The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 19, 1898, Image 2

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    - WJfMVv . WWW1 "f" ''F'lr'' '.UUiy
ttrVTAm.IHI.KI 1870.
Published every KveultiR, Kicept Sunday t
h South Jardin Htiikkt. Kkar O run
The Herald U deltvied InHheumiUnan ami tu
urrouudlnK U.w fornix rent a w eek, wiy
abl. o the carriers, Uy mallJtt.OOn venr,or2-"
cent a month, pnyithlr In advance Advcrtlio
mciUs clmrKWlaixordiiiK to paoi and mum.
The publishers reserve the rlicht to eluit.- the
awltlon of advcrtlvinciita whenever tht- m.I
jtIoi of news dt'timuds It. Th rhl if
tecrvtl to rejeat.y advertisement, whiilh-
naUi furor not, .lattho publishers ma tii'i'i
Imp roper. AdvcrtlsliiK ratu mudi- krui
iiport application.
Rnterod it the pontolHce At Hhtmtnli.ri
ecnnd rift inn!) matter
"All the Hews That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
As the Hint eoiituitis the spark, un
known to ltnelf, which tilt' ctiH'l alone
can uwiiken to life, so adversity oftoii
reveals to us hidden coins, wliich
prosperity or nof,'li(,'eiico would for
ever have liiddeit. H. W. Slmw.
Tl!K promised sensations in tlio
trial of the Commissioners have
poteml out, as was expected.
OUU Scotch friends will appropri
ately celehrate the 139th anniversary
of "Bobby" Hums next Tuesday
Tiik Uooths father and sou have
met, and the announcement is made
that their respective armies will con
tinue to wue war.
"What did Diignii do to him" has
taken the place of "He died in the
Kindergarten," mating the Martin
heelers in Philadelphia.
Now is the time to close out your
surplus winter stock, and there is no
better way to reach the buyers than
through the daily press.
Phok. Tai.i.ik Moikiax, formerly
of Scrantou and recently editorial
writer for the Voice, is now instructor
of sij,'lt reading at the Brooklyn in
stitute of arts and sciences.
Tnic representative in Congress
from this district, in playing the role
of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde in the
drama of "Civil Service Deformed,'
is making a one-night stand at Wash
Tint proposal to extend McKinleyV
term to April UOth, 1001, and make
that the day for the change in Con
gressional terms is a good one. Sena
tor Hoar's amendment to the Const!
tution to this elTect ought to bo
That government building for
Pottsville is still a thing of the
"sweet beyond." The county .-eaters
cannot blame ex-Congressman Keilly;
then, ne;ain, perhaps that obnoxious
(?) civil service law has something to
do with it.
As was to be expected, Lieutenant
Governor Iyon is out in mi interview
denying that ho and Senator Ken
nedy have deserted tlio Quay banner.
"While admitting such a statement
appeared in the paper controlled by
him, he explains that "it was an
TlIK Philadelphia Times of yester
day says Maj. Finney, who is an ap
plicant for Naval Officer at Philadel
phia, will probably bo made Surveyor
of the Port instead. The Times in
timates that the former position has
been promised to ox-Distrlot Attorney
Holland, of Montgomery county.
The salary of each of these ofUcialsis
the same.
Wk are in receipt of the catalogue
of the University of Pennsylvania for
1807-'98, a publication of nearly live
hundred pages. The general sum
mary of students shows an increase
of twenty-three over the registration
of last year. There are 08 students
from foreign countries. The greatest
increase is seen in the dental depart
ment and the gruatust decrease in the
medical department.
It is announced that a method has
been discovered for the preservation
of human bodies In a natural state
forever, and it is proposed to erect a
large and handsome mausoleum in
New York for the purpose of keep
ing bodies so prepared. It Ih thought
that such a system as this would re
lieve funerals of all their horrors.
The cost is inexpensive, being esti
mated at'about $70 per body. It is,
in short, a modern and scientific sys
tem of preserving mummies. It is to
be hoped this announcement will
never provoa verity. Hotter cremate
than have a chamber of horrors.
Thk queer peoplo who are running
the state of Kansas are determined
that no one outside the state shall in
sure their lives or their property. If
they die or burn up it shall be at their
own risk. A similar notion took
possession of Chicago people a num
ber of years ago. They thought tlio
Eastern lire Insurance companies
yero taking too much money out of
the state, so they organized lire In
surance companies themselves. One
day Chicago burned down, The
policies issued by the honul com
'panics turned out to he not worth the
paper they were written on, while
the groat lnsurahcn centre of the
Eist paid In full every dollar of its
tunes, which ran up into the mill-
I (Labor llilllP
(cost f:WmM
WASHSHd PottteS?
What More Can be Asked?
Only this ; ask your grocer fur It, and Insist on trying It. largest package greatest economy.
Chicago, tl. Louis, New Yurk, Boaluu, Pblla lclphU
ions. It's a self-supporting dog that
lives by eating its own tail, but the
source of substance is always more
or le.s plecarious. and liable to be
come exhausted.
to ouiti: a coi.n in dm; day.
l'ako lii.xutlvc tlromo (jullilnc Tablets. All
druggist refund tlm money If it I'.iils to
cine. S.j. Tim genuine li.ts I.. IS. (J. Dii
eneli tablet,
l'I'e.v I- Vii,,r i:.., vin ..
PhlWf'pWM, .Tp.i. 13. ", i-n
one cf hi- ' n- 1 en arretted n'.ri.i'
days n;o 1.P? '.ol'o-.vlng a .tfv.e'.r.
BHiesmaii ror the tuppoyed purpi e or
robbeiy, v:n yrrtc:d-y IdentlP.-i as a
man unfn1 In r.-.atc i for nea -iy It H t -Ing
an nc 1 rran living In Jin :iiuiy
whom he mbbid of $J,&0, "IU'ej" wii
Idcntlfled lit vruns of a plctme
out by the pn I authorities of this
city. He Is inc,ui In Huston an John
T. Richards, a las "the mcusp." In
formation was uIfo received that he Is
wanted In Newark. N. J., wheie an In
dictment for robbery Is said to be hung
IrifT over him.
Fill 11 bottle or common gins-i with urine
mil let It stand tui'iity-four lioiirs ; a M'di
ineiit or nettling indicates an unhealthy
condition of the kidneys. When nrino
lining linen it is evidence of 1. id my
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or
pain in the back, is also coiivincini; proof
that tlio kidneys and bladder are out of
There is comfort ill the knowledge so often
oxprewd that Dr. Kilmer's Siauii-lIuot,
the jjicat kidney ren."dv, fullllls every wish
In rrlievinj pain in the itok, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of the urinary pas
Ligcs. It corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding pain in p.t-.Mi..r it. or bad iHeit
following uo of liiiior, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times duriii"; the
night to urinate. The mild and the ex
traordinary ell'ect of Swamp-Knot is soon
realised. It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing eases.
If you need a nudiuinu you should have the
best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents
ami one dollsr. You may have a simple
bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mall.
Mention the Kvji.vtNO and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilinghainp
ton, X. Y. The proprietors of this paper
guarantee the genniness of this oll'er.
l.o, . : -.-v.
Chicago, J m 13. Adolph U Ltrtger.
will go on the witness stand Frld.iy
and tell his story of his actions on the
night of May 1 of last year, when the
murder of Mrs. I.tietgert Is supposed to
have taken place. Iaietgert and his
counsel believe that his case will be
greatly helped thereby. It Is now be
lieved the case will be concluded early
next week.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant liidge, O., says,
"After two doctors cave up mv boy to die. 1
saved him from croup hy using Ono .Minute
Cough Cure." It is the quickest and most
certain remedy for coughs, colds and all
throat anil lung troubles. C. II. llagunbuch.
C'.vclo rnlfootniiil KtllVcl.
New York. Jan. 19. Hioyole Police
man Frederic!: N. IJncoln, aged 22
years, was Instantly killed In a collision
with a pedestilan, Julius Illrsehberg.
Illrschberg was so badly Injured that
he was removed to his home uncon
scious. A Madison avenue car had
knocked down an unknown woman, and
Lincoln was scorching to overtake the
car. On a down grade the car Mopped
to let HIrsehbert: off, and he was run
Into by, the policeman.
Th e Greatest Discovery Yet.
W. M. liepine. editor Tiskilwn, III.,
"Chief," says: "We won't keep house with
out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. Experimented with
many others, but never got tb true rmedy
until we used Dr. King's New Discovery.
No other remedy can take Its place in our
homo, as in it we have a certain and sure
cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough,
etc." It is idlo to experiment with otber
remedies, even if they are urged on you as
just as good ns Dr. King's New Discovery.
They are not as good, hecauso this remedy
hasu record of curesand besides is guaranteed.
It nevu- fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at
A. Wasley's drug store.
Triple .Murderer'led.
Provldeme It. 1.. Jan. ID. Martin
Mowry was y sterday found guilty of
murder In the brut degree, lie wab
ihorgtd with the murder of Mrs. Abble
F. ItcynoldB, Who, with her husband
and adopted daughter, was killed at
Hurrvllle la t summer. Their housi
was set on lire and Mis. IteynoMs wu,
found in an unconscious condni .u from
blows on the head. The bodies of hei
husband and daughter were burned
with the house. Mowry, It is thought,
was In love with the daughter, and had
been rejected.
for thoso who will go to-dny and get a pack-
ago of OliAIN-O It takes the place of
coueo pt about t tlio cost. It la a food drink,
full of health, und can bo given to the
children as well as the adult with great
benefit. It Is mado of pure grains and looks
and tastes like the finest grades of Mocha or
Java coffee. It satisfies everyone, A cup of
Oraln-O is better for the system than a
tonic, because Its benefit Is permanent. What
coffeo breaks down (Iralu-O builds up. Ask
your grocer for Oreln-O, 15c, and 25c.
Shot jFb Hrnuil IfrollHir-iTl-l.ow.
New York, Jan. IS. Herman CI. Hlna,
who came from Bun Antonio, Tjx., at
Chilstmas to vltlt hlr mother In liroiik
lyn, shot and mortally wounded his
brother-in-law, Otto Dlehl, last night.
Illnz gave himself up. He Bald that
Dlehl, who had married his only pis
ter, had been brutal to hjr and her
'children, und he had shot him on that
The Rl? bt Name In the Klrht I lace.
Pan-Tina for coughs aud colds, S5c. At
Gruliler Bros., drug store.
A family of nine was poisoned near
Nlles, Mich., by eating uiseused pork.
All may die.
Slgnor Nlcolinl, husband of Madnmo
Adellnl l'attl-Nlcollnl, died yesterday
at Pan, France.
Professor Joseph A. Hoinney, of Utah,
university, has become a mental wreck
tluoush overstudy.
Six sallhiK vessels raced from Hono
lulu to San Francisco, keeping closely
together the entire d'stance.
The nntlonal senate yesterday con
firmed H. D. Saylor, of Pennsylvania,
to be consul at Matanzua, Cuoa.
One man was killed and another fa
tally Injured while lighting a fire In the
Falrvlowimnel at Williams, Arizona.
An Ice Forge 23 feet high Is stretched
across the Hudson river live miles be
low Albany, and the city fears an Inun
dation. ISoys at Turner's Falls, Mass., ludd a
mock trial and hanced one of their
number, but the rope broke In time to
save his life.
Cecilia I.e Ilunte, a New York school
teacher, fell from the roof of a six story
house ndjolning her own residence, and Instantly killed.
Judge Wat' Starr, of Chelsea, I. T
declares he will resist the federal courts
and their right to suspend the Cheiokee
coutts tint I, he h arre-t d.
A man n ur.Ptl Al'cn confessed at n
revival meting held In l'li'.'en. S. D..
thnt he mid I i' l u mini Ji) years of
age. He h.c u t '
For Infants and Children,
Tbo fae-
I: ra
Par's. .!.. 1.'. There was muh api
lath n In tin- ,aln quaiter las air'.t
but the p.. hie barred the lnldgi ;, an.
all attempt, d demonstration.) were sup
press, d. Meanwhile the efferveseeni .
increases In the provinces. Shops of
Jews nt Nantes have been stoned. M.
Clemenceau's paper, 'lhe Aurore, was
publicly burtiFd In front of the Mili
tary club at Uordeaux, where serious
dlsordois took place. The police were
roughly handled, and the guards finally
charged the mob. Thirty-two arrests
have been made. Telegrams from most
of the large towii3 show that the anti
Jewish crusade is assuming large pro
porth ns. The government Is seriously
A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks like it, but thcro is really
no trick about it. Anybody can try it who
has lame back and weak kidneys, malaria or
nervous troubles. We mean ho can cure
himself right away by taking Electric Hit
ters. This medieino tones up the whole
system, acts as a stimulant to the liver and
kidneys, is a blood purifier and nervu tonic.
It cures constipation, headache, fainting
spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re
store! the system to its natural vigor. Trv
Klettric Hitters and bo convinced that they
aro a miracle worker. Every bottle guaran
teed. Only 50c. a bottle, at A. Wasley's drug
Train .? ii in pen i . i. -.".iu7. Two Killed
(ai., Jan. iy. Last evening
the westbound passenger train on tht
Central Pacific railroad Jumped tht
track near here, two trainmen belnp
killed and several other persons In
jured. Two engines drew the train over
this section of the mountain road. The
boiler of one of the engines exploded,
seaming Engineer Hacliett and Fire
man Elghtner so badly that they died
Soon after the cars left the track the
mall car caught lire and was burned
Monarch over pain. Darns, cuts, sprains,
stings. Instant relief. Dr. Thomas' Eclec
trie OH. At any drug storo.
Mlmler iii ' 7fau'il Inly."
New York, Jan. 19. Eulgl Illnga was
shot through the heart and instantly
Kllleil by Pasquale Caplllo, in a room
on East One Hundred and Thirteenth
street, in "Eittle Italy." The mui del-
was due to a quarrel over handsome
Paulina Slcilla, lormerly the mistiest
of Hlnta, who left him for Caplllo a
year ugo, and who recently returned to
her first love.
"It was almost a miracle. Hurdock Wood
Hitters cureil me of a terrible breaking out
all over the body. I am very grateful
Miss Julia Eilbridge, West Cornwell, Coun.
President l)oriKiurn r,ir 'iimitim-um
San Francisco, Jan. 10. President
Sanford H. Dole, of the Hawaiian re
public, resumed his journey to Wash
Ington this afternoon. The party had
Intended to remain In San Francisco
for some time, but dispatches received
by him from Minister Hatch, at Wash
ington, advising him to reach the cap
ital as soon as possible, changed his
plans. The Hawaiian president and his
wife and attendants go by way of Chi
cago and New York, stopping one day
In each of those cities,
Wan (m Undo Sam to liny it Cnnal.
Washington, Jnn. 19, Representative
Mahany, of New York, has Introduced
a Joint resolution providing for the pur
chase or lease of the Krle canal by the
United States. The United States by
Its terms Is to enter Into negotiations,
with the state of New York for such
purpose, to the end that "this water
way may bo made an arm of war and
commerce for the general government.''
Borne Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the
leach of medicine. They often fay, "Oh, it
will wear nway," but in most cases it wears
them away. Could they be induced to try the
successful medicine called Kemp's llalsam,
which is so'd on a positive guarantee to cure,
they would immediately see the excellent efiect
after taking the first dose. Price 25c. and 50c.
Trial size free. At all druggists.
How American Trmlo Is I'xtcndliur In
tlio Old World.
Washington, Jan. ID. The clearest
exposition cf the real extent of Ameri
can competition In KurAne that has ever
been pnsented oflb lady probably Is
that r'ven In a repoit to the state de
partment from Frank Mason, United
States eonKiil general nt Frunkfort, and
published In the dally consular reports.
Mr. Mason treats the subject broadly,
but naturally he finds the main points
for his theme directly under his own
observation In Herman:', where the
snuggle It now most bitter. He re
counts the varloux plans that have
been considered and others tlnH are
now before European governments
looking to oo-opeiiulon in resistance to
the encroachment of American trade
I and entermlse on European mnrkets.
but concludes that as to food certainly
there can be no successful combination
to make the cost greater, notwithstand
ing the strong agrarian agitation. In
manufactures America has been mak
ing Inroads In Europe beyond the com
mon knowledge, and Mr. Mason points
out some lines In which we have over
whelmed opposition, and says that In
spite tf the teaihlniis of European
economists !n those lines the sceptre of
economical production with highest
wages has paased from the old world
to the new. Shoes, steel and Iron In
various forms, mining and electrical
machinery, blcyo!-s. sewing machines,
lathes, milling n chines and tools he
specially mentis s as articles with
which we comi 'c successfully against
.!. A. Perkins, of Aiiti'iuuy, ()., was for
thlity jears needlessly to lured by physiciai s
for tlio euro of eczema He wi s quickly
cured by using DeWitt's Witch Uu.o Salve
the fannnis healing salve for piles and skin
diseases. C. II. Ilageuliucli.
I lid I'lnnerH, the Hand of Alnerlei.. Cali
fornia. Via the true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
lloute," which a legion of perpetual
sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first
mil second class palaeo and tourist sleeping
ears to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all tho coinfortsof modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific lailway
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, und full information, dropapostal
card, J. 1. McCann, T. P. Agent. 51!) Itail-
road avenue, Elmira, N. Y., ur 31)1 Hroad-
wny, New York.
:J-l-tf W. E. Hoyt, O. E P. Agt
Just try a lUc box of Cascarets, tho finest
dver and bowel regulator ever made
Itntchl'ord Urges the Woedlnir Out of
Unskilled Labor.
Chicago, Jan. 19. Two very brief ses
slons were held by the Joint conven
tion of bituminous coal operatotn and
miners yestciduy. The scale commit
tee appointed on Tuesday mad- but
little progress, and pending the receipt
of a report from them the convention
adjourned until today.
Progress in the sca'e committee was
slow. President IUt hford, of thymine
workers, advocated, It is said, the
weeding out of unskilled labor. The
adoption of the mine run system Is
thought to he a certa'nty. The miners'
delegates are a unit for the abolish
ment of the old screen system. Over
this matter and the differentials al
lowed by the new scale to be formed
trouble may occur. The Ohio operators
are putting up a strong fight for their
differentials, and declare that they will
procure contracts v. lib their employes
to work on the "lump" barls If their
demands are not nceeded to.
Members of the committee are In
cllned to work In a deliberate manner,
anu the light between Ohio and Penn
sylvania over the differentials will un
doubtedly be a warm one.
Italy'H Ilronil Klntx.
Ancona, Italy, Jan. 19. 'lhe
riots were renewed heie yesterday. The
participants In the demonstration, hav
ing been expelled from thetown.assem
bled outside the town gates, but the
cavalry dispersed them. A band of riot
ers wrecked and tried to burn the coun
try house of a grain dealer. The troops
quenched the flames and dispersed the
mou. l'lny percons have been arrested.
The military bakers are distributing
ureaii to persons without food.
Catarrh of the stomach has long been con
sidered the next thing to incurable.
The usual symptoms aro a full or bloating
sensation after eating, accompanied some
times with sour or watery-risings, a forma
tion of gases, causing pressure 011 tho heart
and lungs and difficult breathing ; headache,
fickle appetite, nervousness and u general
played out, languid feeling.
Thcro is often a foul taste
coated tongue, and if tlio
stomach could be seen it
slimy, inflamed condition.
In the mouth,
interior of the
would show a
The cure for this common and obstinate
trouble is found in a treatment which causes
thu food to be readily, thoroughly digested
before it has time to ferment and irritate the
delicate mucous surfaces of tho stomach.
To secure a prompt and healthy digestion
is the one necessary tiling to do, and when digestion is secured the catarrhal
condition will have disappeared.
According to Dr. Ilurlanson the safest and
best ti'iatment Is to use after eacli meal a
tablet, composed of Diastase, Aseptic Pep
sin, a little Nux, Golden Seal and fruit acids.
These tablets can now he found at all drug
stores under the namo of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, and, not being a patent medicine,
can be used with perfect safety uudiissuranco
that healthy appetite and thorough digestion
will follow their regular uso after meals,
Mr. N.J. Hooher, of 2710 Deaiboru St.,
Chicago, III., writes : "Catarrh is a local
condition lesultlng from a neglected cold iu
the liiud, whereby tho lining meiiihrano of
the nose hecouioi inllamcd and tho poisonous
discharge therefrom; passing backwaid Into
the throat, reaches thu stomach, thus pro
ducing catarrh uf the stomach. au
thorities prescribed for mo for three years for
catarrh of the stomach withuut cure, hut to
day I am the happiest of men after using
only one box of Stuait's Dyspepsia Tablets. I
cannot flud appropriate woids to oxpress my
good feeling.
I have Annul flesh, appetite and sound rest
from their uso.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the safest
preparation as well as the simplest mid most
convenient remedy for any form of Indiges
tion, catarrh of stomach, biliousness, sour
stomach, heartburn and bloating aflor meals.
Send for little book, mailed free, 011
stomach troubles, by addresslug Stuart Co ,
Marslnll, Mich. The tahleU can be fouud ut
all drug stores.
Mad Knife !
The use of the surgeon's knife is becoming-
so general, resulting- fatally
In such a large number of cascu, as to
occasion general alarm,
Mr. William Walpole.of Walshtown,
South Dakota, writes; "About
three years ago, there came under
my left eye a little blotch about the
size 01 a small oca.
shooting pains ran
in every direction.
I became alarmed
and consulted a
trood doctor, who
pronounced it can-
j'i'must be cut out.
This I would not
consent to, having
little faith in the
Indiscriminate use of the knife. Read
ing of the many cures made by S. S.
S., I determined to give that medicine
a trial, and after I had taken it a few
days, the cancer became irritated and
began to discharge. This after awhile
teased, leaving- a small scab, which
finally dropped off, and only a healthy
little scar remained to lAark the place
where tliedcstroycrhadhcldfull sway.
A Real Blood Remedy
Cancel is in the blood aud it Is folly
toexpect an operation tocureit. S.S.S.
guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real
remedy lor every
diseaseof the blood.
Books mailed free;
Tflflrooa Rivlffr Snl.
cific Co,, Atlanta,
As Iteitoeiod !iv Deal In us In Philadel
phia und llalttniorn.
Philadelphia. Jnn. IS. Flourlnuct ve and
weak: winter buperflne, XMiaiiiLlO; do. ex-
tru. ?.I.l.,'i.,.(.P; Pennsylvania rolloi clear,
$KM.2i': do. straight. $1.20fi4.l0; xoslern
winter, clear. $I.1Ki4.25; dp. straight, 1.40'l; elty mills, extra. $3.211.40. live
Hour sold In a small way at JJ.W 1.90 pel
barrel. Whont firm; No. 2 red, 9T.: No.
. Pu.n ylvanla unci No. 2 Delaware red,
spot. !sc. t'orn dull: No. 2 yellow, for lo
cal trade. Xi'i.; No. 2 mixed. In export
eliMitor. Xif, 3T,e. Oats slow; No. 2 'white.
'10e. ; No. 2 white, clipped, SOVi-c.; No. 1
white, clipped, 31c. Hay dull; choice tim
othy. 12 for huge bales. Beef ctc.iily;
sboit clear, J'.if;10; beef hams. J2 if 2.1.50.
Pork firm; imss, ?n.2.'Ti9.50; short clear,
fcl.TTrfill.TS; family, $12Til2.G0. Lard steady;
western, steamed. $3. liutter steady;
V.'Horn creninery, tP(.i!J20c.; do. factory,
llfISc ; IJlglns, 20e.; Imitation creamery,
l.'i17e.: New York dairy, 13Til8i'.; do.
cruitncry, 14fil!c.; fancy Penns.lvania
prints Jobbhis at 221-2r,c. ; do. wholesale,
21c. Cheese iulet: large, white and col
ored. Scpteinbir, 8c. ; .small do. do.. Sep
tember. ;iv,(,'3'.:c.; light skims, cgCHc;
part skims, 4' 'iir.V.c.; full skims, 2S3c:.
1'ggs firmer; New York anil Pennsylva
nia, rit24lic: western, fresh, 22T24c. Po
tatoes sternly; Ni ,v iork, $2.37',.ff2.C0;
sweets, J3f(4. Tallow dull; city, 3?ic:
country, arSVic.-oa to ouullty. Cotton
seed oil steady: pi line crude, 'ifilO'j.c; do.
yellow, 23'2le. Itosln sternly: strained,
common to good. ?l.l2"rifil.47'. Turpen
tine firm at SlU'fiStyic. Cabbage I'rm at
$3.50. Pig Iron warrants dull at JG.I OTiO.70.
Lake copper quiet nt SlI.Will. Tin dull
nt $13.S0Til3.fC. Spelter (pilot nt 3.9004.
Lead dull $J.Ci'af3.C7i;-.
Ilaltimore, Jnn. 18. Flour Inactive and
unchanged. Wheat dull: cpot, month and
February, !7(f!D7V. ; May, bVMnKy.;
steamer No. 2 red, U24fit)2c; southern
wheat, by sample, CWiliSc. ; do. on grade.
3fi971,jc. Corn dull; spot, month and Feb
ruary. 32U'i.;2?c.: steam, r mixed LOl-fii
SOic; southern white corn, 29f34e.; do.
yellow. Ss', Oats quiet, but firm; No. 2
white. 20Hr;fS0c.; No. 2 mixed, 2Sc. Itye
steady: No. 2 nearby, G2j;.c. : No. 2 western,
KCJHVic liny steady: choice timothy,
J13. drain freights vu ry quiet und easier;
steam to Llvoipool, per bushel. 3'4d., Jan
uary: Cork, lor orders, per quarter, 3s. Cd.,
January; 2s. Cd February. Sutpir strong
and tinchanired. flutter and eggs quiet
and unchanged. Cheese staidy and un
limited. AVhifky unchanged.
I.lvo Stock- Mnrkefs.
New York, Jan. 19. ('allies quote Ameri
can steers ut 10'.llc.; rcfrlKeratur beef nt
S'fitHaC Calves quiet and steady; veals,
t3IiS.2.j; grnssers, !&M.KI. Sheep and lambs
steady; nil sold; sheep, S.1505I5; lambs, $G
6.D0. Hogs stronger ut $l.fi4.2o.
East Llbeity, Pa., Jun. 18. Cattle
steady; prime, $l.75f(4.83; common, $3.231f
3.00; bulls, stags und cows. $2ft ,70. Hogs
steady; prime medium, .l.bOUiJ.Sj; best
Yorkers, S3.7Wi3.S0; pigs, $3.70-it:).75; heavy,
VS.Wu 3.7.7; good roughs. $3ti.",.23: common to
fair roughs. 2.23Ti 2.7,7. Sheep a shade
higher; choice, Jl.70iii4.80: common. $.!.23fl)
3.75; choke lambs, Ju.SOJTG; common to
good, J4.601i5.70. Veal calves, JG.50&7.25.
Thero'B Just What You Want.
Pan-Tina (25c.) for coughs and colds. At
Oruhlor Hros., drug storo.
Grim Dotoi'mliiat Ion on tho Part ol
Until Mitos.
Boston, Jan. ID. Grim determination
on the part of both sides, coupled with
a defined Issue between employer and
employe, as well as practically an ab
sence of any slirn of demonstration,
were the features of the second day In
the Kroat strike In tho cotton- Industry.
Interest still centers almost entirely in
the strike at New Bedford, where the
strikers strengthened their cause by
making the question of flne3 a definite
issue with the mill owners. It la Just
possible that an agreement on this
question may lead to some satisfactory
ending of the whole matter in that city,
although at present such an outcome
seems far distant.
The matter of financial support to the
strikers was generally discussed, not
only In New Bedford, but in Illddeford,
Saco and Lewlston, Me., and while the
union strikers seem to have no anxiety
regarding the next three months the
non-union men who are out fear that
they may not receive sufficient support.
The hundred thousand operatives In
all of the New England states are
watching the contest In New Bedford,
Saco and Blddeford very closely.
MISS Allln ir,,i,..a K'nrf.,11.
frightfully burned on ' tho fucu ' and 'neck
Pain tviia Imlntitli. volto,....! 1... r-.ii.i,.,
Itch Hazel Salve, which healed tho injury
without leaving a sear. It is the famous pile
remedy. 0. II. Ilagcnbueh.
Miu,iiliy,.- 'iih lioiw t irti .Jury.
Wllmliiirtt.n. rnl. .Inn in rni,,.
... , , Vt ljif,H
11 f Pmila hi TM ti-.i ..,1
iu wuu.i went 10 1110 juiy this mornlntr.
VeHteidiv Senator n
- MUC Ull Hll
dtess lo the Jury In behalf of ti, ,.i
oner. He strongly urged acquittal, 'flu
closing- ai-fiuinent for the government
was made by District Attorney Vande
Brlft. Prosperity comes oulckcst to the man
whosu liver Is Iu good condition. IloWltt'a
Little liirly Risers aro famous littlo pills for
coiisilp.itluii, biliousness. Indigestion aud all
stomach aud lUer troubles. C. II, Ilagcn
bueh, sk your grocer for tho "Royal Patent
dour, aud take uo other brand. It is tho best
flour made,
A WiiililiiKt'n Hotel Clerk Who Was
Over ZealoiiH.
Washington, Jnn, 10. United States
Senator William E, Mason, of Chicago,
was he victim of nn unpleasant affair
in tlw office of tho Hotel Johnson yes
terday afternoon, when ho was assault
ed by the clerk after some words over
secuilng u room for the wife of one of
Senator Mnnm's Chicago friends, Mrs.
AI011K0 Wlghal, of Chicago, whose hus
band is a wH known lawyer and for
merly editor of the Chicago Journal.
f fit
Senator Mason and his son spent the
early Rfternooii In escorting Mrs. Wlg
hal through the public buildings, and
afterward dined at the Johnson. Mrs.
Wlghnl being tired, and some hours re
maining before she could secuie a train,
Senator Mason engaged a room for her
at the Johnson for the afternoon, paid
for it and teglstered her as "Mrs. Lou
Wlghal, Chicago."
lteturnlng to the cafe where the lady
was waiting with his son Mr. Mason
was followed by the clerk, who asserted
that he had changed his mind nbout
furniFhliifi the room, and tendered Mr.
Mason 1.1s money. The senator repaired
with the clerk to the lobby, where hot
words ensued, nnd the clerk struck him.
Before many blows passed the combat
ants were separated by friends. The
proprietor of the Hotel Johnson after
ward said that his clerk had been over
zealous, and that he greatly regretted
tho occurrence.
Mrs. M. II Ford. Ituddell's. 111., suffered
'or eight years fioni dyspepsia and chronic
onstipation and was finally cured by using
loWitl's Little Early Risers, the famous
ittie pills for all stomach and liver troubles.
'. 11. Hagenbiich.
Deputy Witi-iloii of Mnrylaud'H Ponl
tontlary Jlnj" J)lo.
Baltimore. Jan. 10. Ferdinand A.
JllcfFsiiLuih, chief deputy warden cif the
Maryland penitentiary, was yesterday
afternoon probably fatally stabbed by
Levi Polndexter, a negro convict. A
table knife v.-asii e weapon used. The
convict, who wi olng to dinner, sud
denly jumped ficm the lock step line
and stabbed the deputy warden twice
before the '.atter could draw his revol
ver. One cut Is In 'the abdomen and
may cause the- officer's death, the In
testines being badly lacerated. The
negro Is now In double irons in a dark
cell. Tho attempted minder Is believed
to have been the outcome of a long
cherished hatred for DIeffenbach on the
part of the negro, who Is servlnga six
year sentence for receiving stolen
They nre Shenandoah People and
What They Siy is of Local
Wlien an incident liko the following occurs
right hero at home, it is bound to carry
weight with our readors. When so many
strango occurrences go tho rounds of the
press j aro published as facts; when the in
telligent reader knows they cannot bo true,
there is no wonder that peoplo becomo
skeptical. On 0110 subject skepticism is
rapidly disappearing. This is duo to the
actual personal experiences of our (itizeus
and their public utterances regaiding them.
The doubter must doubt no more in the face
of such evidence as this. The public state
ment of a reputablo citizen living right here
.it homo, one who you can see every day,
leaves no ground for tho skeptic to stand on.
Mrs. Hannah Waters, of 321 West Cherry
street, was Interviewed by our leprcsentative
regarding a remedy that she had been usiii"
for irregularities of tho kidneys. Sho pro
cuied it at tin. Kirlin Pharmacy after sho bc
camo Interested iu it from seeing the impres
sive statements of those who had tr.ed it.
Here is her experience. "I can say for Doan's
Kidney Pills that they are good. I used
them and they certainly did all that I could
ask from any medicine. I had backaches
which mado mo tired tho whole time aud
I was so lamo across my kidneys that I could
lift nothing without it hurting me and when
I stooped or went to straighten caught
me. I had pain and aching sometimes low
down tho back of my neck. Oh, yes, Doan's
Kidney Pills aro a good medieino for they
CUred 1111' lineb ami r !..,.. - v
" until iiuu iiu irouuio
since and it is several months ago siuco I
tlml- 1 II
bWUfW 111CJU.
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers.
Price CO cents. Mailed by Foster-Mllbtim Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. Solo agents for the U. S. He
member the iinmn n,,.,i ,.,,,1 i.t.
& Relieve and Cure
s Head Troubles
sr Stomach Disorders
System Irregularities
17 furmuluH
of noted
g "For every III,, a special pill."
If not at Drug Stores, wrlto
Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkers)N.Y.
ST Health Ilook Mailed I'ree.
SffBffft Oriel Pita
"Oi J'owoers 11.
MA J.'eimU
never fiui
UfHMJIll Tail...
ii.tli Taiif rid Pennyroyal Pill tod ither Ilk
""" ivujcuitij. Aiwsyi uuy me Dm ana VM1 dliap-
!0iOraeit. tiuvantWHi upcrlor to all other, positive
ir rn Til lAVft I4FK WOMAN'S hCLIEF.
G ( Aii'T4Kir I'lixaand save luohti.
7Ai fiw Mdrui Of icni dlrtet ((), im II,
41 i rt-kti Co, Utwtuo, Mui, iWrlHui to.
Kor aale at Ktrllnt dru store and Shenandoah
ami; store.
1 ..i
La Grippe,
Followed by Heart Disease, Cured by
It. 0. C. SnULTS, of Wlntorset, Iowa,
inventor and manufacturer of
Ghults' Safety Wbiflletrco Coupling.
writes of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. "Ttvo years
ago an attack of LaOrlppo left mo with a
weak heart. I had run down In flesh to
mere skin and bone. I could not sleep lying
down for smothering spoils', frequent sharp
darting pains and palpitation caused a con
stant fear of sudden death, nothing could
induce mo to remain away from homo over
sight. My local physician prescribed Dr.
Miles' Heart Curo and In a few days I was
able to sleep well and tho pains gradually
lessened, and Anally ceased. I reduced tho
tho doses, having gained fit toon pounds, and
am now feeling better la every way than I
have for years."
Dr. Miles' Remedies
aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottle t
benefits or money ro- I
funded. Ilook on dis
eases of tho heart and I
nerves froo. Addiejs, 122
DR. MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
nit. W. II. YINGST,
Graduate and Lnte Resident House Surged,
the University State ot M. Y.
Headquarters :-Commerclal Hotel. Bhen&ndoftb
Calls night or day promptly responded.
Ofllce Egan building, coner of Mln n
Centre streets, Sheiinudoab.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre atreeta.
Lock Box tVS, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Havlne Mudled under soma of tbo Uei
aiastcra ip London and Pari a, will glra Icmvoi
n tho viotii,ruandollu. put tar and vocal emtarv.
remit- reap o nt b I c. Address Id care o( fftrotue,
he Jeweler Shenandoah.
In the Spring will be Tremendous.
The moht profitable business will he In trans
portation mid incrchnndlainv and In furnlshlne
food and supplies to the multitude of Gold
Seckeis In short, a general Trading. Mercan
tile and Meumship business. It was so In '49 it
will bo so in '1)6.
The Alaska Transportation
and Development Company
,ncc0.rpp.0,al!ed $5 000,000 -"
To meet this demand, will own and operate its
Connecting with its own line of largo and
Magnificent Ocean Steamers,
Sneciall v ndantcd for nasscnuer business carry
ing to that country an immense amount of sup
plies and equipment for the miners, as well as
furnishing them transportation for themselves
and their voods, aud establishing Trading
Stations at different points. An opportunity it
ottered any person, be they of small or large
means, to buy shares of stock in this company
and pmtleipato in the
sure to be earned within the next 12 months.
Shares are $1.00 each
narvnliie, nou-nssessable, und will be offered
lorn limited time only.
.Safer than Savings Banks nd Bank Stocks
Pitying- lamer dMdends. While numerous
savings banks and bunks htvo suspended,
triinsiKjitatioii and trading companies were
never sren In the list of failures. This stock Is
out. of the most desirable Investments offered
the public.
Die Incorporators and stockholders who are
connected with this company are men of wide
experience in similar undertakings and men
v, hose names are sufficient guarantee of the
standing of tlio company, to wit:
AI.HKKT ( 11I.ATZ, Pres. Vol Illati Ilrew Co.,
HON V.M. 1J. MASON, United States Senator
from Illinois
D. (1 KDWAItns, Pass. Trafflo Mgr. C II, &
1). It. It, Cincinnati.
FUANKA. Ili:cllTrof Cbas. Kacstner Si Co,
CIIAS. II. ItOCKWKI.I,, Tronic Mgr. O I. & L.
It. If., (Munou ltoute) Chicago
W. C. ltlNUAUSON.aen'l Pass. Agt. O. N, O-
& T. P. It. It., Cincinnati, O.
H W.UltlKlTril. Pres. First National Itank.
Vkksburp. Miss.
I'ltUI). A OTTK, past eighteen years with
Shelby Hank, Shelby vllle, Ind.
J.M. , PlIILI-ll'S. Colder l'lrst Nafl Honk,
Vlcksburg, Miss.
And hundreds of others equally prominent.
Address and make all money payable to
The Alaska Transportation & Deielopment Co.,
Fisher Ilulldlng,
Cor, Van Ilurcn & Dearborn Sts.,
uu cuu uiamc
yourself if you
do u't get real
i ,
tnr KppIIw'.
c-oou co it c e to
drink. Ordinary
coffee is made de
licious bv addlng
SRULICT4. term.
a little of this
Vadmixture to
rcliearj co fTe f
makes a delicious'
,drlnk and saves expense.
3 W1II03-
Er.' V.Z". ,
no, neaixi 5SSIB