The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 17, 1898, Image 4

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    v --7
IP It. "
On the Sunday school
lessons are now on
sale. Publisher's price
$1.25. Our special
price $1.00. Only a
few left at this price
a. iJ. Main St.
O. O. QUIRK, Mgr.
WEDNES AY. JAN. 19, '98.
Creat Scenic Production
A carload of Special Scenery,
Costumes, Mechanical and Klec
trical Effects.
With More Slnplnjr, BancliiRf, Specialties
and Novelties "Than All others."
"The Show That Ante-Dates the Almanac."
Personal Direction of
Eagan & Leaderer.
Saturday, Jan. 22nd.,
Dig Spectacular
The Barnuin of them all. Double
Band and Orchestra. A Great
Company and a Great Cast.
Oriental Quartette. African Mandolin
Haying. Saxophone and Glockcnspcil
I'layers. Buck and Wing Dancers, lite.
Grand Street Parade at
Chart at Snyder's Drug Store.
JWoney Saving Values.
Solid Antique
Oak Sideboards
Hy tlio closiuii out of n largo sideboard manu
facturing business firm at the end of tlir ear, I
wnj klYordctLthl luekv opportunity to purchase
them uml am therefore prepared to cater to the
trade Willi every imaginauie ocsikii. as me
space in our large store room Is at a premium
which deprives us of displaying It mm than one.
fourth of them, we call the attention of the
public io come uml examine our sample.
We Quote a Pew I'rices :
A nice nuthiue oak sldchoa d,
hai.dHoinely jiollshed and carved, ft f Pfl
with ft plategloss mirror, medium J)Q QJ
Another design, much larger,
with heavier curving, ut
These prices are merely illustrations, for we
have them at almost any price. We are com.
pel led to sell these good at sacrifice prices
occasioned by the comp'alnt made by the rait
road companies who demand storage charges
Bed Room Salts, Parlor Suits,
Lounges, Rockers, Chairs, Tables,
Sofas, Springs and Matrcssos,
At lowest prices.
121 and 123 North Main St.
Near Itobbins1 Opera House.
Floor and Table 011 Cloths.
E. B. FOLEY, Centre HI.
J A Handsomo Comploxlon
1 Is one of the greatest charms a woman can
I coiini. l'ououi'a CouruixioM 1'owukb
t St calt. I
but extremely good for tlio sulTorer
from that harassing disease is Dr.
Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral. No medi
cine can compare with this great
remedy in the prompt and perma
nent aid it gives in till bronchial
alFections. It stops the cough,
soothes tlio irritated throat, and in
duces refreshing sleep.
"1 had a bronchial trouble of such a per
sistent an 1 stubborn character that thn doc
tor pronounced it incurable with ordinary
remedies, but recommended mo to try Ayer'a
Cherry Pectoral. Ono bottle cured inc."
J. C. WOODSON, 1'. M.,
Forest Hill, W. Va.
"A short timo ago I was taken with a
severe attack of bronchitis, and roitlier phy
sician! nr ordinary remedies Rave me relief.
In uVsp-iir of finding anything to cure me, I
bought .1 bottle of Aye-'s Cherry Pectoral.
Load than one bottle entirely cured me."
GEO. U. HUNTER, Altoona, Pa.
now put up in half-sizo bottles at
half price- HO cents.
I'l Ighteiicd Mules Kumiuny and I'reient
it lllglnmy llolibcr.
A Western holder-like iitteinpt at highway
robbery ns made near tlio Hammond col
liery, Rappahannock, Saturday night. A
driver in the employ of Snyder, th" green
truck dealer of (ilraidvillo, was on bis way
t tlio latter place with a wagon and team of
iiiules.aftcr selling bis load of ttuck through
the valley, when three men stepped from the
side of tlio road and ordered liim to stop li is
team The mules were restless and the
drhor was unable to bold them in. Tlio
robbers evidently thought there was no in
tention to obey their older and three shots
were fired at tlio driver. None of them look
effect, except to frighten the mules and they
dashed away at rapid speed, leaving the
robbers lar in the rear and landing the drive r
borne without hiss. It is hclievcd that the
robbers aie Oirardvillo characters who had
knowledge of the driver's route and knew his
time for returning to (iininl villc, and that
they laid in wait fur him with the intention
of Fccuriug the receipts from his day's sales.
Operations Upon thu i'lyv.
Dr. .T.I'. ISrown will in the near futtiro
open olllces in Mahauoy City, where ho will
practice medicine, and surgery in all its
branches, including eye, car, noso and
throat. Spectacles and eye-glasses adjusted,
artillcial eyes inserted and operations upon
eye performed.
MO-tim J. P. IluowN, M. D.
lappeiilng Throughout tlio Country
Chronicled for Hasty Teriisal.
The judges mil pressed 112 cases on Satur
day. Tamnqtia is claiuoiing for a fice mall do
livery. A large shoo factory is to bo established at
Mt. Carmel.
Tho llorough Council meets this week in
tegular session.
Allentown will vote in February on a prop
osition to borrow $20,000 for a water works.
It is expected that tho Iteailiug company
will make Tainiuiua a great railroad centre
anil it needs it, badly.
James Campbell, of Pittsburg, was on Sat
urday reappointed Factory Inspector for
four years by (lovcrnor Hastings.
(Jeorgo listcll and Frank I'owell, or Ash
land, will shoot at 27 birds eacli for a purse
of $100 at (iordou on the 28tb i list.
I'lioinas Potts was sentenced ut rottsvillo
to four months for involuntary manshightor
in causing the death of John Liddell.
Tho collections taken up in St. Patrick's
church for the Pottsvillo hospital amount to
over $100, and tho returns aro not all in.
4.iltluliiitiMl SiiikIii.v IlHtiir!miiciMl)!il
Nut .Miitoi-lnllzii.
Washington, Jim. 17. Grave appre
hension w.ih felt liy both the olllclala
of the stute department and those of
the Spanish legation that disturbances
of a more or less serious churacter
might occur In Havana yesterday, ow
ing to te fact that many persons
otherwise occupied during the week
would lie comparatively free to folllow
their own Inclinations. Advices re
ceived by Minister l)e Lome Indicated,
however, that Havana was perfectly
tranquil. As a iirecautli ary meas
ure Oeneral lllanco had efrefully pro
vided against trouble, but so far as
surface Indications went the precau
tions he bad taken were entirely un
necessary. The advices were that the
better Judgment of the people was up
permost. Good feeling prevailed gen
erally throughout the city, and no dis
turbances were anticipated.
State department olllclals received no
word from Havana, and they accepted
this as an Indication that no trouble
had occurred or was anticipated. They
regard the rioting of lust week as merer
ly a flurry which spent Its foiwi'lh tho
few hours it lasted. Qtmerhl Lee Is
under Instructions tj Viotlfy the depart
ment prumntry" of anything unusual or
In the least way threatening, and the
(act' that no dispatch was received
from him clearly Indicates that the city
Is practically absolutely quiet.
Citizens Primaries
The primaries of the Citizens
party of the Horough of Shen
andoah will be held on
FRIDAY, JAN. 21, 1898,
From 4 to 8 p. in., at the fol
lowing places :
PIRST WARD, - Kendrlck House.
SECOND WARD, - Parmer's Hotel.
THIRD WARD, - UenJ. Richards'.
FOURTH WARD, - Peter Hlley's.
HIPTH WARD, - Schmidt's Mail.
Hy order of Standing Committee.
Wi J. W ATKINS, Pres.
users !
frank Webster, of South West street, s
seriously 111.
Miss I.illle llovau is visiting friends at
Ml. ChiiiicI.
D.mlel Gllflllau visited friends at frank
illc yeslciday.
John T. Luwson spent to day visiting
fiieuds ut the county seat.
.lolin Moluskoy has entered the employ
if O'Neill Itros.. the undertakers.
W, (I. Dusto was among the many pas
sengers to I'.ittsvllle this morning.
Joseph I'eist and Charles Jones visited
friends at Mahanoy City last evening.
Mis. Joseph Dusto attended tint funeral
of Hvunsat Mai.ovillo to day.
I.'tter oarrlir M. J. Mahino wiish cou
"picioiis llgnio on Shu 111 1 ik i 1 1 stiects yesterday.
Mr. and M rs. Milton ltilllnan, of Orvvigs
burg, were guests of town relatives yester
day. Stephen Crane, conductor on the Lost
Creek locomotive, was a town visitor yester
day. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Seltzer, of Itcad
i'ig. are in town the guests of 1'. 1'. D.
Joso"h Manlcy, of Northumberland, was
a pleasant visitor among ielathes in town
Itobcrt Crane, the Hkhai.d's energetic
carrier hoy at Lost Creek, paid ourotllcea
visit to-day.
' Hob" Morrison has accepted a position
at Park Place, and entered upon his new
duties to-day.
O. J. Scott, of Mt. Carmel, was among
tlio many guests reglsteru 1 at the Hotel
rraney yesterday.
Mrs. James W. Davis and Mrs. John T.
Lansoii, her daughter, have gone to Mt.
runnel to visit friends.
Tlio daughter of George II. Williams, of
North Jardlu street, is ill and fears are en
tertained that she will not recover.
Tlio ell'ectivo stall' at Wasley's pharmacy
will be increased to-morrow morning by the
addition of William L. Wynn, u luight
young druggist from Mt. Carmel.
James Fitzgerald, and his happy bride,
are on a honeymoon tour to friends in town.
They have como hero fiom llliielield, w. Va.,
and art: being entertained at tlio residence of
James O'llearn, on West Oak street.
People overlooked tlio importance of per
manently beneficial ctl'ects and were satisfied
with transient action; but now that it is
generally known that Syrup of Figs will
permanently overcome habitual constipation,
well-liiformcd people will not buy other laxa
tives, which act for a time, hut finally in
jure the system. l!uy tho genuine, made, by
the California Fig Syrup Co.
ivi son. illy -Conducted Tour via l'cnllsyl
vmilu Hallroad.
With its matchless climate, Its orange
groves, its rivers and lakes, its boating and
bathing, its fishing and hunting, and its
primeval forests, Florida presents unrivaled
attractions for the valetudinarian, the lover
of nature, thu sportsman and the explorer.
The first Jacksonville tour of the season
la tho Pennsylvania tailroad, allowing two
weeks in Florida, leaves New York by special
train, Tuesday, January 25. Excursion
tickets, including mil way transportation,
Pullman accommodations (ono berth), and
meals en route in both directions while
tr.ivo'ing on the special train, will be sold at
tho following rates: New York, $50 00;
Philadelphia, $18.00; Canandaiguu, $.r2 85 ;
Crie. S51.&5; Wilkesbarre. $50.35: Pittsburg,
$53.00; and at proportionate rates from other
For tickets, itineraries and full informa-
ti n apply to ticket agents; Tourist Ajsent,
11011 Droadwav, New York; or address Geo.
W. lloyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
liroad Street Station, Philadelphia.
Installation of Officers.
Mr. II. L. Jones has installed the following
officers of Llancrch yr Kwig Lr.dge, No. 11,
A. T. Ivoritcs : P. P., Thos, Craven; P.,
John J. Phillips; V. P., James W. Davis;
Sec, J. M. Hughes; Asst. Sec., II. W. Grif
fiths; Overseer, Joseph Glover; Con., T. C.
Williams; I. G., John Glovor; O. G., Moses
Davis; Trustee, Georgo Pillinger; I reas., H.
L. Jones. Tho lodge meets every Friday
evening in Mellet's hall.
Takes tho burn out; heals tho wound
cures the pain. Dr. Thomas' EclcctticOi;
the household remedy.
Township Nominations.
Tho Republicans of West Mahanoy town
ship met in convention ou Saturday evening
and nominated the fallowing ticket: Auditor,
Georgo Wllthcw ; Assessor, John Fry ; School
Directors, Wm. A. Saucrbrey mid John
Lloyd ; Supervisor, John Hall. Tho nomin
ations resulted in the breaking up of the
ring. Patrick Welsh was defeated ou the
Supervisorshlp by a voto of 102 to 110.
Two I.ollars for u Carcass.
Telephono or telegraph to M. Ulrich A
Son, Ashland, Pa., when you have a dead
horse, mule or cow. They will pay you $2.00
and remove it promptly. ll-30tf
Chickens Stolen.
Saturday night thieves raided tho chicken
coop of Job n Knott at F.llangowau and stole
13 out of a lot of 15 fowls. Tho thieves have
not been detected.
Bcadache Quickly Cured.
Dr. Davis Anti-Headache nover falls, 25e.
Mlno Kxamliiluy; Hoard.
Major Heber S. Thompson and John It,
HolTinan, of Pottsvillo; Frank Kessler, of
Miuersvillo; Robert Mulr, of Mt, Carmel, and
Hon. Jas. Hreunan, of St. Nicholas, the mine
examining board, met at Pottsvillo on Satur
day and organized. The election for a mino
inspector for the Seventh district will be held
on February 2nd. Inspector 11 "! Ilrenuan
is a candidate for r,oleuon, but will have
All Ohnolloiis Order.
A new order went into etl'ect in the Lehigh
Valley blacksmith Bhops at Delano, and has
caused a great deal of ill feollug among the
men. Tho order is that all men must re
main standing around the fires, whether the
work demands it or not. The first man
caught sitting down will bo discharged.
"I used Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup in my
family and found its work marvelous No
household is complcto without it. Cbas.
schober, 32 Norris St., Hallo., Md."
And l lowem, the Hand of America, Cali
fornia. Via tho true pathway, "The Iron Mountain
Route," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunshine., where enow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes aro unknown. Pullman first
and second class palaco and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all the comforts of modern railway
improvement guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific railway
system, For rates right from your home,
literature, and full information, drop a postal
card, J. P. McCanii, T. P. Agent. 51B ltalb
road avenue, F.I mini, N. Y or 301 Ilnmd
way, New York',
3-1-tf W. E, Hoyt, G. E P. Agt.
Just try a 10c box of Cascareta, the flues-t
liver and bowel regulator ever made.
r.illtor T. ,1, dojee In lull to Dauphlll
County hy it Deputy ShcrllV.
It goes without saying that tho editor of
the Illsck Diamond is a persecuted man his
enemies liuvo gone beyond the bounds of
legal prosecution, in tho opinion of all fair
minded people.
Thomas J. Joyce is t barged with perjury
on oath of John J. Coylc. The case was
called on Wednesday and Joyce and bis wit
nesses were present leady for tihil, but the
prosecutor failed to put In an appearance
Joyce was again present on Friday, but the
piosecutor's private counsel was absent and
the case was to bo called on Saturday.
Thoedllorof tho Illack Diamond was com
pelled to leiiTo for home in order to Issue his
paper ou Sunday, For failing to bo picsent
on Saturday, his bail-bond of $500, signed by
John Glenn, of Mahanoy City, was forfellcd
and capias issued for his airest. A number of
w Itnessrs and others Intctcsted In the case,
nuong them Joseph Wyutt, were also absent
mil a capias was Issued for each.
Tlio case bad been continued until next
Satinday, and it looks a little strange, to siy
iho least, that the defendant should he rail
roaded oil' to Hit rishurg late Saturday night,
unless it was to entry out tho prosecutor's
threat to put Jovce behind the bars.
When billons or costive, eat a Oascniots
eandv wvthartin. euro guaranteed. 10c, 25c'
Several Cases Disposed ot Ycslenlay uml
Saturday night disturbances brought a
number uf suits befinc Justices Shoemaker
and Toomey. Most of the cases were of u
trivial character.
Paul lliiskawicz was charged with hitting
Dnoch Zuwinik on 1 1 1 head with a black
jack. The defendant was put under $1,000,
as he is a desperate character. On New
1 car's Day ho was charged with stabbing a.
lames Purccll, a young man of Turkey
Hun, was put under bail by Justice Snoi-
luakei' this luoruing to appear before court
and answer a charge of I. and b. luiiilo by
Mrs. llriilgct Munlcy. Tlio complainant isa
widow about forty years of ago and also ic-
sldcs at Turkey I!un.
rUton Hamernlck attended a wedding in
tho First ward Saturday night. Someiiody
pushed him on to a stove. Tie blamed
Andrew Kusrr for the act and beat him un
mercifully. Dr. Church diessed the wounds
that Kosar received on the head from n glass
and llsmoruick was put under $100 bail.
Daniel Welsh, aged 20 years, was com
mitted in default of $100 hail by Justice
Shoemaker. Welsh was chaiged with as
sault and battciy and surety by his mother.
Mrs. Annio Welsh, a widow, whoallegcd that
the trouble was duo to tho sou trying to
assume control of the household affair.
Do you feel as if everything is going w long,
and as if you can not get enough rest, always
feeling languid nnd tired? If so, take Dr.
Hull's Pills, the unrivaled tonic and nervine.
10 or 25c.
rorinliig a Circuit,
From Oirardvillo Times,
H. W. Ilecker, who has been interested
in the theatrical business during the past
sovcu years, is nt present negotiating for the
leasing of about twenty-live theatres
throughout central Pennsylvania, for tlio
purposo of forming a circuit for next sea
son. Ho has nlieady secured Ilersker's
theatre at Mahanoy City, and tho houses at
Ashland, Mt. Carmel, Danville, Lock Haven.
I'yrono, Pottstown, Slatiugton, Pittstou.
Williamsport, l!ellcfo:ite, Mauch Chunk.
Lebanon, Shenandoah, Scrauton and Wilkes
barro. A reason for the faith that is in him A
responsible citizen of thuSoutli wiitcs: From
observation covering a great number uf cases
I unhesitatingly pronounce Salvation Oil to
be the most wonderful remedy for burns I
have ever tried.
loiTinp-. li DlHiiliViMl sitoiinror.
Phlladelhla, Jan. 17. Captain Ititson.
commanding tho Hrltlsh steamship Wil
low liraneh, which arrived in port yes
terday from Hamburg via the Tyne,
after a rough voyage, made a report
which may cause alaim In shipping
circles. Tho cnctaln states that on
Jan. 7 he passed close to an unknown
steamship that was heavily listed to
starboard, but he did not signal that
assistance was necessary. He believes
the vessel to have- been one of tho
Allan line fleet. '
Tlioiiirhtli'-ts Hoys'Cnus'o HtVut Diinuflro
AVheellng, W. Va., Jan. 17. Two
thoughtless boys caused great mischief
by applying a match to a spray of coal
oil Issuing from' a small aperture In
the Standard Oil company's pipe line
from Slstervllle and Mannlngton to
Morgantown. The burning spray melt
ed the lead In the Joint of the pipe,
which was six Inches in diameter.
Fifty acres of forest and field were soon
ablaze. Two small bridges and two
barns were burned. All the oil in ten
miles of six Inch pipe, nearly 2,000 bar
rels, was consumed.
Personally-Conducted Tours vlu I'ennsyl
vai.hi ItallroaiL
Skason ok 1807-8.
Tho Personally-Conducted Tourist System
of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company lathe
most complcto and elaborate system of
plcasuio traveling and sight-seeing yet de
vised It is tho consummation of the ulti
mate idea in railroad travel, tho final evolu
tion of unassailable perfection.
For tlio season of '07 and '03 It h&a'arranged
for tho following tours -
California. Four tours will loavo New
York Philadelphia, nnd Harrishiirg January
8, January 27, February 10, and March 10.
With the exception of tho first party going
and tho last returning, all of these parties
will travel by tho "Golden Gate Special" be
tween Now York and California, stopping ut
interesting points eu route.
Florida. Four tours to Jacksonville will
leavo New Yoik and Philadelphia January
25, February 8 and 22, and March 8. The
first thtee admit of a stay of two weeks in
the "Flowery State." Tickets for tlio fourth
tour will be good to return by regular trains
until May 31, 180S.
Old Point Comfort, Richmond, and Wash
ngtou, Tlireo six-day tours will loavo New
York and Philadelphia February 10, March
10 and April 7.
Old Point Coinfurt and Washington, Tlireo
four day tours will leavo Now York and
Philadolplila December 2S, January 20 and
April 23.
Old Point Comfort. Six tours will leave
Now York nnd Philadelphia December 38,
Jauiiary 80, February 10, March 10, April 7
and 23.
Washington. Seven tours will leave New
York and Philadelphia December 2, Jan
uary 13, February 3, March 3 and 31, April
31 and May 12.
Detailed itineraries of tho above tours,
giving rates and full Information, may bo
procured of Tourist Agent, HIM tyroadwHy,
New York; b0 Fulton Street, ltrooklyu; 7M
Ilroad Street, Newark, N. J ; or Geo. W.
Itoyd, Assistant General Pasfccngcr Agent,
There I Tali is Just the Thing.
Red Flag Oil for sprains and brulbou.
Grubler Bros., drug store.
When People Are Suffering; From Rheum
atism, Neuralgia and Colds. They Need
to Know of a Discovery, The Fame of
Which is "Wor!dWide."
More men, women and oveu little i hlldren
have been Miil'eiing with rheuiuati nil and
neuralgia the pieseut year than ever before,
statistics from all over tho country show
ibis -doctors' ie orts prove it. l'nssl ly the
unusual Hoaihcr has had something to do
with It, Inn ihetf is ono great leason back of
it all. Tlic gieat enure of rheuiuati ail and
neuralgia, or even muscular cold is beraiiio
there Is uiic acid In the blood. I'l is uric
acid should bo thrown out of the system,
and can be if the kidneys are only in a
strong and healthy condition, but. belli g
weaned, these great organs aro not ible lo
ilium the uric acid from the system, and o
it gets into the blood, poisons the blood,
settles a tumid the Joints, inllaiuesllie muscles,
and causes what wo call rhcuinati m ai d
Is this not clear? Can you not readily sic
that there Is only ono way to cine the o
troubles, anil that is by keeping tho kidneys
in a stioiigand heally condition?
If they are kept strong and well, and drive
the ii i it- acid from the blood, there will bo no
more i heiinritlsui or neuralgia.
In evciy ciimrtcrof tho globe, Including
India, Allien and Australia, it is acKtiowi
ediicd that there is but ono discov rj which
can or ever does light tho battle against uiic
acid, and diho t Ironi tho body, that dis
covery is known univcisally throughout the
world as Warner s Sale Uuio.
In writing upon this subiect, Mr. William
Edward Itos'inn, surgeon of the Itoyal Navy
ol l.uuland, said :
"I eoiisiieiitiously mid emphatically state
that I have been able to give more rel ef nnd
effect more cuies by tlio uso of Warue Safe,
Cure, than by all other medicines in Iho
llrltlsh l'liarmacopieia.
Dr. N. Iijerof Wurtzbiirg. Germany, said:
"I havo prescribed Warner's Sato Cure
eoiisiantly to those suffering from kidney or
liver diseases, and especially rlieumatl itn and
neuralgia, in some instances win ro tho
crise seemed hopeless. I havo seen the suf
ferer restored to complete health greatly to
my surprise and gratification, and I con
stantly recommend It In all circles of my ac
iuai tnnco."
Prof. J. Poiraud, It. A. 11. Sc., of Paris,
says :
"After weeks of snll'ering from iiifhmma
tion of the bladder during vhieh time, nl-
rroilVt Out A'-eonMoii.
Neu York, Jan. 17. Count Depena
losa was a pasFenrjer on board the
steamer La naseogne when she sailed
Satuiday for llavie. The count, who!
came to this country about two mouths
ago as the avowed agent of Don Car
los, pretender to the Spanish throne,
Has s-pent the most of his time while
here In visiting arms manufaetuiers In
the east. He has frequently put for
ward the prediction that within the
year Don Carlos will bo the acknowl
edged king of Spain.
Aniitlinr l'lro In l'ni'doo Ilnll.
Easton, l'a., Jan. 17. Pardee IIa.Il.
which was neatly destroyed by tire a
month aao, was tho scene of another
fire last nlcht, nnd was in that part
of the burned west wing In which had
been the hooks of the Ward library.
The flames were soon extinguished. It
Is believed that the fire was duo to
embers thut were smouiderlnc in the
basement from the last fire. The loss
Is not large.
Kv-Cottnty Trc-uurop Arrrmteil.
Canajoharle, N. Y Jan. 17. Ex
County Treasurer William Clark, of
Fort Plain, recently forced to resign his
position by the board ot supervisors,
who found him short in his accounts
about J2S.O00, was on Saturday Indicted
by the grand Jury of Montgomery
county, nnd was arrested today.
fOU HAM3. A valiialiU'MaliiRtrcctiiniperty.
V Mori', tluHlitiK", ynnl, witrerooni tuxl
htablf. Adtlross, 't. I. C," vara of IIkkali
olike, Hlitnandoali. l'a. I-ll-tf
70l VEST Sloro and (hvellliiff, 120 North
1: Main btriM-t ; plate uluss duulilc front.
Apply to (J. W. Ncwhouaer, J22 North Main
htrcet. 1-7-tf
.ION ItKNT. Store nnd dwelling, tmnerCoal
1 tml Vltin ctrcr-tM tn Vll1fntn Mi..
(itiirc, !UI ICast Centre fit ret-1.
VOTICIS. The iindfrslKiird In tlenIroiiH of
i L-Innlhtf op his account cither In cash .r hy
notes, fur all hills that are now due or overdue
this month. All contracts, nnd utfrccmcntH,
hoveer, will he carrkd out. I Khali place nil
over due accounts in tho hand a of proper
parties for collection
M. P. Fowlhu,
January 0, 1MI8. 1-fMm
(Third Ward).
Subject to Cltl.ens porty rules.
pon SCHOOL Diitccroit,
Third Ward.
Subject to Citizens' party rules.
(Second Ward.)
Subject to Citizens party rules.
poit school miticoToit,
Second Ward.
Subject to Citizens' party rubs
Subject to Citizens party rules.
.Third Ward.
Subject to Cltlttus iorty rules,
Third Ward,
SuhKit to Citizens parly rules,
pOlt WARD ASSltSdOlt,
Third Ward,
Subject to Citizens' party rules.
This Very Time.
though under noted specialists, the disease
steadily developed and I rapidly grow
weaker, 1 resorted to tlio uso ol Warner's
Safe Cure. It promptly relioved tho painful
symptoms and I conscientiously say that my
present good health is solely duo to Wamor's
Safe Cure
Just opened a new lot. We have all
kinds and sizes again.
1 OS North Main Street. 3
Next Door to Gill's Dry Goods Store. 33
Even Saturday's disagreeable weather couldn't keep the peo-
!: pie Ironi coming here. Not only town folks, but from way
and beyond the town limits. We have decided to continue 3
jt: the sale of Tumblers at 12c a dozen. Just think of it ; sold 3
at other places for 30c. Table Oil Cloth at 10c a yard; worth 20c.
7 pound sugar boxes at ioc ; worth 25c. Brooms at 5c; worth 10c.
Our Our
Worth, l'rlcc. Worth. Price
Coal Hods 25o 10e Flint O lass Tumblers lOo Bo
(ialvinled Duckets 2-Jo lOe White Cup and Saucer 10o So
Ijirgo (llass Dish 200 loo Tea Strainer -loo 5e
" frying l'a a)o lOo Dust Pans - loo So
" Meat IMatter JOo lOo (lloss 1'lcUle Dish loo Be
China l'rult Dishes 25c 10c fliass Spoon Holder lOo So
l'aney lllsipu, igures 'io 10c China l'rult Saucer lOo So
iJirgo (llass Hotter Dishes STio 10c Coal Shovel . lOo So
Agate Cn'undcis Ma 10o Tin I olander lOo Be
" ColTee and Tea I'ots 23a 10c Rolling l'lns ..10c Bo
" Wash Hasln 23e 10o Wooden Spoons 10c So
Notice. Nothing sold on the first floor above ioc
Higher priced goods on second floor.
Famous 5 & 10c Store No. T, i
lo2 North Main Street.
Next Door lo Gill's Dry Goods Store.
Examination Mado al tho Houso or at
Our Store.
No. 7 South Main Street.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of tho skin Is inva
riably obtained br thcvi who use PozzoNi'a
Complexion ."owder.
fniLn.-cumr - stoke.
SO West Centre Street.
lion. E. A. Stone, Judge of the Supreme
Court of Australia, declares:
"I havo used Warner's Safe Cure on many
Decisions, being subjected to complaints
which caused depression of spirits, nnd the
uso of this wonderful discovery has been in
aiiably attended with the most satisfactory
results "
Jul Jnl Kara Missitr, a prominent rail
road man of India, says:
"I was attacked by the fatal disease
dropsy as a result of rheumatic troubles.
i My whole body was filled with water and
i my kidneys refused to work. I tried vari
ous lemedies and s.klllftil surgeons in vain.
At last I was tuld to prepare for death. I be
gan tho use of Warner's Safo Cure, and It
afl'ectcd a complete cure for which I cannot
bo too grateful "
Tho list of nnmos of American men and
women who havo been cured by the use of
this wonderful discovery extends iuto the
hundreds of thousands. Many of them are
very prominent iu legislative, professional
nod social circles. Their names alone would
more than fill this paper. Many of them
have been enduring pain, havo had swollen
joints, h ndaches. unaccountable laueuor.
dull, and Indefinite pains in various parts of
. the body ; have been restless, sleepless, and
depre sed ; have had lack of appetite, lack
I of energy and lack of nil ambition ; but thoy
aro lo uay m me cnjoymenioi pencct health.
A lew names ol thoso who cordially recom
mended Safe Curo are Bishop Wilson, Mr.
Jesse Larrabce, Dr. Gunn, Mrs. Annie
Jenness Miller, Dr. Woodbury, Mrs. Willard
and Rev. Dr. Ranklln. 1
In addition thereto, this great discovery
lias been scientifically analyzed by Prof. 8.
A. Lnttcmore, one of the leading chemists of
America, and Analyst of Food and Medicines
for tho New York State Hoard of Health,
who has investigated the process of manu
facture, and unhesitatingly says that "It is
conducted with extreme care according to
the best methods, and that Safe Cure is free
from all poisonous and deleterious sub
stances." The facsimile of the package Is given
herewith. It has become a synonym for
good health the world over, and gives, what
no other remedy can give freedom from
disease and the blessings of life which good
health always confers.
A Specialist on Rupture from Williamsport
will visit
Shenandoah Every Thursday
Ferguson House, from 9 a. m, till 1:30 p, m.
Hupture permanently and quickly Cured or
no pay. Written guarantee to absolutely
cure all kinds of Rupture without
operation or detention from
Absolutely no Danger.
. . Examination Free,
loo persons cured In Sunbury, Shamokln,
Mt. Carmel and vicinity who can be referred
to. Charges and terms moderate and within
reach of all,
Hopain nwiyout
It you wear the
Mode. By
FUUdclohll Trull Co.. 610 LocuitSU PhliPfl.