EVENING HERALD IWTAllLISHKU 1870. PnblUhcd nr ETmlnK, Kicp Srnid.r, i i Bonn JabMk 9tkt, Nab Cmrrsm. The HerUl la dollvtiwl lnSheimndosh and the surrounding wforti .cento wk, li abU VtbrriM. By mall t00 yer, or Mih a month, payable In adrance. Advertise. menlt .buried according to apace ana poemon. The poWIli reserve ine rifn, o onr.i. . kcatlen of nmt demand! tt. The rlht is reserved to reject any advertlMmenl, whether naM tor or not, that the publishers may deem Improper. AdYerthrlnrT rea made known upon applleatlon. , , Entered at the poetoffice at Shenandoah, I'a., as teeond claas malt matter. TBLBP110NB CONNKCTION. "All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1897. WW U4n3w To drlfli(; Thk omolttl vote of Schuylkill eounty otters a. line field for those having a taste for analyzing election figure.. Thk Hkkam) la quite healthy, thank you, and Is enjoying these pro, nerous times even under partial defeat at the o11b. TllHHK will be any number of can didates seeking nomination on the Democratic ticket neit fall, judging from recent announcements in that direction. Thk opening of criminal court next week will uttract many people from this section of the county, both as litigants In criminal suits and as spectators. Tins is the first year in which the American people have felt like eating their Thanksgiving turkey with Pacific Kailway .sauce. Havana's mortality is about five times the normal figure. If Gen. lilanoo reports the true condition to Spain the duplicity of Weyler will begin to be understood In Madrid. Thk chance that a passenger will be killed on a railway in this country is 1 In 2,827,474. While the showing is fuvorable, It can be improved by a more rigid system of track inspection. A woman with X-ray eye in re ported to have been discovered in AVashlngton. There are a number of married men In Shenandoah who will bear witness to the fact that there are several located in this town. Jr, Mrs. Bergman has made nielit that Mr. Bergman, by the gifts, has proved himself mean to live. This may or b so, and anyhow it illogl tfalevant. but there is a suv lftt the jury will take this ilie case Into ciiimiilcratloli. 1a a danger sigiml .,f worno troubles Core tlio cough anil prevent it Ming Dr. Wood'. Norway Pine utiir .rrfc Suicide nee. N. J.. Nov. 6. The brewery wagon almost ran body "f a dead girl In this lerday. It proved tn lip Ceclle the 16-yeai -old daughter of resident of Hast Orange. She Itted suicide ly shnotlng her a revolver In the region of She had quarreled with her r some paltry affair, and ran enlng to kill herself. When was found the revolver was lifle It. 3 ... IBL USHGri 28ft REMEN'S INTERSTATE CARNIVAL, November 10 -Itediireil tlnte tla l'enntlvatiln itrtilrotiri. lis Firemen's Interstate Carnival at N. J , Novonilwr lOtli, the Pennayl iltroad Company will sell excursion a New iorlc City, mid all point n New Jersey; In rennstlrnnln t ami iuiluding Uarrisburg, Iock JjlttlestoHi) u ml Nottlniilmlii, nnd in re north of and including Newark ver. and at rate of single fare for the ffllfMfttll" (no less rate than twenty-five Wlflt tick eta to lie sold November 1) and 10, gesifto return until Novenilier 11. 1W, PENNSYLVANI V DAY. need llnten to Chattanooga via renn- x. ajlvnnlfi l.nliroau. ? PentMylvanla ny ' rliiekara'iuga jljjfylil, CliatlMioojut. Trim , November laPT, when the monuments marking the Tferneut. of Pennsyhimi troops in that iroitiWtle will be dediontud, the Penui)! vaiU!llroad Company will fell excursion tlclfete from all point on its lino in l'enn gyll&nvia at the extremely lotv mte of ono milo, slinrt-liuo distance, tickets to be rember D to 13, good to leave Clint , retimiinz until November 28. 1M)7. Mffe. IKBW via ritt.,burg will be sold going 'etfirnlng i:i -ime roulc, or Kolug vln ijWtl and I.ox ugtun, returning via tile and LouismIIp. or vice cr. DO IT YOURSELF- You can tell Just aa well as a physician whether your kidneys are diseased or healthy. The way to do la to take a bottle or clan tum bler, and fill It with urine. If there It n sediment a lwwder-llke aulwtainv at the iiottom alter atandiug a day and night, there is something wrong with the kidneys. An other sure sign of disease is n desire to urinate often, and still another sign l pain in the oar, ii urine mains mien, tueie is no uouut that the kidneys are a fleeted. Any and all diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and of the urinary passages nnd con stitution of the bowels ate eured br Dr. uaviu 1-i.enneiiy's favorite liemeuy. There Is no question about Its being the liest and surest medicine in the world fortucb troubles. It iiulckly relieves and cures Inability to bold urine, and venule, voune or old. wbo take it are not compelled to get up a uumiier of nines Murine tne night, f or nutting an enu to that scalding pain experienced in passing urine, nothing is so good as l)r David Ken ned's Favorite Kennedy, It corrects the bad effect of whUkey and ler; Is pleasint to the taste, and does not seem to lie medicine stall. Diseases of the kidneys and bladder often require the use of Instruments to push back the saudy matter so tho urine can be voided. In such cases Favorite Remedy should bo taken without further delay or the disease may prove fatal. It is sold for one dollar a bottle at all drug stores. It is well worth many times its price. Samples Free. If you wiili to test Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy lieforo buying It, send your full post olllce address to tho Dr. David Ken nedy Corporation, ltouuout, i., snu mention this iwper. Vt'e will then mail you a sample bottle free, as well as circulars giv ing full directions for its uso. Every render of the Kkra1.i can depend upon the genuine ness of this libera! oil or. nnd all sutlercrs from kidney troubles should take advantage of it at once. mil IB, mo am aril N IN talking about the recent elec tion Senator Huniia says. "Wood times make tho Itepulilicani care less," and he might liuve added that overwhelming majorities have tho game effect. STOCK AND PRODUCE IIVRRETS. prpwuire hy llonr Force 1'rloesDown One to Four Points. N, w York. Nov. 6. The stock market underwent a course of very drastic liqui dation todsy, as a result of which prices are from one to four points lower than ihpv were last nleht. That this course of things was helped along by professional hear pressltre was made evident by tho very urgent covering movement which developed In the final half hour of trading and which rallied the prices of a great many stocks over a point from the low est point touched, reducing by so much the losses which would otherwise bo shown by the day's trading. But this recovery at the close was on a greatly diminished volume of business and was apparently affected by the temporary withholding of liquidation offerings. s was done once or twice previously dur ing the day, only to b succeeded by re newed liquidation and decline. Closing bids: Ilalto. Ohio... 1MI Lehigh Valley.. 2S Chesa. & Ohio... 30V4 N. J. Central... 8714 Del. & Hudson.. 108H N. Y. Central. .IMS I)., L. W 160 Pennsylvania ..110 Hrie 18 Heading 201i lJike Erie & W.. Hi St. l'aul 90 EHoihar's Friend TiO COURT M'ARTIiL WEYLER A OLANDKSTIJJK meeting between Senator Quay and Dave Martin now causos less commotion among the state leaders, than does a private, con flab between Editors Finney and Zerboy on matters political. IlKRKAFTKK no person can vote in the state of Connecticut unless he can read in the Knglish lauguage, and election officers are authorized to test voters on this point when dial lenged. If IIII lleporteil Utterniioon nt Ha vana Are Verllled. 31 S? rid, Nov. 6. The Spanish govern- mellu. as a teguii ot tne aeuDerauon of atm-mlnisters over the utterances of aeilHi W'ylcr, the former captain gerjjfnl -til i. has come to the de- ciBitnto try him by court martial, no maltgr where he lands, if he confirms theHlnoeuracy of the press reports of hisfflutttrances In reply to the manl fesWittjon at Havana upon the occasion of Bijk'euiburkatlon for Spain c.i Hun- A"HTnBton, Nov. 6. Tt appears that the fl dalfhilnatlon of the Spanish cnbl netl t;fi6urt martial General Weyler, whljo'ijpt directly due to a request of thbft'lfuVernment, was probably inspired hy I an Intimation from the state de partment that his ut'.eranc-ea were not callbulated to smooth the way of the neilfotiatlons. It is surmised that by thuja noting: with promptness the Span Ish con lien Ha tw sta ent SUMPTUOUS TRAIN TO THE SOUTH. The l'lothhl I. hulled III Again Kiln on the Southern Railway, Tbo Florida Limited, which is tho syiv ouyru of all that is elegant in modern rail way trains, and which during Ha former service has becu a prime f.ivorito for tourists from the North secklug tho lnlld climate of lorida, will bo placed In sorvlco by the Southern Railway about the first week in January. 1S0S. With its return to service this train, which will bo solid I'uliman vestibuled between New York, Philadelphia and St. iVugustine will proscut features in tho way of luxurious anil comfortable appointments not heretofore picsentcd, and which will bo destined to add still further to Its already well established popularity. The Southern Hallway Is having built for the Florida Limited service threo trains,cach containing a dining car, two drawing room sleeping cars, a compartment car and a library and observation car, each car com plete in all its appointments and equipped Hit tho very latest devices and appliances t the comfort and convonieuce of the pas sengers. While no schedule has as yet been nuouueed, it can bo stated that it will be the quickest ever arranged between Philadelphia ud St. Augustine, and will be so planned that passengers can leave Philadelphia at somo convenient hour during the day and ar rive at St. Augustine beforo nightfall of the following day. Philadelphia Record. Notice Applications for lurther informa tion uddrescd to Jno. M. licall, nistrict Pasfeenger Agent, Southern Railway, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention, 10-25-tf cabinet has paved the way for a nter remonstrance against the puu- tlons of ex-United States Minister inls Taylor. The conditions in the 1 oases. Jiowevcr, are said at the tS" department to be entirely dlffer LC General Weyler, being a Spanish anljiy Officer, Is amenable to discipline for any interference with tho policy of then WVernment, while Mr. Taylor, be ingH n. private citizen, Is not account able Eto his Government tor nis inui vldRial utterances. THE Pottsville Chronicle makes a serious charge against the editor of Its evening contemporary, the Repub lican, and one which the latter can not afford to pass unnoticed. As edi tor of a Republican paper and chair man of the Republican executive committee, our friend Zerbey should lose no time in denying the accusa tion. Thb teaoher's institute will be held in Mahanoy City next week, and the Indications are that it will provo one of the most successful in the history of the eounty. Superintendent Weiss has prepared an excellent program for the week, and the attract luna for the evening entertainments are of a high character. Shenanduah will be well represented, and will contribute Its share to making the institute a llnaiicial suoeess. Thk thirty-five women who are going from New York to the Klon dike region by way of Cape Horn are engaging in a venture scarcely inferior In hardship and exposure to that of the early explorers who dig- oovered the various portions of the New World. Should they succeed, or even survive with health and strength the fatigue and perils of the under taking, they will have demonstrated woman's ability to share with man in the rough work of the world, and so will give their sex a standing with re gard to labor which may or may not be desirable in view of its possible eonsequeneeg. Who owns the wedding present, Is a question which a divorced man and wife are trying to have settled through the courts at Baltimore Mr. Jacob llergman was married in 1884, and he and his bride had many friends, and they received numerous and valuable presents. A year later Mr. and Mrs. Bergman decided to geimrate. This was easily affected hut when It eauie to separating the wedding presents so serious and in compatibility of sentiment manifested iUwlf that resort to the law had to be made. Mr. Bergman said the glfte were hi. Mrs. Bergman denied the assertion, and said that they were hers. The lawyers say that there is nothing in the books to de elde the question, and novya jury Is trying to straighten out the difficulty. Srtaln elements loui wfli! A sick man is like a man who goes up in a balloon. He is blown hither and thither by the winds of disease. A traveler by rail or steamer lias a regular track. He is reasona bly certain of reaching a civen destination; but the balloonist is at the mercy of totally No track, no course, flder. no certainty that any breeze may rlntr rl..f rilMlntl. Jili the slek man. Ilia disordered tltution renders every natural operation rtiin. No organ can he depended on il-u, fond- the liver will not filter bll- .nelsons from the blood; the kidneys iVl.. .,ri11 nnt Terete the waste. NO (jar nourishing or purifying process la it OO. There is no certainty except the alntjrof suffering. J.,.1... . . Diwmir mnaus. ucuiuiiticu mih1 t is needed is to change the ab- SSt erratic operations of the system , natural, regular, straightforward pro- 4J1 do this so raoidlv and certainly iN.rMi ' a i ,n iifh imcuhui uinvu'vu. 2lCtly regulates the vitalizing func. w It sets the stomach and liver mtc , honiiliv niiemilon and gives tlx ajfi&iking glands power to HianufWlure ereates appeme; iiuims """"vm-' ana uanisuea ncrvuu!"" ' As it ran he assimilated by the n.,,M, tttt nnnrlshlncr nronertiea superior to nauseating cod liver oil t eougua aim mm waviii,i .crtfiut u'h.i recommends something u "Just a good is inniKiiiK "i itra profit mi the "just as good" kind f your v. Hare (uiffwnwnwimmmmm "THEY DOITHEWORK" BRONCHO ffiBBffilslOc 1 Relieve andure 3 of ntitetl JislnsMSatsM 3 3 " Head Troubles , Stomacn uisorasrs System Irregularities "For every ill, a special pill." If not at Prug Stores, write Brora Chemical Co.jYonKers.M.x. Health Hook Mailed Free. 3 muiuuiumuiuumi IT IS EASY TO TELL. donora! Markets. Philadelphia, Nov. 6. Flour weak; win ter superfine. W.1098.8B: do. extras, $3.39 3.80; Pennsylvania roller clear, $I.SO4.60; do. straight, J4.04.80; western winter, clear. M.3&64.S0; do. straight, tl.6Se4.90i city mills, extra. i3.40.eo. Hye flour sold In a small wav at J3.30 per barrel for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat weak; con tract wheat, spot, 96S7Vic. : No. 2 Penn sylvania end No. 2 Delaware red, spot, 9nU)MUc-: No- 2 red, spot, 90WS97y4c; No. 2 red, November, IKSHc; do. Decem ber, 9Gc.; do. January. S7o.; do. May, U34c Corn quiet and steady; steamer corn. spot. 23He2Sc.; No. 2 yellow for local trade, 33$33Vic; No. 2 mixed, No vember and December, 31f3Hio. Oats fulet and steady; No. 2 white, carlots, S6Hc; No. 2 white, clipped, carlots, 27o.; No. 3 white, 2&y4c. ; track mixed, western, J4vi82lic-; truck white, state and western, 264j 31c. Hay quiet; choice timothy, 112 for large bales. Beef steady; beef bams, J2C.K2G. l'ork steady; family, 1314. Laid dull; western steamed, JI.57H. But ter steady; western creamery, 14!3Hcj factory, 10fil3c; Klgina, 2Sc; imitation creamery, 1217c; Now York dairy, 12 20c; do. creamery, 14SJS8Hc; Pennsylva nia creamery, extra, 24c. Cheese dull; largo white, 8c; small white, 9M9Hc; large colored, k-ftc; small colored, 9V40 9ftc; part skims, O'MX'c; full skims. 3Vi 4c. IOggfl steady; New York and Penn sylvania. lSfiSlc: western, fresh, 20c. Tal low easy; city, 3H3 3-16c; country, 3H 3Uc. Turpentine steady nt 30ig30Hc. Pis Iron warrants barely steady at 38.9086-95. Lake copper dull at $10.85011. Tin very quiet at $13.C0igl3."0. Spelter quiet nt 14.10 (f4.20. Lead very dull at 3.87"iS.9Zl4. To matoes, per box or crate, as to quality. $l$fl.25. Long Island and Jersey cab hage, per 100, W. Coffee closed barely Heady; December, $5,706,75; January, 15.756-861 February, 6,s0; March, W.90Q f.95; May, JS.StMiC; Heptember, t8.10.20; October, t0.16j 6.2(1. Pcoplo who fail to look after their health are llko tho carpenter who neglects to isrpeii bis tools. People are not apt to set anxious about their health soon enough. If you are "not quite woll" or "half lick" ivo you ever thought that your kidneys may bo the cause of your sickness? It is easy to toll by scttins aside your riuo for twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates au unhealthy condi- tiou of the kidneys. When uriue stains ncn it is evldcnco of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate, scanty supply, pain or dull ache In the back Is also couvino- ng proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. There is satisfaction in knowing that the great remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, fulfills every wish in relieving weak or diseased kidneys and all forms of bladder and urinary troubles. Not only does Swamp-Boot give new life and activity to the kidneys tho cause of trouble, hut by treating the kidneys it acts as atonic for tbe entire constitution. If you need a medicine tako Swamp-Koot It cures. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar, or by sending your address and the name of this paper to Dr. Kilmor & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., you may have a sample bottle of this groat discovery sent to you free by mall. 1.1 vo Stock Mnrkots. East Liberty, I'a., Nov. 5. Cattle steady, prime, J4.8081.90; common, J3(?3.50; bulls, stags and cows, 524(3.01). Hogs ac tive and higher; prime Yorkers, $!.80(s?3.S5; common Yorkers and nigs. 33.70513.80: heavy, 33.75U3.85; roUgllH, $2.50!U3.G0. Bheep firm; choice. $4.20(4.30; common, $2..oiy3 choice lambs, 35.300.50; common tq food, J4J4.20: veal calves, J0.50W7. New York. Nov. 5. Beeves fulily uottvel tot-rs steady; bulls nnd good cows firm; native steers. $405.05; stags and oxen, 2.75l4.30; bulls, J2.S5.fi 3.23; dry cows, 12 1.10. Calves steady; veals, $57.75; gTass- prs, $3fr3.50. Sheep slow, but steady; lambs active and firm; sheep, $3I4.C5; lams, $5.75. Hogs firm at $3.80-34.10. Allays Nerv ousness, re lieves the Headache, Cramps and Nausea, and so prepares the system that the time of recov ery is shortened and many say "stronger after than before con finement. It insures satety to life of both mother and child. All who have used "Mother Friend" say they will never be without it again. No other rem edy robs confinement of its pain nook "TO EXPECTANT MOTHERS" mailed free, contslalngvslaablo information and vol untary testlmoalals. THCBRADTICLO REGULATOR CO, ATLST,0. 40LD BY ALL DSUaaiSTS AT S1.00 PER SOTTir THE FIRE FIGHTERS' GALA DAY. Firemen's Inter-State Carnival at Trenton, Nov. l()lli,1807. On November 10th. 1897, there will be held at Treuton, New Jersey's Cspltol City, a Grand Intcr-Stato Volunteer Firemen's Carnival wheu it Is expected uniformed com panies from Pennsylvania, New York, Con necticut, Delaware and Now Jersey, accom panied by their apparatus will appenr in the parade and participate In the contosts. A number of valuable prizes will be given, amongst them, ono each for tho finest equipped company, finest apparatus, and for sprint race with apparatus. To accommodate thoso wishing to parti cipate In, or witness the contests or parade, the Philadelphia & Reading Kailway will, for this occasion, sell oxcursion tickets at the low rafo of single faro for tbe round trip (with a minimum of 25 cents). Tickets good going on November 0th and 10th, and good to re turn until November lltb. Inclusive lor time of trains and rates of faro consult ticket agenU. TO CUIUS A COM1 IN ONI! DAV. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25o. (loot-Bin. to Honor JoiTViSoii DnvT. Atlanta, Ga Nov. 5. The bill by Mr. Oliver, of Hurke county, to make the birthday ot Jefferson Davis a legal hol iday In this state was udversely re ported by the general Judiciary com mittee In the house of representatives, and Mr. Oliver moved to disagree with the committee. In an earnest speech he asked the house to honor the hero of the lost cause. The report of the committee was dlngreed to by an al most unanimous vote. Help Comes to Those Who Take Ked Flag Oil for sprains, burns, cuts. At Gruhler Bros., drug store. Miiy Adopt ..,i-,-,v ,r,n, . iW. Chicago, Nov. 6. Mrs. Cella Wallace, who resides at the Auditorium, and ts a chlldleso widow, has taken a fancy to lOvancclina Cmlo y Clsneros, the Cuban refugee, nnd has offered to adopt the Cuban maid and make her an heir to u, fortune estimated by friends of Mrs. Wallace nt $500,000. Evungellna looks with favor upon the proposition, and thinks the consent of her father can be secured. Household Necessity Oascarets Candy Cathartic, tho' mast won. derful medical discovery of tho age, pleasant and refreshing tho taste, act gontly and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day : 10, 25, 60 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. I.nwiiinUers Should Not Malio I.rtWSi Chicago, Nov. C The supreme court of this state has Just handed down a decision of great Interest to Insurance men all over the country. The state nf Illinois has a law that Insurance under the Lloyds plan may not be Iransacted In the state of Illinois. The supreme court has decided that the law Is unconstitutional. Schoolboy .Mui-dor Tiroll'Teacher-. Sedalla, Mo Nov. 6. James Allen, teacher In a school at Wheatland, Hickory county, was beaten to death Thursday by his pupils. As a pun Ishmtnt for misconduct Mr. Allen kept several boys after school was dismissed. As the schoolmaster was on his way home they wayluld him, pelting him with stones and clubs. Mr. Allen was knocked (lown and his skull fractured. He did not regain consciousness, and died yesterday. The lioys were or: rested. You can't afford to risk your life by allow ins a cold to develop into pneumonia or con sumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are auoraeu uy uup minute uougn uure. j. II. Ilagenhuch. QuadViiiiltf .Murder tit (uohoa, Montreal, Que., Nov. 6. A quadruple murder Is reported from Hawdon. Montcalm county, province ot Que. bee. The victims are the threo daugh ters and the son of Mr. Bulley, a farmer, who, having Bone on a vlBlt Wednesday morning, found tho chil dren murdered when he returned home at night. The girls were 18, 16 and 14, nnd the boy 10 years old, (Three large parties are hunting the woods for a tramp, who is supposed to be the murderer. A BARBAROUS SURGICAL OPERATION Fure blood and a good digestion are an in surance against d bouse and sunering. Bur dock Blood Bitters keeps tbo blvod pure, tbe digestion perfect. Coining Kvents. Nov. S, Entertainment and sociable under the auspices of the il. K. church choir. Nov. 0. Entertainment and social, under auspices of Ladies' Aid, lu I'. II. church. Nov. 17. Annual supper, under tbo aus pices of the Trinity Ileformod church, In ltobbins open house. Nov. 85. Thanksgiving dinner to be given by All SaluU' Protrtnt Knlsoona) ehurch, corner West aud Oak streets. Deo. S. Twenty-fifth annual supper under auspices of Welsh luptlst cbuch lu liobhius' opera house. Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds may be avoided bjr using IWItt's Wlteji assl Halve, the great rewedy for piles and ror an kinds of sores ami skip, irouuies. j. II. liagenbuoh, Inrb 'Hoard Diiolared lllfKnl, Indianapolis. Nv. 0, The supreme routt yesterday decided that the act tinder which the Indianapolis board of (ark commissioners was created Is un. constitutional, and that the members of Ihe board are not public ollloers. The board has existed two years, has re ceived $374,000 In city money for a park system, has spept S10.GV0 of this amount, and has planned to purchase BOO acres of land, all of which has been surveyed for parka. Ioatr iI Kju-fiovm-nor 1'omler. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 6. James ponder, former governor of Delaware, died yesterday at his home in Milton, Sussex county, of paralysis. He was tor years active in state politics as a Democrat, served as sneaker of the state senate, and was elected governor In 1870, serving four years. He waa a native jf Delajrebjorn In 1819, Osscarets stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe, lOo. For the Cure of lMles Is not only Intensely painful, ilapgormu to life and very expensive, but in the light of modern medical research and since the d!i covery of the Pyramid Pile Cure a surgical operation Is wholly unnecessary. If you have anv doubt on this point kindly fead t)ie following letters from pepple who know tlmt our claims regarding tho merits of tbe Pyramid Pile Curd are borne out by the facts, From N. A. Stall, Illdge Boad, Niagara Co., N. Y. : I received your Pyramid Pilo Cure and tested it last night. It did me more good than anything I have ever found yet, and remember this waa the result of one night's treatment only. From Venn W. Arnett, Bateivllle. Ark. Gentlemen : Your Pyramid Pile Cure baa done me sq much good In so short a, true that my son-in-law, Capt. T. J. Klein, of Fort Smith, Ark., has written me for your address as he wishes to try it also. From A. E. Towusend, Ilonvllle, Ind. i J have been so much beueflttod by tbe J'yra mid Pile Cure that I enclose l fer which please seud a package which wish to give to a friend of piino who suffers very much from piles. From John II. Wrlklit, Clinton, JleWitt Co., Ills, i I am so well pleased with the Pyramid Pile Cure that J think It but right to drop you a few lines to Inform you its ef. facts havo been all that I could ask or wiib From P. A. Brulon, I.lano, flPex.l Gentle men i The Pyramid Pile (tWro has done so much good for me that I will say for the benefit of others that after using only two days I am better than I have been for montlis, The Pyramid Pile Cure Is prepared by The Pyramid Drug Co. of Albion, Mich., aud it Is truly a wonderful remedy for all forms of piles, So greet has Veen tbe number of testimonial letters received by then from all parts of tbe oouutrtbat tiiay have decided to publish eaeh week a number of such let ters and never use the same letter twice, but only fresh letters will be published. All druggists recommend the Pyramid Pile Cure, as tbey know from what their custom ers say, that no remedy gives such general atisfactiou. NUGGETS OP NEWS. H. A. Whlteman, ex-treasurer of t,u rerne county, died yesterday at Willtes barre, Pa., aged 67. Diphtheria still rnges In Forest City, Lackawanna county, lit., and , has broken out nt Nicholson and White Mills. A train on the Cotton Belt line in Texas killed foui persons on (he track and carried one suicide on its trip yes terday. Dr. P. O. Winters, who escaped from the Astoria, L. I., asylum, has been located In Jersey City, but will not sur render. Miss Serena M. Martin, of Chicago, has gained by litigation the fortune of $200,000 of her uncle, wlioee companion the wns for 40 years. The appointment of Frank W. Mon iell, of New Castle, Wyo as assistant iommlssloner ot the general land office, will shortly be announced. The steamer Southwark, which left New York for Europe yesterday, re turned In the afternoon with fire In the cargo In the hold. Damage small. Joseph Hubert Vos, a distinguished Dutch painter, and Mrs. ICleanor Kal kllanl Graham, a descendant of the Ha waiian royal family, were married In St. Paul, Disorderly Htmloiitn Hiii)ond:of. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 0. Six stu dents of Delaware college were sus pended yesterday by the faculty for week, beoause ot a trouc on lini- low E'en. The boys tied the door of Professor Conover's room, and when he afterwards appeared on the porch they saluted him with sticks. They then broke Into the college maga zine and got the cannon and tired a salute. Sick Headache. Neuralgia and Extreme Norvousnoss. COTTOLnNn. COTTOLDNU. I Marion Harland says: i " LardnaduUtrated is lest MfhoUsome than vegelabU ! oils, and absolutely pernicious to most Stomachs." Cottoleue contains jnst the proportion of beef suet, combined with tlie purest vegetable oil, to make a perfect shortening. Is Het S for cither shortening or frying. Ture, healthful, S palatable. 2 Theeenntne Is sold everywhere In ens to ten pound yellow tins, 2 with oar trod-mrk-"0,Ko!tit " n,l elr'i Alt 1 cotton-plant JJ iorlA-oo every tla. Hot guaranteed if sold la any otaer way. 9. THE N. K. FAIRQANK COMPANY. Chicago, St Louis, NewYerk, Mordrt!,, 11 $1.50 o Folks Like Our hoes Itching Piles, night's horrid plague, is instantly relieved and permanently cured by Doan's Ointment. Your dealer ought to keep It. . No I'i-n1illiltlfii 1'or Gooi-ulii.' Atlanta, Nov. 6. The Georgia senate vestorday defeated a measure which, If passed, would have had the effect of making Georgia a pronimtion stain, The bill has been pending In the ICR" lslature since last year, and has been exhaustively argued. Tho vote on tho bill was 18 to 23, It Is understood that tha majority against the passage of the bill would have been proportionately much greater In the house If the meas ure had ever reached that body. A GREAT SURPRISE IS IN STORE for thoso who will go to-day and get a pack age of GKAIN-O. It takes the place of coffee at about i the cost. It Is a food drink. full of health, and can bo given to tbe children as well as the adult with great benefit. It Is made of pure grains aud looks and tastes like the finest grades of Mocha or Java coffee It satisfies everyone. J? cup of Uraln-O Is bettor for the system than a tonic, because Its benefit is permanent. 'What ooffeo breaks down Graln-0 builds up. Ask your grocer far Qralu-O, ISc. and 23c. 'EU since I was eighteen years old until I learned of Dr. Miles' Restora tive Uemedles, I suffered from sick head:) he and extrcmo nervousness unddys pcpsl.i. In tmio heart incase developed. I wastieated by several doctors with no re lief, .-oveie lAlpltatlnn with palu In left breast, shortness of breath, nnd smothering spoils, mado uio most miserable. I pro cured Dr. Miles' Itcstorallvo Ncrvlno and N'ow Heart Cure and took them alternately u dliectd. Impiovcmcnt began at once land Increased so r .p- ldly that Inside of MX , nonius l increased thirty six pounds in weight. All pain la the heart Is gone, and !tho nervousness has wholly loft me," Wns. Chas. Khapp, W.Oei-man Bt Llttlo Falls, N. Y., Nov. 7,'05. Dr. Miles' Homedies aro sold by all drug Slats under a posltlvo guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refunded, llook on Heart aud norves sent f reo to all applicants. DU MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. Mies' ; Iriervine 1 rc- Restores P, Health Well, we guess. They MUST, judging by the way they buy 'em. Somebody risked us whether " they were better than those of other Stores ? Why, of course they are ; wouldn't ask S1.50 for them if they weren't. Vlf they were like those of ordinary stores wel sell them for less. FACTORY-PRICE giVes its' the chance, to sell the same shdejs for' less money, or better shoes for the same money. And these $i .50 shoes, for men and wotnen, arc samples of our selling. We've better shoes for more money ; we've shoes not so good for less money j but we "be-, i lieve that for a medium price, a price that anybody can stand, no shoes we know of fill the bill like our $1 .50 fellows. Try 'em next time you want a pair. Checks for amount of purchases made, are given every customer. $25 worth entitles you to a handsome parlor lamp.- FACTORY SHOE STORE, Shoes Retailed at Factory Price. ir O. A. Moyer, Mgr. is sOt?t i A Handsome Complexion Is ono ot tho greatest charms awoman can pOSSCSS. I'OZZONl'S.'COMl'LEr,IOH 1'OWOEB gives it. , When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthlng done cal on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street Dealer le stoves 1-tf PHILA & READING RY IN KFFKOT SEPTEMBER 27, 1897. Trains leave Shenandoah &a follows : For New York via Pbllade.nhla. week cIav 210, 9116. 705 y SI a.m., 12 03, 810 and6 07 P ra SuntUrg, 2 10 a. in. For New York Tla Mauch Chunk, week days. 5 8fl. 7 05 a. m.. 12 83 and 3 10 d. m. For Heading- and Philadelphia, week days. 2 10, 5 86, 7 0.1, 9 54 a,m., 12 83, 8 10 and 6 07 p. u! Sundare. 2 10 a. m. For rolWvll.e, week days, 2 10, 7 05, ft 51 a. m 12 83, 8 10, 6 07 and 7 25 p. m. Sundaya, 2 10 a. m, 10.5 86. 7 05. 0 51 a. to.. 12 S3. 8 10 and ft DTn m (j....,). ... i in 1 r For WHilamiporl, Bunbury and Lcwlaburu, tt ct. uur. o ai. a au. li ou - in., ma 1 n. 111 Sundays. 8 23 a. tu. For Mahanox Plane. weekdAv. 2 10. It M fl KA 7 05, 5 M, 11 00 . mM 12 83, 8 10, 6 07, 7 23, 0 53 and ii w p. m. ounaaya, z iu, o k a. m. For Aahland ana Sham ok in, week dayi. 8 35, 5 86.7 05. 1180 a. m.. 6 07. 7 25 nd JUt n m Bundavft. 8 23 a. m. For Baltimore, Washington and the Wettytn B, AcO. n. It., through trains lea- Headlng Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & U. V H,) at 820, 1 ii . ni., o iu uu ( n. u, Hunaaya 8 20,700,1126 a. m., 8 46 and 73Wi.in. Addl o w, w, w m. is,, i dim I mt m (11, AdUI- tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Clent- nui ureeta Btailun, wdk oiti, iu uu a. m. j; 12 lft 8 40 p.m. Sundayi, 1 S3, 8 23 p. m, TRAINS FOU SHENANDOAH, Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, n id, bo. w a, m., ana 1 bo, 4 bo, 9 00 p. ra Sundayi. fi 00 ti. m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week p. ia. ermlnal. week 42,4 05,6 80,1180 days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m., l bo and 4 15 p. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Tei days, 4 30, 8 8ft. 10 10 a. m. and 1 10 10 a. m. and u. tn. Hanuava. II BO n. m. Ieave KeadlnK.week days. 1 83. 7 10.10 OS. a. m. 12 00 m., 410, 6 00 and 8 30 p. m, Sundays, 233 Leave pottavlUe, weekdays, 386, 7 40 a.m., 12 80 Btul 812d. m. Hundavs.2 8fia.nl. m., 1 86, 3 91, T 20 and 9 43 p. m, Hundaya, 8 18 a. ro LATe Mahanoy City, week days, 12 30, 8 43, 913 11 47 a. in., 2 17, o U, 6 17, 7 44 and 10 08 p. m, Sundays. 12 9(1. 8 43 a. m. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 85. 2 40, 4 00 6 80,9 96, 10 25. ll&V a. ra., 289, 582, 634, 7 07, iu m a ro. unaaya, ia 40, 4U, 4 ou a. m. Leave WUUamsport, week days, 7 42, 1020 a m., uu auu ii ou p. ro. nunuays, n tj p, m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war and bourn street wnaii lor Aiiantio city. WeekdaysKspress, 9 00 a. m.. 2 00, 4 00, 5 00 u. tn. Accommodation. 8 00 a. ro.. 6 80 p. m Sunaays Eiprees, 900, 10 00 a, in. Accommoda tion, 800a, in. ,4 45 p. m. Keturnlng leave Atlantlb City depot, cori er Atlantic ana Aricansas avenues. Weekdays Express, 7 35, 9 00 a.m., 380, 5 b. tn. Accommodation, d 15 a. m.. 4 03 n. in. Sundays Bx press, 4 00, 780 p. in. Aocom tnivl&llon. 9 IS a. rn.. 4 15 n. m. Parlor On on all eipresa trains. Vor further Information, apply to nearest Philadelphia and Heading Hallway ticket agent or address I. A. SWKIQABD, UmOJX J- WKEK8. tien'l Bupt, Clen'l Pwm'r 8t., Heading Terminal, Philadelphia, Wanted An Idea Protect your id&m thry may hrtng von wealth. ceyfl. Washington, I), c, tor their $1,800 price oflef rod list ot two hundred Inventions wanted. Who can thine of some simple lutDgiopaieotr WS"SSs SELLING TO. OUT Retire prom $50(000 -Stock of Clothin I will positively rotiro from business on or about January 1st, 1SSO. The enormous stock of Clothing for Men's, Doys' and Children's woar. Furnishing Goods, etc., must be sold, and this great sale will commonce at onco and continue until every garment and article in tho store Is turned into money. Tho stock of Clothing consists of new, clean, stylish and the best ready-made garments in the market, and all of this season's productions. OVERCOATS ! Which will be sold at 25 per cent, below cost. We hav& a tremendous line in Men's, Boys' nnd Children;4 ; which you can buy at your own prices. -' ' ' - "IF L. REFOWIGM The Reliable Clothier, 10 & 12 S. Main St., Shenandoah, F.J-f!t Pa.