The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 19, 1898, Image 1

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Crtatts business itiattte of its hnrwn
large circulation and rtndtrt rich
risulli tn its advertisers.
4 fiemlih.
W 7 rac Mr public through a pro Qj
W gressive, dignified, influential lournal Jug
In jr Mr IthKAl P columns S
Better Than Klondike.
Invest your money where you are sure
to receive full value for the same.
Parlor Suits, 5 pieces,
Woodseated chairs,
Cane seated chairs,
J. P. Williams & Son,
A Few Suggestions to Buyers.
CHIEFS in Silk or Linen, in plain Embroidered or Initial,
All of which aro good
"'""" miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
Cor. White and Lloyd Sts.,
These beverages just suit the
most critical drinker. It just
suite us to have them drink it,
because they are pure and whole
some. COLUM
And the largest assortment of I
lit all qualities.
P. J.
Headquarters for
.... Commercial Travelers
Cr. Co! and Main street, Khenuiidonh, Pa.
Tenai: 91.00 per day.
f Stabling Facilities Umiirpased.
Brde comfortably accommodated by week
or month.
Standard Tomatoes, -
Standard Maryland Corn.
Choice Northern Corn, "Blue
Early June Peas, - - -Sifted
Early June Peas,
Choice Alaska Salmon,
Fancy Columbia River Salmon,
California Peaches, Apricots and Egg Plums,
Baked Beans, large cans, - -Baked
Beans, small cans,
These goods were bought before the advance in canned
goods. They urc nil standard goods of fine quality. We
sell no soaks at any price.
We sell only the best quality.
Wc sell no compounds.
California, Jamaica and Florida Oranges. We offer the
best brands. Large, su-eet and juicy.
Solid Oak Fancy Base
Extension Table, - $3.75
Iron Bedsteads, - . $ 3-5o
Solid Oak Chanila Suits,
eight pieces, - ' - 14.00
Full size well made couches,
spring seat, full fringed, $ 3.75
Sideboards, - - 5-5
13 S. Main Street,
and miltahlo present,
North Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa.
They also suit the most health
iest drinker. Why ? because they
have no equal. Good brews are
the most coinfort-giviug and best
tonics of the system.
30 S. HAIN ST.,
(Sheeler't Old Btand.)
First-class work guaranteed. Prompt apri
ollte attendants. Jlalr cutting a ipeciaitv.
3 cans for 25c
4 cans for 25c
Brand, 3 cans for 25c
4 cans for 25c
3 cans for 25c
3 cans, for 25c
2 cans lor 25c
2 cans for 25c
3 cans for 25c
- 0 cans for 25c
New Crop New Orleans Molasses.
l'ure open kettle goods.
Fancy Creamery and Dairy Butler.
I'iucst Cream Cheese.
Tin: vi:atiii:u,
The forecast for Thursday ; Cloudy
weather, vrltli rain or snow, slight tempera
turc changes and easterly to northeasterly
winds, high on tho coast, followed by clear
iiiB I" the. western districts.
Tim right tor School Director Incites
Much Atti'iitlou.
The residents of the, First ward, hoth Dem
ocrats and Citizens, display much Interest in
the primary election to ho held to-morrow
afternoon, between the hours of J:O0 and 8:00
o'clock. There will be but ono ticket nomi
nated in that ward tho Democratic and
hence th members of tho Citizens party, be
ing compelled to vote for tho Democratic
nominees, or not at nil, aro necessarily inter
ested as to who these nominees shall be.
There Is no opposition to William McGnlre
for ro-electlon to Council. Tho peoplo of tho
ward recognize that us a member of that
body ho "is an able and conscientious repre
sentative. Tho fight, therefore, centres upon the
School Directorship, with tho Assossorshipns
a side-play. The term of Frank llanna ex
pires, and ho has been making a house-to-
bouso canvass fur ro-elcction, in tho face of
strong opposition. Tho voters of the ward
having prevailed upon Thomas Shcehy, a
young man having every qualification, to
hecomo a candidate for this important oflice,
ho has mado an active campaign and has
every assuranco of success.
Tho friends of Sir. llanna, seeing defeat
staring them in tho face, bavo circulated tbo
report that nono but those who liavo voted
tho Democratic ticket for two years previous
ill be allowed to vota to-morrow, and inti
mate that It is In i'ccordance with tho Act of
1B81. This law says no such thing. Besides,
to prohibit any member of tho Citizens party,
so inclined, from voting at tho primaries to
morrow would result in disfranchising a large
body of citizens, especially so in view of the
Uct that it is tho only means of expressing
their choice of candidates.
Let no citizen bo deprived of bl3 vote by
these statements. We havo It from high legal
authority that if u voter, no matter at what
primary, swears to support two-thirds of tbo
ticket nominated, be is a legal voter at tho
primaries. Wo have both law and precedent
for this opinion. In the present case there
will be but ouo ticket in that ward, aud all
citizens have a legal right to their choice of
nominees. To doprivo them of this right
would he a clear violation of law and justice.
No local committeo has tbo right to make
rults for the Democratic parly of Schuylkill
A number of citizens of the ward have
made inquiry of the Hcuai.d as to the law
on the question, and wo find there is'nnthiug
to prevent nil citizens in that ward from
voting at tho primaries, if they "ill support
two-thirds of the ticket nominated,
Headache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davis' Auti-IIeadacho never fails, 23c.
Mrs. Jane, better known ns "Aunty,"
Williams died yesterday nt tho Schuylkill
Iluvcn almshouse at the advanced ago of SO
years and 11 months. The deceased had been
a widow for many years and has no near
relatives in this state, lor a longtime she
lived in town and as age crept upon her slio
was cared for from time to tlmo by fr.ends.
Two years ago last October Mrs. Williams
was sent to tho almshouse. Since that time
she lias bcon occasionally visited at the in
stitution by old friends residing in towu and
I'ottsville. Two of them, Messrs. Benjamin
Davenport and Charles Hooks, have claimed
tho remains and they will bo given burial in
tho Odd Fellows' cemetery of town to
After many years of sufl'ering Miss Jane
lirennaii died at the homo of her parents,
Mr. and Mis. Michael lirenuau, at Itappa'
bannock, yesterday. Deceased was 31 years
of age. Tbo funeral will take place on
Friday morning, with services at St. Joseph's
church, Ulrardrillo. Interment will be
made in tho parish cemetery.
llreen'a Itlulto Cure.
Oytter soup, free, to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Kevlvul Meetings.
The meeting in tlio .M. K. church hut even
Ing was of unusual Interest. Mr. John
Dunk so conducted tho curly mcctiuc as to
prepare tho way happily for tho pastor at
7:30 to conduct: tho main service. Miss
Linily Loucks sang a solo and many were led
to serious thought. This evening at
o'clock, Mr. Joseph Feist will havo charge of
the hair hour service. I ho pastor preaches
at 7:30. A general invitation is extended to
the peoplo to share in tlio joys of these re
llgloui gatherings.
Tho revival uieptints that are being con
ducted in tlio United IJvangellcal cliurcli are
meeting with great favor, which was demon
strated last ovouiug again by tho large ntten
danco. Itev. J. I). Acker, evangelist, will
have charge of the meetings during tho
week and will preach this evening. All are
invited to these services.
Rid Yourself of Rheumatism
Buy Ited Flag-Oil, 23c. At Gruhler Bros.,
drug store.
(Inmlolas Wrecked.
Mahanoy City, Jan. JO. At !l30 this morn
Ing six gondolas on a branch of tho 1'. tt It
railroad ran through an open switch. Tho
cars slid ovr an embankment aud wero
wrecked. lu their deseeut the cars struck
and badly damaged the roof of Kaler's keg
shed aud also wrecked a refrigerator car. No
personal Injury was sustained by anyone.
The crew of the train say tho
mail in the new signal toner at the point was
signaled by whistle for a clear track, hut lie
denies it. A crew from Mahanoy l'lauo
cleared away the wreckage,
Did you sco It? The "Lucky Curvo" foun
tain pen. At ltruium's jewelry aud music
store. 1-10-tf
New Kxainlner.
I'ottsville, Jan, If). Qscar ltetterldcc, of
Shenaudoah, was appointed by (ho court to
day to till the unexpired term of John II
Ucrse on tlio hoard to examine applicants fo
miuers' certificates, "Ueeso having ceased to
bo actually tingaged lu tho business of miii
Hutldeu Iltmtti.
I'ottsville, Jan. 10. Klvin (Ilassmire, aged
31 years and a resident of Philadelphia, fell
on tho pavement near tho l'ark Hotel this
afternoon and ruptured a blood vessel. II
was carried into the hotel, whoio ho died
shortly after.
CascaroU stimulato liver, kidneys and
howols. Never sicken, wcakon w gripe lOo
Knunplng ud KmbroUleiy
Scholars wanted In embroidery and fancy
needle work. Lessons given every afternoon.
All kinds of stamping done. Miss Ijiura
Folmcr, corner Main and Lloyd Sts. M3-t)t
Ono MIniito Cough Curo cures quickly.
That's what you want I 0. II. Hageubuch.
Mr. Wllhelm Outlines the Defense li
Commissioners' Case.
Mr. Ulrica. Is the First Witness For the
Defonse, and the Commonwealth Op
posed the Introduction of Im
portant Testimony.
I'ottsville, Jan. 10. At 4:30 o'clock yester
day William Wilhelm began tho opening ad
dress for the defense lie said they propoed
to show tho excellent characters of tho de
fendants and lie said they would show tho
real prosecutors to bo a number of corpora
tions handed together. The nominal prose
cutor, Wni. L. Slieafor, is only their repre
sentative. Tlio defenso proposes to show
that 33,000 farmers in this county paid at
least ono-half the taxes of tho county,
whereas tho leal prosecutors, who employ
tho other liiO.OOO. pay only tho other half.
They want their assessments reduced.
Mr. halou objected to this lino of snecch-
making and at tho request of Judge iicchtel
tho speaker modilled his remarks.
Mr. Wllhelm then raid tlio coroorations
have a crowd of follflwors with their cars to
tho ground waiting for appointments in tho
event of tho Commissioners being removed
Irom ollico.
Ho arraigned tho Oirard Estaio forgetting
from 33J to SO per cent, royalty and paying
tax upon but n small comparative valuation.
Tho Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company was
alio spoken of. If wo wero to put men into
ill for negligence, said Mr. Wilhelm. thoio
would bo more Heading Company olllcials in
jail than tho jails of tho stato could hold.
Whaleu : "Who struck Hilly Patterson ?"
Wilhelm : "Not you 1" (Laughter.)
Mr. Whalen : "I must object to this haram
scarum way of talking."
Hio speaker referred to tho borinc of a
dam by which a colliery was Hooded and tlio
putting in of cylinder boilers at a colliery
near Mahanoy Piano which had to be re
moved. In reference to tho f 10,000 ho said thev
would prove tho Commissioners had sued tho
man they believe got tkat money and that
they helicvo ho forged the notes on which tho
money was gotten.
We shall prove what kind of monev was
laid on July 3, 1805, on tho flrst noto: we
shall prove that the clerk left July 4, 1803,
lor Ualllornla, that he took another young
man with him, and while ho was absent he
kept a horso and carriage hero : that ho went
to Florida, and that on July 3, 1803, no ono
in tlio oflico knew until that cvculuc that hn
was going. Wo shall prove that he said bo
tended to visit tho National Convention of
tho Association of Teachers at Denver, and
that ho was President of the Baso l!all
Tho loan of Juno 0, 1800, was not neces
sary and it would bo shown that tho treasury
uauf 11,000 on band that date; that these
two notes wero then skillfully merged Into
ouo, and that the County Cumin i ssioners
wero deceived. He said thcro wero bank
llicial a in this towu who had deceived their
superiors, and oven tlio Heading Company
had been deceived by its bosses.
ilefernng to tho Almshouse excavatious ho
said it was to have been done by tho in
mates under the direction of tho Steward,
but it was found they could not peform the
contract, and then they got Chailcs J.
Condor, a reputablo man, aud J. W. Geary,
the county surveyor.
Hie othor bidders on electrical apparatus
could turnlsh only a certain kind, which
would be proven unsafe. The general Llec-
tric Company does a world wide business and
was known to be reliable Mr. Ulrich will go
on tho stand and tako the responsibility of
advising tho Commissioners to act just in tho
way they did. Would you hold them re
sponsible when they go according to their
solicitor ' Kvcu the Supremo Court has been
known to change its decision ; and a decision
only lasts for a dog s life time.
lie said tlio painting did not como too higii
and this fact would ho proven. Tho men
employed on paiuting did not get all of tho
J.U00, because ?U0U of it was payed to
plasterers and carpenters because tbo build
ing was found defective ; and it was this
knowledge that caused tho Commissioners to
havo tho work done by the day and not by
contract. A stitch in time saves nine, and
they proposed to do it.
Heferriiig to tlio new court house ho said
the contractor had agreed to build it for 30,
009 less than any one else, and our friend
Ji r. bcnaicit iimue lilm rcluud 720,000 ol
"Twenty-two thousand," corrected Mr,
"Yes. aud you got $1,000 for doing it."
This morning at 0 o'clock Mr. Wilhelm rr
sinned his fpcech, subject to interruptions
from Mr. Whaleu, who objected to soms of
tin Insinuations and remarks. Wilhelm said
the almshouto architect and contractor were
I'ottsville boys and had not tho aristocratic
stamp upon tbsm that Win. L. Slieafer put
upon Mr. .Mould, tlio architect, who testilltd
hero yesterday. Ho declared that iu I'otts
ville recently the westeru abutnieut of the
Washington street bridgo was reported uu
sale but owing to divided responsibility and
olllclal misunderstanding the abutment was
not repaired aud it collapsed. It will now
cost tho borough about $10,000 to repair it
aud there has been no prosecution fur mis
demeanor In olllce. Ho mentioned the build
lugs designed by Aicliltect Hill aud said that
next to the court house they were tho most
important in Poitsvlllo.
Mr. Whaleu : Why don't you miention them
all; tho alnishouio boiler house roof reported
unsafe by the last grand jury.
That which appears tho M ic'.,rst against u:
is going to bo our best card, and that is tho
payment of interest to Mcliqr!, tho con
tractor, on 15,1500. Tho contracts wero let in
Absolutely Puro
early spring; tho money had toboralnd by
loans or bonds. Mr. l!clita,is an old long
headed financier familiar with savings funds,
and they prepared an order In favor of
Mcflnrl saying he should negotiate the order
at some bank He did so at a tlmo when he
had 45 car loads of stub" on the ground. Ik
bad tho order discounted at tin- Union SHfe
Deposit Bank. In other words, the county
paid six per cent. Interest for six months on
?.500 instead of paying four per cent, on
Tlio speaker lovlowed tlio various charges
and referred to the return of $0,000 to the
county treasury by an honest cx-nlticial
owing to a decision of the Supremo Court
brought about by the vigilance of the
auditors and their attorneys. Speaking of
the minutes ho said then Clerk Phil. J.
Council was regarded one of tbo brightest
men in tho county, and oven Mr. lienU would
not put his Intellect in contrast with his ;
yet it is in ovidenco that Mr. Kent, requested
him to keep his minutes up tu date.
Of the charge lccitiug excessive debt and
taxes Mr. Wilhelm explained tho groat in
crcaso of population within locent years
from 155,000 to 180,000, the haul times, in
creasing crime and pauperism, so that in ten
years the Inmates of the jail have doubled,
from 100 to 200, whilo in 1S05 and 'U0 the ,
Almshouse authorities found it necessary tu
draw warrants to tho amount uf $37,000
abovo the appropriation.
Mr. Wilhelm then intimated that tho Con
test Court erred in ordering tlio payment of
witnesses beforo the end of tho contest. Ho
was interrupted by ouo of his lirn her
counsel, Hon. JoliiiJW. Ityan, who said, "They
had a right to do it."
This reply caused a general laugh and tho
remark, 'Counsel for tho defense ought to
get together."
Tho speaker said tho financial statement
filed was tho correct one, or $12,000 in bonds
would not havo been taken by leading
financiers of Philadelphia.
Kx-Deputy County Treasurer C. II. Klino
was rscallrd, and in answer to Mr. Shalck
said ho went to tho Pennsylvania National
Hank but once for money. Ho nover drew
ny money from the Safe Deposit Hank for
thecounty. Hvcry penny ho received was
carefully entered in Iiiscasb register, tlio wit
ness said. The County Auditors, lie said, did
not examine all his books in 1S93. Tho wit
ness then went on to explain how th $5,000
discrepancy was not discovered previous to
ins linio it was discovered, and made it plain
to tho jury. Ho said : "I never gave a
receipt for less thiin tho amount received on
eniporary loans. I now swear before (lod
that all tho money 1 received had been ac
counted for."
The witness had no recollection of Council
laving ever said anything about tho dancer
of carrying money from tlio banks to the
treasurer's ollico. Ho did remember of one
occasion when Moser objected to carrying
money. Ho remembered Council, licntzand
Moser bringing money to the tieasuior's
A. S. Faust, contracting painter, said ho
thought $1,000 a big price for painting the
court house and Contractor Klino said from
$1,500 to $1,800 was enough for tlio job.
tho Commonwealth closed at 4:30 o'clock
eserviug tho right to call witnesses on the
morrow. Judgo Heehtel refused to permit
adjournment and oidered the defonse to open
their side.
With all the bitterness there is a humorous
sido to tho case. Tho lawyers wero discussing
tlio punch with which tho note was cancelled
when John W. Kyon remarked, "That's not
tho kind of a punch that my friend isclialck
and I drink."
Juror Kirlin, of Port Clinton, was struck
by a train while on his way homo from tho
station last evening. He was hit on the
shoulder and beyond some bruises and the
shock escaped serious injury.
Tin: oi'knh.
Attorney Marr ollercd in ovidenco tlio
petition of tlio Commissioners to court ask
ing approval of the proposed improvements
at the Almshouse, and the reports of grand
juries recommending tho same. The petition
says tho assessed valuation of tlio comity is
$10,057,051, and tho bonded indebtedness
$3 10,000. Leavo was asked to borrow $75,000.
The approval of tbo Stato Hoard of Charities
was also presented, and tlio older of court
approving tlio Petition.
lho statement filed October 7, 1805, giving
in account of tho nuances for tho year end
ing January, 1800, was filed and also the
reports of tho auditors for 1801 and 1803 filed
December 30, 180(1. An exception to tho last
papers was noted by tho defense, because
they do not correspond witli tho Coiiiuii.s
Moners' published statements, Used by the
prosecution in tlio case.
. Miuurioit i i.iin it on the stand.
John O.THricli was tho first witness. He
said in answer to Mr. Marr: I have been a
member of the liar since July 1st, 1800, and
live in Tantaium. Was Solicitor to the County
Commissioners during 1804- 5- U; I prepaied
the petition for Almshouse- improvements; it
was presented to court in July 1805, was ap
proved April 0, 180(1; tho delay was because
of the delay of tho Stato Hoard of Cliariti
in approving tlio plans and specifications
prepared by Architect Hill. Ho told how
tho order of court was handed to him and
Ills instructions to tlio clerk to tile tbo same
in the Clerk of the Courts ofiice. lie identi
lied tho financial statement tiled October 7,
1800, and said it was prepared at his direc
tion by Clerk Council in accord with a state
ment or form used by Samuel H. Kacrcher,
There was some disputo about the witness
testifying to tho contract for electric lighting
at the ulmshoino, Including hoth tlio new and
old buildings; the old buildings had been
lighted witli coal oil lamps.
Tu-day tho Commonwealth attorneys wero
very persistent iu their objections, and are
building a reputation iu this respect that may
equal that gained by the defense. After the
objections had been ovenuled tho witness
said he had advised tlio Commissioners- to
proceed with the lighting Improvements
after consultation aud correspondence with
Judgo Pershing, and tlio issuance of tho
order of court. Ho raid tlio letter from
Judges Pershing and Heehtel asked him If
ho thought tho letter gave them nutlioiity to
cuter into a contract tu light tho new hos
pital without advertisements. The witness
at first said hu did, hut then modified his
declaration. luu lighting contract was
given out without advertisements. The
letter ofjudge Pershing said tho Commis
sioners had, under the law, the power to
ehaugo tho method of lighting the existing
building, hut made no refeieuco tn the new
building. The witness told tho Commis
sioners the lighting contract need not boap
proved further by tho court.
Tlio contract for dyuitiuos.otc.was witli the
General Klectlic Illuminating Company and
that for wiring with J. Y. llucliaiiau & Co,
Mr. Ulrich had advised tho Commissioners
to enter into both contracts Tliu Htiehaiian
contract was handed up to court by tho wit
n ess with tho others, and when it was handed
back with the others, without approval, Mr,
Continued on l-'ourlh page.
No Immediate Prospect of
Gorman's Successor,
Talk of a Condition Between Democrats and
"Kicking" Republicans to Elect the
' Mayor of Baltimore as United
States Senator.
AniMpolla lid.. Jin. 10. Tlio flrt
bnllot in the no yinnl lpg;lnlature for
a surcpsHnr to Ai.luir 1'. (Inrniun in the
United Htnl' h sennto wuk tukin yt-Bti-r-duy,
cncli branch liallntinK separately,
with the fi lhnviiiK result: UeOnraas,
51; Shaw, 11: Sbryoek, 3; Fimlluy, 2;
l'airan, 0; Mulllken, 1: Harlier. 6;Urner.
1; Gornuiil, IS; Lowndes, 1. Paue, 1.
Al)Osiil- lti')ul)llrans, 2: Democrats, C.
Necessary to a cholre, 55.
The preliminary sklnnlshltiK lias bpen
atteiub il wllh tiiefit bitterness and ills
sension In the ranks of the Republi
cans, who have a considerable ma
jority In both houses. These dissen
sions nave rendered It Impossible to
brine; about a Hepubllran caucus, und
at this wrltinp; there seems to be little
probability that this method of settllnrj
the disimte will bo resorted to in the
near future. A long deadlock now
seems inevitable.
The Democrats are usIiik every pos
sible means to foment the discord and
prevent a compromise. There are many
who believe that It may yet be possible
for Senator Gorman to succeed himself,
If he nnn pfirrt' flip nevt len-tulnllt-u
election In November. 1839. This nussl- !
blllty is, however, admitted by the
Democratic leaders to be a very remote
one, and they re IooklnK rather to the
problem of further dividing the lie-'
publican ranks by aiding In the election
of a man who Is not the choice of the
majority of his party.
Of the candidates who were voted for
yesterday Judge McComas. Major Shaw
and General Shryock are the most like
ly to reinnln to the end, although there
is a possibility tliut-nny of the others,
as well as some whose names do not
appear In the list, may in the end carry
off the lirlze. One of these Is Mayor
Malster, of Daltlmore. Althourrli not an
avowed candidate, it is certain that he
would not bo averse to .weaiini; the
toga, und there Is much talk here con
cernlnp; the possibility of another coali
tion between the Democrats and the
"Malslerites," or "faithful eleven," for
the purpose of electing; the leader of
the antl-ortraiiizatlon wine; of the Re
publican party. That such a thing is
posslblo there is no doubt, and It Is
freely asserted that Senator Gorman
and his lieutenants will try their best
to bring; about such a result whenever
it Is demonstrated that a deadlock Is
no lonp;er practicable.
Today at noon balloting will bo re
sumed, this time In Joint session, and
will be continued until n lesult Is reach
ed. It is generally conceded that there
Is no reason to expect an election this
week, as Judgo McComns, the leadlnc
candidate, Is believed to have polled
very nearly his full strenRth, and It Is
thought that the "favorite son" votes
will be very evenly divided between
Major Shaw and General Shryock atli-i
another ballot or two.
At Ki.irlibiHUl'a Arcade Cuff).
Sourkrout, pork and mashed potatoes to
hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Stole l'owrier Kegs.
Thomas Deviuo was arrested last night by
Constable Matt. Giblon fur breaking the seal
uf a Lehigh Valley freight car ou the 10th
list, and stealing 10 empty pow ler kg ho
onging to Isaac I.evine. The kegs were sold
tu John Huberts, of tho .Shenandoah Powder
Company. DoviLe was taken to jail this
muming. Constable Giblun hruiight from
tho jail Patrick Malone, who will bo given a
hearing on tho same charge upon which
Deviue is cumuiittrd. Malono was in jail
awaiting trial fur stcaliug a violin from
Patrick McXatnara, of towu.
To Cure Headache In IS Minutes.
Take Dr. Davis' Atl-lleadache. All druggists.
Sous of Veteran' inversions.
As a side issue at tho regular meeting of
Hour' llorncastlo Camp No. 10, Sous of
Veterans, to-morrow evening, theru will bo a
mock trial upon an assumed rase of breach
of promise. Tho event is expected to bo a
source of considerable, merriment. Frank
Hlscuhaiier will be the Judge, Georgo Wilmau
th Sheriff, Moses Hogers Clerk of the Courts.
W. J. Portz prosecuting attorney, William
Daddow attorney for tho defeiiso. P. J.
Malcy is to bo tho accused and George
Headier will assume tho rolo of prosecutrix.
On February 10th, tho Camp will celebrate
Union Dolendcrs Day.
Vegetable soup, free, to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
A rimiuclal Kurcriiri.
The entertainment and lecture in Fergu
son's theatre last night for the benefit of the
Annunciation I'.insh Hand attracted a very
largo audience. Tliu cntortainnicnt con
sisted of recitations, singing and dancing l
amateur talent of tho towu and vicinity and
the lectuio was given by M. I . Coury, l.sii..
a young man who formerly resided iu towu
and is now practicing law in Scrautun,
lllekert's Ualn,
Fisli cakes with oyster soup, frco, to-night.
Potato salad and meat eakos to-morrow
Laiceny us Italic.
Mrs. George Zitnacko waived a hearing
and entered $300 hall bofoio Justice Shoe
maker ou a charge of larceny as bailee,
.igmuud Kaldo alleges that ho gave Mrs.
Zitiucko fl 50 to make purchases for him
and she appropriated tho money to her own
KendrlrK llouso Vreo f.iiurh
Hleo soup will do served, free, to all jurrons
Auction at the 1'alr.
There will bo a big auction sale to-night of
the many beautiful articles which have been
ou exhibition lit the Phoenix Fire Company's
fair. Cull and get bargains. M0-3t
Don't Let Anybody Interfere, But
Tako Pan-Tina for coughs androids, 23c.
At Gruhler llros., drug stoio.
A Jeweler of Town Duped by a Traveling
IknOrkin, tlio South Main street Jeweler.
oniplains that a young mail named Harry
.owls whom ho employed as a traveline
salesman lias duped him. Iwis, It Is aliened.
left the storo with $200 worth of jewelry sev
Electing ,'ral ''y8 n,so alul lma not made his apprar
I alien sinio that time. A few weeks aeo Mr.
Orkin was swindled out of about $500 by an
other employe. '1 he jeweler was conducting
iuantity of cigars. The sileenian "backed
the tiger" whilo in tho city stOrkin's ex
pense. Tho "Silver Dollar" fountain pen la solid
gold 14k. flue. Wo fully warrant It.
1-10-tf E. 11. Bbumm.
Shamoklti'n Sold Hunters.
Benjamin Faust, of Shamokin, who few
months ago joined tlio Klondike hetira
writes to ills wife from Sknguay, correcting
tlio impression that ho was drowned in Laka
l.lndcriuaii. Faust says that when within
100 miles of Dawson City be ran short of
food and retraced his steps, at the recom
mendation of scor-s of returning gold hunters,
many of whom had hags filbd with dust and
yellow nuggets, A trail, at some places, only
18 inches wide, tho letter states, is being
used for transfer by dogi and sleighs. At
Skaguay, Faust says, ful'r 3000 persons are
waiting for spring to open, i?'cn they will
rush for the gold fields.
A Itevelntlun fur Vek Women.
Weak, nervous women who suffer from
female complaints, irregularties, discbarges,
backache, etc., get no sympathy beeauso they
"look well." No ono but the physican know
what they sillier, and no one but a great
specialist iu female diseases like Dr. '.reoue,
35 West 14th St., New York City, the most
successful physician iu curing thes com
plaints, has the knowledge, skill and reme
dies which never fail to cure. Women
should know that Dr. Greeno can be con-
sultd ,jy mail f,'uu-
Write the Dootor Too
can thus get his opinion and advice iu re.
g ird to your caso free. Write now it may
result in your curo.
A DlNgraceful Aflulr.
A dog fight fur a purso of $50 took place
almost in tho heart of tho town last night
which for brutality is said to hav been on
of the most disgraceful afiairs that over took
pl-.ce in tho region, says the Ashland Telo
gram. The dogs were owned by Ashland
and Centralia parties, the former being vic
torious. Another Huslm-NM Man to ltellra.
Having devoted my attention to another
branch of dullness, I will close out my entire
-tuck in my fully equipped shoo store at
genuine closing out prices. This is a golden
opportunity. Werner's, 121 North Main
street. 1-13-tf
Sculp Treatment.
I will guarantee in tho first stages of bald
ness to restore tho hair back to its natural
growth by massago treatment. Ladles and
gentlemen desiring treatment at their home
can address or leavo onler at Via North Main
street, Miss Katharine A. Hickey, Shenan
doah Pa. 1-10-lw
A solid oak bedroom suite,
handsomely carved and has
eight pieces. Our
price is
Six-foot solid oak ex
tension tables
High-back dining chairs, 5OC
Cane Seat dining chairs, 75c
Who would not buy at such low
prices. Our stock is too big, we
must reduce it, hence such amaz
ingly low prices.
106 South flaln St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Not a Great Jump
It is not a nrcat jump to get from
one ycur to another. Greatest trouble is
you can never jump back. Here we are
u;aiu, wc never nan gs uctorc, utit we
Unvc uau changes ot years before now.
Wc never haii these bargains before, but
we have had bargains before now. There
is improvements everywhere. Just as the
years grow better as we go along so the
goods improve and the prices nrc much
more attractive. Wo keep nothing but
always new and fresh.
25 South Main Street.
Attentive and skillful tontorlal artists always
tn attendance
Neatest Shop In Town.
W. G. DUSTO, Prop.
Ferguson House Block. 9