The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 13, 1897, Image 3

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Munyon Looks Out for tlio
Little Ones.
Munyon never forgets the children. II
reallie a mother's responsibility and Is
over ready to give her the benefit of
hla knowledge and experience. Mun
yon a uune la
Hialth, wnic'l
may bo oj
tainted free
from any drurf
Slet, la er
pcclalry explic
it In dcsrrluin,
all chlblr.n'a
diseases, aii 1
gives p.aln mid
complete in
. structions r'-
I earning t . ir
Slcknc&s iri.'n
comes su cJrn
ly, and m ry
rnother should
be prepared by
having Mlltf
she can got them quickly. Tlity are ab
solutely harmlets, and so labe.ed tl.ere
can bo no mistake.
Munyon's Collo and Crying Baby Cure
cures bilious colic, painter's colic In
children, and griping pains of every de
scription, promptly relieves hysteria,
sleeplessness, pain from teething, and
quiets crying bahleS. Munyon's Bore
Throat euro effects a prompt euro
In diphtheria, and every form of sore
throat. Munyon's Fever Cure will break
any form of fever. It should bo admin
istered as soon as- the fever appears.
Munyon's Worm Cure causes the prompt
removal of pin worms, anal worms, In
testinal worms, and tape worms. Mun
yon's Whooping Cough Cure Is thorough
ly reliable. It relieves at once and cures
promptly. Munyon's Croup Cure posi
tively controls all forma of croup.
A separate euro for each disease. At
all druggists, mostly 2T, cents a vial. Per
sonal letter to Prof. Munyon. 1,505 Arch
Street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered with
free medical advlco for any disease.
CPUes op Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.-
1 J Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rh sum & Tetters.
E Chopper.' Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore- Llpa & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Stings fc Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, yc, 50c. and $1.00.
Vols by druggists, or ten post-paid on receipt of price ,111 a llSHUnaSt.,Ieirrtrk.
erf. JmpottDCT(BlepIeMiief,etc .cautud
by Abnw and othar XxreiiMs and Indif
cretloat. Thmy tjuieklu and aunty
iwton Lost Vitality in old or forma, end
tit a man t r tad j, buixtMs or narrlag.
PrTsink Inunltr and Cnnaumntion ff
itr flwi thmrs immedlata itnprore
tntntaaa Mxsttsa uuuo wnoreauctners iau. in
Blrt niton hartn ths eenalne A J ax Tablets. Thty
limrafldrMtboaaandiRnd Hill ctiro you. We ffiva a
iwcirira writtvn truaranto to affect a ours In each case
or rfond the moner. ifrlca DO cents perpackace, op
iltutkuM ((nil treatment for VZ.W, Br mail, In
fneuwropper.oponrefletptof price. Circular free.
Tor sale In Bbenandoah, Pa., at A, Wesley's
aad Klrlln's, Druggists.
caTOKTp tsjirauzER
Cures general or special debility, wakelul, spermatorhaa, emissions, Impotcncy,
rirctli, etc Corrects functional disorders,
canted by errors or excesses, Quickly restotiog
Lost Alanliood la old or young, giving vizor and
strength where former weakness prevaileX Con
veiient pacli.jc, simple, effectual, and legitlmsta.
Cur CM Quick, and Thorough
P9'l it tteceivtd cy imitation: insist oo
C TON'S -VitallscM. Sent sealed il your drat
rttt d,s not have it. Trice 91 per pkge, 6 for 35,
th written guarantee of complete curs.
I matlon, references, etc, free and confidential.
f.-tld as statement of case and 25 cts, for a weckV
t-4l treatment. One only sent to each person.
Sold at Klrlln's drug store, Shenandoah, Pa
Mill 8! aho sunt, strto 4c. fo"wouau '3 safi
ardtfyBI Sua?'".' Witrwx Specific Co.,pikA.P
For st Povlnsky's drug storo, Ea
Oentrs street.
mu wuppca.)
Christ. Schmidt,
. . . Agent anil Bottler of . . .
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
ti A
A-bloLawyor Explains His Feolings
WHlo Awaiting Death,
"or No More Importance, 8ny, Titan
lirenltnifit" Iu a Letter to Ills
Urothor Mo Expresses Cnrloslty to
Vorliy Ills lloliof Itcirardtnp; Death.
New York. Nov. 13.-John C. Dullltt,
Jr., was found dead yesterday In a
room at the Central Itallroad hotel, on
Liberty street, this city. Bottles con
taining hydro-chloric acid, cyanide of
potassium and nitric add were found
on a table near the bed upon which
the corpse lay. A letter found in the
apartment, addressed to Joshua P. Bul
litt, Jr., Big Stone Gap, Wise county,
IVa., and sltrned in a firm hand "John
1 C. Bullitt, Jr.," read as follows:
I Dear Josh I have decided to end It all.
I wish thnt you and Jim will Induce
father and mother to so make their wills
as to secure to my wife and daughter
my one-third Share of their estate. I
ask that every paper, memorandum, etc.,
that'I leave behind me be destroyed with
out being previously rend. For my faults
I ask only the charity of silence. If I
possessed any virtues, 1st them live In
memory. You will, I know, be interested
In knowing how a person feels who Is
about to step Into the unknown world.
Hence, I will tell you what my feelings
are. I wonder, I doubt, I hope, but over
all the wonder, and the doubt, and the
nope, a feeling of Intense curiosity pre
vails. What Is the future? I believe I
know, but it is only a belief. I am very
curious to verify It. The feeling of fear
Is absent. I am going from here to the
Eden Musee te play chess with the auto
maton. This fact Illustrates my mental
condition, perhaps, better than a volume
of my writing would. Death seems to
me to be merely an event of no more
Importance, say, than breakfast. I love
life, and hate to lenvo It, but the sum
mons haB been served, and I must answer.
And now, goodby. We will meet again.
Mr. Bullitt was a lawyer. Mr. J. II.
McMurran, of this city, an Intimate
friend of Mr. Bullitt, and who was
largely Instrumental in Inducing him to
como to New Tork, spoke of hla friend
last night.
"I cannot Imagine why he- did it,"
said Mr. McMurran. "The only reason
to be given is that the past three or
four years of financial depression which
he passed through. Ills home is in
Duluth, Minn. He was counsel for the
Northern Pacific railway at St. Paul
prior to moving to Duluth. Five or
six years ago, I can't Just recall the
exact time, though I was at his wed
ding, Mr. Bullitt married Miss Frances
Western, of St. Paul. She Is a most
estimable woman, and their home life
was the happiest. They have a sweet
little girl about 2 years old. Mrs. Bul
litt's mother and sister live with her
In Duluth. Mr. Bullitt, was the nephew
of John C. Bullitt, one of the most
prominent citizens of Philadelphia. Ills
father is Logan M. Bullitt, of Louis
ville, Ky., and he has a brother, Joshua
F. Bullitt, Jr., to whom the letter was
addressed. Joshua is also known as a
Junior, because he has an uncle of the
same name.
About a month ago Mr. Bullitt camo
to New Tork, largely because of my re
peated urging. I knew that his talents
would never be recognized in Duluth,
and convinced him that ho would make
his mark here. He was arranging for
offices, and only three days ago told mt
he was about to take out his license
here. He was one of the most lovable
men I ever knew, and his ability was
akin to genius."
The dead man was about 36 years old.
He was educated at Washington and
Leo university, and afterward studieil
law at the University of Virginia. On
completing his education he went to St
Paul, Minn., and engaged in the prac
tice of his profesion. Some months ago
he gave up his law practice and engaged
in various gold mine speculations in
Mexico which were thought to be of a
rather wild character.
Tou can't cure consumption but Ton ran
avoid it and euro evory other form of throat
or lung trouble by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure. C. II. Ilagenbuch.
Guest or Minister Do Lome
Washington, Nov. 13. The Spanish
minister, Senor Dupuy De Lome, gave
a dinner at the Metropolitan club last
night In honor of Senor S. Canalejas,
late mtnlBter of justice of Spain. Among
the guests were Chief Justice FulUr
and Justices Harlan, Brewer. White
and Peckham, the French ambassador
and the ministers from Mexico, Chile,
Austria, the Netherlands, Portugal,
Peru and Venezuela, Senator Elklns,
the attorney general and Secretaries
Long and Qage, ex-Secretaries Foster,
Herbert .and Fatrchlld, Hon. John A.
Kasson, commissioner of reciprocity,
and Major General Miles. There was
no speechmaklng.
Small pill, safe pill, best pill. DeWitt's
Little Eurly Risers cure biliousness, constipa
tion, sick headache. C. II. Ilagenbuch,
Broken l'lilliunn-Ogrlpnby ISngnixemont
Chicago, Nov. 13. Formal announce
ment Is made of the breaking of the
engagement of Mr. George M. Pull
man and Miss Fellclte Oglesby, daugh
ter of ex-Governor .Oglesby. The news
of Miss Oglegby's engagement to one
of the Pullman twins came as a great
(Surprise to the friends oi the young
people over two years ago and the ru
mors concerning the date of the wed
ding have been countless since that
time. Friends of the Oglesby family
are stout in their declarations that Dm
disinheritance of the young man had
nothing whatever to do with the rup.
ture of the betrothal vows.
Thero is no need of little children being
tortured by scald bead, eczema and skin
eruptions. Dewltt's Witch Hazel Salte gives
instant reuetano. euree permanently U. II
ntirrnnt'M'Now Lensa or Life.
San Francisco, Nov. 1J. In view of
the fact that the supreme court, whloh
Is now In saiaion in Sacramento, will
adjourn on Tuesday next until the sec
ond Monday in January, it is not con
sidered probable that W. II. T. Dur
rant will expiate the orlme for whloh
ha was sentenced to be hanged In De
cember. 1866, during the current year.
It Is probable that (he execution can
not take place before the latter part of
February or beginning of March next.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Bmoke TourXife
If you want to oult tobacco nalm.nn.lw
and forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic,
full of now lifo and vigor, take No-To-Jiac,
the wonder-worker that m&Vaa umV tn.n
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bao from
your own druraltt. who will euarantw a
core, SOo or tl.00. Booklet and aamnla
mailed freo. Ad. Sterling Beniedy Co..
Chicago or New Tork.
When you want srood rooflnp. nliimlilnir
gas fitting, orgoneral tlnsmlthinc done cal
on E. F. Gallagher 18 Weat Centre street-
suaior in evoTM litj '
The Commercial Anonoles Continue
Tholr Knooitrnirliiir Itoports.
New Tork, Nov. 13. B. O. Dun &
Co.'o weekly review of trade saya:
Colder and more stormy weather, so
long needed to accelerate distribution
of winter goods, has materially helped
In some quarters, and the resulting im
provement In retail trade is mentioned
In nearly every northern mspatch this
Week, so that orders to fill stooks have
been encouraging, and In some branch
es the multitude of demands for Im
mediate delivery show that the distri
bution to the oonsumers has already
gone beyond the expectations of deal
ers. But this Is not yet the general
rule, and with many complaints of de
layed trade from other quarters there
still remains the extensive shrinkage
caused by lever and quarantines at
the south. It is, therefore, the more
surprising that the volume of all pay
ments through clearing houses contin
ues about s large as In 1892, and 16.7
per cent larger than last year. Rail
road earnings also nearly equal those
of 1892 for the first week of November.
There Is nothing to cause general re
action, the purchasing power of the
people is gradually Increasing, and af
ter the lull which follows extensive
replenishment of stocks trade should
give ample evidence of that Increase.
Bradstreets' review says: One of the
most significant features of the busi
ness situation Is found in the continued
heavy weekly totals of bank- olearlntr.
mat lor six business days ending No
vember 11 amounting to 11,347,000,000,
an increase 01 10 per cent over the pre
ceding week, and 13 per cent com
pared with the second week of Novem
ber, 1896, when business began to re
vive sharply In speculative lines.
J. M. Thirswend, of (Irosbeek. Tex., says
that when ho has a spell of indigestion, nnd
feels bad sluggish he takes two of DeWitt's
Little Karly Illsers at night, and he is all
right tho next morning. Many thousands of
outers ao ine same thing, uo you r u, u
Coming Events-.
Nov. 17. Annual supper, under tho aus
pices of the Trinity Keformod church, in
Kobbins' opera house
Nov. 23, Entertainment and social under
the auspices of tho Ladies' Aid Society of
uie r. jh. cnurcu.
Nov. 23. Thanksgiving dinner to ho given
by All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church,
corner West and Oak streets.
Dec. 2. Twenty-fifth annual supper under
auepices of Welsh Baptist chuch In Bobbins'
opera house.
Doc. 31. Twenty-fourth annual ball of the
Rescue Hook & Ladder Co., No. 1, at Bob
bins' opera house.
Household Gods.
The ancient Greeks believed that the Tenates
were the gods who attended to the welfare and
prosperity of the family. They were wor
shipped as household gods in every home.
The household god of to-day is Dr. Kings
New Discovery. For consumption, coughs,
colds and for all affections of Throat, Chest
and Lungs it is invaluable. It has been tried
for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to
cure, or nnney returned. No household
should be without this good angel. It is pleas
ant to take and a safe nnd sure remedy for old
and young. Free trial bottles at A. Wasley's
drug store. Regular size 50 cents and Si.oo.
Stolo tli'o tVroniz Hotly.
Chllllcothe, O., Nov. 13. Dr. P. K.
Drummond, one of the best known
practitioners In the county. Is in Jail,
having confessed to having assisted
in stealing the body of Carlton W.
Kelley from the cemetery at London
derry last Saturday. The body of
Kelley was secured by mistake, as the
faculty desired to have that of Sam
Jones, who killed himself by drinking
three bottles of peppermint.
Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salve in tho world for cats,
bruises, sores, ulcers, saltrhcttm, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Prico
25 cents por box. For sale by A. Wasloy.
Ex-Pros I dent Cleveland Definite,
Princeton, N. J., Nqy. 13. Ex-Presl-dont
Cleveland has made this state
ment: "I do not care it all the synods
and presbyteries in the country were to
offer an adverse decision, it would bo
no good reason why I should alter my
opinion. When I signed the petition
for a liquor license for the Princeton
Inn I consider that I in no sense com
mitted a wrong, and I would "do the
Mm. thing np-flin M
Who can measure
tbo influence of a
It lasts through all
ages and enters tho
confines of eternity.
With what euro,
therofore, should she
be guarded and how
great tho effort bo to
wake berllfe happy
makes child-birth
easv. assists nature
In Its sublimo effort, leaves tho Mother
stronger after than before confinement,
and robs tho trying hour of Its terror.
Ho Mother can afford to neglect its use.
Of drucgista at 81.00, or Bent byma.ll on receipt
of price. Writo for book containing valu
able Information for all Mothers, mailed free.
n Bradfltld Brtalstor Co., Atlanta. 0.
A tit id. Titrji ivo tin WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AIviti Dromrtind rclubla. ArtAd Jmitattam.
Gi Catum tiiir Pill ind iati keoiiTi.
AlHrnir elArva at unt dirtil t ealiHi L nrlca. II.
CAfftMflrio Oo., botton.Mu. Our book, ic
Por iftle at Klrlin'a drug store and Bbenandoah
drug store
One 1100 Gents' '07 Hanger wheel, good as new.
One tea Ladles' or Mioses' Crescent wheel,
good aomlitlon.
No : Reasonable : Offer : lie fused.
No, 403 West Cherry St., - Shenandoah, 1'a.
(Hueeler's Old Bland.)
First-class work guaranteed. Prompt mi
polite attendants, llalr cutting a fpwrfaltr.
millions of Dollars -
Go up in smoke every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
ftAViTi FATKT Insurance Aijent.
UilYlU rikllo a 1 120 South Jardln St
Also Life and accidental Oompanl est
a -
a a
When an innocent man is condemned for
any crime he doesn't lone hope His law
yers appeal irom one
court to another.
They are bound to
save hint, if he can
De saved. It Is the
seme way with a
good doctor when
his patient seems
condemned to death
, by disease.
; But doctors make
I mistakes sonte
i times; they lose
1 heart too soon.
1 After they have
tried everything
they know and
the patient is
. no better, they
, think there is
nothlnejupre to
be done. They
don't alwavs
get at the root
of the disease.
They frequently
give a patient
up to die of con
sumption, and
are afterwards surprised to see him eel
strong and welt again.
Mm w. D. Duncan, of Arlington, Photos Co.,
Mo., writes: " My htubeud took four bottles of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery when he
was (as lie thought) almost into consumption, and
we were very thankful that such a medicine could
be found. I wish all persons troubled with comrh
would take it. Long may the ' Golden Medical
Dlncovery' and 'Favorite Prescription be
made. I shall always recommend and praise
these medicines."
All lung and bronchial diseases are cored
by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
because it supplies the system with healthy
blood. It puts the vital forces into action
and fills the circulation with the life-giving
red corpuscles which builds up soiid, mus
cular fieslt and healthy nerve-force.
As a medical author, Dr. Pierce holds an
eminent place in his profession. His great
thousand-page illustrated book, "The Peo
ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser" is
one of the standard medical works of the
Bnglislt language. Nearly 700,000 copies
were sold at $1.50 each. A paper-bound
copy will be sent absolutely free for the cost
of mailing only, 21 one-cent stamps; or,
cloth-bound for 31 stamps. World's Dis
pensary Medical Association, IluPalo, N.Y.
Bo says W, ir. nKItlt, and swears to the
truth of the following i That ho suffered the
most ev.f effects of H. A. II. and was re
uncsatoskln nnd bone. My manly vigor was
gone, manhood, the greatest gift of nature,
failed entirely, had restless sleep and alwuys
felt tlrpd and worn out when awaklnc. My ner
vous system was so shattered and I became so
down-hearted, low-splrfted and mlaerabl weak
that my mind often wandereJ.and 1 had no
vuui(utui inyiQougnis. jiyraco lull
had very roor nnnetltAnnrt tvnn vitrv
costive, llad freqnent nlvhtly losses
p of vitality, also throueu my water and
i mivu my uuweia inoVPU. in tUlS
'wretched condition 1 had tried to get
relief, but was slven nn ana. hnneiptt
Dr.Thee!.ca8ebrtw0 bospital and eight other
seemed to understood my irue aliment AU
doctored me for different troubles until I was
sent to
DR Tf-iFFI 604 North SIXTH St.
as ne was tho only physician and specialist who
understood such n case. He made a carcrul and
thorough examination of me. such as none had
ever done before, and under his combined ho.
Hiwjmuiit, tuiopataiG ana eclectic
system of treatment, I Immediately ,
began to Improve and gained
twenty-two pounds In eight eeks, J
and in six months waa restored to I
health and strength, 1 would say
to all those of both sexes who are '
"uflerlng as I did, consult Dr. ,
Tliocl. He has no equal. Do not I
be Influenced by those doctors
wause lauurcs nave matte them ti, u o u
Jealous of the success that attends " Ber1'.
Jr. Tlicel'a great skill, kno ledge nnd ability.
Mr own family physician told mo that ir lr.
Tlieel did not advertise ho would be one ot
greatest professors in our leading colleges, and
that he had not an equal In his specialty. Rworn
to before Robert Cnrns, Justice of the l'eace,
Ulc)!yn.r5rl5; Pa- ,,r- T''eel' Oiiic Hours,
Dolly D-a, Kvgs. O.O. Bundays 0.12 .
NO NAM E, NO AKDltrsH published
without the patient's consent. Ntrlete.t ne
creoy ffuiiriiiitecl to all. lllood iiol.on,
varicocele, atrlctnrc. cured under ariiur
nntee. I.ot nuinhnod restored. Nmull
shrunken nrffitn. enlarged. Fresh case,
cured In 4 to 10 day, lteltpr nt once.
Anllcted and unfortunate. Poor or Rich, if
you were robbed and victimized and wish to get
cured, then srnd Ave Scent stamps for book
"Truth," the bestf or youna; and old, .liiirlr or
married. Only book exposing fiunek. ti rake
Institutes, tree prescription uunilma-B, or
so-calledfree advlcu.from former x Uow-suHcr-ers,
etc. Honrs for examination and trcatm nt
for dangerous and an.called Incurable cases
dally from 1 (I to -Ji Wedne.das sand Natur
day. from ! A. M. to 4 1. ill., and from
U to 10 1". M. Send or sworn testimonials.
Ootoueii 1 1897.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abovt
date for Wlgeans, ailberton, Fraekville, Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvillo. Hamburg, Heading
Pottstown, Phoenlxville, Norrlatown and Pbl
ad dphla (Broad street station) at 803 and 1103
a. m. and 4 20 p m. on week davs. Sundays,
0 08 a, m.,8 10 p. m. For Pottsvlile and Inter
mediate stations only 0 17 a. m, week days.
Sundays, 9 45 a. m.
Trains leave Prackvllle for Shenandoah al
10 40 a. m. and 12 81, 5 41, 752 and 10 47 p. m.
Sunday, 11 13 a. m. and & 41 p. m.
Lcavo Pottsvillo for Shenandoah ai 10 13
a. m. and 12:03, 3 13, 7 23 and 10 20 p. m. Sundar
at 10 40 a. m., 3 13 p. m.
Leave Phlladelpltfa, (Broad street station), fo
Shenandoah at 9 57, S SSand 10 19 a. m., 4 10 and
T p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 60 a. m,
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, to
Sea Girt, Aabury Park, Ocean Drove, Lorn
Branch, and intermediate stations, B.0
11.14, a. m.,8.30 and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
Ieave Broad Street SUtlon, Philadelphia,
Express week-days, 8 20, 4 Oo, 4 50 6 15, 1 50.
783,8 20,883,960,10 21 (Dining-Car), 11 00 a. m
12 00 noon, 2 85 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p.m.
Dining Cora), 140, 280 (Dining Cnr) 8 20, 8 50.
100,3 00, 5 KtfDIiiInc Our), 800, 7 02, 7 43, 10 00
p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays, 8 20, 4 03, 4 30. S 15.
?2Sl8,8Rv9S- ,10i, (Dining Car), llM a. m'
12 83, 103 i Dining Cor) 2 80 (Dining Car). 4 00
(Limited 4 22 Dining Car),6 20, 5 56,(Dlnlng Car)
6 85, 7 02, 7 43. 10 0(1 p. m.. 12 01 night
Kxpreas for Boston without change, 11 00 a m
week-days, and 7 43 p. m., dally.
For Baltimore and Washington, 3 60, 7 20, 8 82.
1020, 1123, a. in., 12 oil, 12 81 (l)li.lng
slonal Limited. Dining Car, 617. 855 Din.
log Car, 7 81 Dining Carl p. in., and 12 03
night week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12. 1 1 38
a. m., 1209, Hi, 4 41, 513 CtongreMlonal Lim
ited, pining Cor, 8 53 Dining Car, 781 Din
ing Car p. ta. and 12 03 night.
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge KxpreM, 7 05 p. m. daily.
Leave Market Street Warf Bxprees, 850
200, 4 00,5 00 p. ni. Sundays. 8 45, 9 45 a. ni
(accommodation 4 80 and 500 p. m.)
For Capo May, Angleseu, Wlldwood and Holl j
Beach, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon an3
Stone Harbor ISxpreas, 900 a. m., 400, p. m,
week days. Sundays, 0 00 a. m.
For Somen Point Bxprees, 8 50, a. m., 200.
4 00, 5 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 8 45 a. m.
I. H. HtrTOHonoK, J, R. Wood,
dep.' I Manager. Qen'l PawVr Agt
Successor to-
105 S. Main Street.
Headquarters for a full and com
plete Hue of groceries.
A Question often Asked by Those Afflicted
With Pile.
Is a strained joint curable f Is local in
(lamination curable ? Of coarse, if properly
treated. So Is piles.
People often become anllcted with piles
and ask some. old "chronic" who has always
persisted in the wrong treatment and naturally
he discourages them by telling them that their
case is hopeless.
They in turn discourage others, and thus a
disease that can in every case be cured by
careful and skillful handling-is allowed to sap
the fncrgy of thousands who might free them
selves of the trouble in a few days.
lyramid Tile Cure will cure the most ag
gravaled case ot hemorrhoids in an astonish
ingly short time. It relieves the congested
parts, reduces the tumors instantly no matter
how large, allays the inflammation and stops
the aching or itching al once,
Thousands who had resortad to e pensive
surgical treatment have been cured by the
ryrmkl Me Cure in a number of instances
persons who had spent months in a hospital
under a pile specialist.
It is a remedy that noueneetl fear to apply
even to the most aggravated, swollen and in
flamed hemorrhoidal tumors.
If you are afflicted with this stubborn dis
ease you can master it and master it quickly.
i tils remedy is no longer an eiperiment,
but a medical certainty. It is manufactured by
the Pyramid Drag Co., of Albion, Mich.
Druggists sell it at 6o cents per box. It is
becoming the most popular pile cure this
country has ever known and druggists every
where are ordering it for their customers.
la Hold under positiro Written Onarnntce,
by anthorizwt agents only, to earn Weak Memory,
Dizziness, Wakefulness 1'jts, Uvstoria, Quick,
ness. Nicht Losses. Evil Dreams. Lack of Confi
dence, NorvousTigss, Lassitude, al 1 Drains, Youth
ful Errors, or Excessive U&e of Tobacco, Opium,
or Liquor, which leuds to Misery, Consumption,
Insanity and Death. At store or by mail, $1 a
box, six for 9&t with written cuarnntco to
euro or rcfrnut money. Sample nark
nffo, containing five days' treatment, with full
instructions, 25 cents. Ono sample only Bold tc
tcn person. At Btoro or vy znau.
tilled Label Special
txtra strenntn.
For Imnoteney. Loss of
lower, uobi oiannooa,
Uracil ;tf nt Itainntuua
1 a box: six for 5. witl&
vritten cuarnntee'y
For Sale at KIRIIN'S Druff Store.
To Any Reliable Man.
Marvelous appliance and one month's remedies'
of rare power will be sent on trial, without any
adwnce payment, bj tlio foremost company in ihe
world In the treatment ot mn weak, broken, dli
courafioa from effect of excesics, worry, over
work, Ac. 1 liippy mrrit gvi tucored, complete res
tnratlonor derelopment of all robust conditions.
The time of thlo oiTr is limited. No V. O. 1.
tfL" Jlf deception! n xpniirft. Address
Yon can blame
yourself If you
do n't get real
Sood coffee to
rink. Ordinary
coffee Is made de
licious bv oddine
SGGI.ia'5. Sr..,,? I
for Secllg's.
, A little of this
iadtnizture to
fchcap coffee
. makes & delicious
I drink and oaves expense. I
Tralna leave Shenandoah as follows t
For New York via Philadelphia, week days.
210, 0 BO. 7 05 9 51a.m., 12S3, 8 10 and 6 07 p
m Sundays, 1 10 a. in.
For New York via Munch Chunk, week days.
5B0, 70.1a. in., 12 83 ami 3 10 p.m.
For Reading- and Philadelphia, week days,
210, 0 80, 7 M, 9 31 a.m., 12 33, 3 10 and 6 07 p. m
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Pottsvlile, week days, 2 10, 7 09, 9 31 a. m.
12 S3, 8 10, 0 07 and 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
2 10, B 88, 7 05, 9 M a. to., 12 88, 8 10 and C 07 p. ta
Sundays, 2 10 a, m
For Willlamsport, Sunbury and fawlsbure
week days. 8 25, 8 80, 11 80 a. in., and 7 25 p. ru
Sundays, 8 35 a. m.
For Mahano Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 25. 5 86
7 00. 9 04, 11 80 a. m.. 12 88, 8 10, 07, 7 25, 9 95 and'
11 40p.tu. SundavB,2 10,8 25 a. m. """,na
For Ashland and Shamokln, week days 3 25.
580,708. 11 SO a. m., 0 07, 726 and tfo p. m.
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
For Haltlmore. Washington and the West via
H. SO, K. It, through trains lea- lleadlne
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. tc B. D X.) at 3 a
7 55, 11 aa a. m., 8 10 and 7 J7 p. Im. Sundays
8 20,7 00,1124 a.m., 8 45 and 737 p.m. Iddli
iwtuM trains irum sweniy-ioursn and CheeV
nut street station, week days, 10 SO a. m. 12 30
12 US 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 , 8 38 p.m. "
Leave New York via Philadelphia,
uaya, jkid, f hu. h t a. m., and 180,4
90, 900 p.
m Sundays. 6 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauoh Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a.-m., 1 80 and 4 15 p. m.
rxave Philadelphia, Reading- Terminal, week
day, 4 30, 8 IB, 10 10 a. m. and 1 43,4 06.610.1180
P- m. Sonday., 1180 p.m. '
Leave ltendina.week days, 1 85, 7 10,'0 08. a. ru.
12 00 m., 4 19, 5 00 and 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 186
a. ixi.
Leave Pottsvlile, week days, 2 86, 7 40 a. m.
12 30 and 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 86 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18. 8 41, 11 38 a
m., 1 36, 8 81, 7 SO and 9 48 p. in. Sundays, 8 18
a, m
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 30, 8 4.
9 12 11 47 a m.. 3 17. la, 6 17, 7 4 1 a'nd 10 p.
Sundays 13 39, 8 45 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 1231, 3 40.
4 00 680,9 36. 10 36. UW a. m., tt& 581 6jf
J 57, 10 32 ! m. Sundays, 12 40, 8 40, 4 00 a. m.
Leave willlamsport, week ilaya, 7 41, 10 30 a
m., 4 00 aod 11 30 p. m. Bundays, 11 90 p. m.
Leave rhlladelphla Clwetnut'street war and
South street wuaif (or AUanMe City.
Weekdays Hi preea, 900 n. m., 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 n.m. Aosouimodatlon, 8 00n. m., 6 SO p. m.
Sundays Kirreas, 900. 10 00 a. m. Aooominoda.
lay Kirws, 900,
8 00 a. b,., 4 45 p.
turning, leave AtLs
lantlo City depot, ooroer
AtUntto and Arkanaa. avenues
Weekilaya Kipreea, 7 Hi, 9 00 a. lu.. a 80, 6 80
p. m. Aeeommodatloit, H 16 a iu., 406 p. iu.
Sundays Kipreas, 4 00, 7 80 p. m. Aooom
modatlon, 7 16 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Ohm on all eipreaa trains.
Vor further information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Ilallway ticket agent
or addres
t. A. gwiiasan, Edsok J. M'kkkk,
Ueu'l Hupt, oeti'l Paea'r Agt,
Heading Terminal, Pklladelphia.,
Health is
Of South Amerioan Boundary Dls
putes Probabbi
Tho Ittiiiort or it Proponed nrelbtititl
llotwooti Chile, Peru ntttl Arirentluo
Not Credited In Wnalilimton llollvin
Will 1'rulialilj- Umi it Senport.
Washing-ton, Nov. IS. Cabled reports
from Valparaiso of the xiatence of
a plan for a drelbund of Chile, Peru
anil Argentine, with the purpose if
Detains; and dividing; Bolivia, attracted
considerable attention in diplomatic
fircles here, but those who are well in
formed ooncprnlng: South American af
fairs are inclined to question them.
One of the diplomats who should know
If any such scheme were In contempla
tion pronounced the report baseless.
Argentine, It Is pointed out, has ab
solutely nothing at stake In the pend
ing; difficulties between Peru, Bolivia
and Chile over the boundary lines, and
so far aa is known here there never
has been a suggestion for the absorp
tion of Bolivia by Chile and Peru.
The pending negotiations between
these three latter countries for the
deflnttejocatlon of their boundary lines
grew out of the old war between Peru
and Bolivia on the one hand and Chile
on the other. By the treaty of Ancon, I
In 1883, the Peruvian provinces of
Jacna and Arlca, containing the rich
nitrate beds which Chile had obtaied
possession of, were to remain In the
hands of Chile until 1884, when the
question of permanent ownership- as
between Chile and Peru were to be de
cided by popular vote. In case the
provinces should pive their vote to
l'eru the latter country was to com
pensate Chile for their loss with 100,-
000,000 sols. Owing to the revolution
in Peru In 1894-96. it Is explained, thl
stipulation of the Ancon treaty never
was carried out, but it lssald nego
nations ror a settlement are now in
progress with the prospects of an en
tlrely peaceful settlement.
No treaty of peace between Bolivia
and Chile was made until 1896. A truoe
was arranged In 1883 which left Peru in
possession ot Bolivia's stretch of sea
coast and two ports. Bolivia's great
object was to secure again an outlet
to the sea, and by the treaty of 18fi
Chile agreed to give Bolivia a seaport.
If the stretch of territory trfken from
Bolivia, however, the coast between
the provinces of Tacna and Arlca were
again taken from Peru. It was mani
festly impossible for Chile to surrender
an outlet through the old territory of
isonvia without completely segregating
and dismembering her own territory.
It is this problem which has delayed
the settlement of the whole question
and raised issues which have produced
more or less feeling In each of the coun
tries. The situation was further complicated
by the contention of Bolivia that the
revolutionists in Chile, at the time of
the overthrow of Balmaeedo. promised
to cede the former Peruvian provinces
of Arlca and Tacna in return for the
recognition of the belligerents by the
Bolivian government. Any Individual
pledgas which may have been ma.lo
to this, effect, it is stated, have been
practically repudiated by the Chilean
government. But ft seems probable
that the final outcome will be the ces
sation to Bolivia of one of the ports
at the northern extremity of the ter
ritory taken from Peru, in order that
Chile may preservo the integtlty of
her territory to the south. At the
Chilean legation a peaceful solution
of the whole difficulty is anticipated.
Disfigurement for life by bums or sralds
maybe tivoided by using DeWitt's Witch
Hazel S live, the creat remedy for piles and
for all kimls of aoros and skin troubles. C.
II. Ilagenbuch.
A l1outtHlv'uriIn Dedtcntlon.
Chattanooga, Nov. 13. Between and
4,000 and 6,000 Pennsylvanians who will
participate In the dedication of Penn
sylvania's monuments In the Chlca
mauga National park on Monday are
already In the city. Governor Hastings
and staff and many other prominent
Pernsylvanlas arrived early this morn
ing, and went to Lookout Inn, where
their headquarters were established.
General John P. S. Gobln, of Lebanon,
commander-in-chief of the G. A, R.,
with his staff, also arrived today.
J. C. Merry, one ot the Dest known citi
zens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that he cured
himself of the worst kind of piles by using a
few boxes of DeWitt's Witch Basel Salve.
Ho had been troubled with piles for over
thirty years and had used many different
kinds of so-called cures ; but DeWitt's was
the one that did the work and ho will verify
tills statement if any one wishes to write
him. C. II. Ilagenbuch.
Trlr-d to in'noknliill nn I'nrl.
London, Nov. 13. At the Westminster
police court yesterday a woman who
gave her name as Florence Stansfleld
was arraigned on a charge of black
mailing Marl Carrlngton, a joint heredi
tary lord great chamberlain of Eng
land. She is a fine looking woman of
distinguished manners. She had sent
letters to Lord Carrlngton demanding
money, but in court her counsel apolo
gisen on her behalf to Lord Carrlngton
and explained that his client had writ
ten the letters under a mistake as to
Identity, as Lord Carrlngton was not
the mart who had represented himself
(y her as being that nobleman, The
magistrate declined to allow the case
to be withdrawn, and oommltted the
prisoner fa trial.
A great"surprise is in store
for those who will go to-day and get a pack
age of OKAIN-O. It takes the place of
co tree at about t the cost. It is a food drink,
full of health, and can be given to the
children as well m the adult with great
benefit. It is mode of pure grains and lookg
and tastes like the finest grades of Mocha or
Java coffee. It satisfies everyone. A cup of
urun-u is Better for the system tbau a
tonic, because its benefit is permaneut. What
sense ureaas itowa umin-u builds up. Ask
your grocer for Graln-O. 16c. and 36c
i .iuL-iiy . fui .wtixuo.
hlngtnn. Nov. 13. President
McKlmt'y yesterday issued a procla
mation declaring that "Mexican ves
sels in ballast which proceed to the
United States with the object of fish-.
Ing on the coasts thereof, or for the
purpose of receiving and carrying pasj
scngers and mail or loading nroduota.
and which shall go dlreotly to ports
open to general commerce, shall be ex
empted from the payment of tonnage
duties." This l the result of a aim.
liar concession on the part of the Mexi
can government.
Bousshold Heeeeslty
OaaoareU Gaudy Qtthartlo, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreehiua) to tbe teste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, Hver and bowels,
oleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
bllioiiHir ss. l'loase buy and trv a Ikit of
iXLU. V. to day ; 10, 23, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteod to cure by all druggists.
Gained Twenty-Seto Pounds in Four Weeks.
The Story of a Soldier.
No man Is better known .nH
rich H"- of Illinois nou. ,' ,.r.
is the centre, tbsn gcul ti 1'Usttl
ton, or rrtncvuir, ij. j nr mti
Harriutlou has i r.i vi . il through.
on prontaote journey tm aa itil
cnant, anil evrryw In r- ht pt
hearty welcome ty iii, in
upon his visit fo: tin- pun base j
sanea, ana omc ot Hie lutih
Air. iiurriugrnn " v- i-rau
and from tint isi-i u mule h
Mperience wlin h he r mieil
ens otrifo norntlv. iln slor
the evil, of winch U.r i ml f
the beginning iu his own. ami
of other casts, waa lut fo'lo-r-:
" I served Hirer yearn i i th.. J
enlisting at K-ntn J 11. I
Prison, and suffered, like mauj a
ern soldier. Until reeenilv I
of ihePriitceville Pom ,of ill (i A.
The strain of or.uv lilp dt-1
undermining my heulili, shlio
lapse did not eome for year. J-'o
I sunered rroiu general debility i
ness, so badly that I could not
fifteen rears my sleeD was enmt.lni
up. Indigestion, retuitul uml mi
ereaaea. My eyes befran to fail, i
oooy ion vitality my mind seen
way also. I count scarcely rme
that happened but a few week I
For two rears I was unfitts
ness. I was just able to creep nrJ
ine greater part oi tins time, aim
times wnen 1 coma not set up
brother is a doctor, but all bis ell
me failed to live me anv relief.
I tried a number of remedll
avail. Finally, having read artfl
Ing cures that had been elfeeteil I
t imi' Pink Pills for Pale Peopli
l try them. That was in irhi
a bor and took the nills aceol
I Iti-
tractions. Just four days later!
Agent for
Shenandoah and
Beer and Poe
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
Relieve and Cufe.
Head Trotteis rrr,
Stomanh ninrr t'.-r,,-
Cuetnm lrrel..lilu I !! -il
"For every III, a special plW"
If not at Drug Stores, writs
: Brnnv flhemleal n- vnn)r. m v
W., h W-Wk0ta,il. 1 .
Health Hook Mulltd Frea,
wHh Tan "td rnAVToral 1' lia mlj t
retnMlIn I. Almvi htv lh hrui ti.t m.?J2
S?,;'fe:Sssi '""-
MTU ami a h v r a tta CtU.
Br i18
pnT! . T
8.M...H...H.m.UWt,,l. -JBIWIHHIIIWH
toe j m
Dr. Poal's Pennyroyal Pills
For Salt al URtlH-s Drue Store, incnandoah, Pa.
ABSai.nTRT.Y fiTllR1!ITr".H? '" -j
p.t ut fr. e. sd. v h 1. 1 1 it" Z m
ht Trantcrtpl, Pnrit, lit.
I happiest hours I had knnm for yean. Thai
1 1 uigm j wrnv to sin-p esurii j ant sispt senndly
ss a eiinn, ann awoite refreshed. Thru M
fbnr weeks after lieyi lining the treatment. W
1 1 had taken four iwiesoT the pills, 1 aVspd I
had Increased in weight, Irom lUfsMHtsJil.
14(1 pounds. This sreai ly surprises mt UUlAt,
who thought my case was a hnpeltes ette, I
began tny work nn the road stain, and hart
eoiiltmii-d it right along ever sine ta sxesl.
lent health.
"Let me tell you a remarVaUe thtarthal
was a side issue, imt a valuable tain te pie.
t found that wl ile I wu taking Dr. WU.
Hums' i'nik l'i!'f I had been mirsst f lb
smoking I, libit, w!i!c'i had been formed when
I wns a Iu) t am okl.atid which had
elnng to me all ihe.e yenr. The craving for
toba'-eo left me, tiiiH inn never eipefitfieed
it kliii-e. I liaM- recommended the pills t
IMCieri) l II rpTHR H. HAKRtffttTO.
fbi-Mir S. Harrlni ton. hrttiv Ht,1
deposes and says, ilmt the ni.tTeM-esmtslFieJ
in the above stntemrnt by hint signed ars
true. CltrsTKR (s. JTARR150TOK.
Bnbccrihed and sworn to before mt, a ttetarr
pnblio, this lBth day of July, 1107.
All the elements neceasarr to irite new Ufa
and richness to the blood and restore sbaHtred
serves are contained, in a condensed fcrra, la
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pteple.
They are sn unfailing speoifie for roch diseases
as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus'
dance, sciatica, neuraltda. rhei.matiam.
ens headache, the after (-fleets of la grippe,
rssjpiiHiiuii 'i me nean, psue ann sallow com
plexions, all forms of weakness either in mals
Or frnsle, and all diseases reniltlng from viti
ated humon in the blood. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are sold by all dealers, or will ht sent
not raid on receipt of nriee. SO cents a bor
or six l ores for J2.30--(thev are never antd ia
bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. William'
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N Y.
Graduate and lute Itesldent House 8uriea e4
the University State of X. Y.
IlBADquABTnas : Hotel Franey, Shcnandoak
Oalls night or day promptly rMpcnded.
Ofllce- Bgan building-, eorrer of Main ens
Outre streets, Shenandoah.
J. "
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Boa S3, Mahanoy City, Pa.
oiasters T
nx studied under some ot the heel
slf London and Paris, will rlv
m the violl n.maiidolln. pultaV and vocal culture.
Perm. roMonj.blB. A(lJres In care ol StrowZ.
c iriTnwr noenarionan.
Colored Gliw anaoontalning corkn.
We have a large stock on liandvrhloh
we will sell reasonable.
7 and IQ Peach Alley, Shennndoah.
T'venty Coupons of the HERALD 3
2E: w ,y;ioM,hP Workminshlp ot a 3
for mnti HaI
wa purchase frames pay
r of fraats from $1.60 up. 3
linn. .. 11:1111,11,1. nn,, 11, ttj
jj- 'etpbotoBraph,tlnt.viordirerrei
SZ Jri"" Hecker's Studio, auR West
j- Cntre Street, Slienundoah. Pa. All
; WorMiltcltSOcentformat,rii
th Ki""?t V?, CP '"forned ru
tl,n,ty will
h BHmlar(l retuetly for
.... nuu IM.1UO.
Prlca 25 clt. ssd 50 all, per bettlt.
"I nauatii a CO.. mMUk, :
d " u isnt, na
ea.eorcoMtia.tiea. r.
i.TrI"K alrV.L CaV ':iV'X:lta- ST-