc
houses in Pottsville for W. J. Jacobs, of town
The cstato of the late John Arnold, tlie
Hazleton browor, is valued at $200,000 and
Harry W. Jacobs has been made adminis
trator. The Merchants' hotel property, at Potts
ville, was yesterday purchased by T. F.
Alien & Sons, for $13,000. The hotel will be
William Llewellyn, of St. Clair, left this
morning for Butte City, .Montana, where lie
will locate. This is his third trip neros tlie
There is no need of little children being
tnitured by scald head, cccna and skin
eruptions. Dewitt's Witcli IIiiz alogivcs
instant relief and cures permanently O. II.
uageuuucu, f (
Tho second of tho present series of four
day tours to Old Point Coiufortand Washing
ton under the Personally Conducted Tourist
System of the Pennsylvania Railroad will
leavo New York Saturday, January 20. Tlio
party will travel by the Capo Charles Route
to Old Point Cumfort, wiiere ouo day will he
spent; thence by boat up the Potomac to
Washington, spending two days at that
point. Round-trip rate, including transpor
tation, meals en route, transfers, hotel ac
commodations, berth on steamer, anil all
necessary expenses, $22 00 from New York;
$21.00 from Trenton; $11) 50 fioni Philadel
phia. Proportionate rates from other points.
At a slight additional expense tourists can
extend the trip to Virginia Beach, with ac
commodation at the Princess Anne Hotel.
Tickets to Oil Point Comfoit only, includ
ing one and tbree-fourt'is days' boaid at that
place, and good to return iliiuct by regular
trains within six days, will be sold in connec
tion with this tour at rato of $10 fli) from
New York, $15.00 from Tienton, $11 00 from
Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from
other points.
For itineraries and full information, apply
to ticket agents; tourist agent, 1100 1 rail
way. New York ; or addiess Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Aceut. Broad
street station, Philadelphia.
Probably Ideiitlllen.
It is believed that tlie man w ho was killed
on tho Pennsylvania, near Wetherill
Junction, yesterday, was Michael Kost. who
bad been at Park Place for a few days and
left thero yesterday for St Clair, where lie
previously worked for Co.
The published descriptions tally with those
of Kost, except that tho man killed woro a
cap instead of a Derby bat.
People overlooked tho Importance of per
manently beneficial effects and were satisfied
with transient action; but now that it is
generally known that Syrup of Figs will
permanently overcome habitual constipation,
well-informed people will not buy other laxa
tives, which act for a time, but finally In
jure I ho system. Buy the genuine, made by
the California Fig Syrup Co.
Hoy Injured, J
Richard Trovena, 14-year-old son of
Samuel aud Kllzabeth Trovena, ol 117 West
Strawberry alley, was painfully bruised rn
the left leg and thigh at noon to-day by fall
ing down steps at the West Shenandoah col
liery. He was attended at his home by Dr.
Callcn. Tho boy fell while playing with
other boys during tlio dinner recess.
"If you feel out of "repair," have head
ache and constipated bowels, tako Dr. Bull's
Pills; tlieo will cure and build you up again.
Tako only tlio genuine, Dr. John W, Bull's
Koberl llurim Club,
Another meeting of our Scotch cltliens
which formed tho Robert Burns clubou Mon
day night was held last ovenlug in the par
lors of tho Mehlalzls' cafe, ou South Main
street. It was decided to properly colobrate
the 139th anniversary of tho poet's birthday
at I hat place next Tuesday ovening by tender
ing a banquet, It was unanimously agreed
upon to employ David Head as catorer, who
will spread covers for 15 couple.
Don't let the little ones suffer from eczema,
or other torturing skin diseases. No need for
it. Doau's Ointment cures. Can't harm the
most delicate sUu. At any drug store, BO
Harper's Hazar,
Tlio numbers of Harper's Bazar during
January will contain an article by-Mmer
Kmma Calve on "Voice Culture for Olrl";
tho first of a scries of papers by the editor,
Mrs. Margaret K. Saugster, designed to bo
helpful to mothers with young children ;
"The Reduced Udy," by Mrs. John Sher
wood ; ami the opening article iu a series ou
"Colonial Homes and Life," by Helen Inver
sion Smith.
"Cure the cough and save tlio life." Dr.
Wood's Norway Pino Sprup cures cough and
colds, down to the very verge of cousump-1
lrd in ssiog.
Charles Leltel spent to-day visiting
friends at the county seat.
Hon. Joseph Wyatt spent tlils'inorning nt
Pottsville on business.
David La tier, of town, is visiting friends
at Ashland.
John Reese, of Park Place, was a visitor
to town yesterday. lie is looking for a loca
tion for a drug store.
Borough Surveyor W. O, Gregory spent
tills morning at Pottsville.
Dr. J. Pierco Roberts letunied from
Philadelphia last evening. Ho had n final
examination of ids eyes made and has en
tirely recovered from tho afllictlon.
Miss Margaret llrennan returned to Phila
delphia at noon to-day, to resume her studies
at the Broad str.'et Conservatory of Music.
Leonard Walker, of Win. lVlin. is con
fined to his Inline by all attack of ciyslpebis.
Mrs. Charles Jones, of South Wt it stiect,
is ou tlie sick list.
F. A. .Mat lies, of Lebanon, Is In town,
eitering lo the drug trade. He is a brother-in-l.iw
of Paul W. Ilouck, and Is low in the
employ or the oldest ding house iu Mnerlea.
Misses Mary and Miiiulo Haiigliney and
Maine Dimn. of Mahanoy City, wete culcr
tainid here last evening by their gtntleineii
Mrs. Coyne, who had been Rpetidlng
several days in town, left at noon to-day for
Mrs. Jnbe Powell, of Hist Coal street,
basgouo to Pottsville, whcio slio will spend
several days as tho guest of her daughter,
Mrs. Hehcr Hooks.
Joseph Heddall, of Tamaqua, wasu busi
ness visitor to town to-day.
C 11. Zuiick, of Fasten, was In town to
day, the guest of II. H. Ztilick, of the First
National Bank. Mr. Zuiick is an ex-Itepre-sentatlvo
of Northampton county Iu the
Legislature and lias a number of political
friends iu town.
I'lrn! rlru! I'lre!
Insure your propel ty from loss iu tlio
oldest and strongest cash companies : Pliila.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America and Fiie Association, Hartford
File Ins Co., American Firo Insurance Co ,
West Chester Fire Ins. Co., United Firemen's
T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardiu St., Shenandoah.
Tho "Bride Fleet" is tlie title of Sousa's
latest match. At Brumin's. 1-10-tf
Lost Creek Notes.
Messrs. Malt. Leo and Tommy McDonald
made a great lilt in the production "Knlisted
Ilelbro the War," at Girardvillo last evening.
Their minstrel work was of high order.
A nicctiiiK of tho conforces from each
poll of tho Citizens Reform party of West
.Mahanoy township will bo held at Johnson's
drug btoro on Friday oveuiuB next to nomin
ate a full ticket.
M. J. Mcljiin, tbe insuranco agent, has an
nounced himself as a catididato for Justice of
tlie Peace at Lost Creek.
"Salvation Oil cured me of a shoulder
lameness nnd pain in back, contracted play,
lug ball last season. I tried several other
remedies and all failed. Chas. Mears, 122
Water St., Cleveland, O.
Court 'otes.
Miss Sallio Fritz was givon a verdict of
f-u.ojin nor suit lor ilomestic service wages
against (Jeorgo W. Boyer, an ex-hotelkeeper
or Pinedale, West Brunswick township.
Tho Hoppes caso of Mahanoy City, in
which one of the sons seeks to recover $3,500
for unpaid salary for services rendered, is on
trial before Judgo Koch.
Operations Upon the ISye.
Dr. J. P. Brown will iu tlio near futuro
open otllces in Mahanoy City, whore lie will
practice medicine and surgery iu all its
branches, including eye, ear, nofu and
throat. Spectacles and eye-glasses adjusted,
aitiflcial eyes inserted und operations upon
eye performed.
1-10-2IH J. p. Bnow.v, M. 1).
Will bo ti Trained Xurse.
Miss Clirissio Wagner, daughter of Major
V. C. Wagner, of Oirardville, has entered tho
Episcopal hospital at Philadelphia, and taken
up tlie course of studies in the school for
trained nurses.
Kveuls or Him Week.
To-morrow evenliic: a rcioibir m,.t(n ,.p
thu Borou!h CnuneM is to l l,ni,i i.,
1m interfered with mi .leemttit r,r i, l.M.i..,..
of the Democratic ward primaries on tlio
same night. On Friday night the Citizens
primaries will ho held.
llestore full, regular action
of the bowels, do not Irri
tate or inflame, but leave
an tlio delicate dcentlve or
ganlm in perfect condition. Try them. Ss"eenti,
Prepared onlj by O. L Hood A Co., Lowell, Man,
Examination Made at the House or at
Our Store.
No. 7 South Main Street.
Tho Ouo Croat titnmlnrrf Authority,
iju wiu-9 nun, 1 1, lirtMUT.
Junto) V. h. Miprciiiu Court.
of ilo v. s.iov'l rrlntlntf
(Mllce. ttin V. 8. Kuprruit)
rouii, all tho hum hu. (
fneme Court, ami of near '
bj SIMfl iSiiirinteniknt
deiitMuul other hilucaioiu
In tho limiMlioM, uml to t
mi mri, Bt;itOl,irt int t
num. uuu M,-ir.
1 f to in itn.t 41. a .Ar.l . i . .
t ii eny ( the pronunciation.
) r t til ff V t rt frnm flianrm.ll. 1 .
it 1 1 IT i . T v ' Ul " wuru,
.... t , 'i m wuMtt w wuru means.
V ,1 Tirlr Ti-lt. a.....
, I '' I t ' IIU in roine. llie i.icm III, ,
, 'l'l . l'i it I'MUlks II,., ,.t i ,r', V
i.'l , 1 iv , urmliktil iii-ti.lli . . . '.n,e I
, . " ,,'i' ' I l!vV,'k t" wlildl 111! 1
... . .'m . ism,
nnr'riiii iiitct
i 4rs,,ci linen mnet sent en atmtfo.ilnn ,
. .t- C MllNUTA 3T CO.. PtihlUlwrs.
Sitrlngnehl, Mass.. U.S.A. (
. 1J
- M fc M .
1 OS North Main Street.
Next Door to Gill's Dry Goods Store.
17 Cents Per Yards
Regular 35c Grade.
Woith. Price,
Coal Hods aie 10c
(lalvhtl7C(l lttieUets .. 2io loo
I.nrge Ulass Dish 2O0 10c
" Frying Pan ax, iou
Stent Plntter too loo
Chbm Fruit Dishes. 950 10c
Fancy Bisque i Igurcs Ae lOo
I.nrge (llas Butter DIkIich -. lo
Agnte Colanders 25o 10a
" CofTeo nnd Ten Pots 2.1c 10c
" Wash llnsln a'jo 10c
Notice. Nothing sold on the first floor above ioc.
Higher priced goods on second floor.
1 Famous 5 & 10c Store No. t,
i lo2 North Main Street.
Nest Door to Gill's Dry Goods Store.
Just opened a new lot. We haVe all
kinds and sizes again.
TTIOIt ltKNT. A storeroom nnd dwelling at
' present occupied by Stank's millinery.
Possession given April 1st, 1891. Apply to
51. II. Kehler, 2!0:Nortli Main St. 1-18-lni
ITIOIt SAT.!?. A good, desirable property,
! double block, 130 and 132 West Centre
street. On good terms. Apply to K, C. Brobst,
corner grocer. I'l'im
IjtOIt SALIC A Mrst-clasH parlor henter In
' tlrst-cl8 condition. Will sell it tor less
than one-third ol the cost. Apply to William
Huzza, wiu. rcrin, i-n. i-io-iw
FOIt 8AI.K CI1KAP. On easy terms, the
property of Jesse Newlin, In Port Carbon.
Modern conveniences, hot water heat, large
grounds, plenty of fruit. &c. Apply on
premises, 1-lH-lw
rjWIl HAM!. A valuable Main street pre My.
i.1 Store, dwelling, ynrd, wnrcroonl ami
Ntablo. Address, "(. I.
care of llr.ltAi.l)
otllce, Shenandonb, Pa.
ITtOIt HUNT Store and dwelling, 120 North
S Main street; plato glass double front.
'Apply to C. W. Newbouser, 122 North Main
street. 1-7-tf
IOU HUNT. Store nnd dwelling, corner Coal
and Vino streets. Apply to Vt'illhini Mc-
1? and Vino streets. Apply
uuire, iii cast centre street
ATOTICH. The undersigned is desirous of
1A closing up hiss accounts either in cash or by
notes, for nil bills that are now due or over due
th's month. All contracts, and iigrecments.
however, will Iu carried out I shall place all
over duu accounts in the bands of proper
parties for collection
M, P.,
January 0, 1898. 1 6-lm
jpoit WAltl) ASSESSOlt,
(Third Ward).
Hubject to Citizens party rules.
Third Ward.
Subject to Cltlzein' party ruleH.
pou school mitncToit,
(Second Ward.)
Subject to Citizens party rules.
poit SC1IOOI, DIltlCOTOIt,
Seeoid Ward,)
Subject to Citizens' party rules.
poit HCItOOI, niltltCTOIt,
(Third Ward.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
A. L. GRAF, .
Third Ward.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Third Word.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
poit VAltI ASSESSOlt,
Third Ward,
Subject to Citizens' party rules.
rnim.-cnrnr -store,
o ll!!AI,l!lt IN o
S9 Wsst Contra Straot.
lOe STORE flO. 7, 3
Worth. Price ,
Flint GlasKTiimhlcra lOo 80,
White Cup nnd Saucer .-. loo So
Tea Strainer - lOo 8c
Dustpans 10a 5c
Ulnss Pickle Iisl loo Do
(Mass Spoon Holder lOo So
China Fruit Saucer ...r. 10a &a
Con) Shovul 10a 8a
Tin 1 nlander lOo 5a
HnllbiK Plus 10 8
Wooden Spoons 10a 60
A Specialist on Rupture from Williamsort i
will visit
Shenandoah Every Thursday
Ferguson KC h from 9 a. m. till 1:30 p. in.
Rupture permanently nnd quickly Cured or
no nay. Written guarantee to absolutely
cure all kinds of Rupture without
operation or detention from
Absolutely no Danger.
. . Examination Free.
loo persons cured in Sunbury, Shamoktn, ''
Alt. Carmel and vicinity who can be referred
to. Charges and terms moderate and within
reach of all.
Citizens Primaries
The primaries of the Citizens
party of the Borough of Shen
andoah will be held ou
FRIDAY, JAN. 21, 1898,
From 4 to 8 p.
lowing places :
m., at the foli-
Kendrick Houae.
- Farmer's Hotel.
Den). Richards'.
- Peter Hlley's.
Schmidt's Hall.
By order of Standing Committee.
W. J. W ATKINS, Pres.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And it velvet soltneii of the skin Ii Inva
riably obtained br there who use Pouom'e
Complexion Powder.