The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 04, 1897, Image 3

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Most torturing and disfiguring of Itching,
burning, acaljr akin and scalp humors Is In
etantly relieved by a warm bath with Cm
COBA BOAr, a single application of CtmoiiRA
(ointment), tbe great skin euro, and a full done
of Cutiouka IIesolvi-it, greatest of blood
purifiers and huuior cures, when all olso fails
It trU ttirDihot the wnrlil. pnrriR Drto and Cut.
Oohr., Propa., ttotton. " How to Ouro Skit llheum, ' free.
Cared bf dmcCaU Soar.
To Alaska
In the Spring will b: Tremendous.
JJtyoat profitable lindnrm will t In trans'
TicrtHtuIii and merchaiuHinff and In furnishing
foot! ftftil minnllM to the nitilUtudo of Gold
SeekeiB lh nhort. n KMiernl Trudfng, Mrean
tttft &nd fHeauiahlp business. It was so lit US It
will bo so In
The Alaska Transportation
and Development Company
$5 000,000
non -assessable
To meet this demand, will own nnd operate Its
Connecting with its own line of large and
Magnificent Ocean Steamers,
Specially adapted for passenger business urry
Ine to that country an Immense amount of sup
piles and equipment for the miners, as well us
furnishing theiu transportation for themselves
and their (roods, and establishing Trading
Stations fvfc different points. An opportunity Is
offered any person, bo they of Btnall or large
means, to buy shares of stoclc In this company
and participate in the
sure to be earned within the next 12 months.
Shares are offeted at $1.00 each
par value, non-assessable, and will be offered
for a limited time only.
Safer than Savings Banks nd Bank Stocks
PaylpB larger dlrldcnds. While numerous
savlnpw banks and banks have suspended,
transportation and trading companies were
never seen in the list qf failures. This stock is
ontof tlio most desirable Investments offered
the public
The Incorporators and stockholders who are
connected with this company are men of wide
experience In similar undertakings and men
whose names are sufficient guarantee of the
standing of the company, to wit :
ALUKItTC. ULATZ, Prca Val Blatz Brow Co.,
HON VM. 10. MASON", United States Senator
from Illinois
D.O. KUWAUDS. Toss. Trafflo Mgr. 0 II. &
D. R. It , Cincinnati.
FRANK A. UKCIIT, of Chos. Knestner & Co ,
CHAS. II. ROCKWELL, Traffic Mgr. O I, & L
It. H., (Monon Route) Chicago
W. O. RINKAR90N, Otuvl Pass. Agt. O. N. O
& T. P. R. R., Cincinnati, O.
B.W. OBI WITH, Pres First National Bank.
Vlcksburr, Miss
FItKD, A. OTT15, past eighteen years with
Shelby Bank, Shclbyvillo, I ml.
J.M. PHILLIPS. Cashier First Nat'l Bank,
Vlcksburg, Miss.
And hundreds of others equally prominent.
Address and make all money payable to
The Alaska Transportation & Development Co.,
Flslicr Building,
Cor. Van Burcn & Dearborn 8ta.,
Mother MoKinloy Will Probably
Novor Regain Oonsoiousnoss.
Alii JftrrouB 7ia FftiMnir Men
r,sT1 OTir.lBipotancjr.Slueplewneff.eto .causae
fj, , v fij Alfaae and other ISipaasea arid India
VliaKJ, CTeUona. Thtv vultUu iHcl aurrla
YrJ rvrtor. Let Vit.lltr In old or loans, and
ayvaL frl a man far atudr, btvlnaaa or marriage
ttxa? lWaat Insanity nnd Con.ununion 11
tattraln Rhus. Their naft eaowa lmmedtato Improje
meet aid row a CUUB wham all other tail. In
fix B!m kartaa that rennlna AJax Table... Thej
Eaiv.aradthaaaaada and will euro rou. So rim
aocrUrv wrIUaa guarantee to effect a cure In each oofit
crrefund the raorier. lTlceBO n per package, p
iupaakacea Hull treatment! for SiCo. Uj
Pors&Isln Shenandoah, Pa., at A. Wasley V
ua A.iriin s, uru(giB,
irnpni T0" breakfast a supper,
Wlmtovor Mny Ilo the Itcnutt of His
Mother Illuee., tlio Clilof Slngls
trnte Will Iteturn to Wnahlugtoii
For tlio Opening or Cohki'oss.
Canton, O., Deo. 4. President Mc
Klnley will be in Washington for the
opening of congress next Monday,
what, ver may be the lnue of his
mother's Illness. It is necessary for the
president to be at the capital in person
tor the opening of a session of con
gress to receive the Joint oommlttees
from the two houses, and until this
committee has waited on the president
and received his communication the
regular business of congress cannot
Mother McKlnley is unconscious, and
the attending physician can give the
family no. hope that she will ever re
turn to consciousness. The president
can do absolutely nothing for her by
remaining here. In view of these facts
thegesldent feels that it is his duty
XMMprn to Washington, so as not to
4JI the proper opening of congress
if the regular time. He has arranged
to leave Canton at 2:05 o'clock this
afternoon. Assistant Seoretary of
State Day, who accompanied the presi
dent from Washington, expects to re
turn to Canton early next week.
Yesterday was one of great suspense
In the McKlnley family. The nearness
of death was realized, and that there
could be no other than a fatal ending
to the illness with which Mother Mc
Klnley was stricken Thursday. The at
tending physician could give them no
hope of a different result, and it is to
he remarkable constitution of the
woman, who has reached the ripe age
of nearly 89 years without illness of
any consequence, that he attributes the
fact that the flame of life was not ex
tinguished earlier in the illness.
The family surrounded the bedside all
day. watching Intently for any rally
from the comatose condition in which
the patient has been almost from the
beginning of the Illness, and at short
intervals the doctor called. But ths
word from the Blck room was almost
without variation, family and doctor
announcing from time to time increas
ing weakness. Only twice was this
report varied by the announcement of
evidence of partial consciousness. The
first was when President McKlnley
reached the sick room. His sister
Helen announced his arrival, saying:
Mother, here Is William. If you rec
ognize him, hold out your hand."
The enfeebled patient seemed to un
derstand and to make an effort to ex
tend her hand, which was immediate
ly grasped by the devoted son. He
thought he felt a responsive tightening
of her hand about his own as he did
so, but the recognition was so slight
as to be almost imperceptible. It was
some time later that a second slight
rally seemed to occur. A bunch of
beautiful flowers was sent from the
conservatory of the White House, and
when they were taken Into the room
she noted their arrival, and seemed to
make an effort to reach for one. The
president quickly selected a beautiful
white lily and handed it to her. She,
took It in her hand and carried it to
her bosom, It being apparent that she
was conscious of the act and appre
ciated the flower. Soon after this she
quieted down into a rest that seemed
to be almost a natural sleep.
Mrs. A. J. Duncan, of Cleveland, who
was summoned from Chicago, where
she had been visiting, was the last
of the four children to arrive, and she
came too late to be recognized by her
mother. She made no effort on enter
ing the room to gain recognition, be
cause it was realized that the effort
would not succeed, and that It would
only disturb the patient. From that
time on the gradual weakening of
Mother McKlnley continued. How long
her constitution will withstand the as
saults of the disease no one can tell,
but it seems that It cannot be much
longer. The president has scarcely
been out of the house since his arrival,
and ha.i spent most of the time in his
mother's room. Only when he felt the
need of a little fresh air and exercise
lid he and his brother Abner leave the
House for a short walk.
There have been many callers at tho
home, aged lady friends of Mother Mo
Klnley being numerous among those
who called to offer sympathy. The in
quiries by telegraph are numerous.
and messages are constantly going to
and from the houses
Christ Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler of . . .
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
A genuine welcome waits you at
Cor. flaln and Coal 8t.
Pineal nhlikeya, been, porter ad ale
conatantly on Up, Choice emparance drlalu
and clgara.
sehold Necessity
Cascnreta Candy Cathartic, tbe most iron-
lorful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently and
positively en kidneys, liver aud bowels,
Jeanslng the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. -Please buy and try a box of
O. C. 0. to-day ; 10, 25, SO cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all drazelsts.
JFInlPrltM, eioliff $100 Cull.
20 Stod " " " $100 Pierce Special Blcjcles.
40 Third
tanwii isiaraia o ss ,
(tmrln, 1097) OUllilgillt SOAP
For particulars send yoor name and fall ariAreeeto X13 A 3T3l-?T)C 5
TnrllrruL.Ttd . linden ll.rrl.n SIji . N. Viik. TV V "A. i 1 JL AX J
" " $ 25 Gold Watohfrs.
We've Expected
A Big Business,
And our expectations have been
realized. General business is
better, which accounts for part
of our increase t but our goods,
our prices and our fair, square
way of selling shoes accounts
for more than anything else.
The Factory Shoe Store
Is the leading Shoe Store in this
region ; its position has been
earned, and will be maintained.
Our shoes have outside style
and beauty, inside excellence and
Wo are selllne agents for genuine Lambertville
Stagg Proof Rubber Boots. All good
things come to us.
And MhiIk nil Knmiifritl Attaiiipt
to Murdor Hln lArcurM.
Lowell. Mass., Dec. 4. Alfred Howe,
a son of Kdwln A. Howe, a let
ter carrier, was arrested here yester
day, charged with murderously assault
ing his father and mother. The arrest
was the result nf an Investigation by
the police, which disclosed the fact that
on Wednesday night Mr. Howe, who
had been awakened by some noise,
found several of the gas burners wide
open. Later a quantity of silverware
whirh was missing, and which It was
thought burglars had taken, was found
hidden umkr a wood pile In the cellar.
Then young Howe was arrested. The
polU'e leaiiK'd thnt Howe, who Is 21
years nf nue. has been thinking of
I marrliK'' for some time, but has been
unnlile tn carry nut his wishes through
i .. .. . , .. .. .i , tt
ihi it ti 1 1 1 1 , 1 I- v . mi, auu ...IB. iiuwc
Imlh (iiiiv.'fe Inpurnnrp.
-J. A. MOVER, Mgr.
Checks Given With Every Purchase. Twenty-Five Dollars
Worth.Gets a BeantUnl Parlor Lamp.
&f 8
Allays Nerv
ousness, re
lieves the
Cramps and
Nausea, and so prepares the
system that the time of recov
ery is shortened and many say
"stronger after than before con
finement." It insures safety to
life of both mother and child.
All who have used "Mother
Friend" say they will never be
without it again. No other rem
edy robs confinement of its pain
free, containing: raluablo information and vol
untary testimonials.
thc bradfield ncauLATon co,atlnt.q,
ThefamousAppllancoandllemi'dlesof I
theErioModlcnl Co.nowlortheQrsttlmo !
oaercd on trial without expense to any
honest man. Not a dollar lo Ivn nnlil
lu advance. Cure liiTrrt3 of Eirors i
or Excesses in ula or Younir. manhood i
Fullr Itcstorcd. ITow to Knlnrcn nnil
Strengthen Weak, Dndcvelnrcd l'oi Hons
of Body. Absolutely unfailing Homo
Treatment. No C. tt. I). or other scheme.
A plain oiler by a Arm of blghstandtnir.
cnin wnnipai rn "j niaqaraat.
1.1111. IIIL.UIU11L UU. BU
rrALU, rt. Y.B
To Prolhllit Fr-eneT Hull lVirllfs.
Paris, Dec. 4. The council of state
has veBted full power in tho hands of
prefects of departments to annul mu
nicipal authorizations of bull fighting.
The decision has caused a great sen
Batlon at Nimes, capltol of the depart
ment of Gurd, nayonne and other cit
ies where bull fighting has been frequent.
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it
will wear away," but in most cases it wears
thein away. Could they be induced to try the
successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam,
which is sold on a positire guarantee to cure,
they would immediately sec the excellent effect
after taking the first dose. Price 25c. and 50c.
Trial siie free. At all druggists.
Det'i't'if-ed Vlnmjio of I'rmico.
Paris, Dec. .- -According to the of
ficial returns the last vintage amounts
to 32,000.000 hectolitres under tho vin
tage of 1896. and about 126,000' hectoli
tres under the average of the .previous
ten years.
The Greatest Discovery Yet.
W. M. KcpiiiB, odltor Tiskilwa, III.,
"Chief." says : "Wo won't kiwn Imnsn with
out lr. Ring's New Discovery for Consump
tion. (youKns auu uuius. Experimented with
many otbora, but nover got tho true, rainedy
nntil an naml n- ITIn.'. wr n,
No other remedy can tako ite placo In our
homo, as in it we hare a certain and sure
cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough,
etc" It is idle to ciporlment with other
romodies, even if they are urged on you as
justascoodas Dr. King's Now Discovery.
Thay are not as good, liocauso this remedy
has a record ofcuresand besides is guaranteed.
It nover falls to satisfy. .Trial bottlos free at
a. wnsioy's urug storo.
Health is Wealth.
Is soldnnder positive 'Written CSuarnntec,
by authorized agents only, to euro Weak Memory.
Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Ouick
noBs, Night Losses, Evil Droams, Lack of Confi
dence, Nervousness, Laesltude, all Drains, Youth
ful Errors, or Excessive Ubo of Tobacco, Opium,
or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption,
Insanity nnd Death. At etoro or by mail, $1 a
box, six for 15; with written cunranteo to
euro or refund money. Nnniplo park,
age, containing fivo dnrsr treatment, with full
instructions, 23 conts. One eamplo only sold tr
oacn person. At Bioro or uy num.
tS"Rcd Label Special
Extra Strength.
For Imnotency. Loss or
i'ower. Lost Manhood,
Btorilit; or Bairennoss.
gl a box; six for $5, Willi
iivrlttnn frnnrantcM'PJ
to euro in 30 dais, Atetoi
BEFORE or by mail.
For Sale at KIRIIN'S Drug: Store.
Thlevlnir ISflifliof dontoncod.
Bay City, Mich., Dec. 3. Charles B.
McCloy, former bookkeeper of the Sec
ond National bank, In this city, yester
day pleaded guilty to tho charge of
making false entries. lie was sentenced
to the Detroit House of Correction for
six years. McCloy after his crime (led
to Austria, but later returned and sur
rendered himself at San Francisco.
for those who will to to-day and get a pact
age of QIIAIN-O. It takes the place of
coffee at about 1 the cost. It la a food drink.
full of health, and can be given to the
children as well as the adult with treat
benefit. It Is made of pure grains and looks
and teates like the finest grades of Mocha or
Java ooffee. It satisfies everyone. A cup of
Qrain-0 Is better for the system than a
tonic, beeauae its benefit is permanent. What
(Offee breaks down Uraln-0 builds up. Ask.
your grocer for Qrain-O. 15c. and 26c
A "Handsome Comploxion
Is eat ef tha ireatast charms a woman can
gives It.
Ainerlonn Ulrl Muy Lose Her I'rlnon.
London, Dec. 4. The Dally Chronicle
ays It has good reaaon to believe the
kliedlve of Egypt will refuse to allow
his brother, Mehemet All Pasha, to
marry an American, in view of the
fact that the child to which the khe
dlvah recently gave birth is a glrl,and
Mehemet Al is still the hair pre'
The Surprise of All.
Mr. James Jonas, of tho drug firm of Jones
Sl Son. CorrJan. 111., in speaking of Dr.
King's New Discovery, says that last winter
liis .wif was attacked with' La Qrippe, and
her case grew to serious that physicians at
Cowden anJ Pans could do nothing for her.
It teemed to develop Into nasty consump
tion. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in
store, aud selllne lota of it he took a bottle
home, and to tha surprise of all she began to
set better rroui nnit uose, ana nait dosen
dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr.
King's New Dlseorcry for Consumption.
Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this
good work. Try It. t ree trial bottles at A
Wosley a drug store.
The people of Shenandoah and vicinity now have
an opportunity to take advantage of the greatest
Slaughter Sale
In Overcoats
ever known here. Mr. Refowich, the One-Price
Clothier, has been selected to offer a large stock of
Overcoats on commission, , at .prices that will bring
them within the reach of the poorest.
The Stock is
Entirely New
and every garment well made, so that the Bargains
will be rare ones. These goods are the product of
thc largest clothing house in New York City, and
have been placed on the market because of the
assignee's sale. They are to be sold on commission
by Mr. Refowich, and this in itself is sufficient to show
that the prices are away down. If you want an Over
coat now is your opportunity. Take advantage of it.
The Reliable Clothier,
10 & 12 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
mm 1
Monthly Eenort of Failures Makas
the Outlook Encouraging.
In Iron and Woolen Mnnufhottlre
AtiikxH the Outlook 1'or ChrlntmnA
llrlitii terror Thirty Tliouianiid Work
er Tho Drop In Whettt n Surprise.
New York, Dec. 4. II. Q. Dun A Co.'s
weekly review of trade aays: The
monthly report of failures shows de
faulted liabilities of tU.SlO.lM In No
vember, against J12.7O0.SS6 for the cor
responding month last year. Despite
three large failures for S8,2SO,000, not
due to present conditions, the aggre
gate In November was $1,060,000 less
than last year, and except for these
would have been smaller than In Au
gust, September or October. The de
crease in nearly all branches of lusl
ness shows that panents have been
remarKaoiy goou ana aerauits unusu
ally small. Other evidences of the state
of business are convincing, except in
speculative lines. Wages have been
voluntarily advanced for nearly 30,000
workers In woolens and Iron. Stocks
are somewhat stronger, having ad
vanced $1.47 for railways and $1.67 for
trusts. The true value of American
railway stocks Is steady, rising with
earnings, which for November thus far
are 20.9 per cent larger than last year
and 3.7 per .cent larger than In the same
weeks of 181)2.
It is the season for waiting In most
Industries, but at least one other fur
nace has gone into blast, and the low
est price of Bessemer at Pittsburg,
after purchases of 30,000 tons, is (10.16
per ton, with $8.26 for grey forge.
Eastern holders are sometimes Impa
tient, and yet sure that January will
bring a large demand, and meanwhile
the award of ship plate contracts to
eastern llrms gives them Important
help, though the demand for bars is
slow at the east and at Pittsburg, but
Is really strong at Chicago for agri
cultural and railway supplies.
The voluntary advance of 20 per cent
In wages of worsted workers at Provi
dence, restoring the rates of 1893, la
evidence of the prosperity of that man
ufacture. After much hesitation in
other branches, which may be Justified,
this important department of the
woolen Industry puts itself at the front,
virtually declaring Its ability to face
any foreign competition.
The low price of cotton still hinders
the buying of goods. Lower prices than
have ever been known are quoted for
print cloths, and also for some grades
of prints, and the average of cotton
goods Is remarkably low.
The wheat market has deceived
everybody, dropping In the face of an
enormous foreign demand Just when
an advance might reasonably have
been anticipated. The western receipts
of 6,882,426 bushels, against 2,961,021 last
year, for the week, and for five weeks
33,962,529 bushels, against 20,871,460 last
year for the same weeks, are Just now
more Impressive In the market than
the Atlantic exports, which have been
4,187,472 bushels, Hour Included, for the
week, against 2,079.467 last year, and
for live weeks 17,617,471 bushels, against
9,817,163 tor the same weeks Inst year.
But In the long run the outward move
ment will affect prices, although the
surprisingly large increase at the west
Indicates a considerably greater yield
than has been anticipated.
Hradstrcets' review says: General
trade throughout the country has pre
sented rather more animation, owing
to colder weather and the approaching
holidays. While clothing, dry goods,
hats, shoes, notions, hardware and
fancy groceries have been In a little
better demand, both from jobbers and
at retail in the region tributary to
Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, St. Joseph,
St. Paul and Kansas City, the tendency
of business has been to slacken. This
is noticeable In Iron and steel and in
further depression In cotton BdB,
print cloths having made a new low
record In price.
Some People too Modest to Confide in their Physician A Woman
Cured of a Serious Disease by a Certain Method, the Only
Drawback of which was, it " Made Her Too Fat"
!im treating a
M to her:
IB liait you
MRS sua
X Should
The doctor came In tian-i
rawieni again in n'enl a:
headache. It wn. his fifth
patient, and each time to
trouble. With a aimpieioB.
sia was incorrect nnd that
symptom and not il .lii
"Madam. It la a i
again. You ar k. .
symptoms whil 11
know. The piim 1 1 linal
that, thrnm'li 11 In Is,
told him 4. I . I II. 11 mi,.
altered f 1 1 1:1 1 .k
it from him mnit t
doctor was di-ciistnl m
but when h knew the loci
The following enne diiTpra
only in the f.u t t hat the pall
to apeak, ami to "rnll 11 ,.
"Words fall to dt,rtlie
endured before I ue,l Dr.
Pills for Pa c I'mnH
B. Clark, of 417 Miohunu
Mich. "For five Tt
from ovarian trouble, aiuf
mv room for month nt x
undergone two operation fof.
ine nospitai, anu seirn-n
inatead of better. I liud thr
the beet nursing, but tor n
was not frae for one -irnle
. . f..l !. a 1 . . 1 .
Ing pains In my naok an.l
1011 wouia scarcely hriu
me now, that for about tin
week for nearly aix yenn. I
bed. Thoae headaoliea nmita atm on me
every week regularly, run twtllil notice
blaek pot before my n asd then I
would go blind, and send for ttfl tj4er.
" At flrat I her would treat la In- India-ra
tion and dyaperwla, then ffSftlty acknowl
adge that something elte embed the trouble.
the MmitnQ IVeiM, IHtroU, -JfleA.
feuad his 1 During the, spells I iu so nerreiH that T
a splitting 1 could not bear to have my hutUed walk
the same I ,'r"" the "W and as the rkwtorj tald there
am rtn .k . . ,
ne same ... . nt reiwu my
.tlawn. I r,,lf. 1 conaenterl to the eperalW whlea
Ms "IfT'O- left me worae off than I WM bVore.
nssttltC lad kept
Wm The old
iwBsnBs. ver esauy
-mm ML 'teat aaal.l
B&ftned to
Usssv'. T have
KB,.riubi at
& mo years I
day frfhn the
unctRv innwr
, to look at
Oftyt every
10 toy in
article in the Enning Xnc about the drag,
gists th it M,ld Dr. William.' IMnk All. us
Detroit. I t.ild my husband I was golBg t
try tlirm and he aaid, 'try anything?
"lite licit liimniug I want into Murphy
Brothers' Hi tig atoro and liotight a box ef
Dr. William.7 1'iuk Pill.. Hr. Morphy
mid he had a hlg sal. for the pill, and per
aonully knew many people who bad bn
helpi'd by them. I took the pills a dlraetrd.
but wna not helped a bit, and I told Mr.
Murphy an, but h. auggealed that I rlt.
them s better trial. Before I had Snl.hed
the m eond liox I hegaa te fael better awl
went down nnd bought a doten boies.
Wlwn 1 had litken ill bniea my headache,
were gone, but 1 continued ualng the pill,
until I hal taken th twelre hoxn.
"Just think what I have raftered by
operationa and vile medicine., when a aim.
pie remedy cured me.
"T!""! J rVTT "in? 'nt Dr. Wil
llama' Pink Pill. ?er Pale People." eon.
tinued Mr.. Clark, "they made me fat.
Since I commenced taking then, Is Jantu
ary, I have gained twentyndx ponBd.. I
remember the many time, when my friend,
eame to He me, when I wm ae this and
week, that they expected to hear that I wfta
deail the next wek. To-day I am perfectly
well, and never fell better in my life, and it
it all due to Dr. Williams' Pink Pill for
Pale People."
All dealer, sell Dr. William.' Pink Pills
for Pale People, or they will b. seat poat.
paid on receipt of price, 80 will a box or
six ttoiea ror z.oo (they are never sow li
ouiK or ny ine ni), ny s.ldrMmnr Dfc W;
iiain.- Aieaicine uo.. Bchen
J A gent for
Shenandoah andMlcinitj'
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Relieve and Cure 2
Don't give them teaorc.fles. Hav. you tried
the new food drink call.d Oraln-OT It is
delicious and nourishing and takes the place
of coffee. The more Graln-O you give the
children the more health you distribute
through their systems. Qrain-O is made of
pnro grains, and when properly prepared
taites like the choice gradesof coffe. but cost
about 1 as much. All grocers sell it, lie and
UiibMiim 'illoi' Kl.ifd H -rollout.
London, Dec 4. A dispatch to Tht
Dally Mail from Moscow aay-B that dur
ing a quarrel between some officers and
students at Kleff, capital of the gov
eminent of that name, recently a stu
dent named Ulyanltskl struck an of
ficer, whereupon the latter drew his
sword and ran Ulyanitsk thrdugh the
body, killing htm on the spot.
p: Head Troubles
Stomach Disorders
System Irregularities
It formulas
of riotxl
'For every ill, a special pill." 2
If not nt limn -t .tea, write
at Bronx Cbemical Co., Yonkers,N.Y.
at Health lloiik M .n d yree.
Tralna will leave Shenandoah after th. atwve
date foi ; Wigmna, Ollberton, FraokTllI. Sank
Water, St. Clair, PoMsvllle. Jramb.rg. KeMnv.
1'nttstown, Phoenlxvllle, Norrlat.wn navt Fht
adalpbla (Bread street atatloa) al I n tai us
a. m. and i 30 p m. on week day.. Ueadim
OOSn. m.,S 10 p.m. For I'otHrllf. aud (.U
mediate atatlona only W a. m. WMk dan.
Sundays, 9 45 a. m. '
Tralna loavo Prackvllle for 8baaaa..ah ai
1040a.m. and 12 81, 9 41, 752 and ! . Z
Sunday, 11 13 a. m. and 5 41 p. m.
Leave Pottavllle lot ghenana'aali at VI III
a. m. nnd 13:35, 5 15, 7 3S aud 10 30 p. aa. Snlar
10 40 a. m., 5 15 p. m. v
Ixatve PhllAdelplrfa, (Broad atreel atari m), tm
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 SSand 10 1. a. aa., 4 lfl 4
f p. m. eek daya. Sunday, leara at e M a, am.
Leave Broad atreet etatlon. Phlladalitala, let
Sen Olrt, Aabury Park, (Inn, Ijmtm
Branch, and Intermediate atarloaa, (J.
11.14, a. m., 8.80 and 4.00 p. m wnbdivi.
Leave Broad 8treet HtalloD. rhlladalaia.
4 00, 00, 5 56 pilling Cor). 600, 7 09.74,' U)
cm lur ihiihou wnuoui cDanra, 11 a. a aa. .
week-day, and 7 48 p. rn., dally.
'l'or Baltimore aud Waahlngton, 8 CS. 7 20 ( SX.
10 30, 1138, a, m., 12 0V, 2 81 (DLli
Oar), 112, 818, 4 41, 5 35 cWgrlf
alotml I.lnilted. IJInlng Carl, 517. .55 fl1.
loir Carl. 7 81 lDlnimr c.n-1 U S ".j'fVZ
night week daya. Sunday., 3 SO, 7 30 12 119.
B. m., 12 09, 112, 4 41, 1520 Conrren onal Uaa".
itl DIiK Cur 6 Jl)inlng ? ,1 w"
ing Oar) p. m. and 12 00 night
I.cave Broud atreet atntinn vtc T.' . r
bridge Eipreea, 7 05 p. m. dally.
Leave Market Street Warf Rxnreaa 8 SO a aa
2 00, 4UI.6 0O p. m. Sunday.? 845?. V Z
(atwnimouuuon 4 90 and 5 00 p. aa )
., Ko? pe S.Iay' Angleae". a.d n.U
Beach, Healale City, Ot.n City, Aral., end
Stone Harbor Kxpreas, 9 00 a. m 4Mb.
week dnya. Sunduya, u 00 a. m ' '
im'5mmm Pol",-Bxpreaa, 8 SO, a. ao.,ISB,
4 00 5 00, p. m. week daya Bundaya, t 4 a. aa.
I. B. IltJTCHISao-C, J. R. wi,
Oen'l Manairer. Oen'l lWrr As.
A TftTaTIV Tl awn a a. Al(-U X aJ'C Dtl cwr
AlWftT firninnlanil rali.Kl. I J.- .
Get CiTnv'. i(..T p, , . . . a . . V i .1 . '
Atdriinflorpg orwntdlrtl(Mftled), pH. II.
ri.ir8pic Co , Bo too. Mm. Our book. t
For wile at Klrlln'n druK store and 8hm&4Mk
drug tore.
C-lehmtAd Fotcaie
j'otailsrfc uaver fall
' ulilaaiaajMUanlUai
utfeaaSfarataev faUlat
I ru. aaa oU)r II a.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bao,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure, 50c or $1.00. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
The Water Company rtttApoiiHlhTe.
Stevens Point, A Vis., Dec. 4. Tha lurv
In the oase of Julia L. Green, as admin-
istrator, against the Ashland Water
company brought In a special verdict
In favor of the plaintiff in the sum of
IB.000 In the circuit court. The grounds
of recovery were the alleged negli
gence of the Ashland Water company
In furnishing Impure and unwholesome
water, containing typhoid arerma. tn
the plaintiff's husband, from the effects
of which ha died. Tha case will be
carried to the supreme court.
Mrs. Sank. Pleasant Kldaa. (V. a&va
"After twodootor. amve un tuv hov tu die. 1
saved him frum croup by ualug One Minute
Cuugh Cure." It i. the quick eat aud moat
certain remedy for eoughs. colds and all
throat and lung troubles. (J. Jl. Ifagenbucb.
Krltteli .milium to Ailvnnce.
Simla, Deo. 4. Further dispatches
from the front say that the Kurram
column of the punitive force of British
troops which mat with fierce resistance
an Its inarch Into tha Chamkannl coun
try, where 30 villages of the Insurgent
tribesmen were burned, has continued
Its advance and Inflicted heavy pun
ishment on the Chamkaonls. These
tribesman held an almost Inaccessible
position on the heights, which waa
stormed In fine style by the Gurkhas,
who captured the position at the point
of the bayonet.
with Tanay eid INatnvrt.yal nBa aad oUwr
MiwiiMi' Alw.c.hi,v ill. ImbI and avoid di
gMntmetit. Uuejantaeu aupasior to. ait ii jimat
Je Uat tu tlie ntVraitt, A No. I rartiff
TtX.B.k Uay.Boakn.Uau.
aa-. Twenty Counnna nf th WrTrar ia Ml
T'm P,1v,',. Workm.nsalp f a
K beautiful llfe-slie, free hand eray.a
ST worth $10.00. Taken froaa iit 4le
f- nctpliotograpb,tlntypordag.rTa
type at M. Hecker'a Studl., te. Vf rt
a- Centre Street, Shenandoah, Ta. All
5 we require Is SO cent, for maUrlal.
Those who purchass frames pay
g;- nothing at all for plotures. Prl.
m v. uiuiiH ugut tl.OU UP.
are iiKigre.-ivs anil keep iuformp. f I
the World's Progress. The WII . x
fornieil and thrifty House-wife will 5
alway-. keep
., nic iiutiM-, muiiiitirii rviiit-oy mr s :
bjiraliM, Urulsee, Cminp-, RhoutaWilaHt, E
uml all aches aud ijuuts
Prus 2b cti audSOLt. par Bottle
Pr.p -a c, II . HACKETT L CO . PttiUOa),!,!.,
-"MtnimiMntw i .itu i.i,i,,i)...
- - - a
Dr. Petal's Pennyroyal Pills
.For Sale di.KlKLIM'S Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
Mrs. Mary Bird. HarrUl.tirg, l'a., says,
"My i liihl U worth niillious to me ; yet I
would have lot her by i toup had I not In
vested Iweiity-tive cent iu a iKtttlo of One
Miuute Cough Cure." ltiurun i-oiikIis, cold
and all throat and lung tioulilt. C. II.
Qandy "catiiartig
LVCH TaSkJ Bj J&&B. TnssaV v'Ibbbb y-uTsu,.
upsiion. rauarrt. art (ha 1,1, I
i.l.ul iiusti eagjnataral ri i I'.
i. mtrral. tan., orlttiff lttrt.
'f mllKt'itltt free A.I l I f.l' , i , ,, i .u