The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 17, 1897, Image 2

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RfTABLIflHMU 1870.
PnbHtherf mrr KreoliMt. T,
t sooth Jiudir Wrmrrr. Nli
proper. aJtWoii rt m"- kDOWn
Moond oliw mall mr.
"ill the Nm Tint's Fit Is PtW."
ictiirii, nii
COI11P llPfP
wbiist' Iivit i
Llttli' Enrlv
tliimiuli n'l
l)ro 211 -M
Mi HhhIM i li
Dec St '1
ItinV im ni I'
IKe SO-1
ImilK' for tin
liwt hl lefl
ton i-idliBiy.
llinory willJFm liirjre
ft rest B: iMRn m it to
k great deal of it will
somen nnlekmt to tho ninu
In kkI uibdttlnn. Uwm .
jmnuut- fniniiiin little pills
llltiiuwipm, lrnllic Mion nod nil ,
tier truiibtea. I'. H. iUfferi-
Otmilng Bvetitm
fMiilikf wk'IiJ itt the Primitive
Itenty.curUiBiuinul Imll of the
If Ijidilor Co., No. 1, tBol-
rand ball in RnhlilnV opora
lieniifit of Tliomns Mitrtin, who
Itn while At work Rt the UUber
Evening Hr!d
Thk Kovernuient will have to go to
the reacue of the starving miners In
the Klondike region.
PoHKiasf money orders are re
ported twice a lwvy a laet year,
which means a large increase in ten
migration shortly.
Tjik light, for delegates to the next
Republican state convention from
this county is already assuming
shape. They will be elected by the
delegates to the last county conven
tion. Thk Almshouse nlate is bothering a
good many free-born American citi
zens just iii)'. It is to be hoped
Directors Middleton and Ahrenslleld
will make good selections if changes
are deemed necessary.
A Slur left Nw York yesterday for
the Yukon region with 685 passen
gers. They will have a long voyage
around Cape Horn, but the greed for
(old will lead men to suffer much
grek.fer hardships than such a trip
the .
le llrst i.
iry hiiV bet
lIiauwAYrubhery is not, fortun
ately, a comtuion occurrence
Schuylkill county, lnfact. t!
is a very uncommon. (
county seat is the llrst pj)
a daylight robbery hiiVS been repo
for a long tiiue.
li'i-hintcil in political circles in
Washington that Senators Quay and
Penrose have quarreled. While there
may be little truth in the rumor, it is
predicted that the two Senators will
not view things political through the
same glasses six mouths hence.
Eunol'KAN newspapers give far
more attontion to United States
affairs than they did a few years ago,
and in souio cases discuss them with
considerable intelligence. Ignor
ance of American politics is no longer
a qualillcatiou for service on the leud
ing London, Paris or Berlin papers.
for Wak and Run Down Pnonle.
UfUlT IT IQI The rleheil of nil realon
Una I ll io I tive foodn, becnuie It re-
ilaceo the CKentlni. of llfo (hut ere ex
muster! by (IInpufc, Indigestion, high (Ivlug.
overwork, Horry, exiusats, sbusc, olo.
digestion perfue-lt creates solid flesh,
muicie mm Rireugm. ; no uerves mini
made strong the bruin beoomcB nllve nnu
clear. It restores lostvltAllty, stopsull wasU
I rig drains and weakness In either sex, and.
as a reninie reiraiawr nas no eqnai. i nor,
60c, or Ave boxes 100. Draggluts or by wan.
nwvuu fjojfjj'vu auviw niiu imii, tyee-
Write Us Aboujt Your Case.
HUtUtWKinntmrmi '''HVnluhla.
Riftirits and Children.
response l
tlves of T
his canliil
state lepls
lon was oj
Take Ixat I
druggists rii
cure. Sac.
each toblet.
Mil rein
bank, of
was enter
glarr escs
J. C. Colli
wanted In
' k
in AVntits to !1o isoriiiJoiv
Die. IT. -Hon. Benton
If Tonni "ice, last nlcht. In
limiulilen ftom reprcsenta-
h1)1(.v..p pmiers, announcea
for the senate before the
Ituie In case an extra ses-
il by Governor Taylor.
i Brntno Quinine Tftlileta. All
inil the money If it fall" to
lie ni'iioinc has I.. B. Q. on
Uynnmlic n Khnk ?Hf.
Kan., Dec. 17. The State
rry. 1i miles east of Berc,
Si early In the morning by
Jho blew open the safe with
Ind secured $1,500. The burJ
I ed anil are believed to b!
Is nnil Chatles runnlnnhari,
Omaha for rt;fe :rucklnjT.
yirlc. jj cent.
lako v it i lit
AVith Swallow's gubernatorial
boom falling flat at the recent Pro
hibition dinner given at Pittsburg and
Chairman Qorman, of the Demo
cratic state committee, declaring
against everything but a straight
Ccmocratio ticket, there is little,
doubt of large Republican majorities
next year.
Thk New York Journal of Com'
merce says the world is discovering
the utilities of corn, and that this
country is not fully aware of Ih
value of the maize plant. Even
sugar, it is insisted, can bo made
from it profitably and no part need
be wastodj
" THAT there is an honesty rising
superior to business avarice even in
this sordid age appears from the ex
perience of a Topeka sporting man
He wrote to a cigarette company
that he had saved the piotures in
1,200 truckages of oigarettes which he
had smoked, and asked what prize
the company would offer for them.
He recelvod an answer saying that
the company would give him a coflln
if he would smoke ns many more.
Skw ATOit Pkniiosk, in a campaign
speech delivered recently in Philadel
phia, charged openly and squarely
that the money raised by assessing
municipal employes for campaign
purposes, amounting to between
100,000 and $800,000, a year, together
with the large amount secured from
corporations that obtain oouncll
mania favors, has been pocketed year
after year by the managers of the
Kapubliuan city ring, hea&ed bv Dave
Martin, but little of it being expended
for tlw benefit of the Republican organisation.
Thx refusal of the Aiunlgamated
Society of Engineers of Great Britain
to accept the terms of settlement
proposed' by the employers' Rgsochv
tlon means that the great strike will
go on to the bitter end. The em
1 plovers decline to reeede from their
position respecting freedom in .the
' management of their business with
out the interference of the Union,
and emphatically refuse to grant the
rwduotloii demanded in the hours of
labor ; the engineers refuse to con-
irtder any basis of settlement which
doee not make concessions in these
matters, awl the result is that the
deadlock is on again, and will prob
ably continue until one side or the
other is forced to surrender. The
battle has waged many months now,
and as both organisations are well
organised and equipjied for the
siwggle, it will probably last many
more mouths, The indications are
that the contestants will tight them
selves to a standstill, and in the
pair of!
boots, w
cheap yi
39c. (ch
only 49
90c. , $1.
find Chi
8 to 11
jfier to buyers of shoes
irgams ior Christmas
makes a more useful
present than a good
noes, slippers or rubber
Shave. We name a few
give you an idea how
can buy from tis.
1 Velvet House Slippers
kp at 50c.)
' Velvet House Slippers
better grnae 65c, 75c,,
Affulit 8ttek the Nomination For Gov
ernor iif l'dinnylTrufitH.
Philadelphia, Dec. 17. Tle Press sayB
that ex-Qovernor PattlsoW a an avow
ed candidate for the Democratic nomi
nation for governor neqrV yeRr. ne has
recently made this Uitwn to some of
his friends In Philadelphia and through
out the state, and hl opponents In the
party are o weJW satisfied that he
hopes to succeed tflat an organised ef
fort looking to die suppression of his
ambition and UtG continuance of for
mer National Democratic Chairman
Harrlty in Ofi political seclusion In
which he retfred after Bryan's nomina
tion In 1896 Is alreay under way.
The article goes on to say that Mr.
Pattlson'aasplratlons are not satisfy
ing to S-Congressman Sibley, James
M. Guffey, Judge Gordon, of this city,
State Gjhalrman Garman, ex-Congressman
Kerr, ex-Congressman Mutchler
"and others now In control of the
Demcratlr organization." It Is said
thatthe names most likely to be used
lnX'PPoslUon to ex-Governor Paulson's
ciidldacy are tho-e of Judge Gordon,
r. Guffey and ex-Congressman Slb-
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Uldge, O., says,
"After two doctors gave up tny liny to die, 1
saved him from croup by psttig Ouo Minute
Cough Cure." It is tliu quickest ami immt
certain remedy for coughs, colili and all
throat anil long troubles. C. 11. Hugeubuc.h.
A C i'owil 0f Xen Thoiisnnrt Witness
the rtfoctitlon of John Morgan.
Hipieyy V? V Deo. 17. John Mor
gan pal'i the penalty yesterday after
noon f,,- murdering three members of
the Q
reen family. ThS procession to
the Knilows. which was about half a
ml' e from the town, left the Jail shortly
affer 11 o'clock.
the first vehicle contained Morgan,
herift Owen Shlnn and a deputy.
Following came Rev. T. II. rteymer,
of (he United Brethren church, and
rtev. J. J. White, of the Methodist
Episcopal church, who were Morgan's
spiritual advisers during his last hours.
Following their carriage came a large
wagon, which contained about two
ilonen renortein. Surrounding the scaf
fold in the vast field were about 10,000
men. women and children.
Morgan was very cool. He was the
most composed man on the scaffold.
Daring the last services Morgan stood
very unconcernedly viewing the vast
crowd of spectators. During the long
prayer Morgan stood with head bowed
and eyes closed. Just before the black
cap wih prilled over Ills face Morgan
said: "I bid" you farewell. This Is a
v. .irnlng to all young men not to go
astray, us I have. My God, I am sorry."
For earache, put a ouuple f drops of
Thomas' Eoleciric Oil on a bit of cotton and
place It in the ear. Tho pain will stop in a
few moments. Simple enough, Isn't It?
Sianif' ,d, Cuuii. Dec. 1 i. Auglstlno
Core. II .Jed yesterday of the wound ln
dieted by his nepl.ew, Antoino Demar
eo, Tuesday night, at the time the lat
ter killed Killepl Corelll, Augustino's
brother. The weapon with which the
double murder was committed was
found yesleiday near the scene of the
affray. It Is a steel file, sharpened to
a point and at the sides, making a
keen edged danger seven inches long.
Swlts! nod'-i X w '.Ve-Miilont.
Bern- Sv. ftaeriand, Dec. 17. The
federal assembly has elected Eugene
Ruffy' to be president of the oonfsd
eration. M. Mueller was elected vioe
president. Both president and vice
president-elect are Radicals. The new
president of Switzerland was the vice
president for 1897, and succeeds Adolphe
Put an end to misery. Dean's Oiutmont
will cure the worst case of Itching Piles there
o?er was, and da it almost instsntly. Years
of sntfering relieved in a single ullit. Get
Dunn's Ointment from your dealer.
Dentil of A'plinn-e Hamlet'.
Paris. Dec, 17. M. Alphonse Daudet,
the eminent author, expired at S
o'clock last night. He was dining with
his family, and was In excellent
spirits, wherrhe was seized with a sud
den c. ncope. Phyr Icians were sum
moned, but he died almost immediately.
"I triul a bottle of Salvation Oil 011 a
wound and was cured within several days. I
never hail such a good remedy as Salvation
Oil in my hands.
Mrs J. C. Duncan, Lexingtun, Mo."
Kllloil li.V ItifcBt'iiiir IlyWIiool.
Pittsburg, Dec. 17. A flywheel burst
at the South Third street plan) of the
Oliver Iron company yeBterday, In
Btnntly killing Adam Broderich, a wire
drawer, and fa ..'.'.y Injuring Frank
Itoen. another wire drawer. Joseph
Hrown, the engineer, received a broken
arm. Several others wore slightly
r bargain table you will
ireti s Don. pat. tin sizes
ile leather counters and
cni mriuced to so cents. These
are sold fUewhere from 75 to 85
cents. '
Larg stock of Indies' Misses
and Child's Over Gaiters and Long
Jersey ie lined Leggings low
prices an1 quality the best.
SpjjCIAL, No. 1. 224 pairs of
Ladies' fjloth Over Gaiters at 19
cents. ?ome ad see them be
fore youJ3UV'
MenV Dress Shoe 1.00 sold
at other Jfores at $150.
tip LadietJ
about 5
Hand I'm
common t
from 2 to
cut the
Regular p
"For three years I suffered from Salt
Rheum. It covered my bauds to such an
extent that I could not wash them. Two
bottles of liurilock Blood Hitters cured me.'
Libble Young, Popes Mills, St. Lawronce
county, N. Y.
1 )o you have headache, or feel drowsy after
reuding a short time, or when reading uo the
letters or words run together? If you have
any of these symptoms your eyes need atten
tion. All cases of astigmatism and muscular
deficiency carefully corrected and every pair of
glasses guaranteed to lie satisfactory.
Examination Made at the House or at
Onr Store.
No. 7 South Main Street.
108 & 112 Cast Centre Street.
ive the best Dongola pat.
shoe at $ 1.50 (cheap at
IAL No. 2. We have
pairs of Ladies' Fine
n Shoes Coin Toe, (some
inse toe J all small sizes
ty these shoes we liave
once almost in lialf.
ices on these shoes are
?3 00, $fb' and $4.00. Closing
tnem on
buy from i
at $3.oQ the pair,
sizes 2 to 4 only, come
ur store and save your
ft have Com or Mun-
Whitcloek's Sura
If yo
IWII . 1. U A
mm. UUI ( lit uw: "u
it to remove vour corns
and Hot asH tae Hose also tfy "r
w,.ll and Corn Pad.
v m 1 s a ii
Cheai Shoe Store,
Nexi Door to Dru8 Store.
Can be bought from us
this year 35 per cent, cheaper
than during any other season.
This is our holiday induce
ment. Fine Cane Seat Dining
Room Chairs, . . . 75c
Square Extension Table
Handsomely decorated, $2.75
Bed Room Suits in
Eight Pieces . . . $15.00
Plush - Rockers
For Christmas Gifts, $i.oo up.
"Spring Medlclnei," "Blood.Purlflers" and
"Tonics" an Old Fashioned Idea.
Ture blood, strong nerves and muscles
firm healthy flesh can only come from whole
some food WKtt. ninKSTSM, "Wood puri
fiers" snd "nerve tonic ' do not u nili tlie
CAUSF. of the mischiel. 'I he smwclt is the
point to be looked after. The safest and
surest way to cure any form of indigestion is
to tnke aftet esch meal some liarmlew pre
paration which will of ITSEI F DIOKST FOOD.
There U an excellent preparation of this kind
composed of Tsgefftble essences, pure pepsin,
Golden Seal snd fruit salts, sold by druggists
under name of Stuait's Dyspepsia Tablets snd
these tablets taken after meals assist digestion
wonderfully because they will digest the food
promiitly nF.rORF. IT has TIMK to ferment
ami sour and the weak stomach relieved and
assisted in this way toon becomes strong and
vigorous again.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are superior to
any secret patent medidnes because you KNOW
what you are taking into your stomach. Tliey
are sold by druggists everywhere at 0 certs
per package.
Write Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., for
book on stomach diseases.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup secnn sent
as a speriil providence to little folk. Pleas
ant to tako, perfectly harmless, absolutely
sure to give instant relief in all cases of cold
or lung trouble.
Ktlieil by I'm I II lie Klovntor.
CRniden, N. J "Dee. 17. Dy tho fall
of tin elevator at the carriage works
of the J. 'A, Colllngs company George
Spaiks was so badly Injured that he
died shortly afterwards, and Patrick
Connor received Injuries from which
he Is not expected to recover. While the
men were niacin a load of motors on
the elevator plfttform one of the cables
parted with a snap and the elevator
and men fell to the first floor.
Sun l'rnnolneo'n Mm'ilnr Alystory,
San Francisco, Deo. 17. No one lias
yet been arrested for the murder of
Mrs. Alary Clute, who was found dead
in a Ouerrerro street flat Tuesday
evening. Carpet Layer Foley, who was
In the house with her a short time
before the tragedy, has told his story
to the police, and has been allowed to
I bo free. Harry A. Jnokson, who as
slsted Foley In putting down the oar
' pets in the flat, Is also at liberty. There
are many elements of mystery In the
ease, but as yet the police have not
obtained any positive clew to the
Identity of the man who assaulted and
then murdered the young married
Don't Totacco 8plt and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using oasilj
and forevor, be mado well, strong, magnetic,
full of now llfo and vigor, tako No-To-Bic,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds iu ten days.
Over 100,000 cuioJ. Buy No-To-Bao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 50o or $1.00. Booklet and sample
mailed freo. Ad. Stor'lug Bcmeilv Co..
Chicago or'New York.
Tn'flfl ritlleit Kurt Mott.
Washington. Dec. 17. Secretary Al
ger has ehilstened one of the two
powerful f.irta Just erected at the
mouth of the Delaware river for the
protection of Philadelphia. A general
order named the one at Finn's Point
Fort Mott, In honor of the late Major
General Gresham Mott, United States
Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in the world for cuts.
btuisoe, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, fover sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, anil positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mouy refunded. Price
85 cents per box. For sain hv A. Waaler
121 and 123 North Main St.
s? wan -
Santa Claus Can
From us about Furniture that will enable
him to fjivc entire satisfaction to his
beneficiaries. There are manv thiurs in
our stock particulary suitable for holiday
gifts, but any Oue of the numerous
beautiful, well made and useful articles
of Furniture here will prove a flensing
addition to any home. As a special holi
day inducement we oiiertlie loliowing :
A stock of 500 rockers bought at a
reduction, in Silk, Plush, Leather, Silk
iapestry and Brocatcllc, cane seals and
saddles. Our $2.50 rockers now $1.25,
our 4-rx now $2.00, our $4.50 now
$2.5o, our jfb.oo now $3. SO, our f 7.00
now $4.25, etc. Our reason for such
bargains is the large order we placed
which enabled us to buy at close margin.
We must close Uieni out. Our dwelling
space is occupied uy uieni.
121-and 123 North Main St.
Near Robbins' Opera House.
At Pactory Prices.
Call on us. No trouble to
show goods.
108 & 112 Cast Centre Street.
Holiday Offering !
Klegaut Silver Watches, stim wlnilnrs, Klgin
or Waliham movement, 97, 90, 912 and up.
Ijwliea' and Hurt' fine Solid (lo)d uml CI0I1I-
111 1 wl Watches at I.nwot prices.
I.urge amortineat of Iulles' and GenU' Solid
(jolil KinifS (liffortttit patUrim with genu
lue IHamomW, line Ojiale, Rubbles, Sapphires
ami Sulphur Stonse; also One Hand Ulnga,
lateet styles.
llrsceleU In endless variety.
Illg Hue ot 0itll Goods, Silverware, 5Iul
cat JiMtrutnenta, fto., any one of which w.miUI
make a haudaowe awl appropriate IIOI.'DAV
Holiday shoppers should not take Into con
sideration the fact that we are located down
town. The bargains fully repay for the short
walk. We guarantee this If they emit on i,
when shown our prises and good. All goods
warranted. Dollar sales dollar values.
People who fail to look after thrlr health
are like the carpenter who neglects to sharpen
1m tools. Teople are not apt to get anxious
about their health soon enough. If you are
"not quite veil" or "half Mrk" hurt you
ecr thought that your kidney may be tin
cause of youi sickness ?
It is easy lo tell by setting aside your urine
for twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling
indicates an unhealthy condition of the
kidneys. When urine stains linen it is
evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent
desire to urinals, scanty supply, pain or dull
ache in the back i also convincing proof
that the kidneys and bladder are out of order.
There is satisfaction in knowing that the
great remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, ful
fills every wish In relWing weak or diseased
kidneys and all forms of bladder and urinary
troubles. Not only does Swamp-Hoot give
new life and activity to the kklneys the cause
of trouble, but by treating the kidneys it arts
at a tonic for the entire constitution. If you
need a medicine take Swamp-Hoot il cures.
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents und one
dollar, or by sending your address and the
name of this paper to Dr. Kilmer & Co.
Blnghamton, N. Y., you may have a sample
bottle of this great discovery sent to you free
by mail.
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for Throat and
Lungs. It is curing more cases of Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup and all
Throat and Lung Troubles, than any othermed
icine. The proprietor has authorizedany drug
gist to give you a Sample Bottle Jfyte to con
vince you of this great remedy. Price 25c.
and 50c.
Pure sweetness. No
clanger from impure con
fectionery. We sell the
purest and best. Always
fresh, being made .in our
own establishment daily.
An excellent assortment
for the holidays. Look
at our show windows or pay our
store an inspection. We have all
grades and at all prices.
UO North Main Street.
Opera House
J. J. QUIRK, Mgr.
Friday, Dec. 17th.
Minstrel Enterprise.
2 Big SHows In O no 2
Two entirely separate and distinct companies,
Tho finest onuinned Minstrel Conmonv travel
Ing, In mluitlcm to the moat complete Mitt
unci oiiuw in iiiu uriU w jirMKMK
The uiot wonderful urojeoilne loAohina th
world 1mm ever known. Wonderfully renlMfe
ntui iMHUHivuiiiKiy imiuroi. siniiUHKMl jtiCHtrf,
the newest novejtle. projected on canvos, life-
lie sure to hear and nee the latest popular New
Yoric rati
The - Stereoptlcon - Illustrated - Songs.
Ab you hear the words ot the songs, llfe-fze
picture appear, tilutratinir them
before the audlenoe.
Lookout : for ; the : Noon : Day : Parade.
Prices. - - 25. 35 and 50 Cents.
Chart at Snyder's Drag Store.
tteoond door blow Cherry and Main strcota,
Expocln to M'f Mn.v Wlicnt llcnoh r
Hollar nnil a iinn.
Chleiiio. ln 17. (it-orRp I). French,
the rwognlrcil afrent or me i-oiwr in
terest In wheat. Irntiartea a on 01 in
formation today which wheat ipecula
imve for months been anxious to
know, lie also ventured a preaicuon i
on the future of May wheat.
"Our wheat eost us very near ,u
cents." said Mr. Frenen, -anu ai
price we think we can afford to take .
It in, pay for it anu see wnai u iuukb
like. Our position, an we nave saiu
right alonf, Is simply that or mer
chandisers. The line was bought, In
cluding the transfers, at the price T
name, ana our position is not mai 01
he sneeiilator. As soon as the de
ficiency of supply and the urgency ot
the demand become more apparent I
will not be a bit surprised to see May
wheat at $1.60. At that time the high
est price In the country win ue at
Minneapolis the millers' market."
There is no need of little children being
tortured by soald head, ecsema and sit in
eruptions. Dewltt's Witch Has HilNeslves
instant reuoiauu cures pernvanBinT . u.
l'lrel l'lrol Fire I
Insure your property from loss In the
oldest and Wrongest cash companies : Phlla.
Underwriters (Insurance Co. of Norm
America and lira Association), Hartford
Kiro Ins. Co . American Fire Insurance Co.
West Chester Flro Ins. Co., United Flretncns
Ins. Co. T. T. WILLIAMS,
133 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah
ST Broadway.
Green's Bld'e.
Brokers in Stock,Grain and
Investment Securities.
Direct Private Wires to All Principal Cities
Information cheerfully given
over the telephoue
At Four Score
Dr. Miles' Nervlno Rostoros HetltK
y I
Tho Xoxt a. "v. It. Unciimpmont.'
Cincinnati, Dec. 17. The date for the
national encampment of the Grand
Army of the Itenubllc was fixed late
yesterday afternoon for the week be
ginning Sept. 5. To come to this con
clusion It required a long conference.
The local committee some time ago had
recommended the week of Auk. 20 to
Sept. 3. This met opposition on the
ground that It would come Just before
pension payment In Ohio and several
other states. It also was objectionable
because It lapped over from one month
to the other. The entire day was spent
in consultation, and when Sept. 5 to
Sept. 10 was selected It met the ap
proval of the executive council, as well
as of the local oommlttee.
It Is easy to catch n cold and Just as easy
to eet rid of it if you commence to uso Ono
Jlluuto ToURli Cure. It cures congas, coius,
hrnncliltig. rjneumonta and all throat and
iuiiR troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to
uso and sure to euro. u. ll. uaKenuucn.
HOLE BZEKIEL ODEAK, assessor and
iax collector, Beverly, Mass., who has
ttaSsed tho 80th llfo mile stone, eaysi
"Dri Miles' Itestoratlvo tfervlnp has dono a
great doal of good. I suffered for years from
sleeplossncss and nervous heart trouble.
Yfouli feel weary and used up In tho morn
ing, had no ambition and my work seemed a
bnrdon. A friend recommended Dr. Miles'
Kervlso, and I purchased a bottle under
protest as I had tried 60 many rcmodlos un
successfully, I thought It no uso. But It
gave mo rostf ul Blocp, a good appettto and
restored uo to energetic health. It la a
grand good medicine, and I will gladly wrlto
anyono Inquiring, full particulars or myaat-
istactory experience
Dr. Miles' Remedies I
are sold by all drng-
tlsts under a positive I
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases ot tho heart and
nerves f roc. Address, I
DR. MILES KEDT AL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. 1
H miioo-
.Rostoros .
Pt. Health ,
A Handsomo Complexion
! nnn ftf tha irTestoBt charms a womaa can
nosseaa. Pozzoni's CouruxioK Powdsb
The workingiiien can save money by making their purchases at our
store. We are offering an excellent shoe at the re
markable low pride of
. , . ."1 ...
For which other stores are asking $1.50 and $1.75. Other goods In
proportion. We make a specialty of. repairing.
Two doors nbove Merchants' Bauk.
ps? Schuy I kill Dental Parlors,
7 North Jarilln Street,- ,y a i. .
A first class dental parlor where all the branches .of-'dentistry are skill
fully executed.
Best Artificial Teeth,
Good Set ol Teeth,
GOLD FILLINGS. - - ' - $i.o0 and up
All our work is occotnpnnled with a gun ran tee."
-8gReadymade Clothingls-
CIPWO - out - fiKE
Of Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods to be soid 25 per cent
below cost, until our large 'stock has been disposed of. The stock consists bf Men's and
Boys' Fine Overcoats, Men's Suits in all styles, Boys' Suits in all -styles, ' Hats and "Caps,
Trunks and Valises, Gloves and Furnishing Goods. i.
- it ,
No Reasonable Offer Refused.:
;Come and Get First Choice.
This is a grand opportunity for the buying public to .secure gopd .fixt class clothing, wich
is due to my retirement from the clothing' business. Our store is a- Mecca for clothing pur
chasers. We always lead others follow. Our stock consists of new, clean, stylish and the
best of ready made garments. This is no fake, but an actual closing out sale.
TKe Reliable Clothier,
IO & I2 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.