The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 27, 1897, Image 2

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llMUbU vrr tnl, RM rsiindsy, il
s octb luna (smsst. ! osjitss
the llnrnlil to ilsltvuort In Munianttoan ! the
wunind!B ln.isrnrsi ." " ' .
h. pnyal.le 111 wn""' "
I fcirafdtiis; tn spiice sml l
fit., rlvht to ohsi Wbenever llio
i vel
....1.1. i hImiim. Ailvrrti
watdltl(lniiniieeMil poltio i.
i reserve the nsni w raw
Mtverttieiiieiits whenever llio i"i -
f now ilemsmls Tiie run"
,...l tn 'inv advertisement, w"'
,M l-wnrnnl. ..iM the publisher. my ; m
lstier. j3wtMn rest msde known
utonn ninillostlon. , .,
Khtori. t id Die pnsSntnoe Shen.mlli. I .
Mtn4 stass mall mstser
"AH M m TIK's Fit to Print."
,-oin tteni
Hut It t
flpi'. late
rlra. sts!
Evening Hri
8.1 rUBIAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1W7
v. rr r
Ouk Deuiocrntlc friend win. 1 1
the Htinonnoenient that Koliert
Vntttildti in n BBlrnnt for third t.
as Oovernorot this statu h k
joke, might as well make ii tl..
minds to the fact that the ex -Hover
nor lulu the Held. He 1b eleiuh n
possibility, and his campaign is in the
1him1h of some of the shrew-dent iart
lenders in the Democratic ranks.
St'HAItnra of the Lyon-Dunn jml.-e
ship election contest, which hi "I
ready eost the taxpayers of tlii
comity 185.000, tile Wilkelmne
Uecoitl says "It certainly seem '
though it ought to le poisilil.- t.
nvold suoh expensive litigation." ami
adds further that "If the truth were
known, It would appear that inrnin
petetit or dishonest election lu.nu1
lire responsible fr this contest."
IN the death of Ills estimable anil
loving wife, Ktlitor John W. Parker,
of the Mahanoy City Hecord, lias the
sincere sympathy of not only hh
brethren of the editorial profession,
but of a large circle of personal and
business friends. It is, indeed, a seri
ous blow to lie parted from one's lif
eomiianion, in the prime of life, bir
our editorial brother may seek conso
latlon lii the fact that his helpmate
was a consistent and devout Ch ristian
one who in life administered to the
wants of the poor; a -kind and in
dulgent mother, and a loving and de
voted wife.
Hflrrm-il, ami Is 1'roli
ttn ft) i n (toil,
27.- Hie colonial nt-
Vening, received a cable
faUos, west roast of AI-
KhsU a rumor Is ourrent
laves there at a collision
British and French troops.
It Is believed, will prove to
n a conflict between the
-tome natives.
Accuracy of the statement
She London papers point
AMstaent danger resulting from
Mmy of the two forces In the
territory. A conflict be
ll. French and British forces
ft anticipate for some time
1Mb countries have been hur
Mt Into the disputed territory,
ffw is of about 30 years stand-
France and Great Britain
ittfcttons for the settlement
Motive frontiers In west
I; the outbreak of the Fran-
war interrupted the nego-
ics then there have been
II V...
rfllspatch says that M. Lehon,
of the colonies, has re-
IjlRktonnatlnn of the reported
sn .British and French
discredits the report.
Ilr mn Julnliie Tiililcts. AH
MA 111- "M.n-v if It fid's to
tccmiinit linn L H (J. on
ST St Imp !!' orW win.
Nov. 27. The coal mining
the noithern Illinois district
ay. Twelve thousand men
,t)ack to work In the Coal
ocd, carnon Hill. Spring
Seatonvl'ile. l.u Salle and
:alAm Hnn (hntlBnn.l ramntn
ittreator, the only point where
rs and operators have not yet
A settlement Ii expected there
a Week. Victory Is with the
although they have not won
asked for.
Life is a battle field.
Bvery day brings its
fierce, unceasing- con-
flict; every night leaves
- lu multitudes of desd
nd dying. The horrors of war are no
irreater than the horrors of disease. If all
tile nation of the earth were at war against
each other there would be no such carnage
wrought within the year as that which Is
accomplished annually by one dread disease
And vet tliis most fatal of all diseases is
not without its remedy. It Is no longer the
irrcststitjie destroyer that It was considered
'hirty years ago. An entirely new aspect la
put upon the possibilities of this dreadful
mnlnilT by the astounding remedial action
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
which cures consumption by nourishing the
luii? with an abundant supply of pure,
highly-vitalized blood.
This stops the formation of tuberculous
matter, and builds up fresh tissue, muscular
flesh and vital energy. It gives digestive
power to the stomach which it too weak to
asimilite oily emulsions
Mt-s I.ncv Kloefller, of Artvfln, Mich,, writes i
Wticn I vvns about elfrht yt s of tiae I tisd In
flammation of the lunss. and from that lime tin I
was sick nearly all the time and had a doctor
niarly all the time. I would take cold wo easily It
would go right to my lungs. At the age of nine
teen l is very bad; there was pain In my tunes,
tlekline In mv throat and mv throat was stuidea
with ulcers: there was hoarseness and partial hup-
nsesslon of voice, and difficulty of Vireathtne. 1
nrc-tore 1 with one of our best physicians and he
slid he could not help me and just prescribed cod
liver oil md told mv mother I could not live longer
than three months. I kept getting weaker every
dav, when at last a friend asked me why I did not
trv Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dlscoverv. X
thought there was no use, no more help for meas
consumption was m our family. My father and
alao my slater died with it: but after taking the
first bottle I seemed to feel better. My appetite
Was belter and 1 kenLfleht nn tnktntr It. with a
bottle of the ' Pellets once In a while, until I felt
real wen. Before taking it. I weighed one nun
mtro-g'LyceWne EXPLODES.
Tho Iteinnrknble l'enturo Is tho Ab
sence) of l'ntnlltles.
Chesterfield, Intl., Not. JT. An ex
plosion of nltro-glyeertne occurred a
half mile west of this city Thursday
night. Sixty quarts of nltro-glycerlne
had been hauled to the place for the
purpose of shooting a gas well. The
explosive was placed in a large zinc
tub located at the end of a steam ex
haust pliie, for the purpose of thawing
out the mixture. It Is the theory that
the tub became overheated, causing the
explosion. A hole ten feet lone and
several feet In depth was torn In the
earth, and the engine was blown to
Drillers Haney and MeCJuIre had a
remarkable escape. They were stand
ing wlitiln SO feet of the scene of the
accident and were hurled to feet by the
force of the eXtAoslou, but with the ex
ception of a few bruises they are un
hurt. Persons one mile awav were
lifted from their feet by the concussion
and the Jar was felt for ten miles.
Tc-nlght .Bd lo-Bierrow Night,
And em h day and night during this week you
can Ret ji any druggists Kemp's llaltam for the
Throat and I .imp acknowledged to lie the most
successful teinedy eree'soUl for Coughs, Colds,
Ilronchitis, Asthnw-atul Consumption. Get a
bottle Iv-day and keep it always in the house, to
you can check your cold at once. 1'rice 25c.
50c. Sample Isittle free,
Wlilteonppor -nnvlotou or Murder.
Knoxvllle, Tenn., Nov. 27. The jury
it Sevlervllle, In the case against I'leas
Wynne and Catlett Typton, charged
with the murder of William Whaley
and wife In that county last December,
brought in a verdict convicting Wynne
and acquitting Typton. The crime was
an outgrowth of the whl'ecap organiza
tion. There are also coses against Itob
ert Catlett and Itobeit Wade, who are
You can tell Just as well as a physician
whether your kidtieva are diseased or healthy.
The way tu do is to take a Isittle or glass tum
bler, and fill It with urine. If there is a
sediment a powder-like substance st tho
bottom after standing a day and night, there
is something wrong with the kidneys An
other sure slgu of disease Is a desire to urinate
often, and still another sign is im in the
hack, If urltio stains llnuu, there la no doubt
that the kidneys are tiflVcted.
Any and all diseases of the kidneys, liver,
bladder and of the urinary passages snit con
stipation of tho biiwols a-e clued by Dr
tuviii Kennedy's l uvorite Koiueiiy. mere
Is no niieation ahuutlts boliitr the best and
surest medicine lu the world for such troubles.
It oulckly relieves and cures 'liability to hold
urine, and people, young or old. who take it
are not compelled to get up a tiuinlwr of
times during the night. Kir putting sn enu
tn that scalding pain experienced In passing
urine, nothing Is sn good as l)r David Ken
ncd's Favorite Itemed;. It corrects the lul
effect of whiskey and lieer ; Is pleasant to
the teste, and doc- not seem to lie medicine
stall. Diseases of the Sidneys and bladder
often mpilre the use of Instruments to push
oncK the satiny matter some urine can ue
voided. In snail cases Favorite Ilctncdy
should be aikcn without furl her delay or the
d Inert- may pruvo fatal. It is sold fur one
dollar a liottlo at all drug stores. It Is well
worth many times its price.
Samples Free.
If you wish to lest Dr. David Kennedy's
Pa vortr,, I'uttiiMtt, liAfi.M linvliiir (t kciiiI rniir
full post iitliro address to the Dr David Ken
nedy t'orporatlun, ltomlout, N. Y , and
mention this paper. We will then mail you
a sauitile bottle flee, as well as virculsrs giv
ing full directions fur its use. Every reador
of the llKKAI.Dcaiidcneud uiinn the aeuuine-
noss 01 this unerai oner, ana an sunerers
from klihiov troubles should take advantage
of It at once.
For Infants and Children,
hcuse nl
Sir nifiiy
An Important Issue.
It whs said b" Itwoe Conkllng a
short time bcl'jre bin death that the
next great ist. .e that would force it
self upon the Amorican people would
be immigration.' That issue ha
come, mid in a very serious form. At
the last bession of Congress a (lor
liiim steamship company uiudo a
threat that it would defeat 11 certain
member of Congress for re-election
unless he did its bidding in the mutter
of immigration.
It is perhaps as well that the
country should understand that the
interests bent on Hooding our ports
with undesirable immigrants are not
going to yield without a desperate
flt-'ht. Coneress missed a bill of ex
clusion, but President Cleveland
telzed upon the lastchance of his ad
ministration and kept a salutary law
off tho statute books.
But the immigration question is
one that will not down, and it must
be met and settled. It should have
beea-settled years ago, but neglect,
procrastination and the indulgence
of special interests kept the Itepubll
cau party from 3-sing it full duty.
The defeat of 1802 wsa sharp re
minder. Many artisanTHited the
Democratic ticket in that yeafuOT
because they had been won over to
the principles of Democracy, but out
of a feeling of resentment against
tho Kepublicun party for its failure
to properly restrict immigration.
A tarill on foreign products with
out adequate safeguards for the work
iugman against foreign labor, seemed
to .thesa 11 narrow and one-Bided
system of protection. The Contract
Labor law had reduced, it is true,
the evils of whloh they complained,
but it had not abolished them. Had
the party of protection met the issue
as it should have been met. it would
have been Impossible to elect a Presi
dent on a platform eomuiltted to a
revenue tariiT mid wildoat banks.
The fall of 18&0 returned a protec
tionist President and a protectionist
Congrege. The fall of 1898 will choose
a new House of Hepresentatives, and
in that campaign the Republican
party ought to go before the country
with the record of a wholesome law
burring our ports against the objec
tionable class of immigrants who
have in former times been permitted
to swarm In upon us like the locusts
of Bgypt, and who have already done
thsoonutry almost Incalculable harm.
The Cougress soon to assemble
will Uav the ttower to enact suclr m
meur ; it will be backed by R
President who will not nullify the
work of Congress, as Cleveland did,
add the much-needed law should be
provided without f iirther delay.
Just toys IBs box of Qasoareta, the flussl
Mvsr iwn bowel regnlator ever made.
., I-" ("iiurcoHrnfi.
2 1. The dead body ot
as fi vnd last Monday
St. Cunut, the body
stab wounds and his
haliir ! ccn cut from ear to
Irs. I'oi b r and a man named
it Pursier. , who had heen paying
lion to her, were arrested, charged
the crime. Parslow yesterday
full confession. He says that
lis urged on by Mrs. I'olrler. The
absolutely denies any complicity
la affair.
lUKimdrt of r-'iov-P Kniniiiircii'Pd.
yton, N. M Nov. 27. A prairie
i sweeping over the country south
is point. The grass Is very high,
there hns been no rain for weeks.
Course of the fire Is through the
. cattle range belt, and for over
dies ttwrl8 110 barrier In its path.
(sands of sheep are In danger, and
wing rushed to places of safety.
Kneoial Winter lSxeurslons to Old Point
tloinfiot. Ixkewood, Kle.
wis st all its principal ofnoesifsti
winter eiouoMou mmi
fort. Last-wood. Atlantic City. Ospe MajK
slid oti'r pnuiiioe"--w,"--p- -"'""
JsisstsssI Yirgluls. These tickets are on
sate low rstaa with very lilieral return
limits. For full Information hj to routes,
rales, Jk., consult any Philadelphia A Besd
inc agent, or address Bdson J. Weeks, gen
ml passenger agent, Philadelphia.
tillKhs and
I d iiikci 11
t o re
- Persons
nl.U nkoobl
.1 -,w 1
t.V u-H'K
ht ed
wider from
the ssruua
. -llllel lutl itnd
M K I 1 okh
mUllii'b v, mi. i'
dre,' t?ii pp-mKl". arj-er tatcf-risj tt. orte hutiilrl I charged with having Instigated the
and thirty. I ha-e not had a cough this winter 1 ,., ,va ,, f.
... , . , n .,,. Its commission.
DUiariuuua inivin iw ma auu&i,
The Florldrt I.lmlled Will Agoin Una on
the Houtlieru Itnllwiiy.
Tho Florida I.milcd, which is the syn
onym uf nil that is ogjnt lu-rnV.lern rail
vay trains, nud wlilch du'ring its furnior
service lieen a prime f.ivorite for tourUts
I'runi tlie N01 th seeking tlie mild climate of
Flurida, will bo placed In service by tho
Southern Riilwuy about the first week hi
January, 1-118 With its return to service thii.
train, which will bo-uiliit l'lillnuiii vestihulcd
between Xe - York, I'hltadelplifs and St.
Vugustine will presout features In the w.iy 01
oxurimis and uomftirtahle .tpMiintiricnts not
beietofore presented, and whicli will In
destined to add still further to its already
.veil established popularity.
The Southern Hallway is having built for
tho Florida Limited scrv'ie three tr.ilns.eacb
uutainlug 11 dining cur, two dr.iwlnx room
deeping car, a compartment iiar and k
Ibrary and observntiun car. each car com
leto in nil its appointments and equipped
with the very Utest 'levices and unplUuc
for the comfort and convciiicuco of tho p.ts
icngers. While tiu schedule hits as yet bet 1.
oiuounced, it can ho stated that it will bo the
lUickost uver armngeil between l'lilladclplil..
md St. Augustine, and will be so phi n 1
rhat pusseiigers om leave Fhihuloipliia u
some convenient hour during the day and r
rive at St. Atmustinw before nightfall of the
follow!. ig diy. I'hiladelphla Itecord.
Notice. Applications for lurthor lufnrma.
tion addrossexl to .Ino. ,M, lleall, tiistrict
I'sssenger Agent, Southern Hallway, KM
'hestd'it (.licet, I'hil.idclphia, will receive
jrompt attention. lO-'JS-tf
ateful Mother Writes this Letter
ells all about Her Troubles when
Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores.
Vt the age of two months, mv baby
ri to hve sores break ou t on Me righ 1
k. We used nil tho external np-
itkme that we could think or hear of
o avail. The Bore 3ircnd .ill over 0111
Of hit face. We coiinulled a physl
and tried his medicine, and in a woe!.
tore was gone. But to my surprise in
WMks more another scrofulous look-
otfi appeared on baby'o arm. I:
r worse and worse, and when he wu 1
B18! months old, I began giving him
i's Sarssperllla. I also took Hood's
aparUla, and before the first bottle
finished, the eores were well and have
irretur-ied. He is now four years old,
ho 1 k ver had any pign of those
fBtQus -Hires since he was cured by
&dJdj Sarsaparllla, (or which I feel very
Sitll. Aiy noy owes ma gooa noaiip
sjuiectb, fair skin to this great med-
o,w Mrs. S. S. Wbotbn, Farmlng-
, pelaware. Get only Hood's.
, ,, n,,. aro prompt, efnclent and
)QC1 S HlllS easy In effect, aicenU.
yery- and
I Undertaking,
tfoi 13 North Jardin St.
.-nuin welcome weita you at
Cor. (lain and Coal Sts.
MhmI wblakava. bears. Dorter and alt
iianiiy on tap, Choloa emperauee drink.
ni -
nasi SVC. Just as s first class jeweler under
Tk Pntlwlelphla A Beading Hallway lisirlhuLdj movements of a watch. I do not
"fo succeed in correcting defective sight,
understand the mechanism of the
Hamilton Oldfleld baa been appointed
postmaster at Klllcott City, Md.
It Is ofliclally announced that there
Is not now an American citizen in a
Cuban prison.
Premier Sagasta has requested Senor
de Lome to remain as Spanish minister
at Washington.
A bllaard is raging In the northwest,
and the temperature has fallen In many
places below zero.
European capitalists are about to be
gin the manufacture of linen mesh un
derwear In Oregon from flax grown In
that state.
Felix Donnelly has arrived at Itands
ford, Cal after having wandered four
days and nights In Mojave desert He
narrowly escaped death.
The court martial which tried Captain
LoVerlng, of Fort Sheridan, is said to
have found him guilty of brutality to
Private Hammond, but recommends
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac,
tho wonder-workor that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure, 60c or $1.00, Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New Vork.
7. TTTi ' , ' .
Vuid.ij, 1' . Xcv. Ti. An Inquest
.as i...d yfit.iL-'y in the care of aged
Mrs. Margaret Dclin, who died here
under suspicious circumstances about
a weuk ago, and whoBe death It has
been claimed was not from natural
causes. Coroner Kunsman conducted
the Investigation, and when all the tes
timony had been heard he announced
that there was nothing suspicious in
the death of Mrs. Devlin. The Jury ren.
dered a verdict of death from natural
tuft tell you precisely where the troubk
gpd how to correct it with the least espeoM
;ye specialist.
AT 'I If MRr O) -
The bladder was created tor one purpose,
namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as
such it is not liable to any form of disease
except by one or two ways. The first way is
from imperfect action of the kidneys. Hie
second way is from careless local treatment of
other disease.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys 1
the chief cause of bladder trouble. It is
comforting to know that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root fulfills every with in quickly citrine
bladder and urinary trouble. It corrects Ina
bility to hold urine ami scalding or stinging
pain in passing it, or bad snect following use
of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that
unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get
up many times during the night to urinate.
The mild and extraordinary effect of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root ii soon realised, It
stands the highest for it wonderful cure of
the most distressing cases. If you need t
medicine you should have the best. At drug
gists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have
a sample bottl and pamphlet, both sent free
by mall. Mention Hkrami and send your
address to Dr, Kilmer & Co., lliagbamton,
N. Y The proprietors of this paper guaran-
Le the (,'einuneiiess of this olb-r.
Ask your gmecr for tho Koyal Patent
dniir. and take no other brand. It la the best
Soar made.
IToroltsri Hlplonintu DoolnroThom Im-
piiHHlblo of Acceptance.
London, Nov. 27. Special dispatches
received here from Shanghai say that
Baron Von Heyklng, the German min
later to China, has presented to the
Chinese srovernment the demands of
Uermany for reparation for the recent
murder of Gorman missionaries and
the destruction of German mission
propci. y. These demands Include the
discovery and execution of the mur
derers of the missionaries, the punish
ment of the Implicated officials, the re
construction of the mission buildings,
the payment of an Indemnity of 600.000
taels to the relatives of the victims,
and also the payment of a heavy in
demnity to cover the expenses of the
German naval expedition and the
malnt. r.ance of the German force at
Klaochau bay.
The Chinese government replied that
Klaeh tu bay must be evacuated be
fore the demands can be discussed.
llaron Von Heyklng refused to consent
to this, and a deadlock was the result
The foreign diplomats say that the
German conditions are Impossible of
acceptance, and they assert that they
were only presented to enable Germany
to retain Klnchau bay and to extend
northward her hold on Chinese terrl
Starts on Her Arctic Trip to Hollovo
Icebound Whalers.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 27 The revenue
cutter Hoar weighed anchor this afWr
noon and started on her mission to the
Arctic ocean to relieve the Imprisoned
whaling fleet. A short stop will lie
made at Port Townaentl, after Which
the Hear will proreed without further
delay, going as far Into the northern
waters as steam and wind will drive
Speaking yesterday of his trip Cap
tain Tuttle said: "I may not be able
to reach Sledge Island, where It Is In
tended to land the overland expedl
tlon, but there Is another place where
I think I can land. I will not say
where It is, for the reason that I might
Captain Tuttle Is more hopeful of the
success of the expedition than he was
when It was first suggested.
&IHHB liubliel- (lot $1,1100.
Carson, Nev Nov. 27. As a result
of the first stage robbery In this section
for 15 years, the stage running between
Bishop and Independence was yester
day robbed of the Wells-Fargo ex
press box, containing about $1,000.
tVII Murderer Scnteiiood.
Tunkhannock, Pa Nov. 27V-Carlelon
D. Adams, who was convicted last week
of murder In the second degree for
shooting his wife, was sentenced by
Judge Dunham yesterday to 16 yars
and six months In tho Kastet-n pern
tentlarv. Mis. Adams was Miss Ida
Tlchener, n Virginia girl.
Sheriff Wins In a Tlospornto Ilnttlo
With ConvlotB.
Princeton, Ind Nov. 27. Nineteen
prisoners confined In the Gibson county j
jail yeBtcrday declared themselves In
open revolt against Sheriff Murphy,
For several days threats have been
made by the prisoners, and the sheriff
has been warned. Yesterday the men
declared they would have more food
or kill the sheriff. A posse of deputies
was placed outside the Jail, while Sher
iff Murphy entered the building alone.
As soon as he closed the door the pris
oners, headed by John Boger, a no
torious criminal, rushed upon him and
were about to carry out their threats
when the posse rescued the sheriff. A
fierce fight ensued between Boger and
Murphy, and Boger was beaten almost
Into Insensibility and then thrown Into
a cell. When the prisoners saw their
leader wors . d they were suppressed
without lurther tiouble. Boger says
he will kill Murphy.
Tlicro is no need of little childicn helnc
toriured by sosld head, ecse n md skin
eruptions. Dewltt's Witch Haz 1 iogive
Instnnt relief and cures permans itlv C. 11
I'ruiien-llriizllliin Trent- Approved.
Itlo Janeiro, Nov. 27. The chamber
of deputies yesterday approved the
Franco-Brazilian arbitration treaty,
within the terms of which will fall tho
boundary disputes between France and
Brazil, and particularly the settlement
of the Amapa question.
For Weak and Run Down People.
UHflT IT IQI Tho richest of all restore
nilHI 1 1 IO I tlye foods, because H re-
E laces the essential of life that aro ex
austed by disease, ludlgestlon, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc.
UHflT IT finpT By making the blood
WnHI II UUCOI pure and rich and the
digestion perfctrflt creates solid ltesb,
muscle and strength. The nerves being
made strong the brain becomes astlve and
clear. It restores lost vitality, stop all watt
ing drains and weakness In either sex, and
as a female regulator has no equal. Price
bOc., orflvo boxes Si 00. Druggists or by malL
We can help you. Adylco and book, free.
I Write Us About Your Case.
1&12 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia.
-Successor to-
vnn noun annrnt
105 S. Main
Headquarters for a full and com
plete line of groceries.
nillions of Dollars
Go up.In smoke every year.
risks but get your houses, sUta
nlture, etc., insured In flnt-eut
Take nc
Uiai, for-
t-elala re
liable companies as represented by
HAVm FATKT Insurance Aijent.
UAVilJ rAUOldjosoutb Jardin SI
Also I.tfa and Accidental Oompanl eat
Superior Sarsaparilla...
and Oranue Champagne.
ruNO axd oar.Ax
0. SI N White street Blienandnab, I'a.
ateltllH'l'-SiiTii, lMiib U-lwiiWl.
London, N .v. 27. The British steam
er Baron Ardrossan, from Bombay on
Oct. H for Antwerp and Havre, collided
with the Austrian steamer Jokal off
Dungesa, with the result that the Jokal
was so badly damaged that she sank
shortly afterwards. Four of her crew
were drowned nnd 19 others were res
cued by a pilot cutter, The Baron Ard
rossan had her bow stove In.
Small "111. safo pill, best pill. DoWltt's
Mttlc IJarly Itlserscuro blliuusnoss, constipa
tion, sick liruilaclio. J. 11. uaeouuucn
Nov. 27.
Dramatic company 111 a reportoire
of their own plays, opening
with the beautiful western
Ladies' tickets for "Friday night
Grand Matinee on Saturday afternoon at 2:30
I'opular prtatw to suit all.
10, 20 and 30c.
Chart at Snyder's Drug Store,
Neuralgia of the Heart
Vanquished by Dr. Miles' Remedies.
HS. BIDLEY, of Torrlngton, Oonn,
Suffered from Just bueb u complica
tion of diseases as tbo extcnslvo ex-
perience and Investigations of Dr, Miles
havo proven, result from impairment ot the
nervous system, Mr. Jus. II. Sldloy writes
Oct. 25, 1895: " My wife was taken sick with
neuralgia of the heart, nervous exhaus
tion and liver trouble. Although attended
by two physicians she grew worso until sbe
was at death's door. 1 tben began glv
ing bor Br. Miles' Restorative Nervine
ind Dr. Miles' Non Heai t Cure, and she
Improved so wonder
fully from the first
that I lit once dis
missed tho pliy.lclans.
Sho now eats and
sleeps well and doe
her own housewoii.
Wo havo recommend
od your remedies to a
great many In our city, and every ono bos
been very much benefited by them."
Dr, Miles' Ttcaiodles aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee first bottle,
bencflte or money refunded. Book on Heart
and Nerves sent free to all applicants. '
DR. MILES MEIUCAI, CO, Ellthnrt, Ind.
jg Retoree
3 Sfl8HtBK&S4
Dangerous Lard
Lsnl at Its best Is unwholesome, Indigestible. It makes foorl shortened
with It soft and greasy. At Its worst, It Is unhcalthfut and filled with
dangerous bacteria. It is condemned by every medical nud culi
nary authority. f
Bvery food scientist agrees that vegetable oil Is nutritive, digest
ible, end free from disease germs.
19 composed mainly of refined vcgctablelll. It is nu
tritious and palatable. Food shortened with or fried
in it can be eaten by nnyono without harmful results.
Tho ewndn Is told e?rrwhn In on to Un pooort rllow 1th
our trm'e Insrks "CorinM." nl xf.r' ArM.I r..".,n-rjmr w.r.alA
on Trjr tin. MotcnsrSQtenlltsolillnSDTotliirwsr, lUJeoulybr
Cntertso. Bt. Louis. Sew York. MentresL
One Bcst.'
And We have the best Shoe
Store any where in this region.
Kvcry dollar's worth of goods
is paid for on arrival, which
means a big saving. Our
or.ders are sought for by the
best manufacturers, which
gives us best choice. Our big
business makes us big buyers,
and these three points make
lower selling prices here than
is possible in any other store.
riie Lambertville Rubber Co.
Appreciate that we are the
foremost shoe dealers and- have made
us selling agents for their celebrated
Snag Proof Rubber Boots.
Shoe Store,
J. A. MOYER, Mgr.
We Give Check, for Amount of livery Ptir
chase. $35.00 Worth Gets .1 Ilenuli-'
fttl l'arlor J,amp.
The people of Shenandoah and vicinity now have
an opportunity to take-advantage of the greatest
Slaughter Sale
In Overcoats
ever known here. Mr. Refowich,
Clothier, has been selected to offer a
Overcoats on commission, at prices that
them within the reach of the poorest.
the One-Price
large stock of
will bring
The Stock is
Entirely New
and every garment well made, so that the Bargains
will be rare ones. These goods are the" product of
- the largest clothing house in New York City, and
have been placed on the market because of the
assignee's sale. They are to be sold on commission
by Mr. Refowich, and this in itself is sufficient to show
that the prices arc away down. If you want an Over
coat now is your opportunity. Take advantage of it.
The Reliable Clothier,
10 & 12 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
is, . r.iiip and all inn. at an.l lung tr
t U. tlSKoilS"1-11-