The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 01, 1897, Image 2

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ftfnfallshed every KTenlng, Kiwil Runilay. l
j t Sotnn J Aaron Htbkbt. Kkar Oehtbb.
T.jifl Herald la dellvnetl In Hhennnrtoan and the
JMJtru!trKllng totvna for all cents a week, pujr
aoU 0 III eVrrlrs. lly (mil Ss.OOn yrnr.or 15
rents HiMilh. payable In aaranre. AdTertlee-
1lia llllUllflfClt FflMTTH
s the right te changr tne
position Of hdvertliwimeiits whenever tlie pub
'ttlon uf news demands It. Tlie right I
lescrved to reject any Advertisement, wnetliBr
tuitd for or not. Hint tlie publishers may iteam
Improper. Advertising rates tnnde known
Upon Application.
Entered nt the postofflce fit Shenandoah, 1a., aa
tecond ela mall matter.
"All the Hews Thai's Fil io Print."
Evening Herald
MONDAY, NOVKMBKtt 1, 1887.
llin'imi.IOAN SWATH TlCKtff
Of Wcstmotelattd.
" ' LKVI a. McOaulmv,
Of Chester.
Hon. O. P. Bbchtht,
Of Pottaville.
Of Orwlgftburg.
John Kowh Sh -Of
Hki.p get out the vote to-morrow
that success may be assured.
IIkhk are the winners: Bechtel,
Albright, Itowe and Anstock.
Judok Bkoiitkl will receive a un
animous election, and he deserves it.
The people of Schuylkill county favor
a noiv-partlsan judiciary.
Ik you think that McKinley's ad
ministration deserves endorsement,
then go to the polls to-morrow and
cast a straight Republican ballot.
Chairman Shay estimates tho Re
publican majorities anywhere be
tween 1500 and 3000. Albright will
defeat his Democratic opponent by
tries being idle to-morrow,
lepubllcan should go to the
jirly and vote tho straight
ficket. See that yournoighbor
result to-morrow will place
phnRowe, Sr., on tho Board of
.'our Directors. And he will seo to it
that the affairs at the county home
aro conducted In the interests of the
McKinlky is one of the best Presi
dents the country ever had. He is
lover of his oountry, and loyal to his
party. He proves this by going
to vote. He Is a safe guide to
Thk Imnorijijice of the election to
inormutHHS' he underesti
iiiiteRReit is an "off year"
, notroTuTilH away from the polls,
but go there early and cast a straight
Ilenublican ballot. Tlie iiepunuc
nartv is the party of prosperity and
irH nandldates should be guoceiwful if
tho business tide is to continue In the
rirht dirootion. The Republican
candidates will be found in the first
oolumn of the ballot. Place an X
mark In the oirole at the top of this
column and you will vote rlglit.
Do Your Duty.
The eleotlon will occur to-morrow
Let every Republican do Ills duty.
The latter oannot be too frequently
reminded of the natnre of the hope
of the Democrats, that because of the
handsome majority of last fall, and
booause tills is not a presidential or
gubernatorial year, enough Republi
cans may hwily stay at noiiw lo-iuor
for jury commiasionhit,
John Anstock,
Of Mahanoy City.
I M0l!lcAN PARTY 1
Get out the VAjs ! )'
Tuesday, Nov. 2.lljB97'
Qkt out the vote.
row to enable the opposition to elect
at leant a majority of tlmlr candidates.
The most Is being made of this
hoped-for apathy, and while the
Democratic organsare diplomatically
conveying the iinnrwsHion that the
vote will be light all- around, as if
they expected the apathy would be
of like proportion in both patties,
their party workers are quietly and
diligently hustling to get as nearly
their full vote as possible.
They should bo glvten no comfort of
that kind. The llopubllean workers
should see to It that the full party
vote is recorded ttf-morrow.
Get out the vote.
Tiik local ItepuVilIeau leaders have
determined to kiiook tho wind out of
the Democratic prophesies so far as
Shenandoah is concerned. The re
turns to-morrow night will break the
lioart of many a Democratic loader.
Fivitper cent, above the basis and
with prospect of full time at the
mines, will assist In another landslide
for the Republican party In Schuyl
kill to-morrow. Clinch prosperity by
voting tlie straight Republican ticket.
SlIKNAXlioAlt preMUted two candi
dates both worthy and faithful party
men before the Democratic county
convention, and both were turned
down, and one of them counted out
The voters of Shenandoah will have
thelrinnings to-morrow and will re
sent this shabby treatment.
Dirty Pollfcs.
The people have had cause for con
gratulation that the present cam
paign, so far as tho Republicans aro
concerned, has been devoid of sonsa-
tional features, and that the fight has
been conducted in a manner reflecting
much credit upon the candidates and
their supporters. 'But thoj'last card'
llend has appeared, and ho comes
from tho Democratic ranks. Some
over-zealous friend of the Democratic
candidate for Sheriff has issued a cir
cular within the past day or so attack
ing the character of the Republican
candidate. TThe people of Schuylkill
county know both men, and they aro
familiar with the record of the Demo
cratio nominee as a public official. It
is hardly necossary to say that Mr.
Albright will lose nothing by com
parison. Tlie affidavit signed by
number of Albright's employes -and
neighbors, published on Saturday
refutes oyery chargo made, and spikes
the guns of ihe enemy. This is not
tho tlrst time the "circular business"
lias been worked on the people of tho
Mahanoy valley, on the eve of an
election, and they will treat it with
the contempt it deserves.
Our Democratic friends will find
that dirty politics will avail them
naught. Tho llopubllean papers and
party leaders have contented tliem
solyes with drawing attention to tho
good qualities of their candidates.
Had they been so disposed they could
havo laid bare the records of their
opponents, 'but they refrained from
resorting to airty politics.
Tlie Democratic henchmen and
heelers in the vicinity of McAdoo
and Kline township, and In this town,
have caused the impression to be
created that the Republican party
was responsible for tlie Lattimer
shooting. They failed, however, to
tell the people that a majority of the
deputies were Democrats. They ap
parently do not realize that such
actions, calculated to stir up adanger
ous and wrong prejudice, is little short
of Haunting the red flag of anarchy,
and s've to work injury to the very
vitals of self-goverment. Such dirty
politics, to say the least, is nauseat
ing, and will act as a boomerang to
the party or candidate that it is in-
A l'leaannt, Simple, lmt Safe nml Kirectnnl
Cure for Ir,
Cutarrh of tho stomach lias long beon con
sldered tho next thing to Incurable. Tho
usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensa
tion after eating, accompanied sometimes
with sour or watery risings, a formation of I
gases, causing pressure on tlio heart and
lungs, and difficult breathing; headaches,
ficklo appctito, nervousness and a general
played out, languid feollng.
There is often a foul taste In tho mouth,
coated tongue and if tho interior of tho
stomach could bo seen it would show a
slimy, inflamed condition.
Tho euro for this common and obstinate
troublo Is found in a treatment which causes
the food to be readily, thorougbly digested
before it has timo to ferment und hritate the
delicate mucous surfaces of the stomach.
To seeuro a prompt and healthy digestion is
the one neeessary thing to do and when
normal digestion is secured tho catarrhal
condition will have disappeared.
According to Dr. Uarlandson the safest and
best treatment to use after each meal a tablet
composed of Diastase, Aseptic l'epslu, a
little Kux, doldon Seal and fruit aeidi.
These tablets can now be found at all drug
stores under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets and not being a patent medicine can
be used with perfect safety and assurance
that healthy appetite and thorough digestion
will follow their regular use after meals.
Mr. N. J. Booher, of X710 Dearborn St.,
Chicago, 111., writes : "Cutarrh is a local
condition, resulting from a neglected cold iu
the head, whereby the lining membrane of
the nose becomes iu named and the poisonous
discharge therefrom passing backward into
the tluoat, reaches the stomach, thus pro
ducing catarrh of the stomach. Medical au
thorities prescribed for me for three years
for catarrh of stomaoh without cure; but to
day I am the happiest of inou after using
only one box of SUirrt's Dyspepsia Tablets.
I eaunot find appropriate words to express
my good feeling. I liave found flesh, ap
petite and souud rest from their use.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest
preparation as well as the simplest and most
convenient remedy for any form of Indiges
tion, catarrh of stomach, biliousness, sour
stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals.
Send for little book mailed free on stomach
troubles, by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall,
Mich. The tablets can be found at all drug
4 First
20 Saoond
40 Third
(During t8S7)
For p&rllenlrs tend ycrar tutmo and (alt Mten to
Lever Bros., Ltd., Hudson & Harrison 8ts.,Now Ymk.
tended to benefit.
There are hundreds of Democrats
in Shenandoah who will roscnt tho
actions of tlioso pothouso politicians.
The lattor might, had thoy been hon
est, gono farther and told the voters
that Schuylkill county has a Repub
lican Sheriff; that he was called to
the scene at llftzleton and quelled
tho disturbances within his jurisdic
tion without the loss of a singlo life,
and in a manner satisfactory to the
striking minors, and with crodlt to
his administration.
When tlie Deinoorats rosortto such
means in their mod endeavor to se
cure votos for their candidates, it Is
evidence of weaknoss on thoir part.
Every liberty-loving citizen, whether
he be Republican or Democrat, will
repudiate such tactics by casting thoir
votos for tho Republican nominees,
who have made a clean and open light
and who havo appealed for the suf
frages of tho peoplo upon their
merits. They have refrained from
even showing up tho record of the
Democratic candidate when his own
party officials were compelled to oust
him from office, whenit was legitimate
politics to do so. Tho people, how-
evor, will not trust a demagogue in
the office of Sheriff who permits
appeals to the worst passions of un
educated persons to further his olec-
This Remiblican candidate for
Sheriff is a man of business affairs,
and will conduct the office upou busi
ness principles. Heister S. Albright
is a worthy successor to Sheriff Scott.
And for this reason he will receive
tho votes of hundreds of Democrats,
That progressive and newsy daily,
the Mahanov City Record, appears in
enlarged form, necessitated by an in
creased advertising patronage. Edi
tor Parker's efforts in giving his
readers a clean, readable paper are ap
preciated, and deservedly so. Unlike
itB locnl contemporary, the Record
outers the best homes of Mahanoy
City and its opinions on public ques
tions uro honestly expressed. One
good feature about tho Record is that
its editor never attacks tho charac
ters of private individuals. May our
contemporary continue on its success-
full career is tho wish of tho news
paper fraternity of Schuylkill.
Tako haxutivo Iiromo Quiiiino Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money If it fails to
cure. 25c.
The Florida Limited Will Again Run on
the Southern Ilallwny.
Tho Florida Limited, which is tho syn
onym of all that is elegant in modern rail-1
way traips, and which during its formor
service iuu been a prime favorite .for tourists
from tho North seeking tho mild climate of
Florida, will lie placed in service by the
Southern Railway about tho first week in
January, 1803. With Its return to service this
train, which will be solid Pullman vestibuled
between Now York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustlno will present features in the way of
luxurious and comfortable appointments not
heretofore presented, and which will bo
destined to add still further to its already
well established popularity.
Tho Southern Railway is having built for
tho Florida Limited service three tralns.each
containing a dining car, two drawing room
sleeping cars, a compartment car and a
library and observation car, each car com
plete in nil its appointments and equipped
with tho very latest devices and appliances
for tho comfort and convenience of the pas
sengers. While no schedule has as yet been
announced, it can bo stated that it will bo the
quickest ever arranged between Philadelphia
and St. Augustine, and will be so planned
that passengers can leavo Philadelphia at
some convenient honr during and ar
rive at St. Augustine before nightfall of the
following day. Philadelphia Icocord.
Notice. Applications for further informa
tlon addressed to Jno. M. Bcall, uistrict
Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway, 828
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will receive
prompt attention. 10-25-tf
There Is no need of little children being
tortured bv scald head, eczema ami sKln
eruptions. Dewltt's Witch Hazel Salve gives
Instant relief and cures permanently. V. u.
Coming Events.
Nov. 2. Annual supper under auspices of
Ladles' Aid Society of tho Calvary llaptist
church, in Bobbins opera house.
Nov. 5. Entertainment and sociable under
the auspices of the M. K. church choir.
Nov. 0. Entertainment and social, under
auspices of Ladies' Aid, In P. M. church.
Nov. 17. Annual supper, under the aus
pices of tlie Trinity Ueformed chureh, in
Bobbins' opera house.
Nov. 25. Thanksgiving dinnor to bo given
by All Saints' Protestant Eplsoopal church,
corner W est and Oak streets.
Dec. 2. Twenty-fifth annual supper under
autpioes of Welsh Baptist clinch In Bobbins'
opera house.
Tor Infants and Children.
Tit fi
' U oa
Klllod While ltwltlnir Arrest.
Versailles, Ky., Nov. 1. City Marshal
Ed Sterns shot ana Instantly killed
Jason Miller, a prominent farmer and
trader at Midway, this county. Miller
resisted arrest.
Pure blood and a good digestion aro an In
surance against disease and suffering. Bur
dock Blood Bitters keeps the blood pure, the
digestion perfect.
Prizes, each of $100 Cash.
" " $100 Plorco Spoctal Blcjolos.
" $ 25 Gold Watches.
Sunlight SOAP
Trenton's Hx-Mnyor Ilpcnmo llolllc-
vreiit In Juattco Jack-sun's Court.
Trenton, Nov. 1. I3x-Mayor. Prank A.
Magowan was arrested Saturday night
and a warrant Iirb been Issued for the
arrest of his wife, Mrs. Barnes-Ma-gawan,
who is confined to her room In
tin American House by Illness. The
allegation is that they stole from the
Magowan mansion the day the furnl
ture was sold by the sheriff tapestry
and draperies valued at $1,500. The
complalnantB art City Clerk Edward
Murray and Freeholder Charles Gal
lagher, former friends of Magowan,
who bought the furniture, presumably
to save It for him when the contents
of the mansion were sold to satisfy
At the hearing before Police Justice
Jackson Magowan was held In $1,600
ball, and while the bond was being
made out In Justice Jackson's office,
Magowan took Murray and Gallagher
to task tut causing his arrest. After
he had said many uncomplimentary
things to Murray the latter's partner,
John II. Hrltton, and Magowan nearly
came to blows. They were kept apart
by officers until pacified, but a few
minutes later, when Magowan renewed
his tirade against Murray, the latter
made a past) at the ex-mayor with his
cane, and again a fight was stopped
with difficulty.
At this point Justice Jackson fined
Magowan $20 for disorderly conduct
and contempt of court, and tho ex
mayor, after a stiff resistance, was
placed In a cell. lie Is very powerful
and half a dozen officers had all they
could do to handle him.
Magowan was released from the city
jail at 1:30 o'clock Sunday morning
under habeas corpus proceedings.
But if you have weak kidneys, bladder
troublo or distressing ..kidney complaint,
then Swnmp-Boot will prove to be just the
remedy you need. Too frequent desire to
urinate, soauty supply, pain or dull acho i
tho back Is convincing evidenco that your
kidneys and bladder need doctoring,
There is comfort in the knowledgo so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Iloot, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every
wish in relieving pain in tho hack, kidneys,
liver, bladder and every part of the urinary
passage. It corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects
following uso of llnuor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of belu
compelled to get up many times during the
night to urinato. Tho mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-lioot Is soon
realized. It stands tho highest for its won
derful cures sf the most distressing cases. If
you need u medicine you should have tho
best. Sold by druggists, prico fifty cents and
one dollar. You may havo a sample bottl
and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Men
tlon Evexino Herald and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binglmmton
N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee
the genulnees of this offer.
- 1 r
Keduced Itnlnn to Cliattunnogn ia J'-nn
sylranla Rallrond.
For Pennsylvania Day at ChickamHuga
Battlefield, Chattanooga, Tenn., November
15, 1897, wheu tho monuments marking the
movements of Pennsylvania troops in that
great battle will be dedicated, the Pepnsjl-
vanla Kallroad Company will sell excursion
tickets from all points on its lino iu l'etm-
sylvauvia at the extremely low rato of ono
cent a mile, short-lino distance, tickets to be
sold November 0 to 13, good to leave Chat
tanooga returning until November 23, 1807,
Tickets via PittBburg will be sold going
and returning via same routo, or going via
Cincinnati and Loxington, returning via
Nashville and Loulsvlllo, or vlco versa.
The Right Hame in the Right Place.
I'an-Tlna for coughs and colds, 23o.
Qruhlcr Bros., drug store.
1'roferrod Death to l.oslni; Sweotlienrt
Pittsburg, Nov. 1. Through fear of
losing his sweetheart, Anton Klrsch,
aged 28, employed aB a gardener by
Architect Joseph Stlllberg, hanged hlm
Belf to a tree. Klrsch was engaged to
be married. One of Klrach's Intimates
says that Klrsch had been led into do
ing something which he feared would
end the engagement, and therefore he
took his life.
Itching Piles, night's horrid plague, is
instantly relieved and permanently cured by
Doau'a Ointment. Your dealor ought to
keep it.
A Oiand Army Suttloiitcmt.
Galveston, Tex., Nov. 1. General A.
B. Wlesert, of Milwaukee, and General
Paul Vandervoprt, of Omaha, ea'ch an
ex-grand commander of theGrand
Army of the Republic, and General It.
N. Adams, of Minneapolis, have Just as
sured 22,000 acres of land In the coast
region of Texas. ThlB purchase Is
made for locating thereupon veterans
of the late war, 800 families ot whom
ar said to be en route for settlement.
A cough isadarigerslgualof worse troubles
to come. Cure the cough aud prevent It
results by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Mimloroi'' MroaU lfor fTlberty.
Norrlstown, Pa., Nov. 1. Joseph Ca
rozzo, an Italian, was shot and killed
late Saturday night during a quarrel
at Horsham, about four miles from this
city. Jamea Wheeler, colored, of Phlla
delph, Is charged with the crime.
Wheeler made his escape, but was lo
cated In Philadelphia. Two detectives
went to a second floor room to arrest
him. He knocked them down and
Jumped from the window to the street,
Two other detectives attempted to
capture him, but he broke away. De
tective Gallagher opened fire on him
and Wheeler returned the fire. He
finally escaped, minus hat, coat and
Small pill, safe pill, best pill. DeWitt's
Little Burly Risers cure biliuusuoss, constipa
tion, sio K heauaone. u. u. xiagsnuuea.
Ask your grocer for tho "Koyal Patent'
flour, and take no other brand. It is the best
flour made.
rtoturnod of His Own Accord to Meet
the Dentil Sontonoe.
Chelsea, I. T., Nov. 1. Yesterday
John Watka, the Creek Indian who
shot Jonas Doer, another momber of
111 tribe, was legally executed for the
crime. The men were rivals for the
hand of the same frlrl and fought at a
dance ftt which she was present to de
cide who should (rain her. Watka killed
Deer and afterwards married the In
dian maiden. '
Several days prior to the time for the
execution preparations for his wife
future welfare were completed, and the
pain of parting over .watka aet out
alone to the public execution ground.
In due time he arrived, and the crowd
was waiting. The prisoner assumed
his position oirbonded knees with nrini
tied behind him and a bandage over
his eyes. Tls rifle was placed In the
hands of a stood marksman; tho sharp
crack of the rllle was heard, and the
white Bpot marked for the lipart was
discolored with spurting blood caused
by the bullet.
Late this summer watka went to
Kansas City with a baseball nine of
his fellow reds and played a game at
one of the parks. lie had ample op
portunity to escape, but returned to the
territory of his own accord that his
sentence might be carried out.
Wnvtv! Vnmnii who suffer from
coughs and oolds should heed the warnings
of danger and save themselves piifierliiK and
fatal results by using One Minute Cough
Cure. It lsn infallible remedy for coughs,
colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles.
11. iiagenuucu.
Youthful lluntor Luxe nn Arm.
Milford, N. J., Nov. 1. Harry Dellls,
a lr-year-oi'l uoy, met wun a severe
misfortune while hunting. In getting
over a fence the trigger of the gun
caught a rail and the full discharge of
the gun struck young Bellls and bo
badly shattered his arm that it had to
be amputated.
J. al. inirswonu, oi iroBueK, m., j;
ti,n ilon Im lma n Knoll nf Ind cestion. and
feols bad sluggish he takes two of DeWitt's
r.litln ll-irlv Hlsers at nliiht. and he is all
rinht tho noxt morning'. Mauy thourands of
otbors do thaBamo thing. Do your u. u.
lltanco nt" coniniiinri.
Madrid, Nov. 1. An official dispatch
from Havana announces that Marshnl
Ulanco, tlw new coptnln general of
Cuba, has urrlved there and has taken
over the command of that Island from
General Weyler, the retiring captain
You can't afford to risk your life by allow
ing a cold to develop into pneumonia or con
sumption. Instant relief aud a certain cure
aro afforded by Ono Minute Cough Cure C.
II. Hugcuhucb.
t:P.or aiivhI I'Vir IJlittl.
New York, Nov. 1. Colonel George
Waring. Jr., the commissioner of street
cleaning, haB brought suit for libel
against Wehard Croker for $100,000
damagej. lnc uded with Mr. Croker as
defendants are Illakely Hall and Ed
ward II. Haines. Mr. Hall Is the edl
tor and Mr. Haines the publisher of
The Morning Telegraph. The libel is
the reproduction of a statement Issued
by Tammany Hall reflecting on Colo
nel Warlng's administration of the
street cleaning department.
You can't euro consumption but you can
avoid it and euro ovory other form of throat
or lung troublo by tho use of Ono Miuuto
Cough Cure. C. It. Ilagenbucli.
Six Mlii'oln StiiibcatrU. .
Scranton, Pa., Nov. 1. Six men were
suffopated Saturday by a fire at tho
Delaware and Hudson company's Von
Storch slope. One miner was res
cued alive. The dead aro: Thomas
Hill, fire boss, aged 45, married; John
Farrell, company hand, aged 45, wid
ower; John F. Moran, driver, aged 21,
single; John Walsh, laborer, aged 22,
single: John McDonnell, mhier, agod
27, single; Thomas Padden, company
hand, aged 24, single.
for Those who will go to-day and get a pack
age of QKAIN-O. It takes the place ol
colTce at about i the cost. It Is a food drink.
full of health, and can bo given to the
children as well as tho adult with great
benefit. It is made of pure grains and looks
aud tastes like the finest grades of Mocha or
Java coffee. It satisfies everyone. A cup of
Qrain-0 is better for the system than a
tonic, because its benefit 1$ permanent. What
cofiee breaks down Graiii-0 builds up. Ask
your grocer for Graiu-O. 15c. and 25c.
Incendiary sti-IMuti In ICussla.
Moscow, Nov. 1. A part of the oper
atives employed In theWlkulaloroschoft
cotton factory at OroschovossIJewo,
near Vladimir, have gone out on strike.
The striking workmen became riotous
and marched In force to the house ot
the manager of the factory, which they
set on fire, the building being destroyed.
Thoy then proceeded to the factory,
where they forced open the safe and
took therefrom 50,000 paper roubleB,
which they burned. It was eventually
found necessary to call out the troops
to quell the disturbance.
Georgia's Fair Authoress
Tells Why 8ho Uses Dr. Miles' Reitoratlvo
.1 ma;
iIIB NAME of Mrs. J. E. Harwell, (nee
Julia Emma Plenuntng) Is a familiar
one In tho state ot Georgia. She
writes; "Itlswitk pleasure that I express
my gratitude for the wonderful benefits I
have received fiom Dr. Miles' Restorative
Itemodles, especially the Nervine, the Nerve
and Liver Pills, New Heart Cure aud Autl
l'aln Pills. Actual expclence has taught
mo thoir great worth. No family should be
without them. Thoy
havo fully restored
me from a complica
tion ot dlsordars chief
ly affecting the heart,
nervous system and
kidneys. When I trav
el I always take one of
your Anti-Pain Pills
before entering the cars and thus prevent
swimming of the bead and nausea, to which
I havo been subject for several years."
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart
and Nerves sent free to all appllcanU,
DU. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind.
Alaska Gold Dust
is hard to get. Fairbanks CpS
Cleans Everything
Chicago. St. Louis. New York. Boston. Philadelphia.
Faust Wheel
flade to Fit.
A bicycle,
clothes. If you do not appear with
is becnuse it don't fit you. With ease and grace also comes power.
Secure them all by ordering a special wheel, measured to fit by the
home manufacturer. A guarantee goes with every wheel. Patronize
home industry and secure a reliable wheel.
Repairing of
Harper's Book of Facts
In Combination With
Good Commissions and a New Field :
1 .... t
First Come, First Served
The workiugmen can save money
store. we are oitering an excellent suoe at me re
markable low price of
For which other stores are asking
proportion. We make a specialty of repairing.
Our New Stock Has Arrived and ...
. . . Bargains Arc Offered iii Every Line.
Two doors above Merchants' Bank.
Stephan Bryant, a prosperous farmer,
serving a life sentence for murder at
Columbia, S. C, killed hlmseU.
Aator Augustus Cook, who stabbed
hln wife In New York several months
ogo, has bejm discharged from custody.
About 36 carloads of beer are Bhlpped
from the rttfadlng (Pa.) breweries to
different points In the coal reclon
During a hunt In honor of Princess
Btophanle, of Austria, at Paradubltz, on
the Elbe, Count Rudolph Klnsky wns
kicked by a horse and his nose; broken.
Police Captain Lees, of Brooklyn, N.
Y., haB Identified murderer Fritz Meyer,
who killed Policeman Smith in a church,
as the slayer of Sexton Stelz, of that
city. .
.Frank Weeden, formerly an Inmate
ot an asylum at Providence, It. I., haB
confessed that he .shot his cousin,
Daisy F. Coulters, because she re
jected him.
While playing about an ash barrel In
Spring Mills, Centra county, Pa., chil
dren overturned the vessel on Mrs.
IClllie Krlse's son, aged 3 years, crush
ing him to death.
Xfla aranacsc Kemeay.
Mr. R. II. fl reeve, merchant, of Chilhowie,
Va., certiflus that he liad consumption, wa
given up to die, soughtall medical treatment
mat money could procure, trleu an coiign
rrutvdies he could hear of, but got no relieff
hlK-nt many nights sitting up In a chair, was
induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery,
and was cured by tine of two bottles. For
past three years has lieon attending to busi
ncsH, and siys Dr. King's New Discovery is
the grandest remedy ever made, as it has
dune bo much for him and also for others in
his community. Dr. King's New Discotery
is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Con
sumption. It don't fall. Trial bottles free
at A. Wasley's drug Btore.
IWlsiImr Miiu'h SKolrton Found.
Hartfoid, Conn., Nov. 1. The skeleton
of Dr Charles Fox, who disappeared
from his home In East Hartford on May
IT, 18!iti, was found In the woods on the
road to Didton yesterday. The remains
were fully Identified. There wqb no
Indication of suicide or foul play.
Disfigurement for Hie by burns or scalds
maybe avoided by using DeWitt's Witali
Hasel Salve, the great remedy for piles add
for all kinds of sores and akin troubles. 0,
II. Ilagenbucli.
lEimflieei' Poylo'k llocly Iteoo vol ert.
Poughkeepsle, N. Y., Nov. 1. -Tn
body of John Foyle, engineer ot the
New York Central train wrecked at
Oarrlsons on Sunday ot last week, war
yesterday brought up with grappling
Irons from the big hole made by the
engine when it plunged Into the mud
at the bottom ot the Hudson.
Rid Yourself of Rheumatism
Buy Res Flag Oil, 35c. At Qrohler Iiioe.,
drug store.
NL - 1
in many respects, is like a suit ot
ease and grace upon your cycle, it
all Kinds.
Publishers, New York City.
by making their purchases at our
$1.50 and $1.75. Other goods in
Agent for
Shenandqah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Successor lo
vnn nora s QuniHi.
105 S. Main Street.
Headquarters for a full and com
plete line of groceries.
nilllons of Dollars
Qo up In smoke every year. Take oa
risks but get your bouses, stock, far.
nlture, etc., Insured in flrtt-chus re
liable companies as represented by
U.1Y1IJ rAUOl, jjo south Jardlu 81
Also Llle aud Aocldentel Oompaal est