The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 04, 1898, Image 1

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    J lull liajilmfciini mi i IMIlll HiHlil . taartf
v i-prJ pwmim utttUflL I
7b ?ar4 the fublte through a pr
grtutve, iignifiej, influential oumal
uif thr llfr.KAl.I) columns.
VOL. XI1I.-N0 8.
2o V. Centre Street.
Dealer In Fruit and Contectlonery, Nuts,
Cigars, Tobacco and Toys.
Mixed candies 8 to COo per lb
Chocolate drops 12c per lb
Caramels .I2cncrlb
Nut 2 lbs for2To
Kips .10c per lb
Dates ... 7o per lb
17c Per Box.
A Few Suggestions to Buyers.
CHIEFS in Silk or Linen, in plain Embroidered or Initial,
All of which are good and suitable presents,
I I nZnirnr,Zl North Main St.,
O.-I rxiVC-. , Shenandoah, Pa.
These beverages just suit the
most critical drinker. It just
suite us to have them drink it,
because they are pure and whole
some. COLUM
And the largest assortment of
In all qualities.
Headquarters for , t .
.... Commerclnl Travelers
Cr. Coitl and Main streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
Terwa I 81.00 ier day
H tabling Facilities Unsurpassed.
Board era comfortably accommodated by week
or month.
1 898-KEITER'S-1 898
A Full Stock of Fine Groceries for the
Holiday Season.
Fancy California Canned Fruits. New Goods Extra Quality.
Heavy Syrup.
Lemon CliiiR and Yellow Peaches.
Bartlett Pears,
New California and Jamaica Oranges. Large, Sweet and Juicy.
New Lemons Finest Quality.
All Kinds and all New Crop, 1897.
Seeded, Seedless, Sultanas, Valencias, Muscatels and Layera.
New Cleaned Currants. New
New Figs
ur Mixed nuts you will him hancy raper sue
Almonds and Finest
Use Keiter's
lure Kettle tendered Lard
feat. Remember we sell no
'! 98c.
Pictures, Knscls, I.mlliV Desks, Hook Coses,
China Closets, l'orlrult Frames, linttnn Hock,
crs, OnyxTnblcs, l'MicyTnhles.MusluCnbtnclH,
Hut Trees, Fancy Mlrro.K, Gent's Arm Chulru.
Wo nave a Large Stock to Select From,
Cheaper Than Ever.
13 South Alain Street.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
They also suit the most health
iest drinker. Why ? because they
have no equal. Good brews are
the most comfort-giving and best
tonics ot the system.
30 S. HAIN ST.,
(Bheeler's Old Stand.)
First-class work guaranteed. Prompt and
ollte attendants, Hair cutting a specially.
Moorpark Apr'cots and Egg Plums
Citron. Lemon and Orange Peel
and Dates.
Grenoble Walnuts, and
of Them.
Pastry Flour.
and our Best Old Fashioned Mince
New Style or Cheap Mince Meat.
Forecast for Wednesday : Fair to partly
cloudy, warmer weather, with fresh and
brisk southeasterly to southerly winds and
fog on the coasts, followed by snow or rain
in the northern districts.
Tito Scliellly Property Tinnsl'erreil to
ulclmrtl 1'. (ill).
A deal was consummated yesterday by
which tho Schelfly propel ty on North Main
street panes Into tho hands of Richard F.
(1111, tlio dry goods merchant now located at
th northwestern corner of Main and Lloyd
stiects. Tho deal was pending for soveral
weeks and rumors of tho transfer were fre
quently floated, hut It was not until late
yesterday afternoon that Mr. 0111 iccelvcd
from .1. K. I. Schelfly. of Wilmington, Del.,
tho papers that closed the negotiations finally.
Tho price paid was $13,000.
With tho transfer of the property tho old
Schelfly Houso, which has been in existence
as a hotel for thirty ycais or more and was
one of the landmarks of the town, Into n
stage which will ultimately result In wiping
out its identity as a hotel property. Peter
Ilrecn, the present tenant, will vacate it by
February 1st, next, and then Mr. Gill will
begin transforming tho placo Into a dry goods
and notion storo. The front of the building
ill he remodelled and much of tho interior
wjll bo changed. Tho main apartment on
tho ground Uoor is now only 30 feet deep.
By tearing out tho partitions and lowering
tho floor at tho rear Mr. Olll will haven
main room fur his business extending back
from 75 to 80 feet. As tho alterations and
improvements will bo extensivo Mr. 0111 can
not say when he will bo able to move Into his
ewly acquired proporty and vacate that
which ho now occuplc. Tho work will take
soveral wcoks.
As an Investment Mr. Gill considers he has
mado a good deal in purchasing tho property.
Soveral years ago J. K. I'. Scheifly refused
au offer of $10,000 and hold tho property at
$19,000. Aftorthat tlmo a dwelling with
all Improvements and renting for $15 per
month was erected at the rear end of the
property and an addition mado to the main
building, and yet Mr. Gill purchased tho
property for $8,000 less than tho prico at
which Mr. Schelfly held it.
Robbing' Opera House Withdrawn From
Sale This Afternoon.
About fifty people assembled in Bobbins'
opera houso this afternoon to attend the
public tale of the property. I!. G. Hess was
the auctioneer. James Grant started the ball
with a bid of $3,000. I.ouisGoldin raised It
to $0,000 and M. D. Malone bid $8,000. James
Grant then raised itto$9,000,afterwhich there
wasa drag. A bid of $10,000 was then made,
after which one of $10,500 was made. James
Grant topped with $500 more and then
silent bid of $11,500. At tho expiration of
about an hour with no one showing a disposi
tion to eo nigiier than the last figure the
property was withdaawn. It is said there
was a better privato bid. It was rumored
D. Kaicr & Co. havo offered $14,000 for it.
but this report could not bo confirmed.
Ferguson's Theatre To-night.
John Mason and Marion Manola arealwavs
sure ot a Hearty welcome and a crowded
house whorever they visit, and tho
inero announcement that they are to uppear
ero tms evening at Ferguson's theatre in
their best and strongest play. "Friend Fritz."
will be all that is necessary to bring out their
legiou of friends and admirers. As now pro-
uceu rnenu rniz ' iai:cs on a more nas-
toral tone than it has hitherto done. All of
the scouery is new and handsomo, and the
costumes more quaint and picturesque than
ever. Jack" Mason is as jolly a bachelor
and as vigorous and tender a lover as of
yore. IIo sings his songs with spirit, and is
said to 1)0 as mirth-provoking by" his qulot
uuiuor as ever. airs. Jlason Is said to iuv
personato suzel with all of her old timo
daintiness and spirit, and to look the picture
of health and youth. Those who leuiemhor
ler recitations of "Itebecca at the Well" in
the s.cond act can nevsr forget hor charming
maimer ana the Uemureness and naivette
which sho so cloverly intermingles in her
talk with the Itabbl concerning the applica
tion 01 me uibiical story. "Friend Fritz'
may he "A roll of rhymes." "a toll of
chimes," but it is pretty and pure, its laolo
dies aro quaint, its dances dainty, aud its
humor quet and constant. This will bo tho
JUasons' last appcarauco in "Friend Fritz."
as they havo a new play In rehearsal for an
cany production.
The Trial Postponed.
Special to 15VESISO Heuald.
I'ottsville, Jan. 4. The trial of the County
Commisslouors, charged with misdemeanor
n office, was called before Judge Savidge to-
aay, John O. Ulrich, Esq., one of the
counsel for the defense, moved for
contlnuanco at 8:10 o'clock this after
noon, on the ground of his (Ulrich's
Illness. lie immediately left for his home
John W. Ityon, Esq., for the defouso, also
put in a plea for continuauce bocauso of the
serious illness of the wife of his brother, ox
Judge Ityon, claiming that it would bo un
fair to go to trial with tho burden upon tho
remaining counsel, Mr. Marr. Judge
Savidge contiuued tho case until to-morrow
morning, after a protest for a longer con
tinuanco had been entered by the counsel for
tho prosecution.
lleauty, Utility aud Value
Are happily combined in Hood's Sarsaparilla
cjoupon cjaiendar for 1898. The Jove y child
neau 111 an emoossed gold rraimysurrounded
uy sprays 01 nowors in mosaic, tho har
monious pad in blue with clear figures, and
the coupons by means of whick many val
uabU books and other articles may be ob
tained, make up tho most desirable calendar
we havo ever seen. The first coupon articlo
is itoou-s rracticai uooK's Hook, a handsome,
useful volume of 350 pages. Ask your drug
gist for Hood's Coupon Calendar, or send 0
cents in stamps for ono to O, I, Hood & Co.,
Lowell, Mass.
llenj. Moyer Injured.
Benjamin Moyer, employed at Shenandoah
City colliery, received a fracture of tho uose
and bruises about the back by a fall of coal
this afternoon. He was removed to the homo
of his sister, Mrs, John M.Schacfl'er, on North
Main street. Tho extent of his injuries are
not known, Ho is a married man and has u
family at Itlugtown,
S!ieilirn Deeds Acknowledged,
Sheriff Scott acknowledged a deed in open
court to James J. Dull, uf Harrisburg, for a
farm or tract of laud In Union township,
property of Nelson Urandou. Tho price paid
was $3,050.
Buy Keystonetlou r. Be su ro that tho nam 0
Lehhici & Baku, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
ever scclc
A Hit For Coughs and Colds.
What? Pau-TIna, 25o. At Gruhlcr Bros.,
drug storo.
From Ashland.
of a Man
Came Here After Drawing His Fay at the
Maple Hill uolltery-The Story Told
By the Companion of the
Hissing Man,
Paddy" Keese, of Ashland, is missing aud
his family fears that ho has either met with
foul play, or that ho wandered on tlio moun
tain range between this town aud Ushland
ijn Saturday and was lost in tho snow storm.
Kccso loft his homo on Friday Inst and, in
company with Thomas Simpson, also of Ash
land, went to the Maple Hill colliery and
collected his pay.
After ltccso received his money at the col
liery he and Simpson walked to this town
nd had drinks at soveral places, eventually
drifting into tho saloon of GeorgoSockaloskl,
on West Coal street-
Simpson says ho was obliged to temporarily
cavo too saloon. When ho returned ho
found Iteese had disappeared, and siuco that
time nothing has been heard from' Itccse.
Simpson returned to his homo at Ashland and
told his story.
Yesterday afternoon Recio's wifo and
daughter wore in town and made a .fruitless
search for the missing husband aud father.
Detectives Amour, of town, and Bobb, of
Mahanoy Plane, are now engaged in trylnc
to locate tlio missing man. Itceso is described
as being about 30 yearsof age, 5 feet 8 j Indies
high, has a short, black moustache, and when
last seen wore a dark suit of clothe. '
Tho case has excited considerable Interest
since tlio details havo been made known aud
o doubt the Search for tho missing man will
beeomo a vigorous one. A severe storm
raged on Friday night aud this, coupled with
tho fact that Reeso was considerably (intoxi
cated nhcu last seen, weakens tho theory of
some that the man waj a victim of foul play.
Developments In tho caso are anxiously
awaited by the family.
Largo stock of coal ornaments at Brumm's.
Tire at Mt. Carnu l.
At an early hour this morning fire was dis
covered in tho Commercial hotel, at Mt.
larmel, aim was totally destroyed. It was
crowded with guests, many of them barely
escaping with their lives. Fire was dis
covered in tho same buildlug last Saturday,
but little damage was dono. The hotel was
under tho management of W. K. Wiodeusaul,
an uncle of II. M. Wledensaul, of town.
Tho building was owned by John Krebs, of
Mahanoy city. Sir. Wiedensaurs loss is
estimated at $7,000, no insurance. All the
guests lost their personal property. The fire
burned until after niue o'cloct this morning,
Ono Minute Cough Cure cures oulcklv
Tiiat's what you want I C. II. IlagjnblTch.
Mlno llxumfulng Hoard.
The court yesterday appointed the follow-
nig as a Hoard to Exanuuo Applicants for
Mine Inspector: Ei giueers HeberS. Thomp
son, John It. lloflmau; Miners KobtrtMuir,
Mt. Carmol : Frank Kessler, Cass township:
James J. nronnan, St. Nicholas.
Board to Exainiuo Applicants for Mine
Foreman :
Sixth District Wm. Stein, ox-oflicio : Wm.
Lewis, Win. l'cun : .Michael McCarthy, Mah
anoy City; James l'urcell, Shenandoah.
Seventh District Edward Brennau, ex-
officio ; Andrew Iiob.rtson, Jacob Fleming,
Excelsior, Northumberland county : Adam
Bachman, Ashland.
Eighth District John Maguiro, ex-officio;
Thomas Doyle, Pottsvllle: David Tucker,
Pottsville; Frank Lerkin, St. Clair.
fako Laxatlvo Bromo Quinino Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money if it fails to
cure. 25c. Tho genuine has L. B. Q. on
each tablet.
Accidental Shooting.
Special to IIcualu.
Tauiaqua, Jany. 4. Last evening James
Sweeney aged 18 years,accidentally shot him
self at his home. He was In the act of leav
ing the houso with a loaded gun in his hand
fur tho purposo of shooting at pigeous. In
some manner ho struck tho trigger, and the
contents of tho gun lodged in his head. Tho
top of his scalp was blown oif. The unfor
tunate mail died a few hours after tho acci
dent in great paiu,
New Social Club.
A now social organization has been formed
by a number of youug folks of town and it
will bo known as the Olive Branch Euchre
club. A preliminary meeting was bold at the
residence of Miss Annie Watson, on West
Cherry street, last evening. It was decidud
to hold tho first regular meeting of the club
at tho homo of Miss Whalen, on West Oak
street. Tho date of tho mectiug has not been
It is easy to catch a cold and Just as easy
to get rid of it if you commence to uso One
Miuute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds
bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat and
lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to
uso and sure to euro. C. H. Hageubuch.
Shenandoah Honored.
Among the appointments mado by court
yesterday we note the selection of S. G. M
Hollopeter, Esq., of town, as auditor of
public accounts. He was also named as one
of tho committee to take desposltions.
Dividend Notice.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of
tho First National Bank of Shenandoah, Pa,
held Jan. 3. 160S, a seml-anuual dividend of
3 per rent, was declared, payable on au
after tho 10th hut.
S. W. Yost, Cashier.
Tho Kliianoii (Jlllh.
The members of the Emanon Club, of
town, are lookiug forwird to a delightful
time Friday eveuing, when they will go to
Tauiaqua, lu sleighs. While there they will
b the guests of Mr, aud Mrs, Samuel
lleddall, formerly of town.
lllekert'it Calo,
Our free lunch is a1 special one to-uigh
Sour krout, pork aud mashed potatoes to
morrow morning.
l'relty Calendars.
One of tlio prettiest calendars for the Now
Year Is that being distributed by Sol. liaak
ugcut for tlio Feigcuspaii biowcrios, at
Newark, N, J, These calendars are lu gicat
When bilious or costive, eat n Cascarets
caudy cathartic euro guaranteed. 10c, 25c'
Kelioes of Siiiiih uf iIih Now Vcar'B .Inllill
uiitlott and Trouble.
Enoch Htanawicz and Paul Bmklcwb z were
before Juntlco Shoemaker last night, charged
with murderously assaulting Ueurgu Ki-mz-nlckl
on 1I10 night of New Year's Evo. The
complainant said he was crowing Rast Centre
street, near tho Indian lildge breaker, when
the defendants attacktd him with knives.
Ono rut him across the face, under tho right
cyo, Inflicting a.gash about four inches long,
and the other tried to stab iiiin in tho back,
hut only sm-ceeded in ripping his overcoat.
In disposing of the caw Justice Shoemaker
put Sfanawicz under $1,000 Lull aud litis
klewlcz under 400. Tho accused gave uu ex
planation of tlio attack.
John Bierntoin appeared before the same
Justlco und charged Anthony Stank with
assault and battery. Tlio case was kcttlcd by
tho defendant paying the costs.
Simon SU rati inula wui charged with assault
and battery by Georgo l'aclianka before
Justice Toomey last night and put under
$300 hail.
Kemlrlck House Kree f.ntirli.
Puree of pea soup will bo sorved, free, to
all patrons to-night.
At Killer's To-night.
"Wang" is announced for its farewell visit
to-night for one performance only at Kaier's
Grand Opera House, Mahanoy City. An ex-
hange says : "The Academy of Music was
for the thiid timo crowded to the doors last
ight by a delighted and enthusiastic lot of
ersey City people. Never in tho history of
tho academy has Manager Henderson scored
such a success, "Wang" by tho present com
pany, aud under the management of D. W.
Truss, has never becu equalled. The story
.of "Wang" Is familiar to theatre-goers, und
as been published in the Journal in connec
tion with tho production. It is more mag-
Iflctut than ever this season. Tho scenery
is elegant and entirely new, tlio music,
which is catchy, has heou brightened, the
local hits aro irresistible, tho pretty girls in
gorgeous costumes fill tho stage, and "Wang"
indescribably funny."
At Keprlilllsltl'H Arcailo Care.
Our lunch leads.
Lamb fry will bo served, free, duriug and
betweeu tho acts to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Orange Itlossoltis.
Tho marriugo of Misi Hannah Peel and
George Williams, two popular young people
f Lost Creek, was solemnized on New Year's
ay. William Reeso was the groomsman and
miss iiine reel, sister ot the onue, was
bridesmaid. Rev. MacNeal, of Girardvlllo,
performed tho ceremony. The young couple
havo tho good wishes of a host of young
John E. Joucs and Mrs. Martha W. Jones,
both of town, were married last evening at
the homo of justico Shoemaker, on East Oak
street, last evening.
Hreen's lthiltn Cure.
Vegetable soup, free, to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Itumored Changes.
It is reported, upon what aptiears to bo
good authority, that C. R. F tch, at present
General Superintendent of the Erie Division
of tho Erie Railroad will shortly bo appointed
General Manager of tho Lehigh Valley Rail
road, llioso In a position to know something
f tho compauy's affairs say that a change
was to be oxpected hut just when it wouI
occur was not settled.
3Ieldafls CJafe.
Corn beef soup flee, during and between
the acts of tho performance to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Slipped and Tell.
Frank Shokaitis sustained a severe sprain
f the right auklo by slipping from an Icy
stop this morning. Tho accident occurred at
Ids residence on Pear alley.
Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, tho finest
liver and bowed regulator ever mado.
A Tidy Haul.
Stlney Lesowski. a Lithuanian resident of
East Centie street, complains that on tlio
night of New Year's Day somebody broke
open a trunk at his boarding houso and stole
200 in cash. Efforts aro being made to find
tho guilty party.
Shake Off Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
Rub well with Red Flag Oil, 25c.
Gruhler Bros., drug storo.
A regular monthly meeting of tho School
Board will be held to-mnrrow evening.
The Borough Council will hold a mectiug
on Thursday evening.
Th Soldiers' Monument Association nnd
Citizens' Standing Committee will meet on
Friday evening.
See tho
lucky curve fountain
pen at
Vlilliiduliilifii'H l-'nlti'iT nniilr.
Philadelphia, Jan. 4. Judges Penny-
packer, Wlltbanlc and Sulzberger yes
terday appointed appraisers to pass
upon the assets or me cietunci cjnesi
nut Street Trust and Saving Fund com
pany, which closed Its doors with the
failure of tho Chestnut Street National
hank. In connection with the bank's
affairs depositors representing nearly
$800,000 have assented to tho plan of
settlement submitted by Messrs. Earle
and Cook, assignees of the trust com
pany, and about 70 per cent of tho trust
company's depositors has also assented.
Glrnrrt rollt'itcVH fMiinf-foiitonnlnl.
Philadelphia, Jan. 4. Girard college
celebrated Its 50th anniversary yester
daw with an elaborate program of
exercises. Addresses were made In the
afternoon by Mayor Warwick, Con
gressman Hroslus and olllclals of the
Institution, and there were a number
of vocal and instrumental selections
by pupils. Tho event of the celebration
was the oration delivered last night by
Speaker Thomas U. Iteed.
1'or Director of l'npnl (Hi-crvntopy,
New York, Jan. 4. Rev. Dr. George
M. Searle, C. S. P., author, astronomer
and one of the most learned theologians
In the Taullst order, has been unoffi
cially asked to accept the Important of-
flco of director of tho papal observatory
at Rome, which Is under the Immedi
ate direction of the Vatican authori
ties. Jewelry, diamonds, gold watches, chains
and rings. Tlio selection larger, designs tho
latest and prices tho lowest, at Hohletmaii's
Jewelry Store, No. 31 N. Main St. 12-U-tf
Hack Sprained.
Frank Hardlck, a miuer at the Knicker
bocker colliery, had his back sprained by a
fall of coal this morning. Ills Injury Is a
slight 0110.
Cull at
Holdei 111 ill's for
your holiday
The rirst Charge the Murder
That Nobody Was In the House With Ell
Shaw But His Mother and Grand
mother When the Two Latter
Were shot town.
Camden, N. J., Jan. 4. Kli Shaw, In
dicted for the murder of IiIh mother
and grandmother, was placed on trial
for hlH life yesterday before Judges
Garrison and ArmBtioiiK in the Camden
county court. The crime was commit
ted on Oct. 12 lant, when Mr. Eliza
beth Kane, the grandmother, and Mrs.
Shaw, the mother, were found in sep
arate rooms of their home, 242 Line
street, with bullet wounds in their
heads. The former wan dead and the
mother died soon after without re
gaining; consciousness. When the po
lice arrived, attracted by young Shaw s
cries, the latter told them a story ot
how the women met their fate. He
said he had been awakened by a noise,
and going down to tho second floor met
his mother. She told him ourglars were
In the house. Shaw looking ahead said
he saw the crouching form of a man
In the back room. He started forward,
when his mother pushed him to one
side and went ahead. A shot followed
and ho saw his mother fall. He then
ran to the front of the house and gave
the alarm.
Shaw's story created great excite
ment, and an examination of the prem
ises showed that the house had appar
ently been forcibly entered from the
rear. Suspicion, however, fell upon
Shaw, and three days later he was ar
rested charged with the crime of double
murder. Tho commonwealth elected to
try him first on the charge of murder
ing his grandmother, and It was on
that Indictment ho was arraigned yes
terday. Shaw appeared none the worse
for his confinement in Jail, and seemed
cool and collected when brought Into
After the selection of a Jury a recess
was taken, and on reassembling Will
lam II. Corson, assistant prosecutor,
opened the case by stating to the Jury
that the commonwealth expected to
,prove that the only persons In the
house pn the day of the murder were
Eli Shaw, Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. zane,
and that the prisoner killed them.
Shaw's motive for tho alleged mur
ders Is said to have been to secure sev
eral thousand dollars with which to be
gin housekeeping. .
County Physician Jones, Coroner Llp
plncott, Policeman Steen and others
testified, the Intention of the vldence
produced being to show that the win
dow fastenings had been arranged from
the Inside to give an appearance of
having been forced from the outside.
Triivolinnr Country Post ofll ces.
Washington, .Tan. 4. The benefits de
rived fiom tho extension of the rural
free delivery ot mall matter, It Is ex
pected, will be Increased as soon as
authority can be obtained from con
gress on tho subject. By a proposed
amendment carriers In rural districts
will be given authority to receive cash
and obtain money orders for patrons,
and to receipt for and dllver regis
tered letters. The carriers will, If the
scheme Is put In operation, become
"traveling postofTlces." Country peo
ple, therefore, will have nearly all the
benefits enjoyed by residents o the
city In this regard.
One l.oilar tor iT cjaicass. "
Telephone or telegraph to M. Ulricli &
Son, Ashland, Pa., whuu you havo a dead
iorio, mulo or cow. They will pay you $1.0(1
aud remove it promptly. ll-30tf
Jacob Hart, aged 53 years, died at St. Clair
011 Sunday. The funoral will hike placo to
morrow nfternoou.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Shafer. who
died on Sunday, took place this aftoruoou
from her late home iu Pcttsville.
Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, agod 70 years, died
at Pottsville yesterday aud tho remains will
ho Interred at that place to-morrow.
Mrs. Frauk Kehler. of Eldred township.
died on the 1st iust., after a brief illness.
The deceased was a devout member of the
Evangelical church since childhood. Be
sides her husband she is survived by six
children, among them being Hon. F. J.
Kehler, member of tho Legislature from the
Secoud district. Tho funeral took placo this
Miss Mary Brennan, daughter of Thomas
Biennau, of Forcstville, who has been in a
Harrisburg infirmary for somo years, died on
Monday morning. Her remains wore
brought homo.
ICooniH l-or Kfe'it.
Two heated rooms suitable for office pur
poses, other couvcuienccs, applj at No. 10. S.
Jardiu St. 12-28-tf
Criminal Court,
The trial of Mrs. Stepheu Palshack, of
Mabauoy City, charged with tho murder of
her husbaud, was called for trial yesterday
afternoon ,
In tho caso of Commonwealth vs. John
Qulun, in which au application for u mod 111
cation of a sentence had been asked, court
refused to modify the sentence.
An application was presented for a darter
for tho Firemen's Relief Association of Pi no
grove. In tho caso of J. D. Holt vs. John Burns
ot al, a claim for wages, court disallowed the
A new trial was refused in the rase of
Phillips vs. Shipmau.
It is nn acknowledged fact that Holder
man's Jewelry Store, No, 31 North Main St.,
surpasses all others in tho county. 12-14-tf
Marriage LleellKes,
Licenses to marry were Issued to tho fol
lowing ; Hugh J. Sweeney, of Tnmaqua,
and Mary M, Kennedy, of Schuylkill town
ship; J 00 Giver and Julia A.udrusick, both of
Cass township; l-.liuer hlilrey and Kate Os
wald, both of Unlou township,
Mrs. M. B. Ford. Ituddell's. III., sulfered
for eight years from dyspepsia aud chronic
constipation and was dually cured by using
DeWitt's Little Early Miners, tho famous
little pills for all ttoiuach and liver troubles.
C. 11. llagcnmicii.
r 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 mk
ijr JUi V V 1 1
. ... 1 ms
01 HIS I KLt
AL. NATioy
of t!i iGMwfrr
awu ,uii-wriA nud similar ranlfclnUi
snd jjrciarit1 tmtler tliu ut o.-nt
prescnuctl by pninrntp' jl anaiy
Won 1 r-nou'ii- ,, ' tnrir, iiMvf-urceseful!
JOnlvgi'i nil i. 1 rr. de Mar:, ' Anchor,
K. Ad. lttoUter A. to. ,21" Vt arl St.. cw lork,
31 Hfr.ilEST AWARDS.
13 Brnncli Hnnee", Own Olassvorxi.
i&Ocu. ,uaG:ecd&. recommended bj
A. Wasley, ltt X Main St.,
- H. Ilauenbuch. 103 N. Main
D. Kirlln, 6 .Main
, Shenandoah. ,
SSj'r'rrIit '.
DR. niCHTErt'O
"ANCIIOlt" STOmciIAT. beet
for I
, lprplaStomncli CornplnlntB.
Ot Interest to the I'ublle.
Having been appointed Notary Public
am prepared and will promptly attend to t
writing of deeds, mortgages, wills, bom
louses, agreements and nil classes of lei
work generally. Marriage licenses a
power of attorney promptly furnished. Re
estate bought and sold. T. T. Williams, 1
S. Jardiu St., Shenandoah, Pa. tf
A solid oak bedroom suit
handsomely carved and ha
eight pieces. Our
price is
Six-foot solid oak ex
tension tables
High-back dining chairs, 5OC
Cane Seat dining chairs, 75c
Who would not buy at such low
prices. Our stock is too big, vre
must reduce it, hence such amaz
ingly low prices.
10O South lain St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Not a Great Jump
It is not a irrcat jump to net from
one year to another. Greatest trouble is
yoii can never jump back. Here wc arc
again, wc never hud '98 before, but wr
have had changes of years before now
Wc never had these bargains before, bu.
we nave Had bargains before now. Then:
is improvements everywhere. Tust as the
years grow better as we no alone so the
goods improve and the prices are much
more attractive. Wo keep nothing bw
always new and fresh.
25 South Alain Street.
Attentive and skillful tonsorl&l artiatt alwayi
Neatest Shop In Town.
W. G. DUSTO, Prop.
Ferguson House Block..
A Few Easel
Price 15c.
Price 25c.
Doll's Cradles,
Worth 50c.
Price 19c.
A big lot of skates this week.