EVENING HERALD MaTAIIl.IHlll:l I Kill. Puhltabed every KvonlnK, Kxcent ttiintlitv. Booth Jabms Htrket, Nkab Ckntrk Tho Hnrnltl la dellvtieil InHlicimnUcnn mini Hi iirrotimliiiK low. w lor six cant u wpck, ki nlil o the cnrrlorK. H mnll $1.00 yonr.or i' HnM month. iynlilc In ndrnnce. .Vlvertl-e mantclfBi!ucMmllnetniHCoii'l tmiltlim The publishes twin ino rlxht tu iIihiikc tin position o( nclvertUi-inriiti whenever thf pub "tMIOT ol ticwn ileumiul It. Tho rlnlit I. Kervtl to reje""n mlvi'ttlwiueiil, wlit'tln'i ialil lor or tint, .mt the publisher ihh- uri'iu Improper. AilvertlsltiK niton mwle tinmr upon application. Kntereil it the pototncr nt SheiiHiulnnh. Vh , seeonil clan mnll nmttcr. TKI.KI'HONH CONNKOTION "Ml the New That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald SATUHDAY, JANl'AUY 13. lWW. C'ONTKJiri.ATK tit ret1 llilntcs. mill thou wilt avoid sin. Know wlioiiet' thou contest, whither thou goe.t, ntul before whom thou art hereafter to render u re.Mpon.-iblo nccoutit. Whence eoinu.st thou ? From n per ishable atom. "Whither goent thollV To n place of ashes, worms ami maggots. Ueforo whom art thou hereafter to render u responsible nc count? Before the Sovereign of the King of kings, the Holy One. Hlebsed be his iiitme. -Rabbi Aknbiah. A Few Stubborn Pacts. ' The commercial and mercantile re ports indicate a coiillilence iintl sta bility in all lines of industry and truth. The activity in the stock luaiket at the opening of the year wns must marked anil strengthens the opinion that money now idle will soon find its way into tho channels of trade and enterprise. The failures for 1SU7, in spite of the general de pression and stagnation with which the year opened, show the smallest aggregate of liabilities of any year since 1892. The llgures. by dilferent branches of business, show that in fifteen out of twonty-eiglit classes the fuilures were lower than in any pre vious year of which there is a record. The fact that prices can move up ward, notwithstanding the claims last year of tho silver men that perma nently increased prices could not come under the present standard money, has been thoroughly demonstrated. Slight reactfbhs, of course, oceur.and are looked for; but the trend of the market is steadily for improvement. With the incoming of the present administration, pledged to a delluite economic policy and tho continuance of the present one hundred cent standard, there was at once a very marked decline in banking and manu facturing failures. The number has been growing smaller ami smaller as compared with the corresponding periods of last year, anil tho lirst week of the new year llntls all brunches of business and industry standing upon a basis of permanence which stimulates all other and de pendent industries to activity. Hunk clearings last week, largely swollen by the annual settlement, reached $1,418,000,000, one of the heaviest figures in the history of the country, being an increase of eighteen per cent, over the week previous and of twenty-four per cent, over tho cor responding week of 1897. The payment of the enormous sum of $54,000,000,00 by the Union Pacific syndicate to the government has been completed. This was done without its effect being in the least felt by the money market, notwithstanding it is a transaction which eclipses anything of the kind everbofore known iu this country. The prices of farm products con tinue good and our export trade is enormous. Tho figures for 1897 show that tho United States furnished more than one half of tho wheat re quired by European importing countries. Our exports of American wheat and Hour aggregated 182,000,000 bushels out of the world's shipments of 320,000,000 bushels. One of tho most satisfactory com mercial features of 1897 bus been the increased demand abroad for corn. During tho month of Deceinber neurly twice as much corn went to Kuropo as in the corresponding month of 1890. The total exports of corn last year amounted to 180, 000,000 bushels, or neatly 70,000,000 bushels more than in previous year. There is no country iu the world that can in tiny wise compete witli the United States in growing corn, anil if we can establish a largo and increas ing market abroad for the product, it will bring our farmers untold wealth. These are stubborn facts, and indi cate stability in business channels. I b No Word so Full I H0B M Sv! of meaning and I llrnfl M BBS about which such I UUy fc "tender recollec tions cluster as .thai, of "Mother," I yet theru are months when Her life is filled with pain, dread and siifTering.anil she looks forward to tliu final hour with el 00 lit y forebodings, tear and trembling. "Mother's Friend" prepares the system for the change taking place, assists Nature to inako child. birth easy, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy re covery It greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mother and child. Bent by Mall, on receipt of price, 91.00. Book to "Expectant Mothers" Irco upon application. The BrtdfliM Htgn liter Co., AtltnU, 0. OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. THEIR INVESli'iStno FLED. Inquiry Into tlio S octilntlvo MctlimlH of I:, s. Iii-nti .V Cn. New Tork. Jan. IB. The opening ex amination In tin- .sv of 10. S. Dean & Cn.. clinrceil with cunt". Iracy to de fraud, was begun yontenlay r.fu-momi In the private rouin of Center street court. MngtstrHte Kltimtner prodding. The defendant pii-witt were Myron 1. Iiern.ird, pi evident of the company; Samuel Keller, treasurer, nuil JumeB D. Kellogg. Witness Jopeph Cnrrlson, of WnMi IiiKtnti, N. J., xahl lie hail Invested Ji,00 with the cotmuiny. ntnl hud lost all. Hthvurtl Patterson, a telegraph opeiator of .Mattowan, N. Y.. teslllled that he came to this city In March, 1X9, and j saw Hernaru, who so lnuu-esseu tntn that he rae him $700 In cas't anil a $300 check, being assured that he would profit some 100 :er cent or more. lie got nothing. All the lnes i admitted that they had given money to Ueali & Co. for the purpote of ssiceulatlng and to have complete control of It. In the opinion of the attorneys this admission was very favorable to the defenee. The hearing was adjourned until Tuesday next. ) here I This is Just the Thing, lied Fins Oil for spi iiiM and hiuiM S. At 11 rubier llrtrt . time stole. : tin pi,-! ion. New York. Jan. 1." - !:i a lire whlrh oeeurred yest-'rt'.uy at Thomas Roberts' hotel, iu Wi'Xt street, u'-.d which did $16,000 damage, Leslie Utnnlej and his wife were suffocn etl by Him,kp. Stan ley had tnt!l a few weeks ago been a waiter In the saloon of the lintel. When the firemen reached the r.iom of the couple tin y were both dead. APLAUGE OF THE NIGHT ITCHING PILES AND OTHER REC TAL TROUBLES EASILY CURED BY A NEW AND SAFE METHOD. A Reraarltahlo Number of Cures Made by the Pyramid Pllo Cure. About one person ir eM:ry four suflcrs fiom some form of rectal disease. The most com inon and annoying is itching piles, indicated by warmth, slight moisture and intense, un controllable itchhin the parts affected. The usual treatment has been some simple ointment or salve which sometimes give torn poraiy relief, but nothing like a permanent cure can be cvpectetl from such supciiicial treatment. The only permanent cure for itching piles yet discovered is (lie l'jramid File Cure, not only for itching piles, but for every other form of piles, blind, bleeding or protruding. The first application gives instant relief and the continued use for a short time causes a per manent lemoval of the tumors or the small parasites which cause the intense itching anil discomfort of itching piles. Many physicians (or a loug time supposed that the remarkable relief afforded by the I') ramid File f 'ure was because it was sup posed to contain cocaine, opium or similar drugs, but such is not the case. A recent careful anahsis of the remedy showed it to be absolutely free from any cocaine, opium, or in fact any poisonous, injurious thugs what ever. Foi this reason the Pyramid File Cure is probably the only pile cure extensively recom mended by physicians, because it is so safe, so prompt in the relief alTo'detl and so far as known the only positive cme for piles except a surgical operation. In one year the pjtainid File Cure lias he come the best known, the safest and the most extensively sold of any pile cure before the public. Nearly all druggists now sell it at 50 cents and $t per package. Address the l'jramid Co., Marshall, Mich., for book on cause and cure of piles and also hundreds of testimonials from all parts of the United States. If suffering fiom any foim of piles ask your druggist for a package of Pyramid Pile Cure and try it to-night. r.-v,fi.,.i .... . it 1. 01 1. Philadelphia. Jan. U. The llrst of a nerlcs of three races at the West Park Skating Valace. between two of the fastest rknters In the country, Joseph P. Doniighue, of Ne.vburg, N. Y., and William Letts, of Newark, N. J., re sulted last night in Donoghue's favor. The distance was one mile, and Dono- irhue covered the distance In 'A minutes and 45 seconds. The track, which Is a I new one, Is 14 laps to the mile, lion- I day night the men will race two miles, and the following night three miles. NOT FOR EVERYTHING. Hut If you have weak kidneys, bladder trouble or distressing kidney complaint, then Swamp-Hoot will prove to be Just the remedy you need. Too frequent desire to urinate, scanty supply, pain or dull ache In tho back Is convincing ovidenco that your klduoysand bladder need doctoring. There Is comfort in tho knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot, tho great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of tho urinary I passage. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects j following uso of liquor, wiuo or beer, and j overcomes that unpleasant necessity uf being compelled to get up many times during tho ' night to urinate. The mild and the extra-! ordinary cflcct of Bwamp-ltoot fa soon rcalUod. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing rases. If you need a medicine you should have tbo hest. Sold by drugghts, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may hare a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention HKiiAi.naml send your ndib-ess to Dr. Kllibcr & Co., lllughatntou, X. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper giiaruntco tho genuineness of this offer. OllVtol .... , . lITlfSIOfl. Topeka, Ku.i., J.ln. 1 ". J. C. McKib ben, charged with having made coun terfeit 55 Ml'r- vhllu In the United States penitent In, y at Leavenworth, was brought to Topeka yesterday. His term expired nt the penitentiary Thurs day, and he '.us at once rearrested on the charge of making counterfeit notes In prison. The ttle folks love Dr. Wood's Norway Pluo Syrup, Pleasant to takoj perfectly harmless; poslttvo euro for coughs, colds, bronchitis, ubtluua. Allien" . . "n. I,, in uoitlcn. M IX ico City, Jan. 15. Four Ameil cans have been arrested here and ure rigorously Incommunicado, being sus pected of complicity In robberies of great magnitude. The gang numbers 12 men, It Hit the Spot That's Right. What Pan-Tlua for coughs uud colds, Oruhlcr Ilros., drugstore. At DO IT YOURSELF. Yim enn tell just ns well in a physician hetlieryonr kuliieynaro ilUi'ioeil nr lienltliy. Tim way to do Is to take u Imttlo or kIhm turn hler, anil (111 It with urine. If there la a sediment a pimilor-llko substitute nt tho bottom after stiintliliR a day anil night, thero Isi-oim tliltn! wriuiR with the kidneys. An other sure sisn of disease Is mleslro to urinate ul'teii, and still another slim Is pain In the hack. If urine, stains linen, thcru is no doubt that the kl Incys are allVrted. Any and nil diseases of tho kidneys, liver, bladder and of tliourlnaiy jinsmges unit con stipation of the biiuels it e clued by Dr. David Kennedy's l'.ivorlte lieincily. There Is no question about Its being the best and surest medicine In the world forsuch troubles. It ipilckly relieves anil cures 'nubility to hold ii 1 1 no. and People, young or old, who take it aro not compelled to get up a number of hm, .lurim- tbe night. I'or pultlng an end to that scalding pain experienced In passing urine, nothing Is so good as I)r D.ivld Ken iii d's Favorite Hctncilv. It corrects tho bad ell'ects of whiskey and beer; Is pleasant to the taste, and does not seem to be medicine at nil. Diseases of the kidneys and bladder often leipiire the use of Instruments, to push back tbu sandy matter so the urine can be voided. In such cases Favorite lieincdy should lie taken without further delay or the ill-ease may prmo fatal. It is sold for one dollar a bottle at nil drugstores. It Is well win th many times its price. Samples Free. If you wish to test Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite lieincdy before Inlying It, send your full post olllco uildiess to the Dr. David Ken nedy Corporation, liondout. N. Y , and mention this paper. We will then mall you a sample bottle free, ns well as circulars giv ing full directions for its uso. livery reader of the IIkkai.d can depend upon the genuine-ne-s of this liberal oiler, and all sull'erers fni'n kidney troubles should take advantage of it nt once. CAPTAIN MURPHY'S TRIAL. Damtiulua; Kvlitcnee Produced Anal list the Aliened ( iibtiii KlllhiiHtor. Wilmington, Del., Jan. 15. Thesecond day of the trial of Captain Kdwartl Murphy, of the steamer I.aurada, on the charge of tlllbusterlng, was opened yesterday In the Cnlted States district court by Judge Ilradford rendering a decision on the objection of the defense to hearsay evidence offered by a wit ness named Nichols. The testimony re ferred to expressions made by Captain Murphy during the alleged expedition. The court admitted the evidence. William J. Hruff testified that he sold and delivered to a man named Kston, In August, ISM, $50,000 worth of cannon, rllles, cartridges, etc. He did not know that these were afterwards placed on board tho I-aurada. Joseph Nichols, a messhoy, testified that Captain Mur phy was present at the transfer of arms and men to the steamer Dauntless from the Laurada. Osea Horton testified he was on board the Richard Fox In Au gust, 1S96, when men were transferred to the Laurada off Ilarnegat, N. J. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using casil.i. and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic full of new lifo and vigor, take No-To-U.ie, tho wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days Over 400,1)00 cured. liuy Xo-To-It.ie fiom your own druggist, who will giiamuteo t cure. 50c or $1.00. Hooklet and samph mailed free VI. Stei'iug Ifomcdy Co., Chicago or New York. Sjiiiidny Lull, '" 1 ..,1-iiwn. Toronto, Ont., Jan. 15 In the Un til! lo legislative yesterday l'rumlei Hard wlthdiev the bill which had re cently been Introduced by his govern ment placing fur. her rest! Ml 11. o Sunday labor. The m a'-u:e, which h.v been brought In at the instance of tin Lord's Day Alliance, was opposed bj many of the most prominent men li the province, who r";n enented to the government that excessive re". :le.loni sti !i .'13 were pro:-' scd would Injun tho commeicc i f the roun'iy. Fro-perity comes quickest to tho man wliosu liver is iu good condition. DoWitt' Little Early Hisers aro famous little pills for constipation, tilllousness, indigestion and all stomach and lwer troubles. C. II. Hagcn I, mil. "Woelflnir" lile'..V I '.union 1.1st Chicago, Jan. 15. Clrops abuse of tin pension funds of the Chicago police de partment were llsclosed at a meeting of the senate committee Investigating the Chicago civil service commission and police. A list was produced of ovei CO policemen now on the pension rolls of the doIIcp department who, It Is claimed, are perfectly able to do duty as uollce olllcers, but who have been retired, It Is alleged, for the purpose of making a place for some candidate for a police star who had a political pull. Mrs. btark, Pleasant liulge, J says, "After two doctors guvo up my boy to die, 1 saved him from croup liy using One Minute Cough Cure." It is the quickest and most erhiiii remedy fur coughs, colds and nil throat and lung troubles. U. II, llagenbucb OVER ZEALOUS AMERICANS. Canadian J'olli'o Compel led Thorn to Haul Down Our I'lnir. Victoria, II. C.. Jan. 15. Collector of Customs Milne Is In receipt of a letter from Skaguny in which it Is alleged that Mr. Smith. United States commis sioner for Dvea and Skaguay, claims a strip of land three miles down from the head of Lake Dennett, which Is near the boundary as defined by the United Stntes, and which would give the United States control of the terri tory from the const to tho lake. The I commissioner, the writer alleges, has ordered all locators of lots to have them recorded with him. A party of Americans, the wrltersnys. followed the commissioner's decision by hoisting the American ting Just below the police harrncks where the Hrltlsh (lag was flying. The Canadian mounted police demanded an explanation, and after some parleying the flag was haul ed down an an apology tendered. The same letter contains Information 1 "'at Uernard Moore Is having more trouble with squatters on land which he claims at Skaguay. ICarly in the present month, It Is alleged, he turned out with an armed force and drove squatters olT the land. It is also stated that some firing was done, but nobody was hurt. TO CUItl! A COM) l. DM! HAY. Take Laxntivo Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Tha genuine has L. II. Q. ou each tablet. (.'Iilnn Win'it'Tl to Vinculo Ku-.sln. London, Jan. IB. A special dispatch from Shanghai Is responsible for the statement that the Chinese minister of war, Joung-Lou, haB explained to the viceroys that Fort Arthur was ceded to quiet Hussla because a war cloud wus looming nnd all tho powers had cast anxious eyes upon Chinese ports. Four IvillTtl narboursvlllo. ". ".hNKy Klulit; Ky., Jan, 15. News reached hero yeslerduv of a bloody fight at a "blind tiger" on Sandy Fork, Leslie county, In which Hubert Cald well, Smith Helton, John Williams and Tom Wlllson, all colored, were killed, and Will Uurcess mortally wounded. Whisky was tho cause of the fight. It's Queer How Quick Fan-Tina cures coughs and colds, 25c. Gruhlcr liros., drug store. At A PLACE FOR CALHOUN. Itepoft That Itt Will ;ilo Intrtnto CoiiiinoriM! ( 'oninil-wloiii'i-. Washington, Jan. 15, It Is stated that William J. Calhoun, of Danville, Ills., has been offered the position of Inter- 1 l W. L. CALHOUN, state commerce commissioner, und it i.i understood will accept tho place. Sir. Calhoun went to Cuba last spring ns .he president's special commissioner. When doctors fall try burdock lllond Hitters. Cures dyspepsia, conciliation; in vigorates tho whole system. Itiit'l.'i't " "ifiH ,t: : ,1. New Yotk, Jp.n. 15. T terday raided the Stan' .it the Public Stock ana r. and also an otfkc I e;i . . hart. It Is alleged that m are nil bucket t-hi.pB. Tiu, on New street. T.:vre wire captured, Incltu.i.-it ov" c v"- riany. .: lian,e , . ITo v ct nceina i.i'i es aro " 1" . -.onors Takes tho burn out; heals the wound tires the pain. Dr. Thomas' Felieliie Oi ; the household remedy. IVc-nrh i " m-pm. Paris, .Tan. 15. It is --i Indication of friendliness between Prince and tler mnny Hint the Crand Cri-s of the Le gion of Honor has Just been conferred upon Count Von Munster, the Get man ambassador at Paris, on the occasion of the ratification of the Franco-German Niger convention. At Four Scere, Miles' Nervine Restores Health. OKCLE EZEKIEL OllEAR, assessor and tax collector, Bovoi-ly, Mas3., who has pasred tho 80th life mllo stcno, says: "Dr. Miles' Restorative Kervlno has done a groat deal o f good. I sufTcreil f or y ears from sleeplessness and nervous hcait troublo. Would fed weaty and used up l-i tho morn lur;, had r.o auil.ltton and my worltEOcmcdn. burdon. A friend recommended Dr. Miles' Servino, and I purchased a bottle under protest as I had tried so many remedies un successfully, I thought it no uso. But it javo mo restful sleep, a good appctito and restored ino to eucrgetls health. It Is a ;rand good medicine, and I will gladly write myono inquiring, full partlcularsof ray sat- bfactory o-tp, lienco." Dr. Miles' Iljmodles :ro ecld by all drug gists under a positive ;uaranlee, first bottle eneflt3 or nunoy re funded. Book on dis eases of too heart and nervc3frcc. Address, DR. MILES MI'r - ' 1 fit MX Or. Kjslofea "j - 1 1., Llknuit, Inil. THE RUSH In the Spring will be Tremendous. T1h most nrofltalilc IiusIiu'hh nil) lit) In trnus- portfition ami nu'rclminllHltiK timl iu furnUtiliiK 10011 and Huppiu-H 10 inu imimumu ni uoiu SrckriB In short, n imicml TrmMuir. Mercan tile a ml Weniiiftliii) bulm'sn. It wnu bo in 10 it will 1)0 so tu The Alaska Transportation and Development Company ,ncc0arppi,ard $5 000,000 """ To meet this demand, will own and operate its OWN STEAMERS, BOATS AND BARGES ON THE YUKON, Connecting with Its own line of lar&e and Magnincent Ocean Steamers, Hp.'cifdly adapted for pubMcngcr busl new carry ing to that country an linmunso amount of hujh plies and equipment for tlio miners, well hm furuifthim; them transportation for tlirmsrlves and tlifir sroods, ami eHtthlitddiiK Trading Htation- nt dltTerent pointrt. Alt opportunity is offered any person, lie they of final 1 or large meaim, to huy shares oi mock in im company ami participate in nut ENORMOUS DIVIDENDS uure to he earned within the next 12 month). Shares are offeied at $1.00 each par value, non-nssrssntdc, nnd will bo offend lor u iiiultcii timoouiy. Safer than Savings Banks nd Dank Stocks Paylmr larger dividend. While numerous saviiiKs bnnkH and hunks hvu Hiitfr.emU'd, trnnnpurtatloii ami trailing coiupanhu weio never seen lit tho lUt of failures ThU 8tock ft, ont. of tho moat tlctdrahlo Invt-Htineuta oiTcrt-d the mibtlu. Tho ineorporatora and tttockholderH who aro eonneeteil wltn nun company nro men tu wiae exiterleneo ill fcilui ar iiiutertakltiKS anil inotl whote names aro bufUcleut guarantee of tlio tantlingof tho company, ton it: AI.HKKT ('. 1II.ATZ, 1'rea. Vul lllatz Ilicw Co., Milwaukee HON WM. 1C. MASON, United fitatm rtenator from llllnnln 1). (1 KinVAltllS, Pass. Trafllo Mgr. C 11 .t 1). It. It , Linelnnatl. FltANK A. 1IKCHT, of Chas. Kaettner it Co , Chicago. CHAH. 11. IIUCKWKM., Tronic Mgr. O I, & I,. It, If., (Moiton Route) CltienKO W. C. UlNKAltSON, (Jen I Pass. Agt. O. N. 0 &T. P. It. It.. Cincinnati, O II. W. (lltll'l'ITll, Pres. First Nuttonul Hank. VUkshurp, Mi. I'UKI). A OTTH, patt eighteen yoora with Hhclby Uttiik.hlielbyvllle, I ml J, M. PillLMPH, C.sblcr First Nr.t'l Bank, Vlckshurg, Miss. Ami hundreds nf others equally pioniluent. Atldrcst und make all money imyuble to The Alaska Transportation &. Development Co,, Fisher Building, Dr. mi 3 To Cor, Van Buren & Dearborn Six., CHICAGO ILL CupU is us ually pictured as a frolick some, playful little fellow, al ways smiling or laughing, but will, llt.it n Iwrn This Is the artist's Ideal. In rca'lty, Ctt- ter-of-f.ict little chap. lie is begiutr'np; to learn lhat life is not alt a summer boll day. I ie h fast learning that sick men and J lluhenltltv wnnl . en have no rigltt to tamper with love or tnntrimonv It is best for themse vesnnd best for the human race lhat thej should not. It Is not a hard matter for l.iett and vomen to preserve their health if they wnli. It is far from Impossible fur them to restore it after it has been lot. That beiiiR the cae. the modern Cupid is rijiht in looklnjr with disfavor upon matt Imonial mntches between sick mev and tu '.'ealtby women. Ill-health in a woman is o; -ncrnlly tlte result of lome weakness or dis uder of the dlstinet'y feininine organism 'bat is slowly sappine her vitality. At first, a little pain and slifrht indispositions which seem to her quite unimportant. Th :y grow Bteadily worse until she suffers all the time from buiuiusr nnd drngtritiK sensations, and occasionally has to take to her bed. 1'in nlly they completely unfit her for wifehood anil motherhood. Dr. Pierce's l'avoritc I'rescripli'Mi is an unfailing remedy for ail ments of this kind. It acts directly on the delicate and important orRans concerned in maternity and makes them will and strontr. It transforms weak, sickly, nerv ous invalids into healthy, happy wives and mothers. Sledicine dealers sell it. No hon est drue;irit will recommend a substitute. "Since I wrote you we Have Iinil n buoy rein born to us." wrlti's w. K. Malcolm, of Itnoebel, Clav Co.. Ark. " Mv wife took Dr. Pierce's Pfl- voritc Prescription tluring the expectan- period and until ronfiiH-nicnt. ami she lifld no trouble to mention. A stouter, lienltliler child wis never norii. o.ir cniltl win be one year oi t c on me 8th lust., ami she has not beeu sick a day. ILis not had so much as the colic" DNolrt.'t- Ml till, l'ails. Jan. '."i - ' . e ... re tri di dis orders on the Ik- late laF even ing. M. Roser. ei. "t f La Justl :e, was maltreated er.1 ' i-f9 molested. Many arrests uro : pnr.ed. Cor te Es- tethazy had a nartv,,- escape fiin ar rest for dlvulglrg . hut oceuned at the court martial, lie was able, lit wover, to convince th.'1 .in i hoi itlcs that ho was not lesponsibl- lor the Indiscretions complained of. Tor Infant3 and Children. Urn fae- I It cs 67817 v;per. KtoMUlki it" I 1 .o'lv li'nli il. I'l.rtuiio, Oie., .1u:i. l.enir. i Mer lin: l. ..minuadlua; the departs .-n, Coiuniljia, ycaUrdiy received tele tmm from the ,ar de.ia,-tme it h -struetins him to postpone the I'tpait ure of tho relief expedition to jvlaska. Accordingly the cun'mel to ship the expedition from this pert on the u-ain-er Oregon Jan. 23 his bt?n with Uawn. The oiderB effect a temporary ab.i tdon- ment of tho exoedltion. and It is un del stood they weto based on the recent reports that there was no starvation of sulferlns In the Yukon country, that the government relief expedition could relieve. Mrs. M. 11. Ford, IluddeU's. III., sufrered for eight . vi ars from dyspepsia and chronic t'oiistip'ttiou and was finally cured by using DeWitt's Little litrly I!iers, the famous little (nils for all stomach and liver tiouhks. C 11. lliiKcnhuch. mm It Only Happens Once a Year. WINTER UNDERWEAR CLEARANCE. We know that well enough. We couldn't know the goods and not know it. But that isn't the point. We are not holding our goods here to work its way out of the store. The only kinds we have use for are the kind? you will grab for. When you hesitate, we don't we whack the price on any lines that will not sell themselves or on random pieces or lots. That was the Up to-Date way since our existerce. It is more than ever' the Up-to-Date way. Clean, sprightly stocks that keep us on the jump and you on the jump are t lie only welcome ones here. And that is what brings you sometimes Half Prices on goods that we brought into the store since the leaves fell. Underwear. Wo hnvc tile largest ntnl most complete Hue of gent's undcr wearcver shown in Schuylkill Co. We were early buyers ami evaded the tarid re cently put on woolen goods. This gives us the opportunity of selling those goods from 25 to 40 pei cent cheaper than any of We have them in our competitors. Swits C'oudc high grade glove fitting apparel, red flannels, natural wool, earners hair fleece lind nnd Derby ribbed wool. We have held back 48 dozen shirti and tlrawcrs, heavy wool, fleece lined, nt 50 cents. We guarantee to be f 1.00 values. Heavy cotton fleece lined 37 H cents. We must close our stock out. Hats and Caps. attention to Our stifT equalled prices, ns hats arc un it! styles nnd we pay close that department. We buy nt close mar gins und sell at small profits. That is solely responsible fur our immense hat trade we hu 0 established. W c quote a few prices : btifT huts, black and brown, nil sliupcs and styles, for ft. We guarantee them to be the newest thing iu the market Our Si. 50 and 51.75 hat cannot be bought elsewhere less than $2.50. Our Js.oo, $2 50 nnd 3.00 han arc the nobbiest and neutest blocks made of unccHbiiig wearing qualities. Shenandoah's - Greatest - Gent's - tMAX LEVIT, Prop. THE MINERSC0NVENTI0N. Importnrit (Intlioi'liit: of Utnpltiyors ftntl KinployoM nt Clilcnuo. Chleago, Jan. 15. Nearly COO conj mlnerH and operatives representlnfr Illi nois, Indlftim, Ohio nnd Pennsylvania will meet in Joint convention In ChlcaRO on .Monday for Hie purpose of bringing about, if possible, the adoption of a wage BC.'tie and working agreement In order to p.-event a general strike next summer. Tho majority of the minors nnd ope rators agree that It will bo dlilkult to ii void a repetition of the troubles of last year. Other questions beside the dis puted woire scale will enter Into tho controversy. It Is said the largest ope rators in the east are now willing to concede the seals of CO cents, for which tho men struck last year. This would mean an advance of about 28 per cent over present prices. While the men have maflio no forim! demand on the operatorr, It has been paid on the au thority of one of the. ofllclals of the United Mine Workers of America that the 00 cant scale will not be accepted without other concessions, nnd oven then, the miners sny. It will bo bitterly opposed by the union. Scrateb, scratch, scratch ; titiablo to nttind to business during the day or sleep during tlio night. Itching piles horrible plague. Do.iti's Ointment cures. Never falls. At any drug stole, 50 cents. v i. :.; k, . Y., .To c- .. ''..il n- .! '.i"ilU U . .". i.p't M.,,-1 . . . at S '.filfburrr. Too iUisplcioli of inipll :ln t, ' 'i .'.-! nl'r. 'i y.V ' nnd : e ii ye . "rday Liud county, cn un In the murder of Mis. Maiy Kenny oc thai place on the night of Nov. 1. Articles Identified as belonging to Airs. Kenny were found In the houses of the prisoners. The evi dence ngalnst them Is nald to be strong. There is no need of little i.'liililicu belim tnitiircd by scald head, eczema aid skin eruptions. Hewitt's Witch Haz . -meuives instant relief and cures perniauinlv u. II lliigcnbuch. MHICM'S ..7 "ifl to .,,. Pana, Ills., Jan. 15. After a month's shutdown on account of Incorrectness of scales and differences between oper ators and miners resulting therefrom. tho Penwcll Coal Mining company's mines have tesumed operations, all dlf ferences between the company and men being satisfactorily adjusted. Two hun drcd miners are employed. Miss Allio Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burned on tho faco and neck Pain was instantly rcliovcd by DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which healed tbo injury without leaving a scar. It is the famous pile remedy. U. 11. llnccnuuch. .Turnout to t niiiiii.,id r ut-li Army. Pnria. Jan. 15. Th" cabinet councl today nominated Uiiittul Jamont to suoi sed General fan -ler asronunandei in rlilcf of the French army. BloodffHerveFood For Weak and Run Down People. UfUAT IT IC I The richest of nil restoru VVIIHI II lOl tiyo foods, becituso It ro- 000 tho essentials of lifo ttuit aro ex misted by disease, Indigestion, high living, overwork, worry, oxecsscs, abuse, etc, UiHflT IT nOFQI Dy making tho blood WnHI II UULO! puro mid rich und tho digestion perfect It creates solid flesh, musclo and strength. Tho uerves being innue strong ino urain becomes tuiive anu elear. It restores lostvlUillty, stops nil wnst lngdrntns nnd weakness In cither sex, and nsafemnlo rcgtihtfor bus no equal. Price 60c, orflvo boxos$2.00. Druggists orby nialb Wo can help you. Advlco and book, free. w rlto Us About Yo u rjCa se. THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, 1613 Chestnut .Street I'lilladelphls, SHENANDOAH'S GREATEST AKE it your particular business to call on us before purchasing or inspecting else where. Ve can show you the greatest money saving values. Our store never fol lows others, but lead, Our store may not be the largest in area of space, but it is in stock and cheapest in prices, Fine Imported Silk MufflerS. winter end of any .purchaser. Wc have them ranging in pticefrom 50 cents to $2.25. GLOVES, From 50c per pair and up. wards. COLORS : Tan, brown and red. Woolen gloves of every description1 I'rench Kid palms with Astra k hatt backs and woolen lilted, l'ricc Si.oo, n special olTcr. Our stock of working gloves cannot be surpassed. 1 i I i THE UP-TO-DATE HAT ON EfOTOY Both tlio method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, JLaver and JJowcls, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind over pro duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac Oeptablo to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy and agreeable (substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliablo druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. IQUISVIUE, Itr. HEW YORK, N.Y. - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. rvll. W. II. YINOST, VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate mid Lato Resident Hotiso 8urgc the University Stat of N. Y. Headquarters :-Coiumerclal Hotel. Shenandoah THIUS1C VlCAIt COUI13E. Calls night or day promptly responded. ij- M. nUKKK, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Ofllce Kgan building, oorttr of Main an Centre streets, Shenandoah. J. II. POMEItOY, ATT0RNEY-AT-LAW3 Shenandoah. I'a. g t SHOKMAKEtt, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market and Centre itreete. pltOF. JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa. HftvIiiK Ktudlcd under soma of th bel masters Vp London and Paris, will give leaaonj on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal cirttare. lermt reason ublo. Address In care of Stroive, !ie Jpweter Slienandoah. IH'S CeleMnted Fcmolo 1'ovfdcrs paver fall. TftsAntliei deciare tUem tafe sn d ure ( fcfter f&UtnS with Taniy Pid rennyroytl I'Uli and other Ilk rcmedietil. A1wi,y buy the- best and fttpjd d up- roiiitinent. Ou5rnt(d tupcrlor to.all othen. ''iPt-fitlnthenSrkct, ANo. 1. Pirtlcttlm, 4 ctt.' Dt,U.T. OIX lk LJ?. RfttitoD, Mam Up-to-Date Hat Store, 15 EAST CENTRE ST. MACKINTOSHES. English Serge, in black and blue, full length, cape and coat at $4.85. We have still Come and inspect better qualities, them. Umbrellas. A special lot of 26-iu. Silk Gloria Umbrellas, close rolling, with steel rods, choice nat ural wood handles, plain and silver trimmed, black handles, $1.25. Anybody who wants a good and neat lookintr titn- V brella at n moder ate cost, see the gloria silk ones, with steel rod, paragon frame, at 85 OtS. FinP fJPTlt'S I!uy 0 half or quarter Tii f dozc I,air- t kind Half HOSe. that will make the wearer smile. We have the very newest creation in plaid and polka dot hose. Furnishing . House, STORE, 15 East Centre Street. aw Iff X 'If