HOOKS .,.,w ,.-,.,,. ... , .. . ., -iHTt'in rim i i ifn - r 'i i i , . , . I I THE FAMOUS. THE FAMOUS. THE FAMOUS. J Special Holiday DrivfS lOWN, Holiday Goods. prices tell the tale. We are going to We will carry $0$ Tea Sets, 42c. $i1bd Tea Sets, 84c $1,25 Tea Sets, 99c. Outers in same proportion. 50at;B.lackboard, 450. 6cragic Box, 43c. A PEW TREC ORNAMENTS Lil WHAT THEY ARB . Engine and three cars, 23c. '. c Bound Book, 23d. j.50g " " 47c. :Ab . ; " 23c. Pelonbert's Select Notes, $1.00, if I sop HWBtTfc r rt 1 p mil 1 Se out all our stock of iing: over. These Ldder, 44c. 'flgon, worth 35 cents ft rm mam. It Jjoll, 23c. " 48c. pfflT ABOUT HALF WORTH. p$c Board Games at 23c. ajc, 48C unci obc. TttVer Book, 65c to $1.00. u be 75c to $i.as. the fine Medallions left Special Large Size Oxford Teacher's Bible, $1.5. HOOKS & BIOWI.. . J Mvrai'j .. ... war: ZmPr'mtm uauqqwptiamps 1 ""spoont's, iJewe 108 & 112 East Centre Street. '"JHfe jj UATTfUV T howwmj& rl KNl lI Kh. W0 - onawiiu 1 m cenw- oi Fancy fXnAS. .8ft.' lepers $2 to 3 Glaus Shades. Silk " Uriel Handled Knives, Porkn. et- " " Rros. Silver " ' " Ai Teaspoons, $1.50 doz. " A 1 Tablespooim, $3 Aoz BWALM'S fTJWftKE STORE. Can be bought from us this year 35 per cent, cheaper than-during any other season. This is our holiday induce ment. Fine Cane Seat Dining Room Chairs, . . . ySc Square Extension Table Handsomely decorated, $2.75 Bed Room Suits in Eight Pieces . . . $15.00 ONE CARLOAD OF Plush Rockers For Christmas Gifts, $1.00 up. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS At Factory Prices. Call on us. No trouble to show goods. SPOONT'S, 108 & 113 East Centre Street. O'HARA'S LIVERY! BOARDING AND SALES STABLES. RETIRE. Jjooii to Christmas search of holiday Pstock, which is a large is ciosea out at 10 per below cost. Amazing bar man be obtained, I will de my entire attention to the ical and Repairing Dept. us is a goiaen opportunity to lovcgrS ot jewelry never offere beforojtat this time and in the heigh of theychristmas season. Buchanan, IEWELER, SOUTH MAIM ST. FRUNITURE HOUSE, North Main St. Undertaking in - - - - all its Brandies Open Day and Night. Cor. White Mansion and Lloyd House Streets, f Stables, Shenandoah. J MAHANOY CITY. FREE EYE EXAMINATION ! Thl. rvin DAVDSHH'S Kroiu u: 11111 tot1 and common carelossnoss can mako a combination strqng" enough to dofy all tho hoaling skill of the physician. Common carelessness lets tho cold root and grow. Common carelessness says, between paroxysms of cough ing, "It will bo all right in a day or two," and tho common end is con firmed lung trouble, porhaps con sumption. The oommon-senso treat ment of a common cold is a prompt dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It is the most otMciont and reliable euro for colds and coughs, and is con stantly prescribed by physicians. S. ItAYNBS, M. D Saranao, N. Y., says : " I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In my practice since 1858, and have always found It reliable for the cure of colds, coughs, and all lung diseases." CJfeerrg Pectoral is now put up in half-size bottles, for half price 60 cents. i'lTHY POINTS. I lOrd in essiog- fHppenlny Tlironphnnt the Country ri.r.M.taliHl tor TtaMy lVriiMil. Wlillo Daniel Mold, of I'inoilalo. was liutcliorlng for Peter Wallorn, of Ilrehors vlllo, ho .was stricken with apoplexy and stiddi'uly died. Ho wnshout 05 yimrs of iiro. John II. U' WO has lieon offer d an option on tho United States hotel at Tatnaqtia, and may looato thcro. I Shuriff-elcct John Tooli took tho oath of olllce yesterday before tho Itecovdor. Slier! IT Scott and his deputies aro busy clearing up the work of the ollk-o prepara tory to at ppingdown and out January 1st. Although J. A. -Murphy resigned as man ager for Swift A Co. at Mahuuoy City two week ago. his successor has not yet been nimed. It is said Charles Kuapp will bo the lu 'ky l.iHii. A iimrrlatie license was issued to Martin L. Wenricli and libecca E Si-hwartz, both of Wayne township. There is no need of little childicu being tortured by scald head, eczema tid skin eruptions. Dewitt's Witch Haz't Vle gives instant relief and cures permanently O. II. Hagenbucb. Mrs Thomas Bolln, of West Centre street, has gone to Philadelphia, where she will remain several weeks under medical treatment. Injustice to M. II. Carey, of Lost Creelt, we would say tho report that he was In town Sunday owning Is not true Mine Inspector Stein and wife wcro fliiinni; those who Inspected tho new hospital at tho Almshouse ' Mrs. 1 Unl el liedea wns a visitor to Phila delphia yesterday. Harry J. Irwin, a student at the Phila delphia Dental College is a guest of his brother, Dr. J. W. Irwin, of South Jardiu street. Hon. Jt. P. PovvlOr visited friends at Norristowu yesterday. Mrs. William V. Thomas and Mi.s Gussle Kline, were visitors to Potlsvlllo to-day. Miss Louisa Iloberts, of North While street, is slowly recovering from lier reoint illness. Joseph Feist was a guest of friends at Frackville yesterday. A. A. Hopp. of Mlfllinburj,', was a visitor iff town vesterday. John Dodson, a student at tho Ilaoketls town, N. J., seminary, is in town to spend the Christinas holidays with his uncle, C. & I. Policeman James Danlell. S. G. M. Hollopetor, Esq., left for Phila delphia to-day to spend tho holidays with his family. lie will return to town next Mon day. Miss Annie Koitban, of Noith Main V.reet, is confined to her homo by Illness. Thomas Tempest and Miss Flora Iahr don, lately with the J. L. Tempest Stock Company, are (pending sevoral days In town. Humor has it that both aitlstshavo sinned couttacts to play with the "Spy of Gettys burg" A Sure Cure for.iCougbs and Colds. That's what Pan-Tina is, 25c. At Gruhlcr Ilros., drug store. Do You Write? Largest and finest assortment of ladies' and Rent's gold pins. Malcy's, 10 North Main street. It When bil ous candy mthaitlc . or costive, oat a Cascaiet ure euarantei dl)o 25c. Thinks f pin ,!'! Ih AIIvo Ifairlsbure. Dec. 22. There vill be no more dracralnjr the river tor ths body of the missing; Itev. Samuel Spur rier, of BainbrldBe, for the reaenn that Chief Westen is in possession of in formation whii'h leads him to abandon the suicide and foul iilay theories and inaugurate a search for a live man, as ho believes. He thinks Spurrier wandered away with no 'other purpose than to find a ,:n.. c ready sale for his subscription books elsewhere. He may be out of range of the newspapers and totally oblivious of the sensation which his disappearance has created. Letters Granted. Ltters testamentary wcro granted to Thus; II. Flunigan on tho estate of Mary A. Flauigau, late of Potlsvllle.decoased. Letters of administration wcro granted to J. II Filbeit on the. estate of Stephen Karkis, late of (Maliauoy City, deceased. Also to Geo W Phillips, mi the estate of Joseph Phillips Into of South Maiiheim Twp., deceased. to cunn a cor.u i.v one may. Tako Laxative Brumo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to euro. Si The genulno has L. II. Q. on each labibtt Don't forget tho Shenandoah Fertilizing Company removes your1 dead auimals, free of charge. 11-30-lm One Miuuto Cough That's what you want I Cure cures quickly C. II. llaginbucb. Fresh Oysters Received Daily. 60c TO $1.00 PER HUNDRED. All kinds of Fresh and Salt Water Fish TO ARRIVE FOR FRIDAY. Holiday Decorations, nixed Nuts, 2 Pounds for 25 Cents. Hand Injured. Philip II. Jonos, of Win. Pcnu, had a bono in his right hand broken by a piece of coal falling on it in the slopo of tho Wm. Penn colliory. We aro novor undersold, lirunim. tf Toe Mushed. Joseph Sapel, of East Centre street, : nursing the great toe of his right foot, which was mashed by a fall of csal in ' tho Elian gowan ininos yesterday. Dr. Stein is tryiu to avoid amputation of tho member. Ladies' and gent's rings, beautifully de signed and set. Malcy's, 10 North Main St. It V. M. O. A. ltrancll, .V committee has been appointed by tho Ushers Association of town, to wait upon tho Y. M. C. A. of Mahanoy City With a view to establishing a branch of tho latter asso ciatiou here. Mrs. M. 15. Ford. Ruddell's. I I.. suffered for einht years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was finally cured by usin!? DeWtt's Littlo Early Risers, the famots little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. U. II. llagenrjucli. tVanU nn Accounting;. M. M. Ilurko, Esq., as counsel for William II. Lewis, of Wm. Penn, yesterday secured a citation from the court at Pottsvilie requir ing Mrs. Samson Couch, of Wm. Penn, to file an accounting as executrix of her bus band's estate. It appears that Mr. Lowis is a creditor of the estate for money loaned. 36 S. Main St. Tor Infants and Children. Tls he- ? It m tntj I WHITFLOGO CHRISTMAS SHOE SILL- 8 Do you have headache, or feel drowsy aftei Teading short time, or when reading do the letters or words run totrether? If you have any of these .symptoms your eyes need atten tion. All cases of astigmatism and muscular deficiency carefully corrected and every pair of glasses guariinteed to be satislactory. Examination Made at the Our Store. House or at THOMAS BUCHANAN, ORTICJArv), No. 7 South Main Street.. 1 T I And a ' I riably c I CompU Tho Rosy Freshness s velvet aoitness or ins sum is iuva 1 obtained br tbor who use 1'ozzom'a I Complexion "owder. I 1 AH0JL II li one omMi greatest cbarms a woman can Sp.xuesa H'ouosi's tourtL.xioN Fowouu I uvesit. m a oiaus ban Pointers about l''uniituie that will enable eive entire satisfaction to his icneficiojrie.s. There are many things in 1 ; particular)- suitable tor Holiday t any one of the uumerous ; , well ma le and useful articles tire here will prove pleasiiiK ! a any home. As a special holi-1 seiuciit we ofl'er the following : j i ot 500 rockers ootignt at an , in Silk, Flush, Leather, Silk j and llrocatelle, cane seats and J 0UPJ2.5O rockers now SI. 35, nil stoclj ifts, bii leautifufl f Furai ulditioii day iudul A SlOC redurtiod Tapestry saddle. , our 4.0!) uow $2.00, our $4.50 now $2.50, ojir fo-oo now 3-50, our $7.00 now $4.fiJ5, etc )ur reason tor sucli bargains jl tfie large order we placed which cnlibled us to buy at close mareiii. We musts close them out. Our dwelling pce is iBccupieu by them DAMN'S FURNITURE HOUSE, nil and 123 North Main St. z Near Rob)ins' ('eia House We ofler to buyers of shoes great bargains for Christmas. Nothing makes a more use ful Christmas present than a good pair of shoes, slip pers or rubber boots; we have them. We name a few prices to give you an idea how cheap you can buy from us. Ladies' Velvet House Slippers jgc. (cheap at 50c.) Glen's Velvet House Slip pers only 49c. better grade 5C , 75C'. 90c, $1.00 and On our bargain table you will find Children's Dongola patent tip, sizes 8 to n, sole leather counters and insole, re duced to 59 cents. These are sold elsewhere from 75 to 85 cents. Large stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Over Gniteru and Long Jersey Fleece-lined Leggings, low prices and quality the best. SPECIAL WO. 1. 224 pairs of Ladies' Cloth Over Gaiters at 19c. Come and see them before you buy. Alen's Dress Shoe 1.00, sold at other stores at $i.ip. We have the best Dongola pat. tip Ladies' shoe at $i.$o (cheap at $2.00). SSP&GIU NO. Sj We have about 50 pairs of Ladies' Fine Hand Turn Shoes, Coin Toe, (some common sense toe) all small sizes, from 2 to 4; these fjhoes we have cut the price almost in half. Regular prices on these shoes are $3.00, '$3 50, and $4.00. Closing them out at $S.oQ the pair. Remember sizes 2 to 4 only. Come buy from our store and save your dollars. If you have Corns or Bunions use "Wliltelock's Sure Corn Cure," we make It and guarantee It to remove your Corns and not soil the hose. Also try our Bunion and Corn Pads, 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 AN EX-LEGISLATOR'S CRIME. Mtmlorod Hli StPiilnuirlitor, Who Ilnil Sued Mini For Wiitfros. Wllkesbftrre, Pa., Dec. 22. James Grlner, proprietor nf the Pullman hotel at Duryen, shot and killed his step daughter, Mrs. Caroline Schaeffer, yes terday. Grlner gave himself up at once and was brought to the Wllkesbaire Jail. The murderer Is a veteran of the War and an ex-member of the legisla ture, representing WllUesbarre In the house of representatives In 1895. When hi term expired he went to Duryea, where he purchased a hotel. He de clares his family drove him to des peration. Orlner has been financially embar rassed for some time past, and It made him downhearted. Yesterday he went to Scranton to confer with some cred itors, returning home shortly before noon. lie was then In good spirits, and told a friend that the meeting with his creditors had been In every way satisfactory, and that they had asreed to carry him along indefinitely. On ar riving at his hotel he found a sheriff's sale notice tacked on the door. After a brief interview with his wife he went to the dining room and fired three shots at Mrs. Schaeffer, the third one killing her. The murdered woman was em ployed at the hotel as cook. She was 35 years of age. She claimed Orlner owed her 260 wages. She brought suit and got Judgment. Cascarcui stlmulato liver, kldnoys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken nr erlpo, 10c rnfGliB'TsoFrfws. In spite of the new tariff the trade of Nuremberg-, Germany, with this country has Increased greatly. Two men were bu-ied in a snowsllde on Pike's Peak. One of them wan killed and the other is in a dying condition. Stacey Hetsler, a medical Student at tHe University of Virginia, Is charged with chloroforming and robtrtng a col lege caterer. ' In a Htreet fight between Ida LeSnoti and QHeehie Skinner, at Anderson, Ind., the Skinner woman was fatally carved with a butcher knife. The manager of Major's tar distil lery at Hull, Kngland, and four of the employes were killed by an explosion In the works last evening. New York police have arrested a man whom they believe to be the murderer of Richard Pope, who was killed two years ago by a masked burnler. j 1 . i m tcs. r mvi wwa. i n is. r- vt I OUR SENSATIONAL I wm Sftflfi .. ........ r&rt32 tiw - i sb xii 1 1 coins an. rnouiinai or tsuvsrs cook evv' A REMEDY FOR THE Effects of Tobacco. rnil cxceaalvo use of ti'o?tc :-rt by young laon la alway i Id !ut;f.uj : : . undoubtedly shortens Jlfo tritewa.! Mr. Ed. O. Ebson, compositor it'o, itr Costa ZVctcd, Murtlnez,'Cal., writes; "i h:iv. ased Dr. Miles' Kcstorativo Ko: ho :.c ' re -elvod much benefit from It. I wa tj il.o. with nervousness, dizzy apelU and sleepless ness, causod by the uso of tcbacca .i-'J . I'a ulants. " I took Dr, Miles' Nervine with roar volously good rosultc, allay Ins'thc dlzslnoss, quieting tho nerves, and onabliug me to sleep and rest, proving lu my caso a vory beneficial remedy." Dr. Mllca' Restorative Norvlao Is especially adapted ta ret torlng tho norvous system to its normi.1 co.id'tljr. under such circumstances. It sue! bes, heals anastrcugtnens. Dr. Miles' Ilcmedios aro sold by all drug gists cider a positlvo guars. iter., first bottle. besjSts or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves freo. 'Address. DE. MILKS MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, lad. x Restores GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, IIAV and STKAW. m Floor and Tablo Oil Cloths. C T nCJ CV 27 West '-' J- JlL.f Centre St. Is still going on. Thousands of buyers took advantage of this Saorifica sale, why don't you do that ximi ? Don't loss th opportunity of saeeuring all this season's make of Clothing at sueh low prices as were never heard of before. Ml mm mi wm mm 's Suits and jtift nfl n Hen's Overcoats M A Ijl UP. I AMY SIZE. N'VOW Boys' Overcoats aim v size:. FROM $2.00 Children's Overcoats from $ 1 .00 up. mm Ch mm rBll. wm wises II mm n ildren's Suits, any size, from 65c. up. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE OUS Hou 9 CHEAPEST OUTFITTERS II CLOTHING II THE COUNTY. Cor. Main and Oak Streets, Franey Building, SHENANDOAH, PI wM P8 f ii ,m mm 9 MM mm PS mm PA mm WMWMWMWM MISCELLANEOUS. Ijl O It SALK. Uobblns' onora house. Address, I IJobLlns, 162 Academy street, Wilkes bane, Ia. " 12-18-lm FOIt SALK. Tho popular Ashland oromcafc, with KinnHiuni nttnehed, known as Ilrnck't spurthiK resort ilirouhotit Mnhnuoy valley, Mimtbesold ut once. Kenaon for sel ling, party engasitu? In other business. 3 tenso li able pricti to right party. Apply at Hr.ifALT ol11c, or Geo. B ruckus Cafe, Ashland. U-aOlw PHILflBELPHIH CHEAP STORE. 29 W. Centre Street. Djaler in Fruit and Contectionery, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco and Toys. Mixed candle 8 to 50c per lb v-hooolate drops 12c per lb Caramels 12o per lb Nuts 2 lbs for 23c Kits 10c per lb IXites .70 per lb BARGAINS IN CIGARS, 17c Per Box. RUPTURE CURED. A Specialist on Rupture from Williamsport will visit Shenandoah Every Thursday --AT THE Ferguson House, from 9 a. m. till l:30 p. m. Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or no pay. Written guarantee to absolutely cure all kinds of Rupture without operation or detention from busine. Absolutely no Danger. . . Examination Pree. 100 persons cured in Suiibury, Shamokin, Mt. Carmel and vicinity who can be referred to. Charges and terms moderate, and within reach of all, with Tf my iJ Pennyroyal I'iili And other uk vtnMili'M. A Itvnva liuv tha but and Alutd dlsatv rolntment. Jovr(eed Ruperior to ttll othera. FoBittveu ihelwitfu therffrket, A No. L lirtlcxilara. 4 Dr St vlX Qncton. Mm- DUELL'S oliday Offering ! Elcflrant Silver Watches, stem windore, Elgin or Wnltlinm movement, 87, $9, S12 and up. Ladles' and (Joi ta' fine Solid Oold and dold fllled Wntphes at Lowest prices. Large assortment of Ladles' and Gents' Solid Gold Kings different patterns set witlt senu lno Diamonds, flne Opals, Rubbles, Sapphires and Sulphur Stones; also fine Band Rings, latest styles, Bracelets in endless variety. Big lino of Optical Goods, Silverware, Musi col Instruments, &e., any one of which would mako a handsome and appropriate IIOL'DAY PltEHENT. Hollduy shoppers should not take Into con sideration tho fact that wo nre located tAown town, The barRains fully repay for theThort walk. We Eiuranteo this If they call oh us, when shown our prices and goods. All goods warranted. Dollar sales dollar values. ELLIS DUELL, 206 SOUTH MAI N ST. Second door below Cherry and Main streets. There's a Thousand Things we can't mention. The Herald isn't big enough to make a slight mention of our marvelous stock, but Tome and see us. Shen andoah's best store can't afford to do things by halves. We have bought the best of the season's offerings and most cordially ask you to come and see the great stock of seasonable goods, whether you want to buy or not. Sensible Gifts, No trash in this vast stock of honest goods. Nothing but dependable stock, tliat you von't tie ashamed to offer as a gilt to, any one.. REALIZED AT WILKINSON'S. PRICES THE LOWEST. Ve aim to sell better goods for lege money tlmji any other store iij the county. Because we have the largest store twice the stock of all our rivals and imitators. This gives us a purchasinif power no one can equal. Our big Day-Light Sfbre is ftilT oi great values mat are low prices to you. CLOAKS AND WRAPS. For a dozen years we have held the lead for low prices for Cloaks and Wraps, Coats aud Jackets, for young or old. Our stock is large and fully up-to-'date in style and prices. BRESS GOODS. "A remarkable stock in richness of weaves, in newness of styles, in lowness of prices. All these combine to make this the leading store for DreS6 Goods Bargains. TAKE YOUR PICK. Is it a Handktrchief, a Silk Umbrella, Gloves, Neckwear, Shirt, Hosiery, Uuderwear, Fine Linens for table use, or Stamped Litvens for Embroidery, Lace Curtains, a New Dress, Cloak, Wrap, a Nice Celluloid or Porcelain Hand Painted box of Collars, Cuffs, or Sundries. We claim to sell belter goods tor less money than any other store. fulsome Complexion I Whitelock's C1i!!?s.. I 3 T I WII lIMQHM MAIN and LLOYD STS., is. u . wiiiMnoun, .... SHENANDOAH, PA, ' v m mr 1 IIIIMBMIIM " 1 - .