THIS GIFT QUESTION SI Those of yon who visited our uMlnutar nodi 0 have 8IIII ' too what they lire, they mmt he price an right. A ftiw of oar le . Framed Plotures. HU deslm In while nnd M frames, north k- MedafKiM In irtlt frami at 90o . ""y," !' Mlwt from, targe site 11.0 R, M. t Yard of Rates, Violets, eto.,6 and ?8o .... raooKs. Toy book In paper covers, 50 up. " " linen " 10c. tip. Storv bookg. all nrices. Bible Ilcturet and stories In one syllable. 1 50c. Life of Washington, Lincoln and Na; leon in fine binding, Ji. 35 and fi 50 tllblea, hymnals, etc. Daily food a scripture text for every d t in the year 15c. DOLLS. China head dolla, 5c. up. Pelt body, " ajc up Knitted body " 10c up Rubber " ' 35c up Jointed dolls ajc to JI7.50 I)ressed doll age. up Kid body 15c tip Celluloid and China NOVELTIES. Pin trays toe., should be 150 l'in trays 25c. should be 351; Jewel boxes 25c up. Dressing Caie, Work Boxes, Collar and Cuff Albums. Rose Howls. 25c. up China handkerchief aud glove set 52.v "NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS." icon to I IcM CS At Urr.m( 1 1 1 i.l in.'fl IRK hon tl Mtraro plpa'fil nil tlii' large up 1 i' 4 to nil , an 1 il.ulnut tif all the leasen; ar-r Hiiv. rapn Boy." 5'TC. Bicycle .HOOKS & BlWI ill-.... ' V id I Moss Wc ca Ic I Mia I Lhtttn ' Minn I J.cmotHHjhfl S".IUK11HHi Don't Hi: ei OYS. 3C. l.nrjrest Soc and made. nickle 13 in. lottR, c joc '8 25c and 50c oe up 00. And monv others. Tam nta, & 4, 5 and toe C. Tinsel ornaments tc up pud, 3 bundles fur 25c. mdarsold on this line. Over to choose from. aneous. 4c up. l'ewter dishes 10c vvtip and Nuicers. o to 75c. a. Glass Vases. rin Trupets. , Cards, Booklets, Calcn tttflt a year's subscription to paper or magazine maKes Die uuistmas Kin. now will Ik laid alde until Wanted. airommmm' p Shanandosh's Greatest e Store. 2 Conway's 5 & lOcSlore, S 102 N. MhIii St. TO START HOLIDAY TRA W ith a Rush - We Begin o-morn mm mmmmmfmmmt PI l 1 I n i i ? oiitiidiiouan s uieaiesi Store. 3 3 Conway's 5 & iOcStcre, 104 N. Main St. 5 Will Have Their (irand Chf JC: Ing in the Large New Annex ST I I Saturday, Dcce We will show you the largest 1 sc: , . . i sanies ana fancy uooas evei slum-in prices. Our entile new additi n fc but Toys, Dolls, etc. ja Our magnificent new addition, the two continents in Toys, Dolls. Gal will be resplendent in bargain trtilj tender tot to the aged grandparent, vT article here at prices that mean from those that are uSually advertised els gains." We arc never undersold or : we know it. unas Open- o-morrow, Iber4th. 3 What does A stand for? When somfl friend suggest that your blood needs A aareaparilla treat ment, remember that A stands for AYER'S. The first letter in the alphabet stands for the flrat of sarsaparillas ; first in origin, fint in record, first in the favor of the family. For nearly half a century 1HV1 3 SapsapeF.ila has been currnrr all forms of blood (Irenes c-cr.'ula, e. coia, totter, rho ".u alisin, erysipelas, blood poi soning, etc. There's a book about these cures "Ayer'sCurebook. a story of cures told by the cured," which is sent free on request, by Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mass. Tho book will Wereat you if you are sick or weak, because it tells not what it is claimed tho remedy will do, but what your neighbors and fellows testify tint it has dflne. Will it cure you ? It has cured thousands like you. Why not you? Jsrd in Pgssing. :k of Toys, Dolls. this county, at cut devote to nothing liful of the best from SUds. Skates, etc., ivery age, lrom tne t(i the right holiday $fio per cent, below Bre, as ' ureat liar oached in prices if PITHY POINTS. I ''it,t,tiiii TliriiiiYrm,it Hi Country ftri..ntlnt for IIimIt IVrniwI. ' 8ha1ows of the Scaffold" to-night, nt Frransuu'a theatre. Tho attention of holiday purchasers Is called to the advertfcenictit of Max Ivlt. 1 the ttp-taMlHle hatter, which appears on the i aerontt pago of tills Issue. Five engineers weie inltisleil Into the I loi'al bratich of the National Association of Siiitlotmry Knglneeri on Thniwlay evening. Take the children to the nmtlnec to morrow at 8:15. Ten cents Is the admission fattnrday evening, "Jack o' the Mines" will conclude the engagement of "The Htals." "Kullsted for the War" In throe acta will he produced by tho Ifist Creek l)rHniatii comiwDy In Tsuiiierance hall at tint place (n nlght. The lirm'. eds are fur the benollt of Dlvi.lmi No. 1J, Ancient Order of llilicr nlftus A project i under way at l'lttshurg for orratlng a hiinie for ilmf mut4. ltov Frank M. Selp. paitor of Trinity l.u thcrau churih. Lohatiou, has realned Ills charge because of ill-health. Tho ilcfi'iiHo In the Vim Horn murder ttial, at Scraiitmi. oiwuid yesterday, malntalnluir I linl the killing was the result of a playful prank Charged with obtdlulug tiiuiny from liertlm Moyer under a promise of niarri.tge. Unwtn Clewcl1 will Iihvo a hearing oil Jlun day at Alleiitown. John Dora, a track cleaner at tho Der ringer breaker, llutletoii, rss Instantly killed ly care yterday, tho IIhsIi on his legs boiug turn iuii shreds The Sunday schools of Mt. Oarmcl will hohl a convention on the 10th Inst. V. It. Young has been appointed Justice of tho I'oHco at Yoiklllo, succeeding tlie l.ite 'iqutro Ifetniem.iii. r Clemoiii Neikum aud Azalanua West, both of Shenandoah, were granted a marriage license The Pottsvllle School Hoard will enforce the Truant law. At the Locust Gap colliery numerous ltn nrovemeuta havo been made in the past few months. New tunnels havo been driven, new veins otiened, und Various other im provements made. Tho Union collieries at Shauiokln have i been reduced to threo-qnarter time. I Dr. V. S. W. Schonio, of Ashland, will j shortly lemovo to Philadelphia, where ho will locnte permanently. Although DO cirs of age, and having lost an oyo in childhood. "Aunt Becky" Jloore, of Monroe Valley, Lebanon county, uses no spectai loo, and yesterday personally attended guoitaat her birthday paity. or tD4 U!oio icr prc THE FAMOUS. THE FAMOUS. TZ,I Mm iVJBk IIS an asms ri" ,mm LLEB.HH T m m nt hi m n Hi HaTTOmKB B IM Mt IM I IB l-'IX mi I ftnd similar Cotnpaiiiti on a prepared tinaer ttio otiinnt OERMAM MEDICAL LAWS. . prssoribed by eminent pbystolaoe DR. RICHTER S 1 1 Wi.tlrl Prnriwnnrl I Tlumn V ftltlv BllPCflWlf 1.1 ! OnlTRrmitnowIih Trade Mark' Anchor, AU.i;itiLiprA(.o.,eiJirflriPMv iiL 31 h.chest mtm. 13 Branoh Honaes, Own Glassworks. SSAGOcls. Eadorfrmt a. rocooiuiuuUuu by A. Woilej , 1C6 K. Main Et.. n. nagenbnch, 101 N. Main Bt r. r.D. Klrlln, 6 -. Main st, ' henniiMn. 4. v.fl DR. RICHfCR'S 'ANCHOR'' STOMACHAL best ror lot)' , nyspeps'a&Htoniqcp romnlnlnt' nOHHAl.U A siiiiml-liiiml nqunre henter. U Will be sold cheap. Apply at this office. I.10R K1CNT.- Dwell lo No. 228 West Oak struct. lias nine rooms. Hot ami colu water, nnd liath. Centrally locatnt Apply i H V. BroU.t's grocery tore. Jardln ami (le In streets lJ-l-lw rMu Tho itomilur Ashlnnt 1' wltli ayinnnslum nttneheil known ltriick's snortinif resort vhIIav. 1Mnt lift Mnlil at once ling, party engaging In other buslneaa. Kenton- ulile pr co to riant party, inny i omee, or Meo. ltruck's uile, Asliisnn. SENSATIONAL At the Big Store With Little-Prices. . 's Suits and Hen's Overcoats aim y size:. FROM $311 UP. liroiiyliout Maliniioy llenson lor sei- llBBAl.n 1140-1 Sw Mis-'es Nellio D.ivis, Mary an I Mattle Oriilitb, Matle Price "and Maine Morjjmi at tended the Heml-atiuual eouveiitlim of the B. Y. 1. U. of the Heading Association at St. I i)r Boll's PUN are an admirable remedy Clair yesterday. fur rotnmon. family sickness,, and have no Mm Walter Kynkawlez left this morn, superior as a mild, innocent laxative They Ing for Wilkeslmrreo visit her parents. 1 do not gripe. Look for the Bull's Held William S. .Uorgau, of West Cheny trade-mark. street, Is confined to his home by an Rttsik 1,1011 UKNT. 8 ore room ami dwelling. No. 120NoitIi Main street, Is now ready for rent; eontalns plate glass front, mh. range, hot and cold water, bntli, lnrgo ecllnr, yard, ware room and stable ; It is u very deslrab o place for any kind of hu-inpss. Kent rensoimble. Phase apply to O W. Newhouner, 1V2 North Main stroe. lH-tf NOTICI2 TO HTOCKIIOLDICltH. Notice Is boieby Klven that theiu wilt bea meeting of elockholders 61 the ' Slienoixloah Street Itallway Ooinpauj" on the second Monday of January, A. I., 189S, t 11 o'clock a. m , at the ofllec of tboeoni)iany, in ibe Borough of Sheu aiuloah, at J W. Johnson's olliee, No. 3d North .Main stre t, for the purpose of electing ofucera, adoptlme by-laws, und do and perform such other corporate acts as may bo seemed ud- VlS hie. II. ! ltENTSClll-EII, 11-30-2W Secretary. O'HARA'S LIVERY ! BOARDING AO SALES STABLES. of lagripiK. K. A. Oerberlch, M D , of HarrUburg, is in town, with a view of locatiug here l!ev. V F. Dagget, rector of St. Mary Magdnleno's church, at Lost ('leek, made ti very pleasant cuTl at tl.o IIkkalu sanctum this afternoon. Saloonkeepers Warned. Mrs. Isaao Morgin. of North Chestnut street, wrnaall hical saloonkeepers that tin y must nut sell or give drink of any kind to her husliand. Boys' Suits and Boys' Overcoats AMY SIZE. Children's Overcoats from $1.00 up. . - Children's Suits from ' 65c. up. MaHANOY city. Wa Quota a Pew Bv, woniii" ' I'hii'b Jointed Doll, Ilisquc Head WMWi ... .25 10c Jointed Dolls, Risque Head HLkZ , . , 1. 00 ' 48c Kid liody Dolls, Shoes and Stockings, 2t inches 2.00 98c Children's extra wcll-mnde desk '. . . ". , 2.00 98c Magic Lanterns irv- " I"'5 -48c Bisque Figures ' 25 ,oc Dishes pL l.j . . .25 10c . Also a full line of Iron Toys, such as Kugiiiefl -Csfeal and Ice Wagons, etc, ltegulln Contracts. H It. Morgan has returned from a trip to Reading aud Philadelphia on business in counet turn with his regalia business. Ho has 1 An iuiect powder peddler stolo a razor from j n contract to furnish a Polish society of I Willt'llTI Tlnlmrts' liarher shoii vrsterdav and WilkeUtrro with hats nnd badges and the gavo it up when caught in a saloon. Ho also 1 St Joseph's Citizens' Society of town with stole ouo.l'rom Cook's barber shop, hut this pttent canes containing silk flags, was not discovered nutil after tho man left ! - town. Ho wentrto Frackvillc. A farewell party was tendered to Harry Milltvaid lost evening. About forty guests were piesetit nnd ho was presented with a, watch harm. Mr. .Uillward sails for Ung- j land ii'-xt Monday. A Klondike soi-ial was a noval affiir held1 by tho ladioi of the Methodist Episcopal j church last evening, and It was a success. An inquest will be held to-night in the I eases of Wm. A. Steele, Sr., aud Maitin Whit- I tick, who wore killed at North Mahanoy I tolllcry yosterday. .NOTICE OUR LINE OF CHRISTflAS TREE ORNAMENTS IS THE BEST SELECTED AND CHEAPEST lsf THE, COUNTY. 8 g l! Bisque Head Dolls ST , Old Maid, , Toy Animals ffZ Tin Horses l WOUTH Authors Games ' "c f IOC ,'. . ioc you And many other articles fpr Sc. thatlwUl surprise you. iH-.COME ALL. it- . Bring the little ones, it will make Jjpem happy and cheer ber. 1 mm nun PUICH 5c Sc 5c 5" J6Don't forget the nameand n CONW FAMOUS 5 fiND 10c rSI ' 1 u 10S North Fflain Next Door to Gill's Dry GoodsStorc. TOHE SO. 3! 3 3 .Jtroot. BIG 7 3 3 Up to Date for Fains and Aches. Everybody says Itcd Flag Oil, 23c. At Qruhler Bros., drug storOj Deeds Itecordcil. Tho deeds for tho transfer of the following real eetato were filed with tho Itecoidcr: From Daniel It. Kline and wife to J. Elmer Green et al., premises in Washington town ship ; Michael Hoffman and wifo to James F. Whalen and wife, premises in l'ott6Villo; Daniel Shcpp and wife et al to St. Peter's Evangelical congregation, premises in Nelson City ; Wm. F. Brascfield to Kobcrt O. Sic Ivain, premises in Crossona: L. W. Weis- singer tu Abbie M. Bitte, premises in Cres sona; Benjamin Hummel aud wifo ct al, to (ieorge C. Keichert, premises in Washington township ; John Keichert and wifo to Joshua Strupouhauer, premises in Washington town ship. OrwIgsburg'H New Postmaster. Burd Linder has been notified of his ap pointment an postmaster of Orwigsburg. There wero ten applicants for the position. Mr. Liuder is SO years old, and son-iu-Iaw of Moruau Alhrluht. Tho term expired sov.rat months ago, but on account of the fight for the position tho appointment was delayed. Mrs. J. Watson. 102S Arizona St.. Philadel phia, Pa., says: "I think Dr. Ball's Cough Svruo is a snlendld remedy, I had to cough night and day aud one bottlo reloived me wonderfully." THP KAISER CONSPIRACY. Clemmer. the I-nit or tho Conspirators, In .fatt nt Norrtstown. Norrtstown, Pa., Dec. 3. "With the ex ception of the arrival last night of James A. Clemmer, then? were no new developments yesterday In the Kalser-DeKalb-Clemmer murder case. Not far from the cell In which Clemmer is confined are the other two alleged con spirators In the murder of Mrs. Kaiser, the DeKalb woman ana Kaiser Himself. Kaiser received no visitors yesterday, and there weino signs of the confes sion It Is said he purposed making to the district attorney, and several of his other counsel denied that he In tended making any confession. On the other hand, the request for writing paper and his broken mental and physical condition are held by many to be evidences of his pursuing such course. Lizzie DeKalb was visited by her counsel, and at the conclusion of the Interview he said that she had relter. ated her former statements to him. He would say nothing, however, aa to the nature of tho statements. Shnotlnir nt iv Jollllloacion. "Wllkesbarre, Pa., Dec. 3. During jollification In the boarding house and tailor shop conducted by Joseph Mark wa and Mrs. J. Solomon John Yusca- vicz, a boarder, without apparent proV' ocatlon, drew a revolver and shot Markwa In the neck and then turned the revolver on Mrs. Solomon, Bhoot- Inc her in the neck and side. The at' tending physicians say there Is but little hope of their recovery. There had been considerable drinking pre vious to the shooting affray, and Yuscavlcz's only excuse was that Markwa and Mrs. Solomon had been teasing him. All the parties are Hun garians. Undertaking in - - - - all its Branches. Open Day and Night. III FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Wm m m Cor. White and LIoy" Streets, Shenandcah. Mansion House Stables, MAHANOY CITY, mm mm CHEftPEST OUTFITTERS IN -CLOTHING IN THE COUNTY. Candies and Cigars whole sale and retail. . . . BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4. 5.'. it.'Vt ,jjyll;fl;il f a . IniiMtTv nun yUmMyI ferap . i .Am ulhmuiu . nnu . uiiniiLO s jkx jms I I II Cor. Main and Oak Streets, Franey Building, SHENANDOAH, PA. T the" House, ii mm mm Jm All kinds of nuts and fruits, and Christmas toys at very low prices. PHIL.flDEL.PHiS CHEAP STORE. 29 V. Centre Street. DUSTO'S BARBER SHOP ! Attentive and skillful tonsorinl artists always In attendance. Neatest Shop in "Town. W. G. DUSTO, Prop. Ferguson House Block.- . There goes that door again. STOP IT! Put an Ecliose Sorine; and j5; Check on. WEATHER STRIP. :-: RAIN DOOR STRIPS. SWALM'S HARDWARE STORE. i -best link;of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY ami STltAW. Floor and Table Oil Cloths. E. B. FOLEY, "tfentreSt. Head quart era for ...... .... Commercial Traveler G0MMERCI11L HOTEL, J. G It ANT MOYER, Prop., CHARLES DERR, TON SO RIAL. ARTIST (Hhceler's Old Stand.) 109 NORTH MAIN STREET. Blankets and klmwls are now selling I fast. We handle only those of superior quality, nnd we purchase thetn in case lots direct from the manufacturers. 60x80 fine all wool White Blaukets, $3.75 per pmr. 70x82, $4-75 the pair. 74x84, $5.50 a pair. A good wool Blanket as ow as S2.75 the pair. 11 -4 colored wool Blaukets, S1.25 to $2.75 the pair. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERW EAR. , Our stock of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Underwear in cotton, wool aud merino, has been selected with great care, aud 4s certainly worthy of vonr inspection. You will save money by taking advantage of the bargains we have to offer in this line. We handle only the best makes of the leading manu facturers, and they ore sold to you with a guarantee. Ladies' fleeced ribbed Vests, extra weight and quality, flue finish, at 35c; finer grade at 50c. Ladios' natural and scarlet all-wool vests, $1.00 to $1.35. Men's natural wool shirts and drawers, 40c, 5oc, 75c, $i.oo, $1.35, $1.75 each. Men's scarlet shirts aud drawers , ;Sc. to$J.OO each. Cor. Coal and Main streets, Shenandoah, Pa. Terms t si.wperuay. titubllng Facilities Unsurpassed. t Boarders comfortably accommodated' by week First-class work guaranteed. Prompt and or month 1 ollte atteiiuants. llair cutllna a specialtv. ARGAINS 9 FINE OVERCOATS i ''E ARE ALMOST GIVING THEH AWAY, W htvo orottv near half a Mok in our store containing nothing but OVERCOATS, and as the room is needed for the manufacture of clothing we are compelled tc- offrtr$ rdiflry ..inducements to gef rid of'tWn Everything must go, so fc advantage of this great sale, an opportunity that will never again present itself. , Here are a few of the prices : J Blue and Black Beaver, sizes from 34 to 42, all lengths, short and long. Our Price, $4.75 ; manufacturer's price $7;7S. ,; . I Good Blue or Black Kerseys, $6.00 ; manufacturer's price, $8.25. ' ' Good Melton Overcoats, $8.00 ; manufacturer's price, $11.00. . . " Imported Melton Overcoats, $10.00 ; manufacturer's price, $14.25. HS?AI1 Kinds of Chinchillas. All Kinds of Astrakhans ' AIlfKinds of Bducle Clays.-T - 'j XxtU Light Overcoats in the latest styles. Boys' Overcoats from 12 to 19 years, almost given away. A large assortment of Children's Reefers, OvqrcoaLs and Storm Overcoats. iir stock of Men's all-wool, Heavy Winter Suits, all kinds and colors. Big line of Boys' Suits, all kinds and colors. All kinds of Men s and Boys lilaclc Suits, in gniiaren s member that everything must go, so take advantage of this great sale, the chance of a life. Remember the place Largest and Cheapest Clothing House in the County. 'Wa have aluo a full' lineW SI) Big Una of .Men's Storm Overcoats. I Suit y9 have nil the latest styles. Ri MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE, Y OU will always find here a large and attractive line of Dry Goods to select from, Table, Linens, LiueiiTable Covers, Whjte, Scarlet, Gray and Plaid Flannels, enims, Tickings, Muslins, Ging hams, Flannelettes, Canton Flan nels in colored, bleached and un bleached ; all-woll Skirting Flan nels, Crashes, Hosiery, Gloves, Towels, Napkins, Combs, Hair Brushes, etc. CARPETS AND RUGS fhis department is on tho Becoud floor and is well stocked with the production of the leading manufacturers f Carpets and Rugs. You will find in tu s collection of fine patterns every thing that is desirable iu MoquettM, Body Brussels, Axminster, Tapestry Ingrain aud Rag, and our prices are so low that you canuot fail to be suited. - We are auents for the HOTTER! CK PAPER PATTERNS I i fulli coml!letc lille always In stotk. toTStT1 aucets OP t-UAKGu. Get one. P. J. GAUGHAN, No. 27 North Main St. SHENANDOAH, PENNSYLVANIA. N STREET, 9 aandyH SOUTH MAI L. GOLDIN, Prop..