The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 16, 1897, Image 3

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Bkins on flro with torturing, disfiguring,
Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and pimply
humors, Instantly relieved by a warm liath
with CimctmA Boaf, a single application of
" CuTlOtmA (ointment), tho great skin cure,
ami a full dose of CitIcuua Rcsolvbst.
f.old Uiroerlioilt the vrorld. Point D. 0. Coar., Sols
steps., Do.ton. " How to Cart Torturing lluroc-r., trw.
BABY'S SKIN BM'i;11,M5l,Bno1A?.e,w
CPIIm ot Hemorrhoids
r . Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
I I Wounds & Bruisas.
CUt & Sores.
bo11s & Tuneora.
f, Edzemja & Eruptions.
Salt Rhum'& Tetters.
E Chopper Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lii-u & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Stings 4 Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, tf;c, 50c. and $
Sold by druggists, on en post-paid on recctptof price
laHriiniis' iiiini,.riri.
JLF Ts jvtrvoua tteMf-nailing mem
AI bj Abo onrt otaer isxcensea ana maw
crstiona They quickly ana ure(v
rtGtor Lett Vitality in old or joan, and
lit a man for tudr,bivlnea or marriage.
PrPTeut Innanlty and Consumption If
t&ktmln clme. Their ni shows imtnedtnte franrore
meni ana ttuetia a uuavju wuoro hh mucin oui
Kav cjrd thonaanda and will cure you. We cWe a
poclclre written (niarante to efTeot a cura In each caie
or refund tho raoner. rrlceOO oenu per nackone,pr
tlx pacftiutem Ifall treatment for 13 r mail, in
plain wrapper, opon receipt of price. Circular free.
ajax Remedy co.,
For wtle In Shenandoah, Pa., at A. WiujleyV,
tut KlrlliVa, DrHjrglats.
A Tiivn. Tfttr iirn nt WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AW ivi nromnt ind ttliabla. JroiJ Imttattotu.
AltTmir rrrrp rtr wnt tlfrr-ct fiB.ed.. UrlC. tt.
Cirnw Sfia Co, Uoton,Maia. Our bouk, 4a.
For ft!e nt Klrlln's druR store and Shenandoah
drug store.
Cires general or special debility, wakeful
i. S3, spormatorheca, emissions, Impotency,
I jrcslJ, etc Corrects functional disorders,
cmied by errors or excesses, quickly restoring
I ost Manhood In old or young, giving vigor and
r?rength where former weakness prevailed. Con
ical iiarUsu;, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
J)K't . Jectived ty imitations: insist oa
CATON'S Vltallzers. Sent sealed if your drug,
r-i.t doe. nnt have It. Price $ I per pkge, 6 for 15,
v 'th written guarantee of complete cure.
1 rntmion, references, etc., free and confidential,
t- i J ua statement of case and 25 cts. for a wcek'r
it.! treatment. Uno only sent to each person, t
Bold at Klrlln's drug store, Shenandoah, I'a
Srs t.o sjhe. stuo "c. FOii'-iarwN s cam
rjuAP"i' Wit-x Sneciric Copilap
at Povlnsky'a drug Btoro,
Centre street.
millions of Dollars
Go dp in smoke every year. Take nc
risks but get your houses, stock, fur.
nituro, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
Also Life and Accidental Oompanl est
Christ. Schmidt,
, . . Agent and Bottler of . , .
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
Wanted-An Idea I
Who can think
some sirapki
(bias to patentl
ag you wealth.
Protect your Ideasj tber may tiring
Utile djim n&wqnuuHn , iri. at.ix-
neys. Washington, U. O., (or their ai.ttuu nrtso offer
write juiim Ye.uuisjiuuun 4
tuui us. 01 IHV uuuuxou UIVOUllUUS wviitxi.
Monuments to Thoir Momory on
Southern Battlefields.
At a G'nmpflro In Honor or tlto Vislt
IliB Votcrnns Soldlors or tlto North
nnil South Drink l'roni tlto Santo Cnn
toon nnd Hut From Sumo Itavornnolc.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 16. Yester
day was a glorious day for the Penn
sylvania veterans who came here to
dedicate their monuments to tho mem
ory of their heroes In tho great war,
exemplified In their valorous conduct on
the fields of Chlckamagua, Missionary
lUdge, Orchard Knob and Lookout
Mountain. Tho dedicatory ceremonies
occurred at Orchard Knob, where a
stand had been erected, and before 2
o'clock, the hour set for the ceremonies,
the government reservation about tho
stand was crowded with old soldiers,
their wives and children, fully 6,000
people being within sound of the voices
of the speakers.
On the stand sat the distinguished
speakers and representatives from tho
local posts of the O. A. It., and N. TJ.
ForreBt camp of Confederate veterans.
Hon. II. Clay Evans, Genoral John P.
Gobln, General Latta and other distin
guished visitors also occupied seats on
the platform.
Brigadier General William A. Itobln-
son, of Pittsburg, president of the state
battlefield commission, presided, and
Dr. Thomas II. lloblnson delivered a
fervent invocation. At the conclusion
of-the prayer Lieutenant Colonel Archi
bald lilakeley, representing the Penn
sylvania battlefield commission, for
mally transferred the monuments
erected by the state to the government.
Following Colonel Dlakeley, Governor
Hastings spoke, delivering the monu
ments to the national government. The
governor's address was frequently In
terrupted by applause.
Tho monuments were then formally
accepted on the part of the national
government and transferred to the na
tional park commissioners by Hon.
John Twoedale, chief clerk of the war
department, representing the secretary
of war, and General II. V. Boynton, for
and on beh'alf of the national commis
sion, formally accepted tho monuments.
At the conclusion of General Boyn-
ton's address General Robinson Intro
duced Hon. H. Clay Evans, United
States commissioner of pensions.
Mr. Evans arose amid applause and
spoke at some length. He said that
the government at the breaking out of
the war had made two distinct con
tracts with the people. One was that
every dollar advanced for carrying for
ward the war for the Union should be
paid back In the good hard gold of the
republic. The second engagement was
that the national government would
always care for the destitute survivors
of Its armies of the war and for the
widows of those who fell In battle.
Both of these, he said, the government
Is now carrying out faithfully.
Following Mr. Evans, Colonel Thomas
J. Stewart, adjutant general to Gover
nor Hastings, and General James W.
Latta, of Pittsburg, made short ad
dresses. General John P. Gobln, commander-
in-chief of the G. A. It., was called for.
General Gobln proposed that, instead
of a speech, he would ask the vast
audience to sing "America," which was
done with a vim.
Last night the veterans enjoyed a
campflre at the City Auditorium, pre
pared b" the local G. A. It. and Con
federate Veterans. The blue and tho
gray mingled freely and ate out of the
same haversack, drank from the same
canteen and told yarns until tho wee
small hours. Tho Pennsylvania Vet
erans left for their homes today, all
delighted with tho hospitality they
have received from the people of ihis
Free of Charge to Sufferers.
Cut this out and lake it to your dmccist and
get a sample bottle free of Dr. King's New
Discovery, for Consumption. Coughs and
colds. They do not ask you to buy before
trying. This will show you the great merits
of this truly wonderful remedy, and show you
what can be accomplished by the regular size
bottle. This is no experiment, and would be
disastrous to the proprietors, did they not
know it would invariably cure. Many of the
best nhvsicians are now usinc it in their prac
tice with grent results, and arc relying on it in
most severe cases. It is guaranteed. 1 rial
lxtfles free at A. Wasley's drug store. Regu
lar size 50 cents and $1.00.
Turkey Vlulds to Austria.
Vienna, Nov. 16. The Turkish gov
ernment, In reply to the demands of
Baron Dl. Callce, the Austro-IIungarlan
ambassador to the porte, for the dis
missal of Turkish officials for the re
sent Indignities offered to the Austrian
merchant, Brazzafollt, has agreed to
llsmlss the officials and to salute the
Austrian flag. The incident Is now
There Is no need of little children being
tortured by scald head, erzoma and skin
eruptions. Dewitt's Witch Hazel JSaho gives
Instant relief aud cures permanently O. II.
Ho Ilornhlus I'resiaont J.ow.
New York, Nov. 16. When Seth Low
decided to become the candidate of the
Citizens' Union for mayor of New
York he sent his resignation as presi
dent of Columbia college to the board
of trustees. Yesterday the board de
cided not to accept the resignation, and
requested Mr, Low to withdraw It. To
this President Low consented without
The only remedy in the world that will at
once stop itchiness of the skin in any part of
the body, that is absolutely safe and never-
failing, is Doan's Ointment. Get it from
your denier.
T'waivu Yours iror .tiurtior.
Easton, Pa., Nov. 16. Andrew Smay
da, th Hungarian murderer, was yes
terdny sentenced by Judge Schuyler to
12 years In the Eastern penitentiary,
fjmayda killed a fellow countryman at
South Bethlehem, and pleaded guilty
to murder In the second d:cree.
J. M. Thirswend, of Mroebeek, Tex., says
tliat when bo has a spell of iudlgestion, and
feels bad sluggish ho takes two of DeWitt's
Little i-itrly Kisers at nlcut. and ho is all
right the next niornlnir. Mauv thousands of
oitiers uo ine same vinug. uo you r u. 11.
Hi'. Peti'i'H' 8nt'iioo Con in-mod.
Berlin, Nov. 16. The court martial
has confirmed the sentence of the lower
eourt upon Dr. Carl Peters, former
German high commissioner In Africa
and the well known African explorer,
charged with extreme cruelty, and even
ivorse offenses to natives while he was
commissioner In Africa, in 1801. Dr.
Peters Is dismissed from the German
service, and has been ordered to pay
the entire coats ot prosecution.
Disfigurement lor life by burns or scalds
may be avoided by uajng DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, tho great remedy for piles and
lor an Ktuus or sores ana skin troubles, u
II. Ilugenbuch.
Many Think!
Wbon it was snitl to tho woman : " In
sorrow shall; thou brine forth chil
dren," that a perpetual curse was
Eronounced.but the thrill of joy felt
y every Mother when alio clasps to
tier heart lior babo proves tho con
trary. True, dangers lurk in tho
pathway of the Expectant Mother
nnd should bo avoided.
"Mother's Friend"
So prepares tho system for tho change
taklnp plaoo that the final hour is
robbed of all danger nnd pain. Its
use Insures safety to the llfo of both
Mother and child, nnd makes child
birth easy and recovery moro rapid.
Bent br Mall, on r sculpt of rrlre, 11.00 rP.It TIOTTLG.
jjook, io xnriftnr Aiomcrv miuiu irwi, eon
tatntnir valuable Information and volantarr testt.
Tue Dradfleld Ilcgulator Co., Atlanta, Osv
SOLO BV ALL DnuaaisiB.
An Itoflootod by Dfitllntxs In J'hllndol-
I 1 1 1 it nnil llitltltnni'o.
Plillndolphln. Nov. 15. Flour steady:
winter superfine, $303.25; do. extras, M.2S
5j 3.75 ; I'eniisylvanla roller, clear, J44.8;
do. straight, Jl.b0tf4.8o; western winter,
clear, J1.1W4.36; do. straight, tl.60tii.76:
city mllt, extra, J3.303.&0. Itye flour In
active nt J8.30 per barrel lor choice Penn
sylvania. Wheat in light demand; No. 2
red, spot, 97ifJ97Hc. ; No. 2 Pennsylvania
and No. 2 Delaware red, spot, 9898V4c.
Com nulet; No. 2 yellow, for local trade.
Sli93Vc.; No. 2 mixed, In export elevator,
33W33c. oats quiet; No. 2 white, 27HO
7714c; No. 2 white, clIpDed. 28c.; No. 1
white, clipped, 2S4f28Vic. Hay dull; choice
timothy. J12 for large bales. Beef steady;
beef hams, $34026. Pork dull; mess, $8.26
9; family. Si:Vgl4. I.uril enHipr; western
steamed, 14.60. Butter steady; western
creamery, 14523c; do. factory, 1013o. ;
Elglns, 22c.; imitation creamery, 1217o.;
New York dairy, 1241 20c. ; do. creamery.
142Jc. Cheese dull; large white, Septem
ber, 8Vic; small do., 94c.; large colored,
September, 8V4c; small do., SWc; large.
October, SVa8c; small do., 84c.; light
skims, &B7c.; part skims, 5ifiGVic.; full
skims, 2Vi4c. Eggs firm; New York and
Pennsylvania, 20f23o. ; western, fresh,
22V4c Potatoes firm; New York, J1.752;
sweets, $1,604(1.30. Tallow quiet; city.
3Vc; country, 3Vk34ic. Petroleum quiet;
United closed at 674c. Turpentine quiet
at 314j31V4c. Cottonseed oil dull; prlmo
crude, 1818i4c. ; prime summer yellow,
212U4c.; off do., 20Vi21c. Long Island
and Jprsey cabbage, per 100, $34.
Baltimore, Nov. 16. Flour dull; west
ern superllno, $2.7003.10; do. extras, $3.35p
4.10; do. family, $1.50Cf4.76; winter wheat,
patont, $4.9096.10; spring do., $6.26;
spring wheat, straight, $i.S06. Rico
steady; No. 2 nearby, 536314e.; No. 2
western, 64c. Hay quiet; choice timothy,
$13. Grain freights quiet; steam to Liver
pool, per bushel. Hid., November; Cork,
for orders, per quarter, 3s. 10V4d4s., No
vember; 3s. 7Mi8d.4f3s. d., December.
Sugar strong; granulated, D.08. Butter
sternly: fancy creamery, 232ic; do. Imi
tation, 1617c; do. ladle, 1314c; good
ladle, 1213c; store packed, 9llc. Eggs
firm; fresh, 21c. Cheese steady; fancy
New York, large. 9410c.; do. medium.
10V410',c.; do. smaller, 10V4llc. Whisky,
$1.2601.20 per gallon for finished goods In
carloads; $1.2701.28 per gallon for jobbing
lots. Wheat steady; spot and month, 97
esiiic.; December, 97497c; May, 94c;
steamer. No. 2 red, 921492V4c; southern
wheat, by sample, 929Sc; do. on grade,
9254519714c. Corn easy; spot and month,
and December, 3233c; November or
December, new or old, 32t4032s4c ; Janu
ary, S2"4633c; steamer mixed, 30KUT31C.;
southern white and yellow corn, 3131c.
Oats very firm; No. 2 white, 2Sc; No. 2
mixed, 26c.
LIvo Stoolc Markets.
New York, Nov. 15. Steers and oxen
active; bulls nnd dry cows generally low
er; native stcors," $4.2506.05; stngs and
oxen, $2.75&4.40; bulls, $2.C5ff3.25; dry cows,
$1.753.25. Calves steady; veals, $5fJS;
graasers, $38.75; westerns, $306.60. Sheep
nnd lambs steady; sheep, $3 4.70; lambs,
(5.4000.15. Hogs dull at J3.CO03.9O.
East Liberty, Pa., Nov. 15. Cattle
itendy: prime, $4.7&1.S5; common, $33.60;
feeders, $104.60. Hogs lower; prime pigs,
$3.5003.00; a'l other grades, $3.5003.70;
roughs, $2.2503.20. Sheep higher; choice,
14.4004.50; common, $303.05; choice lambs,
(5X04)5. "5; common to good lambs, $1,509
1.35; veal calves, $6.5007.
Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlienm, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay rcuuirca, it w guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
25 cents per box. a or sale oy a. wasioy.
And Flowers, the Hand of America, Cali
Via tho true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Route," which travorses a region of perpetual
sunshine, whoro snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes aro" unknown. Pullman first
and second class palace and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Novada, without chango. Quick timo, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
Improvements guaranteed to all who pur-
miaso tickets via tho Missouri Paoiflc railway
system. For rates right from your homo,
litoruturo, and full information, dropapostal
card, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent. 810 Rail-
road avenue, Elmlra, N. Y., or 301 Broad
way, New York.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. E P. Agt.
You can't aiTc-rd to risk your lifo by allow-
ine a cold to develop into pneumonia or con
sumption. Instant relief and a certain cure
are auoraca uy uno uiuute cougu cure, u
11. llagcnuuch.
"Sovordiiru'H Viuiltlntr munition,"
Louisville. ICy., Nov. 16. The Courier-
Journal, under the caption "Sovereign's
Vaulting Ambition," says: "The great
seoret Is out at last. Mr. J. R, Sov
ereign, the retiring general master
workman of the Knights of Labor, re
signed his position In ordtV that he
might push his candidacy for president
of the United States In 1900. Mr. Sov
ereign will be assigned to the position
ot 'field worker.' Delegates to the gen
oral assembly openly acknowledge that
Mr. Sovereign is an avowed candi
date for the next presidency of the
United States.
for those who will go to-day and get a pack
ago of GRAIN-O. It takes the place of
collce at about i the cost. It Is a food drink
full of health, aud cau be Riven to the
children as well as the adult with great
benoflt. It Is rimdo of pure grains and looks
and tastes like the finest grades of Mocha or
Java oolfee. It satisfies everyone. A cup of
Qrain-O is better for the system than a
tonic because its benefit Is permanent. What
oofieo breaks down Gratn-0 builds up. ABk
your grocer for Gmln-O. 15e. and 95c.
Crazed Fufiier'u Awful Crime.
Lelpslc, O., Nov. 16. John Firestone.
living two miles east of Lelpslc, killed
his 6-year-old daughter, Mine, yester
day with a flat iron while In a delirium
from typhoid fever. He then made an
unsuccessful attempt upon his own life.
Wabnino: Persons who suffer from
coughs ami colds sVould heed the- warnings
of danger and save themselves su fieri 11 k and
fatal results by using One Mluute Couga
Cure. It is an infallible remedy for ooughg
colds, croup and nil throat aud luug troubs.
C. II. Hagenkuch.
Remarkable Suoeess of a Hew Pile Cure.
People who have sutTrred for years or
months from the ruin and inconvenience of
that common disorder, piles, will look with
skepticism upon the claims of the makers of
the new discovery for cute of all forms of
piles, known under the name of Pyramid
Pile Cure ; nevertheless the extraordinary
cures performed by this remedy are stteh as to
warrant the investigation of any sufferer. As
a cose In point the following letter speaks for
Mr. Henry Thomas of sub station Nn. 3
Ilosack Ave., Columbus, Ohio, writes as
follows :
Pyramid Drug Co :
Gentlemen ; I waul you to use my name
if it will be of any use to you. I was so bad
with the l"iles that 1 lost work on that account.
Nothing did me any good. J read in Cin
cinnati of the many cures of piles by the
Pyramid Pile Cure and I went to a dnig store
and asked for it. Hie drug clerk told me
that lie had semethlng else that lie thought
was better, but I told him that I wanted to
try the Pyramid first.
The first box helped me so much that I tried
another and then to eomplete the cure used
two more boxes, making four in all. I am
now completely cured. Have not a trace of
piles and I had sitffered for four years with (he
worst form of protruding piles.
I suffered death from piles, but I have found
the Pyramid Pile Curetobejustatrtmresented.
1 have recommended it to several of my friends
and I am thankful to be able to write you
what good the remedy has done for me. "
Physicians recommend the Pyramid Pile
Cure because it contains no opium, cocaine, or
mineral poison of any kind, and because it is
so safe and pleasant to use, being painless and
applied at night. The tmtient is cured in a
surprisingly short time with no inconvenience
The Tyramid Pile Cure is sold by druggists
at 50 cents per package, and if there is any
constipation it is well to use the Pyramid
Pills nt the same time with the Pile Cure, as
consti'pation is very often the cause of piles
and the pills effectually remove the costive
condition. Price of pills is 25 cents per
Write to Pyramid Drug Co., Albion, Mich.,
for little book on cause and cure of piles ; sent
by mail free.
Thin rcniedv Iiclnir In
jected directly to the
sent or tnoHC qiscnscs
of the Genlto-tJrlnnry
Organs, requires no
change of diet. Cnro
guaranteed in 1 to 3
daj'H. Hiunll plain pack.
7"n TTT TO TC UKO. by mall, 81,00,
Jf U ,B3l fa Hold only by
S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah.
Tho famous Appllanco nnd Hcmedlos of
theErloMedicul Co. nowlorlho first timo
offered on trial without expense to nny
honest man. Not a dollar 10 be paid
in advance. Cure Meets of Errors
or Excesses In Old or Youuir. Manhood
Fully Hestorcd. How to Enlargo and
Strengthen. Weak, Undoveloiied Portions
of Body. Absolutely unfulllug Homo
Treatment. No C. u. 1). or otli r echemo.
Aplalnollcrbyuflrnt ot high standing.
cdic Piicninai on ( niaoara st.
Mill. IIIMJIUHI.UU, ItUl l-'Al.O, N. Y.
i Grocers can tell
vou whv those
- (whobuy Seellg's
wnen keeocoinimrback;
used as un
1U1 Ik Wl.i.ift-.
though how long
. admixture to
it takes people to
try a new thing.
(ordinary cof--fee
makes a
L delicious drink
So .
Trains leAve Shenandoah ae follows:
For New York via I'htladeluhla. week davn
210, 6S0,'7OS 1)51 a.m., 1283, S 10 Olid 0 07 p
ni Duiiun), a ,u tt. ui.
For New York via Mnuch Chunk, week dnvn.
5 80. 7 OS a. m.. 12 83 and 0 10 d. 111.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week da-B,
lu, o su, i w, vot a.m., 12 aj, a iu aim 0 U p. m
Sundays, 2 10 a. 111.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 05, 9 51 a. m.
12 113. 8 10. 0 07 and 7 23 p. m. Hundava. 2 10 a. m
For Tamanua nnd Mahanoy City, week dnva
2 10, S 86, 7 03,0 51a.m., 12 83, 8 10 and 6 07 p. tn
Sundava. 2 10 tt. m
For Wliuamapors, Huntiury and lewlaburg,
week days. 8 25, S 86, 11 80 a. m., and 7 25 p. m
Sundays, 8 25 a, m.
7 08. 9 51, 11 80 a. m.. 12 33, 8 10, 0 07, 7 26, 9 65 and
u iu p, in. DuuuuvB, in, o , a, m.
For ABhland and Snnmokln. week dava. .1 36
530,705, 1180 a. m., 607, 725 aud 965 p. m,
Sundava. 8 26 a. m.
For uaitlmore, wasnington and the West via
T r i - , , , l. .-l. - l , . , . ,,
i. vr. ,w .... tiiiuuKii .iwtiiB l - i noituillf;
rerminni, ruuaueipnia, r. at is. u k,j as u-ju,
7 65, 11 26 a. in., 8 10 and 7.27 p. lu. Sundays,
O Al, ( W, 1. K1 iu., a iu "li-l , J. ill. AUU1
tloiml trains from Twenty-fourth and Cbeet-
r.: it streets station, week days, 1080 a. in. 12 20,
12 la s 10 p.m. Bunaays, 1 uo, s JH p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 13, so, a 00 n. in., ana 1 so, i 80, 9 00 p,
ni. Sundavs. 5 00 n. m.
Leave New York via Mauoh Chunk. nk
days, 4 80, 9 10 a.-m., 1 30 and 4 15 p. m.
Leave Phibvdelphia, Beading Terminal, week
days, 1 90, 8 85, 10 10 a. lu. aud 1 42, 1 06, 6 80, 11 80
p. m. i-mnuaye, 11 nj p. m.
Leave Keadlna.week days, 1 86, 7 10.10 08. a. m
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and S 30 p. m. Sundays, 18
a. m
Leave rottavllle, week days, 2 86, 7 40 a. m,
12 SO and 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 a. m.
Leave Tamanua, week days, 8 18. 8 43. 1138 a.
m., 1 86, 5 81, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 IB
a. Ill
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20, 8 46.
9 12 11 47 a. nr., 2 17, 6 18, 0 17, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m
Sundays. 12 25. 8 45 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 36, 2 40,
. w ou, v J--, iu 4u, ii in n. 111 . , a sz, o q hm
1 tui 1 r, ... U.i. 1. li . in , m . Z.
, v,, ,v h umwa.i ' iv, v, w a. Ill,
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 1020 a
ui., w ttuu ii au p. ill. ouiiuays, 11 oy p, m,
Leave Philadelphia Cbeatuut atreat war and
South street wharf for Atlailtlo City.
im.m;, i'i 1 ww ui w, iuv,
5 00 p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a. m., 6 30 p. m.
Sundays Ki reoe, 900, 10 00 a. in. Aeeotnmodo-
weeKuaya ivx press, vuu a. ni., zuo,
tlon. 8 00 a. t.. 4 46 n.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, eon or
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Rxprese, 7 86, 9 00 a. 8 80, 8 30
p. m. Accommodation, 8 16 a. in., 4 06 p. m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 80 p. m. Accom
modation, 7 1 o. m., 4 16 p. m.
Parlor Cars nn all axprami train.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
or address
I. A. SwbioAhd, KnaON J. Whbks.
Gen'l Sunt., Uen'l Pasa'r Agt.,
Reading Terminal, Philadelphia,
Kovoral Ex-Police Officials May Bo
Senienoed to Death.
The Beiistitlonnl Klllliitr of Arroyo
AVItllo Under Polloe Protection Will
lie Promptly Avenieoil TJ10 Sou of
Prealilont Dlitz Mnt-i-lod.
Mexico City, Nov. 16. Oreat crowds
surrounded the prison at Belen and the
lclulty of the palace of justice yester
day, when IS prisoners, mostly ex-
pollce oltlcers, Implicated In the lynch
ing of Arnolfo Arroyo were taken
through the streets In wagons and
coaches for trial. Shouts of "kill them"
tvere heard from tho populace, but the
prisoners were well guarded by mount
ed and foot police. The public prosecu
tor asks for the death penalty on Vllla
Vlcenplo, ex-Inspector, who suggested
the murder to his chief, Velasques, the
Inspector general of police, who com
mitted suicide In prison. Vlllavlcenclo
expects to escape with life Imprison
ment. Manuel llelldo, major of police. Is one
of the principal criminal, as he was
privy to the crime and took no means
of preventing It. Miguel Cabrera, as
sistant chief of the detective service,
also knew of the predicted killing and
he took no steps to prevent It. Mauro
Sanchez, a policeman, was guarding
Arroyo, and was aware of the Intended
crime, and tightened up Arroyo's
straight jacket, so he oould offer no
Iglaclo Pnrdaue led the band of as
sassins. Capital sentences are asked
In all these cases. The other criminals
are of minor degree, but some ot them
are likely' to be sentenced to death.
Captain Porflrlo Diaz, only son of
President Diaz, was married yesterday
In the archbishop's private chapel to
Senorlta Italgosa, daughter d, one of
the principal families of this city. A
number of distinguished people were
present at the ceremonies, and the
couple received an enormous quantity
of costly gifts. President Diaz and his
wife were recipients of an equal ova
tion. Captain Diaz has recently re
turned from a long sojourn In Europe,
where he went to perfect himself In the
details of his profession as military
engineer. -
J. C. Berry, ono ot tfio Dost known citi
zens of Spencer. Mo., tcstitlos that ho ctirod
n;msoit ot tno wotst kind of piles by using a
few boxes of DaWltt's Wltr-h Hnral Salvo.
Ho had been troubled with nilos for over
iinriy years anu nau used mauy dlllerent
kinds of so-callod cures; but DeWitt's was
tho ono that did the work and he will verify
tins statement ii any one wishes to write
mm. u. ii. iiagennucli.
Wnrslilp Pnlkrv Destroyed n Vlllntrei
Whoro Murderers AVoro Seot-oted.
Victoria, B. C, Nov. 16. The German
warship Falka, which was dispatched
from Australia on receipt of the news
there of the murder of the trador Von
Hagen, returned recently from Ger
many, New Guinea, having grimly
avenged the savagery of the natives.
The Falka steamed directly to the
village in which the murderers of the
late acting governor were known to be
secreted, and without a word of parley
opened flro with artillery. This so ter
rified tho natives that they at once
carried Into Stephensport, the Gorman
capital, tho two Solomon Island boys
wanted for the murder, and who had
broken from Imprisonment Imposed for
the killing, two years ago, of the Ger
man explorer, Ehlars, and his party.
The Falka continued to shell the vil
lage, despite this conciliatory measure,
and left no building standing.
Household Necessity
Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, the most won-
dorful medical discovery of tho ace, pleasant
and rolrosliing to tho tasto, act gently and
positively on kidnoys, Hvor and bowols.
cleansing tho entiro system, dispol colds, cure
headache, fovor, habitual constipation and
biliousnoss. Plcaso buy and try a box of
U. C. U. to-day ; 10, 85, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cnro by all druggists.
Education nnd tho l'rnnelilso.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 16. The Wy
oming supreme court yesterday ren
dered a decision in the Carbon county
election case sustaining the conten
tion ot the plaintiffs, who were the can
didates for county attorney, treasurer
and commissioner on the Democratic
ticket at the last election. The court
decided that the foreign born citizens
must be required to read the constitu
tion In the English language in order
to vote. There were 116 Finns who
voted the Republican ticket, but could
not read the constitution In English.
Their votes were accepted, as they
could read their own language. The de
cision will put the Democratic candi
dates In office and settle a very Im
portant constitutional question.
Don't givo them tea or cofleo. 1 la vo you tried
the now food drink called Gruin-0 t It is
delicious and nourishing and takes tho place
of coffee Tho moro Graln-O you give tho
children the moro health you distribute
through their systems. Qrain-0 is nude of
puro grains, and whon properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of coffee but costs
about 1 as much. All grocers sell it, 15c and
Mttto lCvi(lolK-e or a Wreolc.
Queenstown, Nov. 16. The Italian
bark Esperla, which hu Just arrived
here from Philadelphia, reports having
traversed during ner trip across the At
lantlc thousands of casks of petroleum,
cabin doors, ship beams, etc. Some of
the casks were marked "Lisbon."
VYofHrsi Not a ProfbMlnunl.
New York, Nov. 16. The commit
tee of the Amateur Athletic union,
which Investigated the charge of pro
fessionalism brought against Ii. J. We
fers, the sprinter, has returned a ver
dict of "not proven."
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If -you want to quit tobaeeo using easily
ana lorever, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-TUc
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 oured. . Buy No-To-ltao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
euro. 50c or Jl.00. Booklet and sample
uMiieu. iree. ah. istwliug Remedy Co
Cliloaeo or New York,
Iteditood Ittttois l'oi- Trnvnlera,
Chicago, Nov. 16. The Sebastian In
terchangeable mileage ticket waa plac
ed on sale yesterday by the western
roads. The practical result of It will
be to make a twu cent lute for every
body whn ir,-,-rs L,l ,u miles in tho
course of a yi a-.
"After suffering from dyspepsia for three
years I decided to try Dir. dock Blood Bitters.
Two bottles oured me entirely." Mrs. Q, C.
White, Taherg, Oneida ceunty, New York.
When nn fnnocmt man is condemned for
anycrnn - In- doesn't lose hope His law
yer1 appi il Ironi one
court to anoiht r.
They are bourn! to
ave htm, if he e in
be s.ived. It is th-
same wav with a
rood 1'i:ior when
hn pnticul seems
condemned to dentil
by disease.
But doctors make
mistakes some
times; they lose
heart too soon.
After they have
tried everything
they know and
the patient is
no better, they
think there is
nothing more to
be done, They
don't always
get at the root
of the disease.
They frequently
give a patient
up to die of con
sumption, aud
are afterwards surprised to see him get
strong and well again.
Mn. VV. n. Duncan, of Arlington, Phelps Co.,
Mo., writes: " My husband took four bottles of
Dr. rlerrc's Ooldrn Medical Discovery when he
was (as he thought) almost Into consumption, and
wc were vt-rv thankful that such a medicine could
be found 1 wish all persons troubled with cough
would take It. Long may the ' Golden Medical
Discovery' nnd 'Favorite Prescri
Pref!rlptlon ' be
I shall always recommend and praise
these medicines."
All lung and brnnrhial diseases are cured
by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
hprmtftp it ttiinnlles the svateni with health v
blood. It puts the vital forces into action
and fills the circulation with the life-giving
rea corpuscles which outias up Bona, mus
cular flesh and healthy nerve-force.
As a medical author, Dr. I'leree holds an
eminent place in hs profession. His great
thousand-page illustrated book, "The Peo
ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser" is
one of the standard medical works of the
English language. Nearly 700,000 copies
werojwsVilfl at $1.50 each. A paper-bound
copy will be sent absolutely free for the coat
of mailing only, 21 one-cent stamps ; or,
cloth-bound for 31 stamps. World's Dis
pensary Medical Association, linfalo, N.Y.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Viclnitj
Beer anck Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
0 1
Relieve and Cure 3
: Head Troubles
; Stomach Disorders
: System Irregularities
of noted
i "For every ill, a special pill," 3
If not at Drug Stores, write 3
; Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkers,N.Y. 3
Health Book Mailed Free. 13
Celebrated Fonx-Ht6
l'owd ere novcr fall
HIc and sure (after lalliap
with Tansy fii rcnnyroal Tilli and other Hk
MRiAriltsai. Alwsvs huvthfi lietit and avottl iliurk
tsototment. Onntea uneflor to all otbera. IViaitiveo
AeUftlnthanrket, ANo L rartioular 4 ct De.H
UX. BiK Uktsr Boston. Mvt.
U II HP lim T IBbbbbbbI
..m.!. illinium tiiiMiiH'tiiiHliiuiiiniil;
iJkxkV - (' lArt
x .
i& iiiiiiii
r i ' vm
wiM.iiHnmutiiuiiiinmr - ,iiiiiitiiMtiWiMwttitmH4iiiiM..itie.,
Dr. Peal's Penny roag pgsis
Tbr ore prompt, safe and certain In result. The senuloe (Dr Poal'.l h.vt,i...
twlnt. Sent any vrhwe, Jl.oo, Address I'juj. MbIc7eb Sevil.nd olM,,,
,rur aaie ai.iiuinH's
10 T
25 50
Graduate and I-ate Resident House Sliraur f f
the University State of If Y.
HRAtKir abtkks .Hotel Franey, SlHStMndaAl
Calls night or day promptly responded.
M. M
Office Egan building, cor er of Mots m4
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
r 11. pi
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market nnd Centre streets.
Ltwk Box , Mahanoy City, I'a.
Having studied under some of the hast
miMlerg li-London and Pnrle, will give lemon
Term. rerMoiuibla. A
1, Kuisnrami vocal ouifur
1 In ea re of Strou-
'he Jeweler Shenandoah
October 1 IR97.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above
date for WIjwhim. Gilberton, Fraekvllle, Dart
Water, St. OTnlr, Pottavllle. Ilamburg, Resdlnr
Pnttetown, Phoenix ville, Norristown and Phil
ad ilplila (tlrond street elation) at 0 08 and 1106
j. m. and 4 1 20 p in. on week daya. Sundays.
6 08 a. m., S lOp. m. For Pottsvllle and Inter
mediate station!, only 9 17 a. m. week dava.
Sundays, 9 45 a. m.
Trains leave Fraekvllle for Shenandoah at
10 10 n. ui. nnd 1231, 6 41, 7 52 and 10 47 c as.
Sunday, 11 18 a. m. nnd 5 41 p. m.
Leave Pnttavtlle for Shenandoah at 10 IS
a. m. and 12:35, 5 15, 7 25 and 10 30 p. m. Sunday
al 10 40 a. m., 5 16 p. m. '
Leave PlilladelpMn, (Broad street station), for
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 35and 10 10 a. m., 4 10 and
7 p.m. week days. Sundaysleaveat6
Leave Itroad street station, Philadelphia, toi
Sea Girt, Anbury Pnrk, Ocean Grove, Lone
Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8.10
11.14, a.m., 8.30 and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
- c iin'oi c.i mi ontimn, 1 unaaeipnia,
Express, week-days 8 20, 4 On, 4 50 5 15, 50.
TSSj.82,'838'93 1021 (Dining Oar), 11 00 a. m
12 00 noon, 2 35 Limited 100 and 1M
Dining Cars), 1 40, 2 30 (Dining Oari a 20, 8 50.
1 00, 5 00, 5 56 (Dining Car), 6 00, 7 02, 7 43, 10 00
p. in., 12 01, night. Sundays, S 20, 4 05, 4 50. 5 15
tt v 4 a fin ,n i 11,1 , ' ... A l.' u
wv, ww, v wt ' j -, ,i.i iiik iiri, 1100 a, in
J? ? . iiJVV"? Var) 2 30 (Dinlnrt Car), 4 03
(Unified 4 22 IJ uing Car), 6 20, 5 56,(Dlnlng Car)
& 85. 7 02. 7 43 10 01 p. m . 12 01 night.
Express for Ronton without change, 11 00 a m
week-days, and 7 43 p. m., daily. '
For U..ltlinore and Washington, 8 60, 7 20, 8 32
10 20. 1123. b. m.. lira. lini mi 1..'
Car), 112, 3 18, 4 41. 6 19 Congres
sional Limited, Dining Car, 0 17. 065 Dli,.
iiik --arj, 7 si iLunmg uori p. in., and 1205
nlglit wee-kdayi
Sundays, 3 60, 7 20, 9 12, 1 1 28,
41. f& lft CnnimM.lnn.1 fin.!
n. m., 1208, 1 12, 4 41
jted, Dining Cnr,0 h TDinlng Car, 781 Din
Ing Cnr p. m. and U 05 night.
Ive Rrond street station via Delamffc rfver
bridge Express, 7 05 p. m. daily.
Leave Market Street War Express, 8 50
2 00, 4 00, 6 00 p. m. Sundays, 8 45. 9 45 a. ui
(accommodation 4 80 nnd 8 00 p. m.)
ForCapeSIay, Anglcsea, Wlldwood andllolly
Ileach, Sen Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor Exprese, 9 00 . m., 400, p. m.
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
For Somers l'olnt Express, 8 50, a. m., 200,
4 00, 5 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 8 45 a. m.
I. B. Iltrrriiissox, J. it Wood,
Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass'g'r Act
Colored Glues and containing eorka.
Wo have a large stock on handwhioh
we will sell reasonable.
"7 and 19 Peach Aljey, Shenandoah.
Twenty Coupons of the HERA sVJ
will pny for the Workmanship of a -a
o- beautiful life-size, free hand crayon, t3
jt; worth $10 00, Taken from any dis- -j
t- tinctphotogrnpli.tlntypeordagerreo- Z3t
yi nt SI. Hcc-ker'a Studio, 308 West 3
-. Centre Street, Shenandoah. Pa. All IS
wo require Is SO cents for material.
Those who purchase frames pay 3
jj- nothing at all for pictures. Pile. 3
gr of frames from $1.80 up. -3.
T':!':r "'! lioep informp-l nf J
""rl"," iTuKicss. ii,e w. i in. n
- .i aim tlinlty Uoune-wiie will -
ui u t- nouse, us a M.-inriHril i-uhmIv for
Si'Mviiis, Uiuises, Cnimp.-, I5lwuiuati.Mii,
mid ull at-liea auU puins .
Pries 25 elt. and e0t ptrbet'le r
Prer--' in II-1. HACKEII & CO.. Pk.lsd.lut.i.
Drur Store. Shenandoah, Pa.
'f T"r,,on- re.u .S;miEJ