The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 27, 1897, Image 2

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Published trair Kveninir, Kicept Rniirfsv, t
Booth Jmmw Rtrkkt. Near ('rutrk
The, lietnlri Is tleilrsitd In Rhoiuinaoitn nnd the
surrounding tonus for six cent we-, nay
nul. o the carriers. By until 18.00 n rear. r 39
tents r month, payable tn atlvftnre. Advcrtin
nnU onarfretl nocm-diug to apace and position.
The publtshess resrrve tho rliiht to oliaiRp the
tsOMUon of Advertisements whenever the pub
1 jaMmt of news demand It. The right Is
leserred to reject Hny advertisement, whether
luil tor or not, that the publishers may deem
improper. Advertising rates made known
upon application.
Entered at the pnstofHce nt Shenandoah, Pis., a
second class mall matter.
"All the News That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
llKl'lHtl.lC.l.N SI Al l; TJOKIJT'
Jam kb S. I11.ACOK,
Of Wcstmotolaud.
for auditor cienixai.,
Lkvi (1. McCauley,
Of Chester.
JiuriMtMcvN countv TiGKirr.
. Jl FOR .7UIK1H,
Of I'ottsvllio.
Of Onvlgshurj?.
John ltown, Sr.,
Of Trumont,
John Anstock,
Of JIahauoy City.
It always pays to buy tho best in
advertising as in everything olso. Tho
wise merchants of Shenandoah use
the columns of the oldost daily in
TlIK loyal Republican votes the en
tire tioket wllun it is composed of
clean, competent and honestly nomi
nated candidates. Such a ticket is
now presented to the people.
An exohanye is unkind in saying
that perhaps Mrs. Luetgort wanted
the sausage maker to be hanged be
fore she made her appearance. This
is, of course, taking it for granted
that she is still alive.
Maiianoy City, which never does
things by halves, is preparing to give
""the .Schuylkill pedagogues a royal
-welcome, and at the same time demon
strate to the county seat that there
are other towns, outside of tho con
fines of Pottsville's boundary lines,
that can comfortably provide for the
PjtosPKllous people increased the
bankdeposits of the country by many
millions last month, and enterprising
people made a corresponding increase
in the amount borrowed from the
banks. Comptroller Eckels sees in
both statements gratifying evidence
of the return of prosperity, and lie is
conceded to be pretty good authority.
Senator Quay will remain in
Philadelphia this week, and during
hie stay there many things of more
or le importance to the Republican
voters of the state will be given con
gideration and probably disposed of.
Among them will be the disposal of
several federal offices, such as Sur
veyor of the Port, Collector of Cus
toms and Naval Officer. Major John
Ii Finney is Schuylkill's candidate
for the latter office and his chances of
landing the plum are indeed bright.
A large delegation of Republican
leaders from this oounty were in
Philadelphia last night and culled
upon Senators Quay and Penrose and
urged Finney's appointment.
What are Demooratio promises
worth at election time 1 In 1803 they
promised the farmer dollar wheat and
the worklngmen better tlmes.if they
would elect Cleveland president.
What did the people get f The farmer
50 cents for his wheat and the work
ingman his work and wages taken
away from him. Instead of paying
oft the national debt it was increased
by many millions by government
bond issues. This was in the national
steady' work
good wage s
Got out the Vo'tk! I III1
Tuesday, Nov. 2.'lj397'
government, with the presidency and
oonres in both branches full in the
hands of the Democratic party. If a
party makes such woeful reoord in
national politics how nan it he trusted
in state politics? If its promises are
broken in the one instance why not
in the other. When and where did
we ever get real, genuine reform and
economical government from the
modern Democratic party ? Promises
about election times are cheap. Don't
trust a party's promises which has a
record of breaking nil it ever made.
For Infants and Children.
lit fae- y
Ic n
MurhIiik In l,n mo Numl)ei--f to lloslst
tlio lli'ltlflli Ailvnuco.
Simla, Oct. 27. It Is estimated that
the tribesmen have massed 20,000 men
at Seinpnaiia I'ass, where they are
busy making- rllie lilts In the Sansara
and strengthening- their defenses. It
Is generally believed, however, that It
will le possible to turn the position by
either flank, and, though hard fighting
Is possibly in store, it Is hoped that the
pass will be carried without great ef
fort. '
Meanwhile It Is bad news that thp
tribesmen have begun to operate on the
Uritlsli lines of communication. The
fear 1b that, finding this the most suc
cessful means of delaying the British
advance, they will detach still larger
bodies to attack the British convoys
and cut up the escorts.
Last evening the tribesmen harassed
the British camp near Khangabur by it
constant well directed fire for several
hours. Nearly 30 non-commissioned
officers and men were slightly wounded.
,V picturesque but unfortunate inci
dent occurred on the Shlnwarl side of
the Samana range. A party of Gurk
has, sent out under Lieutenant Millard,
had crept up close to a large body of
the enemy. Just at this moment.
through some mistake, magnesium star
shells were fired from the llritish camp
and revealed the whole situation, en
abling the enemy to escape unhurt.
for those who will go to-day and get a pack-
ago of GHAIN-0 It takes tho place of
collVo at about the cost. It is a food drink.
full of health, arid can bo Riven to the
children ns well as the adult with great
benefit. It is mado of pure grains and looks
aud tastes like the finest grades of Mocha or
Java entree. It satisfies everyone. A cup of
Gnitn-0 is belter for tho system than a
tonic, because its benefit is permanent. What
cofl'eo breaks down Qrain-0 builds up. Ask
yu'ir grocer for Grain-O. 15c. and 25c.
Had C'auirlit lilt Slayer Itobblnc: n
CliiiroH l'nor llov.
New York, Oct. 27. Policeman Fred
erick Smith was shot and killed at 1
o'clock tills morning by Fritz Mayer.
The policeman caught the man rob
bing a poor box In tho Church of the
Redeemer, at Third street and Avenue
B. A big crowd gathered, and tho mur
derer was quickly captured. It was
necessary to "order out a detail of 15
extra policemen to prevent a lynching.
When the miscreant was finally
landed In the police station he wn3
covered with blood from the beating he
had received at the hands of the mob.
They struck him with stones, clubs and
all sorts of missiles, and it Is said that
several of his bones are broken, and
perhaps he has received a fracture ot
the skull, though no examination has
been made.
Dout give them tea or coffee. Have you tried
the new food drink called, Grain-O? It is
delicious and nourishing and takes the place
of coueo. Tho more Grain-O you give tho
children the moro health you distribute
through their systems. Grain-O Is made of
pure grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like tho choico grades of coflce hut
costs about i as .much. All grocers sell it.
15c and 25c.
Kpalu Xi'wK Another 'boon.
Berlin,Oct.27. The Frankfort Zeitung
publishes , a dispatch from Madrid,
which quotes the Spanish minister of
finance, Senor Pulgcerver, as saying
that a fresh large loan Is necessary, as
the funds of Spain will be exhausted in
June, 1808. The Cuban war, the finance
minister 1b said to have added, puts
his country to a monthly expense of
45,000,000 pesetas, nnd the civil and mil
itary departments are behind In their
I'ntnt Hotlor ICxplosIou.
Susquehanna, Pa., Oct. 27. At Corn
stock crossing, Broome county, New
York, a boiler of a portable steam saw
mill belonging to Boyden Brothers, of
Susquehanna, blew up. One of the pro
prietors, rinllluK Boyden, of Susque
hanna, was Instantly killed. Two men
named Comstoek were hurled Into the
air, but escaped with serious injuries
Boyden leaves a family.
Ilvhlcnco Which Is Itight to tho Point and
Judge Krank Ives, of District Court of
Crookston, Minn., says : For some time I
liave usd Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets witli
seeming great benefit, with few exceptions,
I have not been so free from Indigestion in
twenty-flve years.
Geo. W. KooseTlt, U. 8. Consul to Brus
sels, Itelgium : Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets,
safe, pleasant to take, convenient t carry,
give keen appetite, perfect digestion.
Mr. W. D. Tomlin, Mechanical Kngineer,
Duluth, Minn. : One box of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets has done its work, aud I am
again gaining flesh and strength.
O. E. Itansom, Jlnston viile, Ky. : I was
distressed and annoyed for two years with
throwing up food, often two or three times a
day; had uo certainty of retaining a meal if
I ate one. Four boxes of the tablets from
my druggist have fully cured me, I find
them pleasant to take, convenient to carry
Kev. G. D. Brown, Moudovi, Wis.: The
effect of Stuart's Djspepila Tablets la simply
marvelous ; a quite hearty dinner of broiled
beef steak causes no distress sinee I began
their use.
Over six thousand people In the state of
Mluli. alone la 1W1 were cured of stomach
troubles by .Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Full slsed packages way he found at all
druggists at SO cents, or sent by mall on. re
ceipt of price from Stuart Co., Marshall,
Send for little book on stoma eh diseases,
mailed free.
Look Out
For Cancer !
Pew people are boru entirely free from
blood taint. This is often very alight or
remote, and sometimes may not develop
at all in one generation, but breaks out
iu a serious disease later.
Cancer, the most dreadful of all dis
eases, is often the result of some blood
taiut inherited from generations back.
It often appears as a mere mole or in
significant pimple, which later develops
into an alarming condition. No one
knows but that he may be subject to an
inherited impurity in the blood, nor can
lie tell whether or not this may some
day crop out in the form of destructive
cancer. It is, therefore, important that
any little sore or scratch, which does
not readily heal, be given prompt atten
tion, or a serious condition may result.
Mr. Robert Smedlcy, of Ocala, lfla.,
was the victim of a malignant cancer,
which first appeared in the manner
above described. He writes :
"At first I paid no attention to the
little blotches on my face, thinking they
would soon pass away. Before long,
however, they became sore, and soon
began to enlarge. I applied ordinary
local remedies, but they had no effect,
and I then consulted a physician. When
he told me I had cancer, I became
alarmed and hastened to obtain treat
ment for I knew how dangerous cancer
"I received the best medical atten
tion, but the cancer continued to
prow worse until the physicians
finally said that I would have to
have an operation perfoimed, as that
was the only hope for me. This I re
fused to submit to, as I knew cancer was
a blood disease, and my common sense
told me that it was folly to expect an
operation to cure a blood disease.
"Knowing S. S. S. to be a good blood
remedy I decided to try it, and the first
bottle produced an improvement. I
continued the medicine, and in four
months the last scab dropped off. Ten
years have elapsed, and not a sign ol
the disease has returned."
The alarming increase in the number
of deaths which occur as the result of a
surgical operation is attracting general
attention, and a strong sentiment against
such methods of treatment is fast de
veloping among the most intelligent
classes. It seems that in almost every
case wnere tne doctors' treatment is
unsuccessful, the learned physicians de
cide at once that an operation must be
performed, and the keen blade o' the
snrgeon is recklessly resorted to.
The many caustic plasters which are
applied to remove cancers are more pain
ful than death, and the danger of a sur
gical operation is as great as the disease
itself. No plaster or surgical oper
ation can cure cancer, because it is
a blood disease ; the destructive cancer
cells are in the blood, and cannot be
cut out, or removed by local treatment.
As the disease must be forced from the
blood, it is only reasonable to rely upon
a real blood remedy for a cure, one
which goes direct to the cause of the
trouble and removes it.
S. S. S. (Swift's Specific) is the only
known cure for cancer and other obsti
nate and deep-seated blood diseases such
as Scrofula, Eczema, Catarrh, Rheuma
tism and Contagious Blood Poison. It is
Purely Vegetable,
and is the only blood remedy guaran
teed to contain not a particle of mercury,
potash or other mineral, which means
so much to all who know the disastrous
rffects of these drugs.
hooks on uancer ana lilooa Disease
will be mailed free to all who address
Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Go.
The Florida Limited Will Again Itun on
the Southern Itallway.
Tho Florida Limited, which is the syn
onym of all that is elegant in modern rail
way trains, and which during its former
service has been a prime favorito for tourists
from tho Nortli seeking the mild cliraato of
Florida, will bo placed In service by tho
Southern Railway about tljo first week In
January, 1808, With Its return to service this
train, which will be solid Pullman vestibulod
between Now York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustine will prosont features in tho way of
luxurious aid conifortablo appointments not
neretororo presented, aud which will be
destined to add still further to its already
well established popularity.
The Southern Railway is having built for
the 1'Iorida Limited service three tralus.each
containing a dining oar, two drawing room
sleeping ears, a compartment car and a
library and observation car, each ear com
plete in all its appointments and equipped
with the very latest devices and appliances
for the comfort and convenience of the pas
sengers. While no schedule has as yet been
announced, it can bo stated that It will bo tho
quickest ever arranged between Philadelphia
and at. Augustine, and will be so planned
that passengers can leave Philadelphia at
some convenient hour during tho day and ar
rive at St. Augustine before nightfall of tho
following day. Philadelphia Record.
Notice. Applications for further Informa
tion addressed to Jno. M. Beall, District
Passenger Ageut, Southern Railway, 888
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will recelvo
prompt attention. 10-25-tf
Klectrlo Hitters.
Electric Bitters Is a medicine suited for any
season, but perliaps more generally needed In
the 81'riug, when the languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver Is torpid and
sluggish and the need of a tonic and altera
tive Is felt. A prompt use of this niedieine
has often svsfted long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act more
surely in counteracting atld freeing tho sys
tem from the malarial poison. Headaslie,
Indigestion, Constipation, Dissineas yield to
Electric Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottle
at A. Wasley's drug store.
When you want good roofing, plumbing.
gas fitting, or general tlnsmithlng done call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street
Dealer In stoves 1-tf
About the Little Bncmlcs to Back'
ache What Home People Think
About It.
Mr. John Gibbon Is a eltlsen of Wilkes
barre. Our representative found him t his
place of residence, Xft Untie etrt.;jMr.
Gibbon has been for a long time the vtottui
of a bad back and kidney troubles. The fol
lowing conversation Meld with him will
interest many :
".Mr. Gibbon" said our representative,
"J tow long have you been troubled with
kidney dlsonlorsT"
"For ton years it has bothered ine more or
lens, being very bad at times."
"What did you do for It?"
''I tried everything I heard of for which
metit was claimed." Here Mr. Gibbon
named numerous well-known kidney medi
cines, and one iu articular, a high priced
article that ho had taken many bottles of, all
to no purpose.
"How did you como to take Demi's Kidney
"Just as so many others liavo. I saw them
advertised and got a box at the drug store Of
Tuck & Co. I thought they might help me
a little, and to my surprise tkoy proved tho
best thing I had ever takon. Nothing has
helped me like Doau's Kidney l'ills, and I
havo not beou slow to tell my friends of their
genuine merit."
"How did your disorder effect you ?''
"Exactly as you describe kidney oomn'alut
In your advertising, aud my suffering with
pain In tho back at times wai beyond des
cription, I most oniphatically endorse Doau's
Kidney Fills and shall do all I can to ri
connnend them to others, for they are worthy
of It, aud above all, I shall uso them myself."
Doan's Kidaoy l'ills are for sale by all
dealers, prico 50 cents, mailed by Foster.
Jlilhuru Co., Bullalo, N. Y. Solo agents for
the U.S.
Coming Kvcnts.
Nov. 2. Annual supper undor auspices of
Ladies' Alii Society of tho Calvary Baptist
church, In Robbius' opera house
Nov. 5. Entortalnment and soclablo undor
the auspices of tho 41. E. church choir. Entcrtalnmontand social, undor
auspices of Ladios' Aid, in P. M. church.
Nov. 17. Annual supper, undor tho aus
pices of tlio Trinity Iteformcd church, in
Robbing' opera houso.
Nov. 23. Thanksgiving dinner to lo given
by All Saints' Protestant Episcopal chuich,
comer West and Oak streets.
Doc. 2. Twenty-fifth annual supper undor
auspices of Welsh Baptist cliuch iu Bobbins'
opera house.
But if you havo weak kidneys, bladder
trouble or distressing ..kidney complaint,
then Swamp-Boot will provo to bo just tlio
remedy you ncedvToo frequent desire to
urinate, scanty supply, pain or dull nclio !
tho back Is convincing evidenco that your
kidneys and bladder need doctoring,
There is comfort in tho knowlcdgo so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, tho great kidney remedy, fulfills overy
wisli iu rclioving pain iu tho hack, kidnoys,
liver, bladder and every pait of tho urinary
passago. It corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects
following use of liquor, wine or beer, aud
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during the
night to urinate, Tlio mild and tiie extra
ordinary, effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands tho highest for its won
derful cures ef tho most distressing cased. If
you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and
one dollar. You may havo "h sample bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Men
tion Evenino Herald and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blngliamtoti,
N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee
tho genuiuess of this offer.
Ills Llfo For lUdnu; luipolfto.
Paris, Oct. 27. The newspapers of
this city publish a telegram from
Sarngosaa, Spain, declaring the king
of Slam, who has been visiting Spain
and Portugal, has condemned a mem
ber of his suite to be executed for a
breach of etiquette committed at Lis
bon. 1 .
Antt-GumbUiie Amendment N'pw Law
Trenton, Oct. 27. Governor Griggs
yesterday issued a proclamation de
claring the anti-gambling and ad In
terim amendments, adopted at the re
cent special election, to be a pal', of
the state constitution.
Take Laxatlvo Brotno Quiulno Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to
euro. 25c.
A. lteirlmout or Soldiers Lost.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 27. A whole regi
ment of Uncle Sam's soldiers is lost.
Some time ago the Fifth Infantry, v Ith
Colonel Cooke In command, was or
dered to march from here to Chatta
nooga and return, for the purpose of
giving his men a taste of the actual
hardship of life In the field. The regi
ment went into camp at the foot of
Lookout mountain. Last Friday morn
ing the regiment broke camp and start
ed bock to Fort McPherson. Tele
graphic orders have been received or
dering the regiment to proceed at once
to Nashville, but nobody can tlnd the
regiment. It is lost somewhere in the
mountains of North Georgia.
Indians Killed Whllo ItoHtsthiK Arrost
Denver, Oct. 27. Governor Adams
has received the following message
from Deputy Sheriff Frank IS. Watson,
at Meeker, Colo.: "Game Warden Wil
cox tried to arrest Utes on Snake river,
Ave miles from Lily Park. They resist
ed and fired on the Wilcox party. No
whites Injured. Several Indians killed
and wounded. General Otis should
order troops out at once to save fur
ther trouble." The governor said he
did not apprehend any serious trouble,
and would not at present order out any
state troops. Lily Park has been the
scene of most of tlje game depredations
or tne utes ever since the ute war
of ten years ago,
Tho soothing, lung-healing, virtues of tho
newly cut pino are all embodied in Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, tho sovereign
remedy for ooughs aud colds, and lung
troubles of all sorts.
Deadly llnt'tlo With strlh-tt-H.
Yuma, A. T., Oct. 27. Three to seven
striking Mexican railroad laborers were
killed and a number wounded In a bat
tle between strikers and deputy sher
iffs at Mammoth tank. One of the
deputies, George Wilder, Is believed to
be mortally wounded, Sheriff Mel
Greenleaf and Deputies Jones and Wil
der had gone with warrants for the
arrest of three of the strikers, The
deputies were forced to flee after the
battle, boarding a train which pulled
out for Yuma amid a hall of rooks and
sorap Iron. A posse has started to make
arrests, and serious trouble Is expected.
Hundreds of preoious little ones owe their
lives to Dr. Thomas' Ifeleetrio Oil, the
sovereign cure for croup ud all other throat
or lung diseases.
Tlos Up Trntllo In Colorado, Wyom
Itir. Utah ftelirnslm nnd Knlisnn.
Cripple Creek, Oct. 27. Not In yeans
lias thore been such a bllzsard here at
that which now prevails. High Winds
are drifting the snow. Traffic on rail
roads Is suspended and telephone wires
ale down. Cunyona are choked with
snow, and It Is Impossible to see a
hundred feet on account of the blinding
storm. The weather Is very cold, and
it Is feared there will be great suffering
among the poor.
Aside from the tremendous Inconve
nience caused to the public and to pri
vate Interests, the storm has wrought
an Intrinsic damage in the city of Den
ver and Its suburbs that Is conserva
tively estimated to ba in the neighbor
hood of $100,000. It is to the wires and
poles that the. greatest harm has been
done. Probably 1,000 poles are down In
Denver alone and upward of 4,000'mlles
of wire. General Manager Field, of
the Colorado Telephone company, esti
mates the damage to Its system at
Railroads running Into Denver have
been completely blocked all day. Snow
plows have been brought- Into, service
on all lines, but the tracks became cov
ered again soon after they were cleared.
The -greatest trouble .was experienced
by the railroads between Denver and
Pueblo. All freight trains have been
annulled to enable the roads to handle
Railroad reports show that the sform
was general throughout the" eastern
half section of the northern part of this
state, the southern part of Wyoming,
the northeastern part of Utah and the
western portions of Nebraska nnd
The Right Name In the Right Place.
Fan-Tina for coughs and colds, 28c. At
Gruhlcr Bros., drug storo.
'Who "Will Ho flio Lbsorsf
Washington, Oct. 27. Government
officials are at a loss to know on whom
will full the loss by the $90,000 worth
of bogus warrants on account of the
Creek Indian payments which are now
out. The government will not lose any
thing, but the money on all these war
rants has been paid out in an Inter
mediary way. Whether the Creek na
tion, which is said .to.havo paid some
of the money on the warrants, or out
side parties, who have known to have
cashed at least a part of them on a
premium as brokers, or others, will be
the ones to stand the loss. Is not known.
Don't ToDacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, ho mado well, Btrong, magnetic,
full of uew llfo aud vigor, take No-To-Bic,
tho wondor-workcr that makes weak men
strong. Many gain tcu pounds In ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. , Buy No-To-Bac from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
euro. 50o or $1.00. Booklet aud sample
mailed free Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or. Now York.
WholoHn'.'o lilnohitrtro or l'otloonioii.
Chicago, Oct. 27. Chief of Police Klp
ley yesterday Issued an order discharg
ing from the force 431 policemen und
appointing In their placesa like num
ber of Deniucrallo ex-nollcetnen, who J
had been discharged under tlia pnvinua
administration. It Is the biggest co
called "general order" issued clnce ex
Chlof Badenoch (Republican) 'sued his
famous order No. 13, in May, 1803, dis
Lliarging dS7 men. All the newly ap
pointed officers have passed the civil
Ecrvlce examinations.
J. M. Thirswcud, of Grosbcck,. Tcx says
that when ho has a spell of indigestion, and
feels bad sluggish lie takes two of DoWitt's
Little Early Risers at night, and ho is all
right the next morning. Many thousands of
others do tho same thing. Do you? C. H.
A' Now Triplet Cy oil nix llocoril. '
Philadelphia, Oct. 27. The world's
triplet record for a mile was lowered
from 1.44 to 1.41 by MoDuffee, Church
und Fowler, in the face of a strong
wind, nt Willow Grove track yesterday.
The previous record was made by John
son, Mertens and Klser, at Detroit, but
as yesterday's event was not under L.
A. W. sanction the new time will prob
ably not be recognized. '
Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho host salvo In the world for cuts.
bruises, Boros, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coins, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refundod. Price
S5 couts per box. For sale bv A. Wasley.
Klllo'd lit u riiotbu". liiime.
Astoria, L. I., Oct. 27. Andrew
Hasche, 10 years-old, of New York city,
died In the hospital here yesterday
from Injuries received in a football
game played at Casino Beach on Sun
day. Hasohe was at the bottom of a
heap of players In a (struggle for the
ball, and when the tangle was ended he
was unconscious, his nuck being broken.
Neuralgia of the Heart
Vanquished by Dr. Milos' Remedies.
RS. SIDLEY, ot Torrlngton. Oonn.,
buffered from Just such a complica
tion of diseases ns tho extensive ex
perience and Investigations ot Dr. Miles
havo proven, result from Impairment of the
nervous system. Mr. Jas. I!. Sldley writes
Oct, , 1806: 11 My wife was taken sick with
neuralgia ot the heart, nervous exhaus
tion and liver trouble. Although attended
by two physicians she grow worse, until she
was at death's door. I then began giv
ing her Dr. Miles' Restorative Norvluo
and Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and she
Improved so wonder
fully from the first
that I at once dis
missed the physicians,
fiho now eats and
sleeps well and does
her own housework
Wo have recommend
ed your remedies to a
great many in our city, and every one has
been very much benefited by them."
Dr. Miles' Resiedlos are sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money rsf unded. Book on Heart
and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And .a velvety softness of the skin Is Inva.
riably obtained by thore who use l'oiiom'a
Complexion Powder.
B& Restores i3
'aon dust.'
The Road to Klondike
Is n long aud hard one.
It's much easier to get
from your grocer. Sold every
where and cleans everything.
Chicago. St. Louis. Now York.
Harper's Book of Facts
In Combinatidn With.
Good Commissions and a New Field
First Come, First Served
Hi. .
Well, we guess.
the way they buy
Somebody asked
better than those of
Why, of course
it Bo Folks Like Our If
ll $1.50 Shoes ? il
KjOI Well, we guess. They MUST, judging by 12
the way they buy 'em. iefefelM
lar Somebody asked us whether they were p
lalSh better than those of other stores-?
$t .50 for them if they weren't. If-they 3sere
like those of ordinary stores we'd sell them
for less.
gives us the chance to sell the same shoes for
less money, or better shoes for the same
money. And these 1.50 shoes, for men and
women, are samples of our selling.
We've better shoes for more money ; we've
shoes not so good-for less money : but we be
lieve that for a medium price, a price that
anybody can stand, 110 shoes we know of fill
the bill like our $1 .50 fellows. Try 'em next
time you want a pair.
Checks for amount of purchases made, are given every
customer. $25 worth entitles you to a
-handsome parlor lamp. ,
Shoes Retailed at Factory Price.
sssbt J. A. IN1 oyer, Mgr.
The workingmen gan save money by making their purchases at our
) store. We are offering an excellent shoe at tile re
markable low price of
For which other stores are asking $1.50 and $1.7$. Other goods in
. proportion. We make a specialty of repairing.
Our New Stock Has Arrived and . . .
. . . Bargains Are Offered in Every Iine.
Two doors above Merchants' Bank.
Faust Wheel
Hade to Fit.
, .. T. A h'cycle, in many respects, is like a suit ot
clothes. If you do not appear with ease and grace upon your cycle, it
is because it don t fit you. With ease and grace also comes power,
becure them all by ordering a special wheel, measured to fit by tlie
home manufacturer. A guarantee goes with every wheel. Patronize
home industry and secure a reliable wheel.
.... Repairing of all Kinds. - - - -BRANDONVIULE,
One J10O Clouts' Hanger wheel, good ns new.
One $60 Ladles' or Misses' Orescent wheel,
iwud eandlUon.
No : RoasQiiayio : Offer : Itetiweil.
No. 400 West Cherry St., Shenandoah, Po.
Publishers, New York City.
They MUST, judging by
us whether they
other stores -?
they are ; wouldn't ask
mst iaad
fllllions of Dollars
Go up In smoke every year. Take nc
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured In first-class re
lallo companies as represented by
Also lAlt and Aoctdental Oompanl Mi