The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 10, 1897, Image 3

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Srimr Cnsa TaxATJfzxT for torturing, dlsOg.
rlncr. Itching, burning, and icilr .kin and scalp
disease with low orhair -Warm hath, with Cu.
ticub- BOAr, gentto applications of CcTicvat
(ointment), and fnll doses of Cimcrjm Rasot
vaT,greatesl otbiood partner, and aumor euros
T oM iTirflurrinat the world. FOTTtft
Dstra k Chih. Coir., Holt From.. Untlon.
VI ' How to Car Ilehlns Skin Dictate i," frti.
Part I. Diseases or Hopaf
Part II. Diseases of Ctty,$P
Part III. Diseases of Sh'eep.
Part IV. Diseases of Hogs.
Part V. Diseases of Dogs. .
Part VI. Diseases of Poultry.
Same book In bettor binding OO eta.
nraruuii'itiD. co., ctr. mitts- Jtts tu.,jtirt
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific
No. 88, In use over years, the only
successful remedy.
It DrUU, or unl tXMtp-14 on rsc-tpl f prlM.
Hcarmtm' . to., cw.wunp su.,iu- rrs
A nrnmnl nrl roll hi, jiroiii Imitation!.
fi PlTfll'l TAS1T 11 liTI R ..
At Amir tnr rr tent iltrct fie.l Driee. 11.
CiTox pro. Co., BottoDi Mul Our book. 40.
Tor iale at Klrlln's drug store and Shenandoah
drug store.
jLr it H9Tou9 iWMNM-ruling oiora
rj, jDioUnor,61ep)Mnflf,to.oaii9(l
by jLlraw- and other Kxoemea ;id Iodit
creUoai. Thv qtticMu ana un!
r8toro Lot Vitality In old or jonmj, and
fl a man for ttnT.btuit.-t or lu&rrlaee.
iYerBQt lniantlr nd C-ontamptlon It
taken in am."(Ulr nA mows immiHUnto improro
inont aud fct-MU a OVUiS Vrtjers all ethers tail . In
elttapon hmrtna tha cemjlna Ai&x Tablet They
tare cird thousands and wiU euro yoq, Wp He a
roaltire written gnarante. to effect a ours In Bob case
Or rtfopd tha money. Price BOcentj per package, or
vUiukum flu!) treatment) for 2.50. Ilr mail, la
For sale In Shenandoah, J'f at A. Wasley'a
sad Kirlln's, Druggists.
cjiton'p virrraLizER
C-;rt central or special debility, wakeful
pi. eafirciatorltcca, emissions, Impotency.
i'fel. sij, Corrects functional disorders,
Imrti by errors $t (tjicesS, quickly restoring
I .ntMS!ifWdla plpjoj tf9tf0g,-EivIng vigor and
(Ircnztit wiwVeJonaerwtakaeRi prevailiM. Con.
i.sat parVajV simple, effectual, n.4 bgltlmi'e
Cur,"'3 QUICK, ANO.THPRQU-f! 0
tos'r dtcuvta ly imitations: insist up
0 'TON'S Vltall.ers. Sent utd If your dru J
pi-1 not ban it. Prtcs S t per pk, 6 'or f Si
r till written Baronte of complete cure.
1 miatton, references, etc., free and couf)deotiU
tJ us statement of case and 23 etc. for a vnitt
fjtuktreattiunt. One only sent tq each person.
Sold ai Klrlln' UrUE sioro, Bhtnandonh, Fa
Fo st Poflnaky drug store, ' B
Centre street.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Dottier of . . .
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 . Coal Street,
H Ja
fMU HSR.. JT.'A' S i ra V tne.rneMWf;MAKrs 5AFE
, iff
Bonn-Annual Mooting of tho Exoo
utivo Oommitteo.
Urynn 'Kiiansoil tti n rropnuniHln of
Moticy I'iiIIiioIcb" A Proposal to
Urto tho I'roslduut to Dooluro a
Gold Stnndnrd Not Acted Upon.
New York, Nov. 10. The semi-annual
meeting- of the executive committee
of the National Sound Money
league was begun hero yesterday.
There were present President Cleorgo
B. Lelghton, St. Loula; General Secre
tary E. V. Smalley, Henry Villard, dus
tav II. Schwab, J. Kennedy Tod, II. P.
Robinson, Edwin Burntt Smith, J. K.
Cowan, M. E. Ingalls, J. V. Norwood,
W. C. Cornwell and Treasurer A. D.
A donation of $500 to the Indianapolis
Monetary league was granted without
dlsssnt. Central Secretary Smalley
read a communication received from
M. C. George, vice president for Oregon,
who wrote that he was with the league
in all the great questions relating to the
currency, and realized the necessity for
aggressive wdrk. As to the state, In
many places the league would find It
honeycombed with financial Ignorance
and error. The light, he said, should
be made to shine In all the dark places.
It was voted to appropriate $1,000 to
aid Mr. deorge In "spreading the light"
In Oregon.
J. K. Cowan, of Baltimore, reported
that things were satisfactory In his
territory, and added that Maryland
did not need any financial aid from the
national league.
J. Sterling Morton, vice president of
the league for Nebraska, wrote:
"Mr. Bryan and his disciples are ac
tively engaged In a propoganda of
money fallacies. They have united In
one conglomerate all the fanatics, big
ots and idiots In this state for tho pur
pose of upholding tho free coinage of
silver at a ratio of 1G to 1. It Is very
painful to observe that this aggrega
tion may quite possibly mako a ma
jority of 20,000 at the coming election
for candidates who represent all that Is
Inimical to agriculture and In fact to
sound government everywhere."
Judge W. M. Rese, vice president of
the league for Arkansas, wrote:
"There Is no change in this state.
There is an overwhelming majority for
free silver and Bryanlsm In every con
gressional district."
Charles F. Libbey, president of the
league for Maine, wrote in part:
"So far as Maine Is concerned I do
not think that the silver question will
be an Issue in tha congressional cam
paign next year."
James L. Blair, of St. Louis, wrote:
"On the whole I cannot say that I
feel encouraged over the situation In
Missouri. I fully recognize that the
strength pf the silver Democracy In this
state Is wholly due tp Japk of educa
tion on that subject, and I sett rip
pieans at hand whereby they can be
sufficiently Informed before the next
election to materially reduce their num
bers," 'fVIlJIam C. Cornwell, of Buffalo, re
ported that as far as he could ascer
tain both In the eastern and western
parts of the state the free sliver senttr
ment was actually dying out,
t,pul 11, Ehrlch, of Colorado Springs,
reported that nothing but better times
can bring about a change In the free
silver sentiment In Colorado, Ho sue
gested that the league come out boldly
and ask the president of the United
States to proclaim the gold standard as
the money basis of the country.
President Ielghton thought It highly
Inexpedient for the league to commit
Itself oi! this point at the present time.
If. E. Insallfl, pf Cincinnati, said:
"The result of the rpcptt pampajgii
ghowp conclusively that the south will
again drift bapk to the Qejnocracy ant
free Bllver."
A committee was appointed to re
celve and consider the report of the
monetary commlsplpn when It Is made,
and to call meeting of the executive
committee If It Is considered necessary
that action be taken thereon,
A committee was appointed to pre
pare a declaration on International bi
metallism to the effect that bimetal
lic s dead and that gold should be
the etnndard pf the country. The rer
port concludes;
"We Invite the friends of sound money
and all who would contribute tp thp
well being and safety of our comme't;
clal life to Jon In bringing about thg
unmtBtakable declaration that nw an
henceforth the monetary systpjn pf the
Uulted States shall rest on the englg
gold standard."
The next meeting of the league will
be held In Washington during January,
You can't cure consumption but you can
avoid It aud cure ovory other fam Pf tlifoat
or lung trouble by the use of One Minute
CoubU Cure. O. K. Hagenbuph.
Orderod to JVpol Fftzslmmons,
Marlon, Ind., Nov. 10. The Marlon
Lodge of Elks some time ago admitted
Robert Fltzslmmons as a member. The
action Ifclng an alleged violation of the
rules of the order, the Marlon lodge
was lately commanded by tha grand
exalted ruler to expel Fltzslmmons,
The lodge yesterday rjeclded to stand
by Its initiation and refuse to act until
the matter g finally decided by the
supreme ruler of tho order, ir. B, Dot
more, of Harrlsbur?,
Don't Tobacco Bplt and Smoke Yonr'Xlfs
If you want to quit tobacco using cosily
and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of now life and visor, take No-To-Bac,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pous4s in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Boy No-To-Uxp from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
euro. BOo or $1.00. Booklet and sample
mailed freo. Ad. Sterling .Remedy Co.,,
Chicago or New York.
To Utilize CoiilBtalus.
Owensltoro, Ky Nov. 10. A new
Industry started here yesterday with
100 employee. It Is to utilize cornstalks.
Cellulose, for lining battleships, ma
terial for mnklns an Imitation of tfH
and for making celluloid are amoni
the produots. Paper Is another pro,
duct. "
Theroiino need of little children being
tortured by scald head, eczema and sWItl
eruptions. Hewitt's Witch Hazel Sal,v e gives
Instant relief and cures permanently. C. II.
LuotRort's Ciller Counsel Withdraws.
Chicago. Nov. 10. Former .TmU-o vin.
cent, who conducted the defense In the
nrst trial oi Aaoipn Luetgert, has with
drawn from the case. Private business
flffntrH uwn i,lvnn na Vic rniaa nt 1.1..
1 - - - O-JW. ... Ul HiO
withdrawal, Attorney Phalen, who was
ossieiatea witn Juage Vincent during
the famous trial, will conduot the do
fonse at tht second hear In ir. which will
not be called within six weeks.
Small pill, safe pill, best pill. DeWitt's
Little Early Risers cure biliousness, constipa
tion, sick headache. O. II. Hageubuob.
Cruel Knife!
The alarming Increase in the number
of deaths which occur as the result of a
surgical operation is attracting general
attention, and a stronp: sentiment
ngalnst such methods of treatment la
last developing among the most intelli
gent classes. It seems that in almost
every case for which the doctors treat
ment is unsuccessful, the learned physi
cians decide at once that an operation
must be performed, and the keen blada
of the surgeon is recklessly resorted to.
Doctors are human, and of course are
liable to make mistakes, but their mis
takes are too fatal to be Indulged in
promiscuously, and as so many lives are
sacrificed in this manner, it is but natural
lor tne pnnuc to believe that half the
operations are unnecessary, besides be
ing a fearful risk to human life, even i
It is a positive fact, however, that all
operatlens are not necessary, and that a
majority of them are absolutely under
taken without the slightest chance of
snccess. The doctors have never been
able to enre a blood disease, and a sur
gical operation is their only method oi
treating deep-seated cases, such as can
cer and scrofulous affections. Aside
from the great danger, an operation
never did and never will enre cancer, as
the disease never fails to return. Can
cer is In the blood, and common sense
teaches anyone that no disease can bo
cut from the blood.
IJerc is a case where the pain inflicted
on a six-year-old boy was especially
cruel, and after undergoing the tortures
produced by the surgeon's knife he rap
idly grew worse. Mr. J. N. Murdoch,
the father of the boy, residing at 279
Snodgrass street, Dallas, Texas, writes :
"When my son, Will, was six years
pld, a small tspre appeared; on his lip,
which did not yield' to the usual treat
ment, but before long began to grow. It
gave him a great deal of pain, and con
tinued to spread. He was treated by
several good doctors, who said he had
cancer, and advised that an operation
was necessary,
'After mwh reluctance, we consented,
and they cut down to the jaw bone,
which they scraped. The operation was
a severe one, but I thought it was the
only hope for my boy. Before a great
while the cancer returned, and began to
grow rapidly. We gave him many rem
edies without relief, and finally upon the
advice of a friend, decided to try S.S.S.
(Swift's Specific), and with the second
bottle he began to Improve. After twenty
bottles had been taken, the cancer dis
appeared entirely and he was cured.
The cure was a permanent one, for he is
now seventeen years old, and has never
had a sign of the dreadful disease to re
turn." B ' '
S.S.S. Is far ahead of all other blood
remedies, because it is the only one
which cures deep-seated obstinate blood
diseases uch as Cancer, (Scrofula,
Eczema, Catarrh, Rheumatism, etc
It is the only blood remedy guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
containing not a particle of mercury,
potash, or other mineral ingredient,
which are so injurious to the system.
S.S.S. is sold by all druggists.
Books on Cancer and Blood Diseases
will be mailed free tq any address by fhe
Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Qa.
Before submit
knife, try
the only real blood remedy.
To Any Reliable Man.
Uarrelons appliance and ono month's remedies
of rare rxmrwlll be tent on trial, without anv
ootwnes iiayiMnf, by the foremost company m u,e
world In toe treatment ot raen weuk, broken, dli
couraaea from effects of excesses, worry, over
work. 40. IlappT marrlxge secured, complete res
toration or derelopmentof all robust conditions.
till time of tbls offer la limited. No O. O. li.
frif MFnmii nn n'aoabast.,
K7 ' Vii . ' pP"Bnro. Address
.feiiias (iii.uiunh uu pi
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinitj
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
rlakos Shenandoah People as "Won
drous Kind" as Ulsewlicre.
A fellow feeling prompts It.
We all have troubles of our own.
Wo appreciate naainlatice.
Belief from trouble promote gratitude.
Gratitude promotes publicity.
Publicity promotes the public good.
A man with a bad back.
The kind that itches all day, and doesn't
cease at uigiii,
la a grateful man when his back Is cured.
Ho wants to tell his friends nbout it.
Let thorn know relief can be had.
Lota of fellow feeling lit Shenandoah.
1 nn 's Kidney l'llls have cured so many
Bend what this Slienamloah citizen says : ,
James Ooodhead, of 386 West Oak street,
says : "I used to have a great deal of pain
In my back and across my initiating forward
and downwards. I bad also more or less
distress In my head, with au oppressing
weariness and loss of energy. I could hard
ly straighten up at times and any attempt to
stoop eiused sharp twinges to go through
mo. I could lift nothing without It hurllug
me. I read that Doau's Kidney Pills wore a
positive cure for such troubles and I pro
cured thorn from Kirlln's drug store. They
gavo me a great deal of rellof aud mado mo
feel better than I had been for yoirs. Tho
lameness disappeared and I did not have tho
backache all tbo tlmo as formerly. I bavo
no hesitancy in recommending Doan's Kid
ney Pills to others troubled'as I was."
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers.
Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-MUburn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for tbo U. B.
Remember tbo name Doan's aDd tako no
ealth is Wealth.
Issoldunder positive Written Guarantee,
by authorized agents only, to euro Weak Memory,
Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quick,
ness, Night losses, Evil Dreams, Lack of Conll.
donee, Nervousness, Lassitado, nil Drains, Youth
ful Errors, or Excossivo Uso of Tobacco, Opium,
or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption,
Insanity and Death. At store or by maif. $1 a
box, six for $5; with written Rtinrantco to
euro or refund money. Sample linck
ago, containing five dayar treatment, with full
instructions, 25 cents. Ono eamplo only sold to
uaen puruuu. ai Btoro or py man.
t3TRcd Label Special
Extra Strength.
For Impotoncy, Loss of
1'owor, Lost Manhood,
n box: six for 5. witl!&
written eiinrnntooEJ
fiBFOREorbymoil. hp'
For Sale at KIRIIN'S Drug Store.
Sixth St,, Philadelphia, Pa.
Side Entrance on Green St. "CURE GUARANTEED 11
'lnenniy taVemiliiet Jlonestu nHUI
nil Adycrtlslna HiieotilUtlnr' ho
only UrudufUQ & jUenUtercl with Hit
yearn Practical & ilx yonm JfospHitl
Experience in uemany, notwiU(ina
lUKwhitt other fulely nttvertUe,
Nervous Debility sEffi'&Ss:
' Inl lMiniiMlirtiinnnitf 1 v Cliirtafl In
4 to 10 Jny, fttrlctiire. Varicocele end
Rl (inn DninSJ inmaryorttecooaarr.curca
Mhwwu viwwii'
elnstTelTmyown,lnC0 to W days.
ihrunLen flrnatinjtillii Ht.Klnrnt.
two cent
stamps for boolc 'Truth." only tftiomedlcnL
book advertised glvtnf? valuable information and
advice to yountt and old, alnRloor married and
those conteniplatlniriiinrrliijro, and Is theonly
book that exposes unmerciful Fuke Intitules,
Klectrlo Kelt swindles, so-called Former fellow
sufferer's freo advice & free prescription humbust
and Advertising Doctors with their rnke;
pnarnntees&profcBscd knowledge & experience
which they do not possess, Yes read truth at al
hazard I t will sa?o you f romf alllnvlnto the bands
ofjuuafks and pretenders. Hours dally 0 to 3 Ev'KS
6 lo9t Sunday, 9-12. Jlunrsforexamluiitloiiaiid
treatment of so-called lncnrnble and dansrerous
cases dailyfrom 10 toil. Wed. and Bat. nights tl
to 10. For sworn testimonials see every ISatur
day's 1'blliu Times, Trea Jnont by mall,
If we can sell von
one sc. package oil
t jus admixture
we'll be satisfied.
You'll buy more
for it will touch
has added
Ug's to ordinary
UlO spot, firpcers
oucb fppva a
grand drink that
Iwlll flease her husband,
Trains leave Shenandoah a.s follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week days.
210, oac. 70K 0 51 a.m., 1283, 810 and C 07 p
rn Sundays, 2 10 0. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days.
8 38, 7 05 . m.. 12 83 anil 8 10 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, S DO, 7 05, UB a.ut., 1283, 8 10 and 6 07 p. ra.
Sundays, 210 n. m,
For 1'ottavllle, week days, 2 10. 7 OS, 0 81 a. m..
12 83, 8 10, 6 07 and 7 25 P. ra. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
2 10.S86, 7 05,9 81a. m,, 12 83, 8 10 and 6 07 p. m,
Sundays, 210 a. m
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburtr,
week days. 8 25, 5 89, 11 80 a. m and 7 25 p. m
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
For Mahanoj Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 28, 5 88.
7 05. 9 W, 11 80 a. m 12 83, 8 10, 6 07, 7 25, 9 85 and
11 iO p.m. Sundays, 2 10, 8 25 a.m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 8 25,
888,705, 1180 a. m., 8 07, 725 and 163 p. m.
Sundays, 8 as a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
B. iO, It. It., ibrough trains lea") IteadlriK
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & U. D X.) ai 8 20,
7 65, 11 28 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i. Sundays.
8 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m., 8 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 1080 a. m. 12 20,
13 U 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 28 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 IS, 4 80, 8 00 a. m., and 1 80, i 90, 9 00 p.
m. Sundaya, 5 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 o.-m.. 1 80 and 4 IS p. m.
Leave 1'hlladelpma, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 88, 10 10 a. m, and 1 42, 4 05, 8 80, 11 80
p. m. Sandays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Heading,week days, 1 86, 7 10,10 03, a, m.
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 30 p. as, Sundays, 1 38
a. m.
Leave I'ottsvtlle, week days, 2 88, 7 40 a. m.,
12 80 and 8 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 88 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3 18, 8 48, 11 28 n.
m 188, 8 61, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
a. m
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 13 30, 8 45,
9 12 11 47 a. m 2 17, 5 1, 8 17, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m.
Sundays, 12 36, 8 45 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 Hi, 2 40.
4 00 80, 9 M. 1025. 1169 a. m., 2 82, 6 82, 0 88,
7 67, 10 32 p m. Sundaya, 12 40, 2 40, 4 00 a. m.
Leaver Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
m., 4 00 and 11 80 p. ui. Sundays, 11 80 p. m,
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war and
South street wliatf for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m 2 00, 4 00,
6 00 p.m. Aoeommodatlon, 8 00 a. m.,6 80p. m.
Sundaya Express, 9 00, 10 00 a. m. Accommoda
tion, 8 00a. m.,44Sp. m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 86, 9 00 a.m., 8 80, 680
p.m. Accommodation, 8 16 a. m., 406 p. rn.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 780 p. m. Accom
modation, 7 16 a. ra., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Cars on all expresa trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Hallway ticket agent
or address
I. A. SwttiuABP, Edsox J. Weeks.
Uen'l Bunt., Uen'l I'asa'r Agt.,
Reading Terminal, Philadelphia.
Tho Boar Will Oarry Provisions to
tbo Arotio Bogions.
Tito loo Imprisoned Winlors Cnit 5Ian
niire to Subsist Until the Proposed
Hollef Onn Kcnoh Tliatii Oplhlotis oi
Nnvnl Oflloorrt.
Washington, Nov. 10 Th Informa
tion laid before the cabinet yesterday
at a basis for Its action In the matter
of relieving the whalers was contained
In the following telegrams:
The first Is from Commandant Kirk
land, at Mare Island, and Is as follows:
Captain Marker reports: Captain De
vell, of the whaling steamer Baylies,
arrived today from the Arotio and says
the whaling steamers Orlcha, Freeman,
Helvldero and Itosarlo were at Point
Barrowon Sept. IB with about ICO men.
These are now probably closeed by the
tee near that plaee. The whaling
steamers NewrfOrt, Fearless, Jeannle
and Wanderer were at Hershell Island
Aug. 26 with about 115 men. All the
above eight vessels expected to re
turn this fall and had only about three
months' rations. Besides the above
Bhlps there were several vessels at
Hershell provisioned for one, two and
three years, prepared to stay in the
Arctic and Intending to sail soon for the
vicinity of tha mouth of Coppermine
river to winter. Captain Kevell Bays
there are about 400 barrels of flour at
Point Barrow, probably within reach
of the closed In whalers. He does not
think there will be any starving among
tho whalers this winter, though they
may be on greatly reduced rations.
Commandant Kirkland's second dis
patch was as follows:
Stoney's plan seems advisable to send
the Bear or steam whaler Thrasher,
now at San Francisco, with provisions,
medicines and clothing for 300 men for
one year to Port Clarence or Norton
sound, as found possible. Use Belndeer
at Port Clarence to pack provisions to
Point Barrow and for food Bupply, fol
lowing shore line and keeping lookout
for the whalers. This plan requires
four officers, one being a surseon, and
four men of the navy. The chances of
success aro regarded as slight, and
every day's delay will add to the diffi
culty. Any vessel going should sail at
the earliest possible moment. San
Francisco Is the best point to secure
the necessary outfits and to sail from.
The whaler Thrasher, ready for sea
and In good order, can bo chartered
now. The widest discretion must be
given the commanding officer of the ex
pedition for securing the outfit nnd
crew, Including dogs and reindeer.
Secretary Gage yesterday received
the following telegram from Captain
Tuttle, In command of the Bear, now
at Seattle, Wash.:
"Repairs to the Bear and docking the
vessel will cost $1,500. Before the Bear
can reach St. Michaels the bay will be
frozen over. Vessel cannot winter at
St. Michaels, as the ice would carry it
away. There Is no harbor north of
Unalaskn that does not remain frozen
until late In June. Behrlng strait is
closed by Ice In November and remains
so until June. The whalers at Point
Barrow aro within six miles of the
Point and 18 miles of the former refugo
station. I understand from Captain
McGregor, of the steam whaler Karluk,
that Llebes' agent at tho refuge sta
tion has about 300 barrels of flour. With
this and the provisions of the vessels
there should be no starvation.
"Those frozen at Demarkatlon Point
have the supply station at Hershell Isl
and to fall back upon. While It will
probably be necessary to abandon the
yessela I, do not apprehend the crews
Will meet with, anything worse than
privations and hardships. The Bear can
be ready to start In two weeks. There
Is plenty of coal at Unalaska, I can
see no way of rendering assistance un
til the Ice opens In July. No vessel
can do anything In the Arctic ocean
until July,"
Notwithstanding tho almost hope
lessness of the task, and Indicated by
Captain Tuttle, Captain Shoemaker,
chief of the revenue cutter service, gave
instructions for the immediate repair
pf the Bear, with a view ot being ready
for sea at the earliest moment. Point
Barrow, near which the Ice bound
whalers are gupposed to be, is about
3,000 miles north of Seattle, and about
1,200. miles north of Unalaska.
T n HAW. ' rtna P 1. 1 . 1 ' , . .
j, vmu w, ,uu uva, kiiuwu citi
zens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that he cured
lllmXAl r,f hn wnrcf lrtn.l C 1 !
few boxos of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
u uau oeen troubled with, plies for over
thirty yoars and had used many different
lrlnilR nf ownll,w1 .nwo nnri.,i-
. ... v. , w, wiiuu was
the one that d d the work and. he will verify
r, " -"",v"" " n .t.suko (u write
hitn. C. H. Hagenbuon,
Blsmni'ok Sued For a 1'SjimIou,
Berlin, Nov. 10, A man named
Lange, who for SO years has been
Prlnee Bismarck's head forester" In the
Baohenwald, and who waB pensioned
last summer, has begun suit against
the prince to enforce the payment of an
additional pension which the ex-chancellor
refused to grant him.
for those who will go to-day and get a pack
age of GEAIN-O. It takes the place of
coflco at about i tbo cost. It Is a food drink,
full of health, and can bo given to tbo
children as well as the adult with groat
benefit, It is made of pure grains and looks
and tastes like the finest grades of Mocha or
Java coffee. It satisfies ovoryone. A cup of
Graln-O is bettor for the system than a
tonic, because its benefit is permanent. What
coffee breaks down Grain-0 builds up. Ask
yonr grocer for Graln-O. 10c. and 35o.
lltilltlliiK Looonntl"Tj For Flni'mitl.
Philadelphia, Nov. 10. The Baldwin
Locomotive works have within the past
few days booked orders for BO locomo-.
lives for the government state railway
ot Finland, the first order of any mag
nitude that has ever been placed In
(his country from that plaee. Another
order Is for 21 heavy broad guage loco
motives for the government of Brazil,
while a third order Is from the Grand
Trunk railway of Canada.
Wabninq: Persona who suffer from
coughs and oolds should heed tho warnings
of danger aud save Amaelvoa suffering and
fatal results by using One Minute Cough
Cure. It is un Infallible remedy for coughs,
oolds, croup and all throat and lung troubles.
C. II. llagenVuoh.
Voluntn'ry rnurifnuu Jn "Wn'tfe.
Youngsrtown, O., Nov. 10. The em
ployes at the Andrew Brothers com
pany's blast furnace have been given
notice of 10 per cent advance in wages,
to go Into effect Dec. 1. It Is Understood
all the blast furnace companies will
Boon advance the wages of their em
ployes. Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
The beat salve in the world for cuts,
u.M.ovo, PUtO), U1VB4S, Dtklb rilUHDl, lOVOr BOrS,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
ail skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
23 cents per box. For saio by A. Wasley .
For Weak nnd Run Down People.
UfHAT IT Kl The richest of all restorff
JfslH I I I IO I tlye foods, because It re
places tho essentials of life that are ex.
hausted by disease, Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, eto.
WHAT ITflflFSl By making the blood
Wllrll II UUCOI pure and rleh and the
digestion perfec-H creates solid flesh,
irfusolo and strength. The nerves being
mndo strong the brain becomes active and
elenr. It restores lostvltallty.stopaall waV
Ing drains nnd weakness In either sex, and
ns a female regulator bag 110 equal, l'rloe
6O0., orllye boxes J2.00. Druggist, or by mall.
WO can help you. Advice and book, free.
pWrlto Us About Your CasoJ
loUChestnutStreet. Philadelphia,
Octobxb 1 1M7.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abets
?."'? ,orFI8i!!lt Oilberton, Frnekvllle, Darl
Water, 8. Clair, Pottsvllle- Hamburg, ltovllnt
Poltstown, l'hoenlxville, NorrMntvn and Phil
adclphla (tlroad street station) at 608 and 1108
ft, m. and 4 20 p m, on week days. Sundays,
6 08 n. m., 3 10 p. in. For Pottsrllle nnd Inter
mediate stations only 917 a. m. weekdays.
Sundays, 9 45 a. m.
Jtrnins leave iracKviile ror Shenandoah l
10 40 a. m. and 1281, 5 41, 782 nnd 10 47 p. m
Sunday, II 18 a. m. and 5 41 p. m.
Leave Pottevllle for Sliennndoah at 1016
a. m. and 12:03, 5 15, 7 25 and 10 20 p. m. Sunda)
at 10 40 a. ni., 5 15 p. m.
Leave PlilladelpMa, (Broad street station), fo
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 SSand 10 19 a. ni., 4 10 nnd
T ' p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a. m.
Leave Brood street station, Philadelphia, lu
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, Lon.
Branch, nnd Intermediate stations, 8.J0
11.14, a. m., 8.80 and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week-days, 8 20, 4 00, 4 50 5 15, 6 60,
783,8 20,883,9 60, 10 21 (Dining Car), 1100 a. m
12 00 noon, .2 83 (Limited 100 and 4 32 p.m.
Dining Cars), 1 40, 280 (Dining Cor) 020, 380.
4 00,5 00, 5 50 (Dining Car), 0 00, 7 02, 7 43, 10 00
L'-JJ'j 0I- "'Bht- Sundays, 8 20, 4 08, 4 SO, 8 15,
?o2Sl9?',' 10 21, (Dining Car, 1136 al m.
?. ,.if.,S!?,,n? 2 80 tDinl? Car). 40d
lyL'S? i2? E'nlng Car . 5 20, 5 56,(Dlnlng Car)
635, 7 02,7 43, 10 00 p.m., 12 01 night.
Express for Boston without change, 11 00 a m
week-days, and 7 43 p. m., dally.
Kor 1 tiTn-rn ranrl Al'nolilnrrinn DM f? v q on
10 20. 1123, n."mV,12W,"'l2 3r JDitTng
Car), 1 12 818, 4 4L '519 cjongre
fional Limited, Dining Car, 0 17. 655 Din
ing Car, 731 tDlning Carl p. in., and 12 03
night week days. Sundays, 8 BO, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23,
a. m., 1209, 1 12, 4 41, 515 Congro-sfonnl M
'', Dining Car, 055 Dining Car, 7 31 Din
ing Car p. m. and 12 Oj night.
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 705 p. m. dally.
ofB7. l1" 8tteH Wnrf-Expreas, 8 50
2 00, 4 00,6 00 p. m. Sundays, 8 45. 9 45 a. m
(accommodation 4 80 nnd 5 00 p. m.)
For Cape May, Anglesea, Wildwood nnd Holly
Beach, Sen Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor Express, 9 00 a. in., 400. p. m.
weekdays. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
,,or.mora Point Express, 8 50, a. m.,2 00.
4 00, 8 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 8 45 n. m
I. li. IIotciiinsow, j. n. Wood,
Oen'l Manager. Gen'l Tass'g'r Agt
Hillions of Dollars
Qo up in smoke every year. Take nc
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST "isuranccAfreni.
rJX JO 1 , 2o South Jardin SI
Also Life and Accidental Companl est
tgr, ' P
Relieve and Cure 3
Head Troubles
17 iorinulaa
of noted
s Stomach Disorders
System Irregularities
! "For every III, a special pill." f
Jjjfj If not at Drug Stores, write 3
Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkers,N.Y. 3
Health Book Mailed Free.
Celebrated 3toru-Ue
l'o-nrtlerg never falL
WmaI f!&Xtlee!arQMtVa-E
MfManri bom l,n f.llln.
vrlth Tsniy ld Pennyroyal rills snd other list
NnMllMt. AlM.ihnvth. host anil .ml. HU.n.
pnlntmcDt. . Gun,nteed superior to all others. losuiSj
'is best tn the n"rket, A No. 1 l'sxtlcouui, 4 cts,' Dr. 6VT
GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES,,tmiiiiiiiiiii Mniliiili,iInn.iiniiHH,,,,lHI7lrilIlIRi
Ew Wi
' .. i
s.i tl o V"S,-S"WH-. s
J-iLiMHjm jiiiirirjij
b . '.-r eisrA
M 1 f s. . jt
m nil i mm i" '
li?"?? "MWV- All dTSiM, la,... .re AJSAJTKi '
K?3arl?V8 Z!E5r ,?"n,,y- ton.up,io'D:
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drujr store, Shenandoah, Pa.
a m r a yiT wxrimmmvmiw all
V M1V asalXH "
i .... . . . .......
Ad STUll tfi tv'nVnv iV.
,.iLL UK"1'n ' '
LiipcMppi ittniieipree, an. e I r l.l.t UKTIK1I I
Is the most extenslvel)
circulated and widely rend newspaper pub
lished In Pennsylvania. Its discussion of pub
lic men and public measure Is In the Interest
of public Integrity, linneat government and
prosperous Industry, nnd It knows no party
or petsonal allegiance In treating public
I sauce. In the broadest and best sense a
family and gentrnl newspaper
THE TIMES alms to have the largest
circulation by deserving it, and claims that It
Is unsttriwamKl In nil the essentials of a great
metropolitan netrapaiier. Specimen copies of
any edition n 111 be sent free to nny one send
ing their address.
TERMS-riAILY. 00 per annum; J1.08
for four months; 80 cent per month, de
livered by ear lew for 6 cents per week.
ftl'NDAY EDITION. 32 large, Vandsome
tiages--231 columns, elegantly Illustrated,
beautiful colored supplement StOO per an
num ; 5 cents per copy. Dally and Suuday
to 00 per annum , 80 cents per mouth.
Ad drees all letters to
Graduate nnd Lnte Resident House Surgery of
the University State ot N. Y.
Hbadquabtbrs r Hotel Franey, Shenandoah
Calls night or day promptly responded.
Office Rgnn building, oorrer of Main nnd
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
navlng studied under some of the best
masters lr London and Paris, will give lessons
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care ot Strouse,
the ieweler Shenandoah.
A genuine wolcome waits yon at
Cor. naln and Coal StaT
Finest whiskeys, bears, porter and ale
constantly on tap. Choice emperance drinks
and cigars.
1U DIUTO Ull C QUITO mm J ninnrrfi nm
iii i mi., nnr rima mm tjUTMltri rlHIS,
Colored Glass nnd containing corks.
Wo have n largo stock on hand which
we will sell reasonable.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Twenty Coupon- of the IIERALD 3
will pay for the Workmanship of a
-- bcnutlful life-size, free hand crayon. S
; worth $10 00. Taken from any dl- 3
lnctphotogiaph,tiut.vM-ordagerreo- 3
gZ typo t M. Heckcr's Studio, 308 West -
js- Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. All 5
g; wo require la 50 cents for material.
It Those who purchase frames pay
f: S?iSlnff at,alifor pictures. Pftcs -3
of frames from $1.60 up.
Wanted-An Idea t-wa
Protect your Idea." hJ"r?iW''
Proteetyour Idea,: th.mT.,?.??
suiBjiuyun WXlie4
iv?,""l Informed VI
.ippSi, inB wen in-
nm! fbrirr,, ti., ,. '. ,
, ......vj ,iuuau.iifl will
Rr!Lhuse; M aiwlrtl remedy for I
Spraina, Brutses, Cramps, Hheumatlbm, 1
anil all aches and jiains. g
Price 2B clj. and B0 elt. per buttle. 1
P,.n.t Ki. PI P 1 1 . n r--r . .
"'vaci i lo., phlla.elphla. S
and hnu r-i..l sk. .! a
jt y fi
fCasei of Ncrvoui Diseatet, such
s. ufwmy, utuinct., blcrett
nest and Vari(vl limnhu k
They clear the brain, strengthen
n .ircuiauon, mafcc aigttuocv
I H I JRfi- ..m-..
""'"p'o. c.w.ret. Tlf..
""P or gnpe.tiui rme easvniituralrliii t.,,,,..
v"'-?"" r' easy natural resalla
- . Chlraao. Hontrp l. (,n.. orNsn Tort
'1. - Vhlrmv.. Umm... . . l i