The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 07, 1897, Image 2

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South SAumn Htiikkt. Nkah ckmthk
XMie IIchIU tfe tlHv.'l in l-rimnttoKn ind the
fMirrotindlnf tnw.i for W vvui n wwk. pay
iM Dt1iftrrtora. H umil $ 00 n seer, or W
cent i month, payable n sulvnuM-. AilvmrMiw-
mm via oliATXaM)ir.!'iiK towpneeftjui pontlton.
Tit MUtitiii rT w 1 1 rti M to t-hrUkffa th
oUton of advert m n-tipnrver Ilia pub-ftt1o-i
of nwn MTiHii4ln It. The Hint t
trecrvfaJ to retfeui i-lvrrtltieri.onV Wutfit
iwld f r or noV ..tut "he publisher may ttwm
Improper. AuverttmuK ramie known
itpiwj tipt1(ntloii.
K iU-Ttnl nt the postoftlcr nt ntn nntidimh, P., M
HtM'onii eljuw luali oiAtter
"All the News Thai's Fit to PtiW,"
Evening Hr!cl
That is a most striking suggestion
luude by United HttUes District Attor
ney Heck, of Philadelphia, in Ills
communication to the Common Pleas
judges, in which lie says : "A right
which, confers upon an alien the priv
ilege or voting for the balance of his
lifelatue upon questions of public lu
wnst should be attended with at
bait oh much formality as a license
to sell liquor for a year." That is a
view f the matter that has probably
nt ei in curred to many of the judges
who grant naturalization papers.
Congress Reassembles.
The members of Congress., on reas
- luiilniK at the national capltol, find
that the few months which have
Iia-ted since It was culled in special
session by President JIcKinley have
been extremely satisfactory in their
jjevelopinents. The turiiT law, which
wiib placed upon the statute books by
the action of the special session, has
fully justified the predictions of 18
frainci's and supporters, the Adminis
1 1 at ion has made splendid progress
in its work with reference to foreign
affairs, while the reports which mem
bers of Congress bring from all parts
of the country show vastly improved
business conditions.
Increased earnings among farmers,
increased earnings by railroads and
railroad men, increased earnings
among mine operators and mine
workers, increased earnings among
manufactures these are the reports
whjfoh members bring from every.
part of the country. From Kansas
alone comes an ofllcial report placing
the valuo of farm products in that
state this year at ovor $00,000,000, an
ine.renso of more than 30 per cent, as
compared with Inst year, while the
reports of mortgages cancelled in
that and all of the farming states are
equally gratifying. From the manu
facturlng and mining sections the re
ports are quite as favorable.
Naturally the llrst eliect of a pro
tective tariif is to increase the num
ber of people employed, and it is not
until the second .stage of its work has
been reached that the effect is felt in
the inoroase in wages. This is now
making itself apparent, for reports of
increased wages come not alone from
the manufacturing centers, but from
the great iron mines of Pennsylvania
Michigan, and elsewhere, and from
other industries of this character i
the Ohio Valley.
One subject for which members of
Congress of both parties are looking
with interest is the statement of
Senators Pettigrew, Mantle and Du
bois, who hurried away from Wash
ington at the close of the special ses
sion to visit Japan. It was an
nounced that their object in making
this trio was to examine into the
causes which led Japan to abandon
the silver standard and fall in line
with the progressive gold stan
dard nations of the world Japan, it
will be remembered, was a shining
example of free-silver prosperity dur
ing the discussions of 1890, and no
single incident since the defeat of
1890 so mtwh disturbed the silver ad
vocates as the loss of Japan from
their list of silver-standard countries.
Those gentlemen will be called upon
to give a definite report or an explan
ation of their silence.
Another subject which interests
members of Congress much on their
return is the announcement that all
Ameriqan prisoners in Cuba have now
been set at liberty. It will be remem
bered that this administration, when
it came into offloe nine months ago
fftTind fliffc a very large number of
American citizens were confined in
rtiihan orisons, and had been so
confined, in many eases, for months
Within less than a single month
many of these were released.and now
Congress finds, upon reaseeiuuiing,
that through the firm but conserva
tive course of the administration
every American eitiien who was thus
confined iu Cuban prisons, aim nau
iMD so confined for months, if not
vears. has been set at liberty.
'Pl.o nnrations of the tariff law
ilnrintr the four months since Con
gress placed it upon the statue books
und left it to begin H onreoi in m
face of adverse conditions, have been
vArv satisfactory. Wltli a iiuutirei
million dollars' wortli of surplus for
eign importations upon the markets
tl.a unnntrV. Hie OOIHHVIOI1B IU
whinli it entered upon its work were
r,f course. BXtremely unfavorable. In
r. nt that fact, however, its
earnings have steadily increased, be
ginning with a little over 119,000,000
iu its first month, and now seaehiug
mora than 25,000,000 m ovewber,
in .,ii month since the tariff bill
was nlaced upon the statue books,
the earnings have increnied, and the
ip...u,., official who have been
. ... ,iin,. tin. nw law carefully are
thoroughly satisfied Willi its pros
,iects as a revenue producer
Thus it set-ms that memlir rs of ' 'on
grea, and the American people gen
erally, have no oooanlon to regret the
U'lrrtion of William MoKinley Hull a
1 Ht'tiil)li(an C'oi-gres.
TO Ct'ttB A 0OI.H If 0!H DAT.
Take Lixutlve Brorao Quinine Tablets. Alt
druggists refund the money if it fail to
i n re. 25c. The genuine has L IV Q. on
inch tnlilet.
Mayor Strc.nic Is endeavoring to ar
range gi-eator New York celebration.
A bltl Introduced In congress by Mr.
Adnmson, of Georgia, proposes to make
every postoffire money order office.
Albert Giles, a prominent farmer of
Van Buren county, Ark., was mur
dered from ambush by moonshiners.
Dr. W. B. OrlRgsby Is under arrest
at Oaktown, tnd., charged with wife
Secretary Gage's estimates for the
next year call for $182,647,885, which Is
about $32,000,000 In excess of that for
1898. The postal deficiency is estimated
ft 16,048,11$.
Behold Necesslt
Oucarets Candy Cathartic, tlie moot won
derful medical discovery of the x. e pleasant
nml refreshing to the taste, set gently mid
piwltivfly on kidneys. Hrer aud bowels,
oli'simiiift the eutiru system, lieil colds, care
headache, fever, hsbitusl constipation and
biliousness. Please buy mid try a box of
0.0.0. to-day ; 10, US, BO emit. Sold and
ctmntntocd to rum lir all druirlsto
Itanquct Imr KWorec I'enrv.
Itond' n, lj' c. V. Lieutenant Peary,
the Arctic (xrlorer, was tendered a
banquet last evening by the Gr-fsraph-lcal
club, Pir Clements U. Markham,
president c: 'ho Tlnynl Geographical
society, presiding. Afterward Lieu
tenant Pear lectured In the theater
of the T'i,he,f'ty ff London under the
auspices 'f th Hoyal Geographical
scrlity. A :.r"c aucMcnce received
him I'i'.f! I '. ' .y a. I'll the heartiest
npiiiur. ".
Tor Infants and Children,
The ft-
It 03
Mrs. Aiitfcl h fust DIhuiIksihI.
New York, Dec. 7. The action
brought by Mary Ann Angel against
Helen Gould and others to enforce an
adiiyjasurument of dower in the estate
of the late Jy Gould was yesterday
dismissed by a Jury in the supreme
court. A short time ago application
was made by the plaintiff to discon
tinue the case, but the court denied the
motion aniTordered the case put on the
Jury calendar. Yesterday counsel for
Mrs. Angel produced an affidavit from
his client In which she said: "I was
never married to Jay Gould or to any
man df that name, or to anv man
named Jason Gould." It has been
clearly Bhown that Mrs. Angel was
made the tool of others, for the pur
pose of assailing the Gould millions.
The Greatest Discovery Yet.
V. M. Kepine, editor Tiskilwa, 111.,
'Chief," soys: "Wo won't keen house with
out Ilr. King's New Discovery forConsump
tion, Coughs and Colds. Experimented with
muny othors, but never eot the true remedy
until wo used Dr. King's Now Discovery.
No other remedy can take itt) plaoo iu our
home, ns in it wo lmvo a certain and sure
rure lor LoueIis, (Jolils, Whooping Uougli,
tc. It is idle to experiment with other
remedies, oven if they are urged on you as
just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery.
Tliey are not as gooil, tiecnUBo tuls remedy
liana record of curesaud besides is guaranteed.
It neve fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at
A. Wagley's drug store.
Victims of tile PriiRiic. Ittots.
Vienna, Dec. 7. It Is officially stated
that since the beginning of the dis
orders at Prague there have been COO
arrests, 300 people have been Injured by
thi swords of the police and troops,
and 80 policemen and 20 soldiers in
jured by the si ones of the mob.
nuickest to trie null
wliov) liver is in jrood condition. DeWitt's
Little Early Risers are famous liltlo pills for
constipation, liillousnees, ludl2Mtion and all
stomach and 11 or troubles. C. II. Ilngon
buch. i i. - ten.
Wavci V, . . Y. i ' . 7.-C. T. Hull,
,r li'iiny ytars cashier of ihe First Na
'onal bank, tf Athena, N. Y., was ar
ested yertirday by the United States
marshal, charged with embezzlement
and maidng false entries In the books
of the bank. He pleaded not guilty,
and gave ball in $2,000 for his appear
ance on Dec. 28 for examination. Hull
left the bank's employ about two years
Tried Many Medicines
Relief Came Only From Hood's.
" I suffered with a pain in my stomaoh
and head, and had heart trouble. I tried
many medicines without much benefit.
Finally I thought I would give Hood's
Sarsaparilla a trial, and it has completely
cured the pain in my stomach and bene
fited me in other ways." Joim M.
Pritchards, Avoca, Pennsylvania.
Hood's SarsapanUa
Is the best-infaet the One True Blood PurlHer,
Hood's PII16 cure Indigestion. 28 cents.
-Sttccewsf lo
ran noun & vmim,
105 S. Main Street.
Headquarters for a full and com
plete line of groceries.
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Orange Champagne.
0Sl All A
Dr. David
For five years
Mrs. Jane S.
Dane, North
field, Vt., was
afflicted with
Kidney Disease and Rheuma
tism. She suffered so she
could not turn over in bed.
Four bottles of Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy completely
cured her. That was two years ago, and
there has been no return of cither trouble.
mmm down.
Five Members of the Jennings Gang
Behind the Bars.
llo and Ills Urotlior I'rnnk VToro Try
Inir to ISsonpo Into Arkansas In n
Covered Wagon When 1'hoy Wero
Surprised by a Mnrslml's Posse.
Muskogee, I. T., Dec. 7. Four mem
berg of the Jennings gang of outlaws
were lodged In Jail here last night. Al
and Frank Jennings, the reputed lead
era of the band, are amont' the pris
oners. The two Jennings brothers and
Tom O'AIalley were captured by four
of United States Marshal Bennett's
men while traveling In a covered
wagon toward the Arkansas line. The
deputies surprised them on the road,
and they surrendered without firing a
shot. The deputies then went to a
house near Bond Switch and captured
Morris O'Malley, catching him In bed.
Since last Tuesday the deputies had
been close upon the troll of the bandits,
for whom there are standing rewardB
aggregating $8,000. On Tuesday last
Marshal Bennett's men encountered the
gang at a house In the western part
of the Cherokee nation. The deputies
then succeeded In arresting John
O'Malley, but the others made their
escape at that 'time and had evidently
satisfied themselves that the officers
had been eluded, as they were not pre
pared to resist when surprised.
The Jennings boys and their follow
ers are charged with several crimes,
but were particularly wanted for the
hold up of a Bock Island passenger
train In broad daylight several months
ago near Chickasaw, I. T. They are
alBO accused of having stolen 400 head
of catttle from the Chlskasaw nation.
Al Jennings has been a leader In Okla
homa politics He was at one time
county attorney of Canadian county,
and Is a lawyer of considerable ability,
and both Al and Frank are graduates
of the University of Virginia. Another
brother was killed by Temple Hous
ton, of Texas, during a saloon row
about two yars ago. Al Jennings was
shot In the arm during the same af
fray. The brothers come of a highly
respected family. Their father Is pro
oate Judge of Woodward county, O. T.
Harvey Martin, who Is believed to be
a member of the Jennings train rob
bing gang, was captured In the Creek
country, O. T., yesterday.
Fill a bottle or common glass with urine
and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sedi
ment or settling indicates au unhealthy
condition of tho kidneys. When urine
stains .linen it is evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or
pain in tho back, is also oonvinciuc proof
that the kidneys and bladder are out of
There is comfort in the knowledge so often
expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish
in relieving pain In the back, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of tho urinary pas
sages. It corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects
following use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
night to urinate. The mild and the ex
traordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
realized. It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by drugfisU, priee fifty cents
and one dollar. You may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail.
JUntion the Herald and send
your address to Dr. Kilmer Sc Co., Dingbamp-
ton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper
guarantee the genuine of tliiscffor.
(.'oiiiieotlcut City Klocttniiri.
New Haven, Dee. 7. Elections were
held in a number of Connecticut cities
yesterday. At Wllllmantlc Oscar O.
Tanner, Democratic nominee for mayor,
defeated George W. Maloney, Repub
lican, by a majority of 230. This was
u reversal from the election two years
ago, The council now stands seven
Democrats and five Republicans. At
Rockvllle Edwin T. Heath, Republi
can, was elected mayor, but the Demo
crats elected three members of the
common council, a gain of two. At
Putnam Lucius Fuller, Republican,
nth., wu la tli.fAf.tMt fnp mavnr twn v.aru
ago by Lebbeus B. Smith, Democrat.
by a majority of 24, was yesterday
eleoted over Smith by a majority of 1M.
Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Vs., was
frightfully burned 011 the face and neck.
Pain was Instantly relieved by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Halve, which healed the Injury
without leaving a scar. It is the famous pile
remedy. '. II. llageubui-h.
CascareU stimulate liver, kidneys and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe, lOo
SCS Are CURHD with
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.
is cood for Kidney. Bladder and
Urinary ailments, which it cures
quickly. Constipation yields at once.
All Illood Diseases are
permanently cured.
IFgmen's Peculiar llh
cannot exist if this
great remedy is taken.
5 a bottle.
riie l'lorliln Limited Will Agilii ltuu on
tbe Southern llnllwny.
The Florida Limited, which is tbe syn
onym of all that is elegnit In modern rail
way trains, and which during its former
service has been a prime favorite for tourists
from the North seeking the mild ellmate of
Florida, will he placed iu service by the
Southern Railway about the first week in
January, 103. With its return lo service this
train, which will be solid Pullman ve.stlhulcd
between Ner York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustine will present features in tin- way of
luxurious and comfortable appointments not
lierttofure presented, and which will be
destined to add still further to Its already
well established popularity.
Tha Southern Railway is having built for
the Florida Limited service three t mi in, each
contaiuitig a dining car, two drawing rooui
sleeping cars, a compartment car and a
library and observation car, each car com
plste in all its appointments and equipped
with the very latest devices and appliances
for tha comfort and convenience of the pas
sengers. While no schedule has as yet been
announced, it can be stated that it will he the
quickest ever arranged between Philadelphia
and St. Ati-ustine, and will be so plannel
that passengers can leave Philadelphia at
some convenient hour during the day and ar
rive at St. Augustine before nightfall of the
following day. Philadelphia Record.
Notice. Applications for lilrther Informs
tien addressed to Jno. M. Ileal), uletrict
Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, 888
Chestuut street, Philadelphia, will recoivo
prompt attention. lO-i'5-tf
Ah llolleetcd liv llciilluir 111 Philadel
phia mid l.nlttmnre.
Phlladi lphta. Dec. 6. Flour Inactive
and weuk; winter superfine. 9j3fii 3.2S : do.
extra, 3.2S(fi'3.75', Pennsylvania roller,
clear, $44.2I: do. straight. W. 4064. 46;
western winter, clear. 4.10,!f4.85; do.
straight, HAKiiM; city mills, extra, $3.80
3.50. Bye Itour 111 limited demand at
fii.!W1j3.10 per barrel for choice Pennsyl
vania. Wheat easy; No. 2 spot, 86960.
No. 2 Pennsylvania and No. 2 Delaware
red, spot, &9Jl97c. Corn Hteady; No. 2
yellow, for local trade, 3&&3ic; No. 2
mixed, In export elevator. 32',ili32iAc. Oats
dull, but steady; No. 2 white, 29c; No. 2
white, clipped, 2929V4c; No. 1 white clip
ped, 29430c. Hay steady for desirable
grades; choice timothy, $12TU2.G0-for large
bales. Beef quiet; beef hams, 32122,
Pork quiet; family, $124(13. Lard steadier;
western stoamed, 31.56. Butter firm;
western creamery, 142lc; factory, 11V4Q
144c; Klglns, 23Vi21c; Imitation cream
cry. 12teil"c; New York dairy. 1320c.
do. creamery, 14(tf23c.; fancy prints Job
bing at 2T6i30c.; do. wholesale, 26c. Cheese
steady; large, white and colored, Septem
ber, 8WI&S14C.; small do. do., 'JtRDUc; light
skims, CliOiic; full skims, 3ft 4c. Eggs
steady; Now York and Pennsylvania, 21
25c; western, frpsh, 20023c Potatoes
steady: New York, $2.25: sweets, 31.76
2. Tallow steadier; city, 3 6-16c; country,
3Vl(3ifcc. Turpentine steady at ffisiesuAc.
Bice steady; Japan, 6fi5Vic. Long Island
and Jersey cabbage, per 100, $304.50. Cot
tonseed oil quiet, but a little steadier;
prime crude. 1814c; prime summer yellow,
22c; on-summer yellow, 21l4c.
Baltimore, Dec. 6. Flour easier; west
ern superfine, $2.703.10; do. extra, $3.35
4.10; do. family, $4.41X8:4.66; winter wheat,
patent, $4.855.10; spring do., $4.u5.15;
spring wheat, straight, $4.704.85. Hay
steady, with a good inquiry for the bet'
ter grades; choice timothy, $13. Grain
freights very quiet; steam to Liverpool,
per bushel, 4"4d., December; Cork, for
orders, per quarUr. 3s. 9d., December;
3s. t!d.iQ3s. 714(1., January. Sugar strong;
granulated, B.0B. Butter firm; fancy
creamery, 23631c; do. imitation, 1819o.
do. ladle, 1718c; good ladle, 1518c; store
packed, 124) He. Eggs steady; fresh, 19
20c. Cheese steady; fancy New York,
large, 9410c.; do. medium, 1010!4c; do.
small, 10V10Wc. Whisky, $1.251.25 per
gallon for finished goods in car loads; $1.27
1.28 per gallon for jobbing lots. Wheat
firm; spot and month, P6liH4c. ; Jan
uary, 9tfiifr97c. ; May, 924c; steamer No. :
red, Uli4H4c; southern wheat, by sam
ple, 91B9CHC.; do. on grade, 9Ui6Vic
Corn firm; spot, 32iS3c; month, 3214
32ttc.; December, new or old, 32f32Hc.
January, 315.8is4c: February. 31K9&C.;
steamer mixed, 8031c.; southern white
corn, 33ei5c; do. yellow, 31!44fS6. Oats
firm: No. 2 white, 2830c; No. 2 mixed,
27f27Kc. Bye firm: No. 2 western, 5314c.
Livo Stock Mnrkots.
New York, Deo. C Beeves Blow; gen
erally steady; native steers, $4.204.90;
Texans, $3.35; stags and oxen, $2.2o4.60;
bulls, $2.508.36; dry cows, $1.9003.26.
Calves slow; steady for veals; lower
for growers; veals, $57.76; few at $8;
grassers, 2.7tkrt3.2&; westerns, $2,758.
Sheep and lambs Steady for sheep, high
er for lambs: sheep, $$4.G0, lambs, $6.75
6.30. Hogs lower at $3.403.60.
East Liberty, Pa., Dec. 6. Cattle firm;
prime, $4,154(1.90; common, $3.253.60; feed
ers, $4'4i-4.50. Hogs slow and lower; prime
medium, $3,404(3.46; fair to best Yorkers,
und pigs, $3.363.4; heavy, $S.803.86;
roughs, $2.264J3. Sheep steady; choice,
4.504.66; common, $33.60; choice lambs,
$6.60.86; common to good, $I.5o6.50;
veal calves, $6.507.
To-night and To-morrow Night,
And each day and night during this week you
can get at any druggists Kemp's llalsam for the
Throat and Lungs acknowledged to be the most
successful remedy ever sold for Coughs, Colds,
Iironchiti, Asthma and Consumption. Get a
bottle lo-Jay and keep it always in the house, so
you can check your cold at once. Price 95c
50c. Sample Itottle free.
ConurexutiHii Itoltteii'i Stti'loit Fall.
Washington, Dec. 7. Representative
Belden, of New York, one of the vete
ran members of the house of represent
atives, was seriously Injured yesterday
afternoon by falling down the marble
stairs leading from the floor of the
house to the basement of the Capitol.
When picked up he was bleeding pro
fusely from a deep gash in the fore
head and another across the nose,
while it was believed he 'had broken
the nose. Mr. Belden was conscious,
but not rational and did not know his
friends about him. It was feared con
cussion of the brain might be brought
on. The wounus were itouna up ami
the Injured man was taken in a ear-
! r'e t0 the Arlington hotel.
Mrs. Mary Bird.
HarrisbuHt. Pa., says.
"My child is
worth millions to tne: yet 1
would have lost her by croup had I not iu
vested tweniv-nve eents 111 s ootue til urn
Minute Cough Cure." It cures coughs, eolds
and all throat ana lung troutiies. u. 11
Ruy Keyittoiielltmr. lie sure that the name
Lessio &. IH eb, Ashland, Pa., is printed en
ever saok.
Wnllpf'x Itcniiir-liivble Perfhrmniicm for
tile l'lrr Twent -Tour Iiunm.
New York. lec. 7. Forty men started
In the big bicycle race tit 12 ID yester
day morning, but at 9.16 o'clock lest
night onlv 26 men were riding. Fif
teen riders had dropped out of tho race,
owing to illnesH, accident or Inability
to keep up the pace. At 9:16 o'clock
five of the riders had passed the 400
mile mark, Waller leading by 426 miles
and 7 laps. Miller was second, nine
miles -behind the lead. Stephane had
traveled 411 miles and 2 laps. Hale,
Wha had left the track several times
on account of his lame knee and a
headache, had made 860 miles, and
there wore 13 other men who had
passed the ZOO mile mark.
The feature of the race up to 'the
present time Is the form exhibited by
Waller. This man's riding was superb,
and called for the continual admira
tion of the spectators. Waller had set
himself a task before starting In the
contest, and he cared not whether his
speed upset the plans and calculations
of o titer competitors. The task was to
covet too miles In the first 14 hours,
and the plucky rider failed only by a
narrow margin. An he rode he bowled
down records as well as increased his
lead over opponents. At the 28d hour
he was 64 miles and 7 laps ahead of
Hale's record. Waller's riding Is of a
character that makes many doubt his
ability to stick It out. He was off the
track only 48 minutes In 84 hours,
Hale's record for 23 hours was passed
by Waller, Miller, Btephane, G. Itl
vcire, Schlnneer, Pierce, Moore and
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., say,
"After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I
saved hlui from croup by using One Minute
Cough Cure." It is the quickest and most
certain remedy for coughs, colds and all
throat and lung troubles. 0. 11. Ilagenbuch.
For ir. ,tira ftitr-t llu i'ck.
Washington, L'ee. 7. The establish
ment and regulation of a postal sav
ings bank system le provided for In a
bill Introduced by llepresentatlve Lor-
Imer, of Illinois. Under his scheme
money order offices selected by the
postmaster general are to be made
branch postal savings banks, with an
office in the department to be called the
central bank. Any person may become
a depositor under this actt including
married women and minors above 12
years. DepoFlts are limited to a dol
lar and Its muytples and not exceeding
S00 each, anif deposits accumulating
above 51,000 will not draw Interest. De
posit" will not be liable to seizure or
detention ui; !er any 'epal process.
Mrs. M. II. Ford.'RuddeU's. III., suffered
for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic
constipation and was finally cured by using
lMWitvs Little jonriy ulsers. tne lamotis
little pills for all stomaoh and liver troubles.
C. II. Ilagenbuch.
The Kli'ort to Save .Moore.
Lincoln. 'eb., Dec. 7. Attorneys for
Eugene Moore, embezzling ex-state
auditor, sentenced last Tuesday to
eight years In the penitentiary, yes
terdcy -?cured from the supreme court
an order for his release on $25,000 ball
pending argument for a new trial.
J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity. O.. was for
thirty years ncodlessly tortured by physicians
tor tho euro or eczema, no was quickly
eured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
the tumous healing salve lor piles and skin
diseases. U. 11. llagenbticn.
Mot Pent" h Pfuylhp: Snnta Clans.
Trenton, Dec. 7. Josephine Warder
died last night from burns sustained
while playing Santa Claus. Miss
Warder enveloped herself In a cloak
stuffed with cottton. This caught fire,
and despite the efforts of her friends
the was fatally burned.
rollowed by Heart Disease, Cured by
II. O. O. SHUXTS, of Winterset, Iown
i-iventor and manufacturer r
Shulto' Safety Whifiletreo Coupllnr
rrites of Dr. Miles' Ilearfc Cure. "Two yea
'50 un attack of LaGrlppe left mo with .
:eak heurt, I had run down in Cosh t
icro skin and bone, I could not sleep ly In
lown for smothering spells; frequent, shar
iartlng pains and palpitation caused n cop
tant fear of sudden death, nothing couh
aduce mo to remain away from home ovc
tight. My local physician prescribed Dr
'Mies' Heart Cure and In a few days I wa.
ible to sleep well and tho pains gradual!)
lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced th
the doses, having gained fifteen pounds, nr.r
am now feeling better iu every way than 1
iave for years."
Dr. Miles' Remedies
.re sold by all drug
Mats under a positive
;uaranteo, first bottle
oiuoflU or money ro
'undod. Book on dis--uses
of tho heart and
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Iufi
inter national
'. SMtinary
Snrreseor of the Unabridged."
The One Great Standard Authority,
vim's iimi, j. i. iinjwvr.
u. n. supreme court.
fUia U. S. Gov't Printing?
I'. H- HuprQM
II the HUtt flu-,
preme c.'ouru,andof near
ly Hit Hie (MXUWlLMMttM
br State HuirintenOnU
or Nchooli, College Pre!-,
d0iita,awlottterJftuctthn ,
whiom. wiutoui auinber
iuvalualile In the liotteehold, and to
the tiwht'r, euholitr, pro-
VaUlittllll Until, mill hOf. .
I, ' 1 cj. y to find the word wanted.
It is t usy to ascertain the pronunciation.
It laa.' v t ) trace the growth of a word,
o 1 ' ' - what a word means.
TU t A Virk Tribune Sayni
MmI 1 I '"i 1 "iii.-s frum the nraas with a t
I'ltr, 1 i 1 nil" tint liiftat thorough Ml- .
- -n 1 ii ' -'1 miltervUlttii. Tha;
11 . i s .,1. Hits a work tt which It S
' 1, 'inn, rt-tt-r. Aprua, itsw.
J L 'i i,.- .. r.iea ent 011 application 10
. - r UHKllTAM CO., Publishers, 1
- ifcstoros i
.1 uat ice
Digestion's Friend
Packincr-housc lard, with all of ita impurities and offensive
qualities, has been supplanted in
discriminating liousewwes c-y lui luiJiiMi!,, me use oi
which means better food, better health.
Is pure vegetable oil, combined with wholesome,
digestible beef suet. It is endorsed bv physician
as healthful and recommended by cooking experts
as preferable to all nulmal fats for shortening and
frying purposes.
The genuine Cnttolene li sold everywhere In one to ten pound
yellow tins, with our trude-marm-'TbKotftie" "! ' ',",' '
cor'en-fjlnnt imaM-on every Un. Not guaranteed If sold la any
a otber way. Made only by
I Chicago. BU Louis. New York. Montreal.
The workingtnen can save money
store. wa are ollering an excellent snoe nt tne re
markable low price of
. . . 1-1 ...
which other stores are asking fi.50 and $1.75. Other goods in
proportion, vve mane a specialty 01 repairing.
Two doors above Merchants' Bank.
iLSchiuylkill Dental Parlors,
7 North Jardln Street, . r-
A first class dental parlor where all
fully executed.
Best Artificial Teeth,
GOLD FILLINGS, .... $i.O0 and up
All cur work 1h rtccotnpnnled with a guarantee.
lerooiinl!y-Conducted Tuurs via. Pennsyl
vania Knllroiid.
Season or 1807-8.
The Personally-Conducted Tourist System
of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company is the
most complete aud elaborate system ef
pleasuro travefiug aud sight-seeing yet da
vised. It is the consummation of tbe ulti
mate Idea iu railroad travel, the final ovoltt
tiou of unassailable perfection.
For tho season of '07 and '08 it hasarranged
for the following tours :
California. Four tours will leave Now
York, Philadelphia, and Harrisburg January
8, January 27, February 10, and March 19.
With tho exception of tho first party going
and tho last returning, all of theso parties
will travel by tho "Golden Gate Special" be
tween New York and California, stopping at
interesting points on routo.
Florida. Four tours to Jacksonville will
leave Now Yotk and Philadelphia January
25, February 8 aud 22, and March 8. The
first three admit of a stay of two weeks in
the "Flowery State." Tickets for the fourth
tour will bo good to return by regular trains
until May 31, 1808.
Old Point Comfort, Richmond, and Wash
ington. Thieo six-day tours will leave Now
York nnd Philadelphia February 10, March
10 and April 7.
Old Point Comfort und Washington. Three
four-day tours will leave New York aud
Philadelphia Doceniher 28, January 29 and
April 23.
Old Point Comfort. Six tours will leave
New York and Philadelphia December 28,
January 20, February 10, March 10, April 7
ami 23.
Washington, Seven tours will leave New
York aud Philadelphia December 28, Jau
uary 13, February 3, March 3 aud 31, April
21 aud May 12.
Detailed itineraries of the above tours,
giving rates and full information, may be
procured of Tourist Ageut, 1100 Broadway,
Now York; 800 Fulton Street, Brooklyn; 7S9
Uroad Street, Nowark, N. J.; or Geo. W.
Boyd, Assibtant General Passenger Agent,
for those who will go to-day and get a pack
age of GRAIN-O. It takes the place of
coffee at about I the cost. It is a food drink,
full of health, and can be given to tho
children as well as tho adult with great
benofit. It is made of pure grains and looks
and tastes liko the finest grades of Mocha or
Java coffee. It satisfies everyone. A cup of
Graiu-O-is better for the system than a
tonic, bocause its benefit is permanent. What
coffee breaks down Graln-0 builds up. Ask
your grocer for Gruin-O. 15c. and 26c.
Booretnry Altror DeolnroH tho Itrutal
Oflloor'M PiiiilMliiuoiit Too Light.
Washington, Dec. 7. Secretary Al
ger yesterday made public the repri
mand administered to Captain Lover
Ing by sentence of court martial. He
"It is disappointing that an offense so
grave should have been visited with so
light a penalty. There la no question
but that Private Hammond deserved
punishment for his misconduct, but he
should have received it In a lawful way.
The military laws governing the army
are explicit. They prescribe the duties
of officers and enlisted men, with the
penalties of their violation. Under them
both have rights and obligations. When
an officer, with the intelligence and ex
perience with which Captain Loverlng
Is credited, not only violates these laws,
but exhibits such a lack of humanity as
Is shown in this case he should receive
a more severe sentence than a mere
reprimand. Committing such acts de
grades the officer more than the sol
dier he punishes and shows unfitness
for the care and command of men.
Under excitement men frequently do
things which in cooler moments they
recall with sorrow and regret, but this
oase is aggravated by the fact that
after weeks of deliberation this officer
evinces no regret fov his wrongful acts."
', Ask your grocer for the "Royal Patent
I dour, and take no other brand. It is the best
J Hoar made.
the kitchens of thouaauda of S
by making their purchases at our
the branches of dentistry are skill
Good Set ol Teeth,
- 30 Cents
pera House,
U. O. QUIRK, Nrlgr.
.h 6,
Mntineta, Tfedacsday and Saturday.
Acknowledged to be the best, with
tons of magnificent scenery
and grandest stage effects.
'Alone in London."
"East' Lynn."
"A Member of Congress."
"The Octoroon."
"The Banker's Daughter."
"A Country Politician."
"Only a Farmer's Daughter."
Prices: - 10, 20 and 30 Cents.
Chart ot Snyder's Drug Stor.
P. 8. Manager Quirk persojially guarantees
this exeelleiit company as positively the
biggest and bent playing at popular
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Take no
risks but get your housos, stack, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
U A V 1 U rJVOl yiw South Jardln SI
Also Life and Accidental Ooupfnal m
(A Handsome Complexion
Is on ef th greatest charms a woman can
posiass. Foixoai's CouruxloK 1'owde