The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 09, 1897, Image 4

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1 - -M4.
MB LA Dill 3.
r t
,' An: you posted :i the
UdMI Of llUlllll
PPh season? If not", why
JSotv' ,VseU all the leading fashion
l liesc are our leaders :
tHudnrd Designer, 10 cents per
or 5 cents per ytar in ad-
' ' 15 ce!lls Per cPy- or
tzr m advance.
roileUes, 25 cents per copy, or
$2 pgr yenr in advance.
a North IVlsIn St.
Mntirice River Cove Oysters.
Turkeys, Chickens,
- Ifoesli dressed every morning.
36 South Main Street.
- French and German
All-wool, in black and colored,
;,5C 40c.. 45c, 50c., 65c, 75c.
and Si. 00 per yard. These goods
according to wholesale market
prices, are now worth lrom 25 tc
35 per cent, more per yard.
Fancy Dress Cheviots, all wool,
25c, 40c. and 50c. per yard.
Leads all others. This establish
ment is headquarters for all kinds
of silks, both plain and fancy. Ii
you are interested in this class oi
goods and have not yet seen out
line it will certainly pay you to do
so. You can make your selections
from a large stock, a stock that
would do justice to many of the
large retail houses in New York 01
Philadelphia ; all oi the latest de
signs and best fabrics obtainable.
Extra, quality Black Brocaded
- Tftflntn Silk. '6cc. to Si. 00 Dei
yard. Colored Figured Silks, 45c.
10 ; 1.25 per yaru.
This department r3"on the
second floor and is well stacked with the
production of the leadingfmaiiufacturcrs
of Carpets nnd Rugs. You will find iu
this collection pf fine patterns every
thing thot-is desirable m woqucttes,
BOilv5 Brussels, Axrninster, Tapestry,
Ingmin nnd Rag, and our prices arc so
low mat you cannot mu 10 uc suncu.
. We are agents for the
A full nnd complete line always in stock.
Monthly Fashion Sheets FREE OF
CHARGE. Get one.
No. 27 North Main St.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvet softness of the skin Is Inva
riably obtained by thof 9 who use I'ozzoni'b
Complexion rowder.
One dwelling on East LJoyd
street, formerly occupied by H. C.
Folmer. Hae eight nice rooms.
One dwelling on North White
street, formally occupied by Isi
dore Ltxulerstein. Has 10 rooms.
Bath, liect and other conveniences.
Cor. White and Lloyd Sts Shenandoah, Pa.
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
IthmiirifillMm ifurA l fimrnntM A tn h. (tharilntol v
harmlowi. and ft strung tnl in builrlintr tip tlm we&K
and 1hl lit n. tori it ure ft uic or mum olnr rhpiiniiv
Ham la from imp 10 fl 0 di Hlmrn, ahontinir pal nil
In liny puri of itio tmK t 1 lipeit in a frw dost". A
prompt, nmi'li 1m ;ui 1 in rm ui nt utv fnf Unit tiMS,
orrnt'ss, inn mti k una im piuun m nips mm 101ns.
Chronir rlto mi ii sin, iv intfr a, 1ujiIShk pntn In
the lwk urn ni'tiii rund It lilmii f-ilH to pivo
relief from (Hit in 1 1 tin 1 t nnd fihno I ln nrlnhlw
cure hi'forp nm ".ii'i-hm tit' n n; d. 'I in Munyon
Remody 'in jt in pr par- n " pntm m v tnr enrtl
disease At nil drm-u't ':." anm a -v 1.0 Ifynunwtl
memcai iwivico wrue lfor. ainnon. 1505 Area
Street, Philadelphia. It U absolutely free.
lappetilng Throughout tlio Country
ChronlolfMl for Hasty Perusal.
Typhoid fever la reported at tlio almshouse,
Mtieil by tlie water supply.
William Wagner, 0011 flood in the eounty
Jail. haa been declared Insano.
TI10 Mitiersvllle water company has ilo
elared a seml-atitiuat dividend of 4 per cent.
John Zscb, of Shamokln, wn Vlllsd ye.
(onlay by falling coal at Loeutt Spring
The Wyoming county graud jury yesterday
Indicted fttrletou I). Adams for tho murder
of his wlfo on April I3th.
Augustus Wolf baa leen held for court in
Reading for an alleged attempt at assault on
Mrs. Catharine Kek, aged SO.
During n drive yesterday at Centre Square,
Vork county, Kosie Small was stricken with
heart affection and died soon aftervraid ,
David J. Duncan bat been selected gen
eral manager of the I'ottavlllo electric rail
way, succeeding Louis S. Wright, resigned.
M. H. Carver and J. Landis were held in
bail at G'bambersburg yesterday for main
taining a nuisance in tho shape of a glue
It was the Excelsior oiovon that won tho
foot ball game at tho Trotting park on Satur
day and not the High school boys. Score,
IS to 0.
At the ago of 101, Mrs. Margaret Maloy, of
TamaquA, is prostrated with paralysis, with
which sho was strlckou last wcok while out
Cor a walk.
The marriage of Mr. James Dyor, of Gir-
ardville, and Miss Haggle Moredltb, of Ash
land, is announced to tako place on Thursday,
November 35 th.
Kov. Thomas L. ZwelrJg, of Heading, who
was appointed by tho presiding cider to take
charge of tho Mahanoy Plane M. E. church,
presided in that church Sunday morning and
Tho orectlon of a furnitmc factory has
ben commenced on tho grounds of the St.
I rancis Industrial School at Lddington for
jiving employment to tho boys of the
Tho engagement of Miss Mollie Burns,
talented young lady of St. Clair, and
Maurice Connors, of East Mines, lias been
made public. Tho wedding will tako place
on November the 17th.
A special term of court will bo held at
Wilkesbarre, beginning Monday, Decem
ber Gth. ThlB term of court has been
especially called for the purpose of trying
sheriff Martin and his deputies.
"I can highly recommend Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup for croup. I have used it for several
years and And it the best romody over triod.
Sirs. Uannah Morrison, Burlington, W. Va."
J. Irvln Steele, Sr., to Marry.
J. Irvin Steele, Sr., of tho Shamokin Dally
Dispatch and Ashland Telegram, iu Friday
evening's issue of tho former paper an
nounces his withdrawal from tho firm of
Stcelo and Guitorman. Tho plant will bo
hereafter known as tho Dispatch Publishing
Company. It is understood that Mrs. W. G.
Guitorman purchased tho cntiro half interest
of Mr. Steelo, who by tho way will some
timo in the near futuro marry Miss Estella
Thomas, of Mechauicsburg, their engage
ment havlug been recently announced. Tho
p ospectlvo brido is tho accomplished daugh
ter of Col. Thomas, of tho State Pennsyl
vania Editorial Association, and recognized
as one of tho most estimable young ladies of
tho Cumberland Valley.
As delay increases suffering, always keep
Dr. Bull's Pills on hand. They are tho best
medicine to tako for a woak and run-down
system. Dr. John W. Bull's Pills aro the
only genuine.
No Muro Indecent Shows.
Through tho efforts of toveral Beading
clergymen, Mayor Wcldol, of that placo, has i
revoked the license of Gilder's Auditorium,
whero Sam T. Jack's Burlesquo Company
was playing. Tho performance was com
plained of as indecent. Tho mayor an
nounces that there will bo no more comic
operas, no more burlesques or no more "leg
shows" of any description in Heading dur
ing tbo balance of his administration. This
order includes all theatres in that city.
Clnlnirt HiiiiiiiiroH'l'rom spiitn.
Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 9. David Gowerlo,
an engineer, of Hamilton, Is claiming
$20,000 Indemnity for the Imprisonment
of his son In Cuba by the Spanish au
thorities. Young' Gowerlo was a me
chanic on a railroad. Ho was put Into
prison and afterward liberated without
any charge being preferred against him.
The government Is now being" asked to
forward the papers In the case.
China Ynlltn a Gold Stnudnrd.
London. Nov. 9. According to a
special dispatch from Shanghai the
emperor of China and the board of
revenue have approved a memorial pre
sented In favor of establishing a gold
standard and prohibiting- the export of
gold. It Is doubtful, however, whether
this will have any practical result.
J.tfo Sontonoii For Father and Son.
Gladwin, Mich., Nov. 9. Benjamin
Nunn and Hoy Nunn, father and son,
were yesterday sentenced to life Im
prisonment In the state penitentiary at
Jackson. Their crime was the murder
of Curtis Wright.
Hoy on Trial '1'or Murder.
"Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 9. Yesterday,
at Moundsvllle, commenced the trial ot
Jamas Edward Jones, a colored youth
of 14 years, charged with the brutal
murder of Stanley Mason, a -white boy
of 12 years, and attempt to murder
Stanley's younger brother, Willie. A
garden hoe was the weapon used, and
both boys were horribly mutilated. The
testimony strongly Indicates the negro's
Sunken Ynclit an Alleged Smuggler.
Providence, Nov. 9. A sensational
sequel to the loss of the Providence
yacht Tomahawk several months ago
off the Maine coast Is the action of the
United States authorities yesterday In
filing a prayer for libel against the
sunken vessel, charging her with being
a smuggler. Many thousands of dol
lars worth of druggists' supplies have
been seised hereabouts, and It Is ex
pected that arrests will oome soon.
Tor Infants and Children.
Til fit- J
It 09
VJsrd in Possiog.
Mrs. Charles Girvtn list gone to Lancaster
on 11 short vacation.
Mltlrd IlallsndaiJt, of l'oltsvllle, was a
visitor to town yslerdiy.
''John Medatlls was attending to ooutt
matters at Pottsvllle teday.
Mrs. JamM ltrentian, oTlJast Oak street,
ia visiting relative in Ttnuaqua.
Mlss Klta Bowman yesterday loft for
Northumberland, whore she will locate.
Thomaa Graham, tho hustling paper
seller from Seranton, waa a visitor to town to
Justice Shoemaker and wlfo left town
this morning for Baltimore, lid., where they
will spend a few days visiting friends.
"Christ Foltz, who spent tho past flvo
weeks In town as tho guoit of his mother, ro
turned to BlueOcld, West Vlrgtula, this
Misa Emily Krlck, who has boen spend
ing tho past two months with friends at
Bushncll, III., is now at Clinton, Iuwa. She
reports having a dollghtful time.
Criminal Court Opened at l'ottsvllle
The November term of criminal court
opened yesterday with 335 cases roturued for
the term and a total of 2,033 eases for tho
John Holand, reporter of tho Pottsvllle Ee
publican, is foreman of the grand jury. The
bills drawn up against tho County Commhv
sioners and Controller will bo presented to
tho grand jury on Thursday.
The report of Samuol Douglass, Wm.
Cleaver and Chas. F, Itusseil, revlowers, lay
ing out a now road iu Dolauo township, was.
on motion of Wm. A. Marr, confirmed nisi.
Mr. Marr also secured tho confirmation of a
roviow laying out a now road in Union town
Wm. D. Seltzer Hied tbo report of Geo. A,
StauOer, John A. Itcilly and O. W. Dengler,
favoring a now road in Union township, and
moved for confirmation nisi.
Judge Bcchtel appointed Wm. Carter, A.
U. Shorman and M. M. Kctuer, to viow 1
road laid out in North and East Union town
ships, tlioy to report their findings at tho
noxt term of court. A petition signed by
majority of tho rosidents of tho above town
ships, say tho road will bo useless and in
In tho matter of the application for a rn!o
requiring tho defendants to pay tho costs in
tho caso of the Commonwealth vs. Jos,
Brown, Jennio Brown and Ella Bannan, tho
court stated the evidence showed but one of
tho defendants, Jos. Brown, in such circum
stances as to be ablo to pay tho costs. lie was
thoreforo directed to pay tho court costs and
the fees of such witnesses who aro not re
lated to tho family. This was a case in which
John Brown, tho father, sought to require
his children to support him.
Charles Plopport and Charles Soibort, of
town, wore excused as jurors.
Lettors of administration wero granted to
Alico M. Yoder on tho ostato of Simon E.
Yodor, lato of Ilogins township, deceased.
Letters tcstamontary wero granted to W. J.
Henry on tho ostato of Angalina Schwenk,
lato of Tower City, deccasod. Also to Annie
Stone on tho estato of James Stono, late of
Mahanoy City, deceased.
"rTfor over i'aT?i
j;r 111 nat.s:
ettho Globe fcr
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints?
uuu ircjartu ooacr mo sirinccat
. presort Dea by esuaentpojuclan
unun "
World renowned ! TmiVTilvftfirpMfii! 1
BOnlv ermilna villi Trade Mark Anchor.'
JF. Ad. ltlchtcrACo.. 215 rcorlSt,, Ken lurk. I
13 Branoh Honses, Own Glasiworkt.
25AWp(i. Endorsed & recommended by
a. wasley, 106 JT. Main St..
. H. Hagentmcb. 103 H. Main Bt.,
. r. P.P. Kirlln. 6 s. Main I
a -hkiimi""" I
i;oii-, wnrpiHMtomnrli floinn
2o W. Centre Street.
Chocolate Drops ..12o per pound
Lozenges .. 12c. per pound
Caramels 12c per pound
Slliod CoikIIdh , 5c. (o SOc. per pound
Chewing duni 3c, pockogo nt 2c. each
Fifty kinds of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco.
Cigarettes, 5c a package nnd hoi of mashes free
I'eanuts j quarts for 5c
Fresh Fish every Friday
Variable Friction Feed
AJax Cenfir Crank Engine
Bapld, accurate, strong and simple, with Urge
i-BUMuuy. jMigines on
sills or wheals. Strong
and safe. No Farquhnr
Holler line ever ex
plnded. Also standard
agricultural Implements
generally. Hay 1-rewes
a specialty. Fiend for
Catalogue and prices to
A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Lid,, York, Pa.
One J 100 Dents' '97 Banger wheel, good as new.
One SAO Ladles' or Misses' Crescent wheel,
good oondltlon.
Ko : Reasonable : Offer ; Refused.
No. m West Cherry St., . Shenandoah, Pa.
(Hheoler's Old Stand.)
Ilret-eutM work guaranteed. Prompt an
polite attendants. lialroutUog a specialty.
rv , I
if -1 X i mm
Meal Advice
You need a doctor many times when yon
don't call one. You suffer pain in fifty
forms and yet won't call the doctor, be
cause yon hope that tho pain "will go
away after a while." And, too, you know
by experience, that that first visit of tho
doctor is (generally followed by many others,
with the inevitable consequence of a big
bill " for professional services." You dotft
know what to do for yourself or what to take.
But suppose that you could get free, nl
Eolutely free, the advice of one of the most
in the United States T You can. Thephy
sician is right here. lie has an office In tho
building, ho has a staff of correspondents to
assist him, and anyone and everyone, who
needs medical advice is invited to write to
him. If It's baby's health or mother's or
tho health of any member of the family you
way write about it, sure of a careful read
ing of your letter, euro of a conscientious
diagnosis of your case,
If cure is possible. Every letter will be held
na a strictly confidential communication.
Rotneraber these facts.
We offer you medical advice from one of
tho most eminent practitioners in tho United
States, whether our medicines suit your
particular case or not Wo offer you this
advice at the cost of the two cent stamp
which it will take to bring your letter to our
office. Address tho Medical Department,
Dr. J. C. Ayor Co., Iwell, Mass.
Assurances Given That tho New IMectrlo
Hallway Will be Unlit.
A IIerald rcportsr had a brief conversa
tion to-day with ono of tho loading promo
tors of the proposed olcctrlo railway between
this town and Bingtown and received as
surances that, although the project Is iu tho
preliminary stage of development, it will bn
pushed to completion and put in operation
beforo noxt summer. Thoro is araplo back
ing behind the project and it will pot want
for capital. Yesterday a promiuont gentle
man of town subscribed for ono hundred
shares of the stock. Tho company counts
upon a big summer traffic, especially between
town and tho cemeteries. It is also claimed
that pleasuro travel to tho Catawissa valley
iu tho summer will bring big returns.
The Members of Major Jennings Council
Spend an Enjoyable livening.
After tho closo of the regular session last
evening tho members of Major Jennings
Council No. 307, Jr. O. U. A. M colebrated
tho anniversary of tho Council by holding a
musical and literary cntortainmout and
smoker. There was an interesting program
in which Messrs JohnBitlor, Edward Cotter,
Kov. Eobcrt O'Boylo, Evan J. Dayics,
E. A. Davenport and Michael Fairlcy dls
tinguished thomselvcs and several addresses
of an instructive and pleasing character wero
mado. At tho closo of tho entertainment
sandwiches, lomouadoand cigars wore served,
The event will be pleasantly rcmcmbcrod by
the members.
The Coal Trade.
From Philadelphia Ledger.
Tho anthracite coal trado is in rather un
satisfactory condition, This is due to tho
over-production, cutting of prices, broken
pledges of managers of ono or mora of tbo
mining and carrying companies, and to too
much mild weather. All of the producing
companies aro still running their collieries on
pretty full time. Tho already overstocked
markets cannot absorb tho largo output of
coal now being made, and the surplus stocks
of coal at tbo various distributing ports, both
In tho Eastand West, aro increasing. After
the damage has been dono by too much coal
being mined during tho past thrco months,
and tho prices for anthracite weakoned in
consequence, some of tho managers of tbo
largo producing interests aro taken with fits
of remorse and want their competitors to
agreo to reduce tho current output of coal in
tho hope that prices may again bo strength
ened, but it is now too late to bonefit tho
coal trado inuch this, seasoq. The only thing
that will 1)0 of rntlph help toward Imprpving
tho anthracite business dqrlng tho remainder
of this season will bo very cold weather and
plenty of it.
Marriage Licenses,
Itlchard Large, of Tuscurora, and Ella
Stapleton, of Blytho Twp.
Anthony Kukofski and Victoria Guidock
both of Cumbola.
Matthias Fillpowczlus, and Martha Szcri
Jko, both of Shenandoah.
Peter Mitchell and Ida May Hill, both of
William ShofTner and Nora Fisher, both of
North Manlielm Twp.
Eobcrt Sneddon, of Seek, and Sarah Mur
phy, of Coal Dale.
Licenses Transferred,
From Charles J. Carroll, Cutubola, Blythe
township, to Adam Sbandls.
From Samuel Nuss, North Union township,
to Joseph Bott.
From Francis Eisenach, Port Carbon, to
Conrad Eelchardt.
From Felix Opolsky, Mlddleport, to
Bolus Onavago.
From Wm. T. Uenueasy, McAdoo, to John
"I tried a bottlo of Salvation Oil on a
wound and was cured within several days.
I never had such a good remedy as Salvation
Oil in my hands.
Mrs. J.C. Duncan, Lexington, Mo."
Deeds llecorded.
From Alexander S. Faust, treasurer, to
Commissioners of Schuylkill County, for
premises In Wayne township.
From Little Schuylkill Railroad and Navi
gation Company to John Qately et si, to Ann
Qately, premises in l'ort Clinton.
From Elisabeth Sheldon et al, to Ruth
Thomas, premises in Miuenville.
From Joseph Deppen to Frauds K easier,
premises iu Mahantongo township.
Torrlli'o I'ninliie In Ittiiuilii.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 9. A terrible
famine is ravaging In the province of
Archangel, a government of Kuropean
Russia, in the extreme north, extend
ing from the Ural mountains on the
east to Finland on the west. Many
have already died of starvation. The
people wander about reduced almost
to skeletons, their heads swollen to the
size of buokets. Tea la the only means
of subslstance.
Fenton Cooney Injured.
Shortly after two o'clock to day Fen ton
Cooney, a miner employed at Maple Hill col
liery, was injured by a fall of coftl. lie re
ceived outs on the head and hand, and his
right hip waa badly squeezed. It is probable
be received interual injuries. lie was To-
moved to his home at 417 West Coal street.
Buy KeysUmoflour. Be suro that the name
Lbhsiq & Baku, Ashland, Fa., is printed en
ever sack.
Five Hundred Years Hence tho Windy City
Will Stand In a Great Luke.
Chicago has troubles nlioad of her none
of your ordinary, orerytlay troubles, but
tho real tiling In lnontnl dlsquiotem
True, It Is SO0 years off, but posterity
must be oonsidored.
Professor 0. K. Gilbert of tho United
States geological survey is responsible for
this prediction. For a number of yenm
tho professor has boen making notes of the
rise mid fnll of tho great lakes from Ills
own observations nnd from the records of
tho government surveys. From theso he
declares tho waters at the lower end of
Lako Michigan rise six Inches in each
century and thnt tho lako Is preparing to
overflow lis southern edge to tho Infinite
discomfort of the Chlcngonn pf tho future.
If his figures siieok truly, the wholo tlis
trlot oovered Dy the great lakes Is under
going n clmngo of level, nnd ho believes It
will only be n matter of time beforo their
outlet Into the Atlantic is closed and n
now one through tho hnsln of the Missis
sippi Is opened. As tho land In the neigh
borhood of Chicago Is the lowest along
the lako shore, it is horo Professor 011
berfc lias located tho outlot of tho future.
Hut as tho waters only rlso at tho rate of
one Inch in ton years, It Is plainly to he
seen there Is no immediate danger to tho
Windy City's real estate valuation.
In fact, BOO years will hnvo elapsed bo
foro tho cry of tho gondolier will begin to
bo heard In tho waterways of tho western
Venloe and tho olang of the onblo oar is
hushed forever. Then tho real trouhlo will
begin. And In another suoh trilling period
for years aro ns but seconds In tho pro
dictions of the professor tho formation
of tho new outlot- from the lakes to tho
Mississippi will have token place, nnd over
tho slto of the Chicago of today a mighty
river will bo flowing.
After Chicago has been disposed of tho
professor predicts trouble for tho Niagara
Falls hack drivers nnd newly wedded cou
ples. The latter will have to seek new
fields to oxhlblt themselves In, and this
will tako away tho solo support of tho for
nior. In 8,600 years from now Niagara
will bo merely an Intermittent stream and
niter another BOO years there wlU not be
oven a rivulet there.
Tho only consolation remaining for Chi
cago in nil this is that, oven If Now Vork
does oxlst, sho won't have Niagara at hor
doors any longer.
Not Religions nnd Not Fassy.
"When I enmo out on my regular trip
tho other morning," rolntos tho Leo stngo
driver, "tho only passenger I hod was on
old lady of very demure innnnore. I was
most dead for a smoke, but I bad sort of
got It Into my bead that tho old lady was
a rollglous nnd a fussy party. Whon wo
got olong a ploce, however, I got to finger
ing my tobnrker nnd, by snum, I Just
couldn't resist the temptation. So Iturncd
round to tho old lady and asked hor If sho
had any objection to my taking a whiff or
two. Sho straightened up a llko a mon
key on a stick.
" 'By golly, young man,' sho shouted,
'yon'vo lilt mo Just whero I live. I'vo been
a hankoring for a smoko all the morning.
Glinnio a mntoh.'
"She pulled out a black T. D., nnd I
tell you, mister, mo'n thnt old lady mndc
tho stngo look llko u etenmonglue golngup
a grndo." Kouncbco Journnl.
Face, Hands and Arms Covered With
Scrofulous Humors How a Cure
Vas Effected.
"When flvo yoars old my llttlo boy had
scrofula on his faco, hands and arms. It
was worst on his chin, although tho sores
on his cheekB and hands wero very bad.
It appeared in tho form ot red pimples
which would fester, break open nnd run
and then scab over. After disappearing
tbey would break out again. Thoy caused
intense itching and tbo llttlo sufferer had
to bo watched continually to keep him
from scratching tho sores. We became
greatly alarmed at his condition. My
wife's mother had had scrofula and tho
only nicdicino which had hclpd her was
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to give
it to our boy and wo noted an improve
ment in his case very soon. After giving
him four bottles ot Ilood's Sarsaparilla
the humor had all been driven out of his
blood and it has never since returned."'
William Bartz, 413 South Williams St.,
South Bend, Indiana.
You can buy Ilood's Sarsaparilla of all
druggists. Bo sure to get only Ilood's.
HnnH'c Dillc- cure Liver III. i easy to Uke,
(1UOU 8 fills oa.ytq operate. S3 cent..
17IO R SALE. A dosirablo brick business block.
JJ centrally located. Has all modern in.
provemcuts, steam heat, bath tubs, eta A good
piylng Investment. Kor further Information
aPl"y at iuo jikkalii omco. ll-9-lw
FOR HALE. A fln,t-clasabusli.ess stand, doing
excellent buslne-s A grand opportunity
for right person. Kor further information
address, J. 1) , care of Hkiialu omco. -ll-l-lw
ESTATE of Lnnrcnco Singles-. Mo of North
Union township, Schuylkill county, de
ceased. Letters testamentary on the above
estate having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons Indebted to tho said estate are
requested to made payment, and those having
clnlini to present the same without delay to
Or to Jons Sisolkv,
S. O. M. IIOLLOrEIEB, Stei-heh,
their Attorney Executors.
Shenandoah, I'a., Oct. S, 1897. lOtS-Gtoow
Lemon Drops lOo per pound
l'eonut Candy lOo " "
Soft Cream Candy, all flavors 10a " "
butter Cups 0c "
New England l'eannt Toffy lOo " "
Choice Mixed Dandles lOo " "
Molasses Buttercup Sticks ....-lOo '-
Sugar Coated I'eanuts 10o '
French llutter Scotch I0o " "
Coooanut Taffy iQe
Huarliound Drops lOo " "
Chocolate Cream "
All kinds of fruit candy Uo " "
Klondyke Gold Huston Chips Uo ' "
Cream Dates lie " "
Ami nil Different Kinds of Choice
UO North Main Street.
ISH C. IlIUltofAN,
No. 31 N. White street, Shsnandeal), I'a.
Headquarters for
.... Commercial Travelers
J. GRANT MOY1IU, I'rop.,
Cor. Coal and Main streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
Terms: $1.00 per day.
Stabling Facilities Unsuriiaksed.
Boarders comfortably aooonimodated by week
or moum.
One Bcskw
And we have the bosfShoe
Store any where in this rogipn.
Every dollar's worth of g0otf;
is paid for on arrival, wliiciT .
means ft big- saving". GKlB.
orders are sought for by the
best manufacturers, which
gives us best choice. Our big
business makes us big buyers).,
and these three points makpf
lower selling prices here than
is possible in any other store.
The Lambertville Rubber Co.
Appreciate that we are the'
foremost shoe dealers and have made
us selling agents for their celebrated
Snag Proof Rubber Boots.
Shoe Store,
J. A. MOYER.-Mgr.
We Give Cheek for Amount of Every Par
chase.' $35.00 Worth Gels n Beauti
ful Parlor Lamp.
g Conoiay's famous
1 OS North
r Next Door to Gill's Dry Goods Store
Worth. Price
Butter Kettles, S qt . 25o 10c
Acme Frying Tans...- .,.... 25o 10c
Beautiful Mnjollcn l'ltchcr 25o 10c
A Rate Coffee Flasks ,. 200 10c
Tipped Sauco Pan .., ".. 23c 10o
Vecetnble Dish, decorated SOc 10c
Dust Pan 35,,
Agate llucbct, 2 qts 2S50 10c
Bountiful Glass Howls 2.1a lOo
Blsquo Figures 20a 100
Japanned Walter, 10 Inch 5o lOo
Glass Tray, 10 Inch joc lOo
Child's Knife, Fork and Spoon.... 33c 10c
Worth Prlco
Mctnl Hair Pins so,, 10a
Hrcast Pins oo0 10c
Ladles' Side Combs igc 10a
Gent's Watch Chains 23c joc
dent's Kings jo0 io0
Don't Fall to Look
p; Noxt door to Gill's Dry Goods
Four Sizes
- -
Attentive and skillful toiworlul artists always
In attendance.
Neatest Shop in Town.
W. G. DUSTO, Prop.
Ferguson Houso Block.
5 & lOe Store J4o. 7, I
Main Street.
Worth Price
Ghws Engraved Tumblers .'. lOo So ,
Cup and Saucer, white 10a 5c
Canister, 1 lb 1 10c '5c
Rolling Pins, 10c ' 5c
Scrub Brush ... , 0a . So
Earthen Stew Pan 10c So '
China Dessert Dishes '' 15c Bc
Frying Pan....- , loo So
Mnjollcn Plates - 20a , 60
LampOlobcs, No. 2 10c 5c
An Assortment of Qlasswaro for. So
This Glassware cannot be equalled for 'tho
money. Come und look It over.
Haby Kings 25c
Indies' Kings 23c '
Stick Pins 25o
Sleeve Buttons 23o
up Our Wednesday Bargains.
Surprise You.
They Will
Faucets, Brass, Copper and :
Zinc Work ' t
Hardward Stofe5
Either Righfor Left Oven.
For Hard or Soft Coal or Wood.
With Cup Tops.
They are supplied with Smythe's Duplex
or Wood Grate, Sheet Flue, which insures
first-classbakiiiEl qualities ; Patent Ife'dat t
Oven Dow Opener, Automatic Ovea 8ife
and Oven Ventilating Device, which en
ables the user by operating a slide to
change from a ventilated to a tlghf-oven
Our price means a sating to you of $5 Jo
$6, If you buy here.
No. 123 South Main St.
All kinds of Wax Flowers
furnished at short notice. Sat
isfaction guaranteed In all de
signs. Patronage rospootfully
solioitetl. Kates reasonable,