YOU WANT .an ftstk the fuklic throttgh a frt- MsW) dlgmfltil, influential journal I mil Hi HhKALD colnmns. 'I1 VOL. XII.-NO 289. SHENANDOAH. PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1897. ONE CENT. n X U. P. WILLIAMS 8c SON, 3 SOUTH IVIAtrM STREET SHENANDOAH, PA otyja-onop. gaap. -XkW- '-"- - WHAT A COME - We offer special inducements in . . High-Grade Woolen Underwear. -AT THE- UP-TO-DATE HAT STORE, les Cast Centre Street. LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S COATS - and - CAPES I 0: :o We call special attention of our customers to the CELEBRATED SAIfS PLUSH used in our garments, as being the best goods in the market for wear arid finish. Styles of garments are correct. Prices always right. ss0ur.Une of the MUNCY BLANKETS is Complete. COMFORTS, UNDERWEAR, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. . i .I E3CZ(rP"'C North Main St., m m W - I I V I 1 THANKSGIVING SfllLE ! What's a diuner without a glass of something that will do you good ? Overloading the stomach is na tural on Thanksgiving and you need a glass of some thing that will aid digestion. Keep your health. You may need one as a stimulant. g COLUMBIA UeT Will answer the purpose. Have your dinner complete. Leave your Thanksgiving order' in the office, and its prompt delivery to your home may be insured. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL -is- LIMB' KID GLOVES, Yforth $1.33 a pair, reduced to 7Bc. Good only for one week. GREAT BARGAINS IN CARPETS 'P ALL KINDS. P. J. nONAGHAN, 3 SHENANDOAH. PAINTING AND DECORATING ! WALL PAPERS.- Thomas H. Snyder, Our stock of Thanksgiving goods is full and complete. NEW RAISINS, ALL 1897 CROP. New MuscateU, 3 l& for 25c a " 4 lbe for 25c " Seedless, - - 3 lbs for 25c " Seeded, - 2 lbe for 250 New Cleaned Currant. New New Sliced Citron New Prunes, 2, 3 and 4 lbs for 25 cents. New Evaporated Peaches, Plums, Apricots and Pawn. New Figs and Dates. NEW MINCE MEAT. We sell nothing but the best old new style or cheap niince meat at any price. OUR MIXED NUTS for Thanksgiving consist of the beet grades. .New crop, roper &ue Airaonas, urenaoie walnuts, Sicily Filberts, Texas Pecans and Brazil Cieam Nuts. No old ni among them. New Crop New Orleans Dwng Kfcttle New Pickles by the dozen Fresh, Crisp and Sour. . . . New Sweet Pickles. . . . Crosse and Blackwell's Imported Pickles and Chow Chow New York State Fancy Full Cream Cheese. Fanoy Creamery Butter, Always Fresh. At THIS QUEEN -OF- Sewing Machines Only $19.50- . . . Warranted for Five Years. . . . ORB AT BARGAINS OPl'BRBD IN FURNITURE To casn buyers or on the Installment plan. Conic an.ljsec the largest stock in the county to select from at prices that defy competition. - nr.r - DOWN. Our $1.00 W$ in black and brown are equal to the best $1.50 hat ever made. W . '5 Shenandoah, Pa. BEER ALE PORTER LADIES' QDat5 apd ?ape5 IN AM, YAIttETjps - Children's and Misses' Reefers .nd Long Ccats. LINOLEUMS AND OIL CLOTHS VERY CHEAP. 23 South Jardln St. Shonnndoah, Pa. New Sultanas, - - 3 lbs for 25c " Valencias, - 3 lbs for 25c " Layer Clusters, 2 lhs for 25c Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel. Ready for um. fashioned mince meat. We sell no Molasses -Pure, Straight, Open Goods. KEITER'S. mm THIS WUATIIKIt. The forecast for Saturday: Cloudy to partly cloudy, preceded by raid In the pastern dis tricts, with fresh ami brisk, variable wind and nearly stationary, followed by falling temperature and clearing In the afternoon. MRS. PARKER'S DEATH. The ISstlnmblo Wife of Keillor Parker Passes Awny. Special to BvniiMQ Herald. Mahanoy City, Nov. SB. It Is with deep regret tbat wo uhronlcle the death I Sirs, Alice Brown-Parlter, which occurred at her late residence at 10:30 o clock this morning, Sho was the estimable and devoted wife of John W. Parker, editor and proprietor of tlio Daily Record. Tlio cause of her death Is attributed to congestion of tho liver, front which she bail been a sufferer but a short while. Mrs. Parkor took ill last Sunday, but her condi tion was not considered of a serious nature until Wednesday evening, when it chauged for tho worse. Sho gradually grew weaker and hovered between life and death until re lieved of ber sufferings this morning. Her death Is mourned by hor husband and two children. The latter are James, aged 17 years, a student at Bucknell University, Lowlsburg, and a daughter, Miriam, aged 14 years. Tbe deceased was an activo and life long mombor of tbe English Baptist church, and figured very prominently In leligiouj circles. Her death is a severe blow to Its congrega tion. Iter friends were numerous and she was loved by all who knew her. The funeral will take place on Tuesday, tho 30th Inst. Services will be conducted at tho house at 11 o'clock. Tbe remains will be taken to Potts vllle on the 1.12 p. m. Lehigh Volley train, wfaero interment will bo made In tho Charles Bsbor cemetery. lllckert's Cute. Our free lunch to-night will consist of oyster soup. Baked potatoes and sausage to morrow morning. Jileventh Anniversary. The C. T. A. B. Society, of Lost Creek, celebrated Its eleventh anniversary last oven lng with one of tho most successful banquets and entertainments ever hold in their hall. The suppor was under the management of tho president of tho Ladles' Tcmporance, Mrs. J.J. Cuiley, and members. Tho 25 people present were so well pleased they were unanimous in votiug tho ladies' Temperance tho best of hostess. After supper an interesting program was rendered, in wnich Rev. P. F. Daggett, pastor of the parish church, delivered the opening address. Recitations wero given by J. Dean, A. D. O'Boyle, A. J. Carey. Mrs. M. E. Dean. Mrs. Nellie Clark. Michael D. Brennan, P. J. Dougherty. W. J. Carroll. M. J. Cuff, Mrs. Bridget Ollroy ; songs by Misses Josie Grlllln, Maggie Bronnan. and A. B. O'Donnell, Hugh Coylo. John Dousherty. Patrick Dunlnvey, Edward Barrett : dancinir by Patrick Dunlavcy and Edward Barrett: oration by A. B. O'Donnell and song with violin accompaniment by Miss Josio UriSin and J. P. Griffin. Tho society will bold en tertainments monthly duriugtho winter. lllrthdny Parties. A birthday surpriso party was tendered Llzzio Yulekt at tho homo of her parents on North Mam street last evening. Games wero indulged in and refreshments wero served. A largo number of tho young lady's friends wore present. A birthday party was tendered Mrs. C. Rassior, at her residence on West Coal street, last ovening. Those in attendance wero : Mr. and Mrs. J. Frauts. Mr. and Mrs. E. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bierman, Misses Emma Frautz, Florence Schurz, Ida and Lottio Dornbach. Carrie Morgan, Mario O. Itassier, Edna Robinson, Messrs. William and Christian Rassior, Miss Nora O. Gill entertained hor young frionds yesterday afternoon at tho home of her father, R. F. Gill, on North Main street. It was tho occasion of Miss Nora'sniuth birth day, and she entcrtanod bor guests royally. Uaraos una other amusements were l)4ulgod, in after which an excellent suppor was served, partaken of by tho following! Rose, Grace and James Cleary, of Mahauoy City; Lucy Lynch, Katie robin, Tannysend Bock, Blanch Yost, Mary and Emma Keitlian. Mary and James Cleary, Thomas and Nora Gill. Now at Klondike. Mrs. J. F. Graobor, of Sbamokln, yeatcr day received a letter from hor husband, who with his son, Joe, and lien L. Faust left several months ago for tho Klondike gold fields. The letter was written from Lake Bonnet and dated October 18th. All were well at the time and tbey wero waiting for (ho completion of their boat, which would take abouttwo days, when they would pro ceed towards tho Klondike. They expected to reach their final destination by this time. Daughters of Liberty. All members of Barbara Pritchio Council, Daughters of Liberty, are requested to meet In their hall in Beddall's bullding.on Sunday, noxt, at 0:00 p. m., to attend divino services In the M. 13. church. Members of Major Jennings and Shenandoah Valley Councils aro invited to attend. Mns. Louisa Bkadiikury, Councilor. Attest : Mns. Alice Morgan, Seo'y. 3t ltreeu's Illalto Care. Oyster soup, free, to-niuht. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Dedication lit St. Glair. Tho new Greek Catholic ohurch at St. Clair was dedioated yesterday with appro priate ceremonies. A parade preceded tbe dedication, at which priests from Lansford and McAdoo performed the eerernoulss. Lorenzo J. Copper, 0 Green St., Albany, N. Y saysi "I have used Dr. Bull's dough Syrup and find It very beoafieial, and can safely reoommend It as a good remedy for coughs." JCUletl at Tamaqua. Daniel Kaley, an engineer of a Blue Line freight, mefu sudden and horrible death in the Reading Railway Company's yard at Tamaqua, shortly bofore 1 o'clock this morn' lug, lie was struck by an engine and killed almost instantly. He was a resident of Tamaqua and leaves a family. Pains in tbe region of tbe liver and kid neys ean he broken up almost Immediately by using Dr. Bull's Pills, tho best prescription for liver and kliluey troubles. Atnlldeajers, luanuaocts. There Was no Match. The shooting match between Fen. Cooper, of Mahanoy City, and Coleman, of Heelns for a side, did not take place at Lavellp yesterday. Cooper said his nanio had been used without authority. Oasoarets stimulate liver, kidneys and 4 bowels, Novor sicken, weaken or gripe, loo DEFENSE GLOSED I Many Charges Not Proyed in the West Mahanoy Case. SCHOOL DIRECTORS ON THE STAND Tbe Defense Opened Its Case This Morning by Placing Upon the Stand the Ac cusod School Directors Vigorous Cross Examination. Special to Bvsriko IIbhald. Pottsvlllo. Nov. 20. The trial nf tlin rut of the Commouweath against P. J. Ferguson, P. M. Noone, Thomas E. Flannignn, Martin E. McLalnand John Donl.iti.Sth nnl Dlrmttnt-. of West Mahanoy townsblp.for misdemeanor, which was oommenced last Thursday was re sumed beforo Judge Beobtel this morning. j.iie court was opoueu at 0:80 and Judge Bechtel made the announcement he promised Wednesday ovcnlne whon tl in riiurt ml. Journod. Ills Honor stotod that In carefully going over bis notes of tho evidence hn had arrived at the conclusion that counts Nos. 1, 3, 4, 0, 7, 0, 11, 13, 15, 17, 10, 21, 33, 26, 27, 30, 32, 31. 30, 38, 40, 42, 41, 40, 48, 60, 52. 51, 50, u ana ua uau not boon sustained by any testi mony. - 1 no indictment charged," said bis Honor, "that the orders therein named wore without consideration and therefore entirely fraudulent. The evideuco falls to sustain any of that charge. "Besides these there nro some orders set forth wherein tbey are oharged as being part fraudulent and evidence in reference ticreto will be considered. 'Counts Nos. 91 and 05. relUinirto exon erations of tho taxes of Henry and Peter Joyce, are nbt sustained. Tho testimony of tho parties and the tax collector was that those taxes were paid, and therefore the dis trict could not be defrauded out of the taxes duo to it." "As to tho counts from 58 to 80. inclusive. the indictment charges that the orders enum erated in tho counts wero issued to teachers for nttoudlng institute whon in fact tho dis trict was not indebted to thorn for any such amount. Thoovidcuce falls to sustain any of the counts. In fact tho evidenco shows that tbo toachors wore entitled to these ordors. And when the County Superin tendent certified that they attended the in stitute tho orders woro issued to and re ceived by tho teachers, and cither ondorsed by them, or authorized to bo endorsed by tboni. According to the testimony tbo amount was duo by tho district. Therefore tho charges that tbo orders wero fraudulent lent hecauso they wero not duo for sorvices rendered aro not sustained by the evidenco nrcsonted. This loaves 30 of the 09 counts for considera tion of the jury. Tho portion of testimony which would bo evidonce under these counts may be admissable on the question of costs on either sldo, should tho question como be fore tho jury." Mr. Whslen thon asked and was Granted pormlssion to placo Isaac Morgan, Deputy Clerk of tbo Courts, on tho stand to prove tho election returns of 1807, and other years, to show that the defendants are duly olocted members of tho West Mahanoy TowusblD School Board. Mr. Marr, one of the counsel for tlio de fense, thon openod his case by ro-cnlline Principal James F. Gallaizhor tn dm oin,l The witness said he was a married mat and mo iatuer 01 turee children. He said U10 Jjlaunlgan order for $75 was uot presented at thomcetiue of the townshln nuilltr. also sold the statement prepared at that meet" ing did not Indicate whethor or not that order was presented, but It w:i rnfnrrn1 tn U conuection with the secretary's salary under" tho heading of "Expenses for school year." I 1 nomas Dee, prosecution In this caso, does not own property in West Mahanoy Town ship. His mother owns the house sho lives lu. Tho witness became angry when under cross-examination by Mr. Whalen, especially when pressed upon tho question as to whether the statement referred to In the direct ex amination was made out when Messrs. Wagner and Wllhelm wero present at tho Auditor's meeting. "Yes, sir," be answered sharply, "but I mado some of tbe calcula tions upon which the statemont was based before tho meeting." MABTIN E. M'LAIN, one of tho defendants, was called to the stand by Mr. Marr. At tho settlement of tbo treasurer's ac count for the year ending June, 1807, 1 mean your account, did you have this order No. 481 for $75 present at that audit? No, sir. Did you over see that order? No, sir. That's all, sad Mr. Marr and tho cross cxamnton was takon up by Mr. Whalen. Tho witness said School Director Noon was uui j)rBeu(, uv mo auqit wuiio he was there, nor did he remember that Director Flanni gan was thore? Was that order there? I don't know anvthinir about It. Was there anything said about that order? nun .uff. 4 ikuun u. Was this order issued to Mf. Flannigan ? Yes, sir, I guess It was. Were you present at the meeting when It was issued ? I think so. I oan't say positively without relerenee to the minute book. Don't you recollect that you wore there? I can't call it to memory whether I was or not. Don't you recollect a resolution giving riauuiHHu 9 10 tor auenmug to supplies ana acting as truant officer ? Yes, I think so. I can't say when that meeting was held. It may have been one of the last meetings ot the uoord. Have you, as a Director of the West Maha noy township schools, reoeifed money for Civiug ifiwibiuu mj ivneiiersr No. Bir. Did you receive from Mss, UavanMigh. who was iueti Ji ua umrvey. rru ror a iwMitinn. .bam no 1 1 uttruiii top" u r No, sir. Did you receive $T0 from her ? No, sir. Never in my life reoeived oent. Not as niuoh as one penny. From her, or anybody, for her ? Not one penny. Have you, within the last year, or two, re- ueiveu any money jrom jonn uauiield, as teacher ? No. sir. Did you receive tiie institute orders at any lira wivuin tne years, isw, or iBVtiT les, sir. Bomeirom Air. uaiiagiier, one irorn sir. f laniugan and one from Mr. Brown, auu 1 muu mem me rnoqey. Why didn't your ny the money to the leoouersqireci , . - ... . . - - Because the teachers didn't nreasnt thani Did you have enough money to pay these oruera wuen mey were issued T Yes, sir. Did you make any inquiry of Mr. Galla gher as to how he came to get these orders ? I believe I asked if be hail been authorluul to receive the money for the teachers and he said yes.' Did you know for what purpose this money Yiwt vu 1 jo unu UJT air. ireiiugnerr No, sir. Did you never hear anything about this campaign fund for 1807 1 Never until I heard of It In tbe 'Squire's oftloe in Shenandoah. Did you ever make any protest to Mr. Gallagher that he should not have received or collected these orders to raise a oampnign rural? No, sir. How long have you been in office ? I km serving my eighth term 1 think. How long were you treasurer? Twlee. You Rotan Institute order? Ym, sir. How niucli did you get nnt of it? S. And each of the six Directors got the sime. If Dlxoa received his, how Is it he didn't endorse bis order? When tbe order was drawn be was on his death bed and he was paid before the order was drawn, so were the others. i How did vou come to do that? I refer you to the minutes of Dec. Stb. (minutes produced and examined by wit ness.) Von refer me to the minutes. Now what Is there In the mlnutea that thrown anv ttettt oujtf There Is nothing there. Witness: (IlnAillritr from mlnuteil "On motion the Directors be mid for Httentllnir oouuty Institute." When was that? November 7th. What does that throw any Unlit on? (No answer. ) is there anything on the minutes that au thorised them to receive money for that? That is the custom all over the county in the majority of tho townships, so far as I can learn, for Directors to receive pay for attend ing teachers' institute. I am willing to re fund the money if I have done anything wronst. Didn't vou find nnt at tho trial In KentAm. ber that it was wrong ? 10, sir. Did you refund the money ? No. sir: hut I am wllllutt to refund It If It Is wrong. Don't you know tho school laws provide that School Directors shall not receive unv pay for thoir services as such ? 1 non't remember. 1 may hsvo read the law. I won't swear I did, or did not. Were vou not told at the audit bv Mr. Wagner that it was illaasl for you to tako that money? 1 don t remember that. He may have. Why did vou tako &5 when vour nev at the mines Is $2? ' It is nretty expensive to come down to Pottsrille. You never presented any statement of expenses to the Board for attending institute? 1 don't know. How many days were vou attending institute? One. And tho teachers attend institute five dava and only get $10? xes, sir. School Director P. M. Noone.. one of tho de fendants, was the only other director nlaced on tbe stand, but other witnesses for tho de fense were heard this afternoon. . Tho dofenso closed their casoat3T15n. m.. when Mr. Whalen, counsel for the Common wealth, asked for n postponement until to morrow morning, to produce witnesses to con tradict tho statements of tbo Directors that thoy received no money during their term of office. This was granted but Judge Bechtel said that the case must positively close to-morrow. Mr. Whalon stated that he would require less than 2 hours to provo his statement in reference to tho directors. There will likely bo but little rebuttal tostiinony. This IS nnt a special one week price. We ceil them all tho year at these figures : Rodgoi Bro., 1817 tea spoons $1.50 doz. dossort " 2.75 " " " " table " ' 3.00 " " " " " forks 3.00 " E. B. IlBUMM. PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout the Country Chronicled for Hasty Perusal. On a wager of ton bushels of potatoes Mrs. Barbara Evans, aged 08, of Elk county. chopped down three large pine trees and out tbem into cordwood in aday. Dr. II. M. Keller having resigned as super intendent of tbe stats hospital at Hasleton, tbo assistant surgeon, Dr. I. W. Stearns, of Philadelphia, is meutioned as his successor. At Uarrlsburg on Tuesday Robert Miller, treated by his weeping bride of a few months. was sentenced to two years and six months in the penitentiary for tho theft of a bicycle. Uovernor Hastings has reappointed Irvine A. Sterns, Soranton, and Charles Heebner, Philadelphia, mombors of tho State Board of Qamo Coiumissiouors. Exeesslvo cigarette smoking resulted in the death of Harry Graham, aged 10, at Franklin'. Tramps arrested in tho .borough of Dubons are manacled and put to work 011 tbo streets. Tbe tax rate of Lancaster county is to be Increased a half mill, making tbo rate three mills. It was testiflo'l in court in Reading yester day that 113,000 tons of coal aro hauled through that city in a year. The McAdoo school board will Issue bonds to the amount or $3,000 to liquidate its debt. Charles Short, of St. Clair, and Miss Emma Braoey, of Glrardville, were married Wednesday evening. Joseph Yeduski, tho East Centre street grocer, was placed under $800 ball by 'Squire Toomey last night, oharged by Alex. Uich- kofiki with retaining a certain amount or bis money. 13. tiousewortn, tbe rblladeJphla eye specialist, is in town giving instructions to T. Buchanan, the jeweler. The latter will mako this a branch or his business. Tho celebrated remedy Salvation Oil. is recommended by experienced veterinary surgeons as Just the thing lor the stable and cattle yards. Stop! Lookt Consider! Prepare yourselves for an Alaskan winter. The New Bee Hive, No. 205 East Centre street, oheapest plaoe for Ladies' Gent's and Children's underwear, overslilrts, stockings, gloves, sweaters, Ac. Pay us a visit and we guarantee to give you satisfaction. 8-28-tf ' Heat Another's Wife. John Kriimple was held In $800 hall befure Justioe J'oorosy last night ou a charge of as sault anu uawsry preferred by HUnev Iasos, 'the complainant says that Krumnle com. muted au assault upon his wife by beating uer on we neaii with a elub. It's Winning New Friends Dally. What? Pail-Tina for coughs and colds. At uruuisr uroa., drug store. Hu.pectn a Hearing. Tbe three suspects, Michoel Ginnau, John I.uclf and Miobsel Donahue, accused of at tempted robbery, are still confined to tbe lookup, pending a consultation with the Jmp and watch committee as to what actiou snail be taken. Kequssts have been made by the prisoners to the authorities to notify tuwr pawn 01 meir incarceration. To-night's Itutertaltinietit, me Uourtlng of Mother Goose" will be produced tu tbe basement of All Saints' church this evening It will be Interesting and phsujiny to both childreu and grown people. Don rail to seu it. Don't Trifle With Coughs and Colds Taks Pan-Tina (25c.) ami bo curd. Grublor Bros., drug store. At TO GONTROIi GOAL TRADE The Vanderbllt Interests Col Deal. Make a Big- CONFINED TO BITUMINOUS TRADE From tbe Ownership of Ooal Lauds to tbe Final Delivery of the rroduet, Managed by One Bead Im portant Dal. Charles'lon, W. Va., Nov. 2. Tlie Vanderbllt Interests have a scheme on toot aiming at the control, through the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, of the soft coal markets of both the east and west. Kvery part of the enterprise, from the ownership of the ooal land to the final delivery of the product, will be managed by one head, repre senting one Interest. About two months ago the announce ment was made by Hon. John T. Mo Qraw, of Grafton, W. Va., that he had sold to a syndicate, including in Us membership Cornelius Vanderbllt, II, McK. Twombley and II. Seward Webb, a tract of ooal and timber lands in the northeastern part of West Virginia. The same people bought other smaller tracts, making their holding nearly half a million acres. Railroads now controlled by the syn- Ilcate will be completed to the coal lands, connecting them with the Cliesa peake and Ohio, and through it with the east and west. It is also stated that the Vanderbllt interests have secured control of the Hocking Valley road, and it Will be extended to Huntingdon, W. Va, Wtdoncr'n l'l-fnuoly Gift. Philadelphia, Nov. 28. The official an nouncement of P. A. B. Wldener's In tention to present to the Free Library of Philadelphia his palatial residence on North Broad street was made at a dinner given by him Wednesday even ing to a number of prominent citizens. The property, valued at $600,000, will b transferred to the city on the com pletion of Mr. Wldener's surburban home, and In addition the donor will expend $100,000 In the purchase of speci mens of pure American art to be placed In the art gallery of the mansion. aill'llUOl )()il'illM Stlll'llllClt. New York, Nov. 20. Jimmy Michael, the little Welshman, for the third time this year defeated Frank Starbuck, of Philadelphia, last night. These two middle distance riders met in a 25 mile contest over a carefully prepared board track In Madison Square Garden, and the "rarebit made a runaway race of It after the second 'tulle had been completed. He won In the good time of EO minutes and 29 1-5 seconds, thus beating his own Chicago Indoor record of 52.31 2-8 by 2.06 1-5. At the finish Starbuck was SO laps behind, and as the track measured nine laps to the mile', the Quaker City man was left three and one-third miles behind. Tho Comlntr Cm-hott-Fltz Fight, Buffalo, Nov. 26. The Express pub. llshes the following: "Within ten days Corbett and Fltzslmmong will Bign ar ticles for another battle for the heavy weight championship of the world. This positive statement was made by William J. Connor, one of the most trusted agents of James J. Corbett, and William A. Hrady, who 1b Corbett's manager. "This statement is made on tUe authority of n letter which I have Just received from headquarters," said Mr. Connor, "and It is positive and cer tain. I could tell vou the time and place where the principals and their managers will meet, but for certain reasons I am not at liberty to do so." Alelilalzls Cafe. Cream of tomato soup, free, to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Fiftieth Anniversary, The three camps of tlio P. O, S. of A., of Mahauoy City, are preparing to appropriately celebrate tbe 50th anniversary of tlie order on December 13th, by a public meeting In Herskers' theatre. Ex-State President Clarence F. Huth, of Sbamokln, will address tbe meeting, whioh will be followed by a musical and literary outertalnment. A street paride will precede the publlo meeting. In. vitatlons have been sent to all the camps in this vicinity. OIHVIN'S Specials For Friday and Saturday, Box baking jiowder and 0 spoons, 36a. square dinner palls, 4 qt. granite pudding pans, 4 qt. crystal valuo oil oaus (worth 50c) this sale 4 qt. granite stew kettle with cover, A few more 16x17 roast pans. Gibviw's, ll-S0.2t 8 South Main St. The Tempest Comedy Co. The J. L. Tempest Comedy Company appears at Kales oiiera house. Mahauoy uity, ror a two-night engagement, beginning tins evening, when "The 1'luckiug of a Hose' will be given. Un astturdsy night they will present the western drama, "Honest Hube iiotn these plays and tbe members of the company are well known to Sbonamloul theatre goers, and tbe latter take much pride in tne ici tnat tne leading characters are portrayed by Shetland oans, and tbe further Put that they are meeting with such flatter ing success. Both these plays havo been greatly improved and new sconsry lias lieon added. Our exchanges (peak very highly of tbe productions. All kfuds of mate for wiping the foci, cheap, at Fricke's carpet store. 11-5-tr The Orant Itanil Hull. Ou of the leading society events of the season, and one which will a'tract many people fium adjoining towns, will tako place on the aotb inst., when the Grant Baud will hold tbelr annual ball tu Kobbius' opera house. Hcboppe's Famous Orchestra will furuish the dancing music. The hull will be tasterully decorated aud orerytblng done fur the comfort and couveuieiice of the baud's patrons. Shensudosh is proud of its ex cellent musical organisation, few to equal it in the interior of the state, and thoy should show thoir appreciation by liberal p.itronagi) At Weeks' Tills Week. Mr. Idirry Pquccll, inusiial artist, will tu at Weeks' lintel, and .ill Invert, of nnisii should uot full to hear linn. 11 an ut ,UB. lttttoher Charles Ken nntl ft 1 a Work- nmn MHy Congnittilale ' SSSTSS. What might have jeen a fat) 4mmt was HWossIng t Horning. narrowly avoided at the Main I of the Lehigh Valley railroad ', It was about 7:20 o'clock when 1 Iffss New, the butcher, accompanied by! workman, were driving toward) their sU iter holme 'ban tbey as halted near the Cambridge colllcryt reached the crossing their sr by an approaching freight tq Tbe one cist fifty ..r 1. . e. . ... 1 . j I rt aiu've the Vroi,,K which X) es teams to drive inside of it. In hlsW rvach his placo of work Mr.Jjfi ernes to w drove ut of him ing mi. around two teams which were not being aware of the danger He bad just reached tbe then the horse noticed the approaching reared, thus saving its life and ;ine and itbat of it tore a pe and rtainly a both men. In its jump back part of the harness. Mr. New' also that of his companion miraculous one. It Is uot moi a several weeks ago that Mr. New was red in a runaway accident near Jackson FOR THE CHILDS An Amusing nntl Instructing lllleoklot Which Itrerjoiie Ohii Hurl) iHree, Tbe approach of the holiday Ms'ftm lesds every one tn think of tbe waptaH of little ohlldren. Appreciating this th. plibllshere of the Great Philadelphia Sunday iKress Iisk arranged to present free to every gjeader of next Sunday's Press (Novembtr Bth). a little book called "The Animals-.AtH.habct." Every page is illustrated with a waWsr color sketch of some animal whose rMharactor Illustrates tbe idea conveyed by (be) (letter tn which it refers and in addition til ere are verses as effective as all of "Mother iB loose's" rhymes. Every child will riffi "The Animals Alphabet," and every eimild can secure it, ir ItH ciders will but buy n) xt Suu nay's Philadelphia Press. . 1 ine btinday Tress in every other particular will be up to Its usual high standard) 1 There will lie more special features andfwnler illus trations than are to be found 1UM7 other paper. You hod hotter order neSflBinday' Press to-day. M Kcnrirlck limine Free Oyster soon will be served to all patrons to-night. Sllney Koblcz Tnkeu lti.ine,' Tbe Inhuman treatment and action!! of tho moiner 01 suney Koines, the little ss y win it May strayed from his home in Rhamokfn J una lumen liluu.u: Hllecuon. HOW IS he imt two weeks the boy has been lylr tirally ill nt the home of Stephen If inks. Wc 1 In-. 1 Coal street, whore his lifeut times hag despaired of Yesterday morning vil iry mi oxpectcd the mother or the boy ij daughter appeared at tho Ilinks rcl nil hci idem nnd asked permission to take tbe bojfl home She displayed muob motherly love ! iinv, her long lost son and apologised for II had done a few days previously. TIB vices of a tab wsb secured and sjJ afternoon little Stiney, accompanle MIRACULOUS ESI iterdiiy muuier auu nster, uopaTteu tor meir llernslde, nearShamokln. . Foot Hull Gunies. The Pottsville High School foot II team defeated tbe Lehigh University I serves yesterday by a score of 28 to 0. About 3000 people saw Ashlar ehamokin yesterday at tbe foi Neither team scored in the first tlie second Ashland won to the tuna There was much enthusiasm whan was announced. Sheusndoah was. resented at the game. The Rough and Ready team of Carmel defeated the Tigers of Mahanoy CS score 0 to 0, yesterday morning. A forfeit of $50 was deposited game of foot ball between the Asia! and Manager Fabey's Shenandoah The date has not been fixed. In tbe afternoon an exciting place between the Shenandoah el1 Mahanoy City team, and much was engendered. The referee game in Shenandoah's favor by 10 to 0. This did not satisfy the. ijiiy people anu rue gate receipts held, They take detest unlike men. At Kepohlnskl's Arcade 1 Noodle soup, free, to-night. Hot lunoh to-morrow morning. A Story of the War is "North and South," in which " open their week's engagement at theatre .Monday night. Mr. (Ji Vonde, who is tho author of this part most admirably siuted have Miss Earle and May Prim favorites here, who are too well newt any recommendation to on goers, "isagles Nest," a beautiful five acts, will be presented Tuesdi which tbe principals are again seel advantage, Mr. De Vonde espeeiaU t rail," having a part exactly sin) ability. During tbo engagement J will introduce a number of illustsgtl -41 WIIITU FINIS lCXl'KOTUKAl 17111 duels au utuer cures ror 00 ug asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness aaiK axlll i ii -it . Can be bought only at Povinsky's 88 East Centre street. Price 25 ceri Klondike Slock ComuaHf It is officially announced that foi-U i mil llitiirc foi pany will be organized In the nead the purpose of prospecting lu the KU.n hlo gold fields of Alaska. The partteJ ih ii -n! mil nul are capitalists from Northuuihij Schuylkill i-ouuties. It is stated lh. company will be capitalised at add ft J Prospecting parties will be equip9 to the new Kldorado as earl possib'e. Unite a number of Mall capitalist are interested in thejJ ;d for ew us - ( the Qlobe. for RHEUMATi ami ii i put td utjd r 1 1 i ERMAN MEDICAL ' .prescribed by sunn, . ) i DR. RICHTfc-RR bis PAIN EXPELL worm renowned l:. n . Kftelytnnuhiewllli Trade Mn, ' t'. id. Klc hter i Co.. 2 1 1 , ;,. i 4 1 uisurev Biiisr'' oi ninncai ni, ui 13 Branch Honses, Ou ' 25bU)tu. ailursu4 d, , , A. Wssley, 10s II T -. H. Hageutracb. 10 1 M , .P.P.D.Klrlin. f t Sheasnilcati no cur .iTrri n "ANCHOR" STO tlAc IUI ri-", i'vptpa!n Htm -rhi 1 Coat Season in Full Blast. It isn't often that such a splatmia col lection of ittMonaole and stylish Pall and Winter Goods n we have labored for months to gather here, can be found. Our selections now crowd every rack and shelf of our store and represents the cream of thousands of lines we have inspected. We have takea care that the fimires we nnote should properly harmonize with our well estab lished reputation for low prices, and have 110 hesitation in saying that in all our de partments plentiful assortments of new and desirable goods will be fonnd at money-saving figures equalled elsewhere. that cannot be R. F.GILL, MAIN STREET. LLOYO STREET. FURNITURE IN PLAIN TALK. Dining froom Tables From $1 and upwards. Our fore room and warehouse is becoming overctowded with stock which must be turned into mo ley. We are prepared to meet all buyers and any reasonable offers. Your lean purse? may be fattened by buying irom us. Our furniture is durable, artistic in design and .ml equal to any in the town". I,.-1 SI I L BROS., 106 South flaln St.SiT YOU MAY EXCLAIM In the greatest astonishment when you see the bargains we are ofterincr in 7 Groceries. The surprise will be succeeded by pleasure at such an unex pected opportunity to get your moneys worth in the purchase of our goods. , New Citron, Lemon Peel, Figs, Nuts, Apricots, Peaches, Pitted Plums, Prunes, Cur rants and Raisins. T.J. BROUGHALL, 25 South Main Street. -J, THE DAYLIGHT STORE, -IWILKINSON'Sj- If low prices for honest goods, prompt attentions polite and experienced salespeople and the larg est stock of Ladles', Misses' and Children's cloaks, wraps and eapes are what you are looking forcome to us. We don't like to boast, ut a glanea through our k will eonvlnee any judge of values that an do better In prices others. tii Dress Goods, too, Lie old tanrT prices1. k great care to buy before the sd- wo could sell at torable to our pot stock Is full ! choice styles j ind line all :hargo.