The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 27, 1897, Image 4

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    You Are Invited
To inspect our complete
line of . . .
Holiday Goods,
on Saturday, Nov. 27th, 1897.
'Nothing costs less than looking."
a North Viln S(
Lemon nuns
l'sftnttt Ondy
Soft Oream Omuly, oil lln vm...
UnMr Oiii
?fpw KhbIaiiiI Peanut Taffy......
Itokw Mixed Oomllen
Stolam Buttercup Stlek
Higr Catted Peanut
Frenh Butter Scnteh
Ortooaimt Tidfy
Howrhound Drt
CttoeoiateCre im
All ktn'i of fruit cn..ily . ...
Klondyk Clold Boston lif it .
Omw DnU-s
And till Different Kinds of Choice
iiO North Main Street.
I'l'i'sOiiaUj-OoiHliieltir "lours ln
ntlft Itallroad.
SEASON OP 1897-8.
TliO PersanallF-Conihirted Tourist Systen
Of ttio Pennsylvania ltallroad OnmtMiiy i tin
mmt complete and elaliorate system ol
pleasure traveling and sight-seeing yet do
T'stsl It Is the consummation of the tilll
mate Idea Id railroad, tr.ivel. the final evole
tloo of nnassiilahle perfection.
For the season of '07 and 'OS it lionnrrmigMl
for the following tours :
California. Four tours will leave Now
York, Philadelphia, and Uarrlshnrg January
8, January 27. February 10, and March 10
With the exception of the flint party golne
and the last returning, all of those partlc
will travel by the "Golden Gate Special" lie
tween New York anil California, stopping a
intern ting points en route.
Florida. Four tours to Jacksonville wil
leave New York and Philadelphia January
28, February 8 and 22, and March 8 Tin
first three admit of a stay of two weeks fi
tlm "Flowery State." Tickets for the futirtl
tour will be good to return by regular traint
Until May 81, 1S83.
Old Point Comfort, rtichmond, Sid Wash
iDgton. Three s' ! iy tours will leave Now
York and Phila elphia Fe ruiiry 10, March
10 and Aprll7.
Old Point Comfort and Washington. -Three
four-day tours will leavo Now York am'
Philadelphia Decemlier S8, January 20 and
April 23.
Old Point Comfort. Six tours will leave
New York and Philadelphia December 28,
January 29, February 19, March 10, April 7
and 23.
Washington. Soven tours will leave New
York and Philadelphia December 2S. Jan
uary 13, February 3, March 3 and 31, April
21 and May 12.
Detailed itineraries of tlio above, tours,
giving rates and full information, may be
procured of Tourist Agent, 1100 Broadway,
New York; 800 Fulton Street, Brooklyn; 780
Broad Street, Newark, N. J ; or Geo. W.
Jloyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
J'rotrroHHlvt- Vlctoif lu Loudon.
London, Nov. 27. The result of the
polling for thei lecllonof fifty-five mem
bers of the school board for London is a
clear majority for the, FriBresslve par
ty. The elections are triennial, and this
Is the first Instance since 18S2 where the
Progressives have dominated.
Uucklen's Arnica Salve,
The beet salvo in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rhetim, fever sores,
tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and Dositivelv cures piles.
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
porfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
25 cflnts per box. For sale bv A. Wssley.
Attentive and skillful tonsorlnl artists always
in attendance.
Neatest Shop In Town.
W. G. DUSTO, Prop.
eryuson;House Block..
Headquarters for
.... Commercial Travelers
Cur. Coal and Main streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
Tna; 11.00 per day.
t-Hatdlng Facilities Unsurpasd.
Boarders oomfortebly nocommodated by weeii
or month.
One dwelling on East X4oyd
gtrce., formerly occupied by H. C.
Folmer. lias eight nice rooms.
One dwellinon North White
Street, formerly occupied by Isa
dora Lauteretein. Has 10 rooms.
IJath, heat and other conveniences.
O'tfnRft'S LIVERY,
Cor. White and Lloyd Sts Shenandoah, Pa,
Hoor and Table Oil Cloths
27 West
I . litre St.
Sly coniiriied.
Ideas Verified in
3 America.
Htt Sublet of th Present
leben wl.i h iY04-ttll It-
lily mp v ill,ttliir tin
H ilimugiiotii lirutw Qpott n
l gretlt Htll 11(1 Ml. II' i. la -i.j
i ctiy mi l tlnMiix'iMiit tlm
t kiiiiwit Inct ih i lite "It
i Kfe h.ixr cum! u Piiulfl
borten hit' im.l mi let-mint-
Hy. 1 In oil in mitrie ahnmit
(MUlf II to i;i'M (Killl H.t-U'l-
f etl'.irt- in Anu-ri'ii
It Ik'i'H hi nie Hinong prutn
i Mill it is BtirprUinx what
opinion fnpupm-wil hy them
h'iHI Hfcin- to 1m tin (treat
Itf kid irv ,nmt i , Hint tttii
V nt t-i r 1 1-til !' tUiT-n
rkt tine in a ui' 1 Irthieuttiltf
I !.( (lu I it Hill TIWl tlieM'
wmveiiUsil eiikI cured tue In
wT& ubro (1 oN'Hrly uhovt lu
Immunity wu lmv nitiuu iim
tlour, uutl the rt'Hiilt I given
Dftvl. fwnl : "iVniiln il HOt
Hit)l'8 lllMM' Til U'lltl in
rty Ui cvi ry Inmhlr ttmt ctii
In III khiiit-Tt Tin lu ii ro two
trim It "iii- ih i eu.liu'j'rinent
irtit tli
II ghriiiUiiii: ul li ' KHliiiU-. 1
r. An In m: , "Im- ti mi
eovf r u uitftt luauy i in
t. uiiy tiifu ol tilhmiiiiu'i i.t la
: uihh8i' T'.u uiijirU
jumlilr l i.c ICHMtU H IIUIII
dies ol
truulite wjhf iimbility t th
any (
'Vo .Itcitti'o: " Thero wtm u
,lty man or ( ati t-till'cilug frmn
kUuif.v tr uii t- fatl ctfu f I nr.
1it time hits (rtstml Kr lln
st I'll
Mr I Inwe titiiiiuii ev iv Miiidi
t Kl
trouble in Imtli n it'll wunn-n,
id 1
t UelK'tt tht ie is a vsb m Mjvcif,
no in. I
huw ItttiK stiituhnk, that It can-
tVrd or fund by i lit nmful untl
OlISi li
Ifctirt ot HNiei i ifiilt Ctiro.
im. rtinly s.i.: "Tlifie are
HXmipMl uintir the hwitl of
ot the kiiliuvvs One ui the
ill DM t
iifnriiHH nlnn(' Hlinys iicc Jii-
in tr-tiiitif, whiuli htqiutitly
t'Hllt..: rlv nil lent. The aeute
ill the p.ttiviit within a ftiw yean-
in.lesiAw'fiei'eive ltroicr tiiutment '
. A hiiiiii 1 1 i'ii n oi the unmn ial
I vVlh-gi', il i laien: "l or year th
jutof Bnshi'-ilt'.ise Imvii larue
riiiiental 1 am lmtf penilcut enough
rVtc eno'igh Lo cuiiiini-nd must heartily
at remedy W-uiu-i s Nile Cure,
V. B. lloniLr's alHinu: "Acuto
h disease m i luliln n is luruble. The
, you t-ee, in- L'Hti'H nd when
partially i losnl trouiilt- uiiiist result "
I'yer Yirk. of W.i liington, D. C ,
i I think Win nei'". Sute Cure a great
'hskniHiikiuil and if tuken rcalll.ulv
fBflllHost any iIiscum of the kidneys
iJMHi In my pr.n tice "
tAV'arrinmiin Luilf. of Chiingo, nits:
tot the kidneys may be slight or
d. The object to I e nlt.niU'd ii to
nvi rworkwl mid worn-out organs
leiercise as p,ili;e "
Mini W. Millies, of Paris. III. says:
ft llyllrg example ol the Wrtius of
feBun.' Cure, nnhoiit which I should
lCO imve tieeu (lean
ifbout the laud, wherever luvestiva-
ilmjBlilioen made, the sentiment seems to
lie tbaisalue.
Tualabuve tinaucstioued and unoucstlou-
ablft Ksilfrimiy proves beyond u doubt that
ungnqw uiveaee ot inc Kinueys tun uu cuieii.
(iter Knew noun,', iim luuimni, 11,1
6e3f had been cured of Briuht's disease
M(iiH'foriti. If any rciilerlma peculiar
palflfljtntugn seusntion, or umiccouotub'e
5, which tar loo oik n announce me
com ml; ' en of kidney trouble, there is m,
need no despond; there is every uusnn to
hope.H A cure has been found and proven be
yond auefitiou or tlio poKbibility of doubt.
I Union Clothing Company, No. 4 So.ith
street, Ferguson hotel block, will
ee bargain prices a few days longer,
ah keeps up daily. You have only a
iyavmoreto get goods "at il.ose prices.
j W the sreat rush aud our inability to
9l 11 wlio came for bargains, we are
rtononttnuo tno sate lor a lew uayn
i Tills will enable those who had no
$ul also those whom we haj to turn
lad could not wait upon, to come to
t)eaud secure some of our bargains.
1 Substantial, Wear-Oiviug liusiress
worth S13.0U lor 3s. liiegant
it Suits. Black and Mixed Colori.
iKouud and Square-tut, rotail price
!, now $5.35. Diagonal, ana f ancy
nVbrsted, Sacks and Cutaways, regu-
f 18 00 and S80.00, for f 7.30. Men's
Wprking l'anta, worth $i! 00,
la. Cheviot and ms,iuicrp J 'ants.
1 B0. for SI 48 Youths' Kxtra
firiSSB Suits, lu Cheviots, Fine Worsteds
ry uassimeres, worm f .uu to flis.mi,
irViceable Spring and Fall Over-
ill $11, for $3 40. Fine Silk and
tall and winter overcoat.
to $38. for to 20 and Hi 3ft.
S(l ren's Dress Suits, in Fancy
and worsted, worm from f-t
now $1 85 to f3 2fl Children's
and Chluclulla Keefcrs, worth
ta. now from 81.78 to J2.75
ilape OvcrcoatB worth from iS to
BritiK thii sale from 00c. to 2.50
rib 3 SO. now 75c Hoys' Hats
tlJSQ, now 15c. lllcyde Hose, worth
i. Collars. Culls. Driving U I uvea.
landkerchiefs, all kinds of Shirts
hdak-weur. Silk suspenders, worth 50c
h,,!uow Do. Overalls, worth 75c, now
,11 yulue money you cnii't alford to miss
btin As tuts sale is notia-iuio, we
inform the Public to be very caieful
lilwt you get the right place. We havo
uut tins iik must J6 soiu
of I it post ore as other Merchants
iy signs in order to-uecelve tnc
I sure you are at the right place ;
you cuter.
Btroet, Ferguson Hotel Block
Shenandoah 1M
with , Saturday
comment Iuk
toAY, NOV. 29tll, 189?.
fhc Ideals,"
lllfftdAd by the popular 1' layers,
as Beatrice cane ana
V Chester Devonde,
tmti Uv Hnwsoii'a 0tli Century llaiul
(MmkaL prrHufitiiitf a seritd of iKentu
""The Devil'. We'.." "Hand of l'ttte,,
VwUtu, ljinie jieruiuf-
f powerful military drama, entitled,
Portharjjci South,"
I'mbfls: . . 10, 20 and 30 Cents.
-served seuts on sub utKlrlln's.
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And i velvety softness of the skin is lnra
rbjhif obtained by tucowhouse Poziomi's
0lexion "owdcr.
c I
( on Innetl from Fl rt Pne.K
as be knew the rvptitatlous
f tlio aeruseil
honesty were
Directors for Integrity and
very good."
for the unst 8H your priiicffhl . the fllrard
vllle iitilillc said he lmif never heard
their ri puUtlons qitiMttotied.
edi.or or ibe air.irdvllle lrs and Titnos,
and i lmrlw fl. l!,ieder. vlgtir m intifit1.turor
m i wsvuie, hvh .injimt testllnimy.
wf recalled tn the Mntili by Mr. Mttrr. Ho
! a ml to .MiiirHdlot J J O S-Ill, whe
wore lhat he eoitbl . mily And two or three
Hew paling on the feu nf the I st Urtvk '
mditfiil uiiitinds MidiMth satd the or
thr. e pnli.,i wen- put on tstt niniith and
that he pir In 18(H) Ke prtaltt fd . no '
of the 'at t ' lings ami sli one m t e he i
put on tu lew.
,ilr .Vh.iiu.itml!.d u.'lcilly n.'id took
e wIiiivn. in Iniud .
hi re dlil Voll irct these tuillnmf
I took thrin off the foeee
, Wlml did you do that fur 7
Pn slum' I put thorn on.
Yon took them off to stmw jwt mit theni
out (Ijiiitghter)
Do ymi rhean thatT
Didn't you tike town HI ... .ymf ttIK I
il. ).v I
The I Iiium Hiionly IsWil nl Uw fllWjVr. i" "'"' Bfr 0M ll?-v al,(1 ,le '"sht me n
Why .ll,lil;t joii bring doivu the 14S 1ufl,'i1' I'-- worth iilniut a dollar,
lugs Yofi brought down two? . Hie wltin iw also tted : "On July 11,
Still the witness on Ir stared.
N.iw, was not that nil you put mi? asked '
tho kwyer with a smllo.
.Nu, sir.
How ninny did ymi put on?
Two or three bti nlhs.
Didn't 011 svieiir when yet
stHtul b"fre that ynii jiut l'or
wero on tho
fi bundles on
inns lei ee7
N'i, sir. I siitl-.' i.r !1 uiullis
Kefer to Jour imtes Mr Steiiuvrinher.
Mr Whuleii The struiigniiilier ImiuIhiI for
ml found
tiolen, aiufietul "4 or ft
bundles "
How do you ac
uut for t hut ? askol tho
I mails a mistake, ief
ed the witness nud
Mr. Whiih n sat down, siitlflid with Imvliig I
mane 1.110 vvuness eieariy eonrraill"t nlincii
Asth wltmss walbeil frnni the stand with
the Hillings under his hum Mr Whuleii
s muted after him, "lie sure ymi don't cliargo
for piii inii tin in mi. imw." This sally
e used Ki uenl blighter which drowned tho
reply if the wltmss uiiulo any.
Mr. Wadlinger then iinuniinced that the
defense resti d
In rebuttal Mr Whiikn called Thomas
Foley, a barber of Lost Creek, to tho f.tnn.1.
Ko'ey said that nt about 7:20 or 7:30 yester
lay moruiiig he inspected the school houo
fence at Lost Creek and took notice of three
new paling on it. Hi curiosity had bo n
iroused by what he read in the Hl.'lt.M.l) the
night la-fore.
.Mr. Wmlllugcr interposid with a question
to Med rath as to when huttook' the palings
otr tho fence that morning and McOrath
replied that it was about 7.315 o'clock.
Mr Wadliuger (to Foley ) did yuu soe Mc
'Irnth working at that fence?
I did-.
Have you not stated that he was one of tho
most faithful workmen you ever saw ?
Yes, sir lie worked harder than J would
t I was working fn. the School Hoard.
This closed the examinations for the day
ml Mr Whttlen followed with his applica
tion for postponement.
Judge lleclitel was on tho bench promptly
it nine o'clock thU moruing and the jurors
were aKo iu their seats on time
nf Mahanoy City, was called by Mr Wlialen
uul said he formerly lived in West MhIhiioj'
rownship nud knew the defendants. He was
on tho School Hoard once
What is the general leputation of these
Icfenthtttts, thoo that you know, for honesty
lid integrity ?
The r nutation Is that they are not strictly
honest men. I am speaking of what I heard
mil what I know iu my experience on the
-Ichool itoard.
Mr. Wudlinger : Is It not a fact that you
tave a leeliug ngjiust these directors'
I have nothing at all exewpt such as you
would have against ollkiaU.
You resigned from tlio Board becauso they
lidn't sppulnt your present wife a teacher?
No. sir. 1 had other dilllcuHies ami save
notice I would not be a candidate for re-
Icction. They had a majority of four on
the Boarr? and I felt that it would bo a risk
to remain lu their company any ionger.
They iguorcd mo altogether.
druggist of I.ost Creek, said tho remitatlou
of the School Hoard was that tho directors
wero crooked. 1 hat was his impression from
hearing others speak
Mr. Wadlingor : You had a didiculty with
this School Hoard?
I always havo.
They sued you for school taxes ?
That is not the reason. 1 was not sued by
tlio School Hoard. As individuals my im
in ession is one thing and as members of the
School Hoard it is another. I havo no feeling
igainst them as individuals, but as School
Diiectors 1 have.
Do you mean to say that this tax difficulty
lias not influenced your mind against them?
i mil nas Homing to no witn it, because I
fought these people long before, that.
Then because you are of a rival political
jiecauso i man t ttiink tticy appointed
teachers according to qualities tions.
if West Mahanoy Township, was next called
iiy Mr. Whalen.
W hat U tho reputation ot those School
Directors, as ollicials, for honesty and in
egrity? Not very -good.
Mr. Wudlinger : What was it prior to this
It was not good.
Your daughter lost her school In that ills
Yes, sir.
And you havo been mad ever since ?
102 North Main Street.
Next Door to Gill's Dry Goods Store.
Have you hearilthe latest. Well book it now that Conway's Famous
5 & io cent store are going to sell to-day Klondike Vases and Klondike
Receivers, something new and very pretty for loc usually sold'iti all large
cities for 25c. Come and secure one as they will not last long at this price.
NOTICH. On sale this afternoon a good Broom worth 35c for 5c.
Sale starts at five o'clock sharp and will continue until all arc sold.
Wc Quota a
Our I
Worth Price
(ialvaiilne.1 Hnekets 3Je
Agate Steuce Pan We
Kettles, t 35e
" Pudding l)lb !'
IllMjue Image .- Vo
Dust llnwbts Me
Ibilr " lo
Hho " 0
Sugar Cans. 8u
iMtge U Inch Meat Plate 49e
lrKe 10 IiwJi lltt Plate......... tOv
Wila.1 Howl 4a
tArgeMlslngllowl 40a
loo J
Don't fail to give us a call. You will go away pleased. At least
come and look over our bargains.
Come ana look over our line of Fine China.
Come Early.
Ft: next door to Gill's Dry (Joods Store.
Jfo, sir ; I never gttt rnsde yet,
Mr. Whuleii : Yon are the fiithernf M. M.
Burke, one of the Httntneys in this case?
Yes, sir.
of t,nt C-tMik. was called by Mr. Wlialen
and atkod If ho gave any money to Director
Snoiie, nraiiylHKly for Nooiie, and answered
In the negative. There was no crose-exaniln-
of (lllbetton, formerly Miss Annie flarvey,
of tjot Creek, and a school teacher.
Mr. Whiten ; Did you glvo any money to
Mr. Nwine for appointment as a teacher, and
I During the vacation of 1888 I gave (15 to
I hit wife in hU pre ence. I told her I gave
her the money for the appointment I got Mini
I espeeied another Mr. Nuouewhl rnithinr.
I received nn appointment fertile following
Mr. Warilinger: (Wt yon state whotln i
thespinilutmonts for that term were made
liefnre 'hatf
I urn not positive. I don't think tht
Ihdit'l yon aotoMr. Melon's iMiuneof run-
I",1;" ,ll,tl"" 1 '! .Mrs. Ulti a present ol
; "'I; ii'.vj
No. iir. He itmle certain remarks to other
patties iibuii i me to my parents.
Didn't you sn to .Mrs Curley and Mrs.
Kouavsn i Tor Hie i igbt yean you taught
It nevci oit ymi a ilollnr to get ft school 7
loun'iHMini toy k now ledge I will swear
1 il in in:', tieraiiM' It 'inl iit nil-n dollar.
Didn't .Mrs. Mcf(ii say to ymi one dsy
inn gave me euouxh money to hnv two
ffU6,'"1 f ?''IS t,.). 8iv? luu on?? '
XO. Sir: she d dn't. Iltlin nibiu run l
' Rl ''rgmotrs. Mrs. I. J.
l'"'""'" " l'i"te and she liiontlonid
muetMng nb 'lit appoinlinenU. And she
smi it as iiiioitt time something Was done
Thitllinre were several parties In the d's
trlct t. at had sUtemalul brothers, mid somi
were very g.Kid to the Board anil 'in fact
huv come here and spent.'"
Mr Msrr: Is It not n fact that ymi didn't
gei n aeuooi on uccoiintoi youi elmnicler T
No, sir.
Y. il went nil' In the night time to got mar-
rieu, umu t you 7
Yes. 1 whs married at nisht
And went away from homo?
Yes, sir.
The minutes of July 1st, 1S0'3, showing
'j,"""" oT ,"l:Iora wero preeeuted by Mr.
' nosik khilly,
of Ixist Creek, was (allied by Mr. Whalen.
She was a toucher in 1893. i
Did you glvo up institute orders to any of
the Directors?
objected toby Mr. Wadllnger and objec
tion sustained.
Did you give uny money to Mr. Nonue, or
.nr.! 7
No. si r.
of Brownsville, celled by Mr. Wlialen.
State what the ro iit.iil.ini , f lliesn Hirer.
tors are for hoiusiy and integrity, as School
uncciors. prior to uns trouoio?
I wouldn't consider it very good,
r- tlm t from the speech of tho people ?
Yes. sir.
Uy Mr Wadllnger: Did you hear that prior
uijuiy, just, outsiuo ot your own tuiuliy 7
Yes, sir.
(Jive us the name of a single person whom
yon heard discuss their character prior to
miy, iusi r
It was talked throughout tho township.
Give us the name of au individual?
I don't know that auvhudv wonhl tm nrn.
paied to s ear to it, but evcryliedy kuow ti e
tilk. One of the present School Directors
told me that tho reaion my sister was lint re
appointid was tint wo wero not liberal
enough, uud honest men don't geneially
inane inose remarics.
That is tho reason you have a feci Inc?
No, sir. Mr. Donl.tu knows-tlut ho had no
better frirnd in Brownsville than I was. It
was Mr I Ion hill told me that, aud he said
one ol the Directors told Mm that.
Mr Whalen: Did you hear Hartley Flan
ucry speak of money hu paid ? . -
Ye6.tlr: I did.
Mrs. Curley and Mrs. Dopavan wqro culled
to the stand in the order uamed and . asked
by colinsel for tho defense "Did you hoar
Mrs. Cnvanaugh Buy sbodid npt pay a cent
ince she has tieen teaching school ?" Both
witnesses replied that they did aud th
i losed the taking of tostimouy iu the case.
Shortly lifter ten o'clock Mr. Wndlitiger
commenced his summing up for the defense.
Ho deel ired that tho indictment was not a
legitimate one, hut a drag-net made up not
to serve tho purposo of a legitimate prosccu
liou, but a damnable and malicious persecu
tion. As evidence uf this ho asked tlio jury
to consider that Orano, one of the members
of the School Hoard, had not neon mado a
defendant in tho suit, or even called to tho
trial. "Dee and O'Neill belong to ono party in
that township," Mr. Wadlinger said. "Theso
Directois belong to another. Dee and O'Neill
are tho 'outs,' and I predict they will remain
tho 'outs' for all time to come.''
The sweetest
and tho most
word in the
English language and the one about
which tho most tender and holy recol
lections cluster is that of Mother she
who watched our tender years; yet the
life of every Expectant Mother is beset
JlUCl JO uccct
danger SfSOIllOf
so assists Nature in the change taking
place that the Mother is enabled to
look forward without dread or gloomy
forebodings to the hour when Bbe ex
periences the the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives of
both Mother and Child, and she is left
stronger after than before confinement.
Sent by Mult, on receipt of price, $1.00 per bot
tle. Itook to " Expectant Mothers " will be mail
ed free on request, to any lady, containing val
uablo information and voluntary testimonials.
The Brsdfleld Begnlttor Co., itliats, Gs.
lOe STORE NO. 7, 1
Pew Pricai.
Glass Fruit Stand ttc
(JIium Cake HUrnd So
firge Comb Case ,m.,m...,. Ma
10 q" Illuck Tin Dish Pan r...... W
uhiI Hhovels ., , lie
glut Pitcher, t.....
Pl(4urewltliglyts.sjil0.... He
(jlms Howl and nbb ale
Dinner Plate, 7 In. dw. lOo
utitfoeaiid Ta OannUter ... 10a
K4Mtle.2iiU. llo
fnliit Tumblers, ei u-. 10n
SaueePaii, tin ISo
E, NO. 7 1
and common caroloBBnoss can mako a
combination strong enough to defy
all tho healing skill of the physician.
Common carelessness lets the cold
root and grow. Common carelessness
says, botwoen paroxysms of cough
ing, " It will be all right in a day or
two," and tho common end is con
firmed lung trouble, perhapj con
sumption. Tho common-senso treat
ment of a common cold is a prompt
d03o of Ayor's Cherry Pectoral. It
is tho most efficient and reliable cure
for colds and coughs, and is con
stantly proscribed by physicians.
S. Haynes, M. P., Saranac, N. Y, says :
"I have used Ayor's Cherry Pectoral In my
practico 8inc(n863, and have always found
it reliable for the cure of colds, ootujhe, and
all lung diseases.''
is now put up in half-sizp bottles, for
half prico 50 cents.
Mr. WI111I1 11 concluded his argument tu the
iurv at 1:00 o'clock. He made a strong Plea
for conviction aud brought uitt all the strong
points 11 gainst the accused directors.
Judge Bcchtel. lu his charge tu tho jury
1 ocupicd very nearly , two hours. The court
III rosponso to tho request of the defense to
define tlio law on co-tain counts, said that
under the law lu School Director had tho
rieht to receive cotiiDousatioti fur his ser
vices or for supplies furnished tlio school
district, for tho reason that they cuunot
contract with tliotnselvis tho court
further stated that tho School Director can
not, under the law, claim fee for attendance
st tho ditectois' meeting during institute
Upon tlio question of Truant Otlieer, Judge
lleclitel nlainlv ttitid that while tho lan
nrivide-i for the anuoiuttni'tit of such an utH-
cial by the Hi aid, It dues not legulize the ap-
polntiuuut of a uioiuuer ot me sciiool tsoaiu
to that ollicc. He also said that ho would
not charge that the ?7o order drawn in favoi
of FlauulBan for such services to be fraudu
lent, but would loavo that to tho jury to de
termine by evidence. In closiuc he called thi
attention of tho jury to the counts iu the bill
of indictment that were strickeuTiut on b rl
day becauso thctu was no evidence to sustain
the charge, and also gave tho jury the re
lnainiiig counts which they must determine
by the evidence.
Although tho charge was consilcred fair
uud yet tho icplics the court
made to the request of the defense
in the charge, leaves the impression
that the jury can do nothing but render a
vi rdict of conviction. This is the opinion as
expressed by members of the Hr who have
.heard tlio evidence aud the court's charge.
To have good health, medicine is n-ccsary
occasionally. As a family remedy Dr. Bull's
rills can be rccununjuiilcd as tho n. -t. o
pills In a box. Price 25 cents. Dr. John W
Hull's Fills are tho only genuine.
Sunday Sperials.
Servicos in the Trinity liel'ornied church
to-morrow at ltf:00 a. in., and 0:30 p. in.
Suuday school at 1:30 p. in. liev. Hobert
O'Hoyle pastor.
Eegular services will bo held in the United
Evangelical chinch. North Jardin street, to
morrow at 10 a. m. and 0.30 p. m. Suuday
school at 1.20 p. m. Kev. 1. J. Kcltz, pastor.
Servicos iu the Presbyterian church to
morrow at 10:30 a. in. aud 0:30 p. ni. Sabbath
school at 2 p. m. Jr. C. K. Monday evening
at 8:30 ; Sr. C. E. Tuesday oveuiug at 7:30
Prayer and soug service ou Thursday even
ing at 7:30. Hov. T. Maxwell Morrison.
pastor, btraugcrs always welcome.
Primitive Methodist church. James Moore.
pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. aud 0:30
ii. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Class meet-
lug on Wednesday evening. General prajer
meeting ou Thursday uveniug. Everybody
Services In All Saints' rrotostaut Episcopal
church on West Oak street to-morrow. Holy
Eucharist at 8 a. m. ltegular services at 10:30
a.m. and 7 p.m. Ibe rector will officiate.
Suuday school at 2 p. m.
First Baptist church, corner of West and
Oak streets, Hov. D. I. Evans pastor. Services
at 10 a. m. and 0 p. m. Sunday school at 2
p. m. iho eveuing services win be con
ducted by tho Young People's Baptist Union
A varied prograhi will bo reudorcd
Prayer meeting Monday evenings. Young
people's meeting Wednesday evenings.
Class meeting Tnursaay evenings.
MctlindUt Episcopal church, corner Oak
anu wnito streets, uev Altred iieeiiucr,
pastor. General class meeting at 0 a, tu., led
oy j onn Hcnior, sermon at 0:3U a. in
Sunday school at 2 p. in.. Dr. J. S. fallen
Superintendent. Sermon at 0:30 p. m. Seat
freo. J-.verybody welcome.
St. John's Lutheran church, West Cherry
street. Iiev. John Gruhler, paBtor. Preach
ing, 10 a. in. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. m. ;
preaching 0:30 p. m.
St Michael's Greek Catholic church, West
Centre street. Kev. Cornelius Lanrlsin, pas
tor. Matatiuuui service 0 a. in. High mass
10 a. iu.
Church of tho Holy Family, (German E.
C.) North Chestnut street. Iiev. A. T. Schut
tlchofer, pastor. First maw 8 a. in., second
mass 10 a. m.
St. Cuslmlr's Polish R. C. church, North
Jardiu street. Uev. J. A. Leuarklewloi,
pastor. First mass 8 a. m., high masa 10 a.
m., vespers and benediction 4 p. m.
Church of the Annunciation, 318 West
Cherry street. Itev. H. F. O'liellly, pastor:
Kev. James Kane, assistant pastor. First
mass, 7 a. in., second mass, 8 a. m., high mass,
10 a. ra, benediction, 7 p. in.
Keheleth Israel Congregation, corner of
Oak and West streets, Kev. Henry Mit-
niK, pa'Wr. Saturday servloes, 8 toiua. m.,
and 3 to S p. in. Sunday services 8 to 10 a. in,
and every week day morning from 7 to 8 a. m
You can't sflbrd to risk your life by allow'
lug a cold to develop luto pneumonia or eon
sumption. Instant relief and a certain cure
are afforded by yuo Minute Uouyh (Jure. C,
U, llagcnbucb,
Tlio Olilo l.oKlnluture.
Clnolnnn l Nov. 27. At the recent
election 'he fublon ticket, which car
ried, this county, contained nine Demo
orats and Ave Republican members of
the legislature. There has been some
doubt as to how the fuslonists would
vote on Joint ballot for United States
senator. At the meeting ot these fu
slonlsts here they decided to vote for
the Republican caucus nominee, which
will make the legislature stand SO Tie'
publicans to G6 Democrats on Joint hal
lot for United States senator.
J. M. Thlrswcnd, ot Urosbeck, TeZj, says
that when he has a spell of iudlgettfoH, and
feels bad sliA'gUh he takes two of DeWiU's
I.ittlo Early llisers at'nlgbt, and lie is all
right the next morning. Many thousands of
others no the same tniug. uu your u. it,
Buy Keystonetlour. Be sure that the name
f.Hfcsici & liAKR, Ashland, Pa., Is printed on
ver sari
Oascarets stimulate livor, kidneys and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe, lOo
r&crrg Pectoral
. Shay, Esq., of Pottsvllle, was seen
lu town this afternoon.
E. W. flhnemaker, Esq., lias gone to
Wilkeaharro ou legal business.
Hobert Crane, the hustling little ItenAt.D
carrier nt Lost Creek, paid onr office a pleas
ant visit to-day.
Councilman F. E. Magargle and E. ( .
llrobtt returned home to-day from a hunting
rip, with 44 rabbits, 90 phwtmnts and 10
Kev. Robert O'Hoyle left this afternoon
for Nuioniberg, where he will deliver a mi
moll this uv, iiiiis upon Invllatloii of tho Ji.
O. U. A. M of that plane.
ttev. D I. Hvaiis, rwtfor of the Flint
Itontiit church, was t paw naer to Scruutoti
tills morning. Tx.merrovr he will occupy
the pn1U of one of thechurohes In the Elec
tric City.
Whet, htlinup .,r otjolc' .'ii i s'.r-ii.
undv mtlmrtle. um ninmtel t'V. SRe
Advert!! Letters.
The following letters mnnlu ilfflsslled for
at the post oilhurr J. O. Dmvl, 13sq., J, J.I
rmndt, John Ulshsfer, Meyer Welnslln.
A eooOhlnf For a Badceuii.
What Pan-Tina, 2Si!. At Orahler Hlo
Inig lnre
Ouo of Morry'w Aecciiiiplledsl'npttii'cd
Chicago, Nov. 27, James Ityah,
charged with lielntt on accomplice In
the mygteMnus fllsappearanoe of Airs.
Chriitophir Merry, of 60 Hope street,
last Sunday, was placed under arrest
yesterday afternoon. After evading
the officers for days he was discovered
under a pile6f hay In a livery stable
Christopher Merry, who Is charged by
his little son with beating his wife to
death, carrying her body away In a bug
gy, and his alleged accomplice, James
Smith, had been In the. barn earlier In
the day, but they fled before the of
ficers arrived.
Tlllt'Vlllft Alllltllllllall OUtOllCCf1.
Toledo. Nov. 27. Samuel P. Tanner,
late captain of Company C, Six
teenth, Ohio National Guard, who vas
recently Indicted for embezzling the
oompariy's funds, was yesterday sen
tenced to the penitentiary for itfiree
years. Ills stealings aggregated $640.
Ml k iude of mats fur wiping the feet,
heap, at Frioks's carpet 'tore. 11-5-tf
OppoVnir Arhltrnt'oii vvttli Kimliiuit.
New York, Nov. 27. A petition to the
senatois of the United States was is
sued yesterday from the headquarters
of the Irish National Alliance, In this
city, agnlnst the- adoption ot the pro
posed general treaty of arbitration
with England. The petition will be
circulated by the various councils of
the alliance throughout this country,
the Ancient Order of Ilibornlans and
other Irish American societies.
Boft, 'White Hands with Shapely Kails, Luxu
riant Hair with Clean, Wholesome Scalp, pro
duced by Cctioura Soap, the most effective
skin purifying and beautifying soap In the
world, as well as purest and sweetest, for
toilet, bath, and nursery. Tho only preventive
of inaammaUon and clogging of tho Pores.
Boap b fold throughout the world. Pottxs DiU li.
Cniu. Cobi., Sole 1'ropi., Boiton, U. 8. A
?-M How to rnriff and Beautify tilt 8 kin, Sclp,
nd Hair," mailed free,
nOlt HATJ2. A deslrablo brick bus! nesa block.
centrnlly located. I Ins nil modern lm-
nrovementB, steam het, bath tubs, eto. Ajfood
pjiyinji Investu ent. For further Information
npply At tho IIeualp oilico, 11181 w
f OST. A vftlimblo sold band rlne. Suitable
li rewam win tie oiiereu lor return or mine
to the Hkhalu othce. ii-iv-iv
iOIt ItRNT. 8 ore room nud dwelling. No.
120Nctith JIftiii strt'Ct. in now ready for
rout; contains jilnte K)ni front, ias, mnge, hot
iim csoiu water, iiatn, lartfo cellar, yaru, ware
room and stoblo; it la a very desirable plnco
for any kind of bus! new. Kent reasonable.
I'leaae apply to O V. Newhouser, 142 North
.Main street. u-ltr
TONKV TO LOAN. PiOO to loan, on Rood
lH security, at 0 per oent. interest. Tattles
'leslrlng to borrow will call at the Hkrald
jfllte. U-23-2awtf
Notice is hereby iflvcn that tho following
bonds of the Itorotigh of Shenandoah of the
ssue of 1H98, of the denomination of S100, hnve
been drawn for redemption ou January 1st,
ivm, aim interest win cease on iiidi uaiei
n'iw ioi, 322, man, 120, 2st,'7ti, sb. 39,),
KW, l, 125, ISO, 2(15, 78. 109, 10-1, 71. 2SS, 200,285,
IU. 2H6, 270, 2M, 1). 296, 219, 182. 27, IH, 960, lag,
.73, 298, 133. 1S2, 81, 12, 121, 21,11, 103, JOS, 110,98,
100, 297, 1IW.
lloldera of these bonds will present thm for
payment on above dite.
O T. Sthaughn, Pres. of Council.
Wu. J. WATKIHi, Hre'y. Ibl3-8t oa-v
29 W. Centre Street.
Chocolate Props 12e per pound
Loaenges 12o. per pound
Cantmels lie. ier pound
MIjmkI Caudles. Ac. to AOo. per pound
Chewing Qum So. package at 2c. each
Fifty kinds of Huwklug and Chewing Tobaoea,
OlgureUes, op u package and bos of mutches free
Peanuts 2 quarts for e
(Hhoelcr'a OtdSUud.)
Piret-clflM work gunranteed. Prompt an
ollte attenditnts Uair cutllng a speolaltv
A Handsome Complexion
Is one of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Pqizohi's CourutxioM Powosa
gives it.
Publisher Gazette Restored to Health
by Paine's Celery Compound.
The Haverhill Gastetto, now in tlie front
rank of newspapers, stands for the journalis-
iio ability of one man.
John 11. WriBht impressed liis stronit nor-
sonallty on the pRper from tho day that ho
secured control.
His accurate sense of news and steadv
judgment of men anil events has built up tlio
iiaverpiu uaueite to its-present newspaper
leadership of northern Massachusetts.
Editor Wright's long and brilliant work on
the Boston Hemld, as chief of department of
"special writers." has all been utilized In the
building up of this successful newspaper. It
win surprise no ono that getting out a Die
newspaper, like the Gazette, morning after
morning, and jear after year In the heat
aud smoke nf force political conflicts, should
entail grcit. mental nnd physical strain.
Incessai i wiirk told on bditor Wrtaht: but
because he made use at once of Panic's col-
cry compound, hi- is today fully rotored to
his old tune lorcelul, vigorous habit or mind
and body. He says of this great remedy :
llavcrlull. Mass.. Oct. 8, '117.
Gentlemen: It is with great pleasure that
I boar testimony to the beneficial rrsults
which almost iuvariahly follow the use of
that kinc of all remedies Paino's celery
compound. As a tonic, free from deleterious
material, it nas, to my way ol thiuking, no
I'qual. This remedy is a positive boon to all
nervo-wrecked men of business. I unhesita
tingly commend It to all persons who arc, as
t was, thoroughly worn out.
Very truly yours,
Parties intending to get fences in the spring, can save ten per cent, by
ordering In the
SWflliJI'S pHCfflfiHE stohe,
Housekeepers' Headquarters.
1 847 ROGER BROS. Al
1847 " '
" ..' 1 . .
The workiiigmen con save money by making their purchases at our
Store. We are offering an excellent shoe at the re-
markable low price of
For which other stores are asking $1.50 and $1.75. Other goods in
proportion. We make a specialty of repairing. " ,-
Our New Stock Has Arrived nud ...
. . . Bargains Are Offered in Mvery XihiG.
Two doors above Merchants' Bank. . '
-Schuylkill Dental Parlors,!
7 Nortlt Jardltt fitrrrt,
A first class dental parlor where all the branches of dentistry are skill
fully executed.
Best Artificial Teeth,
All our work Is accompanied with a guarantee.
Paino's celery compound creates a whole
some domaud lor food, and cures a disordered
stomach and costivo bowels.
For all ailments nnd weaknesses that have
grown out of defects of nutrition, such' as
norvousness, loss of weight and lowuess of
spirits, Paino's celery compound Is the" legiti
mate and logical cure. It overcomes los4 of
nervous power and lessened power to digest
food, by generously feeding tho nerves aud
regulating their action. It banishes that
continued tired feeling by cleansing the
blood of cloggiug impurities, and by stirring
the kidneys and other purifying organs to
healthful activity.
Paine's celery compound has cured many
and many cases of dyspepsia, sleeplessness,
disordered liver and stomach trouble that
had puzzled physicians, and tho outcome of
which seemed hopeless.
Many obstinately dyspeptio persons havo
?;etten rid of every distressing symptom by
ts invigorating help. Grave general defects
of nutrition that havo shown themselves In
a wasted coudltfon, weakness and loss of
streugth have repeatedly yielded to this re
markablo remedy.
Tho worn face, that attests loss of sleep,
soon loses its haggartb appearanco as tho
nervous system gets .nourished by Paine's cel
ery compound j the accumulation of aches
and Julius vanish, tho blood grows ruddy and
abundant, and tho mind shares in the well
being felt all over the body. Paine's celery
compound should bo taken by every person
"run down" or nervous.
htltU.N DOOKH,
winter months
NOV. 25.
TEASPOONS, $1.5operdoz
TABLESPOONS, $3 per doz
Good Set ol Teeth,"
so Cents
oU ant up
25 Cents