The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 16, 1897, Image 3

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The Pyramid Pile Cure Curei the Moat Ag
gravated Cases of riles With
Absolute Safety.
Pyramid Pile Cure will cure the most ag
gravated caie of hemorrhoids In an astonish
ingly short time. It relieve! the congested
part", reduces the tumors . instantly no matter
how large, allays the inflammation and stops'
the aching or Itching nt once.
Thousands who Wl resorted to expensive
surgical treatment have heen cured hy the
Pyramid Pile Cure In a numlier of Instances
persons who have spent month In a hospital
under n pile specialist.
It it a remedy that tione need fear to apply
even to the most aggravated, swollen ami in
flamed hemonhagc tumors.
If you are afflicted with this stubborn dis
ease you can master it add master it quickly.
This remedy is no longer an experiment,
but a medical certainty.
Dtuggists sell it at 50 cents per box. It I'
becoming the must popular pile cure this
country has ever known and drugglols every
where are ordering it for their customers.
For book on cause and cure of piles address
Pyramid Oo., Marshall, Mich,, (fnrniLily ol
Albion, Mich.)
Part I, Diseases of Horses.
Part II. Diseases of Cattle.
Part III. Diseases of Sheep.
Part IV. Diseases of Hogs.
Part V. Diseases of Dogs.
Part VI. Diseases of Poultry.
Same book in better binding OO eta.
earn bits' md. co., ear. milium Jt su. , s t
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopnthlo Specific
No. 518, In uae over 40 years, the only
ueceasful remedy.
tl par vial, or S vials and largs vial powder,for $S
Sett hy Drug fill, or Mnl poitpilil on rtcclpl ot prtci.
IBMrUKKtS' BSD. CO., Cor. Willi... A Jok.SU., Ha Tori
JLWT Jftrtrous . Falling Mtm
mrt, n)otmer,81BlMnM, Btc.,cfta
frT XVm n4 otbr JC10MMS and lndt
vwHmu Thy quiehly and anrmlw
nstar Loat YlUlitT in old or ronnf, ant.
aI -1 J - hn.l.... f n a-! ana
omak Tn.nliv ami r!sninniDtion ft
hlr u4 town immadlftta tmprov-
UUAN WHfraaUCUliri laUl. Lm
rf hvrtoff th iwrtnin AJ-oc Tblt. Thej
nMfiuMifA-1 and will euro rou..n Rive
& rftmem cawanfc to ffect a care In each cam
nay. JTlcaOO nw perracKaea.or
ill traatment) for 9lQb. Br mall, in
Fr aIa In Shenandoah, Pa., at A. Waaley'i
ad KlrltiVa, Drucfflata.
To Any Reliable Man.
Marrclotif appliance and one month's remedies
f rara power will too tent on ti Lai, without ant;
adonnei paymtnt, by tho Inreaiou company in I ho
world In tho treatment ot men went, broken, dla
00 or &ed from effect of excesses, worry, oter
work. Ac llappr mnrrl uo t ecu red, complete res
toration or development of oil robuit conditions.
The time of this offer la limited. No O. I).
0 1 no aocepuon, n. exnnsiirt. An a rem
riiT asm
Pure sweetness. No
danger from impure con
fectionery. We sell the
purest and best. Always
fresh, being made in our
own establishment daily
An .excellent assortment
for the holidays. Look
at our show windows or pay our
store an inspection. We have all
grades and at all prices.
110 North Main Street.
Superior Sarsaparllla...
and Orange Champagne.
Agent for
Shenandoah and VIclnitj
Beer and Porter
Total Wreok of the Sohoonor Susan
P. Thurlow OiTMaino's Ooast,
lie- China to a Sipnr Until rinnlly
Thrown on tho llpiieli hy tho Wnvos.
Tho Aottnir Cnptnln nml the Mnto
Aiiintiir TIioho Lost,
Portland, Me., Deo. 1G. The schooner
Susan I Thurlow, bound from Hllla
boru, N. D., for New York, with a
cargo of plaster rock, went to pieces
on dishing Island, and tho acting cap
tain and five members of the crew were
lost. One sailor managed to reach the
land, and he informed the Inhabitants
of the wreck. The Thurlow w,as built
in Harrington, Me., and hailed from
New York.
The single survivor of the disaster Is
R Ilelmann. He tells the story of the
wreck as follows:
The Thurlow encountered rough
weather off the Maine coast Tuesday
night, and as the storm Increased the
captain decided to make Portland har
bor for shelter. He was only a few
miles out from Portland when the
rudder rope parted, and the vessel be
came disabled and was left at the
mercy of a heavv sea. The captain
and crew tried to repair the steering
gear, but even while they were thus
engaged the schooner struck on the
All three masts were carried away
hy the force of the Impact, one of the
topmasts striking the captain and
crushing one of his legs. The captain
and mate ordered the men to Jump for
their lives. Relmann was caught by
huge wave and hurled Into the sea.
He was washed upon the beach on the
Island three times, but was unable to
obtain a foothold and was swept back
by the undertow. He managed to get
hold of one of the spars and clung to
It for a long time, finally being carried
upon tho beach by the waves.
He lay on the beach, benumbed with
cold, and exhausted by his battle with
the waves, for some time. At length
he dragged himself to the hut of a
fisherman, where he was cared for until
morning, when he was brought to this
city, and the story of tho disaster be
came known.
The bodies of the acting captain,
Mate McLean and three Bailors were
washed ashore on the Island during the
night. Nothing was left of the vessel
In the morning. The beach Is strewn
with spars and other wreckage.
The mate of the Thurlow, L. Heljer-
sen, of New York, was In charge of the
vessel, the captain having left her
when the schooner was at Philadelphia
because of Illness.
'Barney's Bohemian Beer.
MCS fa. JTr?lSHirT!!i da.Vir "Pamirs saj I
TV-. iKGirio CovrKiLAPi
Tot l Povlnsky's drug store, K
Centra street.
Twonty-two T.lvos May Ho Lost From
tho Cleveland.
San Franclbco, Dec. 16. Uncertainty
as to the fate of the overdue Bteamer
Cleveland, which sailed from this port
Dec. ! for Seattle, was cleared away
by the receipt of a telegram yesterday
from Captain Hall, maBter of the ves
sel, addressed to the owner, Captain
Charles Nelson, of this city. From
the rather Indefinite details so far re
ceived it appears that the steamer Is a
total wreck on the west coast of Van
couver Island, In the Barclay sound,
12 miles north of Cape Heale.
Despite the warning of Captain Hall,
who advised the men to stick to the
ship until she was beached, 22 men
launched and manned the small boats.
None of these boats have as vet been
heard from, and it Is feared they are
lost, although It Is possible that they
may have landed on the coast of Van
couver Island at some remote point.
Captain Hall, Chief Engineer Hassar,
Purser Whltbrlck, three sailors and
one fireman, who remalged on board
the Cleveland, succeeded In reaching
the shore.
"For three years I suffered from Salt
Rheum. It covered my hands to such an
extont that I could not wash them. Two
bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured me.'
Libbie Young, Popes Mills, St. Lawronco
county, N. Y.
Loudon's lilt; Flro Was Incendiary.
London, Dec. 10. During the course
of Inquiry Into the recent great fire tho
city solicitor, Mr. Henry Homewood
Crawford, said expert evidence had
proved that the lire was not accidental,
and the evidence agreed that the fire
was started in a stack of clothing In
the show room of Waller & Brown,
mantle manufacturers. Mr. Brown, he
added, could not escape the fact that
he was the only person In the show
room Just prior to the outbreak. Mr.
Brown announces his willingness to
testify further.
ForWeak nnd Run Down People.
tJIIAT IT IQ I Tiio richest of nil restorft
nllHI II IOI tlye foods, becnuso It re-
Elncea the essentials of liro that lire ox.
muted by disease. Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, nlmse, etc.
digestion per font It creates solid flesh,
muscle and strength. The nerves being
made strong tho brain becomes utlve nnd
alear. It restores lostvltallty, stopsnll wast
lng drains and weakness in cither sex, and
as a female rcRiilnfBr has no equnl. l'rlco
6O0., orflvo boxos SiOO. Druggists orbrmalU
Wo can help you. Advice nnd book, free,
Wflto Us About Your Case
UiaCbestnutStrcot. Philadelphia,
Oonilng Kveuts.
Deo. 20. KlondlkoBocialat the Primitive
Methodist church.
Dec. 31. Twenty-fourth annual ball of the
Eoscuo Hook & Ladder Co., No. 1, at Uob
bins' opera house.
Deo. 20. Grand ball In Bobbins' opera
liouso for tho benefit of Tlioums Martin, who
lost Ills left 11 rm wliilo at work at tho Gilbur
tou colliery.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant ltlilge, O., says,
"After two doctors gave up my boy to dio, I
saved him from croup by uslug One Minute
Cough Cure." It is the quickest and most
certain remedy for coughs, colds nnd nil
throat and lung troubles. C. II. llagonbiirh.
Twenty Coupons of the HERALD
will par for the Workmanship t
beautiful llfe-slzr, freo hand ermyem
worth $10.00. Taken Item any dl
ttnet pliotograpb,tlntype or dairerreo
typs nt M. Keeker's Studl., JOS West
Centra Street, Shenandoah. Pa. All
wo require Is 60 cents for material.
Those who purchase frames na.
noining at an xor pictures.
of frames from $1.60 up.
Christ. Schmidt,
1 1 Agent and Bottler of
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
A Specialist on Rupture from Williamsport,
will visit
Shenandoah Every Thursday
Ferguson House, from 9 a. m. till 1:30 p. m.
Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or
110 pay. Written guarantee to absolutely
cure all kinds of Rupture without
operation qr detention from
Absolutely no Danger.
. . Examination Free.
loo persons cured in Sunbury, Shamokin,
Mt. Carmel and vicinity who can be referred
to. Charges and terms moderate and within
reach of all.
Uucklarx'a Arnica Salvo.
The best salve In the world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheam, fever Bores.
lilt. l,n..nA n,llKlaIH. . V.I
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or ao pay required. It ia guaranteed to give
periecc satisiacuon or mony reranueu, race
85 cents per box For sale by A. Wasley.
VcnonWilo "Widow Mnrtlerod.
Trenton, Dec. 16. Mrs. Elizabeth
Gunn, a widow, aged 7B years, was
found murdered at her home on the
outskirts of the city last evening. The
discovery was made by a storekeeper's
clerk, who had called to deliver some
groceries. Mrs. Gunn was found lying
on the floor with a towel tied around
her mouth. Death was caused by
suffocation. Investigation by the po
lice show the house to have been ran
Backod, and the theory Is that the per
petrators had gone to the house for the
purpose of robbery, and hud only In
tended to gag Mrs. Gunn. Mrs. Gunn
was supposed to be rich, hut from In
dications In and about the house the
Impression was an Incorrect one, as she
lived In comparative poverty.
Borne Foolish Feople
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it
will wear away," but In most cases It wears
them away. Could they be induced to try the
successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam,
which is sold on a posltire guarantee to cure,
they would Immediately cc the esctllent effect
after taking the first dose, Price 25c. and 50c.
Trial slie free. At all druggists.
To Ifosumo Aftor Mix Yonrr-fdlone's8.
Lebanon, Pa., Deo. 16. The Lacka
wanna Steel nnd Iron oompany, of
Boranton, has leased the Bird Coleman
furnaces at Cornwall and the North
Cornwall furnace. These three furnaces
have been Idle nearly six years. They
will go Into blast early In January.
sehold Mecesstt
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical dlBcotery of the ate, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently and
positively en kidneys, Hrer and bowels,
cleausing the entire system, dispel colds, euro
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
U.O.C. to-day: 10, IS, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all d.-ugflits.
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Take nc
risks but get your houses, stock, far
niture. etc., insured in first-class re
' liable companies as represented ky
Also Life and Aocldant! Coaapaal ea
Celebrated Female
I'omlcrB never fall
'lu.ui 1 Aiii dceiarflTTfera
fafii lurafaftar fill In
with Tamy id rranyrojal lllli and other lilt
RmedlMl. Arwarffbuythe bat sad avoid dtop.
rotntment. Guaranteed aupertor to all other, Itoutfvda
Uatk Bar Bortoii Mu.
I.thornln Ittorior tlin I'rnvlslnnnl Kx
rmiMoti ArrniiKtinictit With Aiiatrln.
Hilda I'esth, Dec. 18. A conference
of the Liberal party yesterday, after a
long speech by Baron Banffy, the pre
mier, unanimously adopted his bill for
the provisional extension arrangement
between Austria and Hungary.
Baron Banffy Introduced a bill In the
lower house of tho Hungarian parlia
ment on Dee. 8 to prolong the Ausglelch
for a year, without reference to any
action on the same subject on the part
of Austria. Francis Kossuth, leader
of the party advocating an Independent
Hungary, made an obstructive motion
that the bill should be referred, not
to the financial committee, as Is usual,
but to the committee of the whole
house. This motion was defeated by a
vote of ISC to 37, and the next dav It
was cabled from Buda I'esth that
Baron Unnffy was negotiating with
Kossuth for an arrangement that
would secure the passage of the Mil
before Jan. 1 next.
cnTON's cszrraLizER
,ui general or special debility, wakeful
jfi, spermaterbesa, emissions, Impotency,
. jrcsls, etc. Corrects functional disorders,
iufed by errors or excesses, quicldy restorioi
Loit Manhood in old or young, giving vigor and
-trength where former weakness prevailed. Coo
niwtt package, simple, effectual, and lgitlaial
ftaa'f . diciivii ill imitation: Inun en
CATON'S Vitalliers. Sent sealed II your dm
itl do not have It. Price ft Per pkge, 6 for $5,
v ilh written guarantee of complete curs.
I mition, references, CU., Iree and conAdential,
ft -n J us statement ol caie and 25 ctf. for a week ,
trial treatment. Ouo only sent to each person. I
'old at Kirlln'a drug atore. Shenandoah, Pa
Don't give them tea or caiTce. Have you tried
the new food drink called Oraln-0 7 It is
delicious and nourishing nnd takes the place
of coffee. Tho more Grain-0 you give the
children the more health you distribute
through their systems. Grain-O is mado of
pure grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like the choice gradesof coffee butcueU
about 1 as much. All grocers Bell it, 15c and
Doulili. Muwltir- In "Il'ttirnii'H Alloy.'
Stamford, Conn., Dec. 16. A double
murder took place last night at a place
called "Hogan's Alley," near the city's
sewer station, in the lower part of the
city. The victims are Fllleppo Corelll
and Augustine Coielll, his brother,
Italian laborers, aged, 43 and 40, re
spectively, and the murderer Is An
tonio DeMarco, aged 19. The affair was
the outcome of nn altercation over
money matters. Fllleppo Corelll was
killed by being stabbed to the heart.
Augustine was living at midnight, but
he had been disembowled, and his death
is momentarily expected. The mur
derer Is under arrest.
Mrs, Mary Bird, Harrisburg, I'a., says,
"My child is worth millions to me; yet I
would havo lost her by croup had I not in
vested twenty-flvo conts in a bottle of Ono
Minute Cough Cure." It cures coughs, colds
and all throat and lung troubles. C. II.
Kefloin lonlstx Oppo-o I'axson.
Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 1G. At the
American Federation ot Labor conven
tion yesterday resolutions were pre
sented protesting against the appoint
ment of J. 11. Paxson as Interstate
commerce commissioner. The resolu
tions declare him a bitter enemy of or
ganized labor, and denounce "his con
duct In resigning the office ot chief Jus
tice of the supreme court of the state
of Pennsylvania by telegraph for the
purpose of accepting an appointment
as a receiver of the Philadelphia and
Reading railroad, and assisting In
wrecking that company."
Miss Allio Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was
frightfully burned on tho face nnd neck
Pain was instantly relieved by DoWltt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the injury
without leaving a scar. It is the famous pile
remedy. C. H. Hagenbuch.
Ftiurlttvo if-Iil6i KotiirnR.
Cincinnati. Dec. 16. Itlchard 11. Wil
lett, the missing cashier of the banks
at Leavenworth, English and Marengo,
Ind., arrived In this city from Augusta,
Ga., yesterday. Mr. Wlllett declares
he is not a defaulter, and says he left
$15,000 cash, which could Just as well
have been taken with him. He says
he loaned too much. He foresaw a
coming crisis, and fled because he fear
ed personal Injury owing to the enemies
he had made In the county seat con
test In that county. He says he will
return to Leavenworth Saturday, and
will do all In his nower to assist the
assignee In settling the affairs of the
It is easy to catch a cold and Just as easy
to get rid of it If you commence to use Ono
Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat nnd
lung troubles. It is ploasaut to take, safe to
use and sure to euro. C. II. Hagenbuch.
The Russian barkentlne Bering took
to San Francisco a cargo of fur skins
valued at U.000,000.
It Is said that Professor King, of
Olivet college, Michigan, will be the
next minister to'Slam.
Byron Gilbert, aged 7 years, has been
admitted to practice conditionally In
the Kansas supreme court.
Greece has asked a month's exten
sion of time for the ratification of the
treaty of peace with Turkey.
It Is likely that the movement to place
alcohol used In the arts upon the free
llBt will not succeed In congress.
The president Is expected to send
several nominations to the senate be
fore congress adjourns for the holidays.
The steamer Prince Albert was sunk
and an engineer drowned In collision
with the steamer Larnaca, near Ant
The Senate Passes a Bill With That
Olctfeot in View.
No Word bo Full
of meaning and
about wliiolt suoh ;
tender reeolleo- I
tloi's oluster as 1
thai of "Mother,"
yet there are
months when her
life l filled with
pain, dread and
looks forward to
the final hour
with trloomy
forebodings, fenr and trembling.
"Mother's Friend"
prepares the system for the ohanee
taklnc nlace. assists Nature to make
ohild-birth easy, and leaves her in a by an Interesting debate upon the bill
condition more lavorauie to speeuy re- presented by the foreign relatione com- i
covery It greatly diminishes the mlttee providing for the prohibition of 1
danger to life of both mother and ohiid. pelagic sealing by Americana. Mr.
Sent by Mall, on receipt of price, $1.00. nook Davis, chairman of the foreign relo
to "Hypaomnt Mothers'' free upoii application. ; tons oommlttee, said that the bill was
Both HatmeaTnKR Advantage oflfvery
Opportunity to Attack Tills Law.
Bill to Believe Klondike Miners
Ul ttPil 111 the Senate).
"Washington, Deo. 18. Proceedings of
the senate were enlivened yesterday
Graduate and I.ato ltealdent llou Sorfr
lh University Htnte ! N. Y.
Ilefldduartew.-Oomnierolnl Ilfttel. Mieuiindanl!
TIlltHE -iKAIl CO U He) It
Ortlls night or day promily raanomled.
Office IWnn butlillnc. corer of ftnln an
Centre streets, SheiiAndonb.
J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., was for
thirty years needlessly tortured by physicians
for the euro of ecrema. Ho was quickly
cured by using DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve
the lamous Healing salve for plies anu sKin
diseases. U. 11, llagenbucn.
2p V. Centre Street.
Dealer In Fruit d Confectionery, Nuts.
Cigars, Tobacco and Toys.
St'rlko Iiiiinlucint In Full Hlvor.
Fall River, Mass., Dec. 16. The spirit
of unrest Is strong In the breasts of the
operatives of this city over the ap
proaching reduction of wages. Secre
tary Thomas O'Donnell, of the Mlue
Spinners' union, sayB that it is the
unanimous opinion of the spinners that
the reduction should be resisted. The
weavers say they will expect to have
assurances of financial support from
Lowell, Lawrence, Manchester and
other cotton centers, where the oper
atives understand that the battle
which Is likely to be waged here is for
all New England. If the opinions of
the labor leaders as expressed on the
street may be taken as an indication,
a strike will be ordered.
Mixed oandles
chocolate drop..
....8 to Mo per lb
13o per lb
Ilia for Mo
10c par lb
7o ter lb
It Is a plain fact that twenty por cent, of
the deaths in our larger cities aro cui.std by
consumption; and when we reflect that this
terrible disease can bo forestalled by Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup, shall we condemn the
sufl'erera for their negligence, or pity them
for tholr Ignoranoe.
Iluudfeomo Suin'mor Itosldeueo I In rued
- Bomervllle. N. J.. Dec. 10, The hand
some summer residence of former State
Senator William J. Keys, of New York
was burned to the ground last night
It contained many valuable oil paint
lng and other works of art. These
were badly damaged. The cause of
the fire Is unknown. The loss is esti
mated at about 180,000.
17c Per Box.
The Drail field llegulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
ShennndoAh. Pa.
Corner Market and Centre street'.
Lock Box 65, Mahnnoy City, Pa.
Ha vine studied under Home of the heri
masters Ip Liondon and Paris, Trill give leKn
on the vlolln.mandolln. irultar and vocal cultare.
Tcrmi reasonable. Add reus in care of 8trou
the jnweler ben and nan.
A genuine welcome waits yon at
Cor. Haiti and Coal Sts.
Finest whiskers. bera. porter and n)o
constantly on tap. Choice emperance drink-
una clear.
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
is the oriRinnl nnd only FRENCH
safe and reliable cure on the mar
ket. Price. $1.00; sent by mail
Genuine Bold only by
S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah.
a j:itYOUMij:Hii,ri' y( rfuiuor
NeilMitmte, Hpeclal Jflvaea, Viir
Iroccle, Nti'lctiirt. Xo Cut tin sr.
Nmult limlcvelopttt Organ. ts JNoaL
In ull cnie, IVeftli caves cured
to lOflay. Scndlucts. stamps fur BoAc
'"Prut h.,ronlv trim inpiHrril hrmlr KYrwMlno
2? formulas
of noted
Relieve and Cure
: Head Troubles
: Stomach Disorders
: System Irregularities
"For every III, a special pill." 2
If not at Drue Stores, write
: Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkers,N.Y. 2
Health Book Mailed Free. 3
November 2S, 1S0T.
Trains will leave bheiiandoah after tha Im...
date for Wlgrans, Qllberton, Krackvllle Dual
Water, St. Clair, rottsvlllo. Hamburg, Baadlnf
,viiownii,.uwiu.Yi)iiil numsiown ana zm
adelpbla (broad atreet station) at GtfS an4 1101
a. m. nni2u p m. on weelc days. HundaTu,
0 08 a. m.,S 10 p. m. For I'ottorlllo nad Inter
mediate stations only (11 a m. nu4r ilu.
Sundays, 9 45 a. m.
Trains leava rracKvllle lor Sheaandoah ai
10 40 a. m. and 12 81. 5 41. 751 and in it n
Sunday, 11 13 a. in, aud i 41 p. m.
lycave roiuviue lor Hlienandoab at 10 1!
a. in. and 12:03, 5 15, T 25 and 10 20 p. m. Suuda
SI 10 40 a. m., 5 15 p. in.
Leave PhlladeloMa. (Broad
Bheiiandoah nt 5 07, 8 Soand 10 19 n. m., 4 10 and
, . i. iu. hd.1. ubi. ounaaya leave at a eo a. m
Leave Broad atreet station, I'blludalpMa, u
Sea dirt, Aabury 1'ark, Oceaa Grove, Lorl
urnuuu, nuu llliermeuiais Stations, 0.H
11.14, a. m., 8.80 and 4.00 p. in, week-days.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
ISxDresa. week-dava. 1 90. 4 Si. I u sin a ui
7 88, 8 20, 8 88, 9 50, 10 21 (Dlnlnr Car), 1160 a. m!
12 oo noon, 1 2 SB (Limited 1 vo mat 4 2t cm.
DlnliiK Cars), 140, 2 80 (Dlnlnt Oh) in, ass,
4 00,3110, 5 041 Dining Car), SOS, ffl'u leoo
p. in., 12 01, night. Suudays, 8 20, 4 0Q, 4 69, 6 It.
8 20,0 88,8 50, 10 21, (Dining Oar), 11 86 al m,
1285, 100 iDlnlng Oar) 230 (Dining Car), 4 60
(Limited 4 M Dining Oar), 5 30, 6 So,(Dlnlug Sari
685, 7 02,7 48, 10 0U p.m.. 12 01 nlgbt.
KipreM for Boston without change, 1100 a m.,
weak-days, and 7 48 p. in., dully.
I'ur Baltimore and Washington, S te, 7 30, 8 98
10 JO, 1128, a. in., 12UD, 1281 (Dining
Cor), 112, 8 18, 4 41, 6 28 0l!rS?
aionul Limited. Dining Oar, 617. 666 IPlu
JB Car, 7 31 IDlnlng Carl p. iq and IS IK
night week daya. Sundays, II 60, 7 20, 9 12. 11 31
a. in., 1209, 115, 4 41, IS JO Congreaalonal Llm
Ited. Dining Car, 6 85 IDlnlng Oar, 181 IBIa
lug Cur p. m. and 1206 night.
Leave Hroad street station via Delaware rive
r!dg-Kxpreas, 7 06 p. m. dally.
""vis uiiitmi street tvari bipreaa 8 66 a m
tya, 8 46, 9 46 a. aa
Ur. Wood's Norway I'iue Syrup seems sent
as a special providence to little folks, l'leas
ant to take, perfeetly harmless, absolutely
sure to give instant relief lu all oaaes of cold
or lung trouble.
Buy Keystnneflour. Bo sure that the name
Lebbiu Sc Baeb, Ashland, I'a., is priuted on
ever sack,
bridge K:
Leave frl
2 00, 4 00,5 00 p. 111. Suud.i
vuwununonaiioil tuu ana 5 00p
lu aid of negotiations now pending
among the representatives of the gov
ernment of the United States, Great
Britain, Russia and Japan. Mr. Pt
tlgrew, of South Dakota, sharply an
tagonised the measure, saying that this
country had already suffered more ;
than enough humiliation on account 1
of the seal busings, and that he fa- '
vored the settlement of the question '
by killing all the seals as they appeared
at the rookeries of the Prlbyioff Islands
If by the 1st of June next Great Britain
also had not agreed to a prohibition of
pelagic sealing. lie offered an amend
ment to that effect, but It was defeated. J
The bill was passed by a vote of 37 to !
14. Mr. MoBrlde, of Oregon, endeavored
to secure the adoption of his resolution
directing the secretary ot war to supply
relief to the suffering miners In the
Klondike region, and appropriating
$160,000 for that purpose, but the bill j
was recommitted. The session closed
with a spirited civil service debate upon
the bill presented by the census com
mittee providing for the appointment
of a director of the census and 32 em
ployes who should form the skeleton
of an ofllce force for the 12th census.
In the executive session of the sen
ate yesterday a treaty between this
country and Mexico extending for a
year the time for marking the bound
ary line between the two countries was
.referred to the committee on foreign
relations without being read.
The house spent the day In the con
sideration of the legislative, executive
and Judicial appropriation bill. Only
one amendment of Importance was
adopted. It reduced the clerical force
at the pension otlloe 95, Involving a
reduction in salaries of $115,000. The
civil service question was the chief
topic of discussion, and the proposition
of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
Vandcrllp to retire clerks for age was
made the text for denunciations by Mr.
Moody, of Massachusetts, and Mr.
Johnson, of Indiana, both defenders of
the civil service law.
Lard Is gross animal fet, seldom pure, always unhealthy. Cottoiena
la mainly refined vegtffjbla oil Blwnys clean, pure, nutritious, whole
some. For every pwpose for which coks were once compelled to
use lard, Cottolene
and most economical, Improves food and health.
it saves aoctors mat, yet any doctor win ten you
to use It instead of I
Thegenalno Cotlolei
ponnd yellow tins,
and steer's head i coff in
guaranteed If sold I
Chicago. Stl
i sold everywhere In ono to ten
Oar lrftde-mrk "cwrofene"
KrvaiA on every tin. Not
Other way. Made only by
lis. New York.
K ST..
it of in
221-240 NORTH BAlERIl
Parties Intending to getlfences In the spring, can save ten per cent, by
ordtring In the winter months.
- - j' -4 ' uu- ;," . 1
Mrs. SI. 11. Ford. Kuddoll's. III., suffered
for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic
constipation nnd was Anally cured by using
DoWltt's I.ittlo Early Risers, tho famous
littlo pilia lor all stomach and liver troubles.
(J. II. Hagenbucli.
Accused Inlth Heulor Holcnscd.
Washington, Dec. 16. Judge Mills,
of the police court, yesterday dismissed
the charge against Mrs. Bertha E.
Sessford, a Christian scientist, of prac
ticing medicine without a license. She
treated a child who was suffering from
diphtheria, and who subsequently died.
The judge based his action on the
ground that the local statute, strictly
construed, did not cover the case.
9& A
for those who will go to-day and get a pack-
ago ot UKAiiN-u. it takes the place or
codec at about i tbe cost. It is a food drink.
full of health, and can bo given to the
children as well as tho adult with great
benefit. It is made of pure grains and looks
and tastes like the finest grades of ifoclia or
Java coffee. It satisfies everyone. A cup of
(Irain-O is better for the system than a
tonic, because its benefit is permanent. What
coneo breaks down Qraln-0 builds up. Ask
your grocer for Grain-O. 15c. and 25c.
IndU'riiioiir Fo'v Llftol ignored.'
Baltimore, Dec. 16. The grand jury
yesterday Ignored the Indictment
against General Felix Agnus, on thi
charge of criminally libeling Senator
George I.. Wellington In The American
on the morning of Nov. 20. The article
was a very bitter attack upon the of
ficial career of "Senator Wellington,
telling things which he had done and
other things which he might do In the
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new lifo and vigor, take No-To-Bac,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from
your own druggist, who will guarantco a
cure. 50c or S1.00. Booklet and samplo
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Ecmody Co.,
Chicago or New York.
For Soinera Point Hxpreaa, 8 66, a. ra 260.
4. 500, p. m. week daya Sundays, 8 46 a. bl
J, U. HtmimkaoM, J. n Wood.
Uen'l Manager. UeuT l'aaa'g'r Agt
A TKim. Tins a mu nt womim'b net ivr
Alwtva nmmiit unit ta.ll
0 ('iTOR'i'KiNir 1'it ui urnl sa t k at o . .11,'
At ' ruif alorttt, or twin ilin i fsu lswt 1 a 1
Cjt4 Brio. Co . B-fftos, Mm. Out Uk to.
We're Expected
V Business,
Apd our expectations have been
realized. General business is
better, which accounts for part
of our increase ; but our goods,
our prices and our fair, square
wUy of selling shoes accounts
for more than anything else.
The Factory Shoe Store
Is,the leadine Shoe Store in this
arc sellii
Stagg K
region ; its position has been
er rned, and will be maintained.
O ir shoes have outside style
and beauty, inside excellence and
agents tor genuine Lamucrtvllle
f Rubber Boots. All good
lings come to us.
the factory
sslSHOE store,
J. A. MOYER, Mgr
Two Kht'iiiHid .lillllilliN lt(ciiitiirod.
Chambersburg, Pa., Dec. 10. William
Winters and Albertus Staley, two of
the Jailbirds who escaped Tuesday
night, were captured later at Green
castle. The other Ave are still at large.
The saws with which they cut through
the ceilings were furnished by a New
York bweetheart of Thomas Grant, one
of the escaped burglars, and the rope
which let them down after outtlng
through the ceilings and breaking
through the gable end of the jail was
made of bed ticking by the prisoners.
Consumption Positively Cured.
Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant, of Chii
howie, Va., certifies that lie had consumption.
u.i given u j iu uic, souif nt ail meu leal treat
ment that money could procure, tried all
cough remedies he could hear of, but got no
relief; spent many nights sitting up in a chair;
waa inuuceu 10 try ur. jiing s New Discovery
and was cured by use of two bottles. For
past three years lias been attending to business
and says Dr. King's New Discovery is
the grandest remedy ever made, as it lias done
so much for him and also for ethers in his
community. Dr. Kino's New Discovery is
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Consump-
iiuii. 11 nun i wi, iriaiuotllta tree at A.
vtaaiey' irug stoie.
V.wlH.vii linn mcl'a .Mliimii.,. ItHkfif.
Managua, Nicaragua, Deo. IS. 1'real
dent Zelaya gave an elaborate bannuet
last nignt to tne retiring United States
minister, Lewis II. Haker. Covers were
laid for tt. Mr. Iiaker left for New
ork today by way of Panama.
Kor sale at Klrlln's drug store and Shenandoah
drug store,
How to book Good.
Good looks are really more than skin deeo
depending entirely o a healthy condition of
an mc vnui organs, ii me liver be luacmc,
you have a bilious look ; if your stomach be
disordered, you have a dyspeptia look ; if
juur Kiuueys ue aneciea, you nave s puicbed
look. Secure good health, aud you will surely
have good looks. "Electric Bitters" is a good
Aiierauvo ana ionic. Acts airectly on tbe
Mui.iaLii, over ana Kianeys runnes tne Dloocl
lUies pimples, blotches and boih, and gives
ihhI l-'vcry Ixiiile guaranteed
Mihlat A. Wash) i diug store. 50 mils
Checks Given With Every Purchase. Twenty-Five Dollars
WorttrGets a Beantllnl Parlor Lamp.
hi 1 i 1 1 . 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rt i iit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 . s tm j
S T'O'Ft sa:
Jiiiiimiiiiiimiiiimiiiuir -
are progreaeiva and keep lufornipil .fH
V the World's Progress. Tho will in-
K formeil nnd thrifty House-wilo vill
0 always keep 5
- 1 41. n 1 .. n .. . I 1 -
ill iiio iiour1, e u Riniiimrii rv-iiitMiy inr
Hprnlns, Bruises, Cramps, Itlimiiuu'lUm. X
nnd ail aches and pniim H
Prle 25 cti and SO ctl. psr bottle E
fitf b( H 1. HACKETT ft CO . Philad.l,l,.a.
1 1 1 r i : : 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 ' 1 1 1 li 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 tS
Shave with."
EMERY WOti .Hi'ii
SemsUBMs nfil
iUf. 1 rel',,ble. aaoothly, ngulaUBg medietas. On'y harmlsu mi
tne pa.t drugs should be oaad. Ifyouvautlhe txwl.gat
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pill
For Sale at KIrlin's Drue Store, Shenandoah.Pa.
23 50
pip n-t l,
Al I 0
" " f- ms'ii'Stioa. fasi sri-ts an lUs Mral Uxa-
' ' ' ' ' ''V' "Ut uqs,. rAFli.ilurslrrsallS. bisn
" - . Mimtn tl. t an., nr Nrwlerk. . sit.J
. ve. n-aaaaaaar-aia.a'aa.a4'aae