The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 13, 1898, Image 3

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Most Torturing, Disfiguring,
Of Itching, burning, blooding, scaly skin
and scalp humors is Instantly relieved
by a warm bath with Cuticuka SoAr,
a fllnglo application of CuticuiiA (oint
ment), tlio great skin euro, and a full doso
of CuticohA Uesolvk.nt, greatest of blood
purltlorsand humor cures.
Remedies speedily, permanently, and
economically euro, when all clso falls.
trr;ift Vnvn awn Ctint, Our. Rote Frir-i., Itovton.
(tj How to Cur Erery Skin hu1 Rluud Ituimir, fn.
Piles or Hemorrl'iSlria
Fissures & Fistulas. '
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
R Bolls 5t Tunaors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rti mm & Tottors.
EChappei Hands.
Fever B Isters.
Soro Lii'.sj & Nostrils.
O' Corns & Bunions.
Stings 4 Bites of Insects,
Three Sizes, 5c 50c. and $1.00.
Bold by druggists, 011 tu jsist-paldonrccelptof pries
BOMrniEiH' mi imiiiKii8t.,ircrkl
1,w" THEfl
("urn general or 'special debility, wakeful
rcift. spermatorhcea, emissions, Icipotency
I .tresis, etc.
Vorrctl luntiiunai uiaurucrs,
c Dy errors or excesses, quitmy restoring
Lost .Manhood la old or young, giving vigor and
iftnpih where former weakness prevailed. Con-
..ct.t paf ki.6:, simple, effectual, and lcgitlmte
Cur 03 Quick and Thorough
T).hi deceived cy tmitattentt InsiLi or
CArOtYo Vitalize. Sent sealed if your dru,
r:st d' ni have it. Price St per pVre, 6 lor $3,
! -An'ltn puaranleo of cornel etc cure.
I "inn. clercnces, etc., fr?e and cnnfiJential
f iu u biaiementof case and 23 cts. tor a week'f
I rralinfit. One only sent to cacti net-sou
old at Klrlln's druc store, Shenandoah, Pa
JTl orr, Jmpotencjr,81eeple8nee8,ete , caused
i a! bjAbuiw and other ExceRse. and ndis-
restore Lost Vitality in old or J oantr. and
i tntnan Tnr mtmr. diltUiibsh or iDLjrifiEB
Prnvnnfc Insanity nnd t'o Ql tt !ou if
taken la uiae. xneir trno eaaws mimeumiB improve
rXS., n . h uiTa.ta n nTTTtE! whptv ml cThprs tail. In-
.I.nn,ir. rinnlHi. ihn nnnnlnn A.flX TnLletB. TllGl
Lm a ii-awt rhnn.aniU ami will rnifl TflU. U'B ClvBR
positive written snariinteeto effect a euro In each caec
sUpockasfaii (full treatment) for $2.H lty
i la In wrapper, upon receipt of iticq, Circuit, r fret.
For ante In Shenandoah, Pa., at A. Wasley's
ftl Povlnjiky'fl druse store.,,
Centre ntrpet.
To Any Reliable Knn.
Marrelout nppllnnceaudono icon t It r mt,dr
of rare pontr will be t'nt on tilu', ic Jout at
admncjMivmcfif by tho f"retuoi! oinpaiir In i it
world In ttie treatinetit ol nit-u weak., urnkun, tilt
courajted from effects of e3ceses, worry, ove:
work. Ac Ilappv n.nrrl p cured, oomplete rep
tnrationor derelupmeitt of nil robust conditions,
The time of this olfcr la I united. No t. (. :
aehemet no deception! n."Sir. .Vddrps
57 Broadway.
Green's Bld'c
Brokers in Stock,Grain and
Investment Securities.
Direct Private Wires to All Principal Cities
Information cheerfully jjivcn
over the telephone
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
Tho Rosy Frcshnoss
And a Tel vet softness ot the skin is Inva
riably obtained br thofuwhouse l'ozioxi'a
Complexion iowder.
The Kopublican Chairman Qhoson
Sonator For Soveii Years.
Klcotcrt by n Mnjorlty of Ono Only In
the Full JjVHlnlnllvo Voto Uiihiio-
coHMrul lCfl'ortH to l'roouro n Cainll
Unto to OppoHo Htm.
Columbus, O., Jan. 13. Marcus A.
Ilanna was yesterday elected to repre
sent Ohio In the senate for seven years
nd two months. If McKlnley should
be re-elected Ilanna would still bo
there to the end of the president's see
ond term. Including both the short and
the long terms, Ilanna's time as sen
ator will expire In March, 1905.
Less than two years ago Senator
Ilanna entered politics In advocating
William McKlnley's candidacy for the
presidency. During his short service
In public life Senator Ilanna has par-
clpated in hard flshtlng, but he never
before won such a victory as that of
yesterday. Senator Ilanna came out
openly at the state convention in To
ledo last June and defeated Charles L.
iurtz, the close friend of Senator For-
akcr, Governor liushnell and others,
for chairman of the state committee.
Kurtz had been a member ot the state
committee for many vears. In 1896
Senator Ilanna, who was then managing
the i residential campaign, was not sat
isfied with tho work In Ohio, ana he
did r.ot want Kurtz in that position tor
1S97. Ilanna defeated Kurtz at To-
.lo foi chairman, and has had a fac-
tlonnl war on himself ever since.
Although Mr. Ilanna was declared
senator yesterday for both the long and
short terms, yet the opposition Is still
lighting. Just previous to the separate
balloting Tuesday the opposition was
disappointed by the withdrawal of
Jeptha Gerrard, the silver Republican
candidate for senator. It was thought
that Gerrard would get the votes of
Representatives Droste and Lane, vl.o
voted for Ilanna. Garrard's frUrrJs
say he withdrew because he was lijlng
used aa a means of creating a deadlock
for the benefit of others.
Previous to the joint balloting yes
terday the opposition agreed to support
Senator Dodge, of Cleveland, for the
short term, with McKlsson for the long
term. Senator Dodge Is a neighbor of
Senator Unnna In Cleveland, and was
nominated and elected on pledges for
Ilanna. Senator Dodge stated that the
senators and representatives from
Cleveland were Instructed for Ilanna
and Indignantly rejected the proposi
tion. The proposition was also made
to Mrs. Dodge, who was ns Indignant
as her husband. While there have been
negotiations with the wives and other
members of the families of senators
and representatives during the past
week or more, the effort to secure the
Influence of Mrs. Dodge was the last
one reported.
The opposition knew they were de
feated before the Joint balloting be
gan, but fought to the last on charges
of bribery and coercion. In the Joint
balloting there were no changes what
ever by the senators over their two bal
lots of Tuesday for the long and short
terms. McKlsson received 19 sena
torial votes and Ilanna 17. When the
roll of the house was called It resulted
in the ballots for both terms as foi
lows: Ilanna, C6; McKlsson, CI; Lentz,
1, and one absent (Cramer), The Joint
ballots for both terms resulted as fol
lows: Ilanna, 73; McKlsson, 70; Lentz,
absent, 1.
The official declaration showed that
Ilanna had a majority of three over
McKlsson, of two over all voting, and
of one over all the members In the
general assembly.
Tho demonstrations In the hall worn
unusually enthusiastic. Governor liush
nell was not present. When Foraker
wob elected senator in the same hall
two years ago McKlnley and Bushnell
,vere both present, the one having Just
retired and the other having Just been
Inaugurated as governor. It has been
customary for the governor to be seat
ed beside the lieutenant governor when
the newly elacted senator Is escorted
Into the hall.
Senator Ilanna was very busily en
gaged in his contest last Monday, and
did not participate In the inauguration
exercises. It is stated that no Invita
tion or special arrangement had been
made for him on that occasion, and
that the same was true regarding the
governor yesterday.
Colonel J. L. Hodgers, the secretary
to the governor, went to the Nell House
at 4 p. m., bearing the commission of
Senator Ilanna as United States sen
ator for the short term.
Colonel' Hodgers, in presenting the
commission to Senator I (anna said
"Senator Ilanna, I have the honor to
present to you your commission as
United States senator for the short
term, a copy of which has been sent to
the president today. Your commission
for the Ions term will be sent to you
within a few days, and a copy forward
ed to the president and the senate."
Mr. Hanna in reply said:
"Colonel Hodgers, I thank you, and
appreciate this, and I give back to the
state my pledge that I will execute the
power given me to the fullest extent of
my ability and will do my best to serve
the Interests of all the people of my
Before the legislature went Into Joint
convention at noon resolutions were of'
fered In both houses for an Investlga'
tlon of the bribery charges made by
Representative Otla, of Hamilton coun
ty. After the election of Ilanna the
house adjourned until today 'with Its
resolutions still under consideration.
Consideration of the resolutions was re
sutned In the senate In the afternoon
and adopted, Today both houseB ad
Journed until Monday.
When Senator Ilanna entered the hall
of the house, escorted by a committee,
he was greeted by round after round of
applause. He made a brief speech of
thanks, and pledged himself to a faith
ful performance of the duties devolv
ing upon him.
Mr. Hanna has received thousands of
congratulatory telegrams from all sec
tions of the country, among them one
from President McKlnley, as follows:
"The result now plainly forecasted Is
one in which our best citizenship, lr
respective of party, will profoundly re
iolce. I congratulate you heartily, not
only unon a victory beneficial to the
country, but upon vour leadership In a
contest worthily won under the most
trying crcumBtances."
In the course of a speech to a monster
crowd that serenaded him at the Nell
House last night Senator Hanna said
"It so happens that aside from being
a candidate for the senate of the United
States by the people. I also happen to
occupy the exalted position, given to
me by tho Republican party of the
United States, as chairman of the na
tlonal committee of that party, ana l
my ofllclal capacity I now utter the
proclamation that no traitors are want
ed In our camp. I have no desire to put
any indignity upon a man, but I have
a desire to visit upon every man the
fruits of his own sins when, he, sins
Theodore Thomas
"The Joliann Iloff's Malt Extract
is used in my family, and deserves the
highest commendation.
The gcnul
on neck ,
SON, Sole
agaliiRt our party. Although 1 have
been pictured by my adversaries In the
press of this state ns an autocrat and
plutocrat, I stand before my follow
citizens of Ohio and every part of the
state and tell them face to face it is a
He. My whole life has proved that it is
a He, and my future life will prove that
It Is a lie."
At the headquarters of tho opposition
Mayor Robert 10. McKlsson, of Cleve
land, the defeated candidate for sen
ator, made the following statement for
the press:
"In the senatorial contest Just closed
the question at Issue has been whether
the true principles of the Republican
party should prevail or whether trusts
and monopolies should have their way.
Mr. Ilanna succeeded simply because
he brought to his aid all the powerful
Influences of capitalistic greed, ot which
he Is a clear representative. The Dem
ocrats, being In the minority, realized
that it wos Impossible for them to
elect any candidate of their own party.
They were therefore ready to suilport
any Republican who would be willing
to represent the common citizens of our
commonwealth in preferem i to sflllsh
monopolies or class Interests. Mr.
Ilanna has introduced Into Republican
politics a policy of corrupt und lavish
use of monev heretofore unknown to
our party."
Among the representatives there Is
considerable agitation of a proposition
to reorganize the house by ousting
Speaker Mason and all other officers of
that body who had been elected by the
fusion. It Is clali -rd that the 50 repre
sentatives who voted for Hanna yes
terday, and who constitute a majority
of 3, will stand together for that pur
pose. No plans for the reorganization
of the senate are considered, for the
reason that Senator llurke continues to
co-operate with the Democrats, which
leaves that body standing 19 to 17, but
even if Senator Burke shouldco-operate
with the Republicans the senate would
stand a tie politically, and could not
be reorganized.
Hut if you have weak kidneys, liladiler
trouble or distressing kidney complaint, then
Swamp-Hoot will provo to bo just the remedy
you need. Too frequent desire to tirinato,
scanty supply, pain or dull ache in the back
is convincing ovldcnco that your kidnoysand
bladder need doctoring.
There is comfort In the knowledge, so often
expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Itoot,
tho ereat kidney remedy fulfills every wish
In relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of tho urinary
passage. It corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding paiu in passing it, or bad effects
following uso of liquor, wino or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
uight to urinate. The mild and the extra
ordinary efl'cct of Swamp ltoot Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing rates
If you noed a medicine you should havo tlio
best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and
ono dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent freo by mail. Mention
Herald and send your address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binshamton, X. Y. The propiictore
of this paper guarantee tho geuuincuess of
this offer.
llryftu to Ho to Hrny.ll.
Washington, Jan. 13. The president
yesterday sent the following nomina
tions to the senate: Mark S. Hrewer of
Michigan, civil service commissioner;
Edwin II. Conger of Iowa, minister to
China; Charles Page Hrynn of Illinois,
minister to Brazil ; Henry W. Furnlss
of Indiana, consul to Bahla, Brazil.
Household Necessity,
discards Candy Cathartic, tho most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels.
cleansing tho entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. I'leaso buy and try a box of
C. C. C. to-day ; 10, 25, 50 tents. Sold and
euarantecd to cure by all druggists.
NOVKMBKU 23, 1897.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the a bo v.
date for VIfranfl, OUberton, Frackvlllo Dar
water, t. uimr, rottrtviue. Hamburg, Keidlni
Pottfltown. Plioenlxvllle. Norrlatown and Phi
adelphla (Hroad utreet station) at 6 08 and lino
a. m. ana m p m. on wees uavH, minaayg,
6 08 a. m.,. 1 10 p. m. Kor I'ottavlllo and Inter
mediate stations only 9 17 a. m. week da va
Sundays, 9 45 a. m,
Icnve Khcnnndonh for Pottsvlllc (via Delanol
738,914 n. in., 12 5S, 3 10, ft 00, 8 12 p, in week
lays. nutmnyH, y iu .. in., n ou ami u ui n. m.
Trains leave rrackvllle for Shenttuaoah
10 40 a. m. and 12 81. 5 41. 7 52 and 10 37 n n
Hundav. 11 13 a. m. and S 41 n. ra.
ijeave roiiaviue lor nnenanuoan (vlnrrack-
li l via. i nu'k-
vlllo 10 15 a. m.. 12:03, 5 15, 7 25 and 10 10 u. m.
Rundat 10 40 a. m.. 5 15 u. m.
iH'nvo Pottsville for Shenandoah (via Delanol
6 00, 715, 9 05 a. IU., 1235, 3 00, 5 10 p. 111. week
utiys. sutiuays, b-o a. in jz anil u 10 p. in,
lave Philadelphia, (llroad street station), to
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 a5and 10 19 a. u 4 10 and
71 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a. m.
iave ifroau sireei station, nmauelphla, iu
Sea airt, Asbury Park. Ocean Drove, Lorn
iirancii, aim uiteruieuiaie stations,, a. m 8.80 and 4.00 p. m week-days.
Ieavo liroau street statiou, rnuaueluhla,
Kzpress, week-days. 8 20, 4 Co, 4 50 5 15, 6 50,
83. & 20. 8 83. 9 50. 1021 (Dlnlne Car). 1100 a. m
12 00 noon, 1283 (Limited loo and 4 22 p. m.
Dining Cars), 1 40, 2 80 (Dining (Ur) 8 20, 3 50.
4 00,5 00,5 6o(I)llllllKCar), 6 00, 7 02,7 43, 10 00
p. in., vi ui, mgnt. niinuitys, 'x. i uv 4 do a n,
1 20, B 83. 9 50, 10 21. (Dl tug Car), 1135 a. IU..
1235.105 Dliilnir Car) 230 (Dinliiir Car). 400
(I.lmitel4 22 Dining Car), 5 20, 5 5a,(Dlnlng Car)
6 35, 7 02, 7 43. 10 UI p. m.. 12 01 nluht.
r-zpress lor jiosion witnout cnange, it una m,,
week-ilays, and 7 43 p. iu., dally.
Kor Haltlmore and WuahliiKton, 8 60, 7 20, 8 32,
1020, 1123, a. in., 1209, 1231 (Dlulllg
Car), 112, 3 18, 4 41, 5 25 Conirrea
atonal Limited. Dining Carl, 617. 655 Dili
Ing Cur, 7 81 Dining Carl p. in., and 12 05
night week days. Sundays, 8 60, 7 20, 12, 11 23,
a. in,, 1209, 1 12, 4 41, (520 Congressional Lim
ited. l)liilnB Cur, 6 M IDInlng Cur, 781 Din
ing CurJ p. m. and I2 05nli:ht.
Leave Broad street stutlon via Delaware rlvei
bridge Kxpress, 7 05 p. m. dally.
Leuve Market Street Warf liiprest, 8 Mora
2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p. in. Sundays, 8 45, 9 45 u. ui
laccoiuniouation uu mm aujp. in.i
Knr (!n Mttv. AimleMea. Wlldivoodund Ilollt
llnnl. I . 11- nil.. nu.n fill. A I.nli.n U...I
Stone llurbor Kxpress, 900 a. in., 4 00, p. in.
week days. Sundays, U 00 a. ni.
Kor Somers Point 15xiies, 8 50, a. m J 00.
00. 5 ,!.. iu. weekdays Sundays, 8 a. m.
llen'l lUanauer. ueii'i 1'aos'u'r Agi,
nine Jchann HofT's Malt ,
him this signature Kf rywlWtWrf
b Agents, New York, t 'LS
H t in mcr mi ill; mi'i I , iiv In n wi'umI.
Victoria, U. C' J in. i I.- l,u' it ad
Vices from the "lirnl stnti- that tln
Japanese truiii'M sUnim-i Nura,
bound to tho 1'c 'i udi)r". was wD'cked
Dec. 21 and alii u' ,.i llvi i !m,t. The
only survivors v.ue I'm- seamen who
were picked up by the' Mud
Bine Maiu. Captain Ynsluidn. of the
Jnpanesc navy, and nine cade ts were
among the Missing. Ttv1 vess 1 s'ruck
an uncharted reck, ht-r cargo ihlfted,
and she went to Hi" bottom.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quli tobacco usIiir easily
and forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, tako No-To-Buc,
tlio wouder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Iiuy No-To-Iiac from
your own druggist, who will guaranteo a
cure. 50e or $1.00. Uooklot and sample
mailed frco. Ad. Stcillug Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Throe Month- o.i ilo- t'iuid.
N 'w York, Jan. 1a. 'In ' I ". .Mouser.
who has been threitimng Mi tin ills
ministers In this ci'.y and demanding
money from them, was yosteidny sent
to Blackwell's Island for three months.
Mouser was i cleared n'y laht month
fmm Sing Sing after rei ving a -.even
years' sentence.
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for Throat and
Lungs. It is curing more cases of Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup and all
I'hroat and Lung Troubles, than any othermed-
icine. The proprietor has authorized any drug
gist to give you a Sample Bottle Free to con
vince you of this great remedy. 1'rice 25c.
and 50c.
Relieve and Cure 2
: Head Troubles ir
; Stomach Disorders -f noted
; System Irregularities It"-
i "For every III, a special pill."
- If not at Drugstores, write
: Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkers,N.Y.
: Health Dook Mailed Freo.
l S 10 vou ran
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
is tho original nrdonly FBENCTI
safe and reliable euro on tlio mar
ket, l'rice. sum; Bent oy mau.
Genuine sold only by
S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah.
Side Entrance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA. PA.
Young, old, slnglo or married 4 ihose con
tem plating lnurrlage, Ifytm arc a lctlm of
mnnn DMsnu E"rlx ai.iiI5,
PPrivate Diseases human rnce which de-
atC?stroy mind and body, nnd unlit you for the
dutlen nf life, call or write and be saved, lfoursi
Pally, ll-;t iw'rs. -tl 8nn., Send 10 els. In
ptampa for Iloolc with aworii t en tl tun n I ni
lSxpoalnir Quacks and I'uke Institutes,
Philadelphia 8c
Reading Railway
Eivji.. , ISiirn Hard Coal No Smoke
IN ISKirEOT NOVH.MUKIt 11, 1897.
Trains lenve Shenandoah as follows:
Kor New York via Philadelphia, week dnys,
i iu, o on, , uo v ii a. iu., i. oo, o iu and o uy p
III nununjn, lb . m.
For New York via Mntich Chunk, week dnys,
) un, ua a, m li aj anil a iu p. m.
Kor Heading and l'lill.tdelphfa, week days.
2 10, 5 313, 7 03, 9 61 a.m,, lli 33, 8 10 and 6 07 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
Kor Pottsville, week days, 2 10, 7 05, 9 51 a. m.
12 83. 3 10. G 07 and 7 25 u. III. Hundnvn. 2 10 a. m
For Tainaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
2 10, 5 30, 7 03, 0 51a. IU., 12 83, 8 10 and 6 07 p. in.
Hiimlaya, 'l iu n. in
Kor WllllauiMuort, Sunbury and Lewlaburer,
week days, 3 25, 5 30, 7 05, 11 30 a. ni 12 33, 7 25
p m miiiiiays, a a. in.
If.. r,,l,n..n. Plana uioaVil.o. "In .OS KM
7 05.9 51, 11 30 a. in., 1233, 8 10,6 07, 7 25, 9 55 nmt
II 4U p. in. nuiiuays, ; t iu, u a. m.
Kor Ashland and Shanioklli. week days. 3 25.
5 30,7 05, 11 30 a. m.. 12 33, 3 10,6 07, 7 25 and
9 55 p. m. Hlllidavs. 8 25 a. m.
Kor isaitlmore, waaningion ami the west via
it i. n i t u. . ..,n...
..,!, ,i V hit,X ..hf M A ii .ii ii
7 55.1120 a. m.. 810 and 7.27 p. i. Sundays
a au, uu, 1 1 M a. ru., a to aim , p, in, auui
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, ween uayB, iu au a. in. 12 20,
12 16 8 40 p m. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. in.
Ieave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 1215, 4 80, 8 00, 1130 a. m., and 180,4
9 00 p.m. Sundays. 5 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
dnva. 4 SO. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80 and 4 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 85, 10 10 a. in. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 SO, 1 1 30
p. in. onuuays, u ou y. iu.
I.mve lteHdlnii.week days. I 85. 7 10.10 08. a. m.
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. ui. Sundays, 135
a. m.
Leuve Pottsville, week dnys, 2 35, 7 40 a. m.,
12 80 aim o IU p. in, niiuuays, n a. m.
Leave Tittiiaoua. week days. 3 18. 8 43. 11 28 a.
in., 1 86, 5 60, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
it. in
Iave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20, 8 45,
9 12 11 47 a. m., 2 17. 5 1, 0 22, 7 44 and 10 08 p. in.
Sundays 12 25, 8 45 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 85, 2 40,
4 00 6 80,9 26. 10 25, 1169 n. In., 2 32, 6 32, 6 38,
7 57, 10 22 p in, Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 00 a. in.
Leave Wllllomsporl, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
m., 4 00 anu 11 au p. m. nunuays, u o'j p. m
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war
South street whnif (or Atlantic City.
Weekdays Kipress, 9 00 a. in., 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 n. in. Accommodation. 8 00 a. in.. 6 80 o. m.
Sundays Kxpress, 9 00, 10 00 a. in. Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a. iu., 4 45 p. iu,
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlaiitlannd Arkansas avenues.
VeekdayB-Hipresa,7 35. 8 00 a in., 3 30, 5 30
p.m. Aocoiiuuouaiioii, siaa. u;. imp. m.
BlinuayB I'.apress, s w, , w p. ui. Avuum'
I mentation. 7 15 a. 111.. 1 15 II. m
I U..ln. ftiM nH mil n.l.riMa llni
I Vor further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Itcudiiu; ltullway ticket agcut
nr address
1. A, HwrnnAiii), Kiisos J vt i:eks
iieuuini: tenuiiiai, ruiiuutiiiiuu.
Army Officers Load in Attacks on
Newspaper Offices
And ns a Result Invaded tho Ollleivs I
und Dpitroj'oii Property Klniilly
Subdued by Tholr Superior onieern.
Rioter to Ilo Itluorously Deult With.
Havana, Jan. 13. At 10 o'eloek yes
terday morning about a hundred army
oIllcerB, Incensed by the violent at
tacks made by some ot the locul papers
on the general-ln-chlef and the princi
pal ofllcers of the Spanish army In
Cuba, went to the printing ofllees of I
tne tinny journals La Dlscuslon and
131 Reconcentrndo nnd began smashing
the windows and destroying the print'
Ing outfit, as well ub culling the em'
ployes. A mob of thousands followed,
shouting: "Long live Spain!" "Long 1 r. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician of
live the armyl" "Long live the volun- i the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute
teers!" of IUiff.ilo, S. Y., gladly answers confiden-
The appearance at the omce of La li,al correspondence from women free of
Dlscusion of General Garr.che. acting ?
military commander at Havana, and He lmSi f()r thlrty rear9 been recognized
General Solano, chief of staff, prevent- as among the most eminent of living spe
ed more serious outrages. These of- cialists in the treatment of diseases pecul
llcers then proceeded to the olllce of HI iar to women. His "P.ivorite Prescrip
Dlarlo de la Maiina, the mob shouting tion " is the only proprietary remedy in the
meanwhile "Death tn VI llpeoneenti-H-' world designed by an authoiized, educated
meanwnue, JJeaut to LI Keconcentia- pllv9ician specifically to cure female troub
do, and "Death to Las Dlscusion." i I ' ltu ..,i illustrated
Ljui on ine appearance 01 uenerai i-ar-rado
the people scattered.
An hour later large crowds of citi
zens appeared opposite the ofllce of El
DIarlo de la Marina and began smash
ing the doors and shouting, "Long live
Spain!" "Long live the army!" "Long
live the volunteers!" The horse nnd in
fantry of the gendarmie dispersed the
Order was finally established. Cen
tral park has been transformed Into u
mllltnry camp. There has been great
excitement among the authorities, who
have taken all necessary precautions to
maintain order. The troops have been
ordered Into barracks.
General Solano will deal most ener
getically with the Initiators of the out
breaks. Last night the police guarded
the printing ofllees.
General Blanco, on the offer of their
services by the chiefs of the volunteers,
ordered the Fifth battalion to remain
last night at the palace.
As soon us the rioting began the
members of the cabinet waited upon
General Blanco, after which they went
Into a prolonged session. Senor Galvez.
the premier, wns present In spite of his
Last night groups of civilians formed
again in the Plaza de Armas In front of
the palace, shouting "Long live Spain,"
"Long live the king," "Long live the
army," "Long live the volunteers,"
"Long live Weyler" and "Down with
autonomy." The cavalry came up,
charged the groups and dispersed them.
The Ofllclal Gazette today publishes
a decree, with special reference to the
press, prohibiting cartoons nnd attacks
on the army authorities as tending to
excite passions and strengthen the re
bellion. An additional article applies
the decree to Spanish or foreign news
papers, and prohibits the circulation in
the island of such as infringe the law.
Something to Know.
It may be worth something to know that
the very best medicine for restoring the tired
out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Klec
tric Bitters. This medicine is purely vege
table, acts by giving tone to the nerc centres
in the stomach, gently stimulates the I nei
and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throw
mg oil impurities in the blood, l.leclru
Hitters improves the appetite, aids ingestion,
and is pronounced by those who have tried it
as the very best blood purifier and nerve
tonic. Try it. bold for .roc or f t.oo per
bottle at A. Wasley's drug store.
A Coii'-orM. i . i -.1 . ii "liUitnl.
London, Jan. 11. A parliament!!! )
bye-election, held in Plymouth yes-iei-
day to till the vacancy mused uy tin
death of Charles Hariison. Radical, re
sulted In the election of a Conservathe
and Liberal-Unionist candidate, Hon.
Iver Churchill Guest, who defeated the
Liberal and candidate, E. F.
Mendel, by 1.8"B votes.
for thoso who will go to-day and get a pack-
aco of GBAIN-O. It takes the place of
coffee) at about tho cost. It is it food drink.
full of health, nnd can bo Riven to the
children ns well as tlio adult with ureat
benefit. It is made of pure Brains and looks
and tastes liko the finest grades of Mocha or
Java coffee. It satisfies everyone. A cup of
Crain-O is better for the system than a
tonic, becauso its benefit is permanent. What
coffee breaks down Omiii-0 builds up. Ask
your sroeer for Gnihi-O. 15c. and 23c.
Propo-i'Tl M i.iiii itit'ni ! .M-iriiVn.
Wufhlngtnn. Jan. U.-Tlie fnlliiwing
bill was intnnliK ed in the house yes
terday by Mr. llutler. of Pennsylvania:
To erect a monument at Cli -ster, Pa.,
to John Morton, who, as chairman of
the Pennsylvania delegation In the
continental congress, gave the casting
vote securing the adoption of the decla
ration of independence.
Household Gods.
The ancient Greeks believed that the Penates
were the cods who attended to the welfare and
prosperity of the family. They were wor
shipped as household gods in every home.
Hie household god ol to-day is ur. Kings
New Discovery. l'"or consumption, coughs,
colds and for all affections of Throat, Chest
and Lungs it is invaluable. It has been tried
for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to
cure, or money returned. io uouseiioiu
should he without this good angel. It is pleas
ant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old
and young. Free trial bottles at A. Wasley's
drug store. Regular size 50 cents and gl.oo.
A tia.v Vnlfi'iilnn .'u I i "iilili'.
Kaston, Pa., Jan. 13. Chut leg lthlne
hart, right guard and former captain
ot the Lafayette football team, was ar
rested yeBtcrday and held In $2,500 bail
by Judge Scott, charged by Charles Ar
tier, proprietor of the Central hotel,
with alienating the affections of his
wife, Lillle Artier. Hhlnehnrt is aUn
made co-respondent In a divorce suit
begun yesterday by Artier, The big
guard Is a senior at the college.
Mrs. Marv Bird. Harrlsburz. Pa., says.
"My child is worth millions to mo; yet I
would have lost her by croup had I not in
vested twenty-fivo cents in a bottle of One
Mlnuts Cmiith Cure." It cures coughs, colds
nnd nil throat unit lung troubles, u. 11
L0UU...1 1. K . . . .t ... ni'.v.
Li m'nn, J.n. Id.- An u icsult of tin
Investigation t.htih has been In pro
gress for I'eut'al wetks past Into the
origin of the Kint (lie which occurred
recently In the Crlpplegatu district of
London, Involving a losii of $3,7E0,000.
the jury yesterday, after five hours'
deliberation, found that the fire was
not caused by a gas explosion or by
spontaneous combustion, but was tho
work of Borne "person or persons un
known," I When doctors fail try Ilurdock Illood
.Hitters. Cures dyspepsia, constipation ; in
I viuorutcs tho whole system,
Its the
way of the
world. Cu
pid discov
ers a man
and a timid
their heads
toeellier in
a confidential way. The
little frontiersman throw
his lasso over them and 1
there you are: two peo- I
pie are iiihuc wore or i
less happy for life. If
she is a orlglit. lualtnv.
cheerful wife they will be more and more
liBppy as the years go on. If she is weak
and ailing and incapable there won't be
much happiness for either of them.
A woman makes a grave mist.ike who
enters upon the obligations and trials of
married life handicapped by physical
weakness nr disease. It Is her dutv to be
ju the best possible condition to support
tile duties of wileiiooci ana mouiernooa,
If everv voiinv woman who knows of or,
suspects any unheulthy condition In her
physical make-up would seek competent
professional advice site would save herself
inucii luiure monincaiiim ana misery, nr.
book the "Common Sense Medical Ad
viser" will be sent free for 21 one-cent
stamps to pay the cost of mailing only.
Vor 31 stamps a heavier cloth covered copy
will be sent.
Barbara A. Mudd, of Indiancreek. Monroe
Co., Mo., writes: " I am very thankful for what
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription did for me I
was nil broken down from tKrvous prostration,
but since tnkme vour niedtcim. I have lind more
relief th.m from .ill the doctora. Your ' favorite
Prescription ' did me a world of good "
The quii k constipation - cure Doctor
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Never gripe.
Accept no substitute or imitation.
That's why they enloy their COFFJIB.
Any gTocer can tell you why customer
keep coming bark for SnilLlG'S.
Onlj c ft pAckk. t
A trir. Tun aw is itn WOMAN S RELIEF.
Alwn.vnnromtitnnti rriUble Aioi Imitations.
r.ui f'.Tiiv'i Ti(r I'll i.nrt BA E BEOHKTS.
li.lrnif turn nr aorit ilfrfFt Cu-ftltlll. Trif. tl.
Cat-i tVKi Co , lJoiton, M. Our book. 4c.
For sale nt Kirlin'a drug Btorcand Shenandoah
driHc siore-
Celobrit.l reir,r.l
l'owders never
I'S'WIiuiitJ ilwlarc tiki"
uth Tnnsv fid rcnnvroyal 1'iIIb and other Uk
-MiiJ' runwllcs). Alwoyf buvthe beet and svoul Uisbd
ilTitmcnt. UucrBiitccd euperlor to all otheri. 1'oiitivO
i in the nJffrltpt. A No 1 Part-CUliM, 4 cU. Uz N 'r
Djsfk Ut. Ooton Wm-
M RT ' 1 : . hi
Bill i nil,;. 'tii iz-wv ii, ai nriir i.f.k s, ku.k xrxmm
IS a thrilling torv of a fipht for isa alirrinR narrative of four It is in tliebowelsof tlieearthwhere
a treasure concealed in an old companions who have lo- the hero has his adventures, and
castle in the mountains of Wales, cated a long lost fortune, from where he rescues the Princess.
In addition to the three lonj. eriil Moriei. the publication of which will continue during the entire
year, there will be short stoneb ol eer kind, of which it is onlv possible to mention a few titles sere
Hunt, the Ovtler The lilockaders A Harbor Mjstery
a, sTAxmr -t trm.tjv JI, J.I W UU'U B, JOUS B SIZARS
The Plunklnc of Watklns' flhost A Orcat Maul A Creature of Circumstance
Elephant Hunting In Africa
FlMt Lessons In Tiller and Sheet i
By DUDLEY O F mithm
Editor's Table, Stamps and Coins, Photoaranhy
10 Cents a Sumhrr ( ;, nj fr Fr.r m,pr,lu SridsrrtpltOH. 11.00 a lear
Postage free in the t niti-d states, I anada, and Mexico
Addre" IfAUPLK .V ItltOTHLltS, I'ulilUlicrs, Franklin Siiuare. N. Y. Ctty,
startler J Weyman II H. M Watson
Bometlcacs nee 'a a reliable, monthly, regulating medicic n y haraUciftSd
tho j-ureat drugs should be uaei, II you want the btt get
Dr. PeaS's PeranPESi! PSIBs
Ther are prompt, site and certain In result. The Pennine (Pr, Per.l'a) never atsxz
nulut. Bent anywhere, 81.09, Address Psai. IIedicivm Co., Cleveland, O.
For Sale at KHtLIN'S
10 mTFrrr-rs all
a so SMi0
' tUQftr I1TP r V filHRlNTPPn to cure anrruseof cnnstlpallon, fsirxrets art the Ideal IJtxo
J AOoUliUlbUl UUAIIitlUriDU . neier erip or eripe.but raute easy natural results j im,
I pie and biwkltt free. Ad. STKItl.lM! ItKMKIIl t O.. fhirat-u. Montreal. Can., orhtn Vorts'jlT.t
V Cy f t,r0
m'3L tlio
.1 Y 'i'
, f-c-i, - -
i (uVV vl V A n-' foriml thrifty tl.ittse-wl fe will
tuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin-" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiimia
Mil. W. It. YINOST,
(Iradiinte nnd I .Ate IteslnVnt Ilou.o SurgK
the University State ot K. Y.
Headquarters i-Coimncrelal Iletel. Bhenamloaii
Calls night or tiny promptly respouded.
Ofllce Kiran building, con er of Main an
Centre streets, Hlicnnmlwth.
It. 1'OMKllOY.
Bhennndoah, Pa.
E. w-
Corner Market anil Centre streets.
Lock Rox SB, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Ilnvlug studied under some of the txxrt
masters- lr IOiidon nnd Paris, will give Imwii
3ii the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal rultur.
Term, reasonable. Addreiw In cam of Stroue,
'he Jeweler .Shenandoah
gent lor
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barney's Bohemian Beer
riillions of Dollars
Go up in smoko every year. Tako no
risks but get your houses, stock, fir
niture. etc., insured in first-ohus re
liable companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST,!0rutnbCV,f.e.Ds
A I ho Life and Accidental Oompanl m
An American Explorer In Africa
By rynt s - adams
! Laying Out a doll Course
By II' (1 IIV TAX8K1 SrTniKX
Short Stories. Sketching, Photograph;
t Adams Toultney Piceloir
Klik Munroe
- 4
Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
m ymm who read
pruprwfivo mill keep informed if H
Worhl's rrutirevs. Tlio well In-
Prlct 25 cti. and B0 cti. per bottle.
Prtnred b II. I. HACKETI & CO., Philadelphia, X