The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 10, 1897, Image 2

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Published otKj livening, Kicent Sunday, M
South Jabdim htukkt, Near Cbktbb.
Tilt Herald Is tlellrtied In Hhennmlonii and the
surrounding towns lor six cents wk, iy
alU V the carriers, lly mail (8.00 BTcnr, oris
oentj a moyjh. tinynble In advance, A)rettle
menli charged according to space nnd position.
The pubtlsheta reserve the right to change the
position of ftdvertlsnments whenever the Dlib-
' (atlun o( news demands It. The right Is
reserved to reject nny advertisement, wliether
iwld lor wr not, thHt the publishers may deem
lmprner. Advertising rates made known
upou indication.
Kutared M the postoOteo at Shenandoah, Pa., as
second class mall matter.
"All the News That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
QiVit tra iho institute, ami we'll
give the pedagogues a royal time.
Tub IIkhald's subscription list Is
- steadily climbing upwards. The
people will have the news, and they
"know "Whore to get It. All our agents
are increasing their orders for the
people's favorite paper.
TiiniiH is no good reason why the
teachers' oounty institute should not
come to Shenandoah next year.
Everything is in our favor, and all
that is necessary is a little effective
work on tho part of the teachers
from this town among tho members
of the institute. Tho Mahanoy City
American is a strong advocate in be
half of Blmuandoah and produces
stronir argument in favor of the
largest town in the county. Keep it
up, Brother O'Donnell, and wo may
yet be able to shake hands over tho
bloody chasm.
knowledge of it, and nddod : "'ou
can say, however, that if suoh a don!
were made 1 would not be a party to
it. More than that, it Is not In the
power of any person or persons, high
or low, to make any political bargains
for mo. 1 stand where 1 have stood
for the last three years, in favor of
cleaner poll t ion and better city govern
ment." Prominent workors in many parts
of tho stato who stood staunchly for
Soimtor Quay in his fights of rocent
years, predict that the Senator's
lieutenants will antagonize any alll-
anco with the leaders whom ho
threatened in 1805 to make "a nlght
maro of the past."
It is said that thoro is a coolness be
tween Senators Quay and Ponrose,
because of tho Quay-Martin inter
views, and that tho trip to Florida
was made for tho purpose of reach
ing a final understaiidlng between
them. When Penrose returns homo
this week it is possible war will bo
declared all along the lino.
The Kepubllcan party cannot afford
another factional light, espooially in
view of tho interest -on tho part of
tho voters of the state, manifested in
tho recent election.
Tile party leaders should heed tho
There Is Nothing so Good.
There Is nothing just ns good as Dr. King's
Now Discovery for Uomumptloti, Coughs and
Golds, so demand it nnd do not permit the
denier to sell you some substitute lie will
not claim there Is anything better, but in
order to make mora profit lm may claim
something clso to be just as good. You want
Dr. King's New Discovery because you know
it to be safe and reliable, nnd guaranteed t(
do cood or money refunded. For Coughs,
Colds. Consumption and for all affections of
Tli roil t, Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so
good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial
bottle free at A. Wnsley's drug store,
lar size 50 cents and $1.00.
"IIiw not the Sheim'doah IIkhu i, with other
papers, called, you a dum.igog e?" Answer:
"'Yes, bccnuse'I wvuld not endurse Its editor lor
The above is part of John J. Coyle's
testimony in the Joyce libel suit. It
is hardly necessary to say that the
IIunALD opposed Uoyle's election as
state delegate in 1805, when there
was no thought of post offices, and
has consistently opposed him polit
ically ever since. Coyle's endorse
ment was, -never requested, and the
above statement is on a par with
others he made on the witness stand,
notably that In reference to Lawyer
Redured Kates to Chattanooga via Penn
sylvania Itnllroad.
For Pennsylvania D.iy at Chlckamauga
IUttlefield, Chattanooga, Tenu., November
15, 1S07, when the monuments marking tho
movements of Pennsylvania troops in that
great battle will be dedicated, tho Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell excursion
tickets from all points on Its lino in l'enn-
sylvanvia at the extremely low rate of ono
cent a mllo, short-line distance, tickets to be
sold November 0 to 13, good to leave Chat
tanooga returning until November 23, 1897,
Tickets via Pittsburg will bo sold going
and returning via same route, or going via
Cincinnati and Lexington, returning via
Nashville nnd Louisville, or vico versa.
4 First Prizes, each of $100 Cath.
" " $100 Pierce Special Dlcjclej.
" - $ 25 Gold Watches.
20 Second
40 Third
(During 1897)
Sunlight SOAP
For particulars send yonr nsrno and full addressto A DCL
t ver rtro.. llndnon & lt.rrlvm BU.. UeW York. V V IVf U I L Ix J
The Florida Limited Will Again llun on
the Southern Hallway.
The Florida Limited, which Is tho syn
onym of all that ts elegant In modern rail
way trains, aud which duriug lu former
servico has been a prime favorite for tourists
from tho Nortli seeking tho mild ollmato of
Florida, will be p'-Jccd in servico by tho
Southern Hallway about tho first week In
January, 1E03, With its return to servico this
train, which will bo solid Pullman vostibulcd
betwecu Now York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustlno will present features In the way of
luxurious and coinfortablo appointments not
heretofore ptesented, and which will lo
destined to add still further to Its already
well established popularity.
Tho Southern Railway is having built for
tho Florida Limited servico three traius.cach
containing a diuiug oar, two drawing room
sleeping cars, a compartment car and a
library and observation car, each car com
plete in all Its appointments and equipped
with tho very latest devices and appliances
for tho comfort and oonvcnlenco of the pas
sengers. While uo schedule has as yet been
ttnuouueed, it can be 9tatcd that It will bo tho
quickest over arranged between Philadelphia
and St. Augustine, and wilt he so planned
that passengers can leavo Philadelphia at
some conveniont hour during the day aud ar
rive at St. Augustine before nightfall of tho
following day. Philadelphia Record.
Notice. Applications for further Informa
tion addressed to Jno. M. Dealt, District
Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway, 828
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive
prompt attontion. 10-23-tf
Dout aivo them tea or coffee. Have you tried
the new food drink called! Qraln-O? It Is
delicious and nourishing aud takes tho placo
of coffee. Tho more Graln-0 yon glvo tho
children the more health you distribute
through their sja'cms. Orain-0 is made of
pure grains, tiLd when properly prepared
tastes liko tho choice grades of conco but
costs about 1 as niUch. AH grocers sell it.
150 and 25c
Bovon Hundred Iumntcs Itomovod
AVI tit out Sorlotm )lttirunuco.
Mllledgevllle, Oa., Nov. 10. The negro
section of the Georgia Insane asylum
burned yesterday. There were within
the walls at the time the fire broke
out, Inmates and all, over 700 persons,
but the efficiency of administration was
such that no lives were lost. The group
of buildings constituting the section
covered about four acres. The Are
started In the attic. The lire walls of
the building did not extend to the roof,
nnd ns a consequence tha fire traveled
under tho roof and dropped tho sparks
below. The tiers being divided by solid
brick walls, the progress of the Are was
slow, but very steady, about ten hours
elapsing before it was ohecked. Por
tions of the section were saved, but the
major part was gutted. The asylum
water servico was excellent and was
reinforced by engines from the fire de
partment of Macon, 30 miles away,
which were brought here on a special
train. The loss Is about $100,000, In
cluding buildings and furniture. There
was room enough In the other buildings
to temporarily oare for those who were
dislodged by the fire. The legislature
of Georgia Is now In Besslon, and
prompt relief will be granted.
J. M. ihirswend. of Hroshrck. Tex., aivs
that when ho has a spell of indigestion, and
feels bad sluggish he takes two of DeWitt's
Little Early Risers at night, and he is all
right tho noxt mornlne. Manv thousands of
omers uo mo samo thing. Do you ? v. n.
Heed the Warning.
Since the election in this state
many of the Republican leaders have
been figuring on what the meaning
is oi rno large vote polled for l)r,
Swallow. It is an ' off" year, of
course, and as a rule "off" years do
not count for much In political reck
oning, but on this occasion it cuts a
jywiBt important figure in prognosti
cating as to what is likely to happen
in the future. One thing is certain,
there will be a hot time all along the
line next year.
It was not until near the close of
the canvass that the Republican
leaders recognized tho demoralized
condition of the party, and it was
then too late to improvo it. There
is no denying the fact that the sup
porters of Dr. Swallow have been
greatly encouraged by the large vote
polled and will enter the fight next
year with this prestige. The Repub
lican leaders will have a battle royal
on their hands in 1898 for the cpntrol
of the state legislature and 'the elec
tion of a Governor and a United
States Senator to succeed M. S. Quay,
The able and astute Washington
correspondent -Of the Philadelphia
StrurSniis to say upon the subject:
"Xlie outcome m i-eiiiiHyivituiu. uui
set the leaders to thinking. It looks
as if it means troublo next year of a
eerious nature. The people voted on
Tuesday as itthey were in a restless
condition ;' as if they were not satis
fled with the way things are going on.
Somebody la going to get hurt noxt
year when it is time to start the cam
paign unless present appearances
vanish at an early day.
"There is 'hot stuff' in preparation
for some one. We are trying to figure
out who tho victims will be. I hear
pronounced grumbling at the way in
'which the new loan was manipulated
at tho polls on Tuesday last, and
there is the murmuring over the gas
lease, which forebodes no good to tho
persons Ttfhqwlll bo at the front in
the canvass next year. The vote
given to Swallow, looks like a warn
ing. Frcia what I hear it should sur
prise no one to see an independent
ticket from head to foot in Pennsyl
vania, and in tho oity of Philadelphia
especially, next year and the follow
ing Spring.
"It will not bo a. Democratic fusion,
as the Democrats seem to have gone
down into the unknown regions since
Pattison went into retirement, but a
regular independent and oitlzens
ticket The warning hasoome to the
surface early, and the hope is that
tha necessity for suoh a movement
Trill disappear."
Notwithstanding those warnings,
the leaders appear to bo upon the
verge of another factional war within
the ranks of the party. Sensational
stories of tho most violent character
as to a break in the Quay ranks in
both stato and munloipal polities
httvo been rife ever since the confer
ences between Quay and Martin. The
outcome cannot now be predioted,
but those on tho inside say that every
thing points to a break between Sen
ators Quay and Penrose and their re
spective followers.
Questioned as to the rumored deal
otween Quay and Martin, the wntl-
. . , 1-111. 11... Tl. .!... Ho,i
era i lOAUOr in j.-iiu.uti'"i
Israel Durham, said he had no
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggiMs refund tho money if it falls to
cure. 25c.
Unit til Mumo'i' Iy Trumps.
GarrottsvtUe, O.. Nov. 10. Henry
Smith, a young man who lived here,
was assaulted by a gang of tramps on
an nrio freight train. He was robbed
of a small sum of money and then
thrown from the train, which passed
over his lees, cutting off both of them.
Smith lived but a short time after being
hurt. KIght tramps have been arrested
and on one of them was found the dead
man's watch.
A dispatch from Buenos Ayres says
that a general frost has severely In
jured the wheat and flax crops.
Game Warden Swan reports that In
his opinion the killing of the Uintah
Indians In Colorado was necessary.
John S. Runnell3, of Chicago, 13 spoken
of as the probable successor of Asso
ciate Justice Stephen J. Field on the su
preme court bench.
Wllford Glover, a 'lB-year-old boy of
Troplco, Cal., confessed that he shot
Dr. It. P. Moore, of Los 'Angeles, for the
purpose of robbery.
The boiler of a Burlington engine ex
ploded near Crawford, Neb., Instantly
killing Engineer II. C. Simpson ard
Fireman 13. M. Uobinson.
Aro you suffering from rheumatism?
Thomas' Ecloctrlc Oil has cured thousands of
the worst cases of this terrible disease. It
only costs 25 cents to try It.
All DroiT'fn-. "utit Tiireu.
Valparaiso, Chile. Nov. 10. The large
British bark Cordillera, Captain Ever
ett, which arrlvBd here on Sept. 18 and
sailed for Caleta Buena, has been
wrecked. AH on board were drowned
except the two mates and the ship's
carpenter. The Cordillera had a reg
Jstored tonnage of 2,224, and carried
Valuable cargo.
"After suffering from dyspepsia for three
years I decided to try Burdock Blood Bittors.
Two bottles cured mo entirely." Mrs. G. C.
White, Taberg, Onolda csunty. New York.
Improvement In Itnllwny Enrntnprs.
Washington, Nov. 10. General Wado
Hampton, who has just been succeeded
by General Longstreet as commissioner
of railroads, says that the year marked
the low water mark of railway con
struction. Thirty-four companies, with
5,441 miles of road, passed Into tho
hands of the courts, and 58 others, yre
vlously placed in receivership, were
sold at foreclosure. A steady Improve
ment In railroad earnings during the
first six months of the current year Is
Yet It Cures the Worst Cases of Dyspepsia
and Indigestion.
Dr. Jenniton, who has made a life study of
stomach troubles, sayst All form of in
digestion really amount to the same thing,
that is, failure to completely digest the food
eaten; no matter whether the trouble is acid
dyspepiia or sour stomach, belching of wind,
nervoii dyspepsia or loss of flesh and appe
tite; a parson will not have any of them if
the stomach can be induced by any natural,
harmless way, to thoroughly digest what is
eaten, and this can be done by a simple
remedy which I hare tested in hunreds of
aggravated cases with complete success. The
remedy is a combination of fruit and veget
able essences, pure aseptic pepsin and golden
seal put up in the form of pleasant tasting
tablets and sold by druggists under the name
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. One or two
of these tablets should be taken after meals
and allowed to dissolve in the mouth and
mingling with the food in the stomach, digests
it completely before it has time to ferment, de
cay and sour.
On actual experiment one grain of "Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets will digest three thousand
grains of meat, eggs and similar wholesome
It is safe to say, if this wholesome remedy
was better known, by people generally, it
would be a national bleating, as we are a
nation of dyspeptics, and nine-tenths of all
diseases owe their origin to imperfect diges
tion and nutrition.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not a secret
patent medicine, but a fifty cent package will
do more real good for a weak stomach than
fifty dollars worth of patent medicines and a
person has the satisfaction of knowing just
what he is putting into his stomach, which he
does not know, when widely advertised patent
medicines are used.
Governor Tanner Syniimllilzos WItH
Illinois' HtrlldtiK Minors.
Springfield, Ills., Nov. 10. A remon-
strame against allowing Chinese coat
miners to be Imported Into the state
for the rurpoie of mining coal at Wil
mington and other towns In place of
the striking mlm-io has been place ue-
foro the governor In the name of the
United Mine Workeis of Illinois.
The protest wau presented by a dele
gation of minora' ofnolttls, hoadeil uy
President Cariwrlght, of the Spring-
Meld sub district. The governor ex
pressed his sympathy with the white
miners, and said that wlilio lie county
not restrict the importation of the"
Chinese miners he .would not permit
them to enter the state bearing-arms,
nor would he permit the presence nt
the mines of the reported large bodies
of armed ex-CnIcngo policemen acting
as guards to the Chinese.
A YouiiK Hutlmiid'n Crlmo.
New York. Nov. 10. After making a
desperate effort to murder his wife In
their npartments on West Forty-sixth
street, last nlghti John Fallhee, 21 years
old, committed suicide. Mrs. Fallhee,
a handsome brunette of 18 years, en
gaged a suite of rooms three weeks
ugo. Tho next day the rooms were
luxuriantly furnished and the young
couple formally installed , themselves.
The neighbors say they had frequent
quarrels, one of these resulting In last
night's tragedy. Mrs. Fallhee was not
wounded. The neighbors say that Fall
hee's Income as a dilver, which he gave
as his occupation, could not have sup
ported his home or paid for the expen
sive clothes he wore.
Pooplo who fall to look after thoir health
are liko tho carpenter who neglects to
sharpen his tools. Psople aro not apt to get
anxious about their health soon enough. If
yea are "not quite woll" or "half sick1
have you ever thought that your kidneys
may be tha cause of your sickness T
It is sasy to tell by setting aside your
urine for twenty-four hours: a sediment
or ttttling indicates an anhealthy sondi
Hon of the kidneys. When urine stains
linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too
frequent desire to urinate, scanty supply,
pain or dull acho in tho back Is also convinc
ing proof that the kidneys smd bladder are
out of order.
There is satisfaction in knowing that th
great remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot,
fulfills every wish In relieving weak or
diseased kidneys and all forms of bladdsr
and urinary troubles. Net only dote
Swamp-Hoot give new .Ufa and activity to
the kidneys the cans of troubls, but by
treating the kidneys it atts as a tonio for
the entire constitution. If yeu used a
medicine take Sirsmp-Eoot it cum. Bold
by druggists, price fifty ctntti and ene dollar,
or by sending your address and the name of
this paper te Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blngliamton,
N. Y., yon may have a sample botil of this j
great discovery sent to you free by mall.
-Coming Brents.
Nov. 17. Annual supper, nnder the aus
pices of the Trinity Reformed church, in
Hobblus' opera house.
Nov. S3. Thanksgiving dinner to be given
by All Salute' Protestant Episcopal church,
corner West and Oak streets.
Dec. 3. Twenty-fifth annual supper under
.auiplces of Welsh Baptist chnch In Bobbins'
opera house.
Deo. 31. Twenty-fourth annual ball of the
Rescue Hook & Ladder Co,, No. , at Rob
bius' opera house.
Did You Kver
Try Electrio Bitters as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get
relief. This medicine has been found to bo
peculiarly adapted to tho relief and cure of
all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful
direct Influenco in giving strength and tone
to the organs. If you have Lost of Appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or
are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy
or troubled with Dissy Spells, Electric Bitters
is the medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed by Its use. Large
bottles only fifty cents at A. Waaley's drug
iMntoitroo Mini iribwii up.
Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 10. The safe In
the Mockesvllle postofflce was blown
open Monday night and robbed of 1800,
halt the amount being In money and
the rest In stamps. After committing
the robbery the parties stole a hand
car on the Mockesvllle railroad and
rode It out near the Davis school, Just
west of Winston. They cut the tele,
graph wlro In two places to prevent
any message being sent out after them
l'ersonally-Conducted Tours via Pennsyl
vania Knllroad.
Season of 1897-8.
Tho Pcrsonally-Conducted Tourist System
of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company is tho
most complete and elaborate system of
pleasure traveling and slght-sccing yet de
vised. It is the consummation of tho ulti
mato Idea In railroad travel, the final evolu
tion of unassailable perfection.
For the season of '07 and'OSlthasarrangcd
for the following tours :
California. Four tours will leavo New
York, Philadelphia, and Ilarrisburg January
8, January 27, February 10, and March 10,
With tho exception of tho first party going
and tho last returning, all of these parties
will travel by .the "Golden Gato Special" be
tween New York and California, stopping at
Interesting points en routo.
Florida. Four tours to Jacksonville will
leave New Yoik and Philadelphia January
25, February 8 and 22, and March 8. The
first three admit of a stay of two weeks in
the "Flowery Stato." Tickets for the fourth
tour will be good to return by regular trains
until May 31, 1803.
Old Point Comfort, Richmond, and Wash
ington. Thrco six-day tours will leave New
York and Philadelphia February 10, March
10 and April 7.
Old Point Comfort and Washington Thrco
four-day tours will leavo New York and
Philadelphia Dccembor 28, January 20 aud
April 23.
Old Point Comfort. Six tours will leave
Now York and Philadelphia December 28,
January 20, February 19, March 10, April 7
and 23.
Washington. Soven tours will leave New
York and Philadelphia December 28, Jan
uary 13, February 3, March 3 and 31, April
21 and May 12.
Detailed itineraries of the above, tours,
giving rates and full information, may bo
procured of Tourist Agont, 1100 Broadway,
Now York; 800 Fulton Street, Brooklyn; 780
Broad Street, Newark, N. J.; or Geo. W.
Boyd, Assistant Qoncrnl Passenger Agont,
Trlod Doublo Murdor, TI1011 Sutoldcd.
Philadelphia, Nov. 10.-Charles O-er-buch,
a cigar manufacturer, on Norrls
street near Fourth, yestotday attempt
ed to kill his father-in -law, Frederick
Fritz, and the latter's son, Joseph, of
2020 North Fourth street, by shooting
them. He then sent a bullet through
his own brain, and died soon after be
ing admitted to a hospital. Fritz and
bis son are beer bottlers, and are said
to be wealthy. The shooting occurred
In Fritz's home, and Is said to have
been due to some dispute over business.
The elder Fritz was but slightly wound
ed, and his son, while severely, was not
dangerously wounded.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Victorious.
Physical and Mental Exhaustion Gives
Way to Vigorous Activity.
You can't afford to risk your lifo by allow
ing a cold to develop into pneumonia or con
sumption. Instant reliof and a certain euro
are afforded by Ono Minute Cough Cure. C.
U. llagenhuch.
Household Necessity
CaseareU Candy Cathartic, the most won
dorful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshlug to the taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
oleanslng tho entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness, Plea so buy and try a box of
O. 0. C, to-day; 10, 36, SOcente. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists',
Slurdvreit Uln Hfo'tucr'.
Goderlch, Ont., Nov. 10V-Fred and
Harvey Elliott, brothers, holejkeepers
at Varna, near Bayfield, quarreled, and
during the struggle which ensued Fred
shot Harvey, killing him Instantly.
Help Comes to Those Who Take
Red Flag Oil fur sprains, burns, uU.
Gruhler Bros., drug store.
A lloportod SlniiBlitur Confirmed.
Simla, Nov. 10. Tho report that a
native officer and 35 Sikhs belonging to
the Kurram column had been inter
cepted by tribesmen In a ravine and
slaughtered Is officially confirmed. It
appears that they were assisting In ft
reconnaissance up the Kurmana river.
Taking a short cut flown hill they came
to a ravine, where the grass of the
jungle was burning. The flames .spread
so rapidly as to completely cut off their
retreat, and the tribesmen seeing their
predicament swarmed on the higher
ground, hurled down rocks upon them
and closed around tie men until tho
Whole 55 were shot or cut flown.
Disfigurement for lifo by burns or scalds
may be avoided uy using UeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salvo, tho great remedy or piles and
for all kinds of eoros and skin troubles. 0.
11. Hagenbuob.
To I.ogntlzn Nou-Cntliollo Mnrrlngos,
Lima, Nov. 10. The ministers of the
United States, Great Britain and Ger
many have addressed a collective note
to the government asking that a bill
for the legalization of non-Catholic
marriages be Included among tha
measures to be named by President
Plerola when convoking the extraordl
nary session of congress.
Arrested For Hotntr "Hold Up,"
Guthrie, O. T., Nov. 10. The mall
stage running between Cheyenne and
Canadian was held up yesterday by
highwaymen, who rlflod the mad
pouches and secured about 400 In
money and valuables, James Wilson,
the stage driver, has been arrested for
pupposed complicity In the robbery.
Another Kntnl (lunnliitr Aooldout,
Chambersburg, Pa., Nov. 10, While
gunning for rabbits at Sunbeam yes
terday John Bberly's gun was acol'
dentally discharged. The shot struck
his son, Joseph, In the thigh, and David
Durkholder in the abdomen, probably
fatally wounding the latter. Durk
holder ts married.
Asphyxiated by IllumMintliic; Gas.
Ban Francisco, Nov. 10. John H
Moopey, Kate Mooney, hlB wife, and
Michael D. Homey, Mrs. Mooney's
brother, have been found dead In their
beds, asphyxiated by gas. They were
In comfortable financial circumstances,
and It Is believed the gas wuh left open
When yon want good roofing, plumbing
ss fitting, or general tlnsmlthing done cal
on EvF. Gallagher 18 West Centre street
Dealer in stores 1-tf
TEV W. T. 1IOCOIC, tho talctitcd pas
Jr" tor of Grace IT. B. church, Carlisle
Pccn., writes Soptarabor 23, 13ij5: "I
ilways enjoyed good health until in 1832, at
.vlilch tlmo my duties us a clergyman were
if a peculiarly trying nature, subjecting
.no to sovcral Bovcro ncrvou3 shocks which
together with overwork and anxlSty, Im
paired my General health and nervous sys
tem. Indeed I was In such a condition that
tho mere sight of a largo congregation so
wearied mo that It
would roqulro a day
or raoro for mo to re
cover from tho ex
haustion. It affords
mo great pleasure to
say that Er. Miles'
Rostoratlvo Nervine
and Restorative Tonlo
havo done mo untold good. I preached
thrco times yesterday and I feci as fresh
and vigorous this Monday morning as I
ever felt in my life, thanks to your remedies.
Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug
gists under a pssltlvo guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money refunded. Book on
Ileart and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind,
Restores .
Health .
2p W. Centre Street.
Chocolate Drops 12o per pound
Iozengcs 12c. per pound
Caramels 12c. per pound
Mixed Candles Be. to 50c. per pound
Chewing Gum Be. paokngo nt 2o. each
Fifty kinds of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco,
Cigarettes, Bo a paokago and box of matches free
Peanuts 2 quarts for So
Fish every
-Successor to-
vnn noun & o'liMri,
105 S. Main Street.
Headquarters for a full and com
plete lir.e of groceries.
Tlie Woman Wlto Uses
-V 1
Washing Powder
finishes her work as
fresh and bright as
her house is clean.
Largest package greatest economy.
The N. K. Fairbank Company,
Chicago. St. Louis. New York.
linctnti. Pliil-irlfdnhin.
JC r " 9
One Best
And we have the best Shoe .
Store any where in thi$ region.
Every; dollar's worth of goods
is paid for on arrival, which
means a big saving. Our
orders are sought for by the
best manufacturers, which
gives us best choice. Our big
business makes us big buyers,
and these three points make
lower selling prices here than 3
is possible in any other store.
The Laml)ertville Rubber Co.
Appreciate that we are the,
foremost shoe dealers and have made
us selling agents for their celebrated . t ,
Snag Proof Rubber Boots.
Shoe Store,
J. A. MOYER, Mgr.
Wo Give Check for Amount of livery Pur
chase. $25.00 Worth Gets a Beauti
ful Parlor J,amp.
i .
The workintjmen can save money by making their purchases at our
store. We are offering an excellent shoe at the re
markable low price of
For which other stores are asking $1.50 and $1.75. Other goods irttil !
proportion. We make a specialty of repairing. w
Our New Stock Has Arrived and ...
. . . Bargains Are Offered in Every Jinc,
Two doors above Merchants' Bank.
One t too Gents' '07 Ranger wheel, good as now.
Ot.e 900 Ladles' or MIseas' Crescent wheel,
goou condition.
No ; Reasonable : Offer : Refused
No. t05 West Cherry St., Shenandoah, l'a.
Harper's Book of Facts
In Combination With
Good Commissions and a New Field
First Come, First Served
HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York City.""
(Bbeeler's Old Stand.)
Flrstclass work guaranteed. Prompt an
polite attendants. Ualr cutting a spoolalir.
Faust Wheel
Hade to Pit.
A bicycle, in many respects, is like a suit ol
clothes. If you do not appear with ease and grace upon yolir cycle, it
is because it don't fit you. With ease and grace also comes power.
Secure them all by ordering a special wheel, measured to fit by the
home manufacturer'. A guarantee goes with every wheel. Patronize
home industry and secure a reliable wheel.
- - - - Repairing of all Kindts. - - - -BRANDONVILLE,
A Handsome Oomploxion
is one of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Fozzoni's Couflsiioh FowDua
gifts It.
Wanted-An Idea
Protect your Weaij thrr mar trln
Write JOHN WBCliEltUlIBN ft CO..
Who can thine
ef some simple
thlnf to pattntr
jou weattn.
tejt. Waahlniton, D. C, for thair $'1.(U) prise octal
uhJ list or two Jnmdred Joruntlous wsolid.