The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 09, 1897, Image 2

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wrrAULIBlIHI) 1M0.
Published, every Kvenlng, Kieept fluniUy. at
" Booth; Jardin Bthbht, Near Omnia.
TheltentM It deiivtied InBlienamtoab ami tbe
sUrrouttdlnr towns for tlx cento a week, par
MiU HtiKeenrrters. lly mall fs.oo a yenr, or Jo
SihWa ftrftntli. payable In advance. Advertise
inehts Clint RM according to tpnee and hm1Uoii.
Tlio buultslietn reserve the rlRlit to ohnngt tUe
PixHlonof ndvritlMments whenever the pub
' lAtteu at non demand It. The rUht la
worved to reject any advertisement, whether
lulu (or or not, thnt the publishers limy deem
Improper. Advertising rates made known
npon application.
Idlero! at the postoMce at Shenandoah, I'aM aa
second dug mall matter.
"All Ihe News That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
Tint Tiuuuiiuiy bmye In Nv York
are smacking tlieir Hps over the fount
thoy expoot to tackle utter January
1st., next
- It has Leen intimated by nn old
tlientre-goer Mint the trouble with
tho,IJonry George party was It had
Too MuoJi JohiiBon.
Iy Brother Zerbey cannot take a
licking gracefully without trying to
blame It all on the other fellows he
puuuiu biuy uul ui pumice.
LYCOMixa county went for Swallow.
Apparently Attorney General Mc
cormick should seek the nomination
for Governor from the Prohibitionists.
Tiik Nobraska farmers are spend
ing the money realised from the large
crops at such a rate that general
business in that btate is booming at a
lively rato.
As the school mnrms are quartered
all over Mitlinnoy City, and are very
muoh in evidence cyerywliere.Brother
Parker can truthfully say "they are
in our midst.''
Quay and Penrose according to the
Combine newspnpers.huve quarreled,
a id in the same papers it is stated
they have both gone to Florida, the
junior Senator as the senior's guest.
The quarrel appears to be on paper
Fbancks Wii,i,aui, the temperance
npostle, lives in the pretty suburb of
Chicago known as Kvnnston and has
suggested thnt the name be changed
to Heuvenston. She admits that her
suggestion uomos from an Knglish
Tub temperance people arc making
it very uncomfortabio for those who
do nottako the practical view of tem
perance. They have driven Prof.
Shield- of Princeton, out of the
Presbyterian church, and even Mr.
Moody, the evangelist, has not es
caped censure. At the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union conven
tion in Toronto, he has just been cen
sured because, when he recently
visited Montreal, he stayed at a
"whiskey hotel," although ho might
have gone to a temperance house.
Thb present tenii of criminal court
lias more cases of generul public in
terest on tho docket than any session
in tho past two years. Tito one
which attracts most attention here
abouts however, is that uffacting
the School Board of West Mahanoy
township. Aa the Hkrau) endeavors
to give the news as fully as required
we have arranged for a full steno
BmnhiajHJport of the case which will
t,a Tlm.oi before our readers duilv.
the report being up to 4 o'clock of
tho day of publication.
TiiBjlafest advices from Ohio seem
to giiowYthat the political condition
of Senator Hanna is precarious, that
while the Republicans have seemingly
a majority of three on joint ballot in
the Legislature, they are not sure of
it, because there are some districts
where the counting of the votes is
complicated by legal difficulties.
Even if the latest reports assure a
Republican majority. Mr. Hanna is
not sure of a sufficient number of
votes to elect him. While it is true
that Senator Foraker's stoutest
friends assert that there will be no
boltinff in a Republican oauous,
thera Is foar expressed that all the
Republicans will not go into the
oaueuBbe'muse some of the members-
jjUcTliave expressed antagonism to
TiIr. Hanna's election. Then, too,
come rumors that these discontented
parties think of presenting the name
of John Sherman for Senator again.
Mr. Sherman has not been heard
Ax effort le being made to bring the
teaoher'a institute to Shenandoah in
1896r and If all the teachers and
visitors from town go at it in earnest,
there is no reason why it should not
be successful. As to the town's ability
to take care of the teachers who
would useemble here, we have only
to poiBt with pride to our efforts in
that direction in the past and to state
thut wo are in better shape now than
we wera at that time. We then had
no trolltty lines with the frequent eom
inunieatlon they afford by means of
wliloh at least a hundred of the
teaohers between Mahanoy City and
Ashland, oatikl reach their homes
each night which would be not an in
oonsiderable Item to maiir whose
salaries aro not as large f& they should
be, while those from '. distance would
be under no greater expense than at
nv otllwr place. Many of the older
...,...,i.,.ri,.f ti.a nrofesslon nave nieas-
uit ncollections of their former
vImHh here tllltl will, we llftVe DO tloltlil.
be pleased to coiue lir hgntn if
proper efforts are made by our
teaehers, each and everyone of whom
should constitute hlin or herself a
missionary and mver let up until the
vote 1b decided in favor of Shenan
doah. Itching Piles, night's horrid plfttne, is
Instantly relieved and iwrtnaneutly cured by
Doan's Ointment. Your dealer ought to
keep It.
Olilo Demoet-ntto l.ojlMntoM Will
Votw Var flovornor lhmluioll.
Columbus, O., Nov. 9. A local Dcmo
omttc newspaper prints an Interview
with Ct V. Harris, secretary of the
Democratic state central committee, In
which that gentleman Is quoted as say
ing that at a conference ot Democratic
leaders of the state It was decided to
pledge the votes of as many Demo
cratic members of the general assem
bly as could be controlled to Governor
Bushnell for United States senator on
condition that the governor could com
mand enough Itepubllcan votes to make
his election possible. Mr. Harris said:
"We have decided to throw the Dem
ocratic vote In the next general assem
bly to Governor llushnell on condition
that he can get votes enough from the
Itepubllcan side of the house to elect
him. So many of the Republican mem
bers want to down Itanna that we
think there will be no difficulty In thin.
The deal Is arranged."
Household Necessity
OemreU dandy Cathartic, the meet won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, net gently and
positively on kidneys, Hvcr and bowels,
clennsiug tlio entire system, dispel eolds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
0. a C. to-day ; 10, 36, 50 ccnta. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
l'li ('niiinotltoi I'rlHoi'tf m.
Washington. Nov. 9. State depart
ment officials) say there will be no pro
test lodged against the proceedings In
the cHse of the Competitor prisoners
at Havana at this time. Whether or
not It will be necessary to act later on
will be determined by the outcome of
the court martial. Our government
has not assented to the claim by Spain
to the right to try the men In this man
ner, but of course, in the event of an
acquittal of the prisoners, which Is not
regarder as improbable, there will be no
occasion for remonstrance.
Tliore Is Nothing bo Uoml.
There is nothing just ai good as Dr, King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, so demand it and do not permit tlio
dealer to sell you some substitute. He will
not claim there is anything better, but In
order to make more profit ho may claim
Something else to he just as good. You want
l)r. King s jsew Discovery beeause you know
it to lie safe and reliable, and guaranteed to
do good or money refunded. For Coughs.
Colds, Consumption and for all allcctions 01
111 rout, (Jliost and Lungs, there Is nothing so
good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial
bottle free at A. Wasloy's drug storo. Regu
lar size SO cents and $1.00.
ltcduccd ltntes to Chattanooga la Penn
sylvania ltullroatl.
For Pennsylvania Day at Chlckauiiuga
Itittlefiold, Chattanooga, Tcnn., November
15, 1S97, when tho monuments markiug tho
movements of Pennsylvania troops In that
treat battle will ho dedicated, the Pennsyl
vania Kailroad Company will sell excursion
tickets from all points on Its lino in Penn
sylvanvla at tho extremely low rato of one
cent a mile, short-lluo distance, tickets to be
sold November 0 to 13, good to leave Chat
tanooga returning uutil November 23, 1807,
Tickets via Pittsburg will bo sold going
and returning via same route, or going via
Cincinnati and Lexington, returning
Nashville and Louisville, or vlco versa.
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money if it fails to
cure. 25c.
Killed Vf ftli fllH Owif Gun.
Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 9. Jacob Adams,
aged 20 years, of ISphrata, was Running
on Saturday afternoon, and whlleawalt
tng his companions stood with the
stock of the sun resting: on the ground
and the hammers raised. The gun was
accidentally discharged, the entire load
striking his face, tearing off his chin
and the greater part of his face. He
lived only a few minutes.
Killed hy a VaU ofSInto.
Irwin, Pa., Nov. 9, Two men were
caught in a fall of slate In Shaft No. 1
yesterday. John Krakran and William
Parsons were working together In the
room. They were In a hurry to get
their wagons loaded, and paid no at
tention to the slate, which caught
them, killing Krakran Instantly and
seriously Injuring Parsons.
Dentil of K-CoiiRroHmnnn Dnvldson.
TJnlontown. Ala., Nov. 9. Hon. Alex-
andtr Caldwell Davidson died here Sun
day from a stroke of paralysis, aged 71.
Colonel Davidson represented the
Fourth Alabama district In congress
two terms.
A Question Often Asked by Those Afflicted
With Piles.
Is a strained joint curable ? Is local in
flammation curable ? Of course, if properly
.treated. So is piles.
People often become, afflicted wkh piles
and ask some old "chronic" who has always
persisted in the wrong treatment ami naturally
lie discourages them by telling them that their
case is hopeless.
They in turn discourage others, and thus a
disease that can in every case be cured by
careful and skillful hand ling is allowed to sap
the energy of thousands who might free them
selves of tlie trouble in a few days.
Pyramid Hie Cure will cure the most ag
gravated case ot hemorrhoids in an astonish
ingly short time. It relieves tbe congested
parts, reduces the tumors instantly no matter
how large, allays the Inflammation and stops
the aching or itching at once.
Thousands who had ruortad to at pensive
surgical treatment have been cured by the
Pyramid lilc Cure in a number of instances
persons who had spent months in a hospital
under a pile specialist.
It is a remedy that none need fer to apply
even to tbe most aggravated, swollen and In
flamed hemorrhoidal tumors.
If you svre afflicted wkh this stubborn dis
ease you can master it and nutter it (juicUy.
TliU remedy is no longer an experiment,
but a medical certainty. It is manufactured by
the Pyramid Drug Co., of Albion, Mich.
Druggists sell it at 60 cents per box. It is
becoming tbe most popular pile cure tbis
country has ever known and druggists every
where are ordering it for their customers.
Doctors are not Infallible. Sometimes they say to a patient: ''We cannot
urc you. No human assistance will avail. You might as well reconcile your
self ta your condition, ami make your will." There arc many Instances where
doctors have said these things, and then the patients astonished everybody
by getting well after taking
DrEfcavid Sicnnedtfs
l'lrenu'ii's Inter-State Carntvnl lit Trenton,
Not. 10th, 1807.
On November 10th, 1807, tbero will bo held
at Trenton, Now Jersey's Capitol City, a
Grand Inter-Stato Volunteer Firemen's
Carnival when It is expected uniformed com
panies from Pennsylvania, Now York, Con
necticut, Delaware and Now Jorsey, accom
panied by their apparatus will appear In the
parade and participate in tho contests.
A number of valuable prizes will bo given,
amongst thorn, one each for tho finest
equipped company, ttnest apparatus, and for
sprint race with apparatus.
To accommodate those wishing to parti
cipate in, or witness tho contests or parade,
the Philadelphia & Heading Kallway will, for
this occasion, sell excursion tickets at tho low
rato of single faro for tho round trip (with a
minimum of 35 cenUl. Tickets good going
on November Oth and 10th, uud good to re
turn until November 11th, luclustvo. For
tlmo of trains and rates of faro consult ticket
Dout give them ten or coffee. Ilnvo you tried
tho new food drink called, Qrnin-O? It is
delicious and nourishing and takes tho place
of cofl'eo. The more Graln-O you glvo the
children tho more health you distribute
through their systems. Graln-0 is made of
pure grains, aid when properly prepared
tastes Hko tho cholco grades of coffeo but
costs about 1 as much. All grocers sell It.
15c and 25c
Suspicion M'uYilVr of nu OUlcor.
Atlnnta. Ga., Nov. 9. Patrolman J.
T. Ponder was killed here last night at
7 o'clock while he was shadowing a
supposed burglar who had entered the
wholesale whisky house of L. Stelnau.
The business of Stelnau was placed In
the hands of a receiver yesterday, and
the police Intimate that some mem
ber of the firm, endeavoring to secure
money from the vault, entered, and
finding himself discovered killed the
only eye witness. Stelnau and other
members of the firm are under arrest.
The Vault wns found unlocked and a
bunch of keys were picked up near by.
All deny knowledge of the tragedy.
Foruror Escnpos From Jntl.
Memphis, Tenn., Nov, 9. J. A. Thom
as, the forger, made his second escape
from the jail here early In tho morning
by sawing the bars of his cell and af
terwards sawing the bars of the win
dow In the rear of the Jail, after which
the escape was made easy. Thomas
had made himself famous by his pre
vious escapes from Jails here and at
Chicago and his subsequent marriage
with Miss Fannie Hutherford, of Min
neapolis, at St. Loula. Three other
prisoners charged with minor offenses
also escaped after Thomas had made
tho way clear.
People who fail to look after their health
aro like the carpenter who neglects to
sharpen his tools. People aro not apt to get
anxious about their health soon enough. If
you are "not quite woll" or "half sick"
havo you over thought that your kidneys
may be the cause of your sickness 7
It is easy to tell by setting aside your
urine for twenty-four hours; a sediment
or settling indicates an unhealthy condi
tion of tho kidneys, When urine stains
linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too
frequent desire to urlnato, scanty supply,
paiu or dull ache In the back is also convinc
ing proof that the kidneys and bladder are
out of order.
There is satisfaction In knowing that tho
great remedy Dr, Kilmor's Swamp-Koot,
fulfills every wish in rollovlng weak or
diseased kidneys and all forms of bladder
and urinary troubles. Not only does
Swamp-Koot give new life and activity to
tbe kidneys the cuuso of trouble, but by
treating the kidneys It acts as a tonic for
tbe entire constitution. If you need a
medicine take Swamp-Boot It cures. Sold
by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar,
or by Bending your address and tbe name of
this paper to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ulnghamton,
N. Y., you may have a sample bottle of this
great discovery sent to you free by mall.
Coming Events,
Nov. 17. Anuual supper, under the aus
pices of the Trinity lteformed church, iu
Bobbins' opera house.
Nov. 36. Thanksgiving dinner to bo given
by All Saints' Protostaut Episcopal church,
corner West and Oak streets.
Dec. 2. Twenty-fifth annual supper under
auspices of Welsh Baptist rhuch in Bobbins'
opera house.
Pure blood and a good digestion are an in
surance against disease and suffering. Bur
dock Blood Hitters keeps the bluod pure, the
digestion perfect.
Diirruiit'H Last lTopo Gone,
Washington, Nov. 9. The United
States supreme court yesterday af
firmed the decision of the circuit court
for the California circult.ref using a writ
of habeas corpus to William Henry The
odore Drurant, under sentence of death
for the murder of Miss Blanche La
mont, In Ban Franolsco, In April, 1896.
This decision permits the law to take
its course with the condemned man,
Murderous llrnzlllnii Ilrlgands.
Rio Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 9. A band
of 40 brigands has been overrunning
the state of Enplrltu Senate, murder
ing and pillaging on all sides. The band
recently attacked an Italian oolony In
that state, killing six of Its members
and wounding four others. The Italian
ooneul has demanded the Immediate
dispatch of troops to protect the col
onists and punish the offenders.
French Slaughtered lu Mndnunsoar.
London, Nov. 8. A special dispatch
from Paris says alarming Information
from the Island f Madagascar has
reached the French oa!ei)Ial ofllce.
Large band of well armed, disciplined
rebels are scouring Madagascar and
cutting off Isolated French detach
ments. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. DeWitt's
Little Karly Misers euro biliousaew, eonetips.
tion, sick headache. (J. II. JIageubuch.
4444Wr4.. ..4444
Wm.W AJnu,of n? South Ave. Rochester,
N Y . is one of them lia suffered Agonies with
liljney tllscuc The surgeon said ho must sub
mit t an operation, or he would surely dle--tht
lha kills was his only salvation flu! Mr Adams
vroull not submit II? took Dr. David Kennedy's
Favo' Ite Remedy and got well.
This good lemedy alio euros ulcers, sores,
scrofula, satt rheum, rheumatism, eciema. It
regulate ths bowels, and cures hundreds of Ills
that come Iron) constipation.
As Itollootod liyDoallnas tn Plillndeb
pliln ntul llnltlmnrn.
Philadelphia, Nov. 8. Flour slowi win
ter superfine, f3tf8.J6; do. extras, M.25JJ
3.75; Pennsylvania roller, clear, JKM.J5
do. straight, tt.C0t91.8B; western winter,
clear. J4.10W4.38: do. stralaht. SI.S0O4.7S
city mills, extra, l.304jfl.6u. Itye flour sold
In a Bmall way at $3.303.60. wheat weak;
No. 2 red, spot, ySVOWHc ; No. 2 I'onn
Bylvanbi and No. 2 Delaware red, spot.
87i4Stfrttc. : November, iWsc.: December,
KYiO.: January, Mic.; May, 93ic. Corn
oulet; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, 3Sc,
No. 2 mixed, In export elevator, 31J3U4c.
Oats aulet: No. 2 white. 27c.: No. 2 white,
clipped, 2e28Vic.; No. 3 white, 26c; track
mixed, western, 34V026c.; track white.
state and wentern, 2ft81o. Hay barely
stoudy; cholco timothy, $12 for largo
bales. Deef steady; extra mess, S7.B0j8;
beet hams, JJIU2S. Pork steady; family,
212314. Lard firmer; western steamed,
21.65. I)utter quiet; western creamery, 14
23c: factory, 10413c: Klglns, 23c; Imlta
tlon creamery, 1317c; New York dairy,
1220c; do. creamery, H23o. Cheese
quiet; large white. Site; small white,
014c; large colored, 8Hc; small colored,
WfiS'tc: part skims, tXBTc; full skims,
34?4c. Errs firmer; Now York and Penn
sylvania, lWJlc: western, flesh, 21c Tur
pentine steady at 30Vs81c. Tomatoes,
per box or crate, as to quality, 11.2S.
Long Island niul Jersey cabbage, per 100,
$3er4. Cottonseed oil moderately steady,
but not nctlve; prime crude, lslwrWc
prlmo summer yellow, 2121Hc; oft Bum
mer yellow, 21c.
Baltimore. Nov. 8. Flour dull; western
superfine, $:.70fl'S.10; do. extra, t3.35T1.10;
do. family, $l.604.75; winter whoat pat
ent, tl. 9005.10; spring do., SMt5.2; spring
wheat, straight, JI-SOWB; receipts, 28,880;
exports, 17,311. Wheat steady; spot and
month, 9GHigSc.; December, 9797Mc;
May, 95c; steamer No. 2 red, 91fJ91l4c;
southern wheat, by sample, 9(Kl97c; do.
on grade. 91UrtrMttc. Corn firmer; spot
and month. 31Vi&814c; December, 320
32!ic. ; November or December, new or
old, 31Ji31Hc: January. 32'32V4c; steam
er mixed, 29H029?4c.i southern white corn,
3334c.; do. yellow, 31iij'32V4c. Oats steady;
No. 2 white, 27f27Kc; No. 2 mixed, 280
2314c nye active and higher; No. 2 near
by. 52c: No. 2 western, R3c Hny
stonily; choice timothy, 13c Sugar strong;
granulated, 5.08. Uutter steady; fancy
crcamory, 23ff24c: do. Imitation, 1017c:
do. ladle, 13511c; good ladle, 12fil3c;
store packed, 9llc. Kggs llrm; fresh,
18S18V4C Cheese steady: fancy New York,
large, 104fl0'4c; do. medium, lOHSWHc;
no. small, 1101USC Whisky, 11.2561.26 per
gallon foi1 finished goods In carloads;
11.2761.28 per gallon for Jobbing lots.
Llvo Stock Market.
New York, Nov. 8. Iicevos generally
stoady; bulla flim; native steers, $1.10
5.10; stags and oxen, S2.76iJTl.C0; bulls, $2.90
63.35; dry cows, 51.504(3.20. Calves active;
all sold; veals, 5fj8; grassers, $3.2GIi3.73,
wosterns, J2.801T4.CO. Sheep and lambs
opened active, firmer for lambs; closed
dull; all sold: sheep, Mff4.C2',4; lambs, $5.25
06.05. Hogs dull at J3.S05f4.10.
East Liberty, Pa., Nov. 8.-Cattlo weak;
prime. JI.80&4.90; common, $803.50; feed
ers, $44(4.59. Hogs uctlve and lower; host
medium weights, J3.90fl3.95; host Yorkers
and pigs, J3.8&S3.M; common to fair York
ers. $3.8003.85; heavy hogs, $3.8088.90,
roughs, $2.503.75. Sheep steady; cholco,
ll.20iQ4.30; common, J2.753.25; cholco
lambs, J5.30Q5.50; common to good, $4
1.20, veal calves, $6.504T7.
When bilfons or costive, oat a Cascarets
candy cathartic cure guaranteed, 10c, 25c
Trenton, November 10 Reduced Hates via
Pennsylvania ltiulroail.
For tho Firemen's Interstate Carnival at
Trenton, N. J November 10th, the Pennsyl
vania Kailroad Company will sell excursion
tickets from New YorE City, and all points
on its line in Now Jorsey ; in Pennsylvania
oast of and including Ilarrisburg, Lock
Haven, Llttlestown and Nottingham, and in
Delaware, north of and including Newark
and Dover, and at rato of single faro for the
round trip (no less rato than twenty-five
cents), tickets to bo sold November 0 and 10,
good to return until November 11, 1807.
Ask your grocer for the "Eoyal Patent'
flour, and take no other brand. It is tho beet
flour made.
Fathor, Mother and Threo Daughters
Inhulo Charcoal Fumes.
Paris, Nov. 9. A man named Drey
fus, a cousin of Captain Dreyfus, the
deported artillery officer Imprisoned on
an island off the coast of French
Guiana, his wife, formerly the Count
ess Dhecuerty, and their three daugh
ters, respectively 13, 11 and 7 years of
age, committed suicide yesterday by
charcoal asphyxiation at their resi
dence on Avenue Marceau. Dreyfus
left a letter for the commissary of po
lice of that district, enclosing 400 francs
with which to defray the expenses of
the funeral ot the family. The deceas
ed husband and father was so terribly
upset by the sentence lmppoed upon
Captain Dreyfus that he changed his
name to that of his wife.
Dreyfus left a long letter to The
Temps and others to his financial part
ner, M, Dlkof, and to his mother-in-law.
In the letter addressed to The
Temps he argues that suicide is Justifi
able, and says "it Is better for the chil
dren to die with their parents, as their
mother has also elected to commit sui
cide." M. Dlkof asserts that the deceased
man was In comfortable circumstances
and had property, with an annual In
come of about $2,600. Dlkof's theory Is
that the tragedy resulted from excess
of melancholy or madness. lie says he
had heard Dreyfus allude approvingly
to some recent suicides In Parts.
The apartments occupied by the de
ceased family are richly furnished. In
the dining room the police found the
remnants of an ample repaBt.
Undo Sam's Indian Soliooln,
Washington, Nov, 9. The annual re
port of Commissioner of Indian Af
fairs W. A. Jones says there were 37
contract schools in operation last year.
It has been deemed best to reduce the
government compensation to the va
rious schools a small amount each
rather than to cut out any other school
than the Crow Creek school, In South
Dakota. The government has between
18,000,000 and (4,000,000 Invested in In
dian school plants.
Buy Keystonodour, Be sure that the name
Lbhsio & Baeb, Ashland, Pa., Is printed en
ever, sack.
Ono Mint Initnntly Kllltd ntul TWO
Otheii Fatally Injured.
Stonebore, Pa.. Nov. 9. Yesterday the
boiler at No. 2 mine of the Mercer Iron
and Conl company, at this place, ex
ploded, killing David Love and prob
ably fatally wounding John Jackson
and Joseph Dower. Alfred Jaxthelmer
and Hayes Fry were severely hurt, and
the former may die Charles Fry was
but slightly hurt. Love, Jackson and
Dower were in the boiler house at the
time the explosion occurred, but neither
of the men who are yet living are auie
to give any Information about the ac
cident. The others Injured were work
ing about the tipple at the tlms, und
were -etruck by pieces of .the wrecked
boiler and engine house. The engine
house and every building near at hand
was leveled to the ground. One piece
of the boiler was carried 2,000 feet and
over the tops of two houses. Love was
a married man and leaves eight chil
dren. Jackson is married, 70 years old,
and has a family grown. Dower, who
was single, died last night from his In
rcrsonnlly-Coiiilueltil Tnnra via
vnnln Knllronil,
Shasok or 1867-8.
Tho Personally-Conducted Tourist System
of the Pennsylvania Hailrond Company lithe
most complete and elaborate system of
pleasure traveling and sight-seeing yet de
vised It is tho consummation of the ulti
mate idea in railroad travel, tho final evolu
tion of unassailable perfection.
For tho season of '07 and 'OS It has arranged
for the following tours :
California. Four tours will leave New
York, Philadelphia, nnd Ilarrisburg January
8, January 27, February 10, and March 10. '
With the oxceptlou of the first party going
and tho Inst returning, all of these parties
will travel by tho "Goldon Gato Special" bo
twecn New York and California, stopping at
interesting points en route
Florida. Four tours to Jacksonville will
leuvo Now Yoik and Philadelphia January
25, February 8 and 22, and March 8. The
first three admit of n stay of two weeks iu
tho "Flowory State." Tickets for the fourth
tour will bo good to return by regular trains
until May 31, 1808.
Old Point Comfort, Richmond, and Wash
ington. Three six-day tours will loavo Now
York and Philadelphia. Fobruary 10, March
10 and April 7.
Old Point Comfort and Washington. Vhreo
four-day tours will leave New York nnd
Philadelphia December 38, January 20 nnd
April 23.
Old Point Comfort. Six (Burs will leavo
Now York and Philadelphia December 88.
January 20, Fobruary 10, March 10, April 7
and 23.
Washington. Sovon tours will leave New
York and Philadelphia December 2S, Jan
uary 13, Fobruary S.March Sand 31, April
1 and May 12.
Detailed itineraries of tho abovo tours,
giving ratos and full information, may bo
procured of Tourist Agent, 1100 Broadway,
New York; 800 Fulton Street, Brooklyn; "SO
Broad Street, Nowark, N. J ; nr Geo. V.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Help Comes to Those Who Take
Rod Flag Oil for sprains, burns, cuti. At
Gruhlcr Bros., drug storo.
Hill Mnl.-lnfr tlio (initio Illounl Pusses
tho Tjowor HotiHO.
Atlanta, Nov. 9. Representative
Colo's football bill prohibiting match or
prize games of football, or games of
football, where ndmlsslon fees aro
charged, came up In the house yestor
day and was passed without discus
sion by a vote of 91 to 3.
This remarkable result was antici
pated, notwithstanding the warm op
position of the state university, which,
recovering from the shock of Student
Von Gammon's death, tried to stem the
tide of opposition In order to save the
game. A powerful card was played by
an appeal to tho mother of tho dead
student, to which she responded by call
ing on the legislature not to prohibit
a game which her own son had loved
so well. "I approve," she said, "of foot
ball as a college game to develop those
who would otherwise lose all Interest In
llrutnl Trentinont of Sailors.
Ban Francisco, Nov. 9. Captain J. S.
Badah and First Mate Johnson, of tho
American ship John A. Brlggs, are un
der arrest here charged with cruelty to
sailors. Some of the men aro stricken
with scurvy, and they declare that they
had not tasted vegetables for months,
and were fed so poorly that they were
obliged, to prevent starvation, to eat
the grease used to lubricate the masts.
They were also brutally beaten because
too weak to work quickly.
Georgia's Fair Authoress
fells Why She Uses Dr. Miles Restorative
MB NAME of Mrs. J. K, Harwell, (nee
Julia Emma Flemmlng) Is a familiar
one In the state ot Georgia. She
writes; " It Is with pleasure that I express
my gr.iMtudo for tho wonderful benefits 1
aavo received fiom Dr. MIlou' Uestoratlve
BomodkM, especially the Nervine, the Nerve
and Ll. tr Pills, New Heart Cure aud Antl
I'aln Pills. Actual experience has taught
me their great worth. No faintly should be
without them. They
havo fully restored
me from a complica
tion of disorders chlof
ly affecting the heart,
nervous system and
kidneys. When I trav
el I always take one of
your Autl-Paln Pills
iiefore entering tho cars and thus prevent
swimming of the head and nausea, to which
I have been subject for sevoral years."
Dr. Miles' Boinedles are sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money refunded. Boole on Heart
and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind.
A Handsome- Gomploxlon
is one of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Poszom's Coufuixioh I'owcua
gives it.
2 :
sia -
Dyspepsia, the thief that steals away so much
of life's pleasure, has 110 accomplice more
pernicious, than lard. Bar every lard-soaked
tiling out of your diet, and make
ayspepsm una me Jiia uiai ioiiow n, uy eating uie appe
tizing and digestible food that is prepared with
Tho eemilne Coltolcne la sold everywhere In one to ten pound vollow tins. !
With our irude marks "Ontlnli nr" nnd
ovary tin, not puarantovii it tout in unyouiorwny. Aiuuo only Liy
The workitigiildii can save money by making tlieir purchases at our
store, Wq are offering nn excellent shoe at the.; re
markable low price of
For which other stores are asking $1.50 and $1.75. Other goods in
proportion. We make a specialty of repairing.
Our New Stock Has Arrived and . . ,
. . . Bargains Are Offered in Every Line.
Two doors above Merchants' Bank.
Harper's Book of: Facts-
In Combination With :
Good Commissions and a New Field
First Come, First Served
HARPER Ss BROTHERS, Publishers, New York City.
Faust Wheel
flade to Pit.
A bicvcle.
clothes. If you do not appear with
is because it don't fit you. With ease and grace also comes power.
Secure them all by ordering a special wheel, measured to fit by the
home manufacturer. A euarantee noes with everv wheel. Patronize
home industry and secure a reliable
- - - - Repairing of alfKlnda. - - - -BRANDONVILLE,
The Florida Limited 'Will Again ltun on
the Southern ltnllwuy.
Tho Florida Limited, which is tho ayn.
0115m of all that is elegant In modern rail
way trains, and which during its former
servico has been a prime favorite for tourists
from the North seeking tho mild, climate of
Florida, will he placed In service hy tho
southern Kallway about the first week in
January. 1S08. With its return to servico this
train, which will bo solid Pullman vestibnled
between New York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustine will present features In tho way of
luxurious and comfortable appointments not
heretofore presented, nnd which will be
destined to add still further to its already
well established popularity.
Tho Southern Hallway is having built for
tho I'lorida Limited servico three tralns.each
containing a dtulug car, two drawing room
sleeping orfrs, a compartment ear and a
library and observation car, each oar corn.
plcto In all Us appointments and equipped
with tho very latest dovices and appliances
for the comfort and convenience of tho pas
sengers. Whilo no schedule has as yet been
announced, it can bo stated that it will bo tho
quickest ever arranged betweou Philadelphia
and St. Atifiustino, and will be so planned
that passengers can leave Philadelphia at
some convenient hour during tho day and ar
rive at St. Augustine before nightfall of tho
following day. Philadelphia Record,
Notice. Appllaations for further Informa
tion addressed to JJao. Jr. lleall, uislrict
I'aiwSttKer. Southern Hallway, 88
Chestnut ttlMt, Philadelphia, will receive
prompt latent ton. 1045-tf
And I'lowers, the Hand of America, Cull
fornix. Via the true pathway, 'The Iron Mountain
Koute," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunshine, where snow storms, blUjwrds or
high altitudes are unknown. I'ulLman first
and second class paUe and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Mexico, Arisoua, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all the comfort of modern railway
improvements guaranteed to 11 who pur
ehaso tickets via the Missouri Pad lis railway
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, and full Information, dropapostal
card, J. p. McOann, T. P. Agaut. 810 Kail
road avenue,- FJtnlra, N. V., or 391 Broad
way, New York.
S-l-tf W. E. lToyt. Q. K P. Agt.
When yuu want fifiod roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthlng done oal
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centro street
Dealer In stoves l-tf
your digestion proof njraitist
tin r't head in ration-plant unathbn i
SI. Louis. HOwYork. Montrsslt. ,
iu rnanv resneets. is like n suit of
ease and rrrace upon vour cvcle. it
Agent for
Shenandoah arid' Vicinity
- i
Beer and Porter i
Barbey's Bohemian tBeer.
, & .
Successor to
105 S. Main Street.
Headquarters for a full aud com
plete line of groceries.
Wanted-An Idea
VTho can thlflc
of soras slmpt
iiud? 10 piHDir
Protest your laMSt Uit my l.rlnjr you woalth.
Write JOHN WeUDgnuURN ft CO., I'iunt Attor.
Mrs. WuhlDgum, 11. o.. for their iirtse orts
lad Hit of wo tiuaUrsJ lumnilous Masted.
N i "Av t. 4bL 1 til