EVENING HERALD KWA.IM.taHltl) INTO. mine, assent dnnitay, Juan nraaar. Near oit Y" KwmM la deilvsixl In Mlienaiiiloan and h KTMuaillaa towas tur sl oents week pay aai, t Mm carriers. By mat I S3 on a year r 1 w& a sswuUa. payable In ndvano. A'U iM tMokitrieU' jrdlimnimo vvl 'St. t ajeilahets mm-, the rlslit chan tho T-iaftlil of uttwt .lenmmla II. The rl.clil n f4 to mire auv advertisement, wl er tor m , that the publisher miy f. adverttalnit raWra mad know" npbllmMoti. , , J f Iha pcasofnoe at hiii'loli, I'a MMnil claw mall matter. TBI.KTHOWK jNNHa;i I"'- . "All flu Nm TW't FH ti Mai." kvnlng Hr'd THURSDAY, JCOVHWBBR S. 1WT. Look oh lh Brijtht SWs. Another Thn.nkfrlvin(r dy liiw dawned, nd we are perhaps (juea tioning ourselves as to wbelhvr ue lmve any cause for gratitude In the way our lives hare been ordered. The peHBitutut, looking Mlwayson the dark side, gays: "Well, 1 may be fairly happy to-day, but that doesu't argue that I may not be utterly miserable to-morrow," andjin consequence he or Hlie, Instead of being thankful fo: the present good, frets over the future evil which perhaps who knows T may never come. Everyone of us has xoiuethhiu for which to give thanks to-day. Now begin and Hiiulyze our possessions anil see if the blessings do not outweigh the miseries. If we have health, we should rejolee ; that is a rare gift that cannot be too warmly appreciated. If a dear one who has been at death's door is restored to us, that is another o luse for jubilation. Mven if we are pressed hard finan cially, there, are compensating gidei to that situation. Nothing Is so bad but it could be worse, and though we may not feel privileged to.'shoiit over a positive good we can be happy in the fact that it is not a positive evil. Every one of us has the power to make sunshine in our own and in the lives of others Hurdens there are to bear for every pair of shoulders, but in helping others, in self i-aorillee, in a desire to be sweet, kind and lovable, om own trials slip away and whe;. Thanksgiving Day comes around we can, with a joyous heart, declare that we have much to be grateful for. All holidays have their sorrowful side ; they are reminiscent of other ocensions when the fumily in perfect, unbroken numbers sat around the table und reveled in the spirit of the occasion. Now they are scattered here and there. Death, perhaps, hns claimed some, and the feast of to-day is but a mere shadow of the functions of other seasons long gone by. Buj if you are left entirely alono and are obliged to sit down to your solitary ineal with no companions save your own thoughts, you still have cause for thankfulness, and you will find it if you only make it your business to look for it instead.of moping and re pining over what catlnot be helped and what is only made worse by brooding upon. Awake in touch with the spirit, of the day, and you will find that, de spite all past troubles or present annoyances, you oau cause the 24 hours to brim over with gratefulness that may do much to make other ones equally joyous. Topic of General Interest. Simply as an expression from men who are trained to deal with prob lems and to form their opinions from conviction, the opinions of the four teen nrofessors of Northwestern uni versity to whom a postal savings bank petition was presented are of interest. Each of them gave His in dorsement to the projeot and appar ently took nleasure in doiug so. Just as the laboring men approved the plan from a keen personal sense of Its need ; just as business men have indorsed it as the best available means of promoting oontentment and thus forf eliding agitations un- fn.vora.hlA to steadv growth in trans. the oollege men approve it as a theory sound in the abstract and practicable in its application to the oonditons of the time. The Northwestern university fnnnltv is rnreenttive in its per sonnel, of many educational institu tions af hiuli class throughout the country. It is not unreasonable to suppose that an actual test would rllnRloan tliat the greater nart of the educators In the oountry wouluVteke the same view. In the light of this general convic tion among all classes as to the merits of postal banks, bow long will it be lefore the system is regarded by the people not ae merely an advantage but as a necessity of modern social and eoououilo conditions f 'I'll KimroHohiiiif session of Con oniu oari deal with no question of wore general interest than that of postal savings banks, and it is to ue hoped the recommendations of Post master General Oary win u lavor ably acted ujkhi. TO OUIIH A CO Hi IN OSK IIAY. m.v. r Mmmn Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money if it fitils to ears. He. roe genuine um u. a. . uu web tablet. Slop! Lawk I (Jttiiat.lea-t u..i.N..ivM fur an Alkau winter The Maw beu Hive, Xu. 80 fiast Ceulre street, cheapest Plllce for Uent's atid Chlldreu'a underwear, mershirts, stuekings, gluMw, sweaters. & l'uv tin a visit anil wo guarantee ti ji mi sain.hu tion 0-128-tf Jut try a mi' " of I ascaret, tlieflnest liver suit bowel regulator ever made. STORY 0.- ( LAY. He Wv Osnflitent of Klretlon ni obi ..i 1844. "Thei Candida' WPJl 11 lnort (llftnmmtnbMl Pk'StH 1 uraatdrncy thnn 'r. Clay wn him, "fi IB 1' ' a.lVH onn whu Lt ,w W lie fully expix K1 fi tenant the WhIUi III then on flM IS 19. Ho was llttttMM run fur the presidency, fcrtiR been the hli l of his nartv. and liwl In hln II hrM run, again i .lark lantt.fohn Qulncy than 51' rMttina, In 18S4, he rucolvod lew Jackson (WSJpi In hit. .cond, against I IB HI, over BOXj. jOO. and hi lila third n voto of mnjorlt jMecelVod In a total popular 1,WMI00 votes within 40,000 of a Mr. I'olk Thus ha had for hope, nnd his friends, much a buth hi inroiifthout tho country, his election In fact, that for news by slow mall, It fill C81 I King wits a vi odired, i (y) iflel I wns tl his defeat was ncknowl- VeroJ times was tho victory by the burnlna of bonflros. Mlployetl as a messcngur boy lu the o HUKuncer omoe, and by that to Know Mr Ciay, frequcnt Mr Oalos and Mr. Beaton to him. Sometimes I found apltol, but ttenorally nt his moans ly boinff with 1BI him at nviii-s hulldlnir at the nnrthwoat corner ( na. . . '- 7 tho Hltlf .SaUht'.i htn-t and Market sprtoe, 6w un'n-ied by Mr William II flockc ii a bis rooms ho was friendly with n mannor MM sasniod pleased with the One, wflion i ponormoti my itucice. ns saw: 'My lad, wbon I be lOUlO Ul nt, I will do something for you ft'nitu i hJt0 you to ooiuo to aoo mo nt the will 1 i;V far. iuigr, x ruHjunuuu, now guruded. on you when your duc.ii nre W tttUHtsb, rt:iiarV.rl Mr. Clay, pie.hliig Admit to me, will 1UU in a cam, on wnicn no wn.io: 11 Clay ' li.ini'.iiig It stutl- -rtikv euro of It, and It "I fif OU Do KUro to come. ' imp It. ozpuctou to liave occnnlou to 'KMi like Mr Clay and thousands of other the can , -J was dlGoppoliitcd. I have had i Tor mcr half a century mid Imre treaatird .d It as an c idt-iiue of Mr. CIivv'h good lu Uintlona. " Wiihhlngton star Thoije Dreadful Sores They ontinu9d to Sproafi In Spite Oatrr- Ml - . r." .iJ-Tf-.il Work. i ( hive been a grer . . in on one of my '.!') beenme dread ' t i u:ood np I could iw . .i.-n tl.o veins o b. O I uccidgnlaUy hit my itut soim ocjert and n suro broke ieh contiensd to spread and wan JiBly pa' if ul. I tvnchidej 1 ,'n b'.i'od j n'iSeriidl bigan takli g Sarpopii ilU. In a aho.'t lime iresdlul sores which had caused touch ..Eerlng, began to hnl. I kltHifu':y with Ilood'n Bsrt'opo-inV-frv e abo-t time my linib - tHr tuwled a nd the so-ei pivf - ' fi?i. i cinno- n" t otin -kri wonderful worv Uo.icVo Car'ftpa- as do-io for mo." Mas. A. E. OlIOK Ilartl.- Verm nt. S?e Sarsa a naciHa Hhod Is the hi..L)tn filct the 0no Trle n00 1.llriftor. Martii i J, Dixon's Production of tl e English and American success, BROTHER BROTHER. BV FRANK HARVEY. A lodrama That Appeals ' to the Masses. (o) ...THE... Realistic Iron Works Great Fire Scenes Heroic Rescue by ... A Blind Girl ! rt f, Snyder's Drug Store. BO WHAT AND SATURDAY, NOV 76 And 17 j THflJ. L.TBMI'EST Dnwni . QP ttic comiwny in a reportoire JtuAt owi plays, owning .vitb the beautiful Irish I drama, PLIjCKING 1 OF A ROSE. Ladfet, tickets for Friday night only sra,diti m on Saturday afleriwM at 2:30 Popular prioea to null all. "1L at-ifH -r-.- Cli Hood'j,ia Pills cure alllirer ills. SB emits, LASER'S Ollera House, Ihahahdy city, pa. IHfilSlI, KOV. Ma dnee and NIglu. yjf 1 trt 1 Chi i t Suyder s Drug Store. The Beauty of Health. Health Is what makes a woman be iiUiiul. Beauty Is another name for health. Find a face that Is fair, checks that are rosy and full, eyes ti it sparkle, a form that Is well rounded and symmetrical and you will find perfect health. It Is sad to think there should be so many sufferers among women. They are the real martyrs of the world. They endure pains, aches and agonies In silence, when there Is neither need nor necessity for tlifr torture. mains women attrictlra by miking thtu he-lthy and strong. II bu IJa ui tha nirvn, ni ca tho blood rich and pure, atran?thns the orRana thai ara o'tan Hk, and tlops tht w lea that Uar down tti lytum. It curat ma ananas cnain or lanali troubles. It la we Deal mcna uatwoman aver hid. A daughter of Mia. Chrlftlna Baal, of 0" jpotl.la., mitarad, greatly from femila !' I'loa. No doctor could help har. But Dr David Kennedy 'i Pavorlle Renady made her strjna and wmII. It M n.b. Kr othar women perfectly healthy If they will only try It. Si a bottle; 6 bottles S5. Of nny urugglf 1. -a a,j l.riniiHlly-rf.iiiliiitii il 'I oiirn tin l'.iind,rl viii.la ltllro.nl. Skasxi.v or 1807-8. The l'orauimlly-tjiiniliictwl Tourist System of the l'eniiaylvanin Balhiwcl Oimpiny tithe mint citinplete tuid olahonito aytem of pleaHiro travplim; ami atKht-areiiit; yet lc vlaed It la tlio conanmmatioii of the ultl mil to hlea In r.iilnwd travel, the final cvoli' tinn of uiiMaaiUhle lwrfectlnn. For the aoaaotl of '07 ami 'US It haa arranged for tho following tour : California, Four tours will lonvo New York, rhtlAtlelphla, anil Ilarriahnrg January 8, January 87. Fobruiry 18, and Marrh 10. With the exception of tho first party going huiI the last returning, all of these parties will travel hy the "Oohlen Gate Special" be tween New York anil California, stopping at Intern ting points en route. Flotilla Four touw to Jacksonville will lenvo Now York anil Philadelphia January 25, February 8 and 92, and March 8. The first tlueo admit of a stay of two weeks In the "Hon cry State." Tickets for tho fonrth tnur will be good in return hy regular trains mtil May 31, 180S. Old Polnt'Couifortt'Kichniond, and Wash Ington. Threo six-day tours will leavo Now York and Philadelphia February 10, March 10 and April 7. Old PointComfortand Washington. Threo four-day tours will lonvo New York and Philadelphia December 88, January S3 and April SO. Old Point Comfort. Six tours will leave Now York and Philadelphia December 28, Taiiuary 20, February 10, Marcli 19, April 7 and 23. Washington. Seven tours will leavo New York and Philadelphia December 23, Jan uary 13, February 3, March 3 and 31, April 21 and May 12. Detailed itineraries of tho above tours, civins; rates and full information, may ho procured of Tourist Agent, 1100 Ilroadwny, Now York; 800 Fullon Street, lirooklyn; 780 Broad Street, Newark, N. J ; or Geo. W. itoyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. Household Gods. The ancient Greeks believed that the Penates were the gods who attended to the welfare and prosperity ol the family, lhey were wor shipped as household trods in every home The household god of to-day is Dr. Kings new Uisoovery. ror consumption, coughs, colds and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs it ig invaluable. It has been tried for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to cure, or money returned. No household should ue without this good angel. It is pleas ant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Free trial bottles at A. Wasley's drug store. Keguiar size 50 cents and JI.oo. Tho rallluz Leaf. Tho falllnu of n loaf Is brought about by tbe formation of n thin layer of vegetable tUMue at the point where thu leaf stem Joins the brunch of tho tree After tho lonf censes 60 mnka starch nnd surnr for Uiti tote this slasiw begins to grow nnd no tunl'ly cats the lent off It ts therefore not n mere breaking array on neooant nf the wind bending the dried stems, bat an an tomieslc severing of the member no longer useful The falling of ripe fruit Is depend ent upon tun saiue process. Philadelphia Ledger Waknino: Persons who suffer from coughs and colds Bkould heed the warnings or danger anil save tnemeeivee suuering ana fhtal results by uslne One Minute Couch Cure. Jt Isan infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubs. C. II. llagenbueli. TtfUtoljurg k'oruat. The Tt'troburg forest. v hue Arminlua dofentod Vuru. and put an end to Roman prog rat in Clormuny. la a wooded, moun tainous region. Inuatod partly lu the prin cipality of l.lpi and partly in Prussia, extending at II rat, under the name of Kcgtt, in a northerly dlrcotlon Hi rough tba territory n! I'endeuborn to Drlburg, than norsbweat to flarvefgeni, five miles tana of Rhelnne, on the Bras. A Seed Thing Far a Bad Oettgb. What? i'aii-Tina, e. At G rubier Bros., drug store. t'tiMir vurrouey of irwny !.'nrwi'ian uepur currom .1 Id printed on oliin i .inn brown paper, mid tht-bill are aliout the nize of ine ' alilupl.ltuir" uaud lu thu I'nltnl Utetea In the time of tlieolvlt war Those bills tiro rarely awn In this oountry, for they olrcnlata little nruong tbe common jiouple from nboui emigrants to A nier lea am drawn. DliMOiiutnlwie in Hweden, when pat un der rostralnt, are ted aliuoet entirely on urefwi stoppeti in wino in teas man n ion night they loathe the very look and smell of llqaur, unil v. nun liberated generally become total abatalnors In Itussla n sim ilar treatment is followed with good re sults The soothing, healing effects of Dr. Wood's Norway Piuo Syrup is felt almost Instantly. There is no other (tough medicine that com- 1 bines so many virtues Hold by all dealers, ! When bilious or costive, eat aCasoaret oandy cathartic, cure guaranteed 10c, 96c I FORCE OF TOADSTOOLS. They Are Fragile Tliliif Wherein Mighty Power Haaliloa. Not long ago 11 porttuu ot the pnrotnent In n struut In Pari was heaved out of lt place in mine mysterious uiannar. Ileforo It could lie replneed numerous toadstools made thclrappwirnnco In the gaping spaces between the stones When tire stone were retnoved. It wits found that they rusted over an liiinienee spongy mow of toatUtool growth, whloh had gono on Uiorenslng until It made a way through whloh it could push It liwid into tliu nlr. On of tin" stonoH mlsed by It mermuretl 1 foot S lnuhva by 2 foet and weighed 800 pounds. A more intensive Injury was done in thu same way years ago at llmlngetoka Not many month after the town Imd buva paved tlie pavement was noticed to o..hiti : mi unuvuiiiioaii whloh wiuld not be Bcvou'iti"d for As soon, however, as the unevenness Wim aultlcleut to make opening between thu xtunee the hidden onomy mnde ltn ap learance in the Bhnpeof lnnumentble toad stools Ho complotely had thu spire or spawn got M4!H'!Wlon of the material on which the pavement was laid that It had to be oomplctcly taken up rind tho whole town had to be roived. The toadstool and It kind seem to flour ish in plaoes where the light Is excluded, a In tlnrX oellars, under flagstones and in hollow tntw They roriulre, however, the nlr, and n certain, though it may be small, amount of light, that they may ruaoh their perfect rondUlon Kvi ry one has heard of tho enormous growths of fnngl in 01110 wine oellars. A case is on ruoord in which a cask of wine, having been left without attention for thrca yoaru in a dark collar, was ut tbe end of that period found to buvo been borne mi thu surface of a mushroom growth until it was fnrcud against the roof Thu fungux, motvavur, bad got no- cess to the wine and hud druuk It all, Uv lug upon lu sug.ir. and so tbw morw ouslly rulsiiiK thu gradually uiuptylug cask from the uronHtl Fungi have sometimes taken iiossuislon of worlred out uiliim nud occupied enor mous spaces Chlonso Inter Ocuun You can't afford to risk your llfo hy allow inirarold to dcvclon Into nncuraonia or con siitnpHon. Instant relief and a certain cure ara suoriie.1 by uuo Minute Cough Cure. C 11. Hagenhucli. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE tml 1'Iowcrs, tliu Ilaud of America, Cali fornia, Via the true pathway, "Tho Iron Mouutuiu liouto," which traverses a region of perpetual soushine, where snow storms, bllzsards or high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first and second class palace nnd tourist sleeping ears to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without change. Quick time, low rates, and all the comforts of modem railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway system, tor rates right from your home, literature, and fail Information, drop. postal card, J. P. McCnnn, T. P. Agent. 519 Rail road avenue, Elmim, N. Y., or 301 Hroad way, New York. 3-1-tf W. E. Iloyt, O. E P. Agt. . ,.u aii 1. luiu t,uusuiUH!UII UU1, JUU CJ1I1 DP(,M It ,wl ll P MnAVP nfk.B .. . u. .....uu bu.u V.Ukl .U.I II U. .ll.UaV or lung trouble by tho use of One Minute n....l. n tr ti i k UUll UUID, Jt 11. IIUJIUUUUIII, t.ousolatfo3 Tj LouellnesA. "There is 0110 Idea that every spinster seoreuy cncrisnos. "What Is ltf" "Thot lots of men wish ther had ranr- rlod hor Instead of the girl they did marry unicngo iiecom. J. M. Thirswcad, of Grosbeck, Tex., ssys that when he has a spell of indigestion, and feels had sluggish he tikes two of DeWitt's l.tttle l.srly losers at night, and ha Is all right the next morning. Many thousands of omers ao ine same tuing. Do youT C. II iiageuouca. A Shrewd Youth. The young man approached the elderly capitalist! with a continent nlr. "Sir," he said, "I love your daughter. i osk you tor hor hand." "You want my danghterf" be snarled. "Well, you'll got my foot." And he made a sudden navnnoo on tho yonth. The lat ter did not qnnlL On tbe contrary, ho leaped In the air. He waved his arms. Me yolled: "Kill him, kill html Robber, rob- berl" He Jumped at tbe old man, who trembled am shrank back. He cowered before the snvago onslaught. "Kill hira. sill hlral roorea the youtn. "Walt, wait," screamed tho old man "I'll reverse my decision I" For It appears that the young man had in soma wny learned rha fast that la his early years lbs agsd capitalist was a bat bail umpire. Cleveland Plain Dealer. COMMON SENSE CURE. PYRAMID PILE CURE CURES PILES PERMANENTLY BY CURING THE CAUSE. Remarkable Remedy Which is Bringing Comfort to Thousands of Sufferers Probably half the people who see this article suffer from piles. It is one of the commoDtst diseases and one of the most obstinate. People have It for years and just because it is not Immediately fatal they neglect it. Carelessness causes no cud of suffering. Carelessness about so simple a thing as plies has often caused death Hemorrhages occur from no apparent causs and loss of blood cause death. Hemorr hage occur during surgical treatment, often causing death. Pile are simple in thebeglnnlngand easily cured. They can be oured even In tbe worst stages, without pain or loss of blood, quickly. surely and completely. There is only one remedy that will do it Pyramid Pile Cure, It allays the Inflammation immediately, beat tbe Irritated surface and with eeatin- ued treatment reduces tbe swelling and put the membrane Into good, sound healthy condition. The cure is thorough and per manent. , Here are some voluntary and unsolicited tes'lmonlals we have lately received : Mr. M. C. ilinkly, 801 Mississippi St., In llariapells, Iod,, says: Have been a suf ferer from tbe pain and annoyance of piles for fifteen years, tbe Pyramid Pile Cure and Pytauild Pills gave me immediate relief and in a short time a complete oure. Mr. M. Griffin, proprietor of the Griffin House, Detroit, Moh., says : I have been a sufferer from piles until three years ago I bought one box of the Pyramid Pile Cure and since then I hare had no piles, I have recommended them to many friends and guwU at my hotel, every one of whom has beau cured. The above la true as my experience baa proved It and I hope It may Induce other sufferers to try the Pyramid. A little book ou cause and oure of piles will bo inuiled free to any address by writing to i'yiamid Drug Co.. Marshall. Mich. Druggists sell full sized package of Pyr amid Pile Cure at 60 cent, THE LllTUt KING. He came to his kingdom at dead of night. (Oh, never a oent to pay had lull The robe were line and with laee bedight Of this aolon of royalty. lie ate and slept and took hi ease. (Oh, never a sent to pay had hel) No word be said, nor oared to please, Ho vary high wa he. On eaeh flee day be rode In state (Oh, never a oent to pay bad he!) With TuwLi true to watch and wait Ilia slightest need to see. Of everything he had the beat (Oh, never a oent to pay bad hel), With not a eare to trouble hi rest Or a fear of aught to be. ' And time goes on. Ue holds the throne. (Oh, never a oent to pay ha hel) He has the world for his very own, This scion ot royalty. Oh, time goes on, but his kingdom stands (Tot never a oent to pay baa he), And we all keep atep to hi awl ft ootn mends with glad humility. Emma JL. Leute In Good Housekeeping. For Infants and Children. Tie tin- J I e n erirr Tho yearly consumption ot sugar 111 tnr. United States ts about ii.iiu0.0un tons, of l,0U0.iKo.uiiii ikiuihIh. which I oqulnl"in to about HO iuik1h tnr oury man. woman ttudclilltl In the country Tho quaiitlty of salt consumed Is about 1,000,000 ton, ar ,U00,0OO iKiiind less than the weight 3l tho sugar used. At lloinbsy all thu Hindoo iwfttrie aa lute any passing black oat. thinking it may podalbly bo the no til of an Knglislt oltl It He In our own power to nttuuo tho mind to chocrfulnees. Auerbuch. Don't Trills IWlth Coughs and Colds, Take Pan-Tina (SSOc.) and be cured. At Gruhler Ilros , drug store. A Scotcll joKe. At Scotcll wedding hoiuo yours ngo It used to be the custom to I Hitter tho hat of thu bridegroom iw hu wn leaving tho houso in which thu ceremony took place. On ono of those oi-casioiib a newly married couple, relatives of tuo brldurfroom, deter mined to carry out thu observance of this custom to tho letter Tho bridegroom beard them discussing their plans and disjint-ohod n mosRcngor to the enrrlage, whloh stood waiting, with his hat some tlma previous to his depar ture. Then, donning thu hat of tho male relative who had plotted against him, hs prepared to go out to tho carriage. No sooner had ho got to tho door than his hat was furiously arsaulted and almost dostroyed. Ho walked out of tho house amid tho laughter of tho bystanders and enteral tho vehicle Then, taking tho bat terod hat from hU hoad, ho threw It Into tho homls of tta prupor owner, exclaiming, "Hey. Mr loii;m!l. there's your hntl" and donned his own, amid tho cheers of all proscnt Mr Diitigull was the uuhuppiobt looking man In cotluntl lor somu time after that I union 'luimph. First of All, Red Hag Oil, 25c. What for? Aches, palus, brulios. Gruhler Bros., drug store. Slotlioi- nntl Cliim Killed . At Warsaw, Ind Nov. 23. Mr. and Mrs. John Horseman and their young child, who resided at Burkett, this county, were driving across the Nickel Plate railway near Claypool, when they were run down by 'a train. Mrs. Horseman and the child were instantly killed and Horseman was fatally Injured. .CHASES BloodffHerveFood VeHErTAK.r For Weak nnd Run Down People. UHBT IT IQ I The richest of nil restore. WilHI II 10 1 tlye foods, because It re places the essentials of life that are ex. hausted by dlseaso, indigestion, hlgb living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc. WHAT IT nnFS! By making tho blood WHIUI II UUCOI pure nnd rich and the digestion perfect It creates solid flesh, muscle and strength. The nerves being made strong the brain becomes aetlve ana slsar. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast ing drains and weakness in either sex, and as a female regulator has no equal. Price 60c., or five boxes KiOO. Druggists or by mall. We can help you. Advice and book, free. "Write Us About Your Caso. THB DR. CHA8B COMPANY, 1512 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. HAVE YOU READ PHILADELPHIA -THIS MORNING? THE TIMES s the most eitenslvely circulated and widely read newspaper pub llehed In Pennsylvania, lta diecueelon of pub lic men and public measures Is la the later est ol public integrity, honest government d prosperous Industry, and It knows no party or pelional allegiance In treating publlo leauea. In the broadest and beet sense a family and general newspaper. THE TIMES alma to have the Urgent circulation by deserving It, and claims that II Is unsurpassed in all tho easentinla of a great metropolitan newspaper. Hpeelmen copies at any edition will be sent free to any one' end tng their address. TERMS-DAILY. J3.00 per annum; tlflO for four months; DO cents per uaonth; de livered by oartlers for 0 cents per wtele. SUNDAY EDITION, 81 large, handaonw pages xM columns, elaaantly Illustrated, beautiful colored supplement ftW per an num; S cents per copy, Daily and Sunday. ts.00 per annum ; 50 cents per month. Addrawa all latter to TH E TIMES, rrnLiBHLPHU. r- UT. JUL ILU. To succeed in correcting defective sight, one must understand the mechanism of tile human eye, jutt as a first-class jeweler under stand the movements of a watch, I do not guess, but tell you precisely where the trouble lies and how to correct it with the least eipen.se and greatest certainty. E. H0USEW0RTH, EYE SPECIALIST. AT THE STORE OF T. BUCHANAN, ALL OF NEXT WEEK, TO EXAMINE EYES FREE. on ROCHEFOtlT'S VARYING MOODS. Two Anecdotes Which Cleverly Illustrate llntli Ills Natures. I Itavo hoard, write n Pari coiretrpoiid cnt. a couple of stories showing that terri ble pamphleteer Henri IlooliufoTt 111 tit varying moods Tho day after hi wedding he went down to St. Cloud with hi bride ami onjoyod himself at tho local fair as though hu were on tho brighter side of SO. Strolling toward tho park, he met n priest, who wa accompanying a party of boy from the Oathollo school. Ono of thorn Waa t ho possessor of a small hand camera, and on eoolug Iloohefort hu stopped with amaceiuent. Then, hurrying toward the C" at. he demanded iiormlsnion to ask bofort to pose for lilin. The priest Btnlled, but consented. The Idea of the famous atholst rundorlng a service such a till to a little Catholic boy wa ludi crous, but Ilonrl accepted with a laugh and allowed himself to bo moved from one pot lo another and Dually deferred to the order to tnko hi bat off Hut whun tt came to Kola the sterner st 11 It In the man was seen. For years there ha been a bitter feud between the two. Ilecently nt Cabourg RocUefort wne Invttt-d to tho house of a literary friend, and It wa only nt tho lost moment that thu hostxas nnw the mlstako she had made ill securing the atto..d.. - o: iiolu on the mine occasion. She bugged Iloohefort to meet Kola, and for her sake he agreed to do so Kola for bis part wn delighted at the opportunity of n reconciliation. Ho approached Koohofort und aald, "We have been on bad term so long and" Then Ilochofort frowned, and turning on his heel remarked, "1 seo no reason why wo should nut continue on tho samo terms." Heart Disease Cured. WHEN a well known minister after suffering for years v. 1th heart dis ease, is cured, f. Is not surprising chat ho should publish the fact for the benefit of other. Itev. J. .P Smith, lOtf Fulton St., Baltimore, Md., writes: "For years I suffered from a severe form of heart aiseofe. I used Dr. Miles' Now Heart Cure and ray heart la now lu good condition. Recently, other afflictions came upon me.' There was humming, painful sensations dn top and back of my head. Fifteen min utes rending would mako mo almost wild; j thero were pulling and ; drawing sensations lu my legs all the tlmo, so that I could not sit still. In this condi tion I began taking Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and lta effect was simply won derful. I heartily commend your remedies. Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bpttle benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart and Nerve sent free to all applicants. Hit. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elbkart, Ind. OVERCOATS WILL BE SLAUGHTERED The people of Shenandoah and vicinity now have an opportunity to take advantage df the greatest ' Slaughter Sale X In Overcoats- i. ever known here. Mr. Refowich, the One-Price wvcrcuuis on commission, at prices that will bring them within the reach of the poorest. The Stock is Entirely New and every garment well made, so that the Bargains will be rare ones. These goods are the product of the largest clothing house in New York City, and have been placed on the market because of the assignee's sale. They are to be sold on commission by Mr. Refowich, and this in itself is sufficient to show that the prices are away down. If you want an Over coat now is your opportunity. Take advantage, of it. L, REFOWICH, The Reliable Clothier, 10 & 12 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. COTTOLBNB. tvl sta n Mb m. sat M fas M LAKU IS Mr mm S-AI unclean, unwholesome, bv medical and cookin'r good cook's food "rich," soggy and greasy. gQs Pure Vegetable il Qcomblned with wholesome beef suet makes your foorl light, appetizing, digestible. The gennlne Cottolene la sold everywhere In one to tan pound yellow tins, with our trademarks "CWlofeW and um"i hraa in ebfton pcinl wrcat-ou every tin. No! guaranteed If aoldlu any othar way. Id 'only by TUB N. K. FAIIMIANIi COMPANY, Cntoato. Bt. Louis. New York. Montreal t Always One Besta And we have the best Shoe Store any where in this region. Every dollar's worth of goods is paid for on arrival, which means a big saving. Our ordors are sought for by the best manufacturers, which gives us best choice. Our big business makes us big buyers, and these three points make lower selling prices here than is possible in any other store. The Lambertvllle Rubber Co. Appreciate that we are the foremost shoe dealers and Have' made us selling agents for their celebrated Snag Proof Rubber Boots. . -FACTO RY- Shoe Store,' J. A. MOYER, Mgr. We Give Check tor Amount of livery Pur chase. $25.00 Worth Gets a Iieanti- ' fnf Parlor J,amp. f , Clothier, has been selected to offer C0TT0U3rin. ,. KM n 9 & ,TX M&A tn and Kj indigestible condemned authorities. It makes the ; and the poor cook's food a large stock of 1